Omega 3 l carnitine. Multivitamins, omega acids, lecithin, l-carnitine. Carnitine against cachexia, or wasting syndrome

Article: 1-1353

OMEGA-3D is an innovative TRIPLE ACTION FORMULA. The unique combination of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, the antioxidant Coenzyme Q10 and the amino acid L-carnitine provides the product with powerful synergistic properties and promotes the supply of healthy fats, protection of fats from oxidants and full absorption in cells.

Beneficial effectsOMEGA-3D:

  • increase in metabolic rate;
  • improvement of the rheological properties of blood, due to a decrease in viscosity, as a result of which blood pressure decreases, the risk of cardiovascular diseases, blood clots, strokes and heart attacks decreases;
  • lowering triglyceride levels in the blood, which leads to a lower risk of heart disease;
  • stimulation of ATP production for heart cells;
  • increase in general tone and endurance;
  • weight loss;
  • normalization of immunity;
  • improved brain function, uplifting mood. The medulla is 60% fat and especially needs omega-3 fatty acids to function properly;
  • a healthy source of energy that does not create the risk of increasing fat mass;
  • increased production of hormones, including the most important testosterone in sports.

Fish oil is a natural tonic containing vitamins A, D and polyunsaturated higher fatty acids, including the omega-3 class. In turn, omega-3 is a class of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are not reproduced by the body, but are extremely important for life. Getting into our body with products, they are introduced into the cells of the body and activate their work.

Omega-3 fatty acids are an essential food for those who want to get rid of excess fat, because they reduce insulin sensitivity and reduce appetite. On the other hand, when taking Omega 3, testosterone production is increased, which helps muscle growth.

Active IngredientsOMEGA-3Dand their action:

OMEGA-3- a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are not synthesized in the human body, but play a huge role in the activity of all systems, providing membrane-protective, anti-atherosclerotic, antiarrhythmic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects, protecting blood vessels and capillaries, normalizing the lipid composition and rheological properties of blood, improving brain metabolism, antidepressant, dermatotropic, oncoprotective properties, etc.

COENZYME Q10- performs the function of an antioxidant in the mitochondria of cells, protecting Omega-3 from oxidation and ensuring the destruction of free radicals formed during physical exertion. Pronounced antiatherosclerotic, antiarrhythmic, hypotensive, antiallergic, hepatoprotective effects of coenzyme Q10. Coenzyme Q10 normalizes the lipid composition of the blood, improves its properties, blood flow in the myocardium, regulates the level of glucose in the blood. It also improves respiratory and reproductive functions, has an anti-periodontal effect.

L-CARNITINE (Carnipure™ by LONZA®)- an amino acid that ensures the transport of fatty acids through cell membranes into mitochondria for use as the main source of energy, contributing to better absorption of Omega-3. L-carnitine increases the efficiency of fat burning and the level of energy supply to muscles, increases endurance and accelerates recovery. L-carnitine is necessary for the effective functioning of the heart muscle, especially against the background of physical exertion.


Take 3 capsules daily with meals. The duration of admission is 4 weeks.

Indications for use:

OMEGA-3D Recommended for athletes and people who watch their weight. The drug increases the overall endurance of athletes, helps to reduce the development of cardiovascular diseases. Omega-3 fatty acids contained in the preparation have a stimulating effect on muscle growth by increasing the production of testosterone.

Storage conditions: store in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding +25°C.

Best before date: 24 months from the date of issue.

L-carnitine - the best fat burner for weight loss or another myth? Find out what the scientific research says about this sports nutrition product.

Some substances are very important for the proper functioning of the human body. Therefore, it is logical to believe that sports supplements based on them improve our health. For example, the intake not only improves muscle mass and increases strength, but also has a beneficial effect on bone density, neurological function and other vital processes. In terms of substances for weight loss, scientists have investigated a large number of molecules, such as ketones, beta-2 and beta-3 agonists, various fatty acids, monoacylglycerol, diacylglycerol and various hormones.
There is another extremely important molecule - L-carnitine. It is used in the process of transporting free fatty acids from the cytosol (liquid content) of the cell to the mitochondria, where the fatty acids are "burned" to produce energy (ATP) and heat.
Free fatty acids are either taken from the blood or released from fat stores into the cytosol of metabolically active cells (eg, skeletal muscle and heart). In the absence of L-carnitine, fatty acids are not used and begin to turn into deposits on the sides. Speaking purely scientifically, the action of the substance refers to beta-oxidation between the outer and inner membranes of mitochondria. Let's look into this issue in detail and find out: is L-carnitine the best fat burner or just a myth?

