Canopy 6x6 from a profile pipe. Shed and arched sheds made of metal profiles, photos of structures and drawings. Calculation of values ​​for canopy posts

The canopy serves to protect the porch, parking the car from the harmful effects of the scorching sun and precipitation. And also this design plays the role of a decorative element that harmoniously fits into the landscape of the backyard. You can also make a canopy from a profile pipe with your own hands, if you follow the step-by-step instructions.

Scope and general device

A canopy is built to protect a small area from adverse weather conditions, whether it is a porch, a place where any things are stored or parking for a car.

A canopy made of shaped pipes is most often a lightweight frame with a roof made of polycarbonate laid and screwed with self-tapping screws.

Designing a canopy from a profile pipe

First of all, you need to decide on the purpose of the canopy, whether it will be just a canopy over the porch or a canopy over the parking lot. When drawing up a project, it is necessary to take into account:

  1. The size. It depends on the purpose of building a canopy and the area that it is designed to protect.
  2. Roofing material. Its thickness affects the loading of the load-bearing elements of the frame, and hence the choice of supports.
  3. The amount of seasonal precipitation and the strength of the wind. This affects the choice of material for supporting elements and roofing.
  4. Type of fastening of the visor to the house.

To install a canopy that requires fastening to the house, you need to get permission.

Required tool

To perform work on the manufacture of a canopy, you will need the following tool:

  • welding machine for arc or semi-automatic welding, universal electrodes;
  • grinder with cutting and grinding discs;
  • tape measure from 5 m long;
  • marker;
  • level, hydraulic level or laser level;
  • screwdriver, drill;
  • spanners;
  • shovel or drill.
  • eye and hand protection.

Material selection

For the manufacture of a lightweight canopy frame, cold-rolled or electric-welded square pipes with a wall thickness of 2 mm are perfect, as they have high compressive and bending strength, and are easily mated at the welded joints. In the manufacture of trusses, it is better to use rectangular pipes. When making a canopy for a car, it is worth choosing square professional pipes with a width of 5 to 10 cm as supports. They withstand a high transverse load.

As a roofing, polycarbonate (cellular, less often monolithic) corrugated board or metal tile is usually used.

Drawings and material calculation

The calculation of the material required for the manufacture of a canopy is not a difficult task. It is enough to decide on the dimensions of the future visor, then draw a drawing. Based on it, it is necessary to calculate the total length of the profile pipe, taking into account the cutting width of the disk.

In the case of building a carport and a place of rest, you need to take into account that you will have to add vertical supports and install mortgages in the foundation.

How to weld a frame with your own hands

The simplest design of the canopy is single-sided, based on simple runs, since during its manufacture there is no need to bend profile pipes. They are assembled using trusses with parallel belts fixed on supports at an angle.

Truss manufacturing

Metal truss - a supporting structure with zigzag power elements between the belts. There are various designs of trusses used in the construction of a canopy from a profile pipe.

Farm manufacturing sequence:

  1. These elements are welded according to the drawing on a horizontal plane. In this case, you need to press them with clamps first on the tacks. Then, making sure that the dimensions are correct, the joints are completely welded.
  2. The first truss made will be a template for welding the rest.
  3. After finishing the work, the seams must be cleaned with a grinder, then holes should be drilled for fastening the roof along the upper side of the truss.

How to bend pipes

For arched trusses, profile pipes must be bent. To do this, you can use a manual or electric bending machine. If there is none, then you can do this work manually, in one of several ways.


The bend is carried out as follows:

  1. First you need to make cuts with a grinder on the upper edge of the pipe in increments of 10–15 cm (depending on the radius of the planned arch).
  2. Now you can bend the pipe from the middle, after holding the workpiece in a vise.
  3. At the end, it is necessary to weld the expanded cuts, and also clean the seams with a grinder.


A method that does not require special tools. This work is done as follows:

  1. First you need to weld or plug one end of the pipe.
  2. Now you can pour sand into the cavity, hammer the cork from the other end.
  3. Heat with a cutter, bend to the desired radius.

Video: how to bend a pipe without a pipe bender

Installation and fastening of supports for a canopy

This stage of work is carried out according to the following plan:

  1. First you need to clear the site, outline the installation site of the canopy.
  2. Next, you need to dig holes (50 * 50 cm, 70 cm deep) under the columnar foundation.
  3. Now you can prepare concrete by mixing cement, sand and crushed stone (fractions 5–20) in a ratio of 1:2:2.
  4. Pour it into the holes, tamp, insert mortgages. The foundation must be left for 4-5 days, covered with plastic wrap on top. At the same time, it will have to be watered every day.
  5. Now you can start installing the supports. They need to be cut off with a margin of 5–10 cm, since slight unevenness of the site is possible.
  6. They must be set one by one, checking the vertical with a level. Now the supports can be welded to the mortgages.
  7. Now, using a laser level or hydraulic level, you need to find the lowest point on the supports, put a mark at the desired height. It must be "transferred" to the remaining supports. This way you will ensure that all marks will be in the same horizontal plane.
  8. At the end of the support, according to the marks, you need to cut it with a grinder.

