Duchess Catherine is anorexic. The media is sounding the alarm because of Kate Middleton's anorexia. A pernicious example is contagious: Kate Middleton was suspected of anorexia

In recent months, the world press has been discussing the figure of Kate Middleton every now and then. The media are sounding the alarm, suggesting that the duchess is anorexic. The story began with photographs of Middleton taken during the visit of members of the royal family to the Olympic Park to participate in the launch of the Heads Togehter charity campaign. The British press immediately noted sunken cheeks, thin arms and a tired look, which, according to the tabloids, are nothing more than the first signs of exhaustion.

After rumors about the eating disorder of the favorite of all Britain appeared in the press, the answer of insiders from the royal court appeared in the press, who refuted the assumptions of journalists: “The Duchess of Cambridge eats healthy and wholesome food. She eats a balanced diet, eats a lot of vegetables and fruits. Her diet is also rich in proteins and fats. She is not anorexic."

Photographs, which for some reason are stubbornly ignored by tabloids speculating on such slippery topics, also speak in favor of the last statement. Take, for example, pictures of Katherine from June 13, taken during the ceremony of the Order of the Garter, which is held annually before the Royal Ascot races in St. George's Chapel on the grounds of Windsor Castle.

At the solemn ceremony, Kate Middleton appeared in a scarlet dress and a coat just above the knee, which not only emphasized the slender figure of the Duchess, but also exposed Katherine's pumped calves. Agree, it is easy to notice the relief and well-developed muscles of Middleton's legs, which clearly speak in favor of her physical health.

Suffering from anorexia or another eating disorder, it is impossible to regularly visit the gym and perform strength training, which Middleton definitely does. Moreover, the lack of nutrients, in particular protein, simply will not allow the muscles to grow and develop. One of the signs of anorexia is the absence of not only fat, but also muscle mass. The Duchess, on the other hand, clearly demonstrates a slender and pumped-up figure. It seems that this case can be considered closed.


Pictures of Kate Middleton and her sister become an incentive for anorexia

Kate and Pippa Middleton almost immediately won the hearts of millions of fans, their outfits are copied and bought up, but the new trend - to become thin like them, is becoming dangerous.

On sites that inspire girls to anorexia, where you can find tips on how to lose weight, pictures of sisters with admiring comments are increasingly appearing. One girl wrote under the photo of Kate Middleton: “She looks amazing. She's so skinny."

According to Health Today, photos of the Middleton sisters can be classified as Thinspiration, that is, girls inspire others to be thin and even cause anorexia. This term usually refers to images of models or stars who are too thin and can somehow affect the eating disorder. So in the past, Victoria Beckham and Mary-Kate Olsen were on the list of celebrities inspiring anorexia. Now, more and more often in social networks, blogs and forums, the Middleton sisters become an incentive for anorexia.

Girls repeat not only the manner and style of clothing of the sisters, now everyone wants to lose weight like Kate Middleton, look like her sister Pippa.

Many tabloids have determined that Kate Middleton's weight is 43 kilograms, there is no evidence for this, but it is clear that she changed several sizes of clothes. No one claims that the duchess suffers from anorexia, but for young girls, she can become a catalyst for the desire to lose weight.

One can argue that Pippa is also on this "black" list, because those who really follow the weight of celebrities are aware of how much time the Duchess's sister spends playing sports, participating in triathlon competitions, advertising Pilates classes, and just by jogging.

Sites promoting anorexia appear like mushrooms, it is almost impossible to close all of them, so if the fashion and style icons themselves could turn to their admirers more often and explain the importance of proper nutrition, then hardly any of the young girls drove the idea into their heads another crazy diet.

Duchess Catherine brought herself to anorexia

Due to the sharp loss of 10 kilograms, Kate has already begun to be compared with Angelina Jolie.

The last time Prince William and his wife Catherine appeared together in mid-June at a charity evening in Norfolk. Everyone paid attention to how much weight William's wife had lost, to her extinguished eyes, to the wrinkles that suddenly appeared. But Katherine is only 34 years old! But the British are forced to admit that the duchess really began to look older than her years, as if she had just suffered a serious illness.

In the emaciated woman who accompanied the future king of Great Britain, it is difficult to recognize that cheerful beauty who married William and instantly fell in love with millions of fans around the world.

