How I tried to illegally leave a guy for the night in a hostel. Student ways to enter the hostel How to get into the hostel

Adventure story from newspaper readers. With running around from a taxi driver, high fences and a terrible deception of a janitor.

There are four of us in the room. We live on the first floor in an intercollegiate campus (ICC), surrounded by a high palisade. There are two checkpoints (one at the entrance to the hostel, the other at the entrance to the building). Entrance is strictly by passes with a photo. One of the guys went to relatives for the weekend (does not participate in the action).


I am sitting at the computer, alone in the room. K. comes - lives here. I ask:

So late? Where was? - I ask.

Yes, I went to the bar with my brother.

Have you seen G.? (Our roommate, the main character).

He was with us, not alone - with a girl. WILL NOT come tonight.

It can't be! Usually he always arrives 15 minutes before the dorm closes (at one in the morning).

I'm telling you, it won't come!

The hour of the night has come. I think today the room will be calm, and no one will watch the laptop at full volume up to four.

Half past one, no one showed up. I breathed a sigh of relief and continued to work at the camp. K. snored sweetly, seeing sweet dreams. At three o'clock, his phone rang. K. turned it off. Two minutes later, mine called.

This is G., can you open the window?

Everything, the freebie is over, I thought.

Then wave your hand out the window for me to find the room.

I open the window, I see it's coming. But, instead of him, a girl climbs into the window.

He helped her in such a difficult matter, and even at three in the morning. Then G. climbed in. He asked if she had already figured out how she would leave the hostel in the morning, bypassing two checkpoints and a high fence.

We'll see in the morning," G.

The night passed, the morning came.

The girl wakes up G. and says that it is time for her to leave, and HE promised to help her in such a difficult matter. "What's wrong here?" - answers G .. The girl says that she does not want to get out of the window during the day and take a high fence from a running start. She had had enough of the night's experience. G. thought about this circumstance. I got up, decided to go for a smoke and think. Came here to wash my hair. It hit eleven o'clock. The girl is already ready to climb out of the window and is doing a warm-up to take the fence.

Then it suddenly dawned on G. to offer her his pass. But he quickly changed his mind, since he also needed a pass. Another 15 minutes passed. We settled on the fact that they would try to pass one pass at a time. I said goodbye to the girl, offering to “drop in” to us more often.

As the girl said, she and G. got to the hostel by taxi for 150 rubles. But G. paid only 110 and offered to run away from the taxi driver. A cunning plan was set in motion. The romance did not end there. At the first attempt to enter the hostel, they were detained by the security service and expelled from its territory. The second attempt was successful. Therefore, the girl had to climb twice over a high fence.

If you are looking for thrills, come live with us at MSG! Or better to say CLIMB, we are always glad to see you!

A dorm room is the dream of many students. Unfortunately, it is not given to everyone automatically. For the right to settle in a hostel, one must seriously fight.

Four steps to the cherished place

Few get the coveted bed, but everyone applying for it needs to take a few steps to make their dream come true.

  • To receive a room in a student hostel, you must write an application to the dean of the faculty. It should state why you want a seat and the category of benefits you are eligible for (if any). Usually, orphans, refugee students, children from large families, etc., receive housing on preferential terms.
  • Take an active part in the educational and social life of the university. Participate in student conferences, interfaculty competitions, university sports competitions - all this can play in your favor when the question of settling in a hostel is considered. By the way, you can also become the head of the group, usually this category of university activists gets a room in the first place.
  • It does not interfere with being interested in the personal lives of their classmates. Often students do not live in the hostel after the wedding or move out after the transfer and, of course, after the expulsion. In general, one must be prepared to go straight to the dean with all the certificates and documents at any time. If you manage to be the first, then the request for settling in the vacant place can be satisfied.
  • You can, of course, settle illegally. Any commandant of the hostel has several free reserve places at his disposal. If you agree with him, then they will let you live on “bird rights” for the time being. However, this does not prevent to seek permission to settle at the official level.

