The meaning of the name is respected by others. Male names: the meaning of male names. Azari male name

Male given name August


"August" in Latin means "great", "sacred", "royal". The title "August" next to the name of the emperor in ancient Rome spoke of his divine origin, was a sign that his power was sacred. In Russian calendars, the name "August" is missing.

A boy given such a majestic name grows up as an ordinary child, often even more frail and sickly than others. Outwardly, and in character, he is very similar to his mother. Men bearing the name August are distinguished by modesty, punctuality and commitment. Whatever business they undertake, everything will be done exactly as required and very carefully. The Augusts are not very sociable, it is difficult to get along with people and the more painfully they experience betrayal and human callousness.

August expects many failures and blows of fate, he finds happiness and peace of mind only in his own family. Augustus' sexuality depends on the degree of heartfelt affection and flourishes in a happy marriage. The "safe haven" is especially important for August, born in the summer. He always marries for love, but for those born in winter, as a rule, only a second marriage is successful. "Summer" August is more open and trusting. He is a prudent, economical and even somewhat stingy owner, hardworking and disinterested. "Autumn" August is a good diplomat, able to find a common language with any person, makes any decision only after careful consideration.

August trusts not intuition, but reason, his actions always meet the requirements of morality. He has the gift of finding a way out of even the most hopeless situations. With a measured, correct lifestyle, he retains excellent health and good spirits until a very old age. Otherwise, a nervous breakdown awaits him.

August is attracted to medicine, and a rich imagination helps him become a good writer or teacher. Among the owners of this name are many deeply religious people.

Male given name Augustine


Although this name also comes from the same Latin root as Augustus, the character of its owner is distinguished by peculiar features.

Augustine is a sociable, but very calm, unflappable and even phlegmatic person. Possesses good intuition, analytical mindset, gift of persuasion. He lives by the principle: "Doing nothing is a mistake, but working hard is stupidity." As a rule, he knows his business perfectly and will never allow himself to be drawn into an adventure with an unpredictable result.

Knows how to please people, he always has many friends. Friendship is sacred to him. Sex refers to the realm of beauty. He wants to love and be loved, marriage to a cold woman is tragic for him. He loves children, deep down he is an adherent of patriarchal marriage. He loves beautiful women, touching animals. Owns a pen, a word, artistic, always full of optimism.

Male name Agathon


Translated from ancient Greek, this name means "good", "good".

Reserved by nature. As a rule, he does not care about being liked by people whose opinion he is not too interested in. Agathon rarely talks about himself and does not flaunt his virtues, and therefore often does not make a proper impression on others.

In life, Agathon prefers the position of an outside observer, rarely interferes in other people's affairs and never gossips. However, Agathon's restraint is only a mask behind which passions rage. He is well versed in financial matters, has business acumen and knows the price of true love. In family life, he is usually lucky, he is able to make any woman happy. Agathon loves children and his own house very much.

Male given name Adam


The name "Adam" in Hebrew means "from red clay" - it was from it, according to biblical tradition, that the first man was created.

Adam has an analytical mind and an excellent memory, knows how to restrain his emotions and never draws conclusions without thoroughly studying the situation. Very sensitive to defeats and failures. Disciplined and pedantic, demands the same from others. Easily achieves success - sets a clearly defined goal and is ready to work hard and hard to achieve it. He is not verbose, preferring action to talking about what he is going to do.

Seriously refers to the requirements of morality and does not recognize jokes on this topic. Sex occupies an important place in Adam's life, but he does not understand female psychology at all and therefore often experiences disappointment. In marriage, he is not very lucky: often the reason for the quarrel is Adam's jealousy or his tactlessness. Adam is very vulnerable, but he tries to hide it. Stubborn, hard to compromise.

Usually, Adams are in very good health, but are prone to diseases of the cardiovascular system. Nerves can be weak points.

Adam likes medicine, he easily achieves success in big sports, commerce, agronomy and veterinary medicine, painting, cybernetics, poetry. Among the Adams there are famous writers and clergymen.

Male given name Adolf


Old Germanic name meaning "noble wolf".

