The most interesting Christmas divination. True fortune-telling for marriage: on cards, a ring, by hand Fortune-telling for married girls

It is believed that it is during the days of Christmas time that you can find out if you will get married next year, who will be betrothed, whether luck will accompany the whole year. Of course, the night of the old New Year is the best time to find out your future. But if you didn’t manage to tell fortunes at the right time, don’t worry - Christmas Christmas time will continue until Epiphany Eve, and you can perform the sacrament until January 18.

For fortune-telling to be successful, a number of important rules must be observed. Before the ritual, you need to loosen your hair and untie the knots on your clothes. It is necessary to remove the belt, bracelets, chains, rings - all these are amulets that close our energy and prevent it from uniting with the energy of spirits. During divination, it is better not to cross your arms and legs. You can tell fortunes alone or in the company of friends, but in the room where the ritual takes place, it should be as quiet as possible. The mood and the right way to look into the future are important. The best time to perform the holy sacraments is midnight or hours before sunrise.

Divination for the betrothed and marriage

Divination by mirrors

The most famous and mystical divination for the betrothed is by mirrors. In a dark room, they put a mirror in front of themselves, and a candle on the side of it, utter the spell “betrothed-mummer, come to dinner with me” and peer into the mirror. The appearance of the groom will foreshadow the fluctuation of the candle flame and the misted mirror. As soon as this happens, the glass should be wiped with a towel. The groom should come up from behind and his reflection should appear in the mirror.

Divination with water

You need to bring a piece of ice or a lump of snow from the street, wait until it melts, and look at the rubbish that is in the water. If a hair is found, the betrothed will be rich, a stick or a sliver - with its own housing, a leaf - will be associated with science, a piece of paper - a military man.

Pour heated wax or egg white into a glass of water. If they fall to the bottom and spread like a pancake, then marriage is still a long time to wait. If they take the form of a candle, rings - soon a wedding.

Three candles are lit and, without blinking, peer into the center of the ring, trying to see the face of the future spouse.

A transparent glass without edges and patterns is filled two-thirds with water, an engagement ring is carefully lowered into the glass. Three candles are lit and, without blinking, peer into the center of the ring, trying to see the face of the future spouse.

Divination with threads

It is necessary to cut the threads of the same length according to the number of fortunetellers and set them on fire at once from one candle. The girl whose thread burns out the fastest is the first. If the thread, without burning down to half, goes out for someone, this means that this girl will never marry.

Divination by matches

You need to insert two matches into the sides of the matchbox, identified with some guy and girl, and then set them on fire. If the matches turn their heads to each other, it means that this pair will be together.

Divination on the log

In the dark, you need to find a thick stick and carefully examine it. If the tree turns out to be smooth, the husband will be good, with knots - bad, with cracks and crevices - evil.

Divination on the stairs

Make up a set of words that characterize a man. For example: widower - well done - daring - Sagittarius - poor - rich - old - married. Going down the stairs, say a rhyme. What word will fall out on the last step - such will be the husband.

Divination on the boot

The girl needs to go outside, turn to face the house and throw her boot over her shoulder. If he falls with his toe away from home, then this year she will marry and leave her home. If the toe is towards the house, he will remain with his parents for now.

Divination in the name

They go outside at night and ask the first man they meet for their name. What is his name - that will be the name of the betrothed.

Divination for a dream

They dissolve a pinch of salt in water, drink salt water before going to bed and say: “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummers, will give me a drink.” The groom will dream and give the bride a drink.

Four card kings are placed under the pillow and they say: “Whoever is my betrothed, he will come in a dream.”

They put a comb under the pillow and say these words: “My betrothed, come and comb me.”

Divination on the ring, bread and hook

They put the named objects under the scarf and turn five times around themselves. After that, without looking, these things are dragged from under the scarf. Got a hook - the husband will be poor, bread - rich, ring - beautiful.

Fortune telling in the snow

At midnight, you need to go outside and walk through the freshly fallen snow. If no one crosses the tracks before dawn, life in marriage will be free, if the tracks are trampled, you will have to live with your husband in quarrels all your life.

