Dimexide chemical formula. "Dimexide" (gel): indications for use, instructions, analogues, reviews. Forms of release and method of application

Transdermal administration of the drug is considered an effective and safe way to treat patients. It is in this way that a unique organic solvent, dimethyl sulfoxide, is introduced, which perfectly penetrates through the epithelial cells into the body. It also enhances the transport of various active ingredients through the skin and enhances their effectiveness.

Description of the drug

The drug "Dimexide" is a gel (the photo is presented below), which is one of the dosage forms of the substance dimethyl sulfoxide. It has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect to relieve pain associated with diseases of the skeleton and muscles, fights skin problems.

The drug "Dimexide" is produced in the form of a colorless transparent gel, which may have a yellowish tint. The active substance causes a slight specific odor. Produced in aluminum tubes of 30 g and 40 g, packed in cardboard boxes.

Active ingredient and dosage

For the drug "Dimexide", gel, instructions for use describe two dosages: with a content of dimethyl sulfoxide, 25 g and 50 g per 100 g of the drug mixture. The rest of the drug mass is formed by auxiliary components that allow you to maintain a gel-like structure.

How it works

Due to the ability of dimethyl sulfoxide to actively penetrate the biological membrane of the skin and mucous membranes, the drug "Dimexide" (gel) is used externally.

The active substance from the skin quickly enters the vessels and spreads through the bloodstream to all organs. It has been proven that after five minutes, dimethyl sulfoxide is already present in the blood plasma, and the presence of a specific taste in the oral cavity indicates irritation of taste receptors by this substance.

Its action is based on the inactivation of hydroxyl radicals, increased metabolic processes in the area of ​​inflammation, fibrinolytic properties.

The antiseptic effect is due to the ability to penetrate the shell of microorganisms and change their resistance to antibacterial agents.

Dimethyl sulfoxide has an analgesic and anesthetic effect at the site of application. This is possible due to the fact that excitatory impulses are carried out to the peripheral nerves at a lower speed.

What heals

For the drug "Dimexide" (gel), the indications for use were selected in accordance with the characteristics of its active substance. It is mainly used for the complex treatment of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis with damage to periarticular tissue, sciatica, erythema nodosum, erysipelas, edema, sprains, infiltrates in trauma and inflammatory processes, purulent, trophic and burn wounds. ulcers, acne.

The drug is applied to the affected areas with eczema, furunculosis, thrombophlebitis, pyoderma.

It is used for the treatment of dental diseases associated with inflammatory processes in the maxillofacial zone, in the salivary glands, with arthritis and osteoarthritis in the temporomandibular joint.

For the drug "Dimexide" (gel), the use is possible with pulpitis, periodontitis, periodontitis.

Mode of application

The drug is used on the skin, making applications. A thin layer of 50% gel is applied to the affected skin in the region of the front of the head, and 25% of the drug is intended for mucous membranes. Then the medication is easily rubbed over the diseased surface and left for 15 minutes. After that, the remnants of the drug are washed off with water. The gel is applied 2 to 3 times a day, the course of treatment lasts from 10 to 15 days.

For the treatment of diffuse streptoderma and eczema with local analgesia of pain syndromes, 50% of the drug is used, from which compresses are made on the affected area. A napkin is made from 4 layers of gauze, on which a thick layer of gel is applied. Then it must be applied to the affected area and kept for 20 to 30 minutes. On top of the napkin is covered with a polyethylene film and a cotton cloth.
The number of compresses varies from 2 to 3 times a day.

For the complex drug "Dimexide" (gel) and used simultaneously 2 or 3 times a day for two weeks.

Reuse is possible only after 10 days.

Children can be prescribed only from the age of 12.

How does it interact with drugs

The drug "Dimexide" (gel), due to the ability of dimethyl sulfoxide to enhance the transfer through biological membranes of many active compounds and increase their effectiveness, improves the therapeutic effect of drugs during combination therapy.

With simultaneous use increases the rate of absorption and action of insulin and ethyl alcohol.

Can be combined with drugs containing heparin, antibacterial compounds, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components.

The gel is used to increase the sensitivity of microbial cells to the action of chloramphenicol, aminoglycosides, beta-lactam antibiotics, griseofulvin, rifampicin.

Dimethyl sulfoxide has a sensitizing effect on the body in relation to drugs for general and local anesthesia.

Since the drug can enhance the toxic properties of other drugs, care must be taken when conducting combination therapy.

Features of treatment

Before using the drug "Dimexide" (gel), the instructions for use recommend checking the patient for drug intolerance. Usually it is determined using a drug test.

The place of application of the gel is the back surface of the wrist, but not the entire surface of the skin, but a small area of ​​it. A sign of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug is a sharp reddening of the skin and itching. In this case, you should refuse treatment.

When not to use

In addition to hypersensitivity, there are a number of conditions in which the drug "Dimexide" (gel) is contraindicated.

These include insufficient activity of the kidneys and liver in severe form, angina pectoris, heart muscle infarction, severe atherosclerosis.

With eye diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma, do not prescribe dimethyl sulfoxide.

Pregnancy and lactation are contraindications, and if necessary, treatment of the child is transferred to artificial nutrition.

Unwanted Consequences

The instruction attached to the drug "Dimexide" (gel) contains information about side effects. Often this remedy does not cause undesirable consequences, but some patients may experience erythema, itchy dermatitis, dry skin. Very rarely, bronchospasm develops.

One of the disadvantages of dimethyl sulfoxide is the presence of an unpleasant specific odor that remains in the room for a long time. It is he who is poorly tolerated by some patients, which causes nausea and vomiting.

Similar medicines

There are many similar preparations based on dimethyl sulfoxide on the pharmaceutical market. The drug "Dimexide" (gel), analogues of this drug have the same active ingredient, but different auxiliary components. This composition makes them interchangeable.

The Russian manufacturer of the Dimexide gel is the company Farmamed LLC, St. Petersburg. The drug for external use is available in only one dosage - 25%. It is used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

In two dosages, 25 mg and 50 mg per 1 g, there is a Belarusian gel "Dimexide". Produced by the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Belmedpreparaty".

Another similar Belarusian drug is Dimexide-FT. It is produced by Pharmtechnology LLC in two dosages, 250 and 500 mg each. Refers to anti-inflammatory drugs that have an analgesic and pronounced antimicrobial effect.

There are a number of combined preparations containing several active ingredients, including dimethyl sulfoxide. Pharmacotherapeutic action of such medicines may differ.

One of these drugs is the German drug Dolobene, manufactured by Merkle GmbH in the form of a gel for external use. It contains sodium heparin at a dose of 50 IU, dexpanthenol at a dose of 25 mg and 150 mg of dimethyl sulfoxide. Refers to drugs that have antithrombotic and regenerating effects.

