10 years of wedding why pink. What to give for a tin wedding. Gifts from guests for a tin wedding

On the anniversary of 10 years of marriage, I want to relax, unwind and not make the same noisy and crowded holiday that was on the wedding day. However, psychologists believe that it is best to spend the 10th wedding anniversary with friends in a restaurant, in another city, or have a romantic dinner on the roof. In a word, come up with something really beautiful and romantic, for which you will need to wear beautiful clothes, light candles and / or choose a restaurant.

Breathe a little romance into the 10th anniversary, and your married life will become brighter and more harmonious, psychologists are sure.

Keep a spoon in your pocket

A 10 year wedding anniversary is called a pink or pewter wedding. There are many signs associated with it.

The definitions of "tin" and "pink" wedding 10-year wedding anniversary was acquired not by chance. The most powerful amulet on the day of a tin wedding is a spoon made of tin. Or another item from this material. The pewter spoon should be carried around all day of the 10th anniversary.

There is a tradition to give your wife a bouquet with 10 red roses - a sign of love and one white one - on the day of the "pink" wedding. The white rose symbolizes the hope for a bright future in marriage with his wife.

Eternal romance for two

If you are spending the day together, then arrange a romantic candlelight dinner. Cook delicious meals with your significant other or order Japanese cuisine for home delivery. Beautifully decorate the table and the space of the apartment, get a tea set, beautiful plates, put on beautiful outfits.

If you already have children, then the 10th anniversary is an occasion to send the children to their grandmother and devote a day to each other, remembering the carefree times when you were just the two of you.

You can go for a picnic in a park or forest. Or maybe it’s worth a little hooligan, like at school, to climb onto the roof of a high-rise building to meet the dawn together.

You can do outdoor activities: go hiking, climbing, skydiving, master skiing or snowboarding.

It will be interesting for connoisseurs of beauty to visit a theater or a new exhibition with their spouse.

Noisy feast

Do you want to invite friends and are leaning towards a banquet? Then you need to choose a cafe or restaurant in advance, think over the menu and seating arrangements for guests.

The wife chooses a beautiful dress, does a haircut and styling. Often only a pink veil is worn.

Ideas for a women's outfit for a tin wedding in the photos below:

Be sure to invite those guests who were 10 years ago at your wedding.

In the design of the celebration, pink elements are most often used. Pink color and tin are the main attributes of the holiday.

The celebration of the anniversary can also be transferred to nature: cook barbecue, take beer and light snacks. In summer you can play badminton and football.

A holiday is not a holiday for a modern person if after it there are no photographs left as a keepsake. To this end, on the 10th wedding anniversary, they invite a professional photographer or ask one of their friends to photograph the event.

In winter, you can go to a recreation center or a ski resort. Skiing and snowboarding during the day, and in the evening visit the spa, sauna, enjoy mulled wine and grog.

Theme party

You can have something like Halloween for your tin wedding. Dress up costumes of various movie characters and mythical creatures.

The theme can be anything: cowboys, pirates, middle ages, vampires, Disney fairy tales. Provide guests with drinks and snacks along with good music, call a photographer, and the party is a success.

Take away over 100 seas

Take a vacation and go to the sea - what could be better? This option is suitable for a secluded family holiday, as well as for a trip with a small group of friends.

As a place to stay, you can choose our coast, Crimea, Abkhazia or go abroad.

In the warm months, you can go to Turkey, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Spain, Cyprus, Greece, Tunisia or choose other resort destinations.

In colder months, you can go to Goa, Thailand, Vietnam, Dominican Republic, Maldives.

Together with the company you can go on a romantic cruise.

In pursuit of the interesting

You can go on an excursion tour to Russian cities: St. Petersburg, Kazan, Moscow, Novgorod, or go abroad to European countries.

It is best to take a city tour to see one city in its entirety. For example, Barcelona in 5-6 days. Take a walk along its streets, sit in cafes and family restaurants, enjoy the atmosphere of the city.

You can opt for a bus tour of the cities of Italy, Spain, Germany and the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula.


A 10th wedding anniversary is not complete without gifts. A man gives his wife pleasant and useful gifts. It can be a laptop, accessories for sleep, bedding sets, porcelain. Pink jewelry is popular.