At midnight, you need to go outside and throw a handful of snow in the direction opposite to the wind. If the snowflakes fall right on you, this means that the husband will be young and handsome, if the snowflakes scatter to the sides, the husband will be elderly.

Divination by phone

If a man picks up the phone, ask for his name, this will be the name of your betrothed.

Dial an arbitrary phone number. If a man picks up the phone, ask for his name, this will be the name of your betrothed. If a woman picks up the phone, then a rival will stand on the way to personal happiness. And if the child responded, then you will get married, and you will have time to give birth to a baby, and you must look for a betrothed among those whom you already know. If a stranger does not want to tell you his name, this means that you will have many fans and in the end you will be able to create a strong relationship, but not so soon.

Divination for family life

Fortune telling on needles

Two needles need to be smeared with melted wax, lowered into water, make a wish and carefully monitor their behavior. If they drowned immediately, the wish will come true, if they are united, marriage is ahead, and if they parted, they will not see their betrothed. For married women, broken needles promise family problems, for men - problems in business.

Fortune telling on ice

It is necessary to fill a glass with water, lower the ring there and put it outside. By the number of hills on the surface of the ice, the number of sons is judged, and by the number of holes, the number of daughters.

Fortune telling

Divination by wax

At all times, this fortune-telling was one of the most popular. You need to drop wax into the water and carefully examine the resulting figure: if in the form of a wallet or banknote - to wealth, in the form of a house - to change your place of residence or buying a home, in the form of an embryo - to the birth of children, in the form of a heart - to true love.

Divination by shadow

You need to crumple a sheet of paper or newspaper into a loose lump, put it on a plate and set it on fire, and while it burns, pronounce your question aloud. After the paper is completely burned, you need to put a burning candle next to the plate and look at the shadow that the burnt paper casts on the wall. The figure that will appear will indicate the answer.

If you look into this corridor for a very long time, you can see a variety of events from your own future.

Divination on mirrors

In another divination, two mirrors are taken and placed opposite each other to form a long corridor. Two candles are lit so that they are reflected in the mirrors and illuminate the corridor. If you look into this corridor for a very long time, you can see a variety of events from your own future.

Fortune telling on peas, nuts or beans

The fortuneteller takes a handful of peas, nuts or beans and begins to put them one by one on the table, saying: "Luck - wealth - love - deceit - poverty - work - chores, worries - child - apartment - military uniforms." The choice of words may depend on what you want to find out about your own future. On which word the grains run out, it is waiting for you next year.

Divination on small objects

A company of young people and girls is gathering. Everyone puts some little thing on the tray: a key, a button, a cufflink, a handkerchief, a coin, a ring, an earring. They cover the tray with a towel, shake it, then, without looking, with their left hand, everyone pulls out what comes first: the key - a new home or car, a scarf - tears, a ring - marriage, an earring - good luck in a career, a coin - wealth, a button - a child , cufflink - travel.

The strip that comes up first means that what is written on it has a positive answer.

Divination on paper

For this divination, you will need strips of paper of the same size, on which you need to write questions of interest, your desires. All strips are randomly placed in a wide bowl into which water is poured. Strips of paper will first swirl in a whirlpool and gradually float to the surface. The strip that comes up first means that what is written on it has a positive answer.

Divination by spruce branches

A fresh spruce branch is held over a candle and they say: “Queen spruce, mother of all trees, should I live long or wait for death? Wealth or poverty, betrayal or fidelity? A spruce branch is placed under the pillow. In the morning they take it out and examine it. The needles did not turn yellow and did not crumble - to health, wealth and mutual understanding in the family. Needles crumbled - to illness or quarrels.

You can treat divination and their predictions differently. The main thing is to believe in their veracity - and then you can really clarify your own future for yourself.

In this article:

The betrothed is the one whom girls have been dreaming of since girlhood. As soon as the fair sex grows up, they become interested in their future, and in particular in the chosen one. Who is he? What's his name? When will the moment of long-awaited meeting come? These and many other questions are of interest to young maidens, who, in order to at least slightly open the veil of the mystery of the future, use fortune-telling on the betrothed.

