How to restore a deleted profile on classmates. Return of a deleted or blocked page in classmates. Restoring access in other ways if you have lost your username or password

Social networks are becoming an essential attribute of our lives. Through profiles on the network, they get to know each other, make appointments and even solve business issues. Unfortunately, not all functions of social networks are obvious and understandable to ordinary users. For example, the question often arises of how to restore a page after deletion in classmates. Today we will take a closer look at how to restore your account and not lose your data.

  1. The owner of the page forgot the login or password from his account or the user's page was hacked
  2. The user himself (intentionally or accidentally) deleted the account
  3. The profile was blocked by the administration of the resource.

Forgotten password or page hacked

This scenario is the easiest for the user. The social network provides the ability to reset your password in case you forgot it or intruders hacked into your account. You do not need to think for a long time about how to restore a page in classmates, just go to the site and instead of the usual "login" click "forgot your password?".

The site will prompt you to enter the phone number or mailbox that you specified when registering your account and the code in the picture (this protects the site from robot attacks)

After sending, you will receive a letter or message with a code to restore the page by mail or phone. Rewrite it in the required field, choose a stronger and longer password - and use the site again!

How to restore a page if it is deleted by the user

Deleted your profile, but want to return it - do not despair! Odnoklassniki makes it possible to restore the page, for which it will be necessary to make an appeal to the site support service. In this article, we will talk about how to restore a page after deletion in classmates.

Please note that after you restore the page, many data will not be available - from ratings in photos to correspondence and groups.

To restore the page, you need to create a new profile or log in with another user's profile. Then find the "help" section at the top right, click on any question, then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the "Contact Support" button.

In the window that opens, indicate the purpose of your appeal. To increase the chances of restoring your profile, describe your page in as much detail as possible and wait for the administration's response.

No need to send requests on the same topic more than once - the site administration considers them in turn and you will only create a delay.

If the page is blocked by the administration

If a site representative has blocked your profile for violating the terms of use of the site, then you can contact support and try to restore your account. Find the "help" section, read the information about the reason for blocking your profile and click "Contact support". Fill out the form and wait for your application to be reviewed by the administration.

Another method for recovering a frozen page - here the recovery method is slightly different, more details in the video below:

As you can see, restoring a page in classmates is not a very difficult task. If you have been hacked or your profile has been blocked by the administration, you can easily get all your data back. But, unfortunately, if you delete the page yourself, the data will not be saved. Therefore, you should think about your Internet security in advance, set good passwords and remember all the data from the page.

Many people do not know that you can delete classmates forever, and if necessary, restore them. The page is usually deleted if you already have another account or your page is infected with viruses.


To permanently delete a page in classmates, you will need to open the classmates page and log into your account. Then find a small triangle on the panel, click on it and select Change settings from the context menu that opens.

How to delete a page in classmates for free

In the page that opens, at the very bottom, find the Regulations item and click on it. A page called License Agreement opens.

How to leave classmates

At the very bottom of this page, find the Unsubscribe from services item and click on it. A contextual form will open in which you will need to indicate the reason why you want to delete your profile in classmates and enter your account password.

How can I delete classmates

To delete a page in classmates, you just have to click on the Delete button.


It will be possible to restore a deleted profile in Odnoklassniki within only 90 days after which it will be impossible to restore the account. To restore deleted classmates, you need to open the classmates page and go to registration. In the registration, indicate your country, your phone number and click the Next button. A code will be sent to the specified phone, which you will need to enter in the window in classmates and click the Next button. The name of the account will be displayed in the registration window, and if it is yours, then click the This is me button and after that the deleted page in classmates will open.
If you no longer have this phone number, then you can restore the old page on classmates as follows. On the registration page, you need to click on the link in the word Regulations, which is located above the Next button. A page called License Agreement opens. At the very bottom of this page, find the item Contact support and click on it.

How can I restore the old page in classmates

A context form will open in which you will need to specify:

  • The subject of the appeal is deleting a profile.
  • Question category - I want to restore my profile.
  • Profile information is your username.
  • E-mail for feedback - your e-mail address.
  • The text of the appeal - write, for example, I want to restore the profile

After filling in all the lines, click the send message button and wait for a response to restore your account in the email you specified.


This video shows how to restore a page in classmates.

Odnoklassniki is a very popular Russian-language social network. It has a relatively user-friendly interface, a news feed and many other useful and convenient features that allow users to share photos or videos, communicate, search for the necessary information, even. For this reason, the popularity of the network does not fade. However, for some reason, it became necessary to restore the deleted profile in "OK".

There may be several reasons why your page was blocked:

Each option has its own recovery instructions.

