The rune of money Fehu is a powerful money talisman. Rune fehu - use in magic Fehu otal berkana soulu make an intention


The energy of the Fehu rune is unbridled and very useful for magic involving rapid and drastic changes.

The Fehu rune can be used in magic for the following purposes:

  • cleansing the room of negative energy
  • building relationships with loved ones
  • for the safety of the transported property
  • to get out of a bad situation
  • good real estate deal

It is recommended to use the Fehu rune in rune signs associated with wealth, business, health. The most commonly used rune, as the rune of the arrival of something tangible, but it must be used very carefully and more accurately take into account the interaction of Fehu with neighboring runes in the runescript.

Symbolizing money as the equivalent of cosmic energy, Fehu gives a hint that money goes where it is spent.

Like a river, the wider the channel, the fuller, more powerful and stronger the flow. But at the same time, you must always remember that the river must have a source. If a person, having a source, begins to pinch it, he risks losing this source. When a person, receiving, gives, the source only increases.

This law applies not only to money, it applies to everything: health, love, energy, knowledge.

Fehu will help you draw the energy of the Sun, Moon and Stars to make your most cherished dream come true.

Rites with the rune Fehu:

To get out of need, draw the Fehu rune on a ring or bracelet. It will help you find wealth by pushing you into a certain situation and creating certain opportunities.

You can use a conspiracy to attract wealth, prosperity, well-being. In this case, take an additional green candle and apply the Fehu rune on it. Your conspiracy will gain even greater strength and the likelihood of fulfilling your plan will increase.
If you don't want a fire to flare up, whisper quietly "fe-ee-hu-u" and watch what happens after that. Unless, of course, when kindling you used dry firewood.
In order for you to always have money in your wallet, take a coin or banknote, draw a Fehu rune and put it in your wallet. And don't show it to anyone.

An amulet with the Fehu rune will help move any stagnant business off the ground, as well as maintain health, protect everything that you ask for.

An amulet with a three-time repeating rune of Fehu is used in accordance with the direction of this rune - creating a situation of material and financial well-being.

This is the most sought after image, as everyone needs property and wealth. Its original meaning is to have wealth and health. Rune Fehu is an indispensable talisman for producing material values. It directs the cash flow to its owner.

Starting any business, it is worth turning to the wisdom of the ancestors, who never plan an important business without advice from higher powers and without enlisting their support, embodied in a symbol of approval. For many successful people, the image of Fehu — (Feu) — Fehu, Fe, Feoh, inscribed on a tree or noble metal, has always become such a symbol.

For those who know the secrets of Northern Magic, this rune denotes the primary wild and powerful Fire. It is a natural force that brings rapid and radical change. You have many internal resources that you are not even aware of. The Fehu rune will open the vault of your personal power and increase your ability to control your destiny, especially its material component.

The only warning is that speculation, theft and any unseemly machinations will never find support from this talisman! In addition, it is important to remember that what comes to you must necessarily strive for some good goal. Not only to flow in and solidify, but also to flow out for good!

Formulas. The combination of the Fehu rune with other runes:

Othal Fehu Yer

To increase profits, expand ownership. The first two in combination symbolize the multiplication of money, the third rune Yer is a symbol of reward, a rich harvest, for the real embodiment of desire.

Berkana Otal Fehu

To attract customers, business development. Its use can bring a significant increase in profits in business, increase the number of customers needed for its development.


Formula for Business, for making a profit and increasing property. Allows you to develop the necessary qualities for business - entrepreneurship, responsibility, self-discipline and concentration, flexibility and the ability to find the right solutions.


Formula for Business, for making a profit and increasing property. Any activity or business, the product of which is mainly material objects. It is especially effective in real estate transactions or in farming.
Also a formula for the protection and prosperity of the House - a family "hearth" or "family nest" (estate).

Evaz Fehu Soul

A formula for creating a breakthrough and giving a powerful impetus (push) to a cause, project and success. The destruction of walls on the way to new beginnings, a "break" in the wall.


The health formula helps prevent the development of disease processes, as well as defeat existing diseases.


The formula for business success. Helps to achieve success and increase profits.