A bright, mysterious personality with a mysterious power to influence others. He is very self-confident, has remarkable organizational skills, but gives all the best only when he is given complete freedom of action. In general, Adolf cannot stand it when they try to “pressure” him, forcing him to do what he does not want. Does not give in to other people's influence, but listens carefully to any advice and suggestions. Differs in curiosity, good imagination, a great dreamer. Adolf, born in winter, is a good organizer, distinguished by accuracy and discipline, "autumn" - prudent, never takes rash steps, "summer" - very vulnerable, closed, participating in a general conversation, prefers to listen rather than speak. He has an innate sense of decency, a clear mind that allows him to quickly and well navigate life situations.

Very sexy, but his feelings and emotions are under the control of reason. He marries late, choosing a calm and balanced woman as a life partner, as he cannot stand the violent manifestation of emotions.

Adolf is in good health, but his weak point is the endocrine glands.

He carefully chooses the scope of his abilities. Thanks to diligence and the ability to quickly make the right decisions, he achieves high leadership positions, success in scientific and inventive activities and business. There are many talented engineers, doctors, artists, and writers among the Adolfs.

Azari male name


Translated from Hebrew - "God's help."

This is a cordial and sympathetic person, devoid of guile and not looking for workarounds. He takes decisions only after careful consideration and does not like to be rushed. He sees only the good in people and therefore often becomes a victim of deception. Azarius, born in winter, has a strong character; born in summer very hardworking, jack of all trades, takes care of his appearance, sometimes even too, very vulnerable; born in autumn - unpretentious, often even careless of all the material objects that surround him.

His family is sacred to him. Bringing up children is a big responsibility.

Alan male name


Arabic name, translated as "the most significant." Perhaps it comes from the name of the Alans tribe - the ancestors of the Ossetians.

Very capable, has good intuition and inner strength. It is not devoid of some romance, but, nevertheless, it stands firmly on the ground, and does not hover in the clouds. He is ambitious enough, but he makes a career honestly, without inciting others. Rarely changes his mind, although in a dispute he often concedes in order to avoid conflicts. "Winter" Alans are quick-tempered, but quick-witted, easy-going and happy to go on long trips, fees take them very little time. They marry calm domestic women. They like to play preference, chess, backgammon, losing, they never lose their temper. "Spring" Alans are very musical and very vulnerable.

Male name Alexander


Translated from ancient Greek - "protector of people."

He is often born weak, gets sick a lot in childhood, but regular sports harden him physically, and a strong and strong man grows out of a sickly boy. He knows his own worth, stubbornly goes to the intended goal. Not devoid of vanity and lust for power. Alexander is able to successfully manage even a large team, relying on capable subordinates. He is strict but fair. He cannot stand criticism, he can flare up, it is always difficult for him to publicly admit that he is wrong, but he will certainly try to correct his mistakes. If you find the right approach to Alexander and do not step on his "sick corns", he will be the most devoted friend.

From the outside, it may seem that Alexander is not emotional enough, in fact, he is often simply afraid of “losing face”. Not averse to drinking and quickly loses control of himself. Loves women. In love, he is passionate, capable of losing his head, but he chooses his life partner carefully. Alexander's wife usually finds herself in the position of a queen who reigns, but does not rule - in his family, he makes all decisions himself. Born in summer, he loves children very much, including strangers; born in other seasons in relations with children is more restrained.

He has a sober, slightly ironic mind, his characteristic feature is a certain detachment from real life. Carefully protects himself from shocks. He can be generous and generous, but he is not inclined to sacrifice himself.

Male name Alexey


The name is of ancient Greek origin, meaning "protector".

Benevolent, laconic, from early childhood he feels like a protector of his mother, and later - of all the women around him. Alexey is a business man. Diligent, loves painstaking work, in any business strives for completeness and perfection. Thanks to pronounced creative abilities and subtle intuition, he easily achieves success in professional activities, sports and business, as well as a good position in society. Almost always calm and balanced. When solving minor problems, he is ready to make concessions, but in matters affecting his principles, he shows firmness, and it is very difficult to convince him.

