Lunar horoscope for Aquarius

Optimism and love of life will be the main companions of Aquarius in 2018. Good luck, which the Red Rooster generously endowed, will be there during the reign of the Yellow Earth Dog. The main thing is to correctly build plans and immediately begin to implement them. A more accurate forecast can be found in the horoscope.

General horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius

The Year of the Dog will surprise and make unexpected adjustments to a measured life, so you should prepare for the rapid development of events. Fate will give several opportunities to change life for the better at once, but they must be used in a timely manner.

You also don’t have to rely only on enthusiasm and faith in the best - success is possible only if you concentrate on the most important and work hard. In any undertaking, careful preparation and attitude are important, and the Yellow Dog will be there to support and indicate the desired vector in time.

Love astro forecast

2018 is the perfect year to start a family

In the coming year, Aquarius is guaranteed everyone's attention: in an official setting and during leisure. It is not only about respecting colleagues and caring for loved ones, but also about romantic relationships. The increased interest of the opposite sex will entail dizzying novels and an explosion of emotions, but do not forget that the Dog is the mistress of the year, which means that loyalty comes to the fore.

Tamara Globa warns: February is not the month to go headlong towards the goal with your head held high. Do not overestimate the importance of your person and beware of arrogance. This is not about you.

In order not to anger fate, it is better to abandon intrigues and remember the family: forget empty quarrels and mutual claims, show tenderness and bring a little romance into the relationship. And if the heart is still free from love, and the passport is free from a stamp, you should look in your environment not for beauty, but for sincerity and kindness. Only in this case a successful love union is guaranteed.


Take care of this year's profits and teach this to all family members

Financial receipts in 2018 will be more than stable. The efforts made will be crowned with success, and the income will become regular and progressive. Success will come in earnest and for a long time, but there will be constant doubts: to invest the funds received in a business or to walk away with a clear conscience. Both are necessary, but within reasonable limits. The Yellow Dog does not advise you to relax and be careless in financial matters so that you do not have to change the tires at the wheel of Fortune.

Work, career, business

Only hard work will help Aquarius reach the top of the career ladder. Such people cannot be called idlers, but their inherent slowness and connivance often make them postpone the start of an important business and, as a result, work hard in the future.

Vasilisa Volodina advises when changing jobs to choose a profession that will not interfere with live communication with people.

Often, Aquarians prefer peace and oblivion, not wanting to take on extra responsibility and take the initiative. But if you manage to overcome yourself and not miss the chance given by fate, career growth and material success will be provided!

In May, be especially careful with money: there is a great chance of losing your wallet or becoming a victim of a pickpocket.


If there is a choice between yoga and crossfit, give preference to the first direction, because the joints may suffer from the other

As you know, the disease is easier to prevent than to fight it later, so health will have to be given maximum attention. Moreover, the issues of well-being will depend not on the presence of chronic diseases, but on the emotional state, and if measures are not taken in time, the consequences can be the most unpredictable!

Astrologer Pavel Globa says that Aquarius will be really lucky this year!

There is a risk of spinal problems, as well as an unpleasant "acquaintance" with rheumatism and arthritis, so it is worth reviewing the load at work and setting priorities correctly. Complete relaxation and sleep will help eliminate the cause of the ailment, which will put the nervous system in order and allow you to get back on track in time. Moderate exercise, proper nutrition and outdoor recreation should not be ignored. And it is best to go on vacation to temporarily disconnect from routine worries.

Horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius women

Choose a new partner carefully - the Dog does not like fuss and promiscuity in relationships

Aquarius ladies will be able to charm literally all the representatives of the stronger sex in their environment: establish trusting relationships with colleagues, make secret admirers fall in love with themselves even more and even get the favor of enemies. There are many social events and important meetings on the horizon, where you can make useful and pleasant acquaintances.

For the first two decades of January, you will want to be in splendid isolation, but having gained strength, after the 20th numbers you will be able to make pleasant business meetings and even dates.

However, it should be remembered that bright romances with the obligatory attributes of beautiful courtship (bouquets, dates under the moon and romantic dinners) do not always lead to a serious relationship. And the amorousness and excessive gullibility of Aquarius can play a cruel joke with them.

And yet, fate is ready to present a gift - in the summer there will be a fateful meeting with a magnetic and mysterious man. But in order to win it, you will have to show miracles of diplomacy and endless charm. And if Cupid's arrow hits the heart of a stranger, you can safely prepare for the wedding.

What awaits men

Surprise-loving Aquarians are in for a flurry of pleasant surprises this year.

Career comes first. Aquarius men have no time to think about romance. Solving production problems will require a serious approach, determination and dedication. But don't worry too much. When the forces are running out, true friends will be nearby, ready to support physically, morally and even financially.

Pay your attention to the fidelity of the decisions made in November. Their correctness will be clear at the end of this month, so beware of recklessness.

The main thing is no irresponsibility and passivity, even if you give up. It is necessary to learn to think constructively and clearly go to the intended goal. Timely decisions will allow you to win in a controversial situation and take pride of place in the eyes of others.

Brief horoscope for all signs of the Chinese calendar

Each of the 12 animals of the Eastern calendar has a personal prediction.


Even the most obstinate fans are at your feet!

Aquarius born in the year of the Rat, 2018 will bring good luck and prosperity. The Earth Dog will selflessly protect from problems, but its favor should not be abused. For career growth, it is better to use professional qualities, rather than personal charm and flirting with the boss. Connect personal activity and creative imagination - and any tasks will be up to you! And charisma and charm are more useful in personal life.

Aquarius Ox

Clarity and composure should become faithful companions in the coming year. Otherwise, there is a risk of being outflanked by more nimble competitors. This is the best time to introduce your own ideas and know-how that will attract the attention of business partners and provide encouragement from management. On the love front, it's the exact opposite. Passionate and enchanting novels are not expected, but the Yellow Dog itself will take care of the fateful meeting - and soon a person will appear on the horizon who will become an ideal partner in family life.