1. Put the Fehu rune amulet in your wallet

Since ancient times, the Fehu rune has been used to attract money, wealth and profit to the house, as well as an amulet for the success of a certain event. No less well the magic of this rune works to protect certain things and money from theft.
In order to take advantage of the power that Fehu can give, you can draw it on a coin or photo (for example, using red varnish), as well as a bill (a one-dollar bill is quite suitable for this). Such an amulet should always be carried with you in your wallet so that there is a lot of money there. Remember that any rune should be kept away from prying eyes.

2. Most often, the Fe rune is associated with wealth and material values. . But let's break this habitual pattern a bit and look at the situation from the outside. Of course, the rune Fe (Fehu, Fehu) is associated with the worldly beginning, physical needs and wealth. Some associate the rune with the name Loki, others with Frain, ingenuity, cunning, lust - all this is practically not connected with the spiritual world of man.
Let's look at how this rune can be used in everyday practice. Here is the simplest ritual, draw a rune on a piece of paper, imagine a green thousand-ruble bill, indicate the due date and burn it. Burn a piece of paper with a rune, not an imaginary bill.
Your request will come true very soon.

3. The rune of wealth and prosperity Fehu, placed in a portfolio, as well as applied to financial documents , becomes a magnet for money, gives a signal to our subconscious that the Universe has no choice but to send you a rain of prosperity. However, just drawing a rune in strategic places is not enough: you also need to decide on your expectations and repeat with confidence several times a day: “I am rich (a), I have everything I need.”
You can draw the rune with a green or red marker on a white sheet of paper, on a coin or banknote.

Preservation of wealth

One of the properties of the Fehu runes is the ability to protect and preserve material values.

A talisman with the Fehu rune can be placed inside the safe (or any other place where you keep your valuables), or even draw a rune on the safe door.
. Put a small talisman with the Fehu rune in your wallet. This will protect against theft, loss and waste of cash.
. You can also draw the Fehu rune on your debit and credit cards.
. A talisman with Fehu can protect against trouble when transporting valuable goods.
. A talisman with the Fehu rune protects against mistakes in real estate transactions. It will help to successfully acquire property, maintain it and improve it.


Do you want all your wishes to come true on time? Then in this article you will learn about what are the runic formulas for the fulfillment of difficult desires, the features of working with them. Happy reading and good luck!

How with the help of runes you can fulfill your desires

There are a number of runes, the specifics of which are aimed at fulfilling the innermost human desires. To obtain the desired result, the operator is required to clearly formulate the ultimate goal. You can find out more detailed information about the ancient Scandinavian symbols, the methodology for working with them, in the free book by Sergey Savchenko “Evening Tea by Candlelight and Tarot Cards”.

To enhance the effect of the runic formula on the fulfillment of a desire, drawing an image on a person’s personal item will help. It is allowed to use a temporary tattoo with the necessary symbols. It should be carried with you until the plan is fulfilled.

Note. The most famous wish-fulfilling rune is Vunyo. This sign will help any person to realize the existing potential necessary to achieve the goal.

Runic becoming the fulfillment of desire with a reservation, like the formula, will help to achieve what was conceived in the shortest possible time. This effect is achieved due to the presence of several potent symbols - the desired energy becomes more concentrated and focused.

Note! When compiling the necessary runic staves on your own, please note that some runes of ties can conflict with each other

Basic rules for compiling runic staves

When working with staves, it is important to strictly adhere to a number of the following rules

  • Indicate the main goal for which you want to become
  • When connecting various runes into one tie, remember that they should not conflict with each other.
  • For negative actions, use dark runes and vice versa
  • The first rune in the formula is the symbol that starts its work. Others may go in any order. The desired outcome must be known before drawing up the stav
  • The combination is drawn in a circle. The tie lines are arranged vertically or diagonally - it all depends on the specifics of the stav
  • Use only runes in a straight position. The exception is specific rates
  • Symbols should not be located close to each other

Popular bets on the implementation of the desired

Here are examples of popular bets aimed at achieving the desired:

Becoming "3 Thrones"

The purpose of the stave is the fulfillment of desires. Consists of a combination of Vunyo - Teyvaz - Vunyo

Symbols can be carved into wood or lignite. After an agreement on the final result, it is burned, the ashes are carried with them in a linen bag until the required result appears.

Becoming "Sauromat"

The purpose of this combination of runes is to achieve the goal, to get what you want. Consists of the following runes - Uruz, Teyvaz, Raido, Yera, Soulu, Turisaz, Kveort, Eyvaz, Fehu, Nautiz.

