Production of potato chips. Chips Making: A Profitable Business in the Food Industry Potato Chips Making Machine

The business idea involves the acquisition of a production line on which it is planned to organize the production of potato chips. It is planned to produce chips with the most popular flavors among Russian consumers - bacon, chicken and mushrooms. The product will be packaged in special packages of 100 and 200 grams.

The product is designed for a local consumer audience, the proposed geography of the sale of chips is the region where production is based. it is planned to organize it through a local wholesale intermediary who will deliver chips to retailers (kiosks, supermarkets) with their own transport.

Business development prospects

Potato chips are a food product that is obtained by cutting potatoes into thin slices, followed by frying them in special industrial fryers. Although it is not for essential products, stable demand for which is guaranteed by their very essence, nevertheless, chips are quite popular among Russians.

Chips are the main segment of the larger snack market in Russia, which consume more 40% its total volume. And this is, not many, not small, more 100 million tons crispy potato products per year.

In general, the popularity of chips in Russia was formed against the backdrop of the accelerating pace of life of our fellow citizens. The fact that they can be eaten from the package, right on the go, has made chips a very popular product. However, the owners of the leading chip brands, the same lays or Estrella, convincing with the help of massive advertising in the fashion and popularity of their products (especially for young people). However, the opportunity to use them with drinks, with the same beer, also played an equally important role in popularizing chips.

Among the possible risks for business, one should highlight the fact that chips, in general, are considered a harmful product. Yes, and as a healthy lifestyle is popularized in Russia, one can predict a decrease in their consumption and displacement by other products - the same. However, this will happen no earlier than in 5-7 years - by this time, investments in the business will have already paid off.


In general, the attractiveness of organizing a business for the production of chips is that the technology for their manufacture is extremely simple.

  1. The process of making chips begins with the preparation of raw materials, which are potatoes. At the first stage, the potatoes are washed, peeled and cut into plates 1-2 mm thick. To simplify the cutting process, potato tubers should be approximately the same size and shape.
  2. The subsequent stages of the technological process are the processing of cut potato plates with steam and hot water (blanching);
  3. Pre-drying, removing excess moisture;
  4. Frying in sunflower oil (at a temperature of about 150 0C), adding flavors and ingredients, according to the recipe.
  5. Next, the chips are packaged in special packaging bags (with sufficient water-repellent properties), and the finished product is sent to the warehouse.

Equipment and organization of the production site

Now the Russian market has the widest choice of equipment for organizing the production and packaging of chips for the needs of small and medium-sized businesses. In particular, the most diverse options (in terms of cost and performance are offered by the Ural-RT production company):

  1. Producer - firm "Ural-RT".
  2. The complete line includes a washing tub, a potato peeler, a blancher with attachment and basket, a vegetable cutter, a fryer with attachment, a basket, a work table and auxiliary elements. In addition to the technological equipment itself, the complete line for the production of chips also includes a packaging machine.
  3. There are 3 options for equipment performance:
    • 20 kg of chips per hour (potato processing volume - 80-100 kg per hour);
    • 40 kg of chips per hour (potato processing volume - 160-200 kg per hour);
    • 60 kg of chips per hour (potato processing volume - 240-300 kg per hour);
  4. The cost of equipment depends on its performance and is:
    • 20 kg of chips per hour - 590 thousand rubles;
    • 40 kg of chips per hour - 1.743 million rubles;
    • 60 kg of chips per hour - 2.23 million rubles.

The required area of ​​the production site depends on the equipment and its capacity. So, for a line with a minimum productivity of 20 kg per hour, only 55 m2 of production space will be required (plus 20-25 m2 for the warehouse of raw materials and finished products). Accordingly, for lines with a capacity of 40 and 60 kg of chips per hour, production areas of 100 and 140 m2 are needed, with a territory for warehouses of 35 and 50 m2.

Equipment with a minimum capacity can be operated by only 3 operators per shift, for installations with a larger capacity, 4 people will be required. In addition, the site needs a technologist (he is also a manager), a fitter, an electrician and a warehouse worker.