Alexei is touchy and easily hurt. Not very experienced in flirting and very cautious in dealing with women, but nevertheless easily wins victories. Prefers women somewhat older than himself, experienced, but affectionate and delicate. He is caring in the family, in a woman he appreciates neatness and neatness and always makes it clear that the sloppy appearance of his wife is unpleasant to him. In conflicts with others, the wife always takes her side. Not jealous, able to forgive betrayal. Until old age, he retains a tender attachment to his parents. He treats his children with love, sometimes even surrounds them with excessive guardianship.

Alois male name


Alois in translation from Old French means resourceful, wise.

Phlegmatic, calm, patient. Some imbalance prevents him from acting consistently. Able to notice the slightest insincerity in the words and actions of others, but very trusting. To the intended goal is moving slowly, but stubbornly.

He prefers leisure time with his family to communicate with friends. Alois is torn between strong sexual desire and marital duty, as he has a strong sense of family. Needs understanding and clear expression of feelings. Attachment to the hearth and family helps him out in ambiguous situations.

Alois takes care of his health, keeps to a diet. His weak point is the musculoskeletal system.

Differs in strong will and stubbornness. Achieves good results in sports, medicine, technical fields, agronomy, veterinary medicine.

Male given name Albert


An ancient Germanic name, translated as "noble brilliance."

Sentimental and phlegmatic, he has excellent intuition and a synthetic mindset that allows him to instantly assess the situation. Very curious, has an excellent memory, but laziness often interferes with the execution of his plans. Selfish, not aggressive, Albert lives a rich inner life. He is capable of self-sacrifice, in relations with people he is tactful and delicate, almost never openly demonstrates his feelings.

Albert is not in good health. Weak point - the digestive tract, poor metabolism, prone to obesity. He must beware of mental overstrain, which may end in deep depression for him.

Albert loves his family, is proud of the success of his children and his wife, and is not too demanding in everyday life.

He is fond of everything related to religion and the occult sciences.

Male given name Albin


Translated from Latin - "white".

Nervous, sometimes sentimental. Often plunges into his inner world, while not forgetting to follow what is happening around him. His interests are strictly selective, but delving into the little things, he often misses really significant events. Before getting down to business, he weighs and calculates his strength. Not too sure of himself, timid, indecisive, amenable to influence. He is sociable only when he is in a good mood. Does not like to give up old attachments. His sexual life is subject to feeling and has two aspects: impressionability leads to the idealization of the object of love, followed by strong disappointment. He is too indecisive to express his thoughts directly, and even more so - to confess his love.

Albin's activity and activity alternates with idleness. You have to stop him from shutting himself in.

He gets tired quickly, is prone to infectious diseases and bronchitis, the weak point of the body is the eyes. He needs a measured lifestyle.

Achieves success in the scientific and technical field of activity.

ALEXANDER. Protector of people (Greek). Usually decisive. Smart and witty. Subtly feels. Sociable, but needs indulgence, because he is often quick-tempered, impudent, acts abruptly, without a smooth transition. Whoever comes to him with a sword, perishes. In love - passionate.

ALEXEI. Assistant (Greek). The majority are concentrated, serious, righteous. Persuasive in defending their views. Persistent in achieving the intended. However, sometimes meek, meek. People are useful. Respectful to parents. In intimate life, they are not always lucky.

ANATOLY. Rising (Greek). As a rule, he has an inquisitive, insatiable mind. Subtly inventive. The soothsayer is capable of correct predictions, but he himself cannot always achieve the goal. Temperament choleric, unbalanced, elemental. Sometimes - a naughty, unstable to wine. Passion for a woman, but already at a "decent" age fades. If he dies, then ... not from modesty.

ANDREW. Courageous, brave (Greek). Persistent. Intelligent, inventive, with an unstable character. In society, they tend to dominate, often losing a sense of proportion when choosing means. As men are self-confident, and yet ... they only dream of peace.

ANTON. From Anthony, competing (Latin). Their life is a cascade of failures, compromises, ups and downs. Unbalanced natures. Fighting with themselves. All the time striving for freedom, forgetting that the price for it is loneliness. Looking for friendship. For the Antonovs, love is torture.