A multicomponent remedy with an irritating and analgesic effect is the Kapsikam ointment. It contains benzyl nicotinate, nonivamide, racemic camphor, dimethyl sulfoxide. The presence of five active components makes it possible to actively fight joint and muscle pain. Produced by the Estonian company "Tallinn FZ".

The Ukrainian drug "Chondrasil", an ointment for external use, contains 50 mg of chondroitin sodium sulfate and 100 mg of dimethyl sulfoxide. Used for degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the joints and skeleton. Produced by the Kyiv enterprise PJSC "Farmak".

Patient opinion

Before using the medicine for treatment, doctors advise you to familiarize yourself with the information that the instructions for use contain on the drug "Dimexide" (gel). Reviews about the effectiveness and safety of dimethyl sulfoxide are mostly positive.

The medicine usually begins to act immediately after application to the diseased area, whether it is inflammation during sprain, bruise, burn or arthrosis. Timely use of the drug will prevent the formation of a hematoma in case of limb injuries.

If you start treating wounds with gel that are slowly healing or festering, then they are quickly tightened, pus is removed.

In obstetrics, it is used in the form of compresses on the chest with stagnation of milk in the ducts. The disadvantage of this treatment is the refusal to breastfeed during therapy, since dimethyl sulfoxide can affect the development of the baby.

In cosmetology, the drug "Dimexide" is used to treat skin diseases associated with acne, furunculosis or eczema. There are recommendations for the preparation of various hair masks with the addition of dimethyl sulfoxide as a drug conductor. After several such procedures, the result will be obvious. Hair will become strong, lush, a healthy shine will appear.

Colds in which there is a cough, such as tracheitis, acute respiratory infections or bronchitis, can be treated with gel compresses. Such manipulations will be effective for getting rid of sinusitis.

But not everyone may like the smell of the drug "Dimexide". characterized as too strong smelling. Negative responses are mainly related to the garlic taste that is present in the mouth after applying the medicine to the skin. This smell can cause nausea, and in hypersensitive people, bronchospasm is possible. In this case, the doctor should choose another treatment.

Many patients note that the action of the Dimexide gel is simply invaluable, the main thing is to use it correctly.

Dimexide is a pharmacological preparation that contains the active substance dimethyl sulfoxide. It belongs to the subgroup "sulfanyl bismethanes", the group "sulfoxides", a class of organic sulfur compounds.

Due to its chemical structure, dimexide passes into active forms (thiols, thioethers) in the body and binds to free radicals, which can have a destructive effect on any tissue, realizing its anti-inflammatory effect.

Due to the possible inclusion of a substance in the process of creating a cell wall by bacteria and disrupting it, the drug prevents the reproduction and growth of microbes.

Dimexide increases the throughput of the skin, when applied externally, and microcirculatory vessels. In addition, dimethyl sulfoxide has a slight local anesthetic effect.

Instructions for use


Dimexide is used as a solvent for pharmacological agents of various nature, significantly increasing their passage through the skin and blood vessels. This substance is a unique solvent for hydrophilic and fat-soluble drugs.

Dimexide may be part of a combined treatment to provide a local anesthetic effect during therapy:

  • deforming osteoarthritis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease);
  • neuralgia of the 5th pair of cranial nerves;
  • erythema nodosum;
  • traumatic injuries of the ligamentous apparatus, muscles, joints and other tissues;
  • traumatic lymphocytic and neutrophilic infiltrates.

Forms of release and method of application

Dimexide is available in the following forms:

  • gel for external use, concentration - 25%, 30 g per pack. Apply the drug 2 times a day, for 14 days on the damaged area with a thin layer. A second course is possible after at least 2 weeks;
  • solution for external use, 25 ml in vials. For application to the skin of the face, the drug must be diluted 3-4 times, to other parts of the body - 2 times. Substance for dilution - distilled water. Application method - application: it is necessary to moisten the wipes in the solution, then apply to the affected skin for 20 - 30 minutes. 1 per day. The full course takes from a week to 15 days;
  • concentrate for diluting solution for external use- is not available in pharmacy chains and is used in hospitals.


Depending on the form of release of the drug, its composition differs. Solution and concentrate - monocomponent forms, contain only dimexide. The gel includes, in addition to 25 g of the active substance, auxiliary:

  • nipagin - 0.05 g;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.013 g;
  • carmellose sodium - 2 g;
  • purified water up to 100 g.

Interaction with other pharmacological substances

Dimexide can be used together with NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), antibiotics and heparin. The drug sensitizes microorganisms to the action of antibacterial agents, increasing their effectiveness.

Side effects

Since dimexide is used exclusively externally, it may have a slight side effect:

  • with allergic reactions - contact dermatitis, rashes of the erythematous form;
  • its irritating effect may manifest itself as a slight burning sensation;
  • dry skin may occur.


  • It is forbidden to use Dimexide for persons with hypersensitivity to any components of the drug, including dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • In the presence of severe damage to the kidneys and liver, the metabolism of the drug will be disturbed when it enters the bloodstream;
  • The drug should not be used in the presence of cardiovascular disorders: angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, strokes;
  • Children under 12;
  • Lactation.

Dimexide is used in pregnant women, provided that the possible benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. According to FDA-C.


Average price in Russia

The price of the gel varies 49 rubles. up to 224 rubles, depending on the region. The average cost for a solution of Dimexide is 87.6 rubles.

Average cost in Ukraine

The drug in Ukraine is mainly sold in the form of a solution. The price ranges from 5 to 21 hryvnia.


Dimexide is one of the few sulfur derivatives that are approved for use and have pronounced therapeutic effects. Other drugs that have both anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects belong to the group of NSAIDs. Popular representatives:

  • ketorol;
  • acetylsalicylic acid, etc.

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a chemical with the formula - (CH3)2SO. Colorless liquid, important bipolar aprotic solvent. It has found wide application in various fields of chemistry, as well as as a medicine.

History of study

It was first synthesized in 1866 by Russian chemist Alexander Zaitsev by oxidation of dimethyl sulfide with nitric acid. Over the next few decades, research on the properties of this compound was not systematic. Interest in dimethyl sulfoxide greatly increased after its unique dissolving power was discovered in 1958. In 1960, the industrial production of dimethyl sulfoxide was started. After that, the number of publications devoted to the study of the properties of DMSO increased dramatically.


The main way to obtain DMSO is the oxidation of dimethyl sulfide. In industry, this process is carried out using nitric acid. DMSO is a by-product of the pulp and paper industry. The annual production of DMSO is measured in tens of thousands of tons.

Under laboratory conditions, for the mild and selective oxidation of dimethyl sulfide, potassium periodate can be used in the organic solvent-water system. However, laboratory methods for obtaining DMSO are of no practical importance. This is due to the inconvenience of working with dimethyl sulfide, as well as the low commercial cost of the finished solvent.