In working with the above stave, the final result should be clearly indicated. When making a reservation, you can list the barriers that may stand in the way of achieving the goal (optional).

Runic formula "Right on target"

The combination allows you to make a breakthrough in certain areas of the operator's life, achieving the desired result, regardless of the existing obstacles. Consists of the following runes: Yera, Kano, Inguz, Soulu, Teyvaz, Gebo.

The use of the runic formula allows you to collect, accumulate energy from the outside world, with the exception of factors that prevent you from achieving a specific goal. The combination does no harm to the operator, highlighting only the qualities necessary to achieve the intended.

To make difficult desires come true faster, use one of the following runic staves.

Becoming "Getting Anything You Want"

The task of this formula is the fulfillment of any, even difficult to achieve goals, a breakthrough in the area previously specified by the operator.

A brief decoding of the runes included in becoming.

  • Vunyo: Luck, prosperity, well-being
  • Gebo: Receiving the Gift
  • Soulou: Victory, dominance, integrity, power
  • Perth: Creating a Gateway to Achieve Goals
  • Laguz: Development of the operator's intuition, which will suggest optimal solutions
  • Fehu: Material/spiritual property, well-being

Used runic combinations in the formula.

  • Gebo + Vunyo: Getting the desired result
  • Soulu + Fehu + Gebo: Wealth in all spheres of life
  • Soulu + Fehu: You can use a combination to charge the financial sector

Note. When drawing up a reservation, be sure to indicate the area to which the runic effect will be directed

Runic becoming "Dreams come true"

The goal of the stav is to achieve goals, the embodiment of the wildest dreams into reality. Consists of Fehu, Eyvaz, Turisaz, Hyera.

The clause must contain the following clauses

  • Achievement of the set goal without harm to the operator
  • Finding comfortable ways to implement the plan
  • Work without harm to amulets charged for similar or other purposes

Becoming a "Golden Fish"

Runic becoming the fulfillment of the desire "Goldfish" has been repeatedly tested for success, like the previous formulas. You can use it to achieve any goal. Consists of the following Scandinavian symbols: Dagaz, Fehu, Otala, Jera, .

As in the previous examples, the clause is drawn up taking into account the specific goal to which the impact of the runes will be directed. Compiled randomly.

When to expect the result?

If you have correctly followed all the above instructions, the result will not be long in coming. Usually, the action manifests itself in the range from three days to a month - it all depends on the strength of the runes used.

Note! The main task of the runes is to open the gates for new opportunities, the implementation of what was conceived in all spheres of life. Most importantly - do not ignore the chance received, otherwise the formula will slow down or stop working. Be carefull!

May this information help your deepest desires come true. Follow the updates on the site and you will learn a lot more interesting things. See you soon!

Runes are the magical alphabet of the northern peoples, since ancient times they have been used for divination and magic. The main areas of application of rune magic have not changed since antiquity: this is love magic, protection from evil, healing. Runes have always been used to attract money. The inhabitants of ancient Scandinavia, despite the harsh living conditions, sought to achieve wealth and prosperity in all possible ways. After all, the lack of money not only worsened the quality of life, it could drive a person into debt and force him to become a slave - a trell, losing the most precious thing - freedom. The ancient Scandinavians were afraid of debts and tried to avoid them, striving for a secure, well-fed and peaceful life. Oddly enough, for the sake of this, many northerners became Vikings and went on military campaigns on ships - drakkars. Well, those who owned magic, sought by any known means to gain material wealth.

Runes that bring wealth and good luck

Nowadays, many practitioners successfully use runes for money, or "money runes". These are both individual symbols and runic knitted formulas - galdrastavs. Runes for wealth, money and luck are used in different ways: they are applied to a photo, depicted on amulets and talismans, painted on the body. They also draw on a piece of paper, which is then placed in a wallet, cut out on the door of their own office or store. Many people know the rune of prosperity, or the money rune Fehu: its meaning in the Elder Futhark is cattle. This is due to the fact that in ancient times the person who had many heads of cattle was considered rich. In less fertile lands, such as the Scandinavian countries, livestock was of great importance. Livestock was a visible physical expression of wealth and a guarantee of survival in harsh conditions.