“Share a secret: how to maintain such a slender figure?” - once asked Kate. “I run after my kids all the time!” she answered honestly. But even after Kate returned to her ideal shape after the birth of two children, George and Charlotte, she continued to lose weight. The Duchess is melting before our eyes - and this is already causing concern. Surrounded by the royal family, there is talk that Catherine needs urgent help from a psychologist, otherwise the problems may become irreversible, because she is constantly under stress. Caring for young children and waning interest from her husband is just the tip of a huge iceberg that threatens the well-being of the most famous married couple in the world.

Alas, the prince is by no means the only close person who has clearly lost interest in Kate. Even Queen Elizabeth II, who was on the side of the duchess, has repeatedly reproached Kate that she should have been more actively involved in the performance of the duties of a member of the royal family. From numerous claims and nit-picking from her husband, Elizabeth II and the Duchess of Cornwall, even such a super-Cinderella as Kate began to give up. Fatigue, jealousy, stress, lack of sleep. As a result - minus ten kilograms and plus ten years of age. Kate is increasingly being criticized - for her appearance, for fatigue, for thinness, for wrinkles. The diagnosis of "anorexia" is already associated with her name. The townsfolk even question the possibility of Kate's new pregnancy, which her husband so dreams of.

Kate Middleton is anorexic [Edit]

Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton has been diagnosed with anorexia. The weight of Kate Middleton reached 45 kilograms with an increase of 1.75 meters. It is reported by FoodWorldNews with reference to the report of The National Enquirer.

Kate Middleton began to wither before her eyes after the birth of her second child. According to the publication, doctors have already begun to treat the duchess for an eating disorder.

“The Duchess became obsessed with diet, which led to Kate Middleton's anorexia. Sad but true: Kate went too far, ”says a source close to the palace.

It is also noted that in this way Kate repeats the fate of Princess Diana. The latter suffered from bulimia at one time when she was married to Prince Charles.

True, official representatives of the royal family categorically deny the fact of anorexia Kate Middleton.

  • Kate Middleton
  • Women Health
  • Great Britain

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Not anorexia! Revealed the secret of harmony Kate Middleton

The secret of Kate's slim figure is jogging after the children and daily workouts.

Rumors of anorexia in the Duchess of Cambridge began to appear many years ago. It is necessary for a slender Kate to put on a tight dress - and hundreds of thousands of fans are alarmed: does everyone's favorite duchess have anorexia?

34-year-old Duchess of Cambridge Catherine Middleton has always been slim and fit. Even a few hours after the birth of her second child, Princess Charlotte, she went out to reporters in such a beautiful form, as if she had been preparing for publication for a month. After the birth of her second child, Middleton lost even more weight, and Western reporters literally howled: Kate has anorexia!

But one of those close to the star decided to reveal the secret of Kate's slimness in order to dispel rumors about the disease. Mother Middleton at 60 looks great - a woman is slim and fit thanks to her genes, which she passed on to her daughters Kate and Pippa.

In addition, Katherine is a big fan of home workouts. The 34-year-old mom easily does the bar on both straight and bent arms, in addition, she holds it for 45 seconds and repeats in several approaches. CrossFit is another passion for Middleton. And in general, imagine how many calories you will spend daily, caring for and taking care of two children!

Over the years, Kate has become so accustomed to training that she no longer turns to specialists and works out on her own every day in the morning, according to the Dailymail portal.

By the way, Middleton has repeatedly admitted that the secret of her perfect figure is that she runs after children every day!

British media and bloggers suspect that he has serious health problems. It's about an eating disorder. The Duchess of Cambridge has recently lost a lot of weight and looks, according to the press, emaciated. The reason for the next wave of rumors were photos of Middleton taken during the visit of members of the royal family to the Olympic Park to participate in the launch of the Heads Togehter charity campaign.

“Recently, insiders reported that Kate Middleton eats a balanced diet - her diet includes protein, a large amount of vegetables and fruits, and a minimum of meat. Perhaps the chefs in the royal residences really prepare delicious and healthy dishes for her, but Kate does not touch them? Or does she eat, but she doesn’t have enough? - journalists argue. They are ironic: perhaps Middleton is very tired - two children, household, work? “It is clear that Kate herself does nothing around the house,” the media summarize, also recalling that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were criticized at the beginning of the year for a relaxed schedule of attending events and laziness.

One way or another, Kate's thinness is striking. “She is haggard, emaciated and looks overworked in these photos. In one of the photos, Kate looks unhappy at all. Maybe she just doesn't eat? If so, what example is the Duchess setting for girls who look up to her?" - writes another British media.