The freedom-loving nature of a predator does not let you forget about yourself. People born in the year of the Tiger highly value their independence and consider any encroachment on personal freedom almost a crime. However, in 2018, it's time to think about the future: finally, choose a permanent partner or even decide on marriage. The best candidate for the role of a spouse will be the same freedom-loving nature, otherwise there is a risk of mutual claims simply destroying the existing relationship.

Aquarius Cat (Rabbit)

2018 is a time of great prospects and opportunities. The successful combination of Aquarius and the Cat provides wisdom and knowledge of life, therefore such people are always listened to and often asked for advice. In gratitude, the Yellow Dog will bring material well-being (a new position, his own living space, and even a surprise in the form of winning the lottery). On the love horizon, the appearance of a person with whom it will be possible to build a strong family union is possible.

Aquarius Dragon

Do not inflame energy and inner fire on trifles. Do big things and success will come to you

A calm, balanced intellectual - this is how Aquarius-Dragon can be characterized, who is in no hurry anywhere and, thanks to forethought, achieves high results in professional terms and in his personal life. Meanwhile, you can not relax, so that the usual slowness does not turn into laziness and does not make its own adjustments to the usual way of life. It is necessary to collect the will into a fist and, before it is too late, to take control of the situation.


Unlike the Dragon, the Aquarius-Snake is more purposeful and active, not afraid of difficulties and quickly achieves the solution of the tasks set, for which he has earned the respect of others. But sometimes you need to allow yourself liberties and be distracted from business, especially since it is during the rest that you will be able to meet your soul mate. And the one whose heart is already taken will find a true friend who can support even in the most difficult life situations.


The potential of Aquarius born in the year of the Horse can only be envied. They can handle any difficulties and in terms of professional growth they will be able to overcome more than one barrier. And if something does not work out, there will always be a faithful Dog nearby, which will help to successfully complete all undertakings and achieve financial well-being. This year the most cherished dream will come true. When it comes to creating a family, a marriage concluded in 2018 will be strong and durable.

Aquarius-Goat (Sheep)

Finally, your soul mate will calm down and stop demanding a star from the sky from you, enjoying what you have

It is worth being patient: the coming year will be full of events (new meetings, business contacts, events and romantic dates). There comes a good time for the realization of creative abilities that will be appreciated by others. A favorable period for starting your own business: a successful start and rapid development will be guaranteed. However, you should not revel too much in fame and rest on your laurels, otherwise success can turn into failure just as quickly, and it will not be easy to restore the lost status.

Aquarius Monkey

Activity and rich creative potential will bring fame and recognition to Aquarius-Monkeys. But on the way to the cherished goal, many temptations will appear, which only the most persistent natures can resist. Friends and fleeting love affairs can distract from the implementation of plans, so self-control and willpower will be needed for success.

Aquarius Rooster

Aquarius-Roosters will have to collect a lot of trophies on the love front. But you should not rely on your own attractiveness and expect a gift from fate in the form of a fan who is ready to indulge all whims. Stable and strong relationships can only be created by those who are not too swaggering. The main secret of success is the ability to give in and put yourself in the place of a partner.


New acquaintances can be useful both spiritually and materially

Despite the desire for innovation and a heightened sense of justice, Aquarius-Dogs are often modest and withdrawn. In 2018, it's time to break this stereotype and go out into the world. This step will allow you to make useful contacts and demonstrate your potential, which will lead to success in your professional activities. But first you need to think about everything and develop a clear plan of action.

Aquarius-Pig (Boar)

Yellow Earth Dog will bring a lot of opportunities for self-realization. Purposefulness and activity will allow you to achieve what you want both in career terms and in private relationships. The second half of the year promises promotion and an increase in authority in the eyes of superiors and colleagues. It is important to maintain adequate self-esteem and prevent dizziness from success.

2018 gives Aquarius a complete carte blanche, and success in life largely depends on their own efforts. The main thing is to correctly calculate the possibilities and boldly go forward. Catch the wave of luck, believe in yourself, and you will definitely succeed!

In the year of the reign of the Yellow Dog, Aquarians are waiting for conflicting events. Representatives of this sign will literally begin to gush with new and unusual ideas that will bring good profits in the future. For some time, everything conceived will be easily implemented.

The greatest success awaits precisely those Aquarians who work for themselves. However, very soon the representatives of this sign will have to face almost insurmountable obstacles. But, despite the fact that in 2018 white stripes will alternate with black ones, this period promises to be interesting and exciting.

Aquarians are very friendly and the first week of the year will literally bathe in everyone's attention. These personalities easily and naturally conquer new acquaintances. Lonely representatives of the sign will begin a romantic relationship.

If the opportunity arises, the stars are advised to go on a trip. Aquarius will definitely be interested in exotic countries and warm resorts. Do not give up on winter holidays, because this is a great opportunity to recuperate and improve your health.
January for Aquarius will be a pleasant time, but already in February a series of minor troubles and problems awaits. Of course, they will greatly exhaust the nerves, but at the same time they will become fateful. The stars advise you to remain completely calm in any situation and try to solve all problems as they arise.

Already in the spring of 2018, representatives of this zodiac sign will get a chance to make good money on some kind of ingenious scam. But, if Aquarians agree to this matter, they will have to bear responsibility on their own.

Aquarians need to use all their abilities only for peaceful purposes. Closer to the beginning of spring, there will be opportunities not only to improve things at work, but also to restore relations with your soulmate.

The period from March to July will be a time when you have to work hard, but all efforts will soon pay off. New career opportunities await Aquarius in the last month of spring. Summer and autumn may seem like a black stripe, but with maximum effort, representatives of this sign will achieve the desired success.

Now is not the time to despair, because partners and colleagues will appreciate all the original ideas and proposals of Aquarius. However, this will not happen immediately and you will have to wait a bit, all the efforts and labors will not be in vain.