Feasibility study of the project

The initial investment in starting a business (with an average productivity of 40 kg of products per hour) will be:

  • Acquisition of a production line - 1.743 million rubles.
  • Delivery and installation supervision of the production line (10% of the cost) - 175 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of preparing the workshop for work (overhaul, finishing) - 500 thousand rubles.
  • Creation of a 2-week (more - not advisable) stock of raw materials - potatoes, sunflower oil, salt, additives, packaging bags - 500 thousand rubles.

The total investment in opening a business for the production of chips will be 2 918 000 rubles.

With an average productivity of 40 kg of chips per hour, 12 hours of operation, 250 working days per year and the condition of reaching 50% of the possible load, the site will produce 60 tons of products per year.

The wholesale selling price of chips is about 200 rubles per 1 kg. Annual revenue for business - 12 million rubles, planned profitability of 20%, payback 18-24 months.

Chips are, one might say, the most popular product in the snack series. Crispy potatoes first appeared in 1850 in America. Then their production was established in the UK. Modern chips are made from raw potatoes or from various types with the addition of starch.

The popularity of chips is high not only abroad, but also in our country. After all, this product can be eaten immediately from the package on the go, and given the accelerating pace of life of citizens, it is very convenient. Since the use of all kinds of flavoring additives, the demand for this product has increased several times.

Equipment for the production of

Currently, a huge range of production equipment for the production of chips, as well as for their packaging, is presented on the country's market. Options may vary in performance and cost. For small and medium-sized businesses, various production lines from different manufacturers are offered.

The production line includes washing tub, potato peeling machine, blanching machine, basket and attachment, vegetable cutter, industrial fryer with basket, work table and other auxiliary items. In addition, the production line is equipped with a packaging machine.

The area of ​​the production room depends on the working equipment and capacity. If the production line has the smallest capacity (20 kg / h), then a room with an area of ​​​​at least 55 m² will be required. In addition, you will need a warehouse, approximately 25 square meters. Accordingly, for high production production lines, premises of up to 140 square meters will be required, plus a warehouse of up to fifty square meters.

A minimum automatic production line for chips production can be operated by only three people per shift, while a larger production line will require four people. Of course, a technologist must maintain an automatic production line, who at the same time can perform the duties of a manager, a fitter, a warehouse worker and an electrician.

Chips production technology

Chip production technology is quite simple. First comes the preparation of the potatoes. It needs to be washed, cleaned and cut into thin slices of 2 mm. Then treat with steam and boiling water. The potatoes are then dried.

Then the plates are fried in vegetable oil, all kinds of ingredients and flavorings are added. I sprinkle salt and spices, spray or sprinkle on the product, constantly stirring it. For packaging chips, special moisture-proof bags are used, in which the product can be stored for quite a long time.

For the production of chips, you will need the appropriate premises, equipment and raw materials. In addition, you need to get a certificate, both for production and for the product itself. The premises for the production of chips must comply with all SES standards.

Detailed video how to do it in the classic way:

How Pringles are made:

Raw potatoes can be used to make chips, but the quality of the raw materials must be impeccable, and this is far from always possible. Therefore, basically, chips are made from pellets. Pellets are blanks that are stored for a long time. The production of chips from such a semi-finished product has some advantages. Firstly, the convenience of storage and transportation, and secondly, the resulting product can have a wide variety of shapes and consumer properties.

Pellets are made using potato and grain products (rice, corn, potato flakes, flour, etc.). how after frying they look more like natural potato slices.

It takes only 10-15 seconds to fry chips from pellets, while it takes 2 minutes to fry regular chips. In addition, they contain up to 40% oil, which is 25% less than conventional ones, therefore, they are less high-calorie. Pellet chips have a stable taste, correct, beautiful appearance without "eyes".

Many potato processing enterprises produce pellets. This raw material is mainly packaged in kraft bags of 25 kg. Flavoring additives can be very different: bacon, cheese, paprika, garlic, dill, etc.

The technological process for the production of chips from pellets is very simple. First, the semi-finished product (pellet) is quickly fried in vegetable oil, and then, according to the recipe, seasonings are added. After frying, the chips take on a variety of configurations.

Among the various business ideas popular among aspiring entrepreneurs, the production of chips seems to be a particularly popular option. This is due to the high demand for this product among the local population, which is constantly increasing, which makes such a business extremely promising, despite the competition.

To date, there are 2 main types of chips made from potatoes on sale. Products of the first group are made from whole potatoes, which requires high costs for equipment and raw materials. The second variety is made from semi-finished products, most often potato flakes, granules.