ARKADIUS. From Arcadia - a happy country (Greek). Sociable, friendly, kind. Raven with everyone. Surrounded by friends, pals and girlfriends. Fall for compliments. Outwardly - "dear friend", but inside himself - sympathetic, humane. His fate can be envied.

BORIS. Struggling (Slavyansk). Usually purposeful. Optimistic. Inquisitive, imaginative thinking. Sometimes quick-tempered, unpredictable. Fate sometimes tests them. In the end, they gravitate to the house, to the family, small children are always a joy to them.

VADIM. Proving (other Russian). Usually mysterious, covertly emotional. Freedom-loving. Fatalist, subtly smart. Looks "one step ahead". Fast for decisions. Immodest in desires. Breaks hearts.

VALENTIN. Strong (latin). Stubborn, uncompromising. Tends to be "leading". Omnipresent, mobile. Self-willed, sometimes even paradoxical in behavior. Sometimes eccentric, but tolerable. With women, it happens, "bad luck", although in England ... Valentine's Day - Valentine's Day.

VALERY. Be vigorous, healthy (latin). Lively, passionate, sincere. A brave officer by nature. He acts according to the principle - "we live once", while his courage never leaves him. Tired of philosophical reasoning. Interested in. Not always logical. He is arrogant with women, and suffers for it.

BASIL. Royal (Greek). Strong, powerful. They know their worth. Usually stubborn. Cheerful. Strive for excellence, for excellence, for glory. Hardworking. They are selfish with women, but even those “torment” them a lot.

VICTOR. Winner (latin). Active. With a halo of glory. Able to become focused at the right time. Tough, but can suddenly relax and “break wood”. Eloquent and therefore unsafe for the fair sex.

VITALY. Life (latin). Balanced physically and spiritually. Quickly, quickly gain experience, We are sure. They work according to their mood, in a big way. Company decoration. Hidden jealousies. They are in no hurry to settle down.

VLADIMIR. Own the world (Slavs). Mind marked. Teach, learn by yourself. By nature they are closed, although outwardly open, In society they usually reach considerable heights. In friendship, they are constant, but easily hurt. Women are idealized and suffering is accepted from them.

VYACHESLAV. Great glory (other Russian). As a child, inquisitively naive. With age, it becomes not so clear, precise, especially in practice. Committed to the idea. Ready to lay down his head for the assigned work. Human rumor rewards him. Usually lonely, capable of tenderness: both loves and suffers.

GENNADY. Noble origin (Greek). With a difficult, elusive temperament, often with an unpredictable reaction to external influences. Individualistic, self-absorbed, a law unto itself. Entrepreneurial, dynamic. Delicate, rejects rudeness. With lovers in difficult relationships.

GEORGE. Farmer (Greek). Helper. Loving, generous and generous. Usually with a clear head. Capable of impulse. If he wants to, he achieves a lot. Often work is the only light in the window, he is not sociable with women.

GLEB. Give under protection (Scandinavian). Virtuous. Seeking peace of mind. Restrained. They are of sound mind. Helpers. Anxiety haunts them constantly. For such women secretly sigh. Family men, "orthodox lovers."

GRIGORY. Awake (Greek). Usually solid natures: either all or nothing. Freedom-loving. Stubborn. Temperamental. Sometimes violent. Resisting fate. Loving, but affectionate. They are scolded, but loved.

DANILA. From Daniel, God is my judge (heb). Pioneer. Slow in thought, but decisive. He works drunkenly - practical wisdom has grown together with improvisation. The house is a full bowl, there are many good things around, worked by the ancestors. His family pride of the creator rejects arrogance. Self-respecting and respected.

DMITRY. Fruit of the earth (Greek). Strong, flexible, quick to make decisions people. Talented. Delny. Detailed, respect the word "must". In love - always real men.

EVGENIY. Noble (Greek). As a rule, independent and strong-willed. Maximalist. Tends to streamline life. Too demanding of himself and others. Able to achieve a lot in society. Active. Persistent in everything. Such people are cursed, but they cannot leave. With his mother, he is soft, affectionate, gentle.