Lonely representatives of the sign will succumb to the feeling of falling in love in November-December 2018. But in personal life, everything will not happen immediately, because the object of love will not share feelings. Aquarians realize that they did not act very nicely in the past and repent of their deeds.
If Aquarius wants to win the heart of the chosen one, the stars are advised to abandon the usual trips to a restaurant or banal bouquets of roses. No need to be afraid to show imagination, because thanks to a non-standard and original approach, the second half will look at you in a completely different way.

Aquarius women will have to use all their natural charm if they want to make contact with colleagues. There will be a chance to strengthen relations with those who have sympathized with you for a long time, and turn enemies into loyal allies and partners.
In 2018, quite a lot of various social events await, where you can not only make useful contacts, but also meet an interesting person. In their personal lives, the stars are advised to use all the qualities inherent in Aquarius - helpfulness, gentleness and, of course, attentiveness.

The horoscope recommends being very careful in new relationships, because representatives of this zodiac sign tend to often make mistakes in their chosen ones, which is why they suffer greatly later. Bright and successful novels await ahead, the main thing is not to be afraid to open up to a new person and plunge headlong into happiness.

Aquarius business horoscope 2018

Influential acquaintances will help Aquarius climb the career ladder. However, in the summer, representatives of this sign will decide to switch to independent work and abandon group projects. And it will be right, because as a result they will win.

Aquarius horoscope for 2017

It is thanks to loneliness that Aquarius will be able to fully concentrate on business and realize all the hidden opportunities that are available. Creativity in business will not only bring a decent income, but also help you rise to new heights.
The stars are advised to accept foreign business trips or internships, as the trip will bring not only an invaluable vacation, but also help in future employment.

Aquarius financial horoscope for 2018

By the beginning of 2018, Aquarians will be able to save up a fairly large amount of money or find a highly paid and promising job. Thanks to this, you do not have to worry about finances.

In the first half of the year, Aquarians will be able to invest a large amount and open their own business. Very quickly, the business will pay off and begin to bring good profits.

Aquarians are very promising

Representatives of this zodiac sign will be able not only to realize all their plans, but also will not deprive children of their attention.

In the summer, you can plan a vacation abroad, because even a long trip will not hit your pocket. Aquarians will have a great rest, they will not save on entertainment, which will allow them to restore their spent energy.

Aquarius health horoscope for 2018

Aquarians take their own health lightly and always put off a visit to the doctor until the last moment. But in 2018, the stars are advised to be extremely careful, because even a common cold can lead to serious complications or develop into a chronic disease.

Aquarians need to be attentive to their health

Do not abuse alcoholic beverages, so as not to provoke poisoning. It is important to pay due attention to rest and not devote all your free time only to work. It is better not to lift weights and not overdo it in the gym, otherwise you can get serious problems associated with the musculoskeletal system.

In summer, the stars are advised to be extremely careful in the water, because the native element for representatives of this zodiac sign can be harmful to health.

Aquarius love horoscope for 2018

At the beginning of 2018, Aquarius will be surrounded by increased attention from members of the opposite sex. Of course, this will not complicate life, but at the same time it will give a lot of pleasant emotions and new colors.

Aquarians will be very courteous with fans, and single individuals will get a chance to build strong and happy relationships. However, most representatives of the sign will devote all their free time to work and are unlikely to decide on a serious relationship.
Lonely Aquarians will embark on love adventures in the spring, but they will not show strong and serious feelings for any of their passions. Representatives of this sign will devote all tenderness and maximum free time to children and older relatives, who will respond to attention with gratitude.

Already in the summer, Aquarius can get a marriage proposal. But the stars are advised to think carefully before going to the altar with a wealthy, but not a loved one, because such a union will not bring happiness and will fall apart very soon.
If Aquarians decide on a marriage of convenience, they will very quickly begin to suffer from the constant control that the other half will surround. An almost irresistible thirst for freedom will appear, because of which Aquarius will decide to betray. However, soon the deception will be revealed and you will have to be responsible for your own actions. But this will not stop the representatives of the sign from repeated betrayal.

No wonder if Aquarius proposes a hand and a heart

In November-December, lonely Aquarius will meet true love and feelings will be mutual. The second half can be a close friend or colleague. It is this person who will inspire Aquarius to unusual and rather bold actions, with which they will win the heart of the chosen one.

If your chosen one was born under the Aquarius zodiac sign, you can safely prepare for a marriage proposal. However, it is worth reconciling in advance with the fact that the second half never considers the stamp in the passport a serious obstacle to entertainment.
Aquarians value freedom most of all and always play only the leading role in family life. Those who decide to change these personalities risk forever losing their favor. If you are ready for spontaneous parties and frequent entertainment, you can safely say yes. The ideal time for a wedding would be spring, late August and early autumn. The stars are advised to abandon the formalization of relations in the height of summer.

Aquarius man horoscope for 2018

2018 is becoming an ideal time for Aquarius men when they can make all their plans and dreams come true. Everything that representatives of this sign will do will begin to bring positive emotions and make them truly happy.

Despite the fact that Aquarius men will be constantly busy at work, thanks to their own strength and wisdom, they will be able to improve their relationship with the chosen one, who will turn out to be a faithful and reliable life partner.

Aquarius man horoscope

In the summer, relatives will begin to need the support of Aquarius, which is why all plans regarding work will have to be postponed for some time. We can say that luck will follow on its heels and at the end of the year fate will prepare a pleasant surprise, which will be unexpected, but will give a lot of vivid emotions.

Horoscope of the Aquarius woman for 2018

Women born under the sign of Aquarius will strive for love in 2018, this desire will begin to manifest itself especially brightly in single girls. At the same time, they will stop at nothing until they achieve what they want. In some cases, Aquarius women will even decide to betray.

Already closer to spring, personal life will gradually fade into the background and Aquarius women will begin to pay more attention to close and dear people.