This option requires significantly less costs, which is why chip manufacturers most often prefer products of the second type. This variety is called extruded, because it belongs to the restored type.

At the same time, potato chips made from this kind of raw material can differ significantly in their appearance. The most common types of products are:

  • spiral chips;
  • corrugated;
  • chunky;
  • chips on a stick.

For their successful production, it will be necessary to select the appropriate technical equipment, which in some cases can lead to additional costs. The most widespread among the classic versions of this product are chunky and corrugated products.

There are several types of potato treats.

Other popular snacks

In addition to the classic varieties of potato chips, there are other snacks on the market that are in demand by consumers. Among them, fruit and meat types of products, which are produced using a similar technology, deserve special mention.

However, most often manufacturers prefer classic analogues, which is due to a number of factors. First of all, the costs for the production of potato chips are significantly lower, regardless of the method of manufacture, in comparison with fruit and meat counterparts. In addition, the demand for potato snacks is traditionally higher, which guarantees the demand for products among consumers.

Documents and permissions

Before studying what features the technology for the production of meat chips, as well as their potato counterparts, has, it is advisable to study in more detail the necessary documentation that will need to be issued to start production. To begin with, an entrepreneur will need to go through the registration procedure as an individual entrepreneur / LLC.

The second option seems to be more preferable, since when concluding agreements with various companies and suppliers, it will inspire much more confidence in them. To do this, you will need to collect a package of documents established by law. Among them:

  • passport of the Russian Federation, TIN;
  • application in accordance with Form P21001;
  • the charter of the future organization, as well as its legal address;
  • decision to create an organization.

When submitting an application, you will need to indicate the desire to switch to a simplified taxation scheme by indicating an identification code in accordance with the OKVED system. In such a case, the optimal solution would be 15.31, which corresponds to the processing / canning of potatoes.

It is also necessary to pay a state duty in the amount of 4 thousand rubles. After 5 working days, the organization will be fully registered, after which the entrepreneur will be able to receive the appropriate certificate, as well as an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

However, the availability of such documents is not enough to run a business for the production of chips. To do this, you will need to obtain a number of other papers, including:

  • sanitary books of persons who will be employed in the workplace;
  • permits received from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, as well as the fire service;
  • quality mark from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • documentary evidence of the quality of raw materials used for production, which
  • available from suppliers.

Due to the various problems associated with collecting documentation, it can take several months to process all the necessary permits. To speed up the procedure, entrepreneurs often hire intermediary companies, which leads to additional costs, but allows you to start production faster.

To make a profit, you need to properly organize production

Organization of production

In order to organize the production of their own potato chips or snacks, as well as other types of raw materials, the user will need not only to collect all the necessary documents, but also to fulfill a number of other conditions.

First of all, you should decide on the method of preparation of products and, in accordance with it, purchase the necessary equipment. The business plan for the production of fruit chips provides for the use of other units that are different from the classic version.

In addition, it is also necessary to choose a room suitable for these purposes. It must comply with all established standards, which will guarantee the high quality and safety of products. Among other things, the organization of production includes:

  • recruitment of personnel, execution of all necessary documents for it;
  • search for suppliers of raw materials, conclusion of necessary agreements with them;
  • search for ways to sell finished products.

After such conditions are met, the enterprise will be able to start working in a standard mode, which will allow the entrepreneur to start making a profit.

Technology for the production of potato chips

This product, as the name implies, is made from potatoes and is in extremely high demand from consumers. The technology for the production of potato chips seems to be quite simple, it does not require significant financial investments for the purchase of equipment. The line for the production of potato chips works according to the following algorithm:

  1. Potatoes of similar dimensions are selected from raw materials, after which they are washed with water.
  2. The tubers are peeled and cut into thin slices.
  3. Sliced ​​tubers are doused with steam, boiling water, and then dried.
  4. The slices are placed in oil heated to 150 degrees. During cooking, various flavors, spices and flavorings are added to them.
  5. Finished products are cooled and packaged.

The main requirement for packaging is opacity, as well as reliable protection against moisture. Among the advantages of such products, a long shelf life, which can reach 175 days, deserves mention. Also worth mentioning is the wide range of temperatures allowed for storage, which allows placing products in the workshop without the risk of damage.

