Voodoo magic at home. Sorcerer Amorai: "What do you know about Voodoo Magic? Video: "10 Little-Known Factors About Voodoo Black Magic"

voodoo is a cult of religious teachings and magical rituals that originated in central Africa in ancient times. In the initial period of the colonization of America, the doctrine, along with the slaves, penetrated the continent. Today, the cult is most common in the Caribbean: in Haiti, Trinidad, Jamaica. There are six main groups of voodoo magic rituals. Let's take a closer look at the most interesting ones.

Many have probably heard about the most sinister invention of black magicians, the Voodoo doll. Voodoo doll, or volt, appears in many films about witches, sorcerers and other evil spirits. They stick needles into a rag doll, burn it and torture it in every possible way, trying to harm the opponent. It's in the cinema. But how do voodoo sorcerers actually work?

The creator of such "toys" is the bokor - this is how the sorcerer is called in the Caribbean. The material is wax or another plastic substance that can be shaped into the desired shape. He mixes the elements of the victim's body into the material: hair, nail clippings, and the like. The main thing is that these elements belong to the victim of the sorcerer, this will allow him to establish an energy connection between the volt and a specific person.

To enhance the effect, the bokor dresses up the voodoo doll in rags from parts of the victim's clothing. Then he calls Volta (this doll) the name of his enemy and casts a spell. The magic item is ready. The sorcerer hides the doll from prying eyes. No one should see her, this is the main condition of the ritual.

Depending on the purpose, the bokor can handle the volt in different ways. If the goal is revenge, the doll is placed in a container of black pepper and set on fire. Or they perform well-known actions with it: prick with a pin, cut, pour acid ... Here the fantasy of the sorcerer is not limited by anything.

If it is necessary to stop gossip, the volt's mouth is stuffed with black pepper, earth or even feces, and then ordered: "... (name) be silent!". If you put a piece of meat in the doll's mouth and sew it up, the victim will not be able to speak articulately.

As punishment for the infidelity of a loved one, a symbolic sexual organ is made to the volta, which is then destroyed (if he is a man) or sewn up (if a woman). At the same time, they wish the doll "good" and "good luck" in intimate life. Such a ritual is a variation and can cause impotence in men, and infertility in women.

Sometimes the doll is stuffed with graveyard earth. Rituals involving the cemetery - involting - is a very serious magic, even experienced sorcerers treat it with caution.

A well-known product of voodoo magic is also zombies - speechless, weak-willed slaves, unable to resist the power of the sorcerer.

In order to force a person to submit to his will, the sorcerer first takes possession of his soul. Having outlined the victim, the sorcerer sneaks up to her door at night and through the keyhole draws in the air along with the soul. Then he exhales the air into the bottle and plugs it with a cork. A weak person quickly falls ill or dies. Then, in order to consolidate the result, the sorcerer deprives the unfortunate memory and, when a person forever forgets who he is, he is taken near his home, where the bokor again casts a spell and waters him with a special magical decoction.

Apply in practice voodoo magic strongly not recommended. This may be unsafe for health. Some external attributes and amulets are not enough - you still need to have magical abilities, and with the slightest mistake, the whole ritual can turn against you. Always be careful with magic and the supernatural and don't forget to press the buttons and

12.12.2013 14:02

The Estonian witch of the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics, according to many, has every chance of becoming the winner of the show. ...

Today, many have heard about voodoo dolls. But few people know exactly how this frightening...

Allow me to introduce myself in full, as a citizen of my country should. My name is Vasily, patronymic Petrovich, surname Zavarykin. Thirty-three years old. I live in the Moscow region in the city of Chekhov, I have been married for seven years to the pretty, affectionate beauty Katyusha. I work as a foreman of plumbers in ZhEK not far from our nine-story building. It's an hour and a half drive to Moscow, if there are no traffic jams. By the way, what do we forget the capital there, we have almost the same assortment of food and goods in Chekhov, the air is much cleaner than in the capital. We live with my wife in a two-room apartment with an improved layout. And the salary is not bad, to be honest, "covens" and "part-time jobs" are not translated, sometimes they are so busy, they have to refuse clients. To whom to hang a chandelier from the ceiling, to whom to assemble furniture, or to install an imported mixer, so immediately contact me. They know in the district that I will do everything carefully, and I will not take extra money. My wife works as a cook in a kindergarten, two hundred meters from our house. And everything is fine with us in the family, and all right, one trouble is that there are no children yet, Katyushka and I don’t get children, even cry. We are tortured to be checked by doctors, but so far everything is useless. Everything seems to be in order for both of them, but as a result, the children are “no”. Katyushka sometimes cries at night, says that a girlfriend at work only greets the next man by the hand, looking already pregnant again, as if blowing her with the wind.

