What to bring from Altai as a gift. What to bring from Barnaul as a gift. Barnaul souvenirs. Souvenirs go to market

Going on trips, Barnaul residents often do not know what they can bring as a gift from their region. The site decided to ask representatives of the tourism industry and heads of souvenir shops what unique gifts can be purchased in Barnaul.

The letters "Barnaul" in winter.

Mikhail Khaustov

Antler, honey, tea: gifts for good health

The branded product of the region is Altai honey. For health purposes, they usually buy buckwheat, linden, flower and other types. However, “exotic” honey is often chosen as a gift.

Olga Lonskaya,
Director of the Mountain Pharmacy:

Now there is a trend to buy unusual honey. Those who care about health eat honey with royal jelly, and as a delicacy today they get whipped honey, or honey with chocolate, toffees.

According to Olga Lonskaya, a package of tea made from Altai herbs can be a useful gift. For example, "Ivan-tea" - it contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits. In addition, barnaul residents and guests of the city choose products from antlers and deer blood as healing souvenirs. A popular product in this line is pantohematogen, which has many medicinal properties.

To Barnaul for "Barnaulsky"

In memory of the trip, guests of the regional capital buy souvenirs and gifts that cannot be found in other cities. For example, they pay attention to goods with the inscription "Barnaul".

Anna Polomoshnova,
Head of the Ultra shopping center (Shishka-Market store):

In the Altai Territory, many craftsmen create original souvenirs. Today, handmade goods are popular.

According to Anna Polomoshnova, a purse made of genuine leather by the “Hook-Hooks” workshop, on which “Barnaul” is written, can be a unique gift. Today, such "Barnaul" wallets can be seen even abroad - in London, New York and other large cities.

Author's postcards depicting graphic drawings of ancient wooden buildings of the regional capital are purchased not only by deltiologists (postcard collectors), but also by residents of Barnaul or guests of the city. In "Shishka-Market" the collection of the artist Ivan Bykov "Barnaul. Centuries-old city.

Traditionally, refrigerator magnets are brought from trips. Altai craftsmen make such products from natural stone, on which they write the name of the regional capital and depict the most famous houses and streets of Barnaul.

More expensive hotels

According to Ekaterina Moskvitina, director of Turina Gora, ceramics made in the regional capital can be a good gift from Barnaul. These are plates, vases, mugs, magnets depicting the old streets of Barnaul, the nature of the region, painted on faience.

In addition to ceramic products, tourists often buy goods made from cedar chips. These are all kinds of talismans and amulets made of stained cedar.

A valuable gift can be handmade jewelry made of natural stone or genuine paintings. Among the latest in "Turina Gora" noted the chamber works of the Barnaul artist Vladimir Konkov, painted in oil. They depict the ancient streets of the regional capital. Such gifts are suitable only for those who do not save on gifts.

Souvenirs go to market

Dozens of Altai artisans produce souvenirs today. Their works are at all-Russian and international competitions, where they win prizes. For example, in 2015, the delicious hotel "Altai gingerbread" with sea buckthorn filling won the Grand Prix of the national award "Tourist Souvenir of the Year".

This year, four souvenirs from the Altai Territory won prizes. Among them are a gift set "Altai Territory" from Barnaul, a leather bag from the Biysk creative association "Nitya", a bell from the collection "The Big Golden Ring of Altai" and a souvenir "Queen of Vases" from Rubtsovsk.

According to the director of "Altaitourcenter" Tatyana Sazhaeva, already now the guests of the region and the city have formed a stable stereotype "what can be brought from Altai".

Tatyana Sazhaeva,
director of "Altaitourtsentr":

From personal practice, I can say that most often the set that is popular with tourists includes herbs, teas, honey, and pine nuts. Tourists understand that there is honey from the mountainous and steppe regions, in different price categories, in packaging from the simplest to sets in wooden cardboard or stylized suitcases. Tourists from the European part of the country come to us with “savvy” high prices, and when they see the assortment and prices presented here, they buy up half of the store.

The Altai Territory is famous for its extraordinary mountain beauty and fresh air. Here you can relax both in body and soul.