Physical and chemical properties

DMSO is a viscous, colorless liquid, almost odorless. When mixed with water, it gets very hot. Reacts with methyl iodide to form a sulfoxonium ion capable of reacting with sodium hydride.


Use as a solvent

DMSO is an important bipolar aprotic solvent. It is less toxic than other members of this group, such as dimethylformamide, dimethylacetamide, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, HMPTA. Due to its strong solvent power, DMSO is often used as a solvent in chemical reactions involving inorganic salts, in particular in nucleophilic substitution reactions. The acidic properties of DMSO are weak, so it has become an important solvent in the chemistry of carboanions. Non-aqueous pKa values ​​have been measured in DMSO for hundreds of organic compounds.

Due to its high boiling point, DMSO evaporates extremely slowly at normal atmospheric pressure. This makes it a very convenient solvent for carrying out reactions when heated. At the same time, the rather high melting point limits its use at low temperatures. After carrying out the reaction in a DMSO solution, the reaction mixtures are most often diluted with water to precipitate organic substances.

The deuterated form of DMSO, also known as DMSO-d6, is a convenient solvent for NMR spectroscopy due to its high solubility for a wide range of substances, the simplicity of its own spectrum, and its high temperature stability. The disadvantage of DMSO-d6 as a solvent for NMR spectroscopy is its high viscosity, which broadens the signals in the spectrum, and high boiling point, which makes it difficult to recover the substance after analysis. Often DMSO-d6 is mixed with CDCl3 or CD2Cl2 to reduce viscosity and melting point.

DMSO is finding more and more applications in microelectronics manufacturing.

DMSO is more effective and safer than gasoline or dichloromethane as a paint stain remover.

DMSO is also the only product that removes Super Glue and Foam.

Application in biology

DMSO is used in PCR to inhibit the pairing of parent DNA molecules. It is added to the PCR mixture before the start of the reaction, where it interacts with complementary DNA regions, preventing their pairing and reducing the number of side processes.

DMSO is also used as a cryoprotectant. It is added to the cell medium to prevent damage to cells when they are frozen. Approximately 10% DMSO can be used to safely cool cells, as well as to store them at liquid nitrogen temperature.

Application in medicine

As a medicine, purified dimethyl sulfoxide is used in the form of aqueous solutions (10-50%), as a local anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent, and also as part of ointments - to increase the transdermal transfer of active substances, since it penetrates the skin and transfers other substances in a few seconds. The trade name of the drug is Dimexide.


In addition to the admixture of water, dimethyl sulfoxide can also contain dimethyl sulfide and sulfones. These impurities are removed by keeping DMSO for 12 hours over barium oxide, sodium hydroxide, drierite or fresh activated alumina. After that, the substance is distilled under reduced pressure (~2-4 mm Hg, boiling point 50 ° C - that is, 328 K) over granules of caustic soda or barium oxide. A 4A molecular sieve is used to store the purified DMSO.

General effect on the body

DMSO and microcirculation

Improves microcirculation in the brain tissue and other areas of the body. Improves microcirculation processes in the tissues of the joints. Prevents the development of DIC, especially its local manifestations. The leading role in the development of this phenomenon belongs to the fibrinogen-fibrin system. In rheumatism, there is always hypercoagulability. DMSO reduces blood clotting time, improves microcirculation in the lesion. Reduces the tendency of erythrocytes to aggregate. Normalizes the process of fibrin formation, which improves tissue trophism. Improves the nutritional conditions of the transplanted skin flap by expanding the network of capillaries, increasing the total number of functioning vessels. Creates the most favorable conditions for engraftment of skin flaps and prevention of necrosis in them.

It has a vasodilating effect, has a moderately pronounced hypotensive effect. Reduces peripheral vascular resistance.

Improves the rheological properties of blood, reduces the adhesiveness and aggregation of blood cells.

Like histamine, it increases the permeability of the walls of venules. Easily penetrates the skin and cell membranes without damaging them. Penetrating through intact skin, it carries various medicinal substances with it into the cells and intercellular tissue.

Significantly, several times, increases the permeability of the histohematic barriers of the lungs and liver, without affecting, however, the permeability of the histohematic barriers of the kidneys. Increases the permeability of the blood-brain and blood-ophthalmic barriers. Deposits medicinal substances in tissues for 1-2 weeks. It has a unique ability to conduct (transport) substances dissolved in it through the skin and mucous membranes without damaging them. Violates hydrophobic bonds and lipoprotein complexes of cell membranes, which underlies the increase in their permeability under the influence of DMSO. Promotes long-term deposition of drugs in tissues.

Anti-inflammatory action

Dimexide in anti-inflammatory activity is comparable to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It has not only local, but also systemic anti-inflammatory action.

DMSO has an anti-exudative effect, inhibits the activity of proteases, the synthesis of prostaglandins. At the same time, it increases the secretion of cortisol, strengthens the membranes of lysosomes. Reduces cellular infiltration in the focus of inflammation.

DMSO has a direct antiproteolytic effect, prevents the development of edema and necrosis, and inhibits platelet aggregation. It has an antipyretic effect, suppresses the processes of exudation in the focus of inflammation. A 33% solution of DMSO quickly leads to a decrease in soft tissue edema. Stimulates reparative processes in tissues, proliferative processes in the focus of inflammation.

Quickly eliminates the phenomena of inflammation of soft tissues. Accelerates the development of granulation tissue, slowing down the processes of scar formation. Gentle scars are formed. Promotes the resorption of inflammatory infiltrates, including in the lung stroma and pleura. It dissolves rough scars, playing the role of a "chemical orderly" in the area of ​​inflammation, a biochemical cleaner.

DMSO interacts with protein breakdown products, forming intermolecular (hydrogen and hydrophobic) bonds with functional groups of polypeptides - OH, NH, SH, NH2. Promotes their removal from the focus of inflammation. It inhibits the proliferation of fibroblasts, and in combination with corticosteroids completely suppresses it.

Inhibits collagen synthesis. Reliably and for a long time reduces the level of prostaglandins PgE b, PgF 2a by suppressing the intensity of the synthesis of the latter. It reduces and slows down the development of radiation and drug pneumonitis by 1/3.

The drug does not have an allergenic effect. Does not cause contact sensitization when applied to the skin. On the contrary, it has desensitizing and anti-allergic activity. According to various sources, it inhibits anaphylactic reactions by 41-72%.

The antiallergic activity of dimexide (however, like other biological effects) is proportional to the concentration of the drug used. The antiallergic activity is based on the ability to suppress B-lymphocytes and plasma cells, blockade of histaminergic serotonergic receptors, antihistamine action, the ability to inactivate histamine released from mast cells, and deplete the pool of histamine-producing cells.

DMSO is a long-acting anesthetic with a pronounced local anesthetic effect. It has a long analgesic effect. Selectively blocks nerve fibers that conduct pain impulses. It can be considered as a symptomatic analgesic for pain syndromes of various origins.