I’m going home one evening from work, I go up to my second floor, I hear the music sounds softly outside the door, which means Katyushka is at home. I call and wait for her to open the door. The lock clicks, the door opens wide open, he stands in the doorway, a smile from ear to ear, rather well-fed, taller than average, a black man and stares at me inquiringly. I am so lost from surprise that I mutter indistinctly, apparently I am mistaken with the apartment and go back to the exit from the entrance. I go down to the first floor, along the flight of stairs, and there a neighbor on the site smokes, greets me. There is some kind of mess in my head. I see clearly, it’s definitely my neighbor, I remember right there, the doormat near the apartment, where the black man opens the door for me, also mine, I myself recently bought in IKIE, turn around and go back. I call again, the door opens, at the door my Katyushka greets me with a smile, though behind her, like an obsession, is the same black man and polishes his ruin with a pink tongue. I enter the corridor, push the black man aside with my shoulder, take off my windbreaker and ask my wife:
- This snow white, what does he forget in our apartment?
Here the negro, smiling broadly, takes slippers from under the banquette, puts them at my feet and says:
- Host -

Slowly takes off my work shoes and puts slippers on my feet. Then he turns around and walks unperturbed into the kitchen. This action with putting on slippers leaves me pleasantly perplexed. However, questions to the wife remain. Katyushka reassures me as best she can, asking me not to worry.
- I'll explain everything to you, Vasenka, I won't conceal anything. -
I go to the bedroom with my wife. Katyushka sits me in an armchair, sits down herself, on the contrary, on the edge of the family bed, and begins to lay everything out for me on the shelves.
- Vasenka, I dream of having children, more than anything in the world, and you also want to, I know. -
- Imagine Vasenka, three days ago I leafed through the Moscow newspaper from hand to hand and found out that the great voodoo sorcerer was arriving in Moscow, all the way from the African state of Benin, and that he was from the Yoruba tribe, where the most powerful magicians live - sorcerers. This sorcerer, as an employee of the embassy explained to me over the phone, is one of the strongest and, with the help of a powerful spirit and ancient rites, can fulfill any desire of a client for a modest reward, for only fifty thousand rubles. And that's for a full week of sorcery.-
I ask Katyushka carefully so as not to offend:
"Wouldn't a sorcerer from Benin be able to help us for twenty-five thousand rubles, thirty thousand at the very least?"
My Katya begins to cry uncontrollably, covers her face with her hands. I tell my wife that I will probably agree with her, pay the entire required amount, and ask:
- Does the sorcerer speak Russian? -
Katya replies that she knows, it seems, only ten words, the most popular ones, but as an employee of the Benin embassy assures her by phone, the sorcerer does not really need to explain himself. His task is to conjure, not containers - to plant bars.
The only thing is that he will have to live in our apartment, since it is expensive for a sorcerer to travel from Moscow with a suitcase of witchcraft paraphernalia, and it is necessary to constantly communicate with the spirit of the great Voodoo at the place of witchcraft, otherwise the spells will weaken and lose their power. We go with my wife to the kitchen, witchcraft is witchcraft, but I really want to eat after a hard day's work. We enter and see, the sorcerer does not waste time in vain. about a dozen sausages are cooked on the stove in a saucepan. The sorcerer himself sits at the table with a half-kilogram piece of cheese in his hand and eats our parmesan, imagine, without bread. Katyushka and I sit next to each other. The sorcerer hands me a bitten, half-eaten cheese on all sides, pats me on the shoulder and immediately starts eating the sausages Katya bought yesterday. Five minutes does not pass, as from them only plastic rags remain on the table. Then he greedily drinks water from the tap. Then, several times, stagnant air burps loudly from the bowels of the stomach, making us shudder, and suddenly begins to mutter incantations in his Yoruba language. Five minutes later, he grabs his suitcase and jumps off into the hall. I look at Katenka and see how she turns pale, her hands cling to the edge of the table, not to tear it off.
The sorcerer returns after a while and leads us by the hands into the hall, dancing on the go and twitching with his whole body. In the hall, all the witchcraft paraphernalia is already laid out on a new German carpet in a chalk outlined circle. A horse's skull with black-painted teeth, some bowls of earth and ashes. Mummified skeletons of huge flying "foxes" are hung on the walls. Bunches of strongly smelling herbs are scattered on the floor, a small broom in an empty bucket, like from Ikea, flickers in my head, and in the very center are two, about thirty centimeters high, children's figurines made of ebony, a boy and a girl, with disproportionately large, turned inside out lips waxed to a shine. The sorcerer is transformed, a bandana is tied around his head, his torso is bare, instead of the trousers that he was wearing before, a Scottish red kilt, in a large black cage. He sits us in chairs, then whirls around singing. From time to time it trumpets like an elephant, then it suddenly squeaks like a child in a thin voice, then it drips melted wax on children's figurines, tilting a lighted candle of red wax over them. Half an hour later, he falls exhausted, covered in sticky sweat, into the center of the magic circle, and falls asleep right on the carpet at the place of witchcraft. We gradually come to ourselves. We go to our bedroom, lie down in bed and quietly, so that by chance God forbid wake the sorcerer, we hold advice. We decide that Katya will take a vacation at her own expense for a week in order to feed the sorcerer and look after the apartment, you never know, still an unfamiliar person.
We lie in bed, Katyusha clung to me and whispers in my ear:

Oh Vasenka, how scared I became, but what can you do and what you won’t do for the sake of future children. -

Katya admits that she believes in his magical power at first sight. This Benin voodoo priest will certainly help her give birth. In the morning I go to work, Katya hurries to her kindergarten, arranges a vacation for seven days and rather goes home; to feed the sorcerer with breakfast. I return home after a working day, Katyushka sings a song in the kitchen cutlets, fries. The face is peaceful, the smile does not leave the face. The sorcerer sleeps, without hind legs, in the hall in his circle and snores so much that at least insert earplugs into his ears. I go to the bathroom to wash my hands, and there in the basin lies a black chicken with its legs tied. Where the sorcerer finds it and brings it for the ritual and offering to the spirit of Voodoo is unknown. The sorcerer suddenly wakes up when he hears my voice, yawns at the top of his lungs and leaves the room, takes off my work shoes, puts on slippers, on my feet, smiling says:
- hostess -

I am pleased to feel like a white master, but still I am interested in Katyusha, what does this mean?
Katyusha assures me that in this way the sorcerer pacifies his pride.
The second evening of sorcery becomes bloody. The sorcerer points us to chairs with signs, invites us to sit down, and proceeds to the ceremony, invoking the great Voodoo spirit. Ten minutes later, he grabs a chicken, slits its throat with a jackknife, and drains the blood flowing from the chicken into a bowl. Then, frighteningly muttering incantations and continuously dancing with a bunch of spicy-smelling twigs, he touches the children's figures, then he approaches Katyusha and, dipping his index finger in the blood, touches her forehead, then her cheeks, leaving red spots on Katyusha's pale face. Then he rushes to me and smears the tip of my nose with blood. I try to wipe the blood stain with my shirt sleeve, but the sorcerer shouts menacingly:
- hozzyain - and threatens me with a finger.

Then frantically dances his demonic dance. From time to time he screams terribly, then suddenly falls, as if shot, and falls into a deep sleep, do not wake him up, at least shoot from a cannon.
The chicken is boiled and eaten at breakfast the next day without a trace, even no bones remain.
By the last seventh day of witchcraft, he eats six chickens, four kilograms of sausages and a kilogram of parmesan cheese, not counting dessert.
I notice that the sorcerer before my eyes, daily gains weight, all shines, as if smeared with oil. Katyusha ardently convinces me that in this way he absorbs all the negative energy that interferes with us. From the smell of musky, which emanates from him in waves, I sometimes get dizzy. I also notice that he is already conjuring without the former fanaticism, and so by inertia.
Katyusha is getting prettier every day right before our eyes. A beautiful bird of paradise flutters around the apartment. And she manages to do everything: clean up the apartment, feed me and the sorcerer and tirelessly monitor her appearance, her lips are made up, her makeup on her face is sophisticated, where Kim Kardashian herself is, she is just a Cinderella compared to my beautiful wife.
On the final day of the voodoo rite, we suffered the fear of an adult.
The sorcerer easily takes the life of another black chicken. Either loudly or in a whisper calls for the help of the great Voodoo spirit. After half an hour of magic spells and another crazy dance, he suddenly turns off the light in the room, only the full moon through the window slightly disperses the darkness. He undresses to his underpants, grabs black children's figurines, smears chicken blood on their lips, kneels down and goes with the figurines to Katyushka. I get creepy. The sorcerer gets up from his knees, hangs over his wife, tears with his hands, opens the dressing gown on Katyushka, buttons, like peas, fly around the room with a crash. The wife only yells, but endures.

The sorcerer applies the figurines to the breasts of his wife, leaving imprints of kisses on them, then slowly draws a bloody thick line with his finger, from the chest to the very bottom of the abdomen. I'm smeared with blood on my little fingers. Then he climbs onto a stool and, with a wild cry, jumps from there into his magic circle, convulses for another minute and calms down. We come to our senses with difficulty, we cannot close our eyes until morning.
In the morning, the sorcerer asks with signs to pay for witchcraft services. Props put in a suitcase. I counted him five tens of thousands. The sorcerer counts the money, asks with signs to replace the slightly torn thousandth bill and says goodbye to us with the words akhalai - mahalai.
All day long I am tormented by guesses where I could hear these words of farewell in the Yorubian language before. I don't really remember, unfortunately.
A month later, Katyushka, glowing with happiness, declares that she is pregnant. I circle my wife around the room, holding her tightly in my arms, she whispers in my ear:

Be careful Vasenka, I'm not alone now. -

After the allotted time, Katyusha gives birth to healthy and strong twins, a boy and a girl. Four days later I'm going to pick up Katyushka with the children from the hospital.
The paramedic comes to me with two snow-white envelopes. He declares with a smile that the children are very similar to me. I give her four thousand for the good news. He asks to sit on the sofa so that I don’t fall from happiness and drop the children. Katyushka, meanwhile, is signing the discharge documents nearby at the reception desk.
I can't wait to look at my heirs, but two envelopes in my hands do not allow me to do this. Katya convinces me that we’ll still see enough at home, “let’s get busy”. We arrive at our apartment. I run to the bathroom, wash my hands three times with soap, hastily dry with a towel and quickly into the bedroom. I turn back the corner of the "envelope" and at first I recoil, I slightly open the second one, the same picture. I ask Katya:

Katenka, why are they as black as firebrands? -

My wife explains; dark children are born from what is now in our world, everything is filled with genetically modified foods, as the doctor explains to her. Western scientists, pests, in their laboratories, introduce into food, at the level of genetic engineering and DNA, the melanin pigment, it increases the yield by thirty percent. And melanin affects the skin, especially for children, the skin darkens from these harmful products. Another wife cites the example of the past President of America, Obama. Mom is a white American, her father is a Muslim, the very same Beninese, because of his addiction to fast food. The girl then opens her eyes. I see that she herself is darker than the night, but her eyes are blue, like Katyusha's. The boy has two strands of straight brown hair among the resin curls, like mine. Our breed rejoices, and I gently kiss Katya. We decide to name the boy Vanechka, and the daughter Tanechka.

We call the Benin embassy, ​​using the phone number that the wife saves. We want to thank the sorcerer for his magical power and excellent work. A male voice in Russian, albeit with a soft Yorubian accent, answers that the sorcerer is now on a business trip abroad. Helps the elderly Gerhard Schroeder, the ex-Chancellor of Germany, who recently marries for the fourth time a young woman who works for him as a personal secretary, a Japanese by nationality, to have a baby. We are happy for Mr. Schroeder and his young wife, future Japanese mother. We are one hundred percent sure that a strong sorcerer and a great Voodoo spirit will definitely help them.
The employee promises to convey our gratitude to the sorcerer as soon as the opportunity presents itself.
And we are going to swaddle, feed and groom our beloved babies Vanechka and Tanechka.

Learn the secrets of influencing the fate of a person! Are you satisfied with everything in life? Do you have enough money, is there a loved one nearby, how much are you loved and desired by your husband or wife?

If at least something in your life goes wrong, then it can be changed before it's too late. Strength and hope are your main weapons with which you can overcome fate.

Voodoo Magic rituals, which have been used for many centuries in a row to solve any problems, attract good luck, fulfill wishes and protect, will become an effective tool on the way to your dream.

All who turned to the rituals of this ancient magic managed to change the course of their lives. Would you like to know how it's done?

First, let's get acquainted with the features of the rituals. One ceremony of communication with the spirits is called santeria (Santeria) and it is carried out in special conditions when the voodoo magician (bokor) comes into contact with the Loa, the so-called many spirits.

The highest deity of the Voodoo religion is the being Bondye. Spirits live in the otherworldly space of Le Guinea, and it is believed that at any moment the voodoo sorcerer can turn to these creatures to fulfill any request in the process of performing magical rituals.

Voodoo magic can hardly be called white or black, because this powerful energy structure. It can affect any spectrum of human life. So, for example, you can quickly return a loved one or bring good luck into your life.

Something that will help you change your life! Of course, you are interested in the possibility of influencing your destiny through Voodoo rituals. The influence of higher forces on your health, relationships with loved ones, physical and spiritual hobbies can only occur through a guide (voodoo sorcerer).

One of the strongest proven magicians of our time today is considered the sorcerer Amoray, whose strength many people hear about.

The sorcerer Amorai managed to reach the highest level of development in Voodoo Magic (asogwe). This is the level at which the sorcerer is able to create energy, astral assistants to help himself.

You must understand that a simple person is not able to correctly perform santeria. To get the result, you need to have not only the power of magic, but also to own the special attributes of Voodoo. Here is some of them:

  1. Volt (traditional doll symbolizing a certain person).
  2. Black candles.
  3. Set of herbs, seeds and roots.
  4. Tools (assotor).
  5. Mitan and amulets from evil spirits.

In Voodoo rituals, fire is of particular importance. He opens astral doors and lets spirits into our world. With the help of fire, a black love spell is performed or a ritual of transferring damage from a person to an animal is done, as well as through a special Voodoo doll.

A Voodoo doll is made from various natural components and parts are added that carry the energy information of the object of influence.

The spirits of Loa themselves are capricious in nature, and therefore the special skill of a Voodoo magician is needed to control them. The sorcerer attracts the right spirits capable of carrying out the will of the master.

In order for all the rituals to go right and there were no unforeseen moments in the ritual, the magician creates a circle of power, puts candles and special Voodoo protective amulets in a circle, made from special components, endowed with the power of a magician.

The sorcerer Amorai has been familiar with Voodoo magic for over 20 years. This is a proven magician, who today is considered the best practitioner in Europe and the countries of the former CIS.