Construction assembly

Assembly of side and roof trusses can be done on the ground if a crane or other lifting equipment is available. In their absence, this work is carried out separately, that is, first the side trusses are attached to the supports, and then the trusses.

First, fixation occurs on several point tacks, after which it is necessary to check the geometry of the planes and weld the joints completely.

After assembly, the frame is cleaned and carefully primed with an anti-corrosion compound. The durability of the structure depends on the quality of this processing.

Roofing and decking

It is necessary to paint a previously cleaned and primed surface. If there are spots of rust left somewhere, it is recommended to cover the frame with a mixture of transducer, primer and paint. You can use a flute brush for this.

roof decking

The most common roofing material for canopies is cellular polycarbonate. It reflects part of the sun's rays, while creating a shadow. Some features when working with this material:

It is necessary to purchase connecting profiles, thermal washers and end profiles in advance to ensure tightness.

Private land plots for our citizens are always identified with the hard work of growing their own organic products. However, dachas do not lose popularity, since with the development of the industry in the field of building materials, it has become accessible and easy to ennoble your own dacha and build a corner for relaxation or other pastime on it.

Rolled metal products have become one of the raw materials for the construction of sheds. The welded frame of the canopy is more popular with owners than the wooden one. The process of constructing this object is described below.

Frame canopy from a metal profile - advantages

So, what are the advantages of a metal frame over a wooden one? Let's take a closer look:

  • The metal is not subject to deterioration, if corrosion is excluded. The latter is easily eliminated or prevented by applying special means to the structure. The metal frame is not threatened by fire, mold, or rodents.
  • A canopy from a metal profile is unknown to shrinkage, in contrast to a similar wooden object. Welding will not bend, the grooves will not dry out, the logs will not crack. Of course, it all depends on the processing, but over time, these problems are inevitable for the tree.
  • The lightweight metal profile frame is mobile - it can be moved to any convenient place if the racks are not concreted into the site. In addition, if summer residents are concerned about the durability of the metal frame, then during construction, all elements are fixed not by welding, but by bolts. Thus, for the winter period, the entire structure can be removed in a dry place.

    Forms of a metal canopy

    We are talking, of course, about the truss system - the rest of the structure is a rack, concreted into the site or installed directly on the ground. So, the features of the forms of the roofs of the canopy:

  • Single roof. The easiest option for self-design. It is a plane sloping for a slope of rainwater. The shape allows you to make a canopy of any size, which means that such a place is suitable for any purpose - a barbecue, sleeping places, even a pool. However, this has its own pitfall - large areas will take on an impressive amount of snow, which means that either the structure is dismantled for this period, or a careful calculation and appropriate reinforcements are made.

  • Gable roof. Such canopies are rare and can be a roof for extensions - verandas, terraces. Rainfall is facilitated by the steepness of the slopes and the right material for the roof.
  • Arch. Canopies prevailing in popularity. They have a feature that other designs lack - the sun's rays are reflected from the roof, and an optimal temperature is created inside.

    The following describes how to make a shed canopy yourself, using simple steps for this. You need to decide in advance on the purpose and desired dimensions.

    Installation of a shed canopy

    Consider a small mobile welded structure, since the advantage of installation in any suitable place is welcomed by all owners of summer cottages. In addition, inexperienced home craftsmen, based on their own product, will receive the necessary training for further creations. So what will be required:

  • Welding machine and universal electrodes.
  • Level and measuring instruments.
  • Profile pipe with a section of 80, 60 and 40 mm. You can also use other rolled metal products - corners or channels.
  • Roofing material - cellular polycarbonate. It withstands loads better, unlike monolithic, which is used on vertical surfaces.
  • Fasteners, thermal washers, rubber seals.
  • Protective minium for metal. You need protective equipment for yourself and you can start.

    Calculation of a metal frame for a canopy

    Professionals use in their work data from the area about the amount of precipitation that falls during the season, soil conditions and other figures. This is a prerequisite for structures exceeding a length of 10 m and a width of more than 5.

    The creation of a small structure must also be subject to certain parameters. For example, how to calculate a shed metal canopy yourself:

  • The canopy length of 6 m should have 8 supports. A profile pipe from 80 mm and above with a cross section and a wall thickness of 3 mm or more will completely cope with the task of stability.
  • One side of the canopy should be higher than the other according to the chosen angle of inclination and roofing material - 20-25⁰ is enough for polycarbonate.
  • Each pair of supports should receive reinforcement in the form of trusses. They are made of equal-shelf corners or a profile pipe with a cross section of 60 mm.
  • The crate is welded in increments of 1 m from a pipe with a cross section of 40 mm. Such a design can withstand up to 400 kg of wet snow, if it is decided not to transfer or dismantle the canopy for the winter period.