Importance of L-carnitine

Like creatine, L-carnitine can be produced in many tissues, so healthy people usually have a sufficient amount of this substance in the body. The prefix "L" in the name means belonging to the amino acids. The body is able to synthesize L-carnitine in the kidneys, liver and brain from the precursor amino acids (L-lysine and L-methionine). However, some people are deficient in L-carnitine. In addition, even a healthy body can only produce a limited amount, so food (primarily meat products) is the main source of it. Most carnitine in red meat. Poultry and fish contain much less. Vegans rely only on their own body, which produces about 90% of the total amount of L-carnitine. The same is true with creatine. In addition, if levocarnitine stores are low, the kidneys filter the urine to make up for the deficiency (i.e., the substance is not excreted from the body).

Do I need to take L-carnitine?

So, is there a need for L-carnitine? Of course, there are people who are deficient in L-carnitine, often due to difficulty in getting carnitine into cells or difficulty absorbing it. In addition, newborns and infants may need more of this substance. But what about athletes or healthy adults who want to improve fat burning? It may immediately seem that the answer is no. Of course, L-carnitine did not make a splash in the sports nutrition market. This is not a super-powerful banned substance, and no famous athlete advertises it.

Numerous studies have shown conflicting results, many of which have shown no added benefit from consuming L-carnitine while on a weight loss diet. But do not rush to throw away the product.

There are factors in combination with which the fat burner improves its effect.

So, L-carnitine has a positive effect in combination with certain drugs. Sibutramine, a drug that is on the government-approved list of high-potency drugs (i.e. available only with a special prescription), is an effective weight loss drug. It boosts metabolism and suppresses appetite. The structure of sibutramine is similar to amphetamine. According to one study, people who took L-carnitine (2 grams per day) in combination with sibutramine lost about 1.8 kilograms more over the course of a year than those who took sibutramine alone. In addition, levocarnitine had a positive effect on the level of adipokines (adiponectin and leptin) - hormones necessary for normal fat metabolism. Another similar study (this time using the over-the-counter drug orlistat instead of sibutramine) showed not only increased fat loss (again, about 1.8 kg more), but also signs of improved insulin sensitivity and reduced inflammation. Orlistat blocks the digestion and absorption of fat from food, which may reduce intestinal absorption of L-carnitine. It is also possible that the reduction in dietary calories caused by orlistat may make the body more dependent on the use of stored fat. Despite this, the two studies above (both one year long) showed similar results. So, does L-carnitine promote fat burning? Perhaps, but the effect does not come quickly and may depend on some conditions.

Sports supplements with L-carnitine

There are products in which the action of L-carnitine is enhanced by additional components. For example, L-carnitine+Q10 from MST Nutrition contains (Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin C and E). This combination of elements leads to an increase in energy potential and endurance, and also improves immunity and protects the body from the negative effects of free radicals.

BenefitL- carnitine

L-carnitine is not just a weight loss supplement. It has been shown to help lower blood sugar, total and "bad" cholesterol levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes. In addition, the substance can be useful in many other diseases, such as:
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • dementia and memory problems;
  • kidney disease.
Carnitine also helps improve endurance in both healthy individuals and people suffering from certain diseases, including mitochondrial myopathy. The diets in most L-carnitine studies have focused primarily on calorie restriction, but what about a low-carb diet? One example is the ketogenic diet, which is given to children with epilepsy for an extended period of time. Some antiepileptic drugs can interfere with the production or excretion of L-carnitine, making a deficiency more likely.

Typically (but not necessarily), L-carnitine deficiency develops during a ketogenic diet. The use of supplements based on this substance contributes to better control of the manifestations of epilepsy and improves the effectiveness of drugs.

The effect of carnitine has been less studied during calorie-restricted diets. But it should be noted that a low-fat diet usually results in fatigue and poor appetite control. Indeed, research suggests that reduced fatty acid oxidation may contribute to overeating. One possible solution could be to optimize this oxidation (i.e., calorie burning) by adding L-carnitine supplements to the diet. Indeed, on low-fat diets, carnitine is difficult to obtain from food (red meat can hardly be called a low-fat product). Examination of Patients with Metabolic Syndrome , to whom levocarnitine was administered intravenously, showed that this substance reduces hunger and fatigue, and also improves weight loss and metabolism during very low calorie diets. Is carnitine deficiency possible without causes and symptoms in healthy people? A screening study looking at genetic abnormalities in healthy adult volunteers found L-carnitine deficiency caused by a heterozygous transporter mutation in one individual (in a group of 80 individuals). In addition, an elevated level of 3-methylhistidine was found in his body, indicating an accelerated breakdown of muscle proteins. Again, all volunteers were initially examined using standard diagnostic procedures and found to be healthy. Most likely, this person needs treatment with L-carnitine supplements, as in cases of non-genetic deficiency of the substance.