Runic formulas

There are both ancient, authentic, and modern runic formulas to attract good luck and money. Contrary to popular belief that only everything old and proven for centuries works, the works of our contemporaries - runologists also cope with their tasks. Working formulas for money can have a different spectrum of action: some “unwind” slowly and gradually, but they give a stable well-being, while others work to attract money one-time, but quickly.

All the runic staves below are proven and strong.

To achieve financial well-being

There is a wide variety of formulas for money, as financial stability can be achieved in many ways. For those who need a lot and at once, a runic becoming of four runes to receive a large amount of money is suitable: Fehu - Odal - Berkana - Soulu. This one, having become fast-acting, but one-time, it is often impossible to use it, otherwise it will lose its power for this person and stop working. The amount will be quite large compared to the monthly income, within reasonable limits.

For business

For business success, to attract customers, becoming Kaupaloki, or Loki Transactions, has been used since ancient times. Authentic texts describing the stav recommend depicting it on blotting paper and wearing it under the arm (perhaps this stav is activated by human sweat during labor activity). Practice shows that it works well, even when applied to the door of a store or office in a secluded place.

For good luck in business

For a regular income of money, those who are engaged in business are recommended to make an amulet with the triple rune Fehu, or Feu. This money rune attracts money from various sources and helps to save it. Triple Fehu has a threefold effect and works in all "planes", spheres of life.

DIY amulet

A self-made amulet has a special power for the practitioner. It is desirable to make it from natural materials: wood and stone. The carrier for the amulet is chosen on the nascent moon, and then the first two quarters, until the full moon, must be devoted to working on it. Work on the amulet should take place in a relaxed, meditative state, while it is desirable to hum a slander - the purpose of the amulet. It will be just wonderful if you give it a short, memorable and especially poetic form.


The amulet made, but not yet charged, is consecrated on the altar. There are various consecration rituals, short and complete, some practitioners can develop their own, if desired. When setting up the altar, it is necessary to remember the correct arrangement of the symbols of the elements: Air in the east, Fire in the south, Water in the west and Earth in the north. The symbols of the elements will be, respectively, an incense burner or an incense stick, a candle, a bowl of water or a sink, a stone or salt.


Many runologists are wondering how to activate runes correctly, is it difficult, what are the activation methods. Actually, it's pretty easy to figure this out. Runes can be activated by fire, water, earth, air or the four elements, as well as breathing. There is a known way to activate runes with blood, but it is not used in money magic. When activated, it is necessary to visualize how energy passes into the runes, they become, as it were, “alive”, begin to glow or move. If everything worked out, then the runes are charged as they should.

Slavic runes to attract money and good luck

The main rune from the Slavic runic system to attract money is Dazhdbog. This is the Slavic rune of prosperity, wealth and a generous god who gives those who ask him any blessings. The ancient Slavs believed that Dazhdbog helps in a difficult life situation, gives the means and strength to become richer and then give blessings to other people. Also, Slavic runes Perun and Bereginya can attract financial benefits and good luck, however, their action is more general, they help a person achieve their goals and protect against poverty and failure. Their image is applied to the amulet, clothes, items that are used to work and make money.

How to open a money channel

Scandinavian runes will help open a money channel if there are problems with it. Everyone has a money channel, but energy blocks and obstacles, as well as generic negative programs, can “clog” it. So the opening of the money channel most often consists in its cleaning. Any strong runescript for good luck is suitable for this purpose, however, there are some features in this work. First, make a diagnosis and find out what exactly clogs the money channel and what should be removed. Secondly, to take an “inventory” of your negative beliefs and beliefs related to money, for example: “money is given only to those who steal”, “no one in our family earned much”, “big money is not for me” and other. Thirdly, you need to distribute debts, as already mentioned: according to the beliefs of the ancient Scandinavians, debts can drive a person into slavery. Compliance with these rules in a complex, along with a working position for success and financial benefits, the results will not be long in coming.

Runic staves

Here are popular staves, most of which belong to modern authors. They are tested in work by practitioners and have gained popularity precisely because of their excellent working qualities. Apply and activate in the usual way. After activation and stipulation, it is mandatory to make an offering to the gods, usually beer or strong alcohol, pastries, sweets, meat or fruits. But sometimes it can be, for example, weapons, expensive jewelry and even blood. It is advisable to find out in advance what preferences the person you plan to contact has. Each runic becoming on wealth involves an appeal to the gods, as a rule, to Njord or Freya, Freyr or Odin, sometimes Heimdall or Loki.