    Site preparation

    A do-it-yourself mobile single-sided canopy made of a metal profile is notable for the fact that it does not require special preparation. It is only important to level the ground by removing the turf for this and tamping the ground.

    Subsequently, under a canopy, you can make a lawn, a wooden platform or lay out paving slabs. Under the racks, pits should be dug in advance so that the structure does not begin to sag.

    Frame assembly

    The whole structure is assembled "upside down" for convenience. Only the roof is laid on top. So:

  • First, a frame is welded from a profile pipe or corners.
  • Racks are evenly fixed.
  • The supports receive reinforcements in the form of trusses - corners welded to them at an angle.

    Now, the slag is beaten off, the welds are cleaned and the structure is turned over for installation in place. It is important to wrap the ends of the posts with several layers of roofing material in order to reduce the effect of constantly wet soil on the metal.

    Assembly of the truss system and roofing

    When the canopy is already stable, they begin to weld the crate. According to the drawing, metal pipes or corners are fixed at a distance of at least 1 m. It is immediately necessary to drill holes in the crate and frame of the entire rafter system to fix the polycarbonate.

    It is impossible to cut sheets of plastic in advance - there is a risk of incorrect measurements and, as a result, the coating will have to be redone. It is better to do this on top of the finished frame. The sheets are overlapped without fixing, the attachment points are marked and cut out at the bottom.

    Fixing is not complete without the use of thermal washers, as an additional sealing of the metal frame from moisture. Double protection of the structure should also be in case a single-sided wooden canopy is conceived with your own hands - then rubber sealing rings are glued to the logs, at the attachment points.

    When the material is ready for the final coating, the metal frame should be brought into a decorative form in advance, not forgetting about protection. Surikami - with protective compounds against corrosion, the finished canopy is painted even before the roofing - so, there is a chance not to miss a single centimeter of metal. Next, polycarbonate is laid using a connecting profile, and at the end of the work, protective end caps are installed so that moisture in the form of evaporation does not penetrate into the plastic cells.

    How to make a shed canopy with your own hands: calculations, features and stages of work

    How to calculate and make a shed canopy from a metal profile: advantages and forms of a frame canopy, necessary tools, features of self-assembly, installation of a truss system

How to make a canopy from a profile pipe with your own hands

Canopy structures made of shaped pipes can be found in many places: in the yards of country houses, on the territory of summer cafes, in parking lots and other public places. Their main advantage is that you can do all this with your own hands. To do this, you do not need to have special skills and knowledge, just follow the detailed instructions.

Scope of application and installation of a canopy from a profile pipe

The metal profile today has become one of the most popular and sought-after materials for the manufacture of canopies of various types and types with a polycarbonate coating, since its main advantage is a long service life. If such a building is properly looked after, then it can stand for more than a dozen years. Such canopies can be used in a variety of places:

  • in car parks;
  • in country private houses to create large covered areas of the territory;
  • in various public places.

The scope of canopies from a metal profile is quite extensive, since they are universal structures that have a large number of different modifications.

The most popular today is the arched type of product. It is much more difficult to make it than a single or gable, but it looks very impressive. Such a canopy is built separately from the house or adjacent to its side.

When choosing the type of roof, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the snow does not linger on it, but falls freely to the ground, without creating a large load on the roof.

In addition, there are canopies of a dome, arc, pyramidal shape, as well as single-slope and dual-slope.

In addition to polycarbonate, slate or metal corrugated board can be used for roofing. Therefore, we can say that the complexity of erecting a canopy from a professional pipe directly depends on the choice of frame design and materials chosen for the roofing device.

Preparatory work: drawing development

First you need to accurately determine the location of the canopy, as this is very important for choosing the material for the future structure and roofing. It is best to place them on a flat area or hill, as it will be easier to make the necessary drainage there. If you decide to build a structure in a low area, then the collected water will "force" you to make additional storm sewers, which will entail unexpected costs.

It is also important to make a preliminary drawing of a canopy from a metal profile. In addition to the location of the racks, it is necessary to take into account the cross section of the profile pipes. If the length of the structure does not exceed 6 m, and the width is 4 m, then for the installation of supports, you can take a pipe with a cross section of 60x60 mm. For the construction of a large structure, a pipe with a cross section of 80x80 mm is taken.

List of required tools

To make a metal canopy, you will need a certain set of tools:

  • building level;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • apparatus for welding;
  • roulette;
  • rule (level);
  • drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • perforator;
  • bolts and washers;
  • profile metal pipes;
  • roofing screws with special gaskets;
  • building corner;
  • polycarbonate, corrugated board or slate;
  • cement, sand, medium gravel;
  • flange.