Long-term blockade of nerve endings and trunks is achieved by introducing a mixture of DMSO with an anesthetic, and the final concentration of the solvent should be 30-50%. DMSO-induced nerve conduction block is completely reversible.

Potentiates the action of antibiotics. The antibiotic molecule is solvated by several molecules of DMSO, which increases the penetration of antibiotics into tissues. Using the NMR method, it was found that one molecule of the antibiotic (penicillin) is solvated with 7 molecules of DMSO. Antibiotic preparations are also dissolved in a 40-50% DMSO solution. Mixtures of dimescid with penicillin, erythromycin, tetracycline are used.

Importantly, DMSO inhibits bacterial lactamases. The phenomenon of selective increase in the concentration of antibiotics in the affected tissue with the combined administration of antibiotics with dimexide, their selective accumulation was found. The concentration of the antibiotic in the lesion increases by 2.5-3 times; thus dimexide enhances the antibacterial action of antibiotics. It can also be said that dimexide deposits antibiotics in the affected tissue.

The introduction of antibiotics together with DMSO intravenously and by application opens up new ways in antibiotic therapy and anti-inflammatory therapy.

DMSO has an anticoagulant effect. After intravenous administration of the drug in the form of a 10-20% solution, the volume of plasma decreases, its viscosity, like the viscosity of whole blood, increases the clotting time. Blood clotting first accelerates, then slows down, changes generally occur in the direction of hypocoagulation. The bleeding time is slightly increased. DMSO inhibits platelet aggregation. Normalizes the process of fibrin formation, which improves tissue trophism. Reduces the risk of thrombus formation. Possessing fibrinolytic activity, normalizes fibrinolysis.

DMSO has antimutagenic activity both in vitro and in vivo. It has strong antioxidant activity. Dimexide prevents lipid peroxidation, stabilizes cell membranes, including lysosome membranes. It scavenges free radicals, primarily "OH", which is thought to be largely the basis of the drug's anti-inflammatory effects. To achieve this effect, its concentration in the blood from 0.5 to 10 millimoles per liter is sufficient. At the same time, dimexide enhances the synthesis of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in cells.

Dimexide also proved to be an antistress agent. It has an anti-stress and sedative effect. Eliminates reactions of anxiety and fear.

Being a strong oxidizing agent, dimexide itself is an antiseptic. 0.25-10% DMSO solutions have a bacteriostatic effect, and 25-50% solutions are already bactericidal.

When applied to the skin, it reduces the residual flora of the skin by 95%. Eliminates the acquired resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics. It has a bactericidal effect against common pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria.

The drug at a concentration of 26% inhibits the growth of all microorganisms that saprophy in the blood of cancer patients. When acting on the body, DMSO blocks glycolytic metabolic pathways. Reduces the accumulation of lactate in the blood, thereby reducing lactacytosis.

Under the influence of dimexide in the blood plasma, the concentration of 17-OKS increases by 2-2.5 times. The total oxygen consumption of tissues is reduced by 25%. The concentration of bilirubin in the blood does not change. Inhibits cholinesterase, dissolves collagen.

Dimexide quickly removes swelling of the brain tissue and improves cerebral blood flow, normalizes cerebral hemodynamics and improves the clinical condition of patients.

DMSO reduces the heart rate, increases the voltage of the teeth on the ECG. The described effects are clearly dose-dependent. If small doses of the drug increase the activity of the heart, then super-large doses can have a toxic effect on the heart, up to a stop. Has a hypotensive effect. Reduces blood pressure. Normalizes the reactivity of the autonomic nervous system.

By inhibiting the secretion of pituitary antidiuretic hormone, the administration of DMSO is accompanied by a diuretic effect. By increasing urine output by 50%, it acts as an osmotic diuretic. According to some authors, diuresis can increase by an order of magnitude under the influence of the drug.

DMSO is a mild immunosuppressant. It has an immunosuppressive effect on B-lymphocytes, reduces the level of immune complexes circulating in the blood, at the same time stimulates nonspecific reactivity, increases the body's resistance to adverse effects. Induces the synthesis of interferon. Does not affect the phagocytic activity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL). In general, it increases the functional state of the macrophage system. Increases the cytolytic activity of blood serum. It has a resolving effect in the focus of inflammation. Inhibits the activity of macrophages in the focus of inflammation.

DMSO is distributed completely throughout the cells at a concentration of 10-15 millimoles per liter. It is a cell protector of the intracellular type. Penetrates (penetrates through cell membranes). It has a protective effect on cells (celluloprotective effect). Leukocytes preserved in DMSO are suitable for serological studies. Reduces alteration of PMNL.

Known cryoprotector. Stabilizes lysosome membranes and other cell membranes. Passes through intact cell membranes.

In liver microsomes, it is oxidized to dimethyl sulfone, which is excreted in urine and feces. Another metabolite, dimethyl sulfide, is excreted through the lungs. It has a characteristic "garlic" smell. Strengthens cell membranes, prevents cytolysis. Reduces the resistance threshold of tumor cells to normal killers. It has the ability to preserve living tissues. For the preservation of tissues and cells, 30-40% solutions are used. A 10% solution is optimal for this purpose. According to the authors, DMSO protects tissues from postinfarction changes and prevents recurrent heart attacks.

Clinical applications of DMSO


Solutions of DMSO have a sedative effect, tranquilizing activity. Treatment of psychoses (intramuscular injections of 50% DMSO solution) has a sedative effect on this category of patients.


Treatment of strokes and injuries of the brain and spinal cord, due to the ability to normalize central and systemic hemodynamics. It has a pronounced anti-edematous effect on brain tissue. Use for these purposes intravenous administration of 10-40% solutions. For the treatment of radiculitis and sciatica, compresses of 50% DMSO are used, which are placed for 20-30 minutes from 6 to 12 times.

Treatment of trigeminal neuritis (trigeminitis) is long-term, from 1 to 6 months.

DMSO has an antiviral effect. It is used for the treatment of herpes zoster as an independent drug, and in conjunction with antiviral compounds. For the treatment of herpes zoster, mefenamic acid, indomethacin, nimesulide, or other NSAIDs are dissolved in a 50% DMSO solution. A 50% solution of the drug mixture is applied to the pain points.


Does not damage the organ of vision. Recommended for the treatment of chronic blepharitis and conjunctivitis in the form of eye drops of 75-66% concentration. Other authors recommend not using a DMSO solution higher than 50% for intraconjunctival use, because the latter, without damaging the conjunctiva, often cause a subjective burning sensation.


Treatment of acute rhinitis: instillation into both nostrils of 2 drops of a 30% solution of DMSO for several (two) days reduces the duration of acute rhinitis. At this concentration, it does not cause side effects. Highly effective in the treatment of purulent otitis, purulent sinusitis in children by washing the cavities with a 30-50% DMSO solution. Used as an independent drug in the treatment of purulent sinusitis.