Wealthy patron

Becoming a "Rich Patron".

This becoming attracts the right person to help in business, a partner or sponsor. It works well for women, helps to receive money from men who love them - husbands and lovers. Works to attract happiness and well-being in personal life and family. It is necessary to stipulate separately each rune:

Teyvaz - the search for a protector, a warrior, a strong man, as well as determination in search;

Mannaz - a person with whom you need to establish a connection;

Laguz is the key to the human soul, mutual understanding, successful communications;

Inguz - preparing the ground for fruitful communication;

Eyvaz - protection, a stable position, achieving a goal;

Fehu is a money channel.

Cash flow

Becoming "Cash Flow".

This runicclears the cash flow, activates the movement of funds through the carrier. A necessary condition: do not give up spending money, money should both come in and leave easily until the flow is pumped properly. Runes:

Fehu + Vunyo - money comes to the practice from various sources, he feels joy and pleasure from this;

Laguz + Soulu - the stream flows freely and unhindered, as it should be;

Hyera - a cycle during which becoming works, then it is updated (you can take a month or a year);

Turisaz + Teyvaz - cutting off negative programs, bindings, channels through which monetary energy flows, as well as protection.

Disclaimer:"I protect my cash flow from outside influences, may it grow and multiply." There is also the formula “Money Vacuum Cleaner” similar in effect to it and becoming “Money Vacuum Cleaner”: they open up numerous opportunities for money to come from different sources.

fast money

Becoming "Fast Money".

The Quick Money formula helps you win the lottery, get sudden debt repayments from debtors, and similar bonuses. Consists of the following runes:

Fehu - wealth that will come from various sources, from all that are possible;

Ansuz - luck, the release of blocked energy, which begins to work for material wealth, useful acquaintances and connections, the flow of money through people;

Dagaz - a breakthrough, change, a quick change in life towards enrichment, joy;

Algiz - protection, strong partnerships, fair deals.


Becoming "Mill".

This is a popular online becoming "Money Mill", the author is a well-known practitioner in the network - runologist lov_ushka. Working runes:

Dagaz - in the center, provides a constant movement of cash flow;

Fehu, repeated 4 times, creates a stream, a channel through which material wealth comes;

Soulu is a powerful energy that enhances the action of the entire formula and clears the flow of any blocks and obstacles.

Having become a long-term action, it works as a mechanism that regularly brings money into a person's life. Suitable for those who have their own business - "money machine". Can be carried in a wallet. Brings opportunities to earn money, minus - perhaps there will be a lot of work. The energy directed at a person and working in his life, this formula turns into a monetary equivalent.

Runes have powerful energy. With the correct use of magical combinations consisting of several symbols responsible for financial well-being, they can significantly increase material wealth, activate cash flows and bring success in the business field. And self-made amulets with runic signs applied to them will help to bring wealth and good luck to life.

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      Runic symbols that bring wealth and good luck

      The leading runes that allow you to improve your financial situation, successfully invest money, helping in business and solving financial issues, are:

    1. 1. Fehu - the main rune of vital energy, attracting wealth and success. It helps to increase income and profits, preserve and increase existing capital, especially for securities and other movable property, and stabilize financial flows. Its powerful energy creates a lot of opportunities to attract monetary assets.
    2. 2. Yer - a sign symbolizing the payment for all deeds committed in the past. This also applies to those efforts that were once made to improve their financial situation, but did not bring the proper result. It will help you get a decent wage for your work and effectively apply your skills and abilities in your work. In addition, Yer brings good luck.
    3. 3. Dagaz is a symbol that contributes to the improvement of well-being and the achievement of prosperity and well-being in all areas of life, including the material one. Responsible for the prospects of the business started and contributes to business development and victory over competitors.
    4. 4. Otal - a rune responsible for material wealth. It helps to successfully invest in real estate and attract influential patrons who will provide financial support.
    5. 5. Soulu - a sign that allows you to bring good luck to life and achieve your goals. Makes the impossible quite real, gives a positive attitude and improves tone.
    6. 6. Vunyo - a rune that helps to achieve optimal results with minimal effort.
    • Runic formulas

      Runes to attract money, good luck and happiness are most effective when they are not used separately from each other, but they are made up of special runic formulas from several interacting symbols - runograms. In them, each sign is able to enhance the positive influence of the other, so they become carriers of powerful energy that helps attract financial well-being.