During this time, he managed to change the fate of thousands of people who entrusted him with their destinies and lives. Here is what they write to the editorial office, those who have already contacted the Sorcerer Amoray, reviews:

Vitaly, Tver: « I still don’t understand how, but I suddenly found success! Things in business have skyrocketed! When I started having problems, my wife left me and my health began to deteriorate. I thought that I would not survive all this and was ready for anything. Therefore, he turned to the sorcerer Amorai as a last hope. Within a week, my business began to improve. As the Voodoo magician promised, the wife herself came and asked to forgive her, but I kicked her out, because I could not forgive and decided to meet with another. Health like a bull. I recently bought a new car that I dreamed of for a long time ... ".

Elena, Miass: “When your husband leaves you with two small children in his arms, life goes to hell. You fight with all your might, cursing yourself and everything around. I could not work, because there was no one to take care of my sons, and we were sorely lacking money to live on. I am ready to kneel before Lord Amorai, who managed to save me. This is a real miracle! Now I feel great, and my husband (recently returned) is ready to fulfill my desires and take care of us.”

Alina, Vladivostok: “Thanks to the Sorcerer Amorai for making people happier! This voodoo magic works, I have personally seen it. For 8 years I experienced unrequited love, and now He is only mine and does not even look at anyone else !!! If anything, the sorcerer did a magic love spell Black wedding on the photo of my beloved. The effect was not long in coming."

Hope, Podolsk: “My sister had a strange illness. No one could diagnose her. She was fading away every day. There were seizures, as if some kind of power had moved into her. She did not eat anything and gradually faded away. By chance, I stumbled on the site of the Sorcerer Amorai on the net, read the reviews and decided to take this chance. The sorcerer helped, removed the damage from his sister and she has been absolutely healthy for a year now. I recently got pregnant."

What can be changed in a person's life through communication with spirits and the power of Voodoo magic?

Almost everything. What is not subject to logic, medical laws or majority opinion can be changed by magical ritual. If you turn to the most powerful magician, such as the Sorcerer Amorai, then you can count on a 100% guarantee and a quick result, because orishi (Loa) are always willing to make contact with him.

In each case, you need to address a certain spirit, draw its symbolism on the ground (veve). Sometimes smoke is used for this, in other cases blood or special substances (flour, feed grain). Clothes, smells, essential oils, a clear rhythm (batterie) of drumming - every little thing matters in holding a santeria. Here is what can be changed by Voodoo Magic in life:

  1. Restoration of the family, return of loved ones, strengthening of the union.
  2. Health, healing, immunity strengthening.
  3. Procreation. Call for pregnancy, the health of the child in the womb.
  4. Protection from sudden situations leading to the extinction of life.
  5. Punishment of the enemy, rival, opponent, impact on the fate of the enemy.
  6. Protection from misfortune, the influence of higher powers, making a personal amulet for good luck.
  7. Wealth, increase in income, influence on others, power.
  8. Damage, evil eye, strong love spell Black wedding and others.

Any of these magical directions is subject to the Sorcerer Amoray, reviews of which are always positive. The sorcerer is familiar with dozens of techniques for influencing human destiny. One goal means an individual rite with carefully selected paraphernalia.

Rituals are held in a special place Kay Myste with a personal altar installed in it. All the symbols of Voodoo Magic are stored there, the power of which has been confirmed many times in practice.

Is it possible to perform a ritual and in particular a love spell without a personal meeting with a sorcerer? Practice shows that this is possible. The powers of Ibo Loa spirits are able to influence a person's life through his image (photo). This means that you can order a ritual from a sorcerer by simply sending him photos over the Internet and indicating all the data necessary for his work.

A correctly performed Voodoo spell and the reviews of those who did the love spell confirm the exceptional effectiveness of Voodoo magic.

Remember that Voodoo is not just magic, but an ancient religion. It is closely related to Christianity and is even officially recognized by Catholicism. As proof of this, one can cite the spirits of Mama Bridget or Legba, who, according to experts in religion, are the prototypes of the Virgin Mary and the Apostle Peter. Images of saints in voodooism often resemble faces on Christian icons.

The strongest psychics in the world recognize Voodoo magic as the most effective tool that can only be given into the hands of initiates. Only selected real magicians are able to really correct a person’s situation, make a strong love spell or save from a serious illness.

The Sorcerer Amorai is recognized as such an elected master among psychics, to whom you can also turn. And soon your life will change, filled with joy and love! Your wishes will come true! You just need to take just one step and turn to the sorcerer Amorai.

For more information about practical Voodoo Magic, Voodoo spells, strong amulets and Voodoo training, read on the official website of Master Amorai.

Voodoo magic is considered very strong and effective, and it is recommended to use this type of influence very carefully, following all the recommendations exactly. The roots of Voodoo go back to the 18th century, when the inhabitants of the African continent achieved their goals with the help of nature and their knowledge. Nowadays, the most common is a love spell at home with a doll made by oneself.

It is not difficult to perform the Voodoo ritual, and the result will not be long in coming. Detailed descriptions and videos on the Internet will help you make the doll correctly and read the plot.