A lot of souvenir shops make you think about the question of what can be brought from Altai as a gift, because the variety of products is amazing.

Products for which the Altai Territory is known

All over the world they know about the useful and high-quality products of Altai, among which honey, healthy tea, herbs, pine nuts can be distinguished.

All of the listed products are gifts of Altai, which any guest of the region can purchase and be sure of the quality of the product, its usefulness.


Honey is striking in its diversity. You can buy different variations of this product.
Honey from herbs, mountain and sainfoin is famous for its healing properties. Fresh mountain air and an abundance of healthy herbs give rise to the most delicious and healthy honey.

You can buy it in any village, on the highway or when visiting excursions, since honey shops are present at almost every step. Such a souvenir will not only be a pleasant memory, but will also benefit the body.

Altai masters professionally approach not only the production of honey, but also its serving. Here you can see unusually interesting packaging for gift products: birch bark vessels, jars with an intricate pattern or ornament, tied with corded ribbons.

Herbs and herbal teas

Another unique opportunity to take care of your loved ones. You can give an unusually fragrant herbal tea, which has healing properties.

Each buyer will be given advice on the use of herbs and will be told about their unique beneficial components. Mountain herbs are famous for their healing effect on all systems of the human body.

They help to get rid of cardiovascular, gynecological diseases, diseases of the liver, kidneys, nervous disorders.

Often in souvenir shops you can see specially made gift sets from Altai, which already have all the most valuable and necessary things. Usually they include several varieties of honey, a variety of herbs or teas, pine nuts. Great teas as a gift:

Pine nuts

A product that simply needs to be brought home from a trip. The fruits of the cedar pine have many nutrients and an unusual taste. They are taken out of the cones.

It is not necessary to buy nuts, you can get them yourself with a certain diligence and skill. Altai residents advise pouring boiling water over them before extracting nuts - this way they will “leave their shelter” faster.

These are the most popular products that you just need to bring as a gift from the mountainous region. But since Altai is considered one of the most mysterious places on the globe, you should think about purchasing ethnic souvenirs.

If you ask any indigenous person what to bring as a gift from Altai, they will unanimously say that these are talismans from the Kezer workshop.

Workshop "Kezer" - souvenirs that bring happiness

All amulets are made by the Altai workshop from valuable species of cedar, fragrant larch and ceramics.

"Kezer" is considered the only workshop in Russia that uses stewed larch and cedar chips in its production. In a variety of products there are amulets, souvenirs and even.

One day is not enough to list all the wonderful amulets and talismans that can be purchased in the mountainous region. In any souvenir shop you can buy ethnic gifts from Altai that will please everyone.

In addition to sweets and amulets, you can also see painted scarves for sale, wood crafts of unusual beauty,. Regardless of what gift a person brings with him from Altai, the main thing is that it be chosen from the heart and at the call of the heart.

In the summer season, Altai markets abound with souvenirs, but you should not buy everything in a row. Take a closer look to see if there is a “made in china” mark on the “Altai” souvenir. By the way, this is a sin not only in Altai, but also in many other resort places.

Then inspect the purchase carefully, and make sure that you are not sold plastic instead of a bison horn, wolf tusk or deer horn. You should also refrain from such purchases, despite the beautiful legends that sellers will sing to you. They have revenue from the proceeds, don't forget. Even if you put together all the prehistoric mammoths, they will not have as many tusks as there are in the souvenir markets of Altai.

Now about what you should pay attention to.

Komus or Vargan

National Altai instrument for throat singing. The metal part is pressed against the teeth, the movable tongue creates resonance, and the compression of the larynx changes the depth of the sound. Any seller from the same market will teach you the technique of playing this simple instrument for free. Be careful not to beat the enamel off your teeth: it is very painful. Complete with a komus, you can purchase a cover to deliver it to your home safe and sound. The jew's harp costs from 300 rubles, depending on the size and quality of the material. If you buy a cover, feel free to ask for a discount.


Altai clay flute, as a rule, is round in shape, with many holes. The simplest ones, with four holes, do not extract as many sounds as the big ones. But the price is right too. Learning to play this instrument is not difficult, even with the beginnings of a musical ear. The only thing is that you run the risk of being beaten by your fellow travelers after a couple of hours of such training, because in the first couple you get a heartbreaking whistle. The simplest ocarina costs about 200 rubles.