Ten years is a whole era in a person's life. The first decade of any event is distinguished among other dates and anniversaries. This is the first round anniversary when the first results are summed up and more serious plans are outlined.

Ten years. For people who joined their destinies ten years ago, this is not just another date. This is almost 3650 days of joint joys and anxieties, these are 520 weeks, consisting of tireless work and worries, this is 87600 hours of love and tenderness.

But a happy family is not the minutes spent together, which tirelessly count the hours of eternity.

These are moments and events, actions and deeds that make up life and memories.

Therefore, by the 10th wedding anniversary, it is customary to draw a line, remember all the happy and not so happy moments of life together and outline new grandiose plans.

Wedding anniversary 10 years: what kind of wedding is it?

The tradition connected with a tin spoon is interesting. The husband must carry it in his trouser pocket all day. And only in the evening to get a pewter symbol and place it under the wife's pillow.

Such an unusual ritual is associated with the unity of husband and wife, whose fate is inextricably linked and in the future life will go hand in hand for a long time to come.

Popular rumor says that all the thoughts and thoughts that were transferred to the spoon from the man will be recognized at night by the wife, and the rest of life will go easier and happier.

Pink wedding 10 years: decoration

The tenth anniversary is celebrated on a grand scale.

If possible, all the guests who were present at the time of the birth of a new family are invited to the Pink Wedding.

Witnesses and parents of the young must be present at the celebration.

On this day, the spouses can put on wedding dresses again, but they will not be snow-white, but pink.

Pink and red should be present in everything on this day. Therefore, when preparing the room, tables, treats, the emphasis is on pink shades.

It is better to celebrate the 10th anniversary in a cafe or restaurant. On this day, the newlyweds will have a stormy wedding night: with red linen, with rose petals, with glasses of pink intoxicating wine.

The whole atmosphere should remind you of the romanticism of the wedding holiday, the love and tenderness of the spouses.

Therefore, it is advisable not to burden yourself with evening cleaning after a home banquet, but to devote time to each other.

Pay attention to the interior of the room and table setting. The main decoration of this holiday will, of course, be roses.

Garlands are woven from them, interesting compositions are hung on the walls or in flowerpots.

Small pink bouquets are also placed on the tables.

In serving, they adhere to a red-pink range, which can be diluted with white and silver hues.

You can also use floral themes. Combine pewter and roses, glittery and red shades.

Combinations of red napkins with white dishes will look good. Steel and silver candlesticks, vases, tableware with rose flowers, napkins and candles.

The pink theme is also maintained in the culinary direction.

It is customary to treat guests with pink sauce. You can put chicken on the table, cooked whole or in pieces with red berry sauce.

Be sure to cook fish for the Tin wedding.

Fish delicacies should be pink and red, so it is necessary to put salmon, salmon, pink salmon, red and other caviar on the wedding table.

The central treat will be a cake, which is decorated with pink mastic, as well as compositions of flowers or imitation of pewter figurines of the bride and groom.

Rose or red wine, compotes, red tea are served as drinks.

How to celebrate the anniversary of the tin wedding 10 years?

A pink wedding can be a complete repetition of the most basic grand wedding.

The young are seated in the center of the festive table, witnesses and parents are placed next to them.

Be sure to invite a toastmaster who will lead the celebration and entertain guests.

The holiday begins with the wishes and presentation of gifts by the guests.

Each congratulation on the Tin wedding should emphasize the importance of the anniversary and the efforts of the married couple, who came hand in hand to such a wonderful holiday.

They wish the young at the Tin Wedding to increase their wealth, never know troubles and disappointments, and live together for more than one happy and eventful year.

At the Tin wedding, it is customary to recall past years and events.

Therefore, it would be appropriate to make a wedding poster where you can place the most interesting photos, to which playful captions are selected.

During the holiday, competitions and quizzes are held. For young people, you can prepare an interesting contest of memories.

Husband and wife write on the leaves the 10 most important events that have occurred in their life together in 10 years.

After the lists are compared to find out how the priorities of the spouses match.

The celebration should be accompanied by dances and songs. The culmination of the event will be a wedding dance.

Young people will show whether they have lost their skills over the decade, or maybe they will surprise guests with unusual new abilities.