The drug proved to be effective in the treatment of patients with chronic inflammatory diseases of the lungs, such as chronic bronchitis, chronic pneumonia.

In the treatment of patients with chronic inflammatory diseases of the lungs, a good effect was obtained from intravenous administration of 50-100 ml of a 10-20% DMSO solution. Use 20-30% solutions of the drug with the addition of proteolytic enzymes and antibiotics and for the so-called "filling" in the same category of patients. Solutions of the same concentration were also used for sanitation of the pleural cavity. With the introduction of DMSO with antibiotics into limited cavities, the therapeutic mixture is left in the cavity for 1.5-2 hours, pinching the drainage tube.

Re-introduction of DMSO into the pleural cavity leads to obliteration of the latter. It is used to treat endobronchitis. It reduces and slows down the development of radiation and drug pneumonitis by 1/3.


Dimexide has antiulcer activity, tk. inhibits the secretory function of the stomach, reduces the secretion of gastric juice. Increases the exocrine function of the liver by 50%, enhances bile secretion.


DMSO is widely used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Treatment of gout. Treatment of bursitis, arthritis, tendovaginitis. The drug modifies the metabolism of connective tissue, in particular collagen. Reduces destructive changes in the joints. It has a basic effect on the course of chronic arthritis. Let's apply in cosmetology. Treatment of scars leads to their resorption.


Treatment of amyloidosis. Dissolves amyloid fibrils. For 3-5 years, patients are prescribed oral administration of a 3-5% solution of DMSO in water, 30 ml 3 times a day while taking mint preparations.

The oral route of administration in the form of a 3-5% solution is used to prevent the formation of urinary tract stones. The drug is rapidly absorbed through the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.


Dimexide has found application in the treatment of interstitial cystitis. The drug is instilled through a catheter into the bladder, 50 ml of a 50% solution for 15 minutes. The frequency of instillations is 1 time in two or four weeks. The effect of a single injection was observed within 2-12 months. During this time, patients were free from symptoms of the disease. It is believed that for the treatment of cystitis should be used dimexide preparations of high concentration, close to 100%. According to the observations of other researchers, in the treatment of patients with chronic cystitis, instillation into the bladder and 10% solutions of the drug is effective. A sufficient number of instillations - no more than 20.


DMSO does not have embryotoxic and teratogenic properties. It is used to treat pseudo-erosion, cervicitis (tampons, baths with a 10% solution), acute and chronic diseases of the uterus and appendages.


It is used as an independent drug in the treatment of bruises, sprains, hemorrhages, edema, purulent wounds, chronic osteomyelitis, erysipelas, phlebitis and thrombophlebitis by lubricating DMSO + antibiotics on the entire affected area for 20-30 minutes.

Effective in the form of compresses with a 30% solution for the treatment and prevention of joint contractures, diseases of the striated muscles and connective tissue. The drug is effective in the treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities. A dressing consisting of 4-6 layers of gauze, richly moistened with a 70% solution of the drug, is applied to the ulcerative surface. The first 3 days the bandage is changed daily, as the wound is cleansed - every other day. With a complete change, the wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide. At the same time, the drug was not effective in the treatment of skin burns.

For the treatment of purulent cavities, it is recommended to use a 30% DMSO solution, washing the cavity with it until a clean flushing liquid is obtained. After this procedure, a 30% solution of the drug with an antibiotic is injected into the cavity and left for several hours.

Dimexide is an effective means of preventing and correcting septic complications. Especially effective is the treatment of sepsis by intravenous administration of antibiotics dissolved in DMSO.

The drug is highly effective in the treatment of purulent wounds. To wash purulent streaks and cavities, a 4-5% solution of the drug is used, after which the cavity is drained. Reduces the amount of purulent discharge from wounds. Stimulates the formation and growth of granulations. For the treatment of the wound surface, a 30 or 50% solution containing antibiotics is used, to which the wound microflora is sensitive. Epithelialization occurs after 8 days. Decreases soreness, swelling of the wound. The use of DMSO dressings on wounds reduces pain and prevents the development of purulent complications. To wash the purulent cavities, a 40% DMSO solution is used, after which the cavity is drained. DMSO improves tissue trophism by eliminating vascular spasm.

It is used in the treatment of open fractures, osteomyelitis, contractures, tendon sprains, pain due to sprains.

DMSO potentiates the action of drugs used to treat endarteritis, vasospasm, for example, in Raynaud's disease, a conductor of such vasoactive substances as nicotinic acid, angiotrophin.

Clinical Oncology and Medical Radiology

Oncological aspects of the action of DMSO

DMSO potentiates the action of cytostatic drugs.

Does not affect the growth of transplanted tumors in outbred mice. Inhibits the growth of transplants of some human tumors in nude mice.

The drug itself does not have antitumor activity in either humans or animals, however, its preventive effect on the development of neoplasms of the mammary gland and large intestine in rats was revealed. Perhaps this effect of the drug is associated with its ability to cause the appearance of many single breaks in the DNA of the cell nucleus, transferring these cells to a resting state, with anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to enhance the antiproliferative effect of interferons in relation to at least cells of several adenocarcinoma lines, in particular human lung adenocarcinoma . In the future, the widespread use of DMSO in the oncology clinic will be facilitated by its ability to conduct to the tumor and accumulate anticancer drugs in it.

DMSO with antitumor drugs dissolved in it is also used topically in the form of applications, lubrication in the treatment of patients with melanoma, basalioma, Bowen's disease, while achieving a good clinical effect. Dimexide is used as a solvent for 5-fluorouracil in the form of a 30-50% solution for the treatment of vulvar cancer. The application of DMSO with radiosensitizers dissolved in it (5-FU, metronidazole) to tumors of external localization makes it possible to increase the radiosensitivity of the tumor.

The drug is effective in the treatment of mastopathy by applying a 20-30% solution to the mammary glands. A 10% aqueous solution of DMSO with vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) is also used.

The anti-inflammatory effect of DMSO may be associated with inhibition of protease activity. A dose of 50 mg/kg inhibits the development of brain cancer in rats. Inhibits the growth of leukoblasts in tissue culture.

At a concentration of 3-5%, dimexide has a differentiating effect on erythroblasts, leading to the appearance of signs of a more mature phenotype. The essence of the differentiating effect is the appearance in the cell phenotype of signs inherent in the phenotype of normal cells and the loss of those characteristic of neoplastically transformed cells.

The differentiating effect of 1-2% DMSO solution on osteosarcoma cells in tissue culture is also described. The differentiating concentration of the drug in culture is 0.75-7%. The optimal concentration - 3% dimexide also causes the differentiation of human cervical cancer cells in culture. Reduces the rate of cell proliferation of this malignant tumor when treated with transretinoic acid dissolved in DMSO.