Aquarius woman horoscope

With the onset of summer, the stars advise you to go closer to the sea, which will help get rid of tension and irritation. In addition, this is a great opportunity to effectively prevent existing chronic diseases and improve your own health.
By the end of 2018, Aquarius women will receive a very tempting and profitable offer that will relate to business development. However, in this case, you have to make a rather difficult choice between a creative profession and your own family. But do not worry, because Aquarius women are by nature very wise and will be able to quickly understand how to act correctly in a given situation.

Aquarius horoscope 2018 by year of birth

(born in 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

Aquarius-Rats will learn to see in the dark and amaze others with the ability to calculate the situation a few steps ahead, which will help them always be the first. It is these qualities that will scare away competitors, who in turn decide not to touch these shrewd and intelligent personalities.

Horoscope Aquarius and Rat

And they will do it right, because they still won’t succeed in fighting geniuses, and all attempts made will be meaningless. The situation is developing quite well in his personal life, since here Aquarius-Rats will not have competitors. Representatives of the opposite sex will dream of having at least one date with Aquarius. The stars are advised to agree to the invitations received, because you can not only dine at someone else's expense, but also meet your soul mate.

(born in 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

From the outside it may seem that Aquarius-Bulls are very slow, but in fact this is not so. It’s just that these individuals in any situation carefully consider their every step, thanks to which they almost never make mistakes. In the year of the reign of the Yellow Dog, you can sometimes give up your own principles, because even by taking a risk, Aquarius-Oxen will win.

Aquarius and Ox Horoscope

In 2018, you should not be afraid of bankruptcy, because these individuals will become the real favorites of fortune. Quite large changes will also take place on the love front, and single individuals will meet an interesting and extraordinary person with whom they will create a strong and happy relationship.

(1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 years of birth)

Aquarius-Tigers are rebels at heart, and in 2018 they may feel the desire to make a real revolution. Of course, it is not necessary to go to the central square of the city with posters, but small changes in life will not hurt.

Aquarius and Tiger Horoscope

The stars are advised to start with the requirements for the authorities, but if the management does not understand, you can safely go looking for a new job, since there is no career growth prospects in the old place. The situation in the sphere of love is much better, because the chosen one has long dreamed of formalizing the relationship. Those Aquarius-Tigers who are married can wait for replenishment in the family.

(1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 years of birth)

The hostess of the year did her best and did everything to make the life of Aquarius-Cats perfect. These personalities will begin to literally bathe in adoration and love - others will be delighted.

Horoscope Aquarius and Cat

Aquarius-Cats will be able to charm both fans and business partners, thanks to which they will conclude profitable deals and lucrative contracts. The stars advise you to update your wardrobe, because you need to enter a new life in a new outfit. Lonely individuals will be able to meet their soul mate and build a harmonious and happy relationship.

(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 years of birth)

From the Aquarius-Dragon side, they will seem like real sorcerers, and this is not surprising, because they succeed in everything and do not have to make almost any effort to achieve what they want.

Aquarius and Dragon Horoscope

The stars are advised to calm those around you, because you are not evil wizards, but simply have extrasensory abilities. Personal life will also develop successfully, while Aquarius, who have been in a relationship for a long time, can wait for replenishment in the family.

(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 years of birth)

In 2018, Aquarius-Snakes will devote all their free time to work, and from the outside it will seem that they don’t even go to lunch.

Aquarius and Snake Horoscope

Of course, with such a level of efficiency, you can soon take a leadership position, but do not forget about your personal life, because loved ones also need attention. Lonely representatives of the sign, if they do not spend around the clock in the office, will get a chance to meet true love.

(born in 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

Aquarius-Horses in 2018 will lack adrenaline, so they will try to find adventure in any situation.

Horoscope Aquarius and Horse

This is an ideal time for long-distance business trips and traveling to new countries, because the representatives of this sign are very inquisitive and always try to find out something unusual. We will have to reduce the ardor in the sphere of love a little, since the mistress of the year herself will actively search for a soul mate for lonely Aquarius.

(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 years of birth)

Aquarius-Goats have always been homebodies, but in the year of the reign of the Yellow Dog, the opinions of others will change. Of course, representatives of this sign love to spend time at home and do housework, but they are also business professionals.

Aquarius and Goat Horoscope

If you have long wanted to open your own business, this is the most favorable time for this. The situation is also developing successfully on the personal front - the second half will stop being capricious and demanding the impossible. Single individuals in 2018 will find love and be able to build strong and happy relationships.

(born in 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

In the year of the Yellow Dog for Aquarius-Monkeys, a period rich in happy accidents begins. Therefore, you can safely order gold medals for yourself, because you will always be the first in everything.

Aquarius and Monkey Horoscope

But the stars are not advised to become too self-confident, otherwise such behavior can lead to the appearance of serious enemies. Fans will admire and give attention to Aquarius-Monkeys.

(1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 years of birth)

In 2018, Aquarius-Roosters continue to walk confidently through life and practically do not notice the obstacles that appear in their path. The Yellow Dog sincerely admires these personalities and will do everything possible to help them achieve their goal.

Aquarius and Rooster Horoscope

Competitors and envious people cannot find a place for themselves, because they do not understand why Aquarius-Roosters achieve what they want so easily. The stars are advised to take them as a share, as rivals may soon become reliable companions. However, you should first consult with your soulmate in order to make the right choice.

(born in 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Aquarius-Dogs always want to get instant results and are ready to fight at any moment, even if the enemy is much stronger. Of course, such a quality is commendable, but first it is better to make useful contacts - financiers and lawyers will never interfere.

Aquarius and Dog Horoscope

In addition, many Aquarius-Dogs who have been in a relationship for a long time will decide on an official marriage and will have to draw up a marriage contract. Do not worry, because this is just a formality and a small safety net. In fact, Cupid will set you up with a reliable and loving partner who will become an ideal life partner, because this is exactly what Aquarius-Dogs have always dreamed of.