Having received the coveted corner in the dorm room, you cannot be sure that this place will be yours for the entire period of study once and for all. The right to live in a dormitory is enshrined in a contract for one year, so it must be sought annually. So this is a great incentive for excellent studies and active social activities.

Newbie about hostel

For the first time, students applying for a place in a hostel need to know what this treasured "island" of student life is like. After all, not everyone can live among many completely different people. For unsociable, easily stressed and nervous people, perhaps it will bring discomfort and confusion to life.

But if you still decide to move in, you should, at least approximately, know what a student hostel is:

  • Usually, in any hostel there is its own established routine and way of life, stipulated by the "Rules of Internal Regulations", the Charter or some other documents. It spells out in great detail all the rights and obligations of each tenant, which everyone must strictly observe.
  • The hostel has access control, so each owner of the room must have a pass on hand - either a special magnetic card, or an ordinary piece of paper with a photo. It is this card that provides you with the right to freely enter the hostel, and if it is lost, it will be difficult to get into your “apartments”.
  • Student hostels do not work around the clock. In most of them, the access control is valid from 6 to 24 hours. If you are late after midnight, then you may not be allowed to go home.
  • Quiet and conflict-free living among students is possible with a good relationship with neighbors. A hostel does not mean at all that everything around is common. Therefore, it would be nice if each resident had a separate bedside table with a lock, where you can put purely personal items, such as soap, powder or shampoo. A separate own refrigerator will not hurt, where, in order not to conflict with neighbors, you can put food and groceries. Often conflicts happen because of the mess in the room. The duty schedule will help get rid of this, if you strictly adhere to it, then scandals will not arise from scratch.

What should you take with you?

Of course, it's good to take a supply of canned food and instant noodles with you. But the most important thing is not to forget to grab documents before checking in: a passport, a medical certificate, two photos for a pass.

The second most important point is to provide yourself with personal hygiene products. Do not forget to bring toothpaste and brush, washcloth with soap, shampoo, powder with a basin and other personal hygiene items.

No less important little things - threads and needles. We must also remember about the first-aid kit and put there all the most necessary medicines for you: for colds, poisoning, painkillers, bandages and plasters.

When settling in a hostel, you will be provided with the necessary furniture and bedding. But those who prefer to sleep on their mother's sheet and hide behind their grandmother's blanket can take them with them.

If you want to bring a computer, microwave, stereo system, hair dryer and other electrical appliances with you, then before doing this, read the rules of the hostel. Sometimes it is forbidden to use many devices.

In general, you can talk about things for an incredibly long time. Remember that you will not be alone in a small room, so it is best to bring only the essentials for a certain period of time.

Applicants are increasingly suffering from problems with a lack of housing. And since the majority of students are still visitors (more than 70%) from other cities and even countries, we are talking about a huge number of people in need of housing. And the hostel is a tidbit that is not enough for everyone, but for everyone it is so desired! So how do you get this "paradise place" if you have no connections and money?

Prime Lucky

  • disabled people of 1, 2 and 3 groups;
  • orphans;
  • "Chernobyl";
  • "directors" or "targets";
  • foreigners and contractors;
  • children from large families;
  • children of disabled parents;
  • athletes of certain categories.

All that is left is distributed among all the others that are not included in the specified categories. And a student can get a place in a hostel only in descending order of the passing score.

The hostel is not just "your own corner", it is a school of life

And, despite the very sad living conditions in this paradise, hundreds, thousands, millions of students come here every year. Still: few students can afford to live in rented apartments, especially if they will be studying in multi-million cities.

According to the law, the conditions for providing a hostel to students require 6 square meters. m. in a room per person. And practice shows that for this number of square meters the hostel administration can accommodate from 2 to 6 people.

How to get a hostel for a student who does not have benefits?

Only those who have the patience to delve into legislation and regulations will be able to get a good dorm room. And if you take into account impolite refusals, in order to get a hostel for students (paid or free), sometimes you have to threaten or at least be ready to apply to the prosecutor's office. But usually issues can be resolved peacefully.

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Well, first of all, it is necessary to study the rights of students living in a hostel, as well as those who intend to move in there.