Calculation of the required number of profile pipes

For the construction of a small shed canopy, it is necessary to make accurate calculations and draw up a preliminary drawing:

  1. A canopy 6 m long should have 8 supporting metal racks. To do this, you can use a metal profile with a section of 80x80 mm. The wall thickness of the pipe should be more than 3 mm for greater structural stability.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for making a canopy structure from a professional pipe

The sequence of work depends on the type.

Shed canopy

This design is the simplest. For its manufacture you need:

  1. Install supports and fill wells. The distance between the posts should be from 1 to 1.5 m. If slate, corrugated board or natural tiles are used for the roof, then this value is 1.2 m.
  2. Outline the location of the support pillars, pull the construction rope between them in a straight line. For each rack, dig holes at least 60 cm deep and 20 cm in diameter. Reinforce the pipes with special strips (heels) that are welded to the bottom of each of the pipes. They will then be completely filled with concrete, and will hold the entire structure in a vertical position.

arched structure

The construction of an arched canopy is carried out in almost the same way as a shed, but they are more aesthetic and functional.

It is quite difficult to build an arched canopy on your own, since for this you need to have special manual or electrical equipment so that you can easily bend the metal profile. At home, it is almost impossible to perform such actions.

double awnings

A gable canopy is mounted similarly to a single-sided canopy, however, there are two triangles in the structure, which are mirrored relative to each other. The roof of such a canopy is formed by two inclined planes at a certain angle.

Due to the presence of a ridge knot, this design has a more complex structure system, but it can cover a much larger area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site.

Multi-slope canopies

Such structures are used to cover large areas such as car parks, exhibition pavilions, etc. At their core, they are a series of sequentially arranged gable structures. Here, in addition to the ridge knot, which is located at the upper points, it will be necessary to create a drainage system.

How to weld a professional pipe

In the process of carrying out any welding work, safety precautions must be observed. Also, after completion of all work, each weld must be cleaned of slag so that there are no joints. This can be done with an ordinary grinder with a special metal hedgehog nozzle.

To connect metal structures from a profile with a wall thickness of more than 3 mm, it is best to use gas welding, since an electrical analogue may simply not “pull” such an amount of work.

How to bend a metal pipe

For this, a special pipe bender is used. With it, you can easily bend various types of metal profiles. But if there is no such tool at hand, then a grinder and welding will help to cope with the task.

It is very important when bending various pipes to prevent the appearance of cracks and large kinks, which should not be in the structure of the canopy. Also, they should not be flattened. In the process of working with a manual pipe bender, it is necessary to exert considerable physical effort, therefore it cannot be used to bend a profile with a cross section of more than 40 mm.

External finishing of the structure

After the structure of the canopy frame is fully welded and cleaned of scale, it is necessary to degrease all metal elements before painting them. To do this, you can use a common solvent, acetone or gasoline, which must be allowed to dry. After that, you can start the priming process.

Light gray primer suitable for any type of paint. Dark is used for bright materials. White is usually used when painting a metal profile with pastel colors.

The primer can protect the metal from premature corrosion, and thereby significantly extend its service life, as well as reduce paint consumption.

Do-it-yourself canopy construction from a profile pipe - drawings, instructions with photos and videos

Scope of canopies. Manufacturing preparation process. How to make a structure from a profile pipe with your own hands: step by step instructions. Video.

Profile pipe as a building material is used quite often. A structure such as a canopy, which can be found in any suburban area, is no exception. The profile pipe is the most popular and convenient material for such a design. It is easy to install and is inexpensive. How to build a canopy with your own hands - we will consider in detail below.

Should I choose a profile pipe?

  • The correct geometric shapes of the material maintain a high level of its strength. Natural stiffeners are opposite walls of profile pipes.
  • There are straight and curved profile pipes.
  • Solid-rolled analogues of shaped pipes are more difficult to manufacture. Due to this, the latter material is much cheaper.
  • Despite the small mass, the skeleton of profiled pipes is quite stable.
  • The elements of the frame are interconnected by welding and bolts.
  • You can build a stationary or collapsible frame.
  • The thickness of the walls of the profiled pipe is not more than 2 millimeters. Thanks to this, the roof can be attached directly to the frame and not spend money on a large number of tools.

Important nuances

First of all, it is necessary to determine the location of the future structure. Sheds are built freestanding or as an extension to the house. Then figure out the purpose of the canopy.

It can be built for household needs. In this case, various tools and other equipment can be stored under it. Some cover their car. Or you can make it a recreation area and cover it, for example, with a playground or a swimming pool.

Also decide whether your canopy will be stationary or collapsible. Stationary buildings are used at any time of the year. The collapsible option is temporary. Usually it is installed only for the summer. The main thing for the latter is that it is easy to assemble, durable and wind resistant.