(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 years of birth)

Aquarius-Pigs are very peaceful and calm guys, the same as the mistress of 2018, so they can easily and quickly make friends with the Yellow Dog.

Aquarius and Pig Horoscope

These individuals have unique creative abilities and can surpass even world-famous artists and writers. It is worth taking advantage of the available brilliant ideas in your personal life, besides, the second half will be incredibly glad that the relationship is reaching a new level.

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People born under the sign of Aquarius (January 21 - February 19) are always on the lookout. They are looking for new ideas, knowledge, experience and impressions. They value freedom very much, they are used to doing everything as they see fit, despite the frequent surges of self-doubt. Representatives of this sign value luxury, but they know how not to flaunt their achievements and belongings, they despise pathos and pretense.

Aquarians are great friends. These people easily find a common language with others, they feel absolutely comfortable in any company. Aquarians are smart people who love nature and really enjoy art. The nature of the representatives of this sign is quite calm, Aquarians really look at things and are light people, whose energy absolutely does not suppress others. Aquarians draw energy from communication, they like to make plans, but they do not always carry out their plans.

Aquarians are realists and materialists to the core. Their character is kind and calm, they gravitate towards a peaceful lifestyle, but when the routine gets boring, they enjoy shocking their conservative society with defiant behavior.

Representatives of the sign are not inclined to change their minds, but they lend themselves to persuasion. They give the impression of desperate sloths, although they manage to redo a lot of things in a day. The ability to learn quickly makes them geniuses, but negatively affects psychological health in old age.

Aquarians have a strange idea of ​​​​love and friendship, this is that rare “kind” of people who believe that after a stormy romance you can remain friends and, as a rule, they remain.

The freedom-loving sign is not afraid to be funny, original and independent, it is characterized by sympathy, tenderness, diplomacy. Periods when he desperately seeks the human environment are replaced by moments of loneliness, when you want to turn off the phone and burrow under the covers.

2018 will be a very favorable year for people of this sign. The Year of the Yellow Dog promises them a huge number of surprises and changes. Already at the beginning of the year, Aquarians will be able to understand what they want, and therefore they will easily outline goals and understand what they need to strive for.

In the spring, namely from April to May, it is important to allocate time for relaxation. Such an unplanned vacation will help to revive strength, and by the end of May, Aquarians will feel a surge of energy, build new goals and find ways to achieve them. But in the summer of 2018, it’s better to completely immerse yourself in work, paying attention to all the nuances and little things. A favorite business or even a hobby can be a great source of income. Nevertheless, despite the fact that this summer will be fruitful for careerists and creative people, do not forget about the traditional vacation. It is best to choose it in the middle of summer.

Autumn will be just as favorable for Aquarius. Only in November can there be a certain shift in a career. However, if you prepare for it in advance, you can wrap it in a winning direction for yourself. Fall 2018 is the perfect time to make your dreams come true. And in December, you can safely complete your goals and spend time at home.

Throughout the year, representatives of the sign will sparkle with ideas and creative ideas, gathering more and more people around them. Innovation doesn't always work. For example, in March-April, Aquarius runs the risk of getting caught in financial manipulations, which will lead to problems with the law.

In the first half of the year, luck will smile on representatives of creative professions or private businessmen, they will be able to fully control the result of their work and set the amount of profit.

Love relationships will be regarded by you as a fun game where you can assert yourself, raise self-esteem. Charismatic natures will turn the heads of many, even married representatives of the opposite sex will fall under their charming influence. The "forbidden" romance will be publicized in August and will end for Aquarius with physical and emotional injuries. Good business acumen in September and October will allow you to secure a comfortable existence with patents alone. Autumn will be as profitable as it is wasteful.

What awaits Aquarius men in the year of the Yellow Dog

The horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius men says that they must follow their dreams. This will be a particularly favorable time to fulfill your plans and become truly happy. Therefore, all the most cherished can be postponed until 2018.

Also, men will have to plunge headlong into business and worries. But despite a certain blockage, they will more than receive support from others: from their beloved, boss, family and loved ones. In response to their support, relatives will also ask for help from Aquarius, with which brave men can handle it without problems.

In general, 2018 for Aquarius men will be marked by good luck. Success will literally follow the representatives of this sign on their heels. All undertakings will certainly bear fruit, so you should think about investments, large-scale projects and global risks. By the way, the end of the year is also very promising. Men are in for a lot of surprises and pleasant moments, which are probably directly related to all the work within 12 months.

What 2018 promises for Aquarius women

Unlike men, the horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius women can hardly be called favorable. At first, the Yellow Dog will bring very strong shocks. Already in the first months of the year, the representative of this sign learns about the worst thing - the betrayal or betrayal of her lover. A woman will experience such a blow very hard, so there will be no talk of forgiveness.

This difficult situation will set the tone for a certain period of the year. It will be difficult for a woman to move away from betrayal, but the support of loved ones will certainly help to cope with her feelings. And by the middle of the year, the representative of the sign will come to her senses and will be open to the new.

So, from the second half of the year, it is better for women to plunge into their favorite activities and hobbies, or go on vacation. Such a change of mood will help to completely forget what happened and prepare for new acquaintances. Therefore, by the end of the year, everything will work out, and the troubles will go away. Despite such a stressful start, the end of 2018 will be favorable. Women will find the strength in themselves not only to erase the past from life completely, but they will also be able to find a positive in what is happening, they will receive a powerful boost of energy from rest and their hobbies and will be ready to enter the next year.

love horoscope

The love horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius promises stability and a minimum of surprises. Those representatives of the sign who are married will only strengthen their established relationships. They will prove to themselves and others that the choice of a life partner was not accidental, and the approach to creating a family is absolutely reasonable and thoughtful. At the same time, single representatives of Aquarius will not be particularly active in the search for a soul mate. Despite the sign's inherent passion for discovery, in terms of love, Aquarius will remain passive.