Prepare small gifts for guests so that after the holiday they have a memory of such an interesting unforgettable holiday.

These can be magnets with photos of young people, commemorative tin coins or medals.

What do they give for the Tin Pink Wedding for 10 years?

When choosing a gift for a Tin wedding, you can stick to both pewter and pink themes.

All guests come to the 10th anniversary wedding with bouquets of roses.

Don't worry about too many flowers. This is a holiday of love, flowers, romance. Therefore, let the bouquets be varied and beautiful.

You can help the spouses solve the problem of placing numerous bouquets and give a large vase for the wedding. It does not have to be a pewter vessel - a glass, metal or ceramic vase will do.

If you choose a thematic gift made of tin, provide original packaging with roses for it.

Tin-shaped presentations are not very practical. Rather, it will be souvenir or comic products. You can choose:

  • pewter figurines;
  • candlesticks;
  • photo frames;
  • glasses with pewter decoration;
  • coins or symbolic figurines.

A much larger selection from the pink theme area.

Appropriate for the 10th anniversary will be any things pink or with prints, drawings in the form of roses.

They give high-quality bed linen with drawings of roses for a wedding at the age of 10. You can pick up curtains, a blanket, bath towels or kitchen towels.

Textiles are always appropriate as a gift for a wedding. Therefore, do not worry that your gift will not please the young.

Consider the option of dishes with floral patterns. It is not necessary to select standard sets.

Sets for spices, unusual coasters for plates, sets of jars for bulk cereals and other little things are suitable, but always with drawings of roses.

If you wish, you can give more expensive non-thematic gifts. Clothing, appliances, paintings, exclusive collections of books - add decorations in the form of a composition of roses to the package and the gift for the Tin wedding is ready.

What to give a husband and wife for their 10th wedding anniversary?

Spouses should approach the choice of a gift for their half thoughtfully.

Banal souvenirs are not suitable as a present for such an important event.

It is customary to give jewelry on the tenth anniversary.

A man can present a ring, necklace, bracelet, earrings or a unique set to his wife.

A prerequisite is the presence of a pink or red stone.

For her husband, a woman can also pick up jewelry with delicate discreet stones. Your spouse will love cufflinks, a tie holder or a ring.

Combining thematic symbols, you can choose an original box decorated with gems for your wife, and an unusual cigar for your husband.

Following the tradition of giving themed rings, you can choose pewter jewelry that will add to the collection of rings.

You can stick to the tradition of lavish weddings to the end. And after the celebration, go on a honeymoon trip.

Such a gift will definitely impress the spouse, and the time spent together will bring them even closer.

Choose a trip based on your personal financial capabilities.

Of course, the ideal option would be a romantic trip to France or exotic islands. But if the family budget suffers greatly from such an act, the gift can be overshadowed by the frustration of the woman and thoughts about how to live on.

A joint trip to a sanatorium or a trip to native historical places will be no worse. After all, the main thing is not to surprise a woman, but to spend unforgettable moments with her beloved.

It seems that only recently the marriage took place, and the spouses are already celebrating their wedding anniversary. For them, this is a serious event - a wedding anniversary of 10 years. By this time, a joint life has already been established, the spouses have learned to yield to each other, the most pressing financial problems have been resolved, the child is growing up. And on the eve of this date, the question arises "what to give for 10 years of marriage?".

Many invited and even the heroes of the occasion themselves do not know - 10 years of marriage what wedding what to give and how to celebrate it. A decade spent together in marriage is called pewter wedding or pink. So she was nicknamed because tin is a flexible metal, which symbolizes the strength of the family and at the same time flexibility. Flexibility is determined by the fact that the spouses have already learned how to find compromises in any controversial family troubles.

The pink wedding was named so that the spouses would not forget about love for each other and show passion in a relationship, despite all the problems that they went through together. After all, it is not for nothing that pink has been considered the color of love, tenderness and innocence from time immemorial.

You haven't decided yet how to celebrate it's a celebration, then check out some tips. For a ten-year anniversary, many guests are usually invited, all those who were actually present at the wedding itself.