Four-slope canopy

The shape of the canopies is also different and it also needs to be decided before the start of all work. There are domed, pyramidal, arc, arched, shed, gable and 4-slope roofs. Naturally, the more complex your canopy is in shape, the more difficult it is to build.

Dimensional calculations and drawing

First of all, you need to create a sketch. For example, let's take a canopy, the roof of which will be made of polycarbonate. It is necessary to display the appearance of the future structure and its approximate dimensions on the sketch. Then it is necessary to make all measurements at the place where the structure will be installed and create a detailed drawing. The canopy can be built both freestanding and attached to the house.

For example, you have a house 9x6 meters, and in front of it there is a free space of 9x7 meters. In this case, the width of the canopy can be equal to the width of the wall of the house, i.e. 9 meters. Departure can be done, for example, 6 meters. Thus, a canopy measuring 9x6 meters is obtained.

It is optimal to make a low paradise 240 centimeters high, high - 350–360 centimeters.

Simple math calculates the angle of inclination. In this case, it is equal to 12-13 degrees.

To choose the right roofing material, consider the strength and direction of the wind in your area, as well as the amount of snow that falls. This is necessary in order to choose the roofing material that will cope with the load.

Now that all measurements are taken, you can create a drawing. Rafter trusses must be shown on a separate drawing.

After all the preparatory paper work is done, you can calculate the required amount of building materials. Always purchase them with a margin of at least 5 percent. This is necessary in case you come across defective products or you spoil something in the process.

List of tools

  • Work gloves.
  • Building level.
  • Roulette / meter.
  • Shovel.
  • Apparatus for welding.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Perforator.
  • Bolts.
  • Roof screws with gaskets.
  • profiled pipes.
  • Corner.
  • Metal sheet.
  • Flange.
  • Concrete mix.
  • Crushed stone.
  • Sand.

Stages of building a canopy

There are 3 main types of profiled pipes:

  1. Unpainted.
  2. Pipes coated with galvanized coating to protect them from rust.
  3. Pipes coated with other specialized coatings.

Unpainted, clean pipes can be processed independently. This will save up to 30%.

Preparatory work

The first step is to prepare the construction site.

How to weld, make and install a frame

  1. The next step is digging holes for embedded parts. The bottom must be tamped, covered with a sand-shebnev pillow and compacted again.

    Pits can be dug not only with a shovel, but also with a drill

  2. Install embedded parts. Use a level to check for verticality.
  3. Concrete the hole.
  4. Alternatively, you can make a monolithic base under a canopy. To do this, a pit is dug around the perimeter of the structure. AT
    formwork is installed on it, a sand-gravel cushion is laid and concrete is poured with mandatory reinforcement.

    Monolithic platform under a canopy

  5. Steel squares must be welded to the lower squares of the uprights. The size of these squares should be equal to the size of the embedded parts. The bolt holes must line up.
  6. Screw the posts to the mortgages as soon as the fundamental posts are completely dry.
  7. Start assembling the roof frame. Measure the profile pipe and cut it into the required lengths.
  8. First of all, connect the side trusses with welding or bolts.
  9. Then the front jumpers are connected.
  10. The last stage is the installation of elements of diagonal gratings, if necessary. In the process of assembling the frame part of the canopy, do not forget to check its evenness with a building level.

    Finished frame option

  11. Put the assembled skeleton on the racks and fix it with hardware or welding.

The treatment of the metal frame with anti-corrosion compounds and its coloring takes place before the installation of the roofing material.

If the profile pipe was purchased with ready-made protection, do it again anyway, since the protective layer could be damaged during assembly.

Varieties of fastening elements with each other

  • Through bolts or self-tapping screws.

    Pretty common mounting method. For those who do not have the skills to work with a welding machine, this mounting option will be ideal. The elements are fixed with hardware using a drill and a drill for metal. The size of the bolts or self-tapping screws is selected depending on the section of the profile pipes. Hardware store salespeople will be able to help you choose the right items for your specific application.

  • Welding is another very popular option for connecting elements.

    To work, you will need to use an electric or gas welding machine. Welding is more reliable due to the fact that it does not violate the integrity of structural elements. In the first case, holes must be drilled for bolts or self-tapping screws. This degrades the strength of the frame. But at the same time, this fixation option is the most difficult. With insufficient experience or lack of work with a welding machine, the entire structure may be damaged. Therefore, it is better to hire specialists or fasten the frame elements with bolts and self-tapping screws.

  • If the canopy is small, and the profile pipes in it have a diameter of no more than 25 millimeters, then special clamps (crab systems) can be used for fastening.

    Depending on how many ends of the professional pipe need to be connected, T- and X-shaped clamps are distinguished. They are tightened with bolts and nuts (6x20 or 6x35). The main disadvantage of such an attachment is that when using it, parts of the frame can only be connected with an angle of 90 °. For a profile pipe of such a small section, welding is not used.

