depression. How to get rid of depression How to get rid of depression faster

Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Depression is a mental condition in which people feel overwhelmed and oppressed. Often it is accompanied by a loss of interest in life. Not surprisingly, depression is confused with a bad mood. Let's look at how to get rid of depression yourself at home.

I will list the first signs and symptoms of depression. This knowledge will be useful in life.

  • Indifference to current events, as in a midlife crisis after 40 years in men.
  • Lack of response to sad and happy news.
  • Constant sleepiness regardless of the amount of time spent in bed.
  • Lack of feelings of fear, joy, love, loneliness.
  • Fatigue, inattention, inability to concentrate and distraction.
  • Bad appetite.
  • Disappearance of interest in hobbies, hobbies and activities that used to cheer you up.
  • Thoughts of suicide.

If such signs are observed, it is worth starting the fight against depression. In such cases, it is recommended to consult a doctor, since depression in a neglected state is a serious illness.

The doctor will advise antidepressants - drugs that normalize the level of dopamine and serotonin in the body. As a result, the condition that accompanies the disease will leave for a while.

Effective ways to deal with depression on your own

If the depression is not clinical in nature, you can get rid of the disease yourself. Consider simple but effective ways to deal with depression.

  1. adrenaline rush . Only powerful emotions can break through depression. Causes their extreme occupation, helping to shake the soul and body.
  2. Communication. In a depressed state, there is no desire to communicate. People close in, do not leave the boundaries of housing and do nothing. Communication with people will help not to fall into the abyss. If you are striving to restore life, do not neglect communication.
  3. No complaining and whining . Contrary to the previous paragraph, complaining to loved ones should be less common. Constantly talking about the problem, attention is focused on it, which negatively affects the body.
  4. Thought Filtering . The point is similar to the previous one, but concerns talking to yourself. Bad thoughts make things worse. It is difficult not to think about the problem, direct your thoughts in a positive direction. Forget about bad situations and events.
  5. Watching series . With depression, even New Year's films are indifferent. Instead, switch to watching TV shows. So squeeze out the feelings by concentrating on the plot of the picture. You can find dozens of series of different genres that are addictive and bring back interest in life.
  6. Rest at nature . Mother Nature is ready to help the inhabitants of the planet. Go on a picnic with friends or go for a walk alone. Even if it's winter outside, go skiing or sledding.
  7. Experiments with appearance . Change your look, change your hairstyle and update your wardrobe. In depression, appearance is the last thing a person is interested in, but external transformation will make life easier.
  8. Change of scenery . An unfavorable environment contributes to depression. Change it in any way.
  9. Sport. For a mild case, physical activity is enough. If depression is running, physical exhaustion is indispensable. Force yourself to pump muscles and exercise.
  10. Strength of mind. Without it, the above tips are ineffective. When depressed, you don’t want to do something, but try. Regardless of how you feel, lead an active life.

Video tips

If the above methods of dealing with depression do not help, seek professional help from a psychologist. Do not be shy and do not be afraid, anyone can find themselves in such a situation. Keep health in the foreground, especially when it comes to the psyche.

How to overcome depression and anxiety

Many people suffer from depression, because life is not easy. If you are tired of fatigue, sadness and lack of pleasure, following the recommendations, you will return to a normal lifestyle, find happiness and joy. The depressive state that prevented this will evaporate.

  • Remember your childhood, when after the next injection you got something tasty. Sweets will also help in the fight against depression, as it is involved in the production of the hormone of happiness. Buy a cake, make a biscuit or drink hot tea while sitting in a chair. Such a pastime will charge you with strength and excellent mood.
  • You can get a portion of the hormone of happiness with the help of physical activity. Go to the gym or go for a run outside. This will lift your mood and put your muscles in order.
  • Shopping helps fight anxiety and depression. Even if you don't have money for shopping, go shopping with a loved one, try on a few outfits and have fun.
  • Find an interlocutor. If that doesn't work, get a dog. Your pet needs to be taken care of. Devoting time to your pet, you will forget about problems and misfortunes.
  • After a stormy and active sexual intercourse, the body will be filled with energy, and the mood will rise to the skies.
  • If these methods are ineffective, go to the doctor who will prescribe antidepressants. Contrary to the name, the drugs have proven themselves in the fight against anxiety.
  • Don't ignore psychotherapy. Many psychotherapeutic techniques have been developed that will identify and eliminate the causes of anxious behavior and thinking. When depressed, the world seems frightening and gloomy. Therapy will fix it.
  • To combat the feeling of panic and manifestations of anxiety, use special means that the doctor will prescribe.
  • In some cases, additional drugs are taken to stabilize mood and behavior. Psychologists recommend medications that normalize sleep.

Regardless of the methods and medications for dealing with anxiety, eat right and adhere to a work-rest regimen. Do not forget that the problem cannot be solved with the help of drugs and alcohol.

Physical activity is considered the ideal weapon against depression. It improves mood and brings the moment of victory over the disease closer. Pay attention to exercises that relax emotionally. It's about yoga and breathing exercises.

Everyone knows the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, but not everyone has the willpower to change their lives. Do not pull, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle will significantly alleviate the symptoms and consequences of the disease.

How to overcome depression and loneliness

Depression, supplemented by loneliness, is a psychological illness that leads to physiological problems. If you aspire to a normal life, first of all overcome the disease.

Consider useful tips from psychologists, techniques and recommendations that will help get rid of depression, anxiety and loneliness. Independent techniques do not involve the use of drugs that only a doctor can prescribe.