The drug has a differentiating effect on human colon adenocarcinoma cells. Manifestations of the differentiating effect are a decrease in the rate of tumor cell division and, as a result, an increase in the time of tumor doubling. Thus, the potency of the tumor to grow is reduced.

DMSO inhibits the entry of tumor cells into the S period of the mitotic cycle, delays their development in the G-1 phase, thus creating a G-1/S block. This increases the doubling time of tumor cells, reducing the rate of their proliferation.

Differentiation of leukemia cells is accompanied by a change in the parameters of their membranes, as well as the appearance in the DNA of differentiating tumor cells of a small number of single-strand breaks, which entails a change in the DNA conformation, leads to the folding of its molecule and, ultimately, to a change in the number of genes functioning in the tumor cell.

Causes selective death of embryonic hematopoietic cells.

Application of DMSO inhibits the development of skin cancer induced by chemical carcinogens in hairless mice.

Dimexide reduces the resistance threshold of tumor cells to normal killers. Constant and long-term administration of dimexide per os in the form of a 5% aqueous solution significantly increases the time of tumor doubling. It is believed that without having an antitumor effect, the drug has a chemoprophylactic effect. It prevents the development of breast and colon cancer induced by 1-2-dimethylhydrazide in rats.

Therefore, there is an opinion about the possibility of using the drug as a means of preventing and inhibiting the development of malignant neoplasms.

It is believed that the pronounced slowdown in the development of tumors under the influence of DMSO is due to the lengthening of the latent period of tumor growth due to the increase in the doubling time of tumor cells. This problem is relevant and requires careful study.

DMSO increases the tolerance of the skin and mucous membranes to the action of radiation. Increases the resistance of living organisms to the action of radiation by 1.4-3 times. The radioprotective effect of DMSO increases with increasing dose of the drug. The radioprotective properties of the drug are associated with the implementation of several mechanisms of its action. Being an interceptor of free radicals, it has a pronounced radioprotective effect, reacting with sulfhydryl groups of proteins. The radioprotective effects of DMSO after irradiation of animals are also related to the fact that the latter induces in critical radiosensitive organs an increase in the pool of biological amines - histamine, serotonin, dopamine by 20-60% compared with the initial level, while simultaneously neutralizing the toxic effect of peroxide products in these organs. lipid oxidation, which are considered as natural radiosensitizers. At the same time, the formation of sulfhydryl groups is induced in target tissues: common, acid-soluble and protein. Thus, there is a triple radioprotective effect.

An increase in the resistance of lysosome membranes under the influence of DMSO retards the development of secondary (mediated) effects of radiation that occur several hours after the effect of the latter on the body.

Another mechanism of the radioprotective action of demixide is considered as a consequence of its effect on metabolic processes in tissues, namely the ability to reduce oxygen consumption by tissues by about 25%, with tissue hypoxia developing in connection with this and a decrease in ATP production and content in cells.

The drug preserves the stromal cells of hematopoietic organs, which is a prerequisite for the start of rapid proliferation of stem cells remaining after irradiation. Under total irradiation at a dose of 9 Gy, 38% of irradiated rats treated with DMSO survived, while all animals in the control group died.

DMSO reduces the mutagenic effects of both radiation and chemical mutagens.

In connection with the above, the drug has found a place for the prevention of radiation damage to the skin during radiation therapy to reduce the severity of radiation alopecia. A 90% solution of the drug is applied to the skin, which prevents the appearance and softens the development of radiation epidermitis, epitheliitis. The use of dimexide for the treatment of post-radiation indurates and radiation ulcers is shown, and ulcers of this genesis are cured in terms of 2 to 8 weeks. Dimexide is the most important treatment for post-radiation fibrosis. For this purpose, applications are applied to the affected area with a 30-90% solution of the drug, if necessary, even for 3 months. Compresses that capture areas of healthy tissue are applied for 12-24 hours. Repeat from 6 to 20 times. It is advisable to apply a 50% solution in a volume of 30 ml, distributed over an area of ​​250-500 sq.cm. After applying the bandage, there is a burning sensation and warmth.


DMSO is used to treat eczema, streptoderma, fungal diseases of the skin, nails, pyoderma. The use of a solution of iodine in DMSO for this purpose is especially indicated. Used to treat pustular skin diseases.

Methods of using the drug

Dimexide is not, as follows from the foregoing, a drug for external use only.

A 10% solution is administered intravenously at the rate of 0.5-0.8 and even 1 g / kg. Intravenous administration should be carried out slowly in the form of a 10% solution in isotonic sodium chloride solution. You can administer DMSO intravenously and in the form of a 20-30% solution prepared in isotonic sodium chloride solution.

The drug is administered intravenously both alone and in combination with other drugs.

An analysis of the experience of more than 5000 intravenous injections of DMSO (0.5-0.8 g/kg of body weight) showed that with this method of br /administration of the drug, the treatment time for patients with pleural and lung empyema, treated conservatively, is reduced.

The volume of intravenously administered (once) 10-20% solution of dimexide can be 50-100 ml in the treatment of patients with chronic inflammatory lung diseases.

Can be used for inhalation as a 50% solution.

Intramuscular administration of DMSO solutions does not cause interstitial damage, as evidenced by the absence of enzymeemia, which naturally occurs when cells and tissues are damaged.

A therapeutic mixture of 3-5% DMSO solution with an antibiotic is infused intrabronchially.

The drug is administered if necessary and intraperitoneally, in the form of a 40-50% solution containing an antibiotic. The volume of the injected solution can reach 1 liter. Calculations are based on a dose of 5 g of DMSO per 1 kg of the patient's body weight.

The drug prepared in this way can also be used for plugging cavities. After the introduction of the drug in the cavity, a feeling of warmth appears. Treatment with this method is well tolerated.

DMSO is excreted from the body mainly through the kidneys with urine. The half-life is 6-8 hours. Only 3% of the drug is excreted through the lungs with exhaled air.

Possible Complications

DMSO is practically devoid of side effects. LD/50 - from 3 to 25 g/kg of weight. In therapeutic doses, it is practically harmless.

It has very low toxicity. Should be considered as a non-toxic compound. Does not have a cumulative effect. The sublethal dose for intravenous administration is 500 mg/kg of body weight. However, it can potentiate the toxic effect of other drugs. Enhances their pharmacological activity by about 7 times. 2-3 times enhances the physiological effects of alcohol. Has no side effects. Complications with the use of DMSO are rare.

Colic in the abdomen, nausea, chills, and sometimes chest pains are possible. However, all these phenomena quickly and independently pass.

Most often, side effects are noted with cutaneous application of the drug in the form of long-term compresses. Diffuse erythema of the skin on the applied area may develop, a rash may appear. Skin hyperemia, dermatitis, dry skin, itching, short-term sensation of warmth and tingling at the application site. Applying a 40-90% DMSO solution to scarified skin causes inflammatory blisters. Irritation of the skin at the site of application disappears on its own after 1-2 days after the cessation of cutaneous application.