EGOR. The patron saint of agriculture (other Russian). For the most part, people of deep emotions. Businesslike, practical, obsessive. Reliable owners, do not stop there, sometimes go too far, but common sense helps out. They stand by protecting their neighbor. Faithful to the once chosen woman.

EFIM. From Efimy, blessed (Greek). Internally stable. Diligent. A man of his word, persistent in solving pre-set tasks. Fits well into the environment. But in public affairs there is not enough ambition - not very "meat-eater". And in matters of love is not very lucky.

ZAHAR. From Zechariah, the memory of the Lord (ancient Heb). Usually live with a predetermined fate. Humble and kind people. Responsive. They are disposed to partnership, to a feast. Patient at work. Those who advance the cause. Family men, but too protective of their wives.

IVAN. From John, the grace of God (dr. Heb). Good. Selfless. Hardworking, but heavy on the rise. A difficult life is an ordinary fate: a fate with potholes. Hardy, life-affirming. Keeper of customs. Calm down, "your guy." With a sly one.

IGOR. Protect the name of God (other Russian). Versatile, impetuous, but does not allow oneself to be carried away. In constant pursuit of the goal, however, it can go too far. Power shows consistently, to fame is cool, but touchy. A gentle polylover, but passion does not blind his eyes.

ILYA. From Elijah, the fortress of the Lord (heb.). Introverted natures. And at the same time, they are capable of empathy. Sober in assessments, perspicacious. Ironic, artistically many-sided, good in partnership. Love stimulates their creativity.

KIRILL. Master (Greek) Confident, able to present themselves. Very different: sociable, but in their circle; pretentious but gifted; efficient, but sometimes lazy. Passion for spectacular beauty.

KONSTANTIN. Permanent (latin). Independent and smart. Very open. They contribute to everyone and in everything, which is why they “get into history”. They work with pleasure. Be attentive to relatives. The wife is pampered.

A LION. Leo (Greek). Self-sufficient, learned, far-sighted. Fast, decisive. Honest. Conscientious. With organizational skills. As a rule, there is not enough self-confidence in relation to a woman.

LEONID. Like a lion (Greek). Usually broad nature. With solid inner core. Accessible, unpretentious. Intelligent, perceptive. Loving, "gourmet lovers." They are attentive and affectionate with children, but their family, alas, is not always durable.

MAKSIM. Great (latin). Mature, with a variety of abilities. They are well aware of their capabilities. If concentrated, then very successful in society. Husband early. The line of life is the ascent. Feed weakness to the weaker sex.

MATVEY. From Matthew, given from the Lord (heb). Omnipotent and omnipresent. Deliver a lot of trouble, but with ideas, with fantasies: interesting. Rely on intuition, and even at random. If they work, they reach the highest heights. They are not arrogant, they avoid vanity, although they are extremely self-confident. They are very amorous, but they do not cheat on their wife.

MICHAEL. Who is like God (heb.). Most are charming, not stupid. Multifaceted. Instinctive, intuitive. They deny themselves a lot in order to achieve the goal. Lonely in a group. In public they are happy, but in their hearts they suffer. Many are good husbands and fathers.

NIKITA. Victorious (Greek). Gifted, first among equals. With a tenacious memory. Practical but impatient. Usually with the highest performance. Easily accessible, follow the homespun truth. There are difficulties and failures with the family.

NIKOLAY. The victory of the people (Greek). Internally stable natures. "Psychologists". Conservative in their beliefs. Smart, capable of extraordinary solutions. They rely on their strength. They can be trusted with your concerns. Silent, comfortable in everyday life.

OLEG. Light (Scandinavian). Controversial but restrained. Intelligent. Predisposed to variety. Always doubting. However, they themselves are stubborn in their opinions. sociable. All kinds of excessive hobbies interfere with a career.

PAUL. Small (Latin). With a difficult character, but, as a rule, they are easy to communicate with. They are inventive in their work, but they are rarely satisfied with it. Truth, beauty, goodness and usefulness are valued above all. Jealous, but forgiving.