These divinations are varied and are done with a mirror or on cards. Also, a narrowed mummer can be seen in a dream.

Dream on future husband

To see your betrothed in a dream, put a comb under your pillow and say:

“My betrothed mummer, come to me in a dream and comb my head”

You can also take a thimble of salt, a thimble of water, mix them and eat before going to bed, and going to bed, say:

“Whoever is my betrothed, mummers, will give me water to drink”

Another option is to place four card kings under your pillow and say:

“Who is my betrothed-mummer, he will dream in a dream”

The king of spades is an aged groom or jealous, a red king is young and rich, a cross king is for matchmakers from a military or businessman, a tambourine indicates a desired groom.

Divination in the name of the betrothed

How to find out the name of the betrothed? Simply and easily! To do this, you need to take a couple of sheets of paper, write one male name on each and put it in some kind of container or recess, for example, a hat. Shake the papers and pull out one. The name that is written on the elongated sheet will be your future spouse.

Fortune telling on rice grains

Place a jar of rice in front of you, hold your left hand over it with your palm down, concentrating, ask aloud a question, after which they take out a handful of rice from the jar and pour it onto a pre-spread napkin. Rice is counted. An odd number of grains indicates a negative answer to your question, and an even number indicates a positive one.

Divination on bulbs

Take onions, on each write the male name of one of the alleged contenders for your hand and heart. Put all the bulbs in water and wait for one of them to sprout. The bulb that first sprouts and becomes the winner, or rather, the one whose name is written on it, will be the first to make you a marriage proposal.

Divination for married women

Pour into a glass of water and on a previously prepared sheet of paper write the name of the mistress of the missus and his own name. Also, prepare a spoonful of salt in advance and light a candle. Throw salt into a glass and light a sheet with written names from a candle. While the leaf is burning, quickly stir the salt in a glass and say:

“If the salt melts faster, then my husband will not leave me, and the paper will burn out and their love will burn out”

Such methods of divination perfectly develop intuition.

If the salt melts before the paper burns and decays, the husband will remain in the family, but if the paper burns faster, then the spouse will leave you anyway sooner or later.

New Year's divination by an armful of firewood

On New Year's Eve, you need to take an armful of firewood and take it to the house to count it. An even number of firewood speaks of marriage or marriage this year, an odd number indicates the absence of changes in this state of affairs.

Divination on spoons

On New Year's Eve, all family members should take a spoonful of water and take it out into the cold. If the water begins to freeze in a deepening - to death this year. Tubercle - prosperity and a happy life.

Divination by the window

This fortune-telling on the betrothed is done at the window. Wait for everyone in the house to fall asleep, sit by the window, extinguish the fire and whisper softly:

"Narrowed-mummers, drive past the window"

If in the near future a noisy crowd passes by the window or someone shouts loudly, whistles, then the groom will be rich, silence means the groom will be poor.

Divination for the groom with a ring

The result is achieved only by girls who know how to discard extraneous thoughts and concentrate

Take a simple glass with a flat bottom. There should be no drawings or edges on the glass. Pour water into a third of the glass and lower the ring there, after cleaning it. Now long and persistently try to see through the water in the middle of the ring the face of the future husband.

Divination for Christmas for the betrothed

This divination is most effective during Christmas or Holy Week. Before 24.00, prepare a mirror and a couple of spruce branches. Before going to bed, write the name of the desired person or cherished desire on the mirror. When you wake up in the morning, look at the mirror first.

If what is written has disappeared, then the desire will surely come true or you will get married soon. If what is written has not changed in any way, then you, as before, will remain in your interests. By the way, this is a very bad sign for the one whose name you wrote on the mirror, so before you do this, think carefully, because the name can always be replaced by a desire, without specifying one or another person.

Candle divination

On Intercession (October 14), the power of the marriage union is the most powerful, so on this day the girls ran to church from early morning to put a candle on which they could tell fortunes. Moreover, the girl who puts the candle before everyone else will get married before the rest.

And guessing by candlelight is easy. A quiet flame is a quiet, even life without special events and failures.