There may be a sleep disorder, bad breath. An unpleasant smell interrupts the sucking of mints.

Enhances the effect of drugs administered simultaneously with DMSO, leads to an increase in their toxicity, which should be borne in mind when conducting combined drug treatment.

It is described that the introduction of DMSO leads to an increase in body temperature during the first 1.5-2 hours, but other authors have not confirmed this observation.

With the introduction of a 50-70% solution of Dimexide into the cavity for 1.5-2 hours, the patient may feel a burning sensation.

Dimexide - description and use at home

The basis for "miracle tinctures"

In recent years, a lot of medicines made on the basis of folk recipes have appeared on the shelves of pharmacies. These are all kinds of balms and tinctures for internal and external use, ointments and creams, aromatic essential oils. However, doctors are still armed with undeservedly forgotten, but quite effective drugs, proven by more than a dozen years of medical practice. These truly unique drugs include dimexide.

Description and properties of dimexide

It is a slightly yellowish oily liquid with a slight odor reminiscent of garlic (the chemically pure preparation is colorless and almost odorless). The full name of the substance is dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), it was synthesized in 1866 by A.M. Zaitsev, a student of the great chemist A.M. Butlerov. But, as often happens, only 100 years later, DMSO was first noticed by chemists and then by doctors.

Numerous studies have revealed the amazing ability of dimethyl sulfoxide to easily penetrate into the bloodstream and the human body through intact skin. Already after a few minutes after rubbing a small amount of dimexide into any part of the skin, the exhaled air begins to smell slightly of garlic. 5-6 minutes after application to the skin, the presence of DMSO molecules is detected in the blood. The maximum concentration in the blood is created after 4-6 hours and slowly decreases over 36-72 hours.

But that's not all! In the Middle Ages, dimexide, no doubt, could be dubbed "alkahest" - a super-solvent, the search for which alchemists were no less passionate about than the transformation of lead into gold. And this is by no means an exaggeration.

Dimethyl sulfoxide perfectly dissolves substances of various origin and chemical structure: antibiotics, hormones, salts, alkaloids, cytostatics, vitamins. And besides, it sharply accelerates the penetration of many compounds through the skin, without changing their properties at all (for example, iodine, heparin, glucose, hydrocortisone, penicillin, diclofenac, complex biologically active complexes of medicinal plants).

The action of active medicinal substances is enhanced, since many of them directly enter the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive organs. This makes it possible to use dimexide as a highly effective solvent for the preparation of transdermal (percutaneous) medicinal preparations.

Due to the powerful improvement in the permeability of drugs through the skin, their concentration contained in various ointments, rubbing, can be reduced several times! So, it was proved that if about 20% DMSO is introduced into the prednisolone ointment, then the concentration of prednisolone (without reducing the therapeutic effect) can be reduced by 8-10 times! This means not only significant savings in expensive drugs, but also a sharp reduction in the risk of unwanted side effects in the treatment of patients.

Dimethyl sulfoxide tinctures are indicated for alcohol intolerance, contraindications to treatment with alcohol-containing liquids (alcoholism). It is also remarkable that dimexide at normal dosages is practically no more toxic than table salt!

In its purest form dimexide is used for the treatment of a wide range of diseases. It has strong anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antimicrobial, antifungal properties. In the form of 30-50% solutions, it is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, sciatica, bruises and sprains, myositis, traumatic infiltrates). And also with inflammatory skin diseases (furunculosis, erysipelas, purulent wounds, burns, thrombophlebitis).

Dimexide accelerates wound healing and restores activity to antibiotics in cases where microbes have already developed resistance to them, increases the body's resistance to low temperatures and radiation exposure.

As a result of studies conducted at the Research Institute of Rheumatology more than 30 years ago, it turned out that dimexide is one of the best means in the treatment of joint contracture - stiffness that develops as a result of inflammation! process.

Applied to the skin in the area of ​​inflamed joints and easily penetrating inside, DMSO relieves inflammation of the periarticular soft tissues and muscles.

The purified preparation showed good results in secondary renal amyloidosis, a severe complication of rheumatoid arthritis, accompanied by the deposition of insoluble protein in the kidneys. In this case, dimexide was administered orally, diluted 10-15 times with distilled water (1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day after meals).

In the same form, the drug was used after irradiation of the pelvic organs, rectum (in connection with the treatment of malignant neoplasms). This allows you to remove reactive tissue inflammation after radioactive exposure and protect healthy cells.

Due to the special structure of the dimethyl sulfoxide molecule, it can be successfully used for electrophoresis.

According to Professor I.E. Oransky, DMSO does not violate the pharmacological activity of the substances it transports. It helps them to penetrate deeper into the tissues and in greater quantities than with conventional electrophoresis. So, excellent results were obtained with electrophoresis of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) - a 5-10% solution in a 50% dimexide solution. Analgin (also 5-10% solution) had a pronounced effect on electrophoresis from a 25% dimexide solution, lidase - 32-64 units also in a 25% DMSO solution.

At home, on the basis of dimethyl sulfoxide, you can prepare a lot of tinctures, balms and ointments for the treatment of a wide variety of pathologies. Dimexide's own healing abilities are summed up and enhanced by medicinal plants, allowing you to achieve good results.

Preparation of healing potions at home.

At home, based on dimexide, you can prepare tinctures, balms and ointments for the treatment of a variety of pathologies, even in severe, advanced cases.

For the preparation of tinctures, pharmacy dimexide is used, which, if necessary, is diluted with boiled water to a concentration of 30-70%.

The concentration depends on the amount of water-insoluble biologically active compounds. The more essential oils and resins in the raw material, the higher the concentration of DMSO should be. For example, propolis extract is prepared on pure dimexide (finely planed propolis is infused in a ratio of 1:5 for 2 weeks).

Extracts from poplar and pine buds are also made. At 50-70% DMSO, a tincture of aspen and hazel bark, an ointment of burdock roots, comfrey - with the addition of 25-30% dimexide are prepared.

On the basis of 25-30% solutions of dimexide, tinctures of chamomile, meadowsweet, meadowsweet, medicinal sage, St. John's wort, thyme and many other medicinal plants can be prepared.

All such tinctures are mainly used externally. For a better effect of absorption of active substances into the blood, it is desirable to first achieve a general light perspiration, for which physical exercises and a sauna are excellent. After that, you need to quickly wipe off the sweat, apply a healing tincture to the skin, rub it in lightly (do not use compresses!).

If you are doing this procedure not to yourself, but to someone else, you must wear rubber gloves to protect your own skin.