Such a date is widely celebrated, a married couple, together with those invited, recall all the fun moments of that celebration, leafing through the wedding album. It doesn't matter which place you choose for the celebration, it is important how you arrange it. Give your preference to pink, in honor of the name of the anniversary. Dishes, tablecloths, napkins, any decor items, snacks, wine and flowers - let there be shades of pink in everything. Similarly, clothing should be in appropriate shades.

If you were invited and you don't know what they give for the 10th wedding anniversary, then this article will help you solve this problem.

According to tradition and observing symbolism, a gift for a tin wedding should be made of tin. It can also be some things or objects in which pink is present.

Gifts for the tenth wedding anniversary

What to give friends or relatives? Gifts for 10 years should convey all the symbols of this event, be interesting and remind the couple of this date.

Some examples from what to give for a tin wedding:

  • A vase made of tin, as many will come to such a holiday with roses. But you can still give roses already in this very vase;
  • Tin figurines - figures of lovers, will be a kind of reminder to the couple about this anniversary;
  • Tin horseshoe for good luck;
  • A set of candlesticks, coasters, bottle holders;
  • Any tinware: a coffee pot, a tray or a beautiful dish for fruit, a jug with glasses, a set of decanter and glasses, or all kinds of other accessories;
  • Paired goblets. Today, you can buy extraordinarily elegant glasses made of tin; an exquisite decanter can go with them in a set;
  • Spoons made of tin - according to tradition. The custom testifies: with a donated spoon in your pocket, the husband and wife are obliged to walk all evening, after which they put it under the pillow. Then, of course, you can use them according to their intended purpose, but this kind of ritual will give the relationship generosity and flexibility. By the way, now there is a gift version of such spoons with various congratulations, wishes;
  • A set of bed linen for a pink wedding;
  • Pair of pillows in pink tones or with a pattern of roses. The pillows can be embroidered with the names of the spouses or inscriptions in honor of the date;
  • A soft blanket, a bedspread, towels, a tablecloth or terry bathrobes, the color theme of which will be suggested by the name of the anniversary;
  • Painting of roses or framed in rosewood;
  • Tea or table service, beautifully decorated with drawings in the form of beautiful roses;
    A photo album decorated with these delightful flowers;
  • Umbrella for walks in the rain, designed for two;
  • Pink household appliances will also be in the theme of the holiday;
  • Some piece of pink furniture. Give what your relatives or close friends lack and what will fit into their interior.

Bring roses, red or pink flowers. Alcohol of appropriate colors, such as wine, can be presented beautifully by wrapping two bottles together with pink ribbon. Gifts can be given in pink boxes or wrapped in gift paper decorated with roses.

What do spouses give each other?

Undoubtedly, the most important gifts for a 10-year marriage will be the gifts that spouses give each other.

The best material gift for this anniversary can be pewter rings. The first round jubilee may be the beginning of such a tradition, followed by pewter silver and gold.

Gift for wife

It is much easier for a man to decide what to give his wife for 10 years of marriage. After all, the wedding is pink, and this is the most feminine color and there are a lot more ideas for gifts. For example, there is a tradition that on this day a man should give his wife 11 roses. Ten roses are red and one is white. The first ones mean a happy path passed together, and the other one rose - the hope for a long and happy life in marriage and beyond.

A few gift ideas:

  • "Glamorous" technique - an e-book, tablet computer, laptop or pink hair dryer. Think about it, maybe your wife has been hinting to you about a brand new mobile phone for a long time;
  • Jewelry is always the most desired gift for a woman. Ring, bracelet, earrings or pendant with pink stones. Or original products with the addition of tin;
  • Tin box for storing numerous jewelry;
  • "Pink evening" at home or in a restaurant. Let there be wine, and all the dishes on the table also correspond to the style of the holiday. Organize a dinner in pink flowers.
  • Travel. No one will refuse a little rest. Wherever you go - it will bring you very close, remember the honeymoon?

Gift for husband

On the anniversary of the wedding with the name pink, the man will get much fewer gifts. But since it is also tin, it is quite possible to surprise her husband.