  • A bright flame is an interesting life.
  • A crackling flame is a cheerful and stormy life.
  • A dim flame is sadness and fragility.
  • The red color of the flame is grief, yellow is joy, soot is unfortunate.

During the period of Christmas time, not only young girls want to know their fate, but also married women who can tell fortunes about the fulfillment of a wish, the number of children, find out answers to questions of interest about the future with the help of a playing deck of cards, rice grains, a wax candle, a wedding ring and other things that can be found in every home. It is impossible to guess on Christmas night, because for Christianity this is a great sin. As a rule, you need to tell fortunes from January 8 to January 18: these days the results are considered the most reliable.

One of the most popular Christmas fortune-telling for married ladies is the fidelity of a spouse.

You will need: a white sheet of A4 format, table salt - 1 tbsp. spoon, glass cup, large spoon, red wax candle (you can take a regular one).

Step-by-step description of the divination process:

  1. It is necessary to write on the sheet with a blue pen the name of the husband's alleged mistress.
  2. Light a candle and take a spoonful of salt, placing it next to it.
  3. Pour clean water into a glass, lower the spoon into the liquid.
  4. Then you need to set fire to the sheet on which the name is written, from the flame of a burning candle.
  5. Stir the salt in a glass, while saying the words: “If the pickle melts, then the hubby will not leave me. Burn the leaf faster, burn their feelings as soon as possible!

If the salt is completely dissolved in water, and the paper is burned to the ground, then the fortuneteller will be able to save the marriage, her husband loves her, and her fears are groundless. If the salt remains at the bottom of the glass, the relationship will soon end and the family will not be saved.

On rice grains

Christmas fortune-telling for a wish can be done at home by taking a glass of rice and mentally formulating what you dream about most (for example, about the appearance of a personal car in the near future). Then you need to cover the glass with your left hand and say out loud your question, to which you can only give an affirmative or negative answer. Turn the glass over and take a handful of rice:

  • An even number is a good sign. Success awaits in the near future, and the plan will soon come true.
  • Odd - the dream will definitely not come true this year, and fortune will turn away from the fortuneteller for a long time.
You will need a thin piece of dry wood and a small piece of wood. Burn the piece of wood down to a coal, bring a thin chip to it and blow on the coal. If the sliver flares up and flares up, then the husband will be compliant and accommodating. Otherwise, he will be a self-willed person with a strong disposition.


It is necessary to find a long and thin splinter, stick it with one edge into some kind of base so that it holds tightly, and set it on fire with the other. As the splinter burns, the resulting ash will fall off. In which direction it falls, from that side it is worth waiting for the groom.


Dry and thin chips must be moistened with water. Try to ignite. If the sliver quickly flared up, then the husband will have a very calm and gentle character, otherwise, vice versa.


You will need: a handful of crackers, a frying pan and water. Crackers can be replaced with popcorn. Pour a little water into the pan and pour the crackers, set it on fire. If the process is accompanied by crackling and noise, then the betrothed will be grouchy, but if the crackers do not light up or, having flared up, go out, then the drunkard.


Prepare: a brush, a cigarette, a ring and a small piece of bread. Cover each of the collected things with a deep bowl or any other object so that the outlines of the things hidden under it are not noticeable. Call a person who wants to know their fate into the room and offer a choice. If a person pointed to a ring - this is to a fashionable groom, to a brush - to a simple and ordinary one, to bread - to a financially secure groom, to a cigarette - to a groom-smoker.


To find out whether you are married or not, you need to take a basin of water, a walnut shell and a candle. All unmarried girls build a boat out of a shell with a candle (stands inside the shell-bowl) marked with the name of the owner of the boat. Next, the candles are set on fire and the ships are lowered into a basin of water. Whose candle burns first, the one to marry before the rest. And whose candle will sink - the old maid.

This fortune-telling can be combined with fortune-telling, which determines the name of the betrothed. To do this, boats with male names must also be lowered into a basin of water. What names-ships will come into contact, so be together. Time to get ready for the wedding.