  1. Immerse yourself in work . To cope with loneliness, immerse yourself in work, giving it all your strength. Purify your mind through hard work. Count on the result if the work brings joy and pleasure.
  2. Connect with people . Communication is the key to success. Better if you find a job related to communication. As a result, you can earn and solve the problem at the same time. Constantly communicating, forget about loneliness.
  3. Set a goal . To combat depression, create a dream or set a goal that will take years to realize. Small goals contribute to the command of depression and loneliness. Together with the dream, get an incentive to act.
  4. Appreciate yourself. Many fail to overcome depression and loneliness, as they do not value themselves and their work. Having done something big, they take on something more significant, without attaching much importance to the previous achievement. As a result, they do not find the happiness that lives inside.
  5. Be an optimist . Only an optimist can set a goal and achieve it despite obstacles and obstacles. If you are afraid of everything, life will become gray and meaningless. What kind of mood and what motivations can we talk about in this case?
  6. Find a hobby . A favorite pastime will also help to throw off the shackles of loneliness. Doing something interesting, get positive emotions and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy. If you don't have a hobby, look for it.
  7. Take free time . A good remedy against misfortune is constant employment. Depression affects lonely people who have a lot of free time. In this case, the situation is aggravated by fatigue and nervous tension.
  8. Plan your day . Make a schedule for the week and keep a diary. Make to-do lists for the day or week. As a result, there will never be problems with what to do.
  9. Read. Books will help you become happy and successful. Get them at the bookstore.
  10. Watch movies . By watching movies or educational programs, get closer to the goal. The main thing is that they do not affect the psyche and do not exacerbate loneliness.
  11. Start a family . A lonely life is boring and leads to depression. If you are single, start a family. Believe me, family problems and responsibilities will not let you get bored. If a child appears, life will sparkle with care and fun.
  12. Spiritually develop . Get outdoors as often as possible. Staying within four walls will not lead to good things. Several times a day, go for a short walk through the city streets. Feeling better.
  13. Listen to music . Make sure you have music playing in your home. It is not necessary to follow the musical fashion. The main thing is that the compositions should be liked and promote “relaxation”.
  14. Don't regret the past . It doesn't matter what happened before, the future is more important. By choosing this approach, get rid of stress, loneliness and anxiety, despondency and other psychological diseases that spoil life.

Applying the tips in practice, get the result. Do not use them individually, but in combination.

According to statistics, about one hundred million people in the world suffer from depression. Russia occupies one of the leading positions in the spread of the disease. What is the reason? Bad ecology? The fast pace of life? Lack of rest? I think that's not the point. Many people are immune to the disease. So the above factors are irrelevant. The origins of the disease lie deeper.

Why does depression appear?

During many years of work with a large number of patients, doctors have identified several factors that contribute to the appearance of the disorder. They become the impetus for the appearance of harbingers of the disease. Among them:

  • Loss of a loved one.
  • Severe somatic disease.
  • Constant conflicts.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Violence.
  • hereditary factors.
  • Uncontrolled drug use.
  • Dependencies.
  • Life situations of high complexity.

Life can not be called easy, but depression does not always appear. Many cope with difficult situations and are not afraid of life stages. But there are also individuals who, at the sight of difficulties, give up. It is they who are prone to depression, accompanied by social, physiological and depressive manifestations.

The main cause of depressive disorder is the destructive worldview of a person. At the same time, he has an incorrect attitude and exists in disharmony with the outside world. Such a person is not able to solve problems and does not have the resources necessary for adaptation. The root cause of depression lies in the mental area of ​​a person.

To successfully fight the disease, it is not necessary to massively absorb antidepressants, but to find and eliminate the cause of the disorder. Only this approach helps to fight depression. The psychotherapeutic technique brings the greatest efficiency.

According to psychologists, the success of treatment depends on the desire of the patient, but the level of qualification of the doctor is also important. Only a few care about health. The information that I will give below will force people who neglect their health to change their position. I will tell you why it is recommended to fight depression.

Thanks to psychotherapeutic techniques, it is possible to overcome adversity at any stage of development. In the early stages, treatment is faster. Any symptom, whether it is severe pain or lack of mood, acts as a signal from the body for help. If the signals are ignored, this will lead to terrible consequences, including suicide. According to statistics, every tenth person suffering from major depressive disorder decides to commit suicide.

Thankfully, it doesn't always end that way. Most often, psychological and physical health disorders appear, problems arise in personal and family life, professional activities.

Life has lost its colors and there is no incentive to continue it.

There is sad sadness in the soul and there is no mood to do anything.

Even the upcoming holidays do not bring joy.

If you experience these feelings, it is depression.

But do not confuse depression and just a bad mood.

Depression is a really serious disease, which in especially severe cases leads to suicide.

A few facts:

  • More than 350 million people worldwide suffer from depressive disorders.
  • 45-60% of all suicides are committed in a depressed state.
  • Every year, 150 million people lose their ability to work because of depression.
  • Only 3% of people do not have a tendency to depression. The rest are experiencing it now, or have been exposed to it in the past, or are at risk of getting it in the future.

Therefore, it should not be treated with disdain. Let's figure out together what it is, and how to get rid of depression on your own.

Signs of depression:

  1. Apathy, lack of purpose in life and loss of meaning
  2. Focusing on negative thoughts
  3. Drowsiness or vice versa insomnia
  4. Lack of emotions, reaction to what is happening
  5. Loss of appetite
  6. Fatigue, decreased ability to concentrate

Mental pain brings no less suffering than physical pain. But we feel pain not because it is there, but because we treat it that way.

The pain itself is only a signal that something is wrong. And the way we perceive this pain brings us great suffering.

We cannot calmly accept that we have pain and what thoughts arise at the same time - this is suffering.

  • Stop the cycle of life

Some people do not attach much importance to their prolonged state of depression. They think that everything will go away on its own.

And they continue a normal life until the depression worsens to such an extent that thoughts of suicide appear and the person completely loses the desire to live.

It is natural to do so - to your own detriment. Therefore, the best solution is to give yourself a break at the first sign of a depressed state.

Stop spinning like a squirrel in a wheel and think about the current situation.

The problem won't go away on its own. And turning a blind eye to her, hiding your head in the sand is not an option. So you only prolong your suffering

  • Let go of negative experiences and resentments

Carrying a load of accumulated resentment with you is a mistake that many make. The consequences of it are very spoil life.

Therefore, it is worth working hard on yourself to get rid of this habit. At first it will seem that it is very difficult.

But, if you do not retreat before the first difficulties, then soon you will feel an unprecedented lightness. There are many ways and meditations on how to let go of negativity.

This is the first rule of all successful people in life. After all, they have a busy life and not only good events, but also negative ones too.