You can donate:

  • A comic present in the form of tin soldiers is a cute sign about a man's resilience. Or a bell to call his wife, to quickly see his beloved when needed;
  • Unusual ashtray or key chains made of metal symbolizing this anniversary;
  • Models of small arms or edged weapons made of tin;
  • Board games - tin chess, checkers, backgammon;
  • Pink tie. Cufflinks or personalized diary with engraving or pewter buckle;
  • Pink alcohol or a beer mug made of symbolic metal, which perfectly maintains a cool temperature;
  • Your joint photo (may also be a wedding photo) in a rosewood frame;
  • Breakfast for husband, made in pink style. Get creative when choosing pink decorations and edibles of this shade. For example, fruits (raspberries, strawberries) or bake a cake in pink icing.

Remember that a gift given with love and from the heart will definitely be appreciated, no matter how much it costs.

The first round date in the family is the 10th anniversary of married life. People call her "tin" or "pink" wedding. Many rituals and traditions are associated with this holiday, which are better to pay attention to when organizing an event, choosing gifts and congratulations.

Holiday psychology

For ten years of living together, the couple proved that their marriage is strong and indestructible, despite the minor problems lived. By this time, the family has accumulated baggage: children, general impressions and memories (joyful and sad). Spouses know everything about each other, so peace comes in everyday life. Both accepted each other's shortcomings as a given, got used to the peculiarities of character and can understand any problems. That is why the rose and tin became the main symbols of this holiday.

Holiday symbolism

The name of this solemn date is directly related to the symbolism of the holiday:

  1. Tin- an honorary symbol of the tenth anniversary. This choice is justified by the fact that tin is the most flexible metal. After all, spouses who have lived such a period together already know each other so much that they can adapt to each other's interests and desires without much disagreement.
  2. Rose has long been recognized as the most romantic flower. In this case, she personifies the love and passion that the spouses have kept for such a long time, despite all the "thorns" of life together.
  3. Number 10 indicates the opening of a new stage in the life of the spouses and symbolizes harmony.

In addition to the prevailing symbols for this holiday, it is customary to observe a number of customs and traditions.

Rites and traditions

The first significant anniversary involves various rituals followed by the husband and wife on this day:

  1. Husband gives his wife a bouquet of roses. There should be eleven of them: ten red ones symbolize the life lived together, one white one - the hope for a happy future together.
  2. Spouses give each other pewter spoons. They should carry them with them from early morning until late at night, and put them under their pillows at night. According to the existing belief, this rite brings happiness and prosperity to further life together.
  3. The wedding night of the spouses on this day should take place on a bed strewn with rose petals.

Regarding the celebration, there are several traditions that must be observed at a tin wedding:

  1. It is necessary to invite all participants of the ten-year-old ceremony to the celebration, especially parents and witnesses.
  2. Pink shades should be present in the decoration of the premises for the holiday, whether it is a party in a chic restaurant or modest gatherings at home. The easiest option is table decor in this color: napkins or tablecloth, glasses or plates, small flowerpots with bouquets of roses - the choice depends on the scale of the holiday. In addition, you can use pink tones in the outfits of the newlyweds (for example, the husband's shirt and wife's dress). Pink shades can also be present on the menu: chicken with pink sauce, wines and so on.

What to gift

If you were invited to a tin wedding, then you need to think about a gift for spouses:

If your soulmate became the hero of the occasion, then give her one of the following presents:

  1. Husband like pewter cufflinks, a tie or a shirt (in red and pink colors). If things made of tin are not useful to him, and he frankly dislikes the pink color, then you can give any necessary thing (for example, headphones or a lighter) by packing it in any pink material (ribbons, paper, stickers, and so on).
  2. wife you can please with jewelry with pink stones (garnet, sapphire, rose quartz, coral, topaz). An excellent start to the holiday will be such a gift as a tray on a soft pillow, on which you will bring breakfast to your beloved wife.


The round date is very important in the life of the spouses, so it is worth celebrating: another reason to dilute the usual everyday life and shake things up a bit. It is necessary to compose a script for the holiday in accordance with the chosen theme.

Keeping traditions

If you want to arrange a celebration that will not deviate from tradition, then the best venue is a restaurant or cafe(depending on the number of guests). In order not to bother with entertaining guests, invite a toastmaster or ask friends to organize a holiday. It should be "Wedding 10 years later." Many on this day get married in the church, if they have not done it before.

glamorous chic

Since the wedding is "pink", you can throw a party with this glamorous shade. Set a dress code for guests: every outfit should have this shade (dresses or skirts, ties or shirts). With such a company, you can go to a karaoke bar or restaurant, and be sure to call a photographer.