Voodoo rituals are most often performed at home and for their implementation you need to follow the basic rules:

  • having chosen a suitable rite, its execution must be accurate, without any additions and initiatives;
  • spells are recited by heart in a half-whisper;
  • Voodoo ritual is performed in complete solitude;
  • before the ritual, it is best to loosen your hair and remove all jewelry that may adversely affect the effectiveness of magical effects.

Having studied the basic requirements for performing a magical action, and having chosen a rite, you can begin to perform it.

voodoo magic for love

A love spell is the most common method of influencing Voodoo on a person who needs to bewitched. However, before performing the plot itself, which is read at home, it is necessary to make a special doll.

You need to make a doll when it gets dark outside. For additional lighting, it is best to use candles.

To make a magical voodoo craft, you will need:

  • wax for the body of the doll;
  • new needles;
  • blank sheet of paper;
  • organic particles of a beloved (a piece of a nail, hairs, cilia, sweat, saliva);
  • an element of clothing of a bewitched person.

Special attention must be paid to organic particles, since they will be responsible for the connection between the doll and the man. Two or three components, such as a hair, a piece of a nail are quite suitable. As an element of clothing, you can take something found or lost by a loved one, say, a button, thread, and so on.

In the light of candles, you need to make a figure from wax with the addition of nails, the hair of the victim of a love spell, which would look like a loved one. In the process of creating a doll, you need to constantly think about a man, establishing a connection between the craft and the object of the love spell.

When the doll is ready, you need to attach a piece of clothing (button, thread). Now, on a piece of white paper, you should write the name of your lover and your name with your blood, and attach a piece of paper with a needle to the heart area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe craft. On this, the doll is considered ready, it remains only to read the plot, which will help activate the action of Voodoo.

The plot is read immediately after creating the doll at home:

“Ara cat IMHO, Taba bark tilka, Zor chacha bear!”

The magic words are repeated three times. Now the doll needs to be removed to a secret place and carefully stored there. It is recommended to pick up a craft several times a month and think about your beloved, even if you are already together. This action will help to consolidate the result.

Magic begins to act immediately after the ritual is performed, and the results will be noticeable in a few weeks.

voodoo magic for money

Any magic offers exposure options to attract good luck and luck. And Voodoo is no exception. To perform a simple but effective ritual for prosperity, you will need the following components: a saucer, 40 thin candles, five yellow metal coins, white thread, chalk and a handkerchief.

The ceremony is performed at home during the full moon. Magic will work in other lunar phases, but the most effective rite will be in the phase of the full moon.

Before starting the action, you need to light ten candles, placing them around the room to illuminate. The remaining 30 need to be combined into one large one, tied with a white thread.

The performer of the ritual sits down in front of the candles and draws a circle around himself and around the candles to make the number eight.

Where two circles connect to form a figure eight, you need to put a saucer with coins. Closing your eyes and putting your hands on your knees, you should say the magic words:

"Yam aui mumsam gail baor som!"

The words are repeated three times, after which the magic begins to act. Now you need to let the candles burn out, after which the coins from the saucer are collected in a scarf and removed to a secluded place. You need to keep coins in the house for at least a year.

voodoo magic for pregnancy

Voodoo magic has been helping women fulfill their dream of motherhood for a long period of time. Various videos on the network help to perform the ceremony for pregnancy. And just below one of the most effective and efficient will be considered.

To perform the ritual, you will need: booties for newborns, sunflower seeds and water. The ceremony is performed at dawn.

You need to put a glass of water in front of you, and pour seeds into booties and say:

“Imnu imne imna, save brole sinushch!”

Now the booties need to be sprinkled with water from a glass and put away in a secret place. This completes the magic. As a rule, the joys of motherhood come to women in the very near future.

One of the most powerful and dangerous types of magic is voodoo. It is recommended that an inexperienced person use such an effect only as a last resort, and, having decided on a ceremony using this technique, you must strictly follow the video or written instructions.

Black magic Voodoo is perhaps the most sinister religion in the world. But its popularity does not cease to multiply its fans every year. So why are there so many who have decided to turn their attention to solving problems and life circumstances with the help of Voodoo magic at home? Surely the secret lies in the fact that this is also the most powerful magic that is practiced today, and few people are embarrassed that it is black. In this article, we will teach you how to properly achieve what you want and reveal the secrets of Voodoo magic.

Before you start learning Voodoo magic and getting acquainted with various rituals, you should get a little familiar with the practice itself. This type of magic is a cult of magical teachings, and also personifies a whole religion in the western countries of Africa. The overwhelming majority have abandoned Voodoo magic as the official religious status of the country, considering it a barbaric culture of the past. This is not surprising, because even third world countries, steadily following the new trends of the civilized world, make their choice in favor of humanity in relation to their fellow citizens. But it was not so easy to come to terms and forget the occult culture that had been professed for many centuries, so some countries still willingly practice Voodoo magic.