PETER. Stone (Greek). Wise ones. Convinced. They grow up early. Independent. Truthful. They are overactive and unnecessarily active: often power is their passion. Strive to achieve perfection. Difficulty experiencing the collapse of illusions.

PLATO. Broad-shouldered (Greek). Folk thinker, wandering thoughts. An independent personality: "leading" and never "followed", has a great influence on people. An informal leader, a teacher, communication with him is a dope of kindness: if it doesn’t help, then it will console. At the very same - the rise, then the fall.

PROKHOR. Leading the singing (Greek). Demanding, straight to the goal, can succeed, influence. He does not notice the little things, he does everything big. However, captivating. Always committed to something. With a broken line of life. A slave of passions in youth - I am sure that "wine is given to us for joy", with age - a good old man.

NOVEL. Roman (Latin). Reliable. Acquiring an ideal, they persistently go to it, and in that they are an ultimatum. Convinced. Surprising. Circumstances have little effect on them, to the extent that they are their own among strangers. They love sweet food and good drinks. For women, it's worth it.

RUSLAN. Lion (Turks). Firmament: fair, but quick to make categorical decisions. Aimed forward. By nature they are conflicting, explosive, although they do not show their addictions. Respectful. Respectful to elders.

SAVVA. Elder (Aramaic). Wine (Other Hebrew). Ryazan man with a southern temperament. Drinking is not stupid but beautiful. Talented, scattered, going backwards. A broad-minded and extraordinary acting inventive sage. Everything is taken to heart. Treats people without prejudice. There is no regret for what was lost.

SERGEI. Tall, venerable, goblin. Restless, but quiet. Attached to friends. Very attentive, sympathetic to other people's concerns. Painfully looking for an answer to the eternal question: why do we live? As a rule, ideal husbands and fathers.

STANISLAV. Become glorious (Polish). Usually unbalanced. Nerves are a tight string. Irritable, but compliant. Responsive, such a character gives rise to life difficulties. Unlucky, mistakes haunt them. In youth they are amorous, but no further than flirting. Their weakness is beautiful women.

STEPAN. From Stefan, crown, crown (Greek). Willful and inspiring. Reflective. Original, hardy, trustingly wasteful on inventions, not staying long at one job and not burdening himself with things. Uncle-godfather-educator. Can drown in love.

TIMOTHEY. Worshiping God (Greek). Fair, righteous. Modest, thoughtful, thorough. Craftsman, with imagination and artistic taste. Perhaps circumstances are stronger than Timothy, and he has to do what he does not want to do. He is gentle with women, cherishes his wife, cherishes.

TIKHON. Lucky (Greek). Quiet, does not live in a lie, without self-praise. Peaceful - always strives to get around an acute angle, but not out of timidity. Thoughtful, doubtful. Respectful to other people's opinions. Appreciates calmness; in family life, an adherent of the useful rules of Domostroy.

FEDOR. From Theodore, God's gift (Greek). Rarely are they satisfied with life circumstances. Feelings are kept inside. Philosophical. Usually with the character “not a gift”: by themselves, it happens, they are outraged. They are noticeable in the company, in the family - childish saints.

YURI. Creator (Slavs). Relying only on his own strength. Can drive himself and others. Usually makes good money, but will not become a billionaire. Vulnerable, worried: he is always in some kind of danger - either from mother nature, or from people. He loves earthly, peasant love.

YAKOV. from Jacob, a hesitant, follows someone, (dr, Heb). Fate strives to give him a surprise, often not the best. Smart, cunning. Every now and then steps fall out of his social ladder. Far-sighted, anticipating events. The Jacobs are allegedly indifferent to the female sex.

YAROSLAV. Bright glory (Slavs). Brightly individual, talented, ambitious. All his life he knows himself. Passionate, passionate. Yaroslav is a cabin boy of romance and risk. Plays with fire, awakens interest. Hard to contain pride. He loves either the first, or the last, or one ...