Russian wedding

An interesting variant holding a wedding according to Russian traditions. Rites and competitions, traditional costumes, folk songs and festivities - such a holiday will be the most memorable in the life of the spouses. The only drawback is that such an event is very difficult to hold on your own and you will have to involve knowledgeable people. You can contact the specialized historical and cultural centers of your city or holiday agencies.

Dream Fulfillment Day

If you constantly didn’t have enough time to fulfill an old dream, then the 10th birthday of your family is the best occasion for this. This can be a visit to a water park, attractions, a boat ride or horseback riding..

But before inviting guests, make sure that they are ready to participate in this (especially if it comes to extreme entertainment).

Romance for two

If you do not like noisy companies, then it is better to spend time together and arrange an evening of "romance". Sit in a restaurant or go to a luxury hotel. A bottle of wine, a bath with rose petals and a pleasant conversation are what will benefit the spouses.

Family birthday greetings

Like all holidays at a tin wedding it is customary to congratulate the spouses. If you are not sure that you can improvise, and you are confused, then it is better to prepare your speech in advance. Use the list of exemplary congratulations:

  • Our dear friends (names), you have been together for 10 years. However, your love has not faded away and has remained as strong as at the time of your marriage. We want to wish that even after a hundred years, you will not stop loving and appreciating each other!
  • My beloved (names), today is the first anniversary of your family - 10 years. I wish that every year your love becomes even stronger, and friendship and understanding are its constant companions.
  • In Soviet times, they said that a strong and reliable family is a cell of society. Indeed, this is a piece of the universe and a small world. I congratulate you on the 10th anniversary of the emergence of this world, in which mutual understanding and love reign!
  • Today is a grand celebration for everyone gathered here - the tenth anniversary of your wedding. Not much has changed since then: you are also young and in love with each other. It remains only to admire your couple and wish you only a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness and a touch of romance in everyday life. And again we say to you: "Bitterly."
  • Love can be compared to fire: it burns and warms the hearts of lovers. But in order to save it, you need to throw firewood there, otherwise it will go out. Looking at you, I understand that you have comprehended this secret, because your fire of love has not been extinguished for ten years. I wish that you continue to support this flame, despite all the difficulties!
  • My dear (names), today we celebrate 10 years of your life together. And it’s not for nothing that this anniversary is called a pink wedding. After all, your family is like a beautiful rose: it has remained just as beautiful, despite all the sharp thorns of life's trials. So let it remain the same, and love and understanding will always live in your house.
  • One married couple lived until the tin wedding. The couple remained always in love and happy. When asked what is the mystery of their happiness, they said: "The secret is very simple: for ten years we had a single bed." So let's raise our glasses to the matrimonial bed!

Tin Anniversary Poems

Congratulations in poetic form are always more harmonious and interesting than prose.
. Therefore, you can take note of a few poems about a tin or pink wedding:

There was sunshine, of course.

Thunder roll and frost

But today is a wonderful day

Celebration of beautiful roses!

Ten years have gone by

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

And we want to be with you

Always in love and young!

Let spring always excite

Let your friends not forget you

May life give many years

So that you live together without trouble!

Let the years rush like dreams

You don't have to worry about them!

After all, ten years together is just a moment,

We wish you to love each other until a hundred years!

10 years of marriage is a very memorable and important date for every family. Therefore, there is no need to postpone its celebration even for a minute, no need to spare any money and effort.

Spouses can arrange a photo session for themselves as a keepsake or make a short video so that they can indulge in a little nostalgia on the next family birthday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dUkcQ0CFJ4

10 years of marriage - tin or pink wedding. The anniversary of marriage is a great occasion to give your spouse positive emotions and unforgettable romantic memories. On this day, you need to leave grievances and quarrels behind. And in order for the holiday to be a success, you need to know what to give and how to properly celebrate the anniversary of marriage.

What wedding

10 years of marriage is called a tin or pink wedding. Tin is a flexible and malleable metal. It is these properties that folk wisdom ascribes to spouses who have been able to spend so many years together. Mutual respect, understanding, sincerity, trust, loyalty and the ability to find compromises make relationships strong and beautiful.