But at the end of the year, Aquarius seems to wake up and show all their romanticism. The end of the Year of the Yellow Dog will literally pass under the banner of romance for this sign. Aquarians, both men and women, will show all their fantasies. They will literally give their chosen ones both material surprises and attention and unexpected dates. They will become a real generator of romantic ideas, diversify not only their personal lives, but also help bring a touch of surprise into the relationship of their acquaintances. Flowers, warm meetings, gifts, smiles - all this will become a symbol of December 2018.

Aquarius money horoscope 2018

Regarding the financial plan, the beginning of the year will be very favorable. Aquarians will be able to attract outsiders and interested parties to their projects without too much fear. Also, it is worth considering such a type of earnings as network marketing. It is at the beginning of 2018 that it can bring an incredibly easy income. But the main key to success and enrichment will be honesty. The main thing is to be completely open to your partners, then wealth will not keep you waiting. The more trust there is in the team and between financial partners, the higher the result will be.

As for spending in the year of the Yellow Dog, everything should be thought out here. The money will be mainly spent on really needed services, things and products. The main thing is to have a person nearby who will help you correctly distribute the budget, and save part of the money from the total income. Then all the money earned will be more than enough and even more will remain.

Career horoscope for Aquarius for 2018

The Year of the Yellow Dog is truly successful for Aquarius financially and in terms of career. The scale on which you can hold the course this year is simply limitless. The only snag for the implementation of all projects will be the search for reliable partners. Unfortunately, Aquarians are not particularly diligent, so they will not work without companions. It is important for them to push the most difficult work onto their "accomplices". Therefore, in 2018, Aquarians need to clearly choose a course, find a person who will be ready to do the bulk of the work, and enjoy the result.

But if Aquarians choose the field of information technology or services, then they will do without outside help. These two areas are especially popular with representatives of the sign, and here they can manifest themselves in full. It is here that it is easy for them to realize themselves and climb up the career ladder.

But the most important thing is to avoid cases and types of earnings where there are frauds. Such work can end very unpleasantly.

Health Horoscope for 2018

In all areas, the year of the Yellow Dog promises to pamper Aquarius, and only in the field of health can it be very difficult. In any case, health must always be protected, no matter whose year is outside. After all, health is the most valuable thing we have.

In 2018, Aquarius should be extremely careful with alcohol, and of course, avoid the use of narcotic and psychotropic drugs. Among other things, this year there will be a very high probability of injury. So it is better to avoid heavy loads, especially outdoor activities, risky activities, hiking and other extreme entertainment. It is better not to take unnecessary risks and take care of yourself. Of course, you don’t need to be extremely fanatical about this and sit at home all year, you just need to be more reasonable in choosing recreation and activities,

The following celebrities were born under the sign of Aquarius:

  • Christian Dior is a famous fashion designer.
  • Svetlana Khodchenkova is a Russian actress who has reached the world level.
  • Olga Shelest is a Russian radio and TV presenter.
  • Tina Karol is a Ukrainian singer and actress.
  • Vladimir Vysotsky is a Soviet actor, songwriter and poet.
  • Vladimir Zelensky is a Ukrainian actor and showman.
  • Elijah Wood is an American actor.
  • Anton Chekhov is a writer and playwright.
  • Oprah Winfrey is an American television host, producer, and social activist.
  • Shakira is a Colombian singer.
  • Dan Balan is a Moldovan musician.
  • Bob Marley is a Jamaican reggae musician.

In the year of the Dog, huge changes can occur in the life of every person. The owner of 2018 is a very inquisitive animal that will definitely push each representative of his zodiac sign to some global decisions.

The dog is characterized by simplicity and honesty, openness and friendliness. Greed, anger, dishonor absolutely do not fit this totem animal. Therefore, in 2018 we are all waiting for a calm and favorable time. However, it will not work to completely relax - it will teach everyone to keep their nose to the wind. Horoscope for Aquarius for 2018 will help the representatives of the sign to understand how they should act under the circumstances or remain inactive if the stars predict so.

Many Aquarians will start the year with changes that will affect them first of all. Perhaps you should change your appearance or change your image in order to enhance your attractiveness and, thereby, emphasize all your advantages. January will pass in turmoil, but you should not worry about this - be more demanding of yourself and pay less attention to others.

From mid-February, you will begin to come close to your goal - both in your personal life and in the professional field. More risk and less doubt - this is the motto of Aquarius, which will bring success. However, the streak of luck may end as early as March. Work until the seventh sweat has replaced lightness in all matters. Soon you will understand that nothing good will fall from the sky and, therefore, you will begin to work hard and achieve your goals by all means. May will bring new business opportunities.

Together with July, problems will burst into your life that will not end until September itself. Chin up! Where ours did not disappear! Everything will work out, so much so that you will still be surprised. In the second autumn month, new contradictions and difficulties will lie in wait for you. However, it is better to discard thoughts about another black stripe - this is absolutely not the case. Fate is just testing you. Answer her with dignity! In addition, like fire and steel, problems will only temper Aquarians and confirm their character.

Horoscope for Aquarius man

All year long, you will be required to make remarkable efforts and work in the professional arena. Only by showing masculine qualities, Aquarians will be able to get closer to tangible results. One has only to resist the pressure of the stars and in no case retreat a single step. Sitting with folded hands and waiting for the weather by the sea, you will not be able to get any high results.

Fortitude and purposefulness will turn out to be a decisive success factor for courageous Aquarius, a kind of driving force in creating a career. Showing all your good sides, you can achieve the desired cooperation, which will soon bring tangible benefits. New partners can help you achieve the heights of financial stability and independence.

On the way, obstacles will arise more than once, and those people for whom you have good feelings, including respect, will help to overcome them. Personal crisis will be overcome without loss. Until the very end of the Year of the Dog, Aquarius men will need to operate with wisdom and even cunning, play with rivals and adapt to any situation as much as possible. Optimism and determination will be the key means of achieving positive results.