Thus, L-carnitine improves fat burning, but this effect is manifested in combination with other drugs and not immediately.
It has other beneficial effects that are perhaps best expressed with Acetyl-L-Carnitine or Propionyl-L-Carnitine. The fat burner may also enhance athletic performance, as training loads lead to increased and longer lasting fatty acid oxidation. But, unfortunately, to achieve the best results, you must:
  • consume a significant amount (about 80 grams) of carbohydrates, which will "push" L-carnitine to the muscles and increase the reserves of the substance;
  • increase energy costs.

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Omega 3D by ACADEMY-T

Benefits of OMEGA-3D:

  • increase in metabolic rate;
  • improving the rheological properties of blood by reducing viscosity, resulting in lower blood pressure, reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, blood clots, strokes and heart attacks;
  • lowering triglyceride levels in the blood, which leads to a lower risk of heart disease;
  • stimulation of ATP production for heart cells;
  • increase in general tone and endurance;
  • weight loss;
  • normalization of immunity;
  • improved brain function, uplifting mood. The medulla is 60% fat and especially needs omega-3 fatty acids to function properly;
  • a healthy source of energy that does not create the risk of increasing fat mass;
  • increased production of hormones, including the most important testosterone in sports.

Fish oil is a natural general strengthening agent containing vitamins A, D and polyunsaturated higher fatty acids, including the omega-3 class. In turn, omega-3 is a class of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are not reproduced by the body, but are extremely important for life. Getting into our body with products, they are introduced into the cells of the body and activate their work.

Omega-3 fatty acids are an essential food for those who want to lose excess fat, because they reduce insulin sensitivity and reduce appetite. On the other hand, when taking Omega 3, testosterone production is increased, which helps muscle growth.

Active ingredients of OMEGA-3D and their action:

OMEGA-3- a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are not synthesized in the human body, but play a huge role in the activity of all systems, providing membrane-protective, anti-atherosclerotic, antiarrhythmic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects, protecting blood vessels and capillaries, normalizing the lipid composition and rheological properties of blood, improving brain metabolism, antidepressant, dermatotropic, oncoprotective properties, etc.

COENZYME Q10- acts as an antioxidant in the mitochondria of cells, protecting Omega-3 from oxidation and ensuring the destruction of free radicals formed during physical exertion. Pronounced antiatherosclerotic, antiarrhythmic, hypotensive, antiallergic, hepatoprotective effects of coenzyme Q10. Coenzyme Q10 normalizes the lipid composition of the blood, improves its properties, blood flow in the myocardium, regulates the level of glucose in the blood. It also improves respiratory and reproductive functions, has an anti-periodontal effect.

L-CARNITINE(Carnipure™ by LONZA®) is an amino acid that transports fatty acids across cell membranes into the mitochondria for use as a primary energy source, promoting better absorption of Omega-3s. L-carnitine increases the efficiency of fat burning and the level of energy supply to muscles, increases endurance and accelerates recovery. L-carnitine is necessary for the effective functioning of the heart muscle, especially against the background of physical exertion.


Omega 3D + Coenzyme Q10 + L-Carnitine (Academiya-T)

Omega-3D - an innovative formula that has a triple effect.

Antioxidant CombinationCoenzyme Q10 , polyunsaturated fatty acidsOmega 3 and amino acidsL-carnitine gives the product the strongest synergistic properties, which are realized due to the intake of healthy fats protected from premature oxidation into the body, which contributes to their full assimilation in cells.

Omega-3D has a wide range of beneficial effects, which include:

  • Improving the rheological properties of blood, which occur due to a decrease in its viscosity. As a result, blood pressure decreases, the risk of cardiovascular diseases decreases, the formation of blood clots is prevented, the risk of strokes and heart attacks decreases;
  • A drop in triglyceride levels in the blood (reducing the risk of heart disease);
  • Stimulation of ATP production for heart cells;
  • Increase in tone and endurance;
  • Normalization of weight;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Improving brain function and uplifting mood. Since the medulla is 60% fat, it needs omega-3 fatty acids to function properly;
  • Is a healthy source of energy that does not create the risk of increasing fat mass;
  • Strengthening the production of hormones, including the most important for athletes - testosterone.

