How to change the list of important friends in VK. How to find out important friends in VK from a friend. Friends of other users

Each of us has Vkontakte friends. Some have more, others have less. Regardless of this, when viewing the list of friends, the top positions are occupied by those people with whom we interact most often. Such users within VK are considered to be important friends (see).

Now I will tell you how can I raise a person in the list of friends on VKontakte.

What factors influence

The official algorithm by which the priority is calculated has not been published. But we know for sure that the following factors affect how high a person will be in your list of friends.

Thus, the more activity you show in relation to the user, the higher he is in the list of friends.

How to raise a person in the list of friends VK

Based on the above, the following conclusion can be drawn. You just need to start being active on his page.

Write more messages, like and repost.


The only problem is, there is no known time frame when the list is updated. So, for starters, try to be active throughout the day.

If you open the list of your VKontakte friends for viewing, then some will be higher in the list, others lower. What does it depend on? Top positions are important friends. In this manual, I will tell you how this list is formed.

Open VK and go to the "Friends" section.

There are two main criteria that affect which of the users gets to the top lines.

  • Correspondence activity;
  • have been recently added.

With the first option, everything is clear. The more often you communicate with a person, the more important it is considered within the contact.

The second option reminds you to chat with new friends (see). When you add a person, for a while he gets into the list of important friends. But over time, if there is no activity, it will drop to the bottom of the list.

What about the list of friends?

There is an assumption that it is formed randomly. Although when I tried to view my friend's list of friends, it was unchanged after several page updates (see).

Friends online

Here, the list is formed in exactly the same way - by the number of messages (see), or the date the application was accepted as a friend. The only difference with the first option is that people who are currently on Vkontakte are displayed.

Mobile app

Go to your Vkontakte page through the application (see). Go to the "Friends" section. Here the list is called "Important". The principle of its formation is the same as in the full version (see).

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Millions of users visit the social network VKontakte every day. They communicate with each other, learn the news, listen to their favorite audio recordings, watch movies, TV shows, visit interest groups, learn something interesting, make purchases without leaving the VK network.

Many young readers are interested in the question of how to recognize important friends in VK from a friend? Or which of my friends am I in the best friends section?

Let's first understand what these terms mean.

important friends

Important friends on VKontakte are formed from the general list of friends with whom you communicate most often. This is not necessarily personal correspondence, communication means all types of activity performed in relation to a particular person.

This includes:

  • Viewing news, photos;
  • Comments;
  • Reposts;
  • Likes;
  • Page entry.

Moreover, activity can be shown both from one side and from the other side. That is, if a friend from your list visits your wall, leaves comments, puts likes, he automatically falls into the category of important friends.

In addition, all newly added friends will be in the important category for some time, until the system determines that you are not showing interest in each other's posts.

All important friends are at the top of the mutual friends list. New friends, when added, get to the very top of the list, so that you don’t “lose” them, don’t forget that they were added to you.

Is it possible to recognize important friends of a friend?

How to find out important friends in VK from a friend? Find out how important a friend is from your friend's list by looking at his friends list. But this does not give a hundred percent guarantee that they are really important to him.

Because your friend may have recently added them, or they have shown interest in your friend. In order for you to be among the important friends, just visit his page, write comments on posts, put likes.

Take a look at your VK friends list. Did you notice at the top of the list of those with whom you did not communicate, did not visit them?

It is possible that they are your "fans", they are interested in what you write about, what you publish. Showing constant interest in you, they will be among “important” friends for a long time.

I hope now you understand how to recognize important friends in VK from a friend, how to be on the list of important friends yourself?

How to find out who is a friend's best friend

Now let's look at what best friends are, how to find out best friends in VK from a friend. When adding friends, VKontakte offers us the opportunity to "sort" friends. That is, you can indicate that the person being added is you:

  • relative;
  • best friend;
  • Colleague;
  • A friend from high school, and so on.

You can find out who is in the category of "best" friends from your friend on VKontakte by going to the list of friends of a friend.

You can do this by going to a friend's page, opening a list of all his friends, or by opening your friends list, opposite the avatar of the person you need, select the "view friends" item.

When you go to your friend's friends list, you'll see icons next to your photos for "best" friends, "colleagues," and so on.

Your avatar will be the first one in the list, you will be able to see immediately if there is a mark next to your image.

So having looked at all your "best" friends, you will understand who you are also in the "best" and who is in ordinary friends.

But do not be too upset about the fact that one of your friends did not check the "best friend" box when adding you as a friend.

Many do not attach importance to such marks, rightly believing that the "best" friend does not need to be publicized or highlighted in a special way.