Dimexide instructions for the drug:

The Latin name of the drug Dimexide: Dimexid

Pharmacological group

Dermatotropic agents
- Nosological classification (ICD-10)
- erysipelas
- Lesions of the lumbosacral plexus
- Chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis
- Infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
- Pyoderma
- Dermatitis, unspecified
- Transepidermal perforated changes
- Infectious myositis
- Tendon sheath abscess
- Other infectious tendosynovitis
- Synovial bursa abscess
- Other infectious bursitis
- Injuries to an unspecified part of the trunk, limb or body region
- Superficial injury to an unspecified region of the body
- Thermal and chemical burns of unspecified localization
- Post-traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified

Composition and form of release

1 orange glass dropper bottle contains 25 ml of undiluted dimethyl sulfoxide;in a cardboard box 1 dropper bottle.


Colorless transparent liquid with a slight specific odor, crystallizing at temperatures below 16 °C. Hygroscopic. Soluble in water and alcohol.

pharmachologic effect Pharmacological action - antimicrobial, local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory.

Indications for Dimexide

Bruises, sprains, inflammatory edema, purulent wounds, burns, arthritis, sciatica, erysipelas, eczema, trophic ulcers, pustular skin diseases.


Liver failure, angina pectoris, severe atherosclerosis, glaucoma, cataracts, stroke, coma, myocardial infarction.

Use during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated.

Side effects

Allergic reactions.

Dosage and administration

Outwardly (applications, irrigation). Apply once a day (for 20-30 minutes) on the affected areas gauze pads moistened with a diluted (1:1) solution. For facial skin and other highly sensitive areas, more diluted (1:10, 1:5, 1:3) solutions are used (purulent-necrotic and inflammatory foci and cavities can be washed with the same solutions). A polyethylene film and cotton or linen fabric are applied over the napkin. The course is 10-15 days. Storage conditions of the drug Dimexide In a dry, dark place.

Storage conditions of the drug Dimexide

In a dry place protected from light.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Dimexide

Attention, contraindications!

Of course, like any drug, dimexide has its own contraindications for use: angina pectoris, severe atherosclerosis, glaucoma, cataracts, fresh myocardial infarction and stroke, severe liver and kidney diseases, as well as pregnancy and breastfeeding. feeding.

In some cases, the drug can cause allergic reactions, nausea, and at the site of application - redness and itching of the skin.

How to breed Dimexide?

The liquid concentrate of Dimexide must be diluted with water before use to obtain a solution of the desired concentration. Undiluted concentrate causes chemical burns to the skin. Most often, Dimexide is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 (one part of Dimexide, 3 or 4 parts of water).

But sometimes the doctor prescribes other dilutions of Dimexide for treatment. Prepare them as follows:

Solutions obtained by diluting the concentrate are used for compresses, applications, tampons and washes (irrigations).


Name: Dimexide (Dimexidum)

Indications for use:
Dimexide is prescribed for adults in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterew's disease, deforming osteoarthrosis, arthropathy, sprain), with bruises, traumatic infiltrates, inflammatory edema, purulent wounds, abscesses, acute and chronic osteomyelitis, in the treatment of erythema nodosum , .streptoderma.

Pharmachologic effect:
It has a pronounced local anesthetic effect, also anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, changes the susceptibility of microflora resistant (resistant) to antibiotics.

Dimexide method of administration and dose:
Dimexide is used mainly in the form of aqueous solutions (30 - 50%) for tampons, compresses. The compress should be applied to the affected areas, capturing the adjacent healthy skin. In the treatment of erysipelas and trophic ulcers, the product is used in the form of a 30-50% aqueous solution of 50-100 ml 2-3 times a day. With eczema, diffuse streptoderma, compresses with a 40 - 90% solution of Dimexide are recommended. For pustular skin diseases, a 40% solution is used. For local anesthesia, a 25-50% solution of the product for compresses is recommended, 100-150 ml 2-3 times a day. In the treatment of deep burns, bandages with a 20-30% solution of Dimexide are used (if necessary, in a dose of up to 500 ml). In skin plastic surgery, dressings with a 20-30% solution of the product are used on auto- and homotransplants immediately after the operation and in the following days until the graft is firmly engrafted. With postoperative purulent complications caused by staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the product is applied to festering wounds and infiltrates.

Dimexide contraindications:
Dimexide is contraindicated in severe cardiovascular insufficiency and atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, impaired kidney and liver function, stroke, coma, pregnancy, lactation, glaucoma, cataracts. Use with caution in the elderly. Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

Dimexide side effects:
Dimexide is usually well tolerated, but some patients may experience erythema, itching, dizziness, insomnia, weakness, dermatitis, and diarrhea. In some cases, with poor perception of Dimexide, nausea, vomiting, bronchospasm are observed.

The drug should not be taken during pregnancy and during lactation.

In case of an overdose, allergic reactions (urticaria, edema) may occur. In these cases, the product should be discarded, the damaged area washed, and the product removed.

Use with other medicinal products:
If you are taking any other means, be sure to consult your doctor about the possibility of using the product!
Dimexide enhances the effect of ethanol (alcohol inhibits the excretion of the product) and insulin (with long-term use of the product, the dose of insulin is reduced), acetylsalicylic acid, butadione. digitalis products, quinidine, nitroglycerin, antibiotics (streptomycin, monomycin, etc.), sensitizes the body to anesthetics. The drug can be used together with heparin, antibacterial and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Dimexide can be used in combination with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the complex therapy of deforming osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, in combination with local antimicrobial drugs (synthomycin liniment) - for the treatment of scleroderma, acne, erysipelas, furunculosis, folliculitis and other skin diseases in combination with heparin - with thrombophlebitis.

Release form:
Liquid 50 ml or 100 ml in vials.

Storage conditions:
Keep out of the reach of children, dry, protected from light.
The shelf life of the product is 2 years. Do not use the product after the expiration date indicated on the package.
Rules for dispensing from pharmacies - without a prescription.

Dimethyl sulfoxide, Demasorb, Dromisol, Giadur, DMSO, Brosorb, Damul, Deltan, Demavet. Dermasorb, Dolikur, Dolokur, Durasorb, Mastan, Somipront, Syntexan

Dimexide composition:
1 bottle contains dimethyl sulfoxide 50 ml or 100 ml.

Before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor. In view of the possible individual intolerance to Dimexide, it is recommended to conduct a tolerance test: the product of the required concentration is applied to the skin with a moistened cotton swab. Sharp hyperemia and itching are a contraindication for the use of Dimexide.

Given that some patients may experience dizziness and adynamia when using Dimexide, it is better to refrain from driving vehicles and mechanisms while taking the product, as well as performing work that requires concentration.

Avoid contact of the product with mucous membranes and eyes. In case of accidental contact, rinse immediately with plenty of running water and seek medical advice.

Before using the medication, you should consult with your doctor.
The instruction is provided solely for familiarization with "".