There are several technologies for the production of chips

As mentioned earlier, the price of equipment for the production of potato chips is much lower than that of meat, fruit counterparts, which should be taken into account when choosing products. Among the technical equipment necessary for the production, which will need to be purchased, it is advisable to mention:

  • conveyor with a tray, as well as a scraper;
  • washing, cleaning units;
  • inspection conveyor and vegetable cutter;
  • mesh type conveyor, as well as a cooler;
  • blancher;
  • bake;
  • mixer and dispenser;
  • packer.

For the manufacture of specific types of products, for example, meat snacks, it will be necessary to select special equipment, the parameters of which will allow you to effectively process the required amount of products.

Premises selection

When choosing a room that is suitable for this kind of purpose, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors. First of all, this is the area that will be occupied by technical equipment. Entry-level equipment, as a rule, occupies at least 50 square meters. A similar space will be required for the storage of finished products.

In addition, it should be taken into account that:

  • a fire alarm must be installed in the room;
  • employees should have access to information about evacuation from the premises in case of emergency;
  • the room should be free of rodents, pests and insects.

In order to pass the inspections of the SES, as well as the fire service, it will be necessary not only to equip the premises with the necessary equipment, but also to set it up, as well as to make cosmetic repairs.

Sales channels

Wanting to make a profit, an entrepreneur must pay special attention to outlets where it is planned to sell chips in bulk. For this purpose, most outlets that sell such products are suitable. Negotiations with buyers can be conducted directly by the production director or manager.

Most often, chips are purchased in the following types of outlets:

  • hyper- and supermarkets;
  • grocery stores;
  • stalls / tents;
  • markets.

It is also important to acquaint the consumer with your products by organizing an advertising campaign. When negotiating with buyers, it is important to clearly articulate the advantages of the product in comparison with popular analogues.

For the initial assessment of profitability, it is necessary to make financial calculations

When planning to determine the amount of possible costs and the prospects of this kind of enterprise, it is necessary to analyze the main items of expenditure that will need to be paid for the organization of production. First of all, it is the rent/repair of the premises, which will require about 100 thousand rubles.

In addition, you should remember about:

  • equipment price - 1.5 million rubles;
  • the cost of raw materials - 500 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary - 457 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 90,000 rubles;
  • payment for utilities - 120 thousand rubles;
  • tax fees - 450 thousand rubles;
  • additional costs - 25,000 rubles.

In total, production will require about 3.2 million rubles from the entrepreneur, which is partly offset by the high demand for this type of product.


The production of chips from potatoes, fruit or meat seems to be a promising idea, but it will require significant costs to implement. At the same time, the low cost of raw materials and high returns in production allow you to quickly cover costs and start making a profit.

Almost all areas of food production, according to experts, differ from other areas of activity in high demand for manufactured products, regardless of the season and the economic state of the market. And to get a high income, it is not at all necessary to launch large-scale enterprises for the manufacture of essential products - you can limit yourself to a small workshop that produces, for example, snacks. We bring here all the well-known and beloved chips. With a competent approach to organizing a business, the price of equipment for the production of chips will pay off quickly enough. Chips - a product made in one way or another from potatoes and food additives (salt, spices, preservatives). Recently, other types of products have become popular - fruit and meat chips.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 1,500,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The complexity of starting a business is 7/10.

Important prerequisites for the organization of a food enterprise that produces chips are:

  • Simplicity and variability of technology.
  • Huge market.
  • Availability of raw materials.
  • Large selection of equipment for setting up the shop.

Despite the fact that the technology for the production of chips is quite simple, and the finished product will quickly find its buyer, an important issue that you should devote some time to solving is the business plan for the production of chips. Having a clearly structured description of the project available, it will be much easier for an entrepreneur to develop the enterprise in the right direction.

What range of products can be produced within the walls of the workshop?

It is possible to build the production of chips as a business in such a way that within the walls of one workshop it will be possible to obtain a variety of their types at the output. After all, in addition to the familiar potato chips, there are others:

  • meat,
  • fruit.

As a rule, enterprises specialize in the production of only potato chips (even if they are produced using different technologies). And there is a reason for this - cheap raw materials. But if you start producing some other types of snacks, you can enter completely new sales markets, which will increase the final profit from sales.