Horoscope for Aquarius woman

Not only the male part of this zodiac sign will have to cheat - women will also be forced in some places by tricks, and somewhere by seductiveness to lure ill-wishers to their side. Aquarius women are able to attract people to themselves, enlisting their unconditional support.

At the same time, you can easily increase your circle of acquaintances by becoming more active in social life. Be extremely careful - new novels can spin in a jiffy, you should be more picky in your chosen ones.

Your charm and optimism will help with pleasant acquaintances. But with the preservation of new relationships it will not be so easy and the reason for this will be the beautiful representatives of their sign themselves. More precisely, it is all the fault of the tendency to choose “the wrong ones” in a purely feminine way. An incorrectly chosen moment for taking the initiative may also get in the way.

At the very beginning of summer, wonderful prospects await you in terms of romantic dates. Those Aquarius women who have long been ripe for a family will be especially lucky.

What will be the health of Aquarius in 2018

It is strongly recommended to take care of your health, especially the state of the gastrointestinal tract. You should also take care of your nerves, do not overstrain at work and, if possible, avoid stress. If Aquarius suffers from overweight, then in 2018 there may be an aggravation of problems that are directly related to metabolism or pressure. Some will simply need to adjust their diet, however, it is unacceptable to sit on strict diets.

The first half of the year is dangerous with unforeseen injuries, so be careful with dangerous items. It will not be superfluous to do the prevention of chronic diseases and strengthen the immune system. Go for walks more often.

Forecast for family life

Starting in January, Aquarius will begin to pursue facts from the past. Do not worry - this is a great chance to put an end to obsolete relationships and never return to them. All your strength should be thrown into strengthening the family and cultivating a trusting relationship with your soulmate.

From winter to summer, representatives of their sign will be immersed in work, but we should not forget about the family - try to get out with your family more often or attend entertainment events together. Building plans together will not only strengthen the relationship, but also help you understand your importance and need. It is better to spend the summer with loved ones, since in the fall work will again take all the strength. Advice from the stars: always and in everything look for support from your soul mate, discuss any issues together and discuss problems.

Love horoscope for Aquarius for 2018

Lonely Aquarius will be overwhelmed by a wave of love adventures. Moreover, someone will be on the crest itself, and someone will be touched only by rainbow splashes of exciting feelings. Before approaching a person, it will not be superfluous to get to know him better. The heavenly bodies warn all representatives of the sign - do not have anything in common romantically with people who are married, because this will not lead to anything good. Moreover, the consequences of such a connection will be disastrous and painful for both parties.

Family Aquarius will begin to show leadership qualities in their pair. This is not bad, but try not to go too far, listen to the opinion and desires of your partner. Otherwise, marriage can give a tangible crack. Make compromises and work on relationships. Variety in everyday life and leisure will stabilize and strengthen the marriage. Show tenderness and love to your partner.

Career and business

At work, you should trust your own “I want”. Creative Aquarians will be able to grab ephemeral inspiration by the “tail”, which will help their talent to reveal itself in full force. Many will be able to turn into reality interesting projects that have been developed for a long time. This will affect your career in the most favorable way. The Year of the Dog will give many the necessary support, and the most stubborn will take off on the career ladder.

Teamwork in a close-knit team will bring success. If you are in business, then 2018 is a time of accomplishments in the business field. Let go of fear and take action. Everyone else should observe subordination in the workplace, carefully fulfill all the duties assigned to them and, in no case, not impose their opinion on the boss.

Financial horoscope

In 2018, perseverance and timely initiative are valued. This will positively affect both the mood and the thickness of the wallet. "Big fish" can be caught at the end of the year. Try to make every effort so as not to miss your chance. It is likely that there will be an opportunity to instantly get rich, therefore, some Aquarians will have to act at their own peril and risk. Weigh all the pros and cons and boldly move towards your cherished goal.

The Golden Ox, the master of the coming year, has prepared many interesting and exciting events for this sign. What exactly is to be learned from the horoscope for 2021 for Aquarius.

Influence Saturn
Symbols aquarius, silver hands, wings, flight of birds and planes, zigzags, youth, sage
Colors gray, lilac, blue-green, purple (black is unsuccessful)
stones garnet, zircon, light sapphire, opal, amethyst, lapis lazuli
Flowers violet, myrtle, narcissus
Metal tin
Mascot key, icon
Favorable numbers 2,4, (all numbers divisible by 4), 8, 9, 11, 13
Happy Days Wednesday Saturday
bad days Sunday

The nature of the mark

Aquarians always stand for openness of information, do not like pretense, prefer to keep abreast of events. Aquarians are active. They work well with data, information, they are able to process and collect information efficiently.

The inner world of Aquarius is often hidden from the outside eye. They do not like to share their experiences. But they are not very attentive to the problems of others. Their own perseverance makes them perceive many of the difficulties of other people as the consequences of their laziness and unwillingness to act.

Horoscope for Aquarius

In Aquarius, high intelligence and harmonious creativity are harmoniously combined. Love for open borders and receiving information allows Aquarius to easily make new acquaintances, establish contacts in the team. Aquarians are potential leaders. They organize the work well. Caring and attentive to subordinates.

In 2021, according to the horoscope, Aquarius will need to pay attention to their activity. It can become excessive or incorrect in relation to others. The Golden Ox, the symbol of 2021, prefers a more measured pace of life, which may be unusual for Aquarius. At the beginning of the year, there may be urges to drastic changes both in everyday life and in personal life. It is worth letting emotions settle down and postpone important decisions until spring. At this time, all internal storms will subside. There is a good chance that new ideas or projects will appear that will be financially profitable.

Attention! In the summer, you should take a closer look at your health, go on a diet or find suitable physical activity for yourself.