Shoor or shore

Another type of flute, this time wooden. It has the shape of an ordinary pipe, made, as a rule, of cedar. But there are also cheaper modifications. You can smell the product before buying. The resinous smell will increase the chances that this is really Altai cedar. Although the truth, of course, is known only to the manufacturer. For the simplest flute, you can pay 150-200 rubles.

Topshur or topshor

A stringed national instrument, reminiscent of the Russian balalaika, but unlike it, it has only 2 strings. I think that anyone who knows how to play the guitar will master this simple instrument. I am not strong in such matters, but I watched the game performed by the old Altaian. Impressed! A real topshur is not cheap - from 3000 rubles. But keep in mind that they are made entirely by hand according to the old national technology.

Shaman tambourine

A tambourine, an integral attribute of the Altai shaman, was made from the skin of a sacrificial animal and accompanied the clergyman all his life. Now, of course, everything is simpler, and in order to have a tambourine, it is not necessary to be a pagan. When buying, carefully look at the canvas of the tambourine in the light: there should not be a woven base. This instrument is made only from leather. It is easy to distinguish by the presence of pores (as on problematic facial skin). The skin may resemble parchment. This is an indication that it is too dry and may crack if you desperately start making it rain. The leather should be taut but feel like nubuck. For such a tambourine you will have to pay from 5000r.

Rain Staff

A musical instrument inherent not only in the Altai culture. Common among all Turkic peoples. Configurations can be very different, and it depends on what kind of plant grows in this area. Bamboo does not grow in Altai! As clear as it may be, many tourists buy rain sticks based on bamboo. Another plant with corrugated walls is in use here. Such tools are made extremely simply: toothpicks are stuck in a circle, which delay the filling of the staff (from millet to small pebbles). But it sounds enticing. There is such a contraption from 300r. When transporting, care must be taken, because. this is a fragile plant.

Leather products

Local craftsmen have learned how to make fantastic things out of leather. Key holders, wallets, passport covers, cases for flasks and knives - all this is decorated with an embossed national ornament or a plot from a legend. The main thing is to check that the entire product is sewn from genuine leather, and not just the part on which the ornament is applied (yes, this happens). Again, pay attention to small inscriptions. There should not be any “china”, at best, the master puts his own small mark. The cost of a small housekeeper from 350r.


Despite the fact that the skullcap is a more "southern" headdress, they are worn and loved in Altai, especially in the heat. You definitely won’t find a real Altai skullcap on the market, but you can show off on a trip and bring home an inexpensive souvenir. Do not forget that white headdresses of this kind are not typical for the Altaians. If you want a little bit of national flavor - take a color one. It costs from 150r.

Amulets, talismans and other small things

An inexpensive and memorable souvenir is a clay pendant depicting rock paintings (petroglyphs). Will cost from 100r per piece. Do not take plastic or wooden beads: this is definitely not a tusk or cedar, as the sellers lie. And even more so, it was not made in Altai. Stamping is very easy to distinguish: there the pattern is repeated one to one. It is impossible to create this manually, even with the highest level of skill.

Each person, going on a trip, leaves a place in his suitcase for souvenirs, useful products, necessary and not very things. Here are a few tips and recommendations for your shopping in Altai to be very productive.


One of the specific, but very useful acquisitions is Pantohematogen - the strongest adaptogen from the blood of the Altai maral. It is difficult to list all the healing properties of this product, but its composition speaks for itself - 18 of the 22 amino acids known to man, nucleic acids, peptides, lipids, vitamins, macro- and microelements.
Important to know: if you want to buy Pantohematogen, you must be ready to pay at least 800-1000 rubles. for 0.5 liters, otherwise you can run into a fake and buy cattle blood. A real pantohematogen can be purchased at stores dedicated to maral breeding farms.

cedar cones

Pine cones are not only a pleasant taiga souvenir, but also a very useful and tasty product, thanks to the nut kernels inside, which have a wonderful taste, aroma and a number of useful properties. Pine nut kernels are eaten on their own, or as additives to salads, hot dishes and confectionery. A cedar cone can be purchased at local markets or from local residents. The cost of a cone is from 20 rubles. per piece