Put plugs on all sections of the frame elements, since the inside of the pipe is not treated with anti-corrosion agents.

How to sheathe the roof (table)

The roof in this design is the main element.

Name Description
Slate It is the simplest plating option. Its main drawback is its heavy weight.
Decking It looks beautiful, has a wide range of colors, but it cannot be called the cheapest option.
Polycarbonate It creates an aesthetic and expensive look, but it creates something like a greenhouse effect due to heat retention and good penetration of sunlight through the translucent material. It is better not to leave a car under such a roof on a hot day. Yes, and it will be too hot to rest there.

Photo: options for finished structures from a professional pipe

Canopy with polycarbonate roof Canopy with metal profile roof Canopy as an extension to the wall of the house The canopy aesthetically complemented the porch of the house Shed roofed with tarpaulin Simple gable canopy Another canopy option

Video: do-it-yourself canopy construction from a profile pipe

Building a canopy from a profile pipe is a simple matter. Having studied all the information provided, practically everyone will be able to cope with the construction work. The only difficult moment is working with the welding machine. But there are solutions. So good luck!

Begin with the preparation of the site, at this stage, perform the following steps:

  1. clear the area, removing vegetation and debris. If the canopy is intended to protect a place of rest or barbecue, small grass is left;
  2. especially prominent hillocks and depressions, respectively, are cut or covered;
  3. if the site under the canopy is supposed to be concreted, covered with rubble or, cut off the top layer of soil to a depth of 10 - 15 cm. It contains plant seeds, they would break through the coating;
  4. markup, marking the location of the supports. The number of supports and the step between them are determined by the calculation at the design stage. As a result of marking, the outline of a rectangle should appear on the ground. To make sure that the figure is drawn without distortions (due to the large dimensions, this is quite likely), measure the lengths of the diagonals: they are equal for a rectangle;
  5. in the places where the supports are installed, excavations are made with a depth exceeding the freezing mark of the soil by 10–15 cm. At a lower depth, the frozen soil will squeeze out the racks in winter (frost heaving force).

Excavations of lesser depth are allowed only in stony and sandy soils with drainage properties.

Materials for manufacturing

Materials are used different, when choosing, take into account:

  • own financial resources;
  • the planned appearance of the canopy;
  • desired architecture.

Consider the construction in parts.


Usually resort to one of two options: wood or metal.

Advantages :

  • availability of material and its low cost;
  • ease of processing: wood is cut, drilled and connected using simple tools;
  • naturalistic look: suitable for a site with a wooden house or decorated in a country style.


  • short service life;
  • the need for meticulous care;
  • combustibility.

In order to extend the service life of lumber, they are treated with compounds:

  • antiseptics;
  • giving moisture resistance;
  • retardant ignition.

There are two types of wood available for sale:

  1. array of natural moisture. Attracts with low cost, but due to drying it shrinks (reduces in size) and may crack;
  2. glued laminated timber. It is glued together from boards that have been dried in a special chamber with electronic temperature and humidity control. It costs more than an array of natural moisture, but it does not shrink and does not crack - the humidity is only 8% - 12%.

For the manufacture of a metal frame, round pipes (racks) and rectangular sections are used. Corners and channels are also used. The rafters of the metal canopy are made in the form of trusses.

The upper and lower belts can be made, for example, from rectangular pipes, the struts can be made from a corner. In places where the struts are attached to the belts, plates are welded - scarves. This ensures a sufficient length of the weld and, accordingly, the strength of the connection.

Advantages of a metal canopy:

  • durability;
  • minimal maintenance (requires only occasional tint);
  • compactness: with the same strength, the elements have a much smaller cross section than wooden ones;
  • relatively simple manufacture of bent rafters for an arched canopy (in order to make them from lumber, a special device is required - a hip).


  • high price;
  • complexity in processing: expensive tools are required - a grinder, a welding machine, an electric drill.

For the construction of supports, the following materials are also used:

  1. brick or stone. Such racks are built for a long time, and this requires a certain level of skill: a narrow high structure must be erected without deviating from the vertical. But they look solid and soundly. In terms of service life, stone supports are superior to all other options. They are highly durable and do not require maintenance;
  2. asbestos-cement pipes with concrete filling. They are also very durable, but not as effective as brick ones. But they build faster.


The following materials are used as roofing:

The manufacture of a canopy with a pitched roof does not require a highly qualified builder from the master. But there should not be a frivolous attitude, because if the structure collapses, people will seriously suffer. Calculation and installation should, if not performed, then at least checked by specialists.

  • Sheds are classified as the most simple structures that are erected in a suburban or summer cottage. They are used for a variety of purposes: as a parking lot, a storage area and many other options.