Augusta Agata Agafya Aglaya Agnes Agnia Agrafena Agrippina Ada Adelaide Aza Alevtina Alexandra Alina Alisa Alla Albina Anastasia Angelina Anisya Anna Antonida Antonina Anfisa Apollinaria Ariadna Beatrice Berta Borislava Bronislava Valentina Valeria Wanda Varvara Vasilisa Vassa Vera Veronika Victorina Victoria Virginia Ganda Vladilena Vladilena Vladislava Vladislava Vladislava Henrietta Glafira Gorislava Daria Diana…

August Avdey Averky Averyan Avksenty Avtonom Agap Agathon Aggey Adam Adrian and Andrian Azary Akim Alexander Alexey Amvrosy Amos Ananiy Anatoly Andrei Andron Andronik Anikey Anikita Anisim and Onesim Antip Antoninus Apollinaris Apollo Arephius Aristarchus Arkady Arseny Artemy Artemy Arkhip Askold Athanasius Afinogen Bazhen Bogdan Boleslav Borislav Borislav Boyan Budimir Vadim Valentin Valery Valerian…

Sociologists have conducted research, offering to describe five female and five male common names. Here is what their contemporaries represent. Lena is an almost angelic creation. She is thin, fair-haired, serious, smart and friendly. Olya is a short, strong, dark-haired, cheerful and mischievous laugher. Most importantly, sociable, and much more open than Lena. (The older generation - Olenka - a poetic girl, fragile, fair-haired ...

Back in 1914, a small pamphlet was published in St. Petersburg with a circulation of 100 copies under the intriguing title "The Power of Names (Strange ...) About the influence of a name on a person's fate." Its author, S. R. Mintslov writes: “Among the vague riddles that the human mind stumbles upon is the influence on the moral character and fate of a person of his name. Why does it exist - to this question ...

ALEXANDRA. Help, reliable (Greek). Lively. Restless and restless. Always near. Usually the character is similar to that of a man. Life path: "tomboy" - "business woman". In society and in the family, she is so active that, alas, she does not always have enough strength for tenderness. ALLA. Another (gothic). Bright, "invincible". Not like everyone else. Energetic. Looking up, inspiring-rally. Catchy, beautiful, does not spare men. Marriage, however...

A name is something given to us by our parents. This is what we give to our children. It is very important, because it can become a reliable amulet and protective talisman for you.

Sergey. Sergei means "clear". Clarity is the purity and strength of the mind. This name is a good universal amulet, as well as a kind of happy talisman. True, Sergey still has frequent problems with his opponents.

Anton. A strong name that protects its owner from a love spell and from clouding his mind. There is a weak resistance to the evil eye and curses. Anton is a warrior who fights for his freedom and recognition, so he does not always manage to defend himself, because the essence of this name is struggle.

Alexei. It means "protector" in Greek. Protection is always good. The amulet from this name turns out to be good, but not always stable. This inconstancy prevents Aleksei from being protected from the evil eye or a love spell.

Michael. This name arguably fits the description of the ideal protection for a boy or a grown man, since the camp of specialists is divided into two large parts - those who believe that this name is one of the best, and those who consider it mediocre in terms of protection. Due to this confusion, we only give it sixth place on our list.

Kirill. This name means "master", which hints at a special energy. Cyril is his own boss, so he is definitely not afraid of simple evil eyes. Do you want to provide the boy with protection and strength? - call him Cyril.

Valery. The meaning is similar to Cyril, but is interpreted a little differently. This is a stronger name-amulet, because it was always worn by the most persistent men. It grants stable protection from almost all types of energy impact.

Victor. He is the winner and he is the winner. The highest level of energy is able to give Victor protection from everything that comes from people who are evil and hostile. We give bronze to this excellent name, which is both beautiful and a talisman.

Igor. From time immemorial, Igor was painted with calmness, strength and equanimity. These qualities help to see the world in the right light, abstracting from everything that may be unnecessary. Igor is absolutely not worried about the very possibility of being cursed. He knows it won't affect him. This makes Igor the most powerful talisman name on our list. Almost the strongest.