Before you start taking action, find out if the university is obliged to provide a hostel for non-resident students or other categories of people in need.

Here are some tips for those who want to get a place in a hostel:

  1. Many people think that they can only apply for housing during the summer or at the beginning of the school year. In fact, the law does not provide for a time limit for applying for a hostel. So a student can apply for a hostel at any time - at least at the beginning, at least in the middle, at least at the end of the academic year.
  2. Preferential categories and non-resident students are provided with a hostel in accordance with article 16 of the law "On higher and postgraduate professional education", the Model Regulations on student hostel. Therefore, first carefully study these documents in order to understand whether you can qualify for something.
  3. If the selected university has its own housing stock, then it must provide dormitories for ALL students who need housing, and not just full-time students from other cities. The latter, of course, have priority benefits. But this is not a reason to refuse the rest, as this, from the point of view of the law, will violate the rights of other students. And already this violation becomes an excellent reason for contacting law enforcement agencies.
  4. Well, in order to immediately pay attention to you and to avoid communication with law enforcement agencies, when writing an application to the administration for granting you a place in a hostel, immediately mention Article 16 of the above law in the document. Also ask in the application to explain to you in writing (in case of refusal) on what basis the administration made a decision in refusing the legal right to receive housing. Often one correctly drafted such statement is enough to resolve the situation in favor of the student.
  5. We are used to the fact that Russian students in a hostel are students on a free basis. Meanwhile, the law does not mention anywhere that only a state employee can get a place. So if you could only enter a paid department, do not hesitate to ask for a room. You have all the rights on the same basis as other categories.

And the last. If you still managed to get the long-awaited room - great! You will be able to save a lot of money. But do not forget that students still pay for a hostel, albeit a penny compared to renting an apartment. So you still have to shell out. True, this does not apply to a special category of students who will not have to pay at all (disabled people of the 1st and 2nd degrees, orphans or those left without parental care).

As for payment, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Law 16, which we mentioned above, the administration of the university and the hostel management do not have the right to set you a fee exceeding 5% of the amount of the scholarship received (if you receive one).

In general, all this is not difficult - you just need to know your basic rights and the bills that confirm this. Studying at a university will be much more difficult, believe me. Well, in order to somehow ease your burden, the student service is ready to take care of writing control, term papers, laboratory, diploma and other types of educational work.

I study at Moscow State University, and for a couple of years of my student life I lived in the FDS, this is such a typical hostel - a five-story building. Officially, you can't leave people outside the dorm there overnight, but it happens all the time. I myself witnessed how a bunch of people climbed into the men's washbasin on the second floor.

It was before the last New Year, my neighbors had already gone home, so I spent the night alone and decided to drag my boyfriend to me in this way (I will write Vital below).

Evening. He calls that he has come, I go to open the window in the men's washbasin, but to my surprise, it turns out to be boarded up. I tried to open the windows in the kitchens, in the corridor, they are all closed. I went to my friends on the second floor, but they are not there. Almost everyone had already gone home. I take and knock on the first door I come across and ask: "Can I climb into your window?" I was surprised that they didn’t send me, they just said that usually without problems, but now the windows are sealed, it’s winter, that’s all)

I go into a couple more rooms, and everywhere I ask the same question. When I lost hope of finding a room with an unglued window, I asked where I could climb at all. And two guys sitting under the same (!) blanket gave me not the best advice. In the women's restroom. I go to the toilet, I look, yes, the window opens, everything is ok.

I call Vitale, he will come there soon. But it turned out that if there was a pipe under the men's washbasin, then there is nothing that could be caught on. And you need someone to help you. Vitalya climbs in, I stretch out my then still completely uninflated hand and understand that if suddenly, then I won’t be able to hold him. I felt dumb, and I decided to better find some man.

Let me remind you that there was almost no one to be found in the hostel. Therefore, I do it brilliantly: I go to my room, get in touch and write to all my acquaintances and not very social people who are online) I imagine how it was strange for those with whom we just greeted to receive something like: "You know how drag people out the window?)