The ability not to dwell on painful situations, on the fact that someone did not behave properly with you - that's a wonderful quality.

No need to think that these are manifestations of weak will, disrespect for yourself or inability to stand up for yourself.

In fact, the ability to forget the negative speaks of the strength of character and spiritual growth of a person.

Case from practice:

I decided to turn to a psychologist after the death of my daughter. It was not possible to get out of despondency and tearing melancholy.

I was literally crushed and nailed to the ground, unable to build a future life. Guilt filled me from the inside, it seemed that all other emotions simply ceased to exist for me.

Relatives began to sound the alarm, and I decided to make an appointment with a psychologist. This was the last hope. To my surprise, after a few appointments, I felt much better.

I began to enjoy the good weather and other pleasant events. Only after a few months of such work, I was able to calmly breathe and start making plans. Of course, the pain disappeared completely, but I learned a very important thing - to live with this pain, and not to exist painfully.

  • Benefit from the healing properties of meditation

The human brain and consciousness are so arranged that various thoughts are constantly spinning in the head, which sometimes haunt us. Especially when there are a lot of problems.

But these thoughts are of no use. Thus, we still can not decide anything. But to bring yourself to psychosis with vivid pictures that bad things can happen is quite possible.

Therefore, it would be good if these useless thoughts became less. In addition to our peace of mind in this case, there will be good concentration and, as a result, ability to work.

The best way to get rid of intrusive thoughts and become calmer is meditation.

No need to think that only yogis in the mountains can meditate. This can be done by an ordinary person. Meditation is concentration on something. It can be different mantras.

The easiest way to meditate is to focus on your breath and ignore the thoughts that arise.

Start using this technique for 15-20 minutes in the morning and in the evening, and in a month you will already feel how you change from this, find peace and balance.

  • Get rid of negative energy

If a lot of anger has accumulated inside, you need to throw it out. Perhaps you are angry with your spouse or other relatives, work colleagues, or the whole world in general.

You won't get any better from these emotions. There are 2 ways to get rid of them.

  1. Find a deserted place, for example, in a forest or a park, and start screaming loudly, with all the strength and anger that you have inside.
  2. If you have a bag or a person to box with, then this method can also be used.
  • Do a general cleaning in the house, throw away unnecessary things

Someone may ask: how will this help me get rid of depression? Everything is very simple. Rubbish and uncleaned space subconsciously pushes a person to rubbish and in the soul, unwillingness to change internally. When the apartment is in order, our thoughts and state of mind come in order.

Review your wardrobe and other things. Surely there is a lot of things that you have not used for a long time. If it's a pity to just throw it away, you can sell it, give it to friends or people in need.

  • Do not abuse alcohol

Such temporary distractions from the problem as alcohol, cigarettes, casual relationships with the opposite sex will not help in any way in solving it.

This will only save you for a short period of time from yourself, make you forget about depression. But then she will return with renewed vigor.

Yes, plus everything else, a hangover and other harmful effects on the body will appear.

In the case of a relationship with the opposite sex for a sexual affair, in addition to the emptiness in your soul, you still run the risk of running into a person with bad energy. Which will further aggravate your condition.

  • Say no to loneliness, but choose the right interlocutor

Don't try to become a recluse. You need to combine work on yourself and communication equally.

Conversations with conscious people who have life wisdom will greatly benefit you.

What does a conscious person mean? This category includes people who do not suffer from depression and an unstable mental state.

On the contrary, they are always calm, endure problems and are full of positive energy. You can learn a lot from these people.

If you sincerely talk about your difficulties with a knowledgeable person, then just because you speak out, you will receive great relief.

  • Hobbies are the best cure for all ills

Perhaps some people have never found their hobby or do not find time to do it. But what we really like to do brings us many joyful moments and satisfaction.

Therefore, look for your favorite activities, devote time to them. It would be ideal to associate your work with this.

Many people get bored and depressed just by what they know.Naturally, in such conditions, you do not want to get up in the morning.

But if you set aside time for a hobby, then life will sparkle with new colors and make sense. After all, this is an opportunity to express yourself.

There are people who can say to themselves: I have no talents and abilities for anything. This is absolutely not true. Everyone has a unique gift, you just need to find it and reveal it.

  • Get new emotions

Many people's lives are like Groundhog Day. Work, home 5 days a week, and on weekends - TV and sofa. With such a way of life, it is not surprising to fall into apathy.

To shake things up and get a taste of life, do something extraordinary. For example:

  • skydive
  • play paintball with your friends
  • visit the attractions
  • in winter you can ride from a steep mountain
  • alternatively, meet a handsome member of the opposite sex.

Do what scares you. Thus, you will absolutely get a surge of adrenaline and a charge of vivacity.

  • Switch to a healthy diet

Nowadays, there are many healthy foods that taste good.

Give up heavy and fatty foods, do not abuse meat. Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Proper nutrition gives a person energy, and the wrong one, on the contrary, takes it away. And the person becomes lethargic and lazy.

Also, in your situation, you can treat yourself to your favorite dish more often. Unless of course it is not included in the category of harmful.

  • Have a little outdoor recreation

It is very good to arrange such walks while remaining alone with yourself. Nature is very calming. Being in a picturesque quiet place you start to think differently. And you can understand yourself and your difficulties to a greater extent.

If time permits, you can even rent a tent and go camping for the day. You will return back refreshed and at peace.

We all do not like when something bad, negative happens. Especially if everything is so terrible that depression occurs.

But it is worth looking at it from the other side, and then you can recover from any oppressed state, no matter how strong it may be. Depression is a kind of signal that something is wrong.

We are used to paying attention only to negative signals. If everything was fine, we would simply not notice it.

Therefore, a depressed state should be considered only as a signal. So that we turn our attention inward and deal with what is wrong.

In this vein, we can say that depression is not our enemy, but our best friend.

2) Try to find the reason

Exploring your inner world will help you identify the cause and find a solution accordingly. Ask yourself the following questions to make your analysis easier. And answer them in writing.

  1. When did my depression start, what preceded it?
  2. Have I invented this suffering for myself?
  3. Who caused my bad health?