And since the production of fruit chips and meat chips, in terms of technology, differs little from the manufacture of a potato-based product, it makes sense even for a novice entrepreneur to think about releasing such a chips plan. The only thing that will have to be taken into account is the unpopularity of the product and its rather high cost in the consumer market. This means that certain funds in this case will have to be spent on advertising.

In addition to the fact that the finished product differs in the raw materials used, its appearance may also vary.

The range is considerable:

  • spiral,
  • corrugated,
  • slices,
  • on a stick.

And having certain equipment, a mini-chip factory in Russia can produce each of the designated types of products. It is a completely different matter whether the entrepreneur is ready to invest sufficient funds in such equipment of the workshop.

An entrepreneur can produce any of the designated types of chips. But besides this, it is worth considering in what container the consumer will buy the finished product. A more "running" option is packaging in bags of 50 g and 100 g.

What technology to implement in the enterprise?

Chips production technology, regardless of the chosen method, is quite simple. In general, it can be divided into the following stages:

  • Preparation of raw materials (washing, cleaning, cutting).
  • Processing sliced ​​​​slices with steam or hot water - blanching.
  • Drying slices.
  • Obtaining the finished product - frying slices or extrusion of powdered raw materials.
  • Packing and storage of received products.

The stages of making chips in each of the cases are essentially the same. The difference lies only in the main stage, which, in turn, depends on the raw materials used. The output is either fried thin potato slices or extruded chips based on potato powder.

The choice of technology is obvious. The organization of the production of natural chips will cost the entrepreneur a little more. If you want to save money, it is better to buy a machine that processes powdered potato raw materials. And extruded chips on the market, due to their cheapness, are no less in demand than natural ones.

The main raw material that will be supplied to the production of potato chips is natural potatoes or potato powder. Other types of products will require the availability of other raw materials - fruits or meat. But whatever the components used, they all must pass strict input control. Since we are talking about a food enterprise, it is important to comply with all sanitary standards. As for the secondary, but no less important, raw materials, various fillers, spices and flavor enhancers are used here. You will also need to order packages for packaging, and chips on a stick will require wooden skewers of a certain length.

What equipment to equip the workshop?

potato chips production line

The next thing you will have to devote time to is to buy equipment for the production of chips. And here there is real scope for activity, since which apparatus to purchase will depend on the type of processed raw materials and what products are planned to be obtained at the output.

The standard potato chips production line consists of the following machines and apparatuses:

  • washing bath;
  • cleaning machine;
  • vegetable cutter;
  • intermediate containers, baskets and tables;
  • drying chamber;
  • industrial fryer.

The production of apple chips and meat chips is carried out using almost the same set of equipment. But to obtain extruded products, the shop for the production of chips must be equipped with a special extruder. Spiral chips and chips on a skewer will require a machine for spiral cutting of potato tubers.

As for the cost of equipment, it all depends on its power, configuration and degree of equipment. A line of low power (up to 30 kg / h) can be purchased for ≈650,000 rubles. The extruder costs almost the same. High-performance units (up to 50 kg / h) will cost the entrepreneur at least 1,700,000 rubles.

In addition to the main line, you will need to take care of additional equipment. For example, the production of meat chips will require the presence of refrigerators in the workshop to store raw materials.

What kind of premises will be required for the organization of the workshop?

Chips production workshop

The premises for the workshop must comply with all the rules and regulations of the SES related to the food industry. It is at this stage that many entrepreneurs face many difficulties - sometimes it takes a lot of time to obtain all permits.

It can take a lot of money to prepare a workshop. Fire safety, good ventilation, sewerage - all this has to be taken into account.

To accommodate all the equipment for spiral chips in the workshop, a room with an area of ​​​​at least 70 m 2 will be required. In addition, we need more rooms for staff and warehouses (for storing raw materials and finished products).

What profit can be expected from the enterprise?

The device for making chips will pay off the faster the sooner the distribution channels are established. And it will not be easy for a young enterprise here, since wholesalers prefer to cooperate with well-known brands. But having all the certificates of quality and permissions available, offering quality products in attractive packaging, it is quite possible to find profitable buyers.

Who can offer chips?

  • wholesale grocery stores,
  • private shops and stalls,
  • cafes, pubs and restaurants.