Fish fat is a natural substance containing vitamins A, D and some polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3.

This is a class of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are not produced by the body.

However, they are extremely important for normal life.

Getting into the body with products, they are introduced into the cells and activate their work.

Omega 3 are the most important fatty acids for those who want to get rid of excess weight. Oddly enough, they reduce appetite and reduce insulin sensitivity.


OMEGA-3 - a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are not synthesized in the human body, but play a huge role in the activity of all systems, providing membrane-protective, anti-atherosclerotic, antiarrhythmic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects, protecting blood vessels and capillaries, normalizing the lipid composition and rheological properties of blood, improving brain metabolism, antidepressant, dermatotropic, oncoprotective properties, etc.

COENZYME Q10 - acts as an antioxidant in the mitochondria of cells, protecting Omega-3 from oxidation and ensuring the destruction of free radicals formed during physical exertion. Pronounced antiatherosclerotic, antiarrhythmic, hypotensive, antiallergic, hepatoprotective effects of coenzyme Q10. Coenzyme Q10 normalizes the lipid composition of the blood, improves its properties, blood flow in the myocardium, regulates the level of glucose in the blood. It also improves respiratory and reproductive functions, has an anti-periodontal effect.

L-CARNITINE (Carnipure™ by LONZA®) - an amino acid that ensures the transport of fatty acids through cell membranes into the mitochondria for use as the main source of energy, contributing to better absorption of Omega-3.

L-carnitine increases the efficiency of fat burning and the level of energy supply to muscles, increases endurance and accelerates recovery.

L-carnitine is necessary for the effective functioning of the heart muscle, especially against the background of physical exertion.

  • Omega-3 - 1000 mg
  • L-Carnitine - 85 mg
  • Coenzyme Q10 15 mg

Omega-3, L-Carnitine, Coenzyme Q10

Take 3 capsules daily with meals. The duration of admission is 4 weeks.

Are you ready to take a step towards a sharp increase in energy reserves and the rapid formation of a slender relief figure? Then get acquainted: your new highly effective assistant on the way to the ideal - carnitine. Why is this supplement recommended by experts, actively used by professionals and offered by almost every modern sports nutrition store? There are 7 good reasons for this, which we will discuss in detail in this article.

Carnitine is one of the strongest fat burners, as this nutrient transports fatty acids through cell membranes and accelerates energy metabolism. If you increase the concentration of carnitine in the muscles, then the processes of fat oxidation are activated at full capacity. As a result, the body receives a stable replenishment of energy reserves, increases efficiency and strength endurance.

2. Mix of carnitine and omega-3

Even an increased intake of carnitine will not give a noticeable result if you do not take care of feeding with fatty acids. They increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin, which ultimately allows you to increase the energy potential to the maximum. High dosages of fish oil in tandem with carnitine guarantee an effective start for fat burning.

3. Getting rid of visceral fat

The accumulation of fat reserves in the abdomen causes non-alcoholic dystrophy of the liver, leads to the deposition of lipids in the muscles and heart, and causes pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

By increasing the level of carnitine, it is possible to block the accumulation of fat deposits in the abdomen by activating fat oxidation.

4. Growth of tolerance to sports loads

Together with an increase in the concentration of muscle carnitine, any physical activity will no longer be perceived as super-heavy. Lifting more weight, increasing the number of repetitions, accelerating at serious distances - all this will become a reality. By reducing the secretion of lactic acid in the muscles, pain and muscle fatigue will no longer be a problem.

5. Effective recovery

The secretion of lactic acid sets certain limits that limit muscle performance and reduce the duration of training. Taking carnitine allows you to speed up recovery processes, reduce pain and get an impressive energy potential. This supplement creates a favorable anabolic environment in the body, which promotes muscle growth and regeneration of muscle fibers after physical exertion.

6. Efficient insulin metabolism

The positive effect of carnitine on insulin metabolism is due to its ability to accelerate the breakdown and utilization of fats. Against the background of weight loss, this supplement copes well with the functions of preventing diabetes mellitus, and also helps to reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis of the vessels.

To improve insulin metabolism, you must follow 3 rules:

  1. Mix carnitine with ome-3 (fish oil) in a ratio of 1:5.
  2. Reception should be systemic (at least 6 months).
  3. The diet should be high in protein.

7. Men's health

Recent studies have proven the relationship between male reproductive function and carnitine levels. Scientists believe that taking this supplement can improve fertility and the quality of spermatogenesis, thereby increasing a man's chances of becoming a father.