If experiences are associated with failed relationships in this article you will find information.

Case from practice:

I decided to turn to a psychologist after 10 years of trying to deal with family problems on my own. Our relationship with my husband was very oppressive. I was in a deep depression.

If I had known earlier that this would help solve all my problems, I would have done it a long time ago. My husband began to treat me quite differently. Even though I attended counseling alone, my family accepted the change in my behavior. After the first session, our quarrels stopped.

In addition, I was able to deeply understand my complexes and the ghosts of the past, which helped me find a great dream job!

3) Think about what you need to change in your lifestyle

Once the cause is found, move on to the next step. Assess your life, what needs to be changed in it?

  1. If depression is related to divorce or relationship breakdown, we have a detailed article..
  2. Perhaps there are people in your environment who make you sad. Then you don't need to communicate with them at all.
  3. Or you watch too many scandalous programs and series on TV that act as an irritant on you.

4) Think about what you should bring into your life

Now it's time to reflect on what good things you can start doing to harmonize your life. For example, it could be:

  • A new job that will not shake your nerves
  • Spend more time outdoors
  • Change your routine: go to bed earlier and wake up earlier

There can be a lot of options. Such good habits will definitely help you in the fight against depression.

Treat yourself for postpartum depression

Many new mothers do not realize that in addition to the joy of such an event, they can also experience a bad state. And in severe form, even depression.

Symptoms of this: sleep disturbance, mood, despondency, sadness, fatigue. All of the above prevents a young mother from taking care of her baby, herself and other family members.

It is worth noting that it makes sense to deal with postpartum depression on its own only in its mild form. If the depression is severe enough, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Psychologist's advice:

  • Prioritize

Take care of your child first. It should be full, healthy and dry. A daily bath before bed will ensure your baby feels good and sleeps well for both of you.

Secondly, after the baby has fallen asleep, think about your rest. You can sleep with him. And dirty diapers, dishes, cleaning the house can wait. After you rest, you can do these things much faster, since you will have more strength.

  • Don't refuse help Even if before the birth of the child you were a super housewife and managed to do everything, now there are many additional responsibilities. And you need time to get used to the new pace of life.

Therefore, accept any help, and if no one offers it, then you need to ask for it yourself. Consider who can help and how. Go grocery shopping, cook dinner, babysitting and other things.

  • Don't be upset that you're not perfect.

    In the first years of a baby's life, no matter how hard you try, it is impossible to keep up with everything. So don't dwell on it and don't push yourself into a box. So you only deplete your strength and psyche, and your depression can become even deeper.
  • Make a plan

    Making a plan for the day is a great way to save time and get things done. Make a to-do list and rank them according to their importance.

As soon as free time appears, immediately take on their implementation. But don't plan too much. With a baby, you are unlikely to succeed.

And try to be flexible with this list. After all, newborns are unpredictable creatures. Sometimes a child behaves too capriciously and does not allow his mother to do anything else except him.

Do not get upset in such cases. The plan is there to help you, not to spoil your mood.

  • Watch your nutrition

After childbirth, a woman needs to monitor her diet. Observe the diet, diet, if the baby is breastfed, as well as the usefulness of food.

If you cook simple meals, such as soups, cereals, steamed vegetables, you will have more time. If possible, buy the necessary kitchen appliances: dishwasher, slow cooker, blender. These things will make your routine much easier.

  • Don't forget to pay attention to yourself

Any mother always remains a woman. And women are used to taking care of themselves and taking care of themselves. Therefore, after the birth of a child, try to allocate at least a little time for yourself.

When the baby is sleeping, ask someone to look after him. And at this time, you can take a leisurely bath, make a mask on your face or hair.

These simple procedures will help you find peace and energize psychologically as well. They will also add some variety to the usual routine day.

Deal with alcohol depression on your own

Depression is quite common among alcoholics. A person resorting to alcohol wants to improve his mood, get rid of problems, but in fact, he risks getting depressed.

This condition is considered very dangerous, as attempts to commit suicide are frequent. Symptoms include decreased mood, mental and physical retardation, anxiety, tearfulness.

If you notice such manifestations of behavior in a loved one during his passion for alcohol, then you should immediately consult a doctor. On their own, people with such depression, as a rule, do not visit a doctor.

As for treatment at home without a specialist, in mild forms of depression it is possible to recover on your own. But only if the patient stops drinking alcohol and endures even more severe depression after giving up alcohol.

Nevertheless, for safety net, the intervention of a specialist will not be superfluous.


Apathy is a side effect of depression or part of it. One of the most annoying conditions. The desire and desire to work, study, in a word, perform the usual and necessary actions are lost.

It happens to everyone. But only when depressed, apathy does not stop for a long time, like other symptoms.

Fighting methods:

1) Do not try to force out apathy and force yourself to do the right things. So you turn into a robot without emotions, and sooner or later a breakdown will happen anyway.

Therefore, at the first signs of the onset of laziness, it is better to take a day off and allow yourself to do “doing nothing”. After a certain time, you will get tired of such an empty pastime and you will return to life again.

And at the same time you can analyze your life and peer into your problems.

2) Often lethargy appears when there is a lot of self-doubt, its significance and success. In order to increase confidence, remember all your achievements from childhood or read in detail in the article,.

Surely you will find more than one. Your awards were received by you for a reason, but as a result of your abilities and perseverance.


Along with a depressed state, anxiety often appears for one's life or loved ones, for the future. Below are some tips.

1) Write down on paper what is bothering you. This method, as always, works great.

2) Learn to live in the moment

Most people either cannot forget the oppressive past or are puzzled about the future. But neither one nor the other makes sense. Heavy thoughts about the past will certainly not do you any good.

And thinking about the future is also a waste of time, because in reality everything can happen in a completely different way. By winding himself up and feeling the fear that everything will go according to a bad scenario, a person can “pull” these situations to himself.

Therefore, be here and now, even if you are washing dishes or walking on foot.

Profound or prolonged depression

If you are in a protracted or deep depressive state, you will need to see a doctor to get rid of it. Self-medication in this case should not be done.