As practice shows, the production of spiral chips and a standard type of product pays off quite quickly. But it will be difficult to talk about specific profitability figures, since much here depends on sales volumes and on the range of products.

If we take the minimum, then the launch of the workshop (together with equipment, with preparation for work in the premises and the purchase of raw materials) will take at least 1,500,000 rubles. In the presence of a more powerful line of capital investment will increase at least twice. It is possible to recoup investments with well-established sales channels no later than 1.5 years.

The wholesale cost of potato chips is approximately 200 rubles/kg. The price of extruded products was set at 100-150 rubles/kg. Fruit and meat products are much more expensive - up to 400 rubles / kg.

Healthy eating is all the rage. The passion of people for environmentally friendly products prompted the producers of chips to release a new product - fruit. This snack is thinly sliced, dried fruit that mimics the shape of potato chips.

Fast food is popular among young people: athletes, adherents of a healthy lifestyle, as well as girls who follow their figure. The production of fruit chips can be organized at home. The business does not require special knowledge and large financial investments, which makes it affordable for start-up entrepreneurs.

Most areas of food production have a high demand for their products, regardless of the season. In this case, it is not necessary to open a large enterprise, it is enough to equip a small room. Having knowledge of the organization of the workshop and a competent approach to doing business, the initial costs will pay off in a short time.

The production of fruit chips is a new line of business and has a number of advantages:

  • Free niche for small business;
  • Low competition;
  • Minimum initial capital;
  • Demand for the product in the market.

Before translating a business idea into reality, an entrepreneur needs to study the intricacies of manufacturing products and draw up a detailed business plan.

Production technology

The process of making fruits is simple and understandable for beginner businessmen. The following stages of production can be distinguished:

  • Cleansing fruits from peel and seeds;
  • Cutting into thin plates using a special machine;
  • Removing moisture from fruits in an electric dryer;
  • Packing and packaging of finished products.

Note! To give the chips an original taste, you can use various spices, powdered sugar and spices. This will make the product stand out and make it more competitive.

Where to open a business?

The room for the production of fruit chips must comply with the requirements established by the SES. small production can be placed on an area of ​​​​70 square meters. meters. The workshop must be equipped with fire alarms, good ventilation and staff rooms. It will take a lot of time to prepare the premises in accordance with legislative norms.

Necessary equipment

The entrepreneur will need equipment for the production of fruit chips. Particular attention should be paid to this step, since the appearance, “presentation” of the finished product will depend on the quality of the devices. The standard fruit production line includes:

  • Fruit peeler;
  • Vegetable cutter;
  • Electric dryer, or drying chamber;
  • Packing machine.

The cost of equipment depends on the capacity and scale of production. To open a small enterprise, a line producing up to 30 kg of products per hour will be enough. Its average price is 60,000 rubles.

In addition, you need to take care of the storage of products. It will be necessary to purchase refrigerators and build a warehouse for finished goods.

The latest generation equipment makes it possible to produce not only fruit, but also potato and meat chips in one workshop. Despite the high cost of technology, with its help, the entrepreneur will be able to expand the range in the future.

Raw material

The choice of raw materials is one of the key stages at the stage of starting a business. Fruit for production is recommended to be purchased at wholesale bases. It is allowed to purchase damaged goods, as ready-made chips will be produced in sliced ​​form. The main requirements are freshness, absence of rot and lesions on the fruits.

Note! It is better to open an enterprise during the ripening period. At this time, you can significantly save on the purchase of apples, pears and apricots.

Legal registration

A home business for the manufacture of fruit chips may not be registered, provided that the sale of the goods will be carried out by friends or acquaintances. If a businessman plans to supply goods to shops and supermarkets, registration is required. The most convenient option would be. This form of business organization will reduce risks and reduce start-up investments. An individual entrepreneur has the opportunity to use a simplified taxation system and keep records independently.

Business plan

In order to understand whether it is profitable to engage in the production of fruit chips, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for the future enterprise. This will minimize risks and calculate the likely profit. As an example, we use a small workshop for the production of fruits, with an area of ​​​​70 square meters. m.

In order to save money on wages, an entrepreneur can independently perform the functions of an accountant and forwarder. Two workers will be required to maintain the production line, as well as technical staff to clean the premises.