Is it possible to delete a page with subsequent restoration

If there is a need to temporarily hide or hide from a social network, then this is quite real. There are two ways to implement such an action. One is to set up the publicity of the page, and the second is.

First way:

  1. Go to your profile page.
  2. Find the "More" button in the top bar.
  3. A large menu will appear. Select the "Settings" button.
  4. Another menu from the “Settings” section will appear on the left. Click on "Publicity".
  5. Another menu will open on the right, where you should put all the checkmarks in the "Only me" position.
  6. Save.

Second way:

  • You will need the "Settings" menu.
  • In the left column, find the item "Close profile" and click on it. (The service is paid - about 85 rubles.).
  • Only you will see your account, and you can use it without problems, as in the first method.

Let's consider in more detail the recovery with a detailed description of the process of resuscitation of your account in each of the above options.

Intentionally (accidentally), but a terrible incident happened, the page was deleted, and the user decided to restore access to his profile. It is worth knowing that officially this can be done no later than 90 days after the removal procedure. If the time frame is invested in this period, then follow the detailed instructions:

  • Open a social network and click the "Registration" box.
  • Select your country from the list that appears and in a special box enter the phone number associated with the "missing" account. Then click Next.
  • A message with a special code will be sent to the phone number you specified. Enter the code received by SMS in the designated field. Then click Next.
  • The system detect the specified user data. You can restore a deleted page by verifying your identity. To do this, you just need to click on the "This is me" button. After this procedure, your profile will again become available to its creator and owner.

Please note that even in this case, difficulties may arise if:

  1. the phone number of the user to which the profile was linked has changed;
  2. More than 90 days have passed since the page was deleted.

These are the cases when you can not do without contacting the support service.

Profile hacked

If one fine day you were unable to enter your page with your password, then you became the object of a hacker attack. Returning the page in this case will be easy. Please note, if it turns out that the account is active, then simply click on the "Forgot your password?" box. And then follow the instructions.

A new window will open, where options for restoring my (your) page in classmates after deletion will be offered. The choice of how to restore a profile depends on the means of communication available. You can actually get your profile back after deletion in several ways:

  • entering personal data;
  • by phone number;
  • via email;
  • login entry;
  • using the profile link.

Profile recovery algorithm using personal data.

Attention!!! It is important! To protect your profile, create a strong password with a complex combination. The length is at least 8 characters. Use letters and numbers at the same time. This will significantly complicate the work of fraudsters, since it will be very difficult to pick up such a combination.

Do not forget that OK also has very active protection against hacking, so if the system suspects that the profile has become a victim of intruders, it will immediately be blocked. The user will be immediately notified of the blocking upon login. Then you will be prompted to enter your login, password and go through a small check to prove that you are really the owner of this page. You will need to indicate the phone number or names of your friends in the photos that appear, after which your account will be unblocked.

How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki if you forgot your username and password? The question arises among many users of the social network. You should carefully understand the situation and provide an objective answer.

Often it is necessary to regain access. The reasons for restoring a profile are as follows:

  1. It was accidentally deleted.
  2. You have decided to completely abandon the social network.
  3. There are problems, you want to erase the parameters along with the page .
  4. Profile has been hacked.

But is recovery possible? You will have to carefully study the nuances to answer the question.

Hacking - how to protect yourself from it?

One of the most common reasons for recovery is a hack. The following methods are used to gain access to the profile:

  • PC virus infection and account data theft.
  • Phishing - creating a copy of the portal. The user enters it, enters the parameters, the information gets to the scammers.
  • Bust. Special applications are used to select passwords.
  • Getting through social engineering.

How to protect yourself from hacking?

  1. Do not provide information to strangers, do not give access to friends. If a friend contacts you, you need to make sure that it is him.
  2. Do not install software from untrusted sources. There is a possibility of parameter theft.
  3. Please read the OK site carefully before entering your password. Look at the address bar, the link should be standard, without additions.
  4. Don't use light cipher. The more complex the code, the better.

Is it possible to restore a page in Odnoklassniki after deletion?

A popular question among users is recovery after deletion. People don't think about the consequences when they start a procedure. Is there a way to get personal data back?

How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki after deleting a profile? The user will not be able to carry out the procedure. The portal does not provide a function to return the deleted record.

One of the differences between VK and OK is the principle of deletion. Vkontakte does not completely erase personal data, leaving the opportunity to restore it.

You will be able to go back and revive the account.

When profile deletion is activated in OK, the information is deleted from the servers. It is lost forever, it no longer exists. Therefore, you should not rush into the procedure.

The administration is not going to change the process and make adjustments. The profile can only be deleted permanently, account data is not saved. Think before you click on the appropriate button.