In autumn, more opportunities will open up for the implementation of your plans in your personal life. This may apply not only to your soulmate, but also to simple communication with loved ones. If there were unresolved issues or conflicts in this area, then in the fall there are great chances for positive changes. The end of the year can bring new goals and desires. They should be taken into account in future plans, because they can bring good results in the future.

Horoscope for 2021 for Aquarius women

Aquarius women are known for being captivating people. At the same time, their erudition and wit often make men feel uncomfortable. The independence and independence of the representatives of the sign creates an aura of impregnability around them. If an Aquarius woman pays great attention to her career, then this can cause envy among employees. And in this case, intrigues at work will pursue the Aquarius employee.

In 2021, the horoscope recommends that women of this zodiac sign spend more energy on improving communication skills, softness and femininity. Excessive impulsiveness, which could lead to disagreements, will be more easily removed if it is restrained a little at the beginning of the year. In the spring, answers to questions of interest will appear by themselves, as if they had been known for a long time. If you take advantage of this chance in the spring, then in the summer there will be an opportunity to relax a little, relax, calm the nervous system. This will positively affect health. If you don’t give yourself a break, then the result will not be long in coming - and health disorders may appear by winter.

In autumn, attention from the opposite sex can increase markedly. This is a wonderful chance for positive changes in your personal life.

In winter, there is a high probability that the gates of opportunities will open, which the representative of the sign will be able to realize without difficulty. But for this you will need to be more attentive to the emotions and needs of others.

Horoscope for 2021 for Aquarius men

Aquarius men are especially unpredictable. They rarely tend to build long-term monogamous relationships. Men of this sign have very diverse interests, which may not be related at all. In each of the spheres of his interests, Aquarius-man finds like-minded people and associates who are close in spirit. This often leads to misunderstanding and jealousy. Men of this sign may be suspected of insincerity and pretense for their own benefit. Aquarius men combine romanticism and a critical view of the world, therefore they find their attractiveness in every woman. This is due to the sometimes great diversity of their relationships.

In 2021, according to the horoscope, Aquarius men should slow down a bit. The beginning of the year will be tempting to dive into new whirlwinds of events and projects. Few of them will be productive, so you need to treat the situation with healthy skepticism.

Spring is a more suitable time for new beginnings in the career field. Previous achievements will come in handy and help you achieve your goals as quickly as possible. Creativity or sports will allow you to take a fresh look at familiar events.

Autumn is a great time for dating. It will not be difficult for Aquarius men to interest the chosen one. Moreover, the chances are increased that Aquarius himself will make more informed choices. In winter, men of this sign will be especially good at dreaming. And these dreams will then confidently claim reality.

Love horoscope 2021 for Aquarius

Building personal relationships is not the strongest trait of Aquarius. Both men and women of this sign are simultaneously prone to declarative openness, but at the same time to high suspicion and internal alienation. The patron of Aquarius, Uranus, the planet gives a certain pretentiousness, extravagance. Therefore, it is difficult to understand Aquarius not only to others, but also to himself. It will be easiest to overcome these difficulties starting from October.

The whole year of the Ox offers to moderate your ardor a little and take a closer look at the people around you, study their emotions and understand their needs. Autumn is a wonderful time when nature itself demonstrates peace and rejection of everything superfluous. This is an important area of ​​relations, the development of which 2021 will contribute to. The development of such skills will help not only to build a more harmonious relationship with your loved one, but also to better understand yourself.

Money horoscope for Aquarius

Building a career and achieving goals has never been difficult for Aquarians. Needless to say, they put a lot of effort into it. It's just that their personal charm and sociability have always helped to take the right place in the team and keep abreast of events.

A good time to start new projects, propose reforms, update previously started processes will be spring and the beginning of winter (end of the year). During this period, there are more chances to be heard correctly, to convey your thoughts exactly in the form in which it was planned. In order for the financial flow to increase, it is worth thinking not only about expenses, but also about spending. You need to analyze your spending and give up rash bouts of generosity and buying unnecessary things.

Career horoscope for 2021 for Aquarius

The career of Aquarius this year will directly depend on their ability to control their emotional manifestations and the degree of pressure on others. The most dangerous time to move up the career ladder will be the beginning of the year.

During this period, it is highly likely that the movements of Aquarius will be regarded as feigned careerism and a dismissive attitude towards colleagues. In summer, health will be a thin place. Therefore, you should not start any serious projects. In case of need for rest, this can negatively affect career growth.

Health Horoscope for 2021 for Aquarius

In general, 2021 will be favorable in the field of health. The only period in 2021 that poses a health hazard will be summer. During this period, accumulated fatigue can already affect. Despite the fact that summer is the time for beaches, Aquarius is better off avoiding the scorching sun. Mountains with fresh air and shady pines are preferable to the sea. Moderate exercise will also help.

Particular attention should be paid to products that have a beneficial effect on the immune system and the overall tone of the body. Drinks made from herbs and citrus fruits will help you stay in a good mood. Emotions will play an important role in health. Therefore, beautiful places, new bright impressions will be a good help for a healthy lifestyle.

Celebrity Aquarius

World-famous representatives of the sign are:

  • Lord George Byron (January 22) is an English poet.
  • Vladimir Vysotsky (January 25) - Soviet poet.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (January 27) is an Austrian composer.
  • Elena Vaenga (January 27) is a Russian singer.
  • Elijah Wood (January 28) is an American actor.
  • Anton Chekhov (January 29) is a Russian writer.
  • Vanga (January 31) - Bulgarian fortune teller.
  • Shakira (February 2) is a Colombian singer.
  • Cristiano Ronaldo (February 5) is a Portuguese footballer.
  • Ashton Kutcher (February 7) is an American actor.
  • Dmitri Mendeleev (February 8) is a Russian chemist.
  • Jules Verne (February 8) is a French writer.
  • Boris Pasternak (February 10) is a Russian poet.
  • Lyubov Orlova (February 11) - Soviet actress.