Alexander. An ancient name meaning "defender of the family." This spiritual talisman is able to provide stable protection not only for the boy or man himself, but for his entire family. Thus, Alexander is the best name for protection from filth, evil eye, envy, curses and all invisible problems.

Don't forget that a name is like a name for a ship. Whatever you call a boy, that will be his life. Our ancestors believed that names have a special magic that gives a person strength, luck and protection.

We also advise you to familiarize yourself with female amulets. Find out how powerful your name is, or help yourself decide what to name your unborn child. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.10.2016 06:02

The presence of damage or the evil eye on a person is always manifested by troubles and poor health. However, there are several...

Our expert - psychologist Sofia Shnol.

Should you deserve it?

From childhood, we all know the well-known statement that elders must be respected. This begs the question: is it necessary to respect only the elders (I wonder, starting from what age?) or in general all people? There is still a fairly widespread opinion that children should not be respected, because they have not yet grown up and have not done anything worthy of respect. Then it turns out that you need to grow up to respect or you have to earn it. In this case, it is more like a chain of command or a reward for achievement. But if we pay attention to the etymology of the verb "respect", we will see a root there that is common with the word "important". This will remind us that respect is not a manifestation of subordination and not recognition of merit, but the consciousness that each person is important and worthy of attention to himself. Therefore, the topic of respect should not be considered narrowly, limited to the attitude of the younger to the older, - it concerns any relationship between people.

Every person at any age has the right to respect, simply because he exists in the world.

And do not forget that children always learn from the example of adults. If we want them to respect us, we must first show them how respect is shown, what it is. Without meeting with respect in the family, they will never know what it is.

We respect the boundaries

Respect is closely related to the ability to notice another person in his real manifestations. If a person is important in himself, then his personal characteristics, his needs, his preferences, his feelings are important. I may not like its manifestations, but I cannot leave them unattended. Respect is manifested in simple things, for example, in noticing the boundaries of someone else's personal space and respecting them: do not interrupt in a conversation, do not enter without knocking, do not take things without permission ... Adults often require children to respect their own boundaries, but do not consider it necessary respect the privacy of children. Not noticing another person and not taking into account his needs, we seem to leave no place for him, in fact, we deny him existence. Unfortunately, adults quite often behave in this way with children (remember the parental motto from not so ancient times: “Children should not be seen or heard!”). And with each other, to be honest, the older members of the family do not always behave respectfully. With such an attitude, it is difficult for a child to learn respect - he does not see an example.

Respect requires careful attention. If we are attentive, we will notice that people, especially children, usually give a lot of hints on how to show them respect. The child, who has not yet despaired of being heard, easily communicates what he feels, what he likes or dislikes. For example, he does not want to eat vermicelli because it is "slippery". And then there is the issue of parental care. We can stop and admit that vermicelli disgusts the child, or we can ignore his feelings and fall into “righteous” indignation at his “whim”.

Let's start with ourselves

You cannot respect another without respecting yourself. This means that in order to learn to notice and recognize the personal boundaries, needs and feelings of other people, you need to define your own boundaries, feel your feelings and recognize your needs. Having noticed and understood ourselves, we can already notice and understand other people. Respecting yourself and others, being attentive is not easy when it is unusual. Having started in this matter with himself and discovered his difficulties, an adult will be more indulgent towards a child who is just learning to cope with this.

Trying to respect others without respecting oneself leads to the fact that a person begins to feel like a victim and, as a result, unconsciously angry at those whom we “should respect”. As a result, no respect is obtained, but, on the contrary, it turns out to be a complete violation of other people's borders. So our self-respect is necessary not only for ourselves, but also for the people around us, and, first of all, for our children.

If you notice a lack of respect for yourself, try to identify people in your environment who treat you with respect, and try to communicate with them more in order to first get this experience from the outside. Also, the help of a psychologist can be useful here.

Personal opinion

Natalya Senchukova:

Raising a child is not a set of certain points and rules. This is a whole complex of factors and conditions. The most important thing in education, I think, is the way of life of parents, their behavior. Personal example is the basis. Everything else is already some kind of auxiliary things that may or may not give a result.