Restore a page in Odnoklassniki by phone number

Recovery will be required for users in the following situations:

  • You forgot the credentials for the old entry.
  • My page has been hacked and I need to get it back.
  • There was a blocking by the administration.

The situations need to be analyzed carefully in order to suggest possible options for the process.

Standard procedure

If you forgot your username and password, or there was a hack, then you can return access. Would need:

  1. Go on the website.
  2. In the form for entering credentials, find the item "Forgot password".
  3. Click on it.
  4. Choose an option. It is easier to carry out the procedure by phone number.
  5. Specify it in the form.
  6. The user will be sent information.
  7. You must provide a new login password.

The process is simple and takes a couple of minutes. It is important to have the SIM card used during registration. The procedure does not cause problems for the user.

How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki if the phone number is lost

How to restore an old page in Odnoklassniki if there is no access to a phone number? When it was lost, you will have to use other methods to get the password.

Well, if you had an email attached. It is necessary to specify a box, start recovery. The procedure will take the user a minimum of time. After gaining control, a new password is specified.

What if the user does not have access to the phone and e-mail? You need to prepare a support ticket. Describe the situation and list as much personal information as possible.

The application will be reviewed by the administration and a decision will be made.

Employees can approve or reject a request. If the answer is no, then arguing with technical support is useless. It is better to spend time creating a new profile.

It is not always possible to carry out the stages. When control of the phone number and mail is lost, gaining access directly depends on the administration. Consider this fact when performing the procedure.

If the page is blocked

When the profile has been blocked by the administration, recovery will have to be done through technical support. There are two possible situations:

  • You yourself violated the rules of the site.
  • There was a hack and strangers used the profile for their own purposes.

In the first case, you need to apologize and say that you made a mistake and this will not happen again. Denying involvement in breaking the rules and talking about hacking is pointless. OK has a history of visits, it stores data about the logins made. If the page was used by strangers, then this fact will be reflected in the list.

When hacking, you should indicate that the profile fell into the hands of scammers.

The administration will review the application, examine the records of the entries made and return control to you. You will need to change your password to prevent hackers from using your account.

When can I restore to OK?

  1. If you've lost control.
  2. She was hacked.
  3. Blocked by the administration.
  4. Forgotten login and password.

Once deleted, access to the account cannot be regained. After confirmation, the parameters are deleted from the server within a short time. You will not be able to revive the profile, you will have to register on the social network again. The procedure will not take you much time, you can continue to use the resource.

  1. The owner of the page forgot the password and (or) login.
  2. The account has been hacked, the password has been changed.
  3. The user himself deleted the page.
  4. The profile is blocked by the administration.

Depending on the reason, there are different ways to return access to the page. Below we will consider all options for solving the problem, allowing you to restore a deleted page in Odnoklassniki.

What to do if the page is hacked

If your profile in Odnoklassniki was attacked and turned out to be hacked, then you will not be able to get into it, since the password from the page will be changed. But the problem can be solved if you still have access to the phone or mail to which the account is registered. To bring back the old page:

A message with a recovery code will be sent to your phone or email. Enter it in the window and click "Confirm". A field for specifying a new password will appear - come up with a complex security key so that your account will not be hacked again.

If you just haven’t visited the old page for a long time and therefore forgot the password from it, then you can return access using the same form as when recovering after a hack.

Recovery after a user deletes a profile

You can try to return the old page, even if you deleted it yourself. But for this you will have to contact the site administration directly, since after deactivating the profile, all information related to it is deleted: correspondence, photos, ratings, comments, created groups, achievements in games.

Therefore, before deleting an account and unbinding a phone number from it, think carefully about whether you are ready to part with your page forever.

The only option to return the old page that you deleted yourself is to contact support. You will have to log in to the site, that is, create a new account or use the profile of another person.

After sending a message to the administration, you need to wait for their decision. You should not write appeals on the same topic several times - this can ruin everything. If the site administration answers that the old page cannot be restored, then the only option is to create a new account.

Recovery after creating another page

A common situation is when a person creates a second profile, linking it to a phone number that has already been used on another page. As a result, it is impossible to open the old page - when you enter the number, a new account opens.

To return the old page, you need to untie the phone number from the new profile. After you manage to untie the new account from the old phone number, you can go to the old page. To unlink a profile:

You will receive an SMS with a code; enter it in Odnoklassniki, after which you can go to the old page - it should become available for entry.

Account unlock

If the profile is blocked for violating the rules of the site, then you can return access to it only after contacting the support service.

After consideration of your application by the administration, a message with a response will be sent to the mail you specified. If you prove that the old page was hacked, and you personally did not violate the rules, then the account can be returned back. Otherwise, you will have to untie it from the phone number and start a new profile.