Naughty fortune telling. Its essence is that, having taken a mouthful of water, be the first to run to the door of the house. Unmarried girls go out into the street, fill their mouths with water and run to the door. Whoever touches the door handle first, without losing a drop of water, will be the first to get married.


Divination for a dream. Before going to bed, the girl should eat a large pinch of salt and say the words: “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummer, will give me a drink.” Upon giving to her, the future groom will come to her in a dream to give her a drink.


You will need: a deep bowl and drinking water. At night, before going to bed, you need to pour water into the bowl, mark the level or edge of the water surface with a pencil, put the bowl under the bed. And check in the morning. If the water level in the bowl has not changed, then the girl’s fate will be decided in the very near future, and if the level has dropped, there is less water, then the girl will be in the “girls” for a long time.


To find out if the dream of marriage will come true in the coming year, you need to stock up on a large box, a piece of bread, a sliver of wood, a man's hat and tell fortunes. All of the listed things are placed in a box, and the fortuneteller is tightly blindfolded and asked to choose one of the things from the box. A man's hat speaks of an imminent marriage, and bread that walking in "girls". A sliver of wood promises poor health.


Divination for unmarried girlfriends. Several girls are guessing at once. Everyone needs to take a crumb of bread and make any figure out of it. Then call the dog to you and put the whole figure in front of it. The girl whose figurine the dog eats first will be the first to be married.


Those girls who want to know the attitude of the one to whom the heart is given must do the following. Take 10 identical pieces of paper, on one write the name of a loved one. Then roll the pieces of paper into tubes and put them in an opaque bag or other opaque container. Carefully move and pull exactly three times one piece of paper. And each next time will be only after returning the elongated piece of paper back and mixing. If all three pieces of paper are white - the chosen one is indifferent, two pieces of paper are white - there will be success. But if you manage to pull out a paper with a name only once, then you should know that the fortuneteller was never his dream.


Divination in the field. The girl goes out into the yard to the woodpile and randomly pulls out any log she likes for the furnace. He looks at him closely. If the resulting log is beautiful, even and smooth, the groom will be the same: slender, handsome. If the log has a rough bark, then the groom will be unsightly, but a thick and unmutilated bark indicates that a rich groom will get. Shabby and peeled bark to the poor betrothed, a log without bark at all - to the beggar.
Now it is worth taking a closer look at the log itself. If it got thick and heavy, then the groom will be a hero, crooked - to the physical shortcomings of the groom, with a lot of knots - to a large and friendly family.


Newlyweds who want to know if their family will be big should do the following. Fill a glass of water and dip a wedding ring into it, put the glass with the ring in the cold. After the water has frozen - guess. Carefully inspect the ice, its surface. If it is smooth and flawless, be childless life. If there are surface flaws, they need to be carefully considered. The tubercles protruding above the surface and their number are the number of sons in the family, dimples and their number - daughters.


Single fortune-telling for marriage. An unmarried girl takes an ironed clean white towel and before going to bed pinches it with a window so that most of the towel hangs outside. Sentences: "Narrowed, come to me!". Waking up in the morning, you need to first check the towel, if it is wet or damp, then be her bride this year.


Divination for unmarried girlfriends. You will need: a thick book, one key with a large ring, and a ribbon. The key is placed between the pages of the book so that the large ring sticks out. Then they tie the book with ribbons or ropes so that the key is securely held in it. A book with a key is hung on a plumb line and given time to take a stationary state, and then exciting questions are asked. Each in turn. They call their name and wait if the book starts to swing and move, which means that the girl will definitely get married.


Fortune telling on a cockroach. If you manage to catch a cockroach, then the girl can ask him about future marriage. To do this, you need to tie it in the sleeve of your own nightgown and say the words: “Cockroach - cockroach, show me that tower where I will live!”. In a dream, if a girl is destined to get married, the fortuneteller will dream of a house in which she will live with her future husband.


If there is a cat in the house, then she can tell whether the plan will come true. To do this, you need to ask her to step over the threshold, and trace which of the paws she steps first. If the first was the left paw, then everything will turn out and be fulfilled, if the right one, then no.