Voodoo magic is so complete in third world countries that if you dared to call their culture the humble word "magic", they would probably chase you in the neck from their tribe, while their children made your voodoo doll. This is a whole religion that originates from time immemorial. It has a whole hierarchy, like the keepers of ancient knowledge:

  • Hungan 1 and mambo 2 - man 1 and woman 2, who occupy the role of leading guardians in the religious community - priests. That is, they are the prototype of the priests. Their advantage over others is associated with the ability to communicate with otherworldly spirits during a trance, which give them valuable advice, decisions and may leave an important warning.
  • Bokor is a sorcerer. It occupies the second rank after the above-described priests of Voodoo. It is the bokor who has the right to conduct important rituals. They can send a curse on an entire family and a dozen subsequent generations. Their power in the world of magic is almost limitless. Often they are entrusted with matters of national importance.
  • Ounsi, unagan are assistants who can also communicate with otherworldly forces, communicate with the dead and perform various rituals, but do not have such power as bokor.

It is interesting to know that the iconic zombies are a product of the culture of voodoo magic. Bokor (sorcerer) could make a free slave out of a person. To do this, he had to come at night at a certain time under the door of his chosen victim and draw in the air (along with the soul). The man began to languish and soon died. Bokor casts spells over the soul of the deceased to deprive him of his memory. When he comes to the cemetery to revive the dead with the help of a certain voodoo magic ritual, he will never remember his past life. After the resurrection, the bokors still solder their victim with potions from slandered herbs for some time. So he becomes obedient and recognizes the sorcerer for his master.

Oddly enough, but some residents of areas where Voodoo magic is actively practiced are very afraid of such a prospect and seal or clog their keyholes.

Voodoo magic for death

Voodoo doll or volt, as it is commonly called in narrow circles, is an essential attribute of this type of magic. It can also be made at home if you feel like it. But it is worth considering that the rituals over the Voodoo doll have a rather powerful result, which is often directed to the detriment of a person. This process is already irreversible, so think carefully about what exactly you want to do with your offender, just punish or take his life. Rites with a doll are the strongest in the book of Voodoo magic.

With the help of a doll, you can punish the offender in many ways, up to death. To make a voodoo doll at home you will need:

  1. Offender's personal item in the form of a small cloth
  2. Offender Organic Material

Getting to work on your volt:

  • Warm up the wax on the steam bath
  • We throw into it the organic material of the future deceased

It can be hair or nails, that is, what will be easiest for you to get. You can also take dead skin, dandruff, semen, blood or sweat from your abuser. Many for this ritual use just the latter. If you have the opportunity to blot the sweaty area with a piece of toilet paper or tissue, then such material will do. Another common ingredient is blood, which is just as effective. But, if you have the opportunity to get at least hair, then the ritual is possible.

  • Stir and remove wax
  • We wait until it cools down and start sculpting the body of your volt
  • When your creativity will resemble something more or less like a doll, leave it to solidify completely.
  • We dress the doll in a piece of fabric that belonged to your offender

Thus, African slaves (slaves of the colonists) punished their masters. And, apparently, very successfully, since this practice has come down to our time.

You can leave the doll, punishing your offender from time to time, but the volt also gives you the power to doom him to a quick or long and painful death. The main thing is that no one sees the doll before his death - this is the main and only rule. Protect it from prying eyes and in no case do not tell anyone about your venture.

You can also make a rag doll or soft toy by sewing the organic material inside. In this case, the volta can not be dressed up in the fabric of the offender, it should serve as the material of the doll itself.

Your doll is almost ready, the only thing left to do is breathe life into it with the following spell: " Imnu aui, Taba som chacha baor imne!”

You can do whatever you want with the doll: poke it with needles, pour hot oil or acid on it. But, if you want to know how Voodoo confessors punished their offenders, then you can read the list below from the corner of your eye:

  • If pins and setting fire to a doll are too commonplace for you, then we can conclude that you are still an aesthete. But we definitely have something to pamper you with, because even revenge can be approached beautifully and tastefully.
  • To find a person for serious illness with subsequent death, black pepper was used. It is necessary to plant a volta in pepper for several days, when it has lain there for a sufficient time, the disease of the offender will already become irreversible.
  • It is also worth mentioning that the doll in a container with black pepper burns simply enchantingly.
  • If before the death of your abuser, you want to stop the gossip that he dissolves, you can sew up his mouth. Also, before needlework, it will be useful to take a piece of something to sew it into your mouth. Many use earth (including graveyard), salt, and even feces, based on how much a real volt says.
  • If you sew a piece of meat into the mouth of a doll, then the speech of a real volt will be disturbed.
  • If your offense was the betrayal of a loved one, then it will be relevant to carry out the rite of punishment in this way, take the doll and sew up a place between her legs. A man will be doomed to impotence, and a woman to frigidity and infertility. Don't forget to wish your ex-lover "good luck" in your personal life.
  • In Voodoo magic there is such a term as involting - this is a method of taking a person's life, and quite serious. Volta needs to be torn open and sewn up with cemetery soil. Every day your offender will leave vitality for no reason. He will be accompanied by severe pain, and death will be a long torment. Such are the terrible consequences of Voodoo magic.