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If Kate Middleton has anorexia, Prince William should do something about it, bloggers say, especially since this problem can also hit his image. “The mother of the future king, Princess Diana, also suffered from an eating disorder, and this was due, among other things, to difficulties in relations with her husband,” the press recalls, noting that it is not in William’s interests that they begin to compare him as a spouse with “ cold and unfeeling Charles."

The same photos that raised a new wave of discussions.

The figure of Kate Middleton seemed too thin to the media.

In recent months, the world press has been discussing the figure of Kate Middleton every now and then. The media are sounding the alarm, suggesting that the duchess is anorexic. The story began with photographs of Middleton taken during the visit of members of the royal family to the Olympic Park to participate in the launch of the Heads Togehter charity campaign. The British press immediately noted sunken cheeks, thin arms and a tired look, which, according to the tabloids, are nothing more than the first signs of exhaustion.

After rumors about the eating disorder of the favorite of all Britain appeared in the press, the answer of insiders from the royal court appeared in the press, who refuted the assumptions of journalists: “The Duchess of Cambridge eats healthy and wholesome food. She eats a balanced diet, eats a lot of vegetables and fruits. Her diet is also rich in proteins and fats. She is not anorexic."

Kate Middleton at the ceremony of the Order of the Garter

Photographs, which for some reason are stubbornly ignored by tabloids speculating on such slippery topics, also speak in favor of the last statement. Take, for example, pictures of Katherine from June 13, taken during the ceremony of the Order of the Garter, which is held annually before the Royal Ascot races in St. George's Chapel on the grounds of Windsor Castle.

At the solemn ceremony, Kate Middleton appeared in a scarlet dress and a coat just above the knee, which not only emphasized the slender figure of the Duchess, but also exposed Katherine's pumped calves. Agree, it is easy to notice the relief and well-developed muscles of Middleton's legs, which clearly speak in favor of her physical health.

Suffering from anorexia or another eating disorder, it is impossible to regularly visit the gym and perform strength training, which Middleton definitely does. Moreover, the lack of nutrients, in particular protein, simply will not allow the muscles to grow and develop. One of the signs of anorexia is the absence of not only fat, but also muscle mass. The Duchess, on the other hand, clearly demonstrates a slender and pumped-up figure. It seems that this case can be considered closed.

The British, accustomed to the fact that the object of their adoration - the Duchess of Cambridge - is perfect in everything, are seriously alarmed by the appearance and morale of the wife of the future king. Appearing in public, Kate looks depressed and tired. The Duchess has lost a lot of weight: because of the loss of ten kilograms, she is already being compared with Angelina Jolie. What caused such dramatic changes?

The last time Prince William and his wife Catherine appeared together in mid-June at a charity evening in Norfolk. The Duchess of Cambridge, as usual, had the eyes of everyone present, but this time it was clearly embarrassing to Kate. Everyone paid attention to how much weight William's wife had lost, to her extinguished eyes, to the wrinkles that suddenly appeared. But Katherine is only 34 years old! But the British are forced to admit that the duchess really began to look older than her years, as if she had just suffered a serious illness.

In the emaciated woman who accompanied the future king of Great Britain, it is difficult to recognize that cheerful beauty who married William and instantly fell in love with millions of fans around the world. Could Kate Middleton have imagined, five years ago, what her life in the royal palace would be in practice? Of course, knowing the fate of Diana, she was not so naive as to imagine a fairy tale similar to Disney cartoons in her imagination. But in reality, life in the palace turned out to be too difficult for her ...

The dates of official events at which Prince William is obliged to appear with his wife are, perhaps, all those days that Kate now guarantees communication with her husband. According to information from the royal environment, the Duchess of Cambridge has not seen her husband too often lately. The prince really has a lot of responsibilities besides family. First of all, William devotes a lot of time to his favorite work. As an air ambulance pilot, he has already saved many lives. In addition, he is actively involved in charity work and often makes visits to partner countries of the British Empire. However, according to eyewitnesses, even while in London, the prince responds with more enthusiasm to offers to take part in the next charity football or polo match than to spend time with his wife and children.

And when William returns home, he doesn't behave the way Katherine would like. The Duchess recently complained to her friend - and this became known to the local media - that the prince indulges the whims of children, not wanting to show the necessary severity. Perhaps the fact is that William, who in childhood was no less a prankster than his son George, was brought up quite harshly. As the prince himself said, his nanny Olga Powell punished him for any offense. Yes, and parents, Charles and Diana, generously handed out cuffs to their son for pranks. And grandmother Elizabeth for one of the tricks once reprimanded young Will (that was his family name) so that he still sees this scene in his nightmares. Remembering his own childhood, the prince decided to show maximum gentleness towards children. But, according to Katherine, he is clearly overdoing it. Reasonable paternal strictness in the upbringing of George and Charlotte and, most importantly, the presence of William at home would not be superfluous at all.