After some time, I found a friend, he also asked: “Isn’t it dumb that the cameras are standing?”, And I realized that until that moment I hadn’t even thought about the cameras. Well, I'm slow. We go to the toilet together, Vitalya starts to climb in, he helps and then he yells: "Dude, fuck off! Fuck off!! There are ukopovtsy!" Well, like the main guards in the dorms. I don't know how dumb you have to be to have one of them walk by at that very moment. But then I still didn’t realize the full scale of the problem, and I thought maybe he would score and leave, and Vitalya would climb in later.

Vitalya, meanwhile, is running away from that guard down the street, and as soon as I come into the room, there is a very persistent knock on my door, a man comes in and starts yelling at me: "Who are you hiding here, let him come out ?!" I sit with a deadpan look: what are you? You must be mistaken, I have no one, and in general I go to bed. And he goes on and threatens to search my room. Oh yes, we have such big rooms, so big! There are so many places to hide! I told him: "Search, I have no one," and he: "I'll search now if you don't confess!" And so about 5 minutes, yeah. Then he apparently got tired of our fascinating conversation, he looked into one of the cabinets and left.

After 5 minutes, he comes again, yells again, but this time he came up with something new: "We will draw up an act against you, you tried to get an illegal immigrant through the window of the women's toilet! Write an explanatory note," finally came. Again I sit quietly, I continue to say that this is not me, and I will not write anything. In the end, he says, let's go, I'll show you the recording on the camera. We come down to where the watchmen are sitting, he shows me a photo from the camera, where I run along the corridor: "Here!" and judging by his expression on his face, it was irrefutable proof that I was dragging an illegal to me through the toilet window.

"So what? I'm walking down the corridor," I say. Again they yell at me, that's it: and then you go to the toilet and hold out your hand, we know everything. In general, I repeated for the hundredth time that I would not write anything, and they promised to continue their in-depth investigation, and if it turned out to be me, do everything to get me expelled. In fact, it was all very dumb, and I remembered one friend who had a bunch of acts drawn up, and went to consult. I don't have time to go in, as he says: "Oh, I heard you have problems!" Rumors quickly spread around the hostel, yeah) He listened to me, said that it would be easier for me if I wrote an explanatory note and apologize, and told a bunch of similar stories in addition.

In general, I went to ask for forgiveness) And just in case I grabbed a bottle of champagne from the refrigerator.
I come, there these guards have already left, two watchmen are sitting, and they began to groan and gasp that "they left so angry, and if I apologized right away, it would be much better" and "they don't do anything for the first act", and in general , I made a very guilty look, came up with a colorful story on the go, about the fact that a classmate quarreled with his parents and he had nowhere to spend the night, and still wrote this explanatory note, but took the bottle of shampoo back. And she went to Vitala, who all this time was winding circles around the dorms and was already frostbitten there.

It was necessary to spend the night somewhere, because going home would have been the height of stupidity. We rode one of the last buses, tried to call a friend with a car who lives nearby, but he slept soundly) There were not many options, we had to hang out in cafes. Since it was right after the test session, and we had been skiing all the previous day, we really wanted to sleep. By six in the morning, we no longer knew what to do with ourselves, and they let us into the hostel from eight, so we decided to ride the subway. We pass the station, then I start to feel sick. Sleepless night, subs, redbull and coffee. It's amazing what! And I have a habit of carrying medicines with me for all occasions. We go out to the academic, darkness, there is some lonely tent with food, we go in, take water, I take out the pills and swallow. Oil painting.

At the beginning of the eighth, we go into the hostel, completely stoned, the same aunts are sitting there, and I say with a slurred tongue: "We can go in, we really want to sleep."
And at the end of a series of stupidities, an hour later, when we sleep in my room, there is another insistent knock on the door. I jump in a wild panic, and then outside the door we hear the vile voice of a friend who infuriates us both. She was looking for salt. At eight in the morning, damn it! And we almost dropped our skates from fear.

Such was one night of my turbulent youth. I hope you neighing from the heart))