    Structurally, the canopy is extremely simple. it

    • frame, the main element of which are trusses for canopies, which are responsible for the stability and strength of the structure;
    • coating. It is made of slate, polycarbonate, glass or profiled sheet;
    • add-on elements. As a rule, these are decoration elements that are placed inside the building.

    The design is quite simple, besides, it weighs a little, so you can assemble it yourself right on the site.

    However, in order to get a practical correct canopy, first of all, you need to ensure its strength and long operation. To do this, you should know how to calculate a truss for a canopy, make it yourself and weld or buy ready-made ones.

    Metal trusses for canopies

    This design consists of two belts. The upper and lower chords are connected through braces and vertical posts. It is able to withstand significant loads. One such product, weighing from 50–100 kg, can replace metal beams three times as large in weight. With the correct calculation, the metal truss in, channels or does not deform and does not bend when exposed to loads.

    A metal frame experiences several loads at the same time, which is why it is so important to know how to calculate a metal truss in order to accurately find the balance points. Only in this way can the structure withstand even very high impacts.

    How to choose the material and cook them correctly

    The creation and self-installation of canopies is possible with small dimensions of the structure. Farms for canopies, depending on the configuration of the belts, can be made of profiles or steel corners. For relatively small structures, it is recommended to choose profile pipes.

    Such a solution has a number of advantages:

    • The bearing capacity of a profile pipe is directly related to its thickness. Most often, a material with a square of 30-50x30-50 mm in cross section is used to assemble the frame, and pipes of a smaller section are suitable for small structures.
    • Metal pipes are characterized by greater strength and at the same time, they weigh much less than a solid bar of metal.
    • Pipes are bent - the quality required when creating curved structures, for example, arched or domed.
    • The price of a canopy truss is relatively small, so buying them will not be difficult.

    On a note

    The metal frame will last much longer if it is protected from corrosion: treated with a primer and painted.

    • On such a metal frame, you can conveniently and simply lay almost any crate and roof.

    Profile connection methods

    How to weld a canopy

    Among the main advantages of shaped pipes, it should be noted a beadless connection. Thanks to this technology, a truss for spans not exceeding 30 meters is structurally simple and relatively inexpensive. If its upper belt is rigid enough, then the roofing material can be leaned directly on it.

    A gusset welded joint has a number of advantages:

    • significantly reduces the weight of the product. For comparison, we note that riveted structures weigh 20%, and bolted structures weigh 25% more.
    • reduces labor and manufacturing costs.
    • welding costs are low. Moreover, the process can be automated if you use devices that allow you to smoothly feed the welded wire.
    • the resulting seam and the attached parts are equally strong.

    Of the minuses, it should be noted the need for experience in welding.

    Bolt fastening

    Bolted connection of profile pipes is not so rare. It is mainly used for collapsible structures.

    The main advantages of this type of connection include:

    • Simple assembly;
    • No need for additional equipment;
    • Possible dismantling.

    But at the same time:

    • The weight of the product increases.
    • Additional fasteners required.
    • Bolted connections are less durable and reliable than welded ones.

    How to calculate a metal truss for a canopy from a profile pipe

    The erected structures must be rigid and strong enough to withstand various loads, therefore, before their installation, it is necessary to calculate the truss from a profile pipe for a canopy and draw up a drawing.

    When calculating, as a rule, they resort to the help of specialized programs, taking into account the requirements of SNiP (“Loads, impacts”, “Steel structures”). You can calculate a metal truss online using a metal profile canopy calculator. If you have the appropriate engineering knowledge, the calculation can be carried out with your own hands.

    On a note

    If the main design parameters are known, you can search for a suitable finished project among those posted on the Internet.

    Design work is carried out on the basis of the following initial:

    • Drawing. From the type of roof: single or gable, hipped or arched, depends on the configuration of the frame belts. The simplest solution can be considered a single-pitched truss from a profile pipe.
    • Construction dimensions. The larger the trusses are installed, the greater the load they can withstand. The angle of inclination is also important: the larger it is, the easier it will be for snow to fall off the roof. For the calculation, you will need data on the extreme points of the slope and their distance from each other.
    • The dimensions of the elements of the roofing material. They play a decisive role in determining the truss spacing for a canopy, say. By the way, this is the most popular coating for structures arranged on their own sites. they are easily bent, so they are suitable for the device of curved coverings, for example, arched ones. All that matters is just how it is right calculate a canopy made of polycarbonate.

    The calculation of a metal truss from a profile pipe for a canopy is performed in a certain sequence:

    • determine the span corresponding to the terms of reference;
    • to calculate the height of the structure, according to the presented drawing, the dimensions of the span are substituted;
    • perform a slope assignment. According to the optimal shape of the roof of the structure, the contours of the belts are determined.

    On a note

    The maximum possible truss pitch for a canopy when using a profile pipe is 175 cm.

    How to make a polycarbonate truss

    The first step in making trusses from a profile pipe for a canopy with your own hands is to draw up a detailed plan, which must indicate the exact dimensions of each element. In addition, it is desirable to prepare an additional drawing of structurally complex parts.