Perhaps it seems to you that life has completely ceased to interest you and you have nothing to lose. But understand, these are just symptoms of your disease.

And the sooner you turn to an experienced psychologist or psychiatrist, the faster you will be able to recover.

Now you have a guide on how to deal with depression. If you still have questions, you can always contact us for help at online psychologist consultation.

Our experienced specialists will provide you with professional support and help you change your attitude to life in the shortest possible time. We wish you success and joyful mood every day!

I don’t want to live, I don’t want anything ... Where does this state come from, how to deal with it? The only way to get rid of depression is to understand its real cause.

…Black man,
black, black,
Black man
He sits down on my bed,
Black man
Doesn't let me sleep all night.

Sergey Yesenin

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin wrote these poems shortly before his death. The late work of the poet is fundamentally different from the early one. Heavy meanings and images characteristic of depression show through in every word. My pregnant classmate at the university even refused to go to a special course on Yesenin - the poems were so difficult ...

How to cure depression? For the treatment of depression in the time of Yesenin, one thing was offered - bromine and a change of impressions. Despite the obvious progress in medical technology, the fight against depression is still one of the most urgent tasks of modern psychotherapy. The symptoms of depression are described in detail, a wide range of medications and non-drug methods of psychocorrection have been developed, but there is no lasting effect of getting out of depression, since the structure of the mental unconscious of the patient or, in terms of system-vector psychology, the vector set is not taken into account. And this is the key to understanding how to relieve depression and what depression really is.

What happened to Sergei Yesenin, in systemic thinking, is called a suicidal complex, which is possible with urethral sounders. In this combination, we are talking about depression, the way out of which is possible only if the desire is accumulated in the urethral vector. And so on until the next failure in the sound. Such "swings" - from depression to a passionate desire to live. Over time, the sound gaps become longer and heavier, the urethral rises less and less, until the prolonged depression begins to threaten the appearance of insurmountable ones. The depression that is most difficult to treat is urethral sound depression: a sudden, ill-predicted withdrawal into oneself in the midst of fun, when nothing foreshadowed. In this contrast, depression is especially acute, and it is very difficult to get rid of it.

It is difficult for a suffering sound engineer to fill himself in any vector combination, because the sound search is endless, it is almost impossible to set it in the right direction without having systemic knowledge. From depression that they just don’t use it! Most of the time, nothing helps. The fight against depression will be more successful if you understand the mental structure of someone who needs help. Before answering the question of how to get rid of depression, it is necessary to understand that the way out of it always possible but it depends on many factors. In this article, we will talk about how to get rid of depression on your own and help your loved ones.

Symptoms of depression

The fight against depression is complicated by the fact that it is impossible to accurately explain even to yourself, and even more so to others, what specifically worries you. How can you remove what you can't understand? Depression has many faces. Many of us are prevented from living by something - terrible, inexplicable. It does not allow you to work, smile, build normal relationships, just live. Depression. A hackneyed word that doesn't mean anything. Even parts of what is actually happening. A person in sound depression is like in an aquarium or at the bottom of a river. Somewhere nearby people live, but you don’t care about them, events happen somewhere, but you have nothing to do with them. There is no escape from the emptiness inside. Depression separates a person like glass separates fish in an aquarium from everything around.

For several years I could not understand what was happening to me. At times it was very difficult ... How to explain to a person what it is "hard"? It's not fatigue, it's not a physical illness, although it's considered an illness in traditional psychology. However, you cannot come to a therapist and ask for a sick leave for a couple of weeks, they say, you need treatment for depression ... And the fact that a person really cannot work, especially if his work is mental, is not taken seriously by anyone. It remains to find a way to independently recover from depression. Moreover, to find something effective, and not auto-training and affirmations - they do not help.

How to help yourself with depression, not knowing its causes? No way.

To get rid of depression on your own, you need to know the symptoms and signs. The symptoms can be summed up in one phrase: "I don't want to live." I do not want to eat, drink, breathe. I just want to sleep, hide in oblivion from the whole world and that no one touches you. Always live like this. Never leave the house, do not shake the air with words. Don't smoke the sky. How to get out of depression, when an elementary exit to the street is associated with an incredible strain of all forces - mental and physical?

Everything is so gray and meaningless that it seems impossible to get back into the colored world. The feeling that you can't get out of it. Depression, like a giant, always hangs over you. It's hard to carry a body, a thin body that sometimes doesn't lift the elevator. It's hard to carry a soul, although it weighs nothing... It's hard to carry. The nonsense of what is happening, the vacuum inside, the Black Man in the dull gray night ... Sometimes you think that you probably have schizophrenia, not knowing that at your age, if it was not detected earlier, then it will not be diagnosed - it has passed! .. You see someone like you, you know that you are similar, and you don’t know WHO HE is, because you don’t know WHO YOU are. How to get out of depression when you don’t understand how and why you got there? After all, depression often has no specific cause. No attempts to unwind or, on the contrary, to "overdue" a depressive state, do not help, they do not care about anything or anyone. And ridiculous auto-trainings help from depression the least. No wishes. Generally.

Women. Depression in women is no different from depression in men. It manifests itself in a different way and ... I'll tell you a big secret: not everyone has depression. But only for people with a sound vector. These are people who spend half their lives looking for an answer to the main question: “WHO AM I? WHERE AM I FROM? WHY AM I?" Looking for the light at the end of the endless tunnel of self-knowledge. And they don't find it. It's like a black dot in the heart - the search for that one ...

And relatives, looking at the sound engineer, are painfully looking for answers to the questions - “How to get out of depression on your own? What helps with depression? Is it possible to get out of severe depression?

How to get out of depression?

Depression, the symptoms of which are described above, is most likely true, sound, the deepest and most difficult. Fighting depression in sound is like pulling yourself out of a swamp by your hair. Unfortunately, there is no other way out. At the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, dozens of people who are already desperate to find an answer to the question of how to get out of depression, still pull themselves out of the quagmire of depression. There will be no stupid advice like “change the scenery”. This does not help in the sound vector. Only deep immersion into the unconscious, only awareness of the processes - there, inside what is happening, gives the only right way for you to get rid of depression.