      It is better to draw up such formulas taking into account the individual characteristics of a person, but you can also use universal runograms, which will be no less effective. They consist of three or more characters. The first sign indicates the goal to be achieved, the rune (one or more) located in the center corresponds to the resources necessary to obtain the result, and the last symbol in the chain represents the desired favorable outcome of the case.

      To achieve financial well-being


      The most famous and widespread money runogram is the formula of three Fehu signs. Thus, the strongest energy effect of this rune is amplified three times. As a bonus, this rune stave ensures rapid development in all other areas of life, giving a powerful impetus to the right actions that bring positive results.

      Fehu is the rune of action and forward movement, she does not tolerate passivity and despondency. Therefore, for those who are not ready for drastic changes in life, it is better to use runograms with a milder effect. For example, you can use the formulas of the famous runologist and esotericist Oleg Shaposhnikov:

      • For the growth of financial flow and financial well-being: Fehu-Otal-Berkana-Soulu. This runescript creates a portal to improve the financial situation, attract income and increase profits. In this combination, Fehu symbolizes wealth, including money and property, Otal, when interacting with the first sign, promises to make a profit, Berkana contributes to the achievement of the plan, and also performs the function of protection, and the last symbol of Soulu personifies the will to win and success.
      • For material stability and successful financial investments, you can use the following rune: Teivaz-Algiz-Fehu-Otal-Fehu-Algiz-Teivaz.

      In monetary matters, the magic formula of Kenneth Meadows will also help, which will increase pay for work. It is a combination of the following characters:

      • Dagaz - a rune responsible for removing obstacles on the way;
      • Eyvaz - a sign of career growth;
      • Fehu - a symbol that increases well-being;
      • Otal - a rune that will allow you to manage your earnings wisely;
      • Yer is a sign of the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one.

      You can also use the following formulas:

    1. 1. Otal-Fehu-Yer - the meaning of this runescript is to increase profits and existing property.
    2. 2. The combination of runes Teyvaz-Fehu-Laguz contributes to the manifestation and development of the necessary qualities that will help in running your own business or getting a well-paid job.
    3. 3. Teivaz-Urus-Otal-Soulu - runostav to achieve success, even in the presence of fierce competition.
    4. 4. The formula from the symbols of Eyvaz-Fehu-Soulu will give impetus to new beginnings in the financial field.
    5. 5. Fehu-Inguz-Otal-Dagaz - a runescript that is suitable for workaholics. It contributes to the achievement of material stability with considerable effort.

    For business

    To successfully run a business, win in the face of fierce competition and make big profits, you can use effective universal runostav:

    • Soul-Soul-Fehu - this formula will help you see the prospects for opening a new business after the successful completion of a previous business project.
    • Fehu-Otal-Soul-Soul - runostav, which will contribute to the next round in business development, taking into account the achievements of previous experience. This runescript will allow you to grow and improve in the business sphere.
    • Fehu-Uruz-Otal-Soul is a runogram that is responsible for starting independent work. It will help even inexperienced beginners to obtain the necessary large amount to open and develop their own business.
    • Berkana-Otal-Fehu. To attract money customers and achieve success in the financial field, you can use this particular magic formula. In it, the Berkan rune personifies protection and striving for a goal, Otal - property, and in conjunction with the last Fehu, which brings wealth, - obtaining financial benefits, which will ultimately allow reaching unprecedented heights in business.

    For good luck in business

    So that success always accompanies business, you can use the following magic formulas that bring good luck:

    1. 1. Ansuz-Uruz-Yera-Ansuz creates new opportunities in order to save time and effort;
    2. 2. Soulu-Dagaz-Vunyo will overcome the obstacles that have arisen and find a way out of difficult situations;
    3. 3. Dagaz-Fehu-Dagaz-Otal assists in achieving success and improving material well-being.

    Where and how to write runes?