How to find out important friends in VK from a friend, total

If you are still interested in how to find out important friends in VK from a friend, or how to find out best friends in VK from a friend, the easiest, easiest, fastest way is to ask your friend about it personally.

Why look out for something, calculate, find out secretly, when you can ask a question, get an answer, because between real friends there should be no omissions, understatement.

Distrust is the first thing that kills any friendship in the bud. If you want to be on the list of important friends of your friend on VKontakte, then be more active on his page, write comments, put likes, share posts.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to find out who your VKontakte friend is specifically interested in. Since among the friends of the top list there may be those people who themselves show interest in your friend, or who have recently been added as friends.

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Images from any photo album or news can be viewed in full screen mode. To do this, just click on one of the pictures and press Alt + Enter. And if you check the box in the lower left corner, a slideshow of all the photos in the album will start.

Can't find unread messages? This is easy to fix. We go to "My messages", select "Show as messages" and click on "unread". This will display a list of all unread messages.

Having trouble finding important news in the community or on a friend's wall? Use the standard search. Click on the top border of the wall (where the number of entries is indicated) and in the new menu, click on "Go to search" in the upper right corner. The search is carried out by news and comments.

Some users re-upload old avatars to make them the main ones. But it is not necessary to duplicate old photos. Just go to the album "Photos from my page" and drag the photo to the very end. After that, the photo will automatically become the main one.

If you want to attach a photo or video from VKontakte to the news, it is not necessary to download them or add them to your albums. Just copy the link and paste it into the news, the desired content will be attached automatically. By the way, pictures can also be attached from the Internet, it is also enough to insert a link into the text field, but a video from another resource (for example, youtube) cannot be attached in this way.

You can group friends using private lists. Go to your friends list and at the bottom of the right menu select "Create a list". These lists will be viewable only by you. They are intended to fine-tune the access rights of friends to your personal content.

Users with more than 100 followers can view the statistics of visits to their page. To do this, go to your profile and find the "Page Statistics" button in the lower left corner, under the albums.

Do not want to see a bunch of uninteresting content in your news? Go to "My news" and click on the "Show only interesting" button. Now you will see only the most important news, such as new photos of friends, and the news of most communities will no longer be shown.

By the way, you can also disable the display of reposts. To do this, go to "My News", select "List of sources", switch to "Blacklist" and uncheck "Show copies in News". Now you will stop seeing friends and communities.

I don’t know if you are aware, but you have the opportunity, with the help of the simplest actions, to shift your friend from the top positions of the VKontakte friends list. All you need to do is to lower your friend's priority in the news section with a couple of clicks, after which he will drop to the bottom of your friends list. Let's look at 3 ways this can be done.

Instruction number 1: through the shown activity

The most famous way to remove a friend from the top of your friends list is to promote other friends to the top. This is all done for a very long time and manually, because this requires visiting the pages of friends as often as possible, evaluating and commenting on their publications and communicating with them through private messages. The more actions you take towards certain users, the higher they become in your friends list.

This is how you can displace your enemy. Just be active on the pages of other friends on your list, and as for the enemy, forget about him. For the method to work, you must not maintain contact with this user, otherwise he may not only stay in the same place on your list, but jump even higher!

In general, a little time spent, a little patience and a little caution - and you are at your cherished goal!

Instruction number 2: through the news section

You don't have to do everything manually. You all have a personal life and more important things, and there is a simpler function to remove your friend from the top positions of the VKontakte friends list.

This time we need to write our enemy in the news feed. Unfortunately, this method does not always work. If a person has not published new posts on his wall for a long time, this method will not help, so use the third method. But if your friend is actively posting new posts or has posted recently, you can scroll down the feed and easily find one of his posts. But to make his post easier to find, do the following:

When you find your friend's post or hide all other news, follow the steps below to find your friend's post:

Instruction number 3: through the user page

This method is much simpler than the first two. However, in order not to rack your brains and save a lot of time, it is better to use this method right away! Here everything is done like this:

Due to the peculiarities of the social network VKontakte, the order of friends does not change immediately, but several hours after the manipulations. Therefore, after you have done the above steps, just be patient!

After some time, your friend will move from the top of your friends list. It has been verified that a friend can be either in the middle of your list or at the very end. It all depends on how active you are in relation to this person. For example, if you just added a new friend and he is on the top of your friends, hiding his news will push him to the very, very bottom of your friends list. And if a person was in the top because you often visit his page, send him messages and like his photos, after hiding the news, he will be approximately in the middle of the list or slightly higher.

It is worth noting that the methods described above also work with communities. That is, by lowering the priority of your groups, meetings or public pages, you will move them to the bottom positions of your list of communities.