How to get rid of depression on your own? How can a woman recover from depression? The widely held belief that women's and men's depression are fundamentally different is based on two misconceptions. The first is too loose interpretation of the term "depression". We tend to call this beautiful word any depression of mood, any melancholy - visual boredom arising from the lack of bright pictures around; anal stupor as a result of accumulated bad experience; skin stress, manifested by spontaneous purchases; even muscle laziness. And secondly, everyday ideas that women are for the most part emotional and sociable, while men, on the contrary, are reserved and silent. Therefore, these tips on how to escape from depression do not work.

To understand how to get out of depression for a man or how to get rid of depression for a woman, you first need to know what kind of a man he is in his mentality, what vector set is inherent in this woman. According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, true depression is possible only in the sound vector. Knowing the vector features of the sounder, it is easy to recognize the signs of depression in women and men in time. Having realized your mental structure, you can know exactly how to get out of depression and not fall into it again.

Observations show that the symptoms of depression in women and men of a similar vector structure do not differ significantly, although physiology, of course, makes its own adjustments. Signs of depression in women with a sound vector are the same as in men: going into a shell, indifference, irritability. The birth of a child can exacerbate female sound depression. How to recover if depression overtakes in the most joyful period, it would seem, for a woman? The constant cries of the baby, especially at night, the lack of the ability to concentrate in silence plunge the sounder into an abyss of depression, the only way out of which is the feasible help of loved ones. But even if such help cannot be obtained, timely listening to a lecture on the sound vector will bring tremendous relief to the sound mother. Treatment of depression after childbirth by the method of system-vector psychology online is effective and convenient. A woman also needs a quick withdrawal from depression because the state of the child directly depends on her internal state.

Loss of external attractiveness, menopause, aging, retirement and the associated household routine, instead of former activity and usefulness, significantly reduce the mood of women with a skin-visual ligament. How not to get depressed from such cardinal changes in life? The fight against depression in this case can be very successful if a woman continues to work among people, engage in creativity, and travel. Using the training materials, actively working in a team, helping others, visual people easily find a new realization and restore their lost cheerfulness.

The inability to adapt in society, the loss of the familiar environment, work, friends can cause severe depression in the anal-sound man. Manifestations of a male depressive state, or rather, an attempt to get out of it, is alcohol abuse. A woman with an anal vector, trying to find a way out of depression, often begins to overeat, which leads to weight gain and, in turn, exacerbates her symptoms.

A skin-visual woman in fear can, on the contrary, refuse to eat, bringing herself to anorexia. This is not depression in the strict sense, but the condition is extremely serious. Understanding what causes anorexia will help you get rid of depression, and even save a life.

Constant anxiety for loved ones is a common cause of chronic blurred depression (dysthymia) in sound-visual people. In this case, the symptoms of depression in women and men are often expressed somatically: joints hurt, general weakness appears, insomnia, pain in the heart, neuralgia. A person visits doctors for years, but never gets rid of somatics, the cause of which lies in the depths of the subconscious, manifesting itself as depression. In training, many testify to getting rid of chronic symptoms.

How to get out of depression? How to break the vicious circle of "depression - futile attempts to exit - increased depression"? There is only one way: to understand what is happening and fill the depressive emptiness with new systemic meanings.

How to get out of depression and is there a way out of sound depression

Depression is when the monster with your eyes looks at you

from the mirror...

Without knowledge of their innate properties, which are the cause, not the effect, few people know how to cure depression. An effective treatment for depression is not sedative pills that slow down the development of the disease, but awareness that gives liberation. The secret is not how to heal the body, but how to heal the soul, where depression resides.

Few can understand the causes of depression. How to overcome depression? Where does it come from and where does it go? Always live with her. The only way to get rid of it is to understand its causes and learn how you can get rid of depression yourself.

A depressed person experiences tremendous suffering: there is a question that scratches the soul, but there is no answer! And it is not expected ... The fight against depression in women and men can take a whole life - meaningless, lived in suffering.

How long can depression last? Years. In search of an answer to the question of how to eliminate depression, I tried a lot of ways. I found a huge number of “tips” on how to relieve depression, from the method of four days of complete inactivity to various techniques and auto-training, but every time the apparent way out of depression turned into a new, even deeper immersion into the void ... And only at the first lesson of system-vector psychology According to the sound vector, I felt a long-forgotten relief… Relief when you begin to free yourself from depression.

Can you imagine what it is like after many years of a musty basement, from where you, through a small round window, hunched over, with bitterness and annoyance for years, observe the street, smartly dressed free people walking along it, who are simply glad of the good weather, laughing at God knows what and generally live in their own the pleasure of climbing the stairs one day, throwing open the creaky door and walking free, finally understanding how to survive depression.

I will never forget this smell - the smell of the high of liberation ... You breathe in with full force and you understand that the air, it turns out, has a taste. When there is no fear, slavery, the question of how to overcome depression, and the Black man sitting on your bed ...

Proofreader: Alla Antipina

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

Before I begin, let me say that I am skeptical about diagnoses. I recall the words of a doctor I know - "schizophrenia is called all deviations that are not understood." When it all started, I was more interested not in psychiatric labels, but in the question: “What to do now?” Hospitals know exactly which drugs will work for certain manifestations of the disease, and structuring and creating names for them is the job of psychiatrists. It seems that the adoption of names for various conditions gives them self-confidence. But I will not underestimate the merits of real professionals with whom I had a chance to cross paths, I just feel a slight irony now that the hardest part is over.

I am one of those who have experienced what is called “post-psychotic depression”, and I did not manage to get out of this state on an outpatient basis. Communication with the doctor had not yet been formed (we were almost strangers), and hospitalization was again advised to me. If it were not for the difficult situation of psychiatric clinics, then I would consider the experience gained, to a greater extent, positive. The result of a month spent in the hospital was the cessation of delusional and hallucinogenic states, which allowed me to gradually return to the real world. In the clinic, as well as in any society, there are relationships between people, and it happens that communication continues even “outside”.