Traditionally, for a pewter wedding, a husband and wife exchange rings made of pewter or a pewter alloy. The most romantic spouses engrave congratulations or oaths on them.

On the day of the anniversary, the husband must definitely put a pewter spoon in his pocket, and in the evening put it under the pillow. Beliefs say that this will further strengthen the marriage union.

How to celebrate

Ten years of marriage is a real anniversary, which is usually celebrated on a grand scale. This is a worthy occasion to arrange a festive feast, invite friends, arrange a photo session, learn a new mating dance and exchange vows. Witnesses must certainly be present at the tin wedding, and preferably all those who were at your first celebration.

Event decoration

Since this is a pink wedding, the flowers and their color must necessarily overlap in the interior design of the cafe and when choosing dishes. Roses can be used as table decor with treats. They will look beautiful in the buttonholes of the husband and in the hands of the wife. The wife can wear an evening dress in red or pink. The matrimonial bed can be strewn with rose petals.

By the age of ten years of marriage, many couples already have children by this time. They can also be dressed according to the pink theme, give baskets of flowers.

The festive dinner menu includes meat with rose sauce, red fish, red or rose wine.

The table is well decorated in pink colors, which will perfectly fit into the holiday atmosphere.

Some couples do not like to celebrate anniversaries, but you need to find time and arrange a celebration at least in order to escape from the hustle and bustle and mark a milestone in family life. On the eve of a tin wedding, you can sum up the decade, outline new serious plans and goals, mark them on paper, seal them in an envelope and close them for 10 years. And when the spouses celebrate the porcelain wedding, it will be possible to open the envelope and see what wishes and goals have come true.

gift for husband

For a tin wedding, you can give your husband a mug made of tin alloy: such an accessory keeps the cold well. You can also donate:

  • pewter glass for wine;
  • a set of chess or checkers;
  • collectible tin soldiers.
  • ashtray or cigarette case.

You can also give your spouse a belt with a tin alloy buckle, a business card holder, a writing set.

Pink color, as a rule, does not fit into the everyday life of a man, but if you try, you can find a suitable gift. For example, pick up a pink shirt of a well-known brand or a pink tie - provided that the color suits the husband. But there are more affordable options: rose wine, rosewood photo frame. And if you have a romantic mood, you can purchase a set of pink lingerie so that in the evening after the celebration you will appear in it in front of your spouse.

Gift for wife

One of the traditional gifts for a wife is a bouquet of 11 roses. Moreover, 10 of them should be red, symbolizing the years lived in love and harmony, 1 - white, the embodiment of tenderness and purity of thoughts in relation to their chosen one. Continuing the theme of roses, you can give your wife jewelry with pink stones:

  • ornamental - rhodochrosite, rhodonite, jasper, coral;
  • semi-precious - corundum, quartz, agate;
  • precious - sapphire, spinel, topaz, rubellite, morganite (pink beryl).

And the tenth anniversary is a great occasion to enjoy rose petal jam, especially if you haven't tried it yet.

If you prefer a tin theme, then as a gift to your wife, the following will do:

  • jewelry made of tin alloys;
  • souvenirs and amulets for the home;
  • desktop and compact mirrors in a curly frame;
  • pewter vases.

What guests give

An anniversary gift should be useful, and such that spouses can use it together. It can be decorated in the symbolism of a pewter or pink wedding.

If you doubt that you can choose a gift that will exactly match the taste of your friends, focus on universal things. It is customary to give on this occasion:

  • Souvenirs made of pink stones or tin. These can be caskets, mirrors, watches in a decorative frame, vases and other interior decorations.
  • Money. A universal gift that any married couple will appreciate. In order not to deviate from the theme of the holiday, put them in a pink envelope or pewter box. The equivalent of such a gift is a certificate for the purchase of household appliances or electronics.
  • Tour abroad- a great gift if the guests present it together. This will give the spouses the opportunity to relax and be alone in a romantic setting.


On a wedding anniversary, it is important not only to choose a gift, but also to present it beautifully. You can remember the pleasant moments from the life of a married couple. You can wish them to keep love, devotion and sincerity and celebrate at least another porcelain anniversary.