The last three years associated with motherhood turned out to be full for the Duchess of both happiness and endless stress. Kate became pregnant for the second time when George was only a year old. She barely had time to recover from the first, incredibly difficult pregnancy, when she suffered from a complication that doctors call "hyperemesis gravidarum", which means severe toxicosis and incessant nausea. But even after the birth of her first child, it did not become easier for her. As William himself admitted, for the first few months his wife hardly slept at all - baby George was constantly tormented by colic. And the nanny Maria Borrallo, whom the couple could entrust their baby to, did not appear in their house right away.

When around the year Prince George began to walk, it was already difficult for one mother to look after him, because the baby did not sit still for a second. One day, a guest invited to Kate and William's country home at Anmer Hall left his bag for a short while. When he caught himself, the young prince managed to empty it, hiding things in different places. But most of all, George loves to run away from adults. He tried to elude the vigilant William even during the baptism of his little sister Charlotte. It is no coincidence that his parents were simply afraid to take him on their Indian voyage this spring. “What are you, he is so naughty. He would run all over the place, and all we would do was catch him!” - Catherine said in response to the question why she left George in the UK. However, with the lovely Charlotte, whom her parents call their little angel, there is no less trouble.

During one of her last appearances, Kate frankly admitted that Charlotte had become very capricious. And that with all matters related to children, she has to cope, alas, almost alone. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the duchess managed to get rid of the kilograms gained during pregnancy so quickly. “Share your secret: how to maintain such a slender figure?” Kate was once asked. “I run after my kids all the time!” she answered honestly. But even after Kate returned to her ideal shape, she continued to lose weight. The Duchess is melting before our eyes - and this is already causing concern. Surrounded by the royal family, there is talk that Catherine needs urgent help from a psychologist, otherwise the problems may become irreversible, because she is constantly under stress. Caring for young children and waning interest from her husband are just the tip of a huge iceberg that threatens the apparent well-being of the most famous married couple in the world. Only other women can truly support a woman, but there are too few of those around Kate now.

Parallels with Lady Diana are becoming chilling

At the already mentioned charity dinner in Norfolk, Prince William, the Duchess of Cambridge and eminent guests were treated with an imperial scale. The best chefs in Britain served venison and crab delicacies, homemade chocolate. While tasting the treats, Kate suddenly let out that William would finally be able to take a break from her cooking, which he had to endure at home. I must say that the prince's wife completed two weeks of special courses and paid £1,600 for them to learn how to cook. Kate had to miss one of her classes due to a cold, but she asked a classmate to write down a lecture for her in detail and learned the material she studied in absentia. It is clear that the duchess, like any woman, flirted and asked for a compliment, but William did not praise his wife. On the contrary, he confirmed that his wife's cooking was not that good. Evil tongues immediately cited this as one of the reasons why the prince prefers to dine out. Sometimes even thousands of kilometers from London...

It was a scandal: in the spring of this year, William, perhaps tired of business, decided to give himself a little vacation. But he didn't choose the right time. The prince announced to his wife that she and her children would spend Easter without him. Kate couldn't believe it, because it was little Charlotte's first birthday party! But she still did not know the main thing: as it turned out, William was not just going to travel around Africa, as was officially announced, but flew to Kenya for the wedding of his ex-girlfriend Jessica Craig. The one with whom the prince met before the beginning of his affair with Kate. But even when William was officially introduced to the Middleton family as a future son-in-law, his ex was always somewhere nearby.

Moreover, in 2005, William brought Kate to Kenya, to the possession of Jessica's parents, and the hostess never left her guests alone for a minute. Then there were many more piquant situations associated with Miss Craig, but the apotheosis was the engagement day of the prince and the future duchess. After all, William chose the place for the ceremony ... the house of his girlfriend in Kenya. Another engagement immediately comes to mind: once upon a time, Prince Charles asked for Diana Spencer's hand in the garden of his mistress Camilla Parker-Bowles. Apparently, this is such a family entertainment in the Windsor family - to tie the knot with the participation of former lovers. Perhaps Kate could pacify her feminine pride by forgiving her husband this dubious trip. But William left his children without attention on a bright holiday. Eyewitnesses claim that after the return of the prince, the couple had a serious quarrel. To restore his reputation, William even had to publicly demonstrate his romantic relationship with his wife, which was successfully facilitated by the joint visit of William and Catherine to India and Bhutan. However, after returning to London, the situation only worsened.