This communication between people in the clinic is important, as this is the first community that a person enters after a “journey to another world”. It is also important that the patient's relatives remind him in time to be careful when communicating, because some people may be a threat. A person who has recently gone through acute psychosis is poorly protected from others and can easily become a victim of evil people.

Thus, after two hospitalizations, which lasted a total of six months, I came home under the supervision of a loving, but very strict mother. She made me go through a lot - quit smoking, do gymnastics, go to church. I want to convey to people that immediately after being discharged from the clinic, only part of the person is in front of them, the other part of him is still under the impression of another world that is more real to him than the brush you brush your teeth with.

It should be noted that before the disease I had successfully moved up the career ladder in various industries more than once, and being forced to work as a cleaner is unacceptable to my self-esteem. But there was no way out - after all, now in my past is a violent department of a psychiatric clinic. My loving but strict mother made a common mistake I would call "premature forced socialization." On the other hand, there is an excessive ubiquitous concern for one's own person, who has passed into the category of the mentally ill. Even if he is still partly in his virtual world, but let him warm up the food himself, so he can establish his so far weak connection with reality. And when, having risen from the bed in the morning, he was able to put the kettle on to boil, praise him, this is important.

I appeal to you, relatives of the patient, - make every effort to maintain the golden mean in communication with him, which will not allow a person close to you to turn into a disabled person, encourage him to independence, albeit at first in everyday household chores, but, on the other hand, protect him from the unhealthy manifestations of his personality.

During these two years, I constantly communicated with my doctor, over time we established contact, and a suitable course of treatment was found. The therapy ended with a visit by our group of patients to a Swedish rehabilitation clinic.

After visiting Sweden, it was especially difficult to return to everyday life, which was so different from what I saw. Despite external prosperity (I had a job that brought enough income for a modest life), most of the internal problems remained unresolved. Who am I, where am I going, and what is my place in this world? Going to church didn't help me along the way. On the contrary, I saw the unsightly underside of church reality, which plunged me into despair.

One day I realized that my life experience allows me to help other people. For example, the experience of getting rid of alcohol addiction is an excellent tool for helping those suffering who want to return to normal life. In search of such a job, I ended up in the city employment center, where I was offered a job as a social worker.

The beginning of work marked the third period of my rehabilitation. It was not at all lighter than the previous ones, no, it was just different. The accumulated experience of the disease and exacerbations helped to feel dangerous moments that could provoke a worsening of the condition, and to avoid them. Relationships with my parents also improved, and they gave me complete freedom. I feel great gratitude to my attending physicians, who helped me overcome a serious crisis and did not allow it to develop into a full-fledged exacerbation.

Over time, at work, they put up with my not quite formal performance of duties and were convinced of my competence. I was offered to get a specialized higher education, to which I gladly agreed.

To date, seven years have passed since the hospitalization. My life has become more measured, without bright ups and downs. I bring real benefit to people, which makes me infinitely happy. There is only a year left before graduation, and I'm already thinking about postgraduate education. And this is the fourth period of rehabilitation.

Depression is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms - unwillingness to live, loss of interest in the outside world, fatigue and many others. If you have found signs of a depressive mood in yourself, then you need to start fighting this problem as soon as possible.

What is depression

Depression is a mental illness that is accompanied by a mood disorder.

Types of mental disorder

Mental disorders are very diverse and most often young and old people are exposed to completely different types of them. Let's list some of them.

In the elderly:

  • Paranoia;
  • Marasmus;
  • Alzheimer's disease.

For young people:

  • Anorexia;
  • deep depression;
  • Drancorexia;
  • bulimia;
  • Neurosis;
  • Hysteria.

Symptoms and signs of depression

1. Depression. Most often you have a very bad mood, and this has been going on for more than a week. However, often there are no special reasons for such well-being.

2. Apathy. You have lost interest in the activities that could seriously captivate you before. You do not strive for new knowledge and are indifferent to almost everything that happens around you.

3. Closure. You prefer to communicate with other people as little as possible, and if possible, completely avoid their company.

4. Anxiety. This feeling accompanies you quite often, and, as a rule, you are unable to determine its nature.

5. Thoughts about death. Periodically, you think that nothing in the world would have changed if you had passed away. And in general, even close people, in your opinion, would not be very worried about your death.

6. Changes in appetite. You started to eat differently than it was recently, and this affects your weight. Now you eat very little, or vice versa - "sweep" everything that you see in the refrigerator. Most often, you do not control this process - you simply forget about food or do not even notice how you regularly chew something.

7. Sleep disturbance. There can also be two extremes here - you either suffer from insomnia and cannot fall asleep for a long time, or you fall into a deep sleep, which usually lasts the bulk of the day.

8. Self-doubt. You think that you look bad, uninteresting, not charming, or simply stupid.

9. Tearfulness. An accidentally dropped careless word can bring you to tears. However, from time to time you cry even without someone's "intervention", but from general impotence.

Causes of depression

1. Parting with a loved one. Perhaps some time ago you experienced significant stress after breaking up with a person with whom you had a serious relationship or marriage. It is possible that right during the period of parting you kept yourself in control, but suppressed emotions still make themselves felt.

2. Non-reciprocal love. For a long time you tried to achieve the location and reciprocity of the person you were in love with, but in the end you realized that all your attempts do not lead to a positive result.

3. Death of a loved one. You have experienced a serious emotional upheaval after a loved one passed away.

4. Problems in learning. You are a student, and you have problems with the assimilation of the material, many gaps, difficulties in communicating with other students or teachers. Studying causes you more negative emotions than positive ones.

5. Problems in the professional sphere. You feel that you are not being fulfilled in your profession properly. Perhaps you doubt the correctness of the chosen path, or you don’t know at all what type of activity suits you.

6. Financial difficulties. You have debts, you just got out of them, or you just barely have enough money, and most often you are constantly forced to limit yourself by denying what you want.

7. Health problems. Perhaps you have experienced the loss of a child or experienced some serious illness. Also, we can talk about ailments that have appeared in a loved one.