Voodoo magic for love

Voodoo love magic is done with a volt. This method will help to return the lost love or to get a very strong, loyal and obsessive admirer. Voodoo magic spells are the strongest and you should think 100 times if you need such torment, because you can be sure that your beloved will run errands for you until the end of his days. Agree, it will turn out somehow ugly if after a couple of months you get yourself a new love.

With Volt, you can do absolutely everything, even enslave the heart of your admirer, for this you need Volt, well, because. we already know how to do it, then we will go straight to the Voodoo love ritual:

  • The good news is that you will absolutely get what you want, the bad news is that it needs your blood.
  • Cut your finger and write your name on a small piece of paper with your blood.
  • Attach it to your chest on the left side, where the heart of your volt should be.

The rite is completed, it remains to cast a spell: " Macaw to the cat IMHO, Taba bark tilka, Zora chacha endure!

All the consequences of Voodoo magic, you will have to take on yourself, because. unrequited love pushes people to rash insane acts. You never know what the result can be, because Voodoo magic is a fairly strong effect on a person.

Voodoo magic to attract money

Voodoo magic is also able to attract wealth to your home. This is probably the most harmless and pleasant of all Voodoo magic rituals. Only one step separates you from unthinkable wealth. Surely no one would refuse to replenish their household budget for a tidy sum, regardless of income. To attract money with Voodoo magic, you will need:

  • 40 pcs. thin candles
  • white thread made of natural material
  • saucer
  • handkerchief
  • 5 yellow coins

Now that we have stocked up with everything we need, we can begin the ritual:

  • This rite has the most effective effect on the full moon. Choose the quietest room and make sure that no one disturbs you: close the door, turn off the phones, lock the animals in the closet or turn them out into the street.
  • Arrange 10 candles around the room as you see fit for lighting.

  • Tie the remaining 30 with a white thread and place in front of you. If the candles are not standing, place them in some kind of container.
  • Sit on your knees facing the candles and draw the number 8 in such a way that both you and the candles are in the center of the circle.
  • The place in front of the candles should be an interlacing of eight circles. Put a saucer there and pour a handful of prepared coins.
  • Light your bunch of candles.

Say a spell: Yam aui mumsam gaili baor som!”

When the candles burn out, collect the coins in a handkerchief, tie them up and hide them in a secluded place away. Coins must be in the house for at least a year. The ritual starts immediately!

Voodoo magic for motherhood

Many women are doomed to loneliness due to reasons with the female reproductive organs. It's unfortunate, but the statistics are relentless. Under the fear of never knowing the desired joy of motherhood, women take desperate steps, and Voodoo magic is not the worst option. As mentioned earlier, this is a very powerful type of magic that can not only punish a person with death, but also give a new life. To perform the ritual for motherhood, you will need:

  1. Baby booties
  2. Sunflower seeds
  3. Glass of water

It is better to start the ritual at dawn, because. this period of the day is the personification of rebirth and new life. The ritual is simple, you just need to pour sunflower seeds into booties and say the following spell: “ Imnu imne imna, save brole sinushch!

Repeat this spell 3 times, then just pour water into the booties to make your seeds grow. Take them to a secluded place. They need to be protected throughout the entire period of pregnancy and the first year of a child's life. Congratulations, soon you will know the joy of motherhood.

Protection from voodoo magic

Protection against Voodoo magic, as such, does not exist. Perhaps that is why she inspires fear of being under her influence in everyone, without exception, but you can make yourself a charm or amulet for happiness, popular in Voodoo magic, which is called "gri-gri". The only catch in performing this attribute is that without the help of a magician or, even better, the bokor itself, you cannot do it.

  • The gris-gris talisman is made from different items. He himself is a bag with various herbs and organic materials.
  • Only a bokor can determine which herbs are right for you as a talisman, and what items in the bag you need, and he takes this information from the loa spirits themselves.
  • Even the material of the bag is not of secondary importance, to say nothing of its contents. Your hair, nails, blood, favorite thing, etc. may be required of you.
  • Gris-gris is often used for good luck, but it is also a very powerful amulet. It has the greatest power when it is given to another person.
  • This means that the patrons of the owner of the gris-gris have now been instructed to keep you out of trouble.
  • Often such gifts are given by parents to their children, some decide to pass on gris-gris from generation to generation.

Think for a moment about who you are saying the words of the spell to. Do you really think that the very power of the word has such a gift to take away or give a human life? No. You turn to loa - spirits that bring your request to life, but if it seems to you that these are harmless friends who are ready to help everyone around, then you are deeply mistaken and your mistake can cost you your life.

Spirits never did anything for no reason. They need your soul, which they will probably want to enslave in the other world, but they can be paid off. Leave sweets at the site of your ritual. Some Loa will only accept sacrifice, in which case you will have to chop down a rooster and sprinkle its blood on yourself with words of gratitude in the Loa language.

Video: "10 Little-Known Factors About Voodoo Black Magic"