Is it anorexia?

Alas, the prince is by no means the only close person who has clearly lost interest in Kate. Even Queen Elizabeth II, who was on the side of the duchess, has repeatedly reproached Kate that she should have been more actively involved in the performance of the duties of a member of the royal family. Children, home, life - this, of course, is wonderful, but there are servants for this. Elizabeth, however, forgot that her own sons and daughter were not very happy that their mother was more involved in state affairs than her own children. Prince Charles once lamented that he didn't get to spend every birthday with his mom. Does Elizabeth wish the same fate for her great-grandchildren?

But if the queen still maintains a balance and not only attacks Kate, but also periodically protects her, then in recent days all those who openly dislike William's wife have become more active. First of all, we are talking about the Duchess of Cornwall - Camille. By the way, when Catherine was still the bride of William, she got along well with the wife of Prince Charles. The two ladies were often seen talking animatedly together. Kate admitted that Camilla gave her simply invaluable advice on how to behave at court and how to establish contact with one or another member of the royal family. Who, if not her, knows all the subtleties of court intrigues! But after Kate's popularity began to grow rapidly and she began to be called the new Lady Di, Camilla changed her grace to anger.

The confrontation escalated when there was talk that the next monarch after Elizabeth might not be Charles, but his eldest son William. And this means that it is Kate, and not Camilla, who will get the honor of being the wife of the king! The Duchess of Cornwall harbored a deadly grudge against her former "girlfriend". At the parade held in June on the occasion of Elizabeth's 90th birthday, Camilla, finding herself in the same open car with Kate, moved to the edge of the seat and cast simply withering glances at her daughter-in-law.

By the way, at the same parade, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, the daughters of Prince Andrew (brother of Prince Charles), looked with hatred at the Duchess of Cambridge. High society girls have their own reasons for not liking Kate. Because of William's wife, who is deservedly considered a style icon, princesses are constantly ridiculed by fashion critics. Comparison with Kate does not do them any good: the sisters are clearly not skilled at choosing outfits for themselves. Almost every appearance of Eugenia and Beatrice in public causes a lot of unflattering reviews in the press. The sisters are also angry with Kate because while the duchess is "sitting out" at home with the children, they have to perform the duties of members of the royal family at boring protocol events instead. This is what they complained to the crowned grandmother, who demanded more participation in public affairs from Kate.

Of course, from numerous claims and nit-picking, even such a super-Cinderella as Kate began to lose heart. Fatigue, jealousy, stress, lack of sleep... As a result, minus ten kilograms and plus ten years of age. But people are cruel and do not forgive weaknesses: those who were lifted up to heaven yesterday may be trampled on tomorrow. There is nothing surprising in the fact that from the favorite of the public, Kate is gradually turning into almost a "surrogate mother" of new favorites. This is evidenced by the fact that, according to the results of the latest polls, it was not she, but her and William's one-year-old daughter Charlotte, who was on the list of the most influential Britons.

As a loving mother, Kate is happy for her children, who are adored by the nation, besides, their pretty faces bring billions of pounds to the treasury every year through the sale of all kinds of souvenirs and the rights to publish pictures. But while George and Charlotte are becoming more popular, the Duchess of Cambridge is increasingly being criticized - for her appearance, for fatigue, for thinness, for wrinkles. The diagnosis of anorexia is increasingly associated with her name.

The townsfolk even question the possibility of Kate's new pregnancy, which her husband so dreams of. And her outfits, which until recently delighted millions, suddenly began to be called too conservative. One of the critics recently noted, without hiding his gloating, that the 90-year-old queen often looks more stylish than the 34-year-old duchess ...

The worst thing is that at such a critical moment, Kate found herself with practically no family support, one on one against the entire “royal army”. Her parents - Carol and Michael Middleton, as well as sister Pippa, who until recently were frequent guests in the possessions of the Windsors, gradually became unwanted visitors at court. Katherine, of course, is free to visit her relatives - however, in her free time from raising children, cleaning the house, cooking, charitable and social missions. That is almost never! However, in the UK and beyond, there are still millions of those who still adore the Duchess of Cambridge and sincerely believe that their beloved Cinderella will definitely become the new queen. "God save Kate!" - the British Internet is full of such messages in support of William's wife. Regardless, the story continues...