    In order for runograms to work effectively, it is necessary to draw them in certain places, following the established rules:

    • On the body. You can draw runic symbols on the wrists or palms, but in such a way that no one can see them, and in the solar plexus area with the help of various aromatic oils with a pleasant smell of patchouli, vetiver, orange and cinnamon.
    • On the surface of the water. This may be a liquid intended for drinking, or water in the bathroom, which should be regularly washed with your body. A prerequisite is that the runic signs on the surface should be drawn with wooden sticks or toothpicks.
    • On candles, which must be periodically lit and look at the flame.
    • On a blank sheet of paper that you should carry with you in your wallet.
    • On clothes from the wrong side.
    • On a copy of the agreement or contract.
    • On a bank plastic card or large banknotes that cannot be exchanged.
    • On folders with documents.

    It is important to note that in order to write magic formulas in order to attract wealth and good luck, it is better to use red or green colors, as they allow you to accumulate maximum energy and stimulate financial flow. Do not rush to apply runic signs on the walls of a living room or office. First you need to write them on the body. If the formula fits, and its result is satisfactory, you can draw symbols on the door frame or desktop.

    Making a runic amulet with your own hands

    You can make your own at home and a runic talisman that will help in achieving financial well-being and protect existing funds, as well as attract good luck. It can be easily done by following certain rules:

    1. 1. First you need to select the desired runogram and check its effect on yourself for a short period of time. To do this, the selected formula is drawn on the body and its effect is monitored. More than two combinations are not recommended.
    2. 2. Then you should choose any suitable natural material, such as wood, clay, precious or ordinary stones, cardboard and paper, natural fabric and leather, copper, gold, silver.
    3. 3. For the manufacture of a talisman, a suitable formula is applied to the selected material in any way. Signs can be drawn, carved, engraved, written with essential oils, etc.

    It should be borne in mind that wearing an amulet made by another person is not recommended. This can lead to adverse consequences, since the alien energy often does not coincide with the owner's own energy field.


    Before activating and using a self-made amulet, it should be consecrated with the help of the powerful natural energy of the four elements:

    • Earth. For this stage, you will need ordinary coarse table salt without additives. Several of its grains must be poured onto the talisman and wait a short period of time.
    • Fire. Consecration is carried out using the flame of a green or red candle, over which it is necessary to hold the amulet for several minutes so that it does not touch the surface.
    • Water. At this stage, you need to take ordinary clean water, which should first be left for several hours in your room. It is worth lightly spraying the made talisman with it.
    • Air. Consecration by the air element is carried out with the help of fumigation with specially selected herbs. To attract the activation of cash flows, sage, mint, basil, verbena, bay leaf are suitable. To attract good luck, you can choose clover, chamomile, flowers and lilac leaves.


    In order for the talisman to start working successfully and bring positive results, it must first be activated. To do this, use the simple method of the runologist Kenneth Meadows, described in his book "The Magic of Runes". Need:

    1. 1. fold your palms into a tube;
    2. 2. direct it towards the inscribed runic symbols;
    3. 3. fill your lungs with air, taking a deep breath, and at the same time focus on achieving your goals;
    4. 4. exhale through the fingers folded into a tube towards the amulet so that the air flow touches its surface.

    To enhance its effect, it is necessary to formulate your desires in words addressed to the manufactured talisman. At the same time, you should pronounce the text in the present tense, without using the negative particle “not” and without asking to harm someone. Intentions must be pure and directed exclusively at oneself and one's material well-being. After that, the amulet can be considered activated.

    As a rule, talismans with runic symbols work for about two months. After which they must be thanked, and then burned or buried under a tree. If you liked the formula, then a similar amulet can be made again.

    Recommendations for the successful work of runic symbols

    In order for runograms to help achieve your goals, open money channels and give you good luck, you should follow a few simple conditions:

    • In order for the runes to start working effectively, you need to bring offerings to them. To do this, you need to allocate a special place in your house where clean water, wine, fruit and fish dishes should be placed, which need to be periodically updated. Many wonder if a drop of their own blood should be offered as a sacrifice. It is not necessary to do this on purpose. If the higher powers want, then in the process of making the amulet, its owner will be slightly injured.
    • It is necessary to turn to the ancient gods daily with a request for financial well-being and good luck. The patrons of material wealth include Odin, Freyr and Njord.
    • You must not allow negative energy into your life, do bad deeds or harm other people. Only in this case, the effect of runic formulas will exceed all expectations.

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