    As you can see, before you make farms yourself, you need to prepare well. We note once again that while the choice of the shape of the product is guided by aesthetic considerations, then to determine the constructive type and number of constituent elements, a calculation path is required. When checking the strength of a metal structure, it is also necessary to take into account data on atmospheric loads in a given region.

    The arc is considered an extremely simplified variation of the farm. This is one profiled pipe having a round or square section.

    Obviously, this is not only the simplest solution, it is also the cheapest. However, arcs for a polycarbonate canopy have certain disadvantages. In particular, this concerns their reliability.

    arched canopies photo

    Let's analyze how the load is distributed in each of these options. The design of the truss provides a uniform distribution of the load, that is, the force acting on the supports will be directed, one might say, strictly down. This means that the support poles perfectly withstand compressive forces, that is, they can withstand the additional pressure of the snow cover.

    Arcs do not have such rigidity and are not able to distribute the load. To compensate for this kind of impact, they begin to unbend. As a result, there is a force placed on the supports in the upper part. If we take into account that it is applied to the center and directed horizontally, then the slightest error in the calculation of the base of the pillars will at least cause their irreversible deformation.

    An example of calculating a metal truss from a profile pipe

    The calculation of such a product involves:

    • determination of the exact height (H) and length (L) of a metal structure. The last value must exactly correspond to the span length, that is, the distance overlapping the structure. As for the height, it depends on the designed angle and contour features.

    In triangular metal structures, the height is 1/5 or ¼ of the length, for other types with straight chords, for example, parallel or polygonal - 1/8 of the length.

    • The angle of the lattice braces ranges from 35–50°. On average, it is 45 °.
    • It is important to determine the optimal distance from one node to another. Usually the desired gap coincides with the width of the panel. For structures with a span length of more than 30 m, it is necessary to additionally calculate the building lift. In the process of solving the problem, it is possible to obtain the exact load on the metal structure and select the correct parameters of the profile pipes.

    As an example, consider the calculation of trusses of a standard shed structure 4x6 m.

    The design uses a 3 by 3 cm profile, the walls of which are 1.2 mm thick.

    The lower belt of the product has a length of 3.1 m, and the upper one - 3.90 m. Vertical racks made of the same profile pipe are installed between them. The largest of them has a height of 0.60 m. The rest are cut out in descending order. You can limit yourself to three racks, placing them from the beginning of a high slope.

    The sections that are formed in this case are reinforced by installing diagonal jumpers. The latter are made of a thinner profile. For example, a pipe with a cross section of 20 by 20 mm is suitable for these purposes. Racks are not needed at the point of convergence of the belts. On one product, you can limit yourself to seven braces.

    Five similar structures are used for 6 m of canopy length. They are laid in increments of 1.5 m, connecting with additional transverse jumpers made of a profile with a section of 20 by 20 mm. They are fixed to the upper belt, arranged in 0.5 m increments. Polycarbonate panels are attached directly to these jumpers.

    Calculation of the arched truss

    The manufacture of arched trusses also requires accurate calculations. This is due to the fact that the load placed on them will be distributed evenly only if the created arcuate elements have an ideal geometry, that is, the correct shape.

    Let's take a closer look at how to create an arched frame for a canopy with a span of 6 m (L). We will take the distance between the arches at 1.05 m. With a product height of 1.5 meters, the architectural structure will look aesthetically pleasing and will be able to withstand high loads.

    When calculating the length of the profile (mn) in the lower belt, the following sector length formula is used: π R α:180, where the values ​​of the parameters for this example in accordance with the drawing are respectively: R= 410 cm, α÷160°.

    After substitution we have:

    3.14 410 160:180 = 758 (cm).

    The nodes of the structure should be located on the lower chord at a distance of 0.55 m (with rounding) from each other. The position of the extremes is calculated individually.

    In cases where the span is less than 6 m, welding of complex metal structures is often replaced with a single or double beam, bending the metal profile under a given radius. Although there is no need to calculate the arched frame, the correct selection of a profiled pipe is still relevant. After all, the strength of the finished structure depends on its cross section.

    Calculation of an arched truss from a profile pipe online

    How to calculate the arc length for a polycarbonate canopy

    The arc length of an arch can be determined by Huygens' formula. The middle is marked on the arc, marking it with the point M, which is located on the perpendicular CM drawn to the chord AB, through its middle C. Then you need to measure the chords AB and AM.

    The length of the arc is determined by the Huygens formula: p \u003d 2l x 1/3 x (2l - L), where l is the AM chord, L is the AB chord)

    The relative error of the formula is 0.5% if the arc AB contains 60 degrees, and with a decrease in the angular measure, the error drops significantly. For an arc of 45 degrees. it is only 0.02%.