Fortune telling on the night before the New Year will tell everyone what the future promises in the coming year. To ask fate what will come true and what will not, you need to prepare 12 sheets of white paper with planned events or desires written on them. When filling out the sheets, it should be remembered that among them 1 - 2 pieces of paper should also be with bad events, such as "the desire will not come true." You can guess at Christmas, New Year and even the Old New Year.
Leaves with events are placed under the pillow, and in the morning, first of all, without getting out of bed, they make a wish and pull out the paper. You only need to take out one. Repeated divination is not valid.


What's coming? Anyone who wants to know what will happen in life should put a transparent decanter on a table filled with water. Preferably without drawings, patterns, and so on. Surround it with three lighted candles, place a medium-sized mirror behind the candles and get ready to look into it through the decanter. What is displayed in the mirror is what awaits the fortuneteller.


A special kind of divination for Christmas. At 19 pm, a fortuneteller picks up a candle, lights it and goes around all the rooms in the house or apartment strictly clockwise. If the candle does not go out on the way, then the most cherished desire will certainly come true.


Divination for two friends. A fortune-telling girl cannot be performed on her own. You will need: two thin, medium-length needles, a glass of water, lard. The needles must be carefully grated with lard and lowered into a glass of water. If the needles stuck to each other, then be married soon, if they parted, then the wedding has obstacles. If they drowned, it will be trouble, but if they go in different directions at all and do not touch each other, then this suggests that the fortuneteller walks in “girls”.


You will need: a sheet of white paper, a candle, a free wall and a large flat plate. A sheet of paper is well crumpled and placed on a plate, set on fire and waiting for the lump to completely burn out. Then they light a candle, you need to hold it in front of the plate, and turn off the light. The fortuneteller must wait until the eyes get used to the darkness in order to correctly examine the drawings thrown by the burnt lump onto the wall. The plate must be gently rotated and carefully studied the resulting patterns on the wall. If it was:

Home, then be family.
Mountain, then to overcome obstacles and difficulties.
Bear or dog, then to a new love or a sincere friend.
The table is for a large number of guests.
Road - to travel or travel.
Tree - to the knowledge of the new.


Winter divination. A glass of clean drinking water is put out in the bitter cold and they wait until it freezes. Then the glass is brought into the house, and a gold chain, an earring and a ring are placed on the surface of the ice. Whatever touches the bottom first is what awaits in the future. Earring - misfortune will come to the house. The ring is a quick and happy marriage. The chain is a long unmarried road.


Rice is poured into the middle bowl, a ring, a brooch, a hairpin are thrown into it and a wish is made. What the fortuneteller pulls out first will happen. The ring - to be a wedding, the brooch - to the death of a loved one, the hairpin - to loneliness.


You will need: a bowl of water, a pinch of salt, sugar, ash, the hair of a loved one and your own. All things are immersed in a bowl of water and left overnight. And in the morning they see what happened. If the hair is tangled in the bowl - to be loved together, if someone drowned - this is to his illness. But if the hair "dispersed" to different ends of the bowl - this is a betrayal, windiness of a loved one or husband.


Fortune telling, which should take place in complete solitude. You will need: a free table, two medium mirrors, two candles and glasses of salt. Candles are placed in glasses with salt so that they stand firmly, and they are placed on both sides of the first mirror. The second mirror is placed exactly opposite the first one, a displayed burning corridor in the mirrors should form. And now you need to look intently in the mirror and say: "Narrowed - dressed up, come to me dressed up." As soon as the fortuneteller sees a face, you need to say loudly “Chur, me!” and quickly knock over any of the mirrors.


Several unmarried girls put marked wooden spoons into a bucket of clean water and shake the water. The girl whose spoon floats first from the edge of the bucket will soon be given in marriage by her parents.


Divination with pickled cucumbers. At night, an unmarried girl should eat a few pickles and go to bed, saying: “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummers, will give me a drink.” In a dream, a future groom will definitely dream.


Melted wax from a candle is poured into a bowl of clean water. In the event that the wax hardens in the form of figures: candles, a house or a circle (ring), then the fortuneteller will become a wife in the near future, and if it falls to the bottom in the form of a pancake, then marriage will not be so soon.