Herbal tea

Herbal tea is a wonderful, tasty and healthy drink, which is available in abundance in local markets, souvenir shops or grocery stores. Tea differs in composition, directional action and, of course, the quality of the collection. You can not be afraid to buy herbal tea in a transparent bag, but you need to pay attention to the composition and grinding. It is better to purchase a slightly crushed collection, rather than whole buds, leaves and large stems. Crushed fees easily give all the charm of aromas and the usefulness of herbs. The average cost of herbal tea is 120 rubles. for 100-150 gr.


Honey - when buying honey in Altai, you do not need to be afraid to buy a fake, it is almost impossible to do this, but you need to choose a variety that you like. The most popular variety among tourists is highland honey from Ust-Koksa. The color of such honey is from white to slightly yellow, the consistency is with small, barely noticeable crystals. Such honey has a delicate aroma and a pleasant delicate taste. If you want honey with a brightly saturated taste, then you should try herb honey, it has a denser grainy consistency, light brown color. Such varieties of honey can cost from 400 to 900 rubles. per kg depending on the season.


Sea buckthorn, linseed and cedar oils are famous for their body detoxification effect, normalization of metabolism, source of Omega 3, Omega 6, as well as a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Such oil is sold in pharmacy chains and eco-product shops. The cost of oils can be from 150 rubles. and above for 250 ml.

Dried stroganina

Dried stroganina made from venison and maral meat is an indisputable local delicacy that will truly brighten up even the most demanding gourmet, it is used as a cold appetizer and a great snack in nature. Stroganina is a natural product and contains all the useful properties inherent in meat. can cost from 200 rubles. You can buy it in shops dedicated to maral breeding farms.


Souvenir market, as in any region, is represented by an abundance of small things from local and Chinese manufacturers. However, if you want to get a worthy souvenir of the trip, you need to look for it in art workshops or the village of craftsmen. Altai craftsmen are famous for their fine products made of felt, genuine leather, ceramics, stone and, of course, wood. Such a purchase will be a pleasant gift for the soul or a loved one.

Hello everyone, friends! I love the theme of gifts that are specific to certain places. It is always interesting and important to know what to bring and how to please relatives and friends, so that this gift has a certain history or meaning. Today we will talk about souvenirs of Altai.

What to bring from Altai as a gift? The first thing I want to note is, of course, Altai honey and other well-known honey dishes, such as mead, perga, propolis.

We did not buy honey in those typical jars with yellow lids, which are sold along the roads and in all Altai markets. If you want real Altai honey collected from mountain flowers, buy it in private apiaries, in remote villages.

Apiary "Bee" - this is the apiary that I can safely recommend to you! The owner of the apiary is simply in love with beekeeping and charges you with some kind caring energy, with great pleasure he will tell you and show you in practice how the bees collect honey. Apiary "Pchelka" is located on the road towards Chemal (about 10 km from the village). It is impossible to pass the apiary without seeing it - it is very large, located to the right of the road, you will see a large and bright sign

Signpost to the apiary "Bee"

Apiary "Bee"

Here it is, honey from the "Bee" apiary, very tasty!

Continuing the theme of useful gifts from Altai, I cannot but mention the famous Altai balms with antler extract (from deer horns), healing balms on mountain herbs, mumiyo, and just various herbal preparations!

What else can be brought from Altai? I really liked the dishes, repeating the landscapes of Altai, hand-painted by artists

As a souvenir from Altai, it is worth bringing the traditional musical instrument topshur - a stringed plucked instrument, a jew's harp or a shaman tambourine

A wonderful souvenir from Altai will be various Altai amulets and amulets made of juniper or embroidered with beads - there are a lot of variations of amulets, each of them has its own special meaning!

True, such amulets are not at all similar to the Altai ones. Who knows what kind of amulets?

Even simple juniper magnets with the image of a deer are a wonderful gift from the Altai Mountains!

What else to bring from Altai? A handful of Altai land to be sure to return there again!)) Peace and travel to all!