Family troubles. It is difficult for you to find a common language with the second half, parents, children or other close relatives.

in mild form

Accompanied by mood swings. Nevertheless, you manage to pull yourself together when necessary - behave at ease in society, perform your daily duties and the like.

In running form

Accompanied by complete apathy to everything that happens, nervous breakdowns. A person physically cannot do the usual things and he will not be able to hide his condition. Suicidal thoughts may appear.

Relationship between depression and stress

Stress and depression are directly related to each other, and very often one does not exist without the other. As you know, a stressful state, which can be caused by many factors, is accompanied by nervous exhaustion. Negative emotions that have been experienced for a long period, as a rule, lead to depression. An exception may be very stress-resistant people who can not take into account many negative factors.

To prevent stress from turning into depression

If you understand that you are faced with a stressful situation, but do not want this to lead to a depressive state, follow some rules that will help you get out of this situation with the least emotional loss.

  • Avoid communicating with people who cause you negative emotions or try to start topics that are unpleasant for you. In dealing with others, also avoid excessive complaining.
  • Follow the correct daily routine. Try to fall asleep no later than ten or eleven o'clock in the evening, and wake up before eight in the morning. Don't ignore meals.
  • Don't forget about rest. It is important for you to receive positive emotions. Even if you are busy with work, set aside time for communication with loved ones and for entertainment that interests you. Find a way to avoid overwork. If you have too much work, then you need to find a way to get rid of part of the duties or change the scope of activity - overwork can seriously undermine your health.
  • Walk outdoors. Even if you can’t find much time to meet with friends, then you have to find half an hour a day for a leisurely walk in the fresh air - alone, with a loved one or walking the dog.

How to cure depression quickly

Serious depression cannot be beaten very quickly, but in general, if you start fighting it right now, you will start living a completely different life in a few weeks.

Treating depression on your own at home

  • Switch to loved ones. Recently, you have been so immersed in thoughts about your own state that you have begun to forget that there are people who need your support and attention and who want to see you in the same state. Start making time for your loved ones - go to interesting events together, spend evenings in a cozy circle over tea and homemade cakes, watch and discuss films together and the like.
  • Treat yourself with gifts. Surely, you often deny yourself any pleasant purchases, justifying this by saying that the thing you like is “not really needed” by you, or by the fact that you already “have something to do with money”. You need to periodically still make exceptions, acquiring things that can sincerely please you.
  • Get bright emotions. Often depression becomes a companion of a monotonous lifestyle. Perhaps this situation has been going on for a long time, and it was he who caused your condition, but it could be otherwise - the monotony and unwillingness to enrich life with new events appeared after some stress. Whatever it is, it needs to change. Every week, the city hosts many fascinating events - horseback riding, film screenings, exhibitions, master classes and much more. Let yourself be a part of some exciting event
  • Travel. Some people who have suffered from depression admit that only one trip helped them get rid of this problem. Perhaps you once dreamed of visiting a certain city, but then discarded this thought. It is possible that travel before was not at all within the scope of your interests. Be that as it may, you can discover many wonderful places and experience amazing emotions by choosing a tour of your choice.

How to get rid of severe and prolonged depression

If depression lasts for more than a year, and you cannot force yourself to follow any recommendations, then you need to make an appointment with a psychotherapist. Often, people in this state cannot physically use this advice, because you need to look for a specialist, call the clinic, make an appointment, and the like. Share your problem with a loved one, and ask for help - let him find a psychotherapist for you, arrange a meeting and accompany him to him.

How to overcome the disease once and for all

By following the above tips, you can get rid of depression forever. However, since such a nuisance has already happened to you, then you need to be aware that you are in a kind of “risk zone”, and another serious stress can plunge you into a depressed state again. To prevent this from happening, apply these recommendations not only when you get out of depression, but also later in your daily life.

Can you die from depression?

Depression by itself is not fatal. That is, apathy, decreased ability to work, tearfulness and other symptoms cannot lead to the death of a person, but there is another problem.

A depressed person thinks very pessimistically. He considers himself useless, everywhere superfluous and inappropriate. The longer and deeper the depression, the more often the patient may think that it would be good to end all suffering in one fell swoop and begin to see his salvation in suicide. This happens only with a very severe form of depression, and in order to get out of it, you need serious help from loved ones or specialists.

What is best for depression

1. If you feel that your emotional state leaves much to be desired, then you need to switch yourself to other emotions. The fastest way to do this is simply by calling a person with whom you enjoy talking. Even if you don't feel like dialing someone's number right now, do it!

2. If your depressed state does not have a special reason, and does not last for several days, but has arisen only today, then a cup of delicious strong tea can help you! Choose a chamomile and linden drink. Drink it not on the run - find a calm and quiet place where you can take your time to drink calming tea and think about something good in solitude.

3. Physical labor or sports can in no small measure relieve you of depression, because your energy will be directed in a completely different direction. And in general, it has long been known that muscle activity provokes the release of endorphins into the human blood, which are also called "hormones of happiness."

How to be treated with antidepressants

If you decide to improve your condition by taking antidepressants, keep in mind that this will not completely cure your depression. You will be able to suppress the symptoms of the disease for some period, but not get rid of it. Only a specialist can set the dosage of drugs, in no case do it yourself, otherwise this approach can only harm you.

If you want to get rid of depression, do not rely only on medicine, because you have been overcome by "mental illness". Communicate more often with loved ones, confidentially telling them about your problem.

Therapy and psychotherapy

Many underestimate the help of psychotherapy, but this industry is actively developing. Specialists use the following types of psychotherapy: cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic and interpersonal. The first will help correct your thinking from negative to positive, the second will help resolve internal conflicts, and the last will make it clear what has become the main source of the problem for you.

As you can see, one visit to a psychotherapist is able to give you a complete understanding of your condition and indicate the guidelines by which you can get out of it.

For some, family or group therapy can help – you may find it easier to solve a problem based on positive examples from others or solving family problems from the inside.

Prevention of depression in the future

To prevent depression from returning, try to limit yourself from the factors that cause it. Many people involved in charity or just an interesting hobby are less prone to depression than others. Find a job that you like and really fascinate, and in the end it will always be able to distract you from unhappy thoughts.