How to boil eggs before coloring. How to paint eggs for Easter: useful tips. We paint eggs for Maundy Thursday

Easter Sunday is getting closer. On this day, people exchange colored eggs (dyed eggs). The egg symbolizes the resurrection of Christ. The traditional dye is red, but other colors are allowed. For painting eggs, you can use a purchased dye, but it is much more interesting to use natural paint. There are many options easter egg coloring pages .

The most famous way is staining in onion skins. But I always wanted to try other methods, and before Easter I decided to experiment with different colors.

On the Internet, I came across interesting information on the coloring of eggs and I started the experiment.

In order for the paint to lie better, the eggs must be washed using soda before coloring.

Coloring Easter eggs with thread

You will need cotton threads of bright colors, preferably thick ones. You can also use floss, wool, fabric patches. The main condition of the thread must be old - Soviet times.

1. We unwind the threads from the spools to make such a “web”.

2. We wrap the egg in a cobweb.

3. We wrap the egg with threads.

4. I decided to wrap the second egg in a modern fabric, but what if it works out.

5. And also tied it with a thread.

6. Dip the eggs in cold water and cook for 15 minutes after boiling.

7. Pour the eggs with cold water and leave to infuse for another 15-30 minutes.

8. Then we cut the cocoons and see what happened.

9. An egg wrapped in a modern napkin is stained quite a bit - there is only a slight outline of the pattern that you need to look at.

10. On an egg wrapped in threads, red threads were best imprinted. The blue color is too light, green and pink are not visible at all.

Coloring Easter eggs with vegetable dyes

I decided to try turmeric (yellow), paprika (orange), nettle (green).

1. In 3 different pots, I poured 0.5 liters of water each, added 2 bags of paprika (40 gr.) In one, 2 bags of turmeric (30 gr.), In the third - 4 tbsp. l. nettles.

For turmeric, you need to take a saucepan, which is not a pity. After boiling turmeric, it is almost impossible to wash the pan.

2. When the water boiled, I let it boil a little and then lowered the eggs into it.

3. I cooked eggs for 20 minutes and that's what I got.

Paprika almost did not color the shell - a light orange tint, on the one hand.

Nettle gave a green-brown color, I think in May it will be possible to collect fresh nettles, then the color will turn out brighter. Even on the egg there are marble stains in those places where the grass leaned against the shell.

Kari gave a golden brown color. It was necessary to take a white egg, then the color would be golden-orange. While boiling, the egg burst, but did not leak out. After cleaning, an orange strip remained in place of the crack, I think this is how the dye on the white shell will look like.

Coloring eggs with red cabbage

Red cabbage should turn the eggs blue. Let's see what happens.

1. I finely chopped red cabbage.

cabbage for dyeing eggs

2. Put in a saucepan, poured water, add 2 tbsp. l. vinegar.

3. Put the egg in cold water and put on fire.

4. After boiling, I cooked for 20 minutes and cooled in the same water that I cooked.

5. The egg turned out to be blue with marble stains. But a little lighter than I expected. While I was cutting cabbage, my board and hands turned purple. Maybe a dark-shelled egg would look better.

My final experience egg coloring .

Next time I will use only red threads. The green ones are too thin, the blue ones are too light. The interweaving of lines was imprinted on the testicle. I will definitely use again.

2. About paint eggs with modern fabrics.

The egg came out clean, I won't use it.

3. Coloring eggs with vegetable dyes (paprika, nettle, turmeric, red cabbage).

Paprika didn't like it, didn't work.

Nettle- an interesting result, I want to try it from fresh grass, I think everything will work out.

Turmeric- I liked it, by adjusting the color of the shell, the cooking time and the concentration of the solution, you can get golden, orange and brownish.

red cabbage- as promised, the color is blue (closer to blue). A few pieces in the presence of cabbage can be made.

After the Easter holidays, readers of the Razvivashka blog shared their recipes for coloring eggs and photos of eggs.

Marble eggs from Anastasia Ivanets:

I dye eggs with onion skins and greens.

For coloring, I try to take white eggs. But this year there were no white ones, and on brown eggs the pattern turned out to be even richer.

1. I cover the eggs with onion peel and bandage them with gauze.

2. I put the eggs in a pot of water and put on fire.

3. As the water with the eggs boils, I reduce the fire and after 5-10 minutes I pour in 1 vial of brilliant green.

4. I boil the whole egg for 20 minutes, then leave the eggs to cool in the same solution.

5. When the eggs have cooled, I free them from unnecessary husks.

6. I wash the eggs under running water.

7. To make the eggs shine, I grease them with vegetable oil. To do this, I pour vegetable oil into a plate, dip a cotton pad with oil and grease the eggs.

It turns out these shiny marble eggs:

Marble eggs from Anastasia Ivanets

Marble eggs from Tatyana Ledovskikh:

And I paint eggs like this:

1. I chop the onion and garlic husks with scissors.

2. My eggs and wet roll in the husk.

3. I wrap the eggs in 2 layers of gauze and tie them with threads not very often.

4. I add brilliant green or food coloring to a pot of water.

This year I had very little greenery, so the green color is almost invisible on the eggs. But it still turned out beautiful.

5. I put the eggs in the pan loosely - with gaps and cook for 20 minutes too.

6. I leave the testicles to cool in the solution.

7. Then I peel and rinse with water.

Here are the marble testicles I got this year:

I wonder what are the options egg coloring pages do you use?

To be tasty and healthy!

To be tasty and healthy! ">To be both tasty and healthy!" alt="(!LANG:12 natural dyes for Easter eggs To be tasty and healthy!!}">

Before Easter, many bright-colored chemical dyes for eggs appear in stores, but the most beautiful, healthy and delicious eggs will be dyed with natural dyes, which were used by our great-grandmothers

So, as natural dyes for eggs, you can use any vegetables, fruits, berries, and even herbs and seasonings that have a pigment that can color Easter eggs. The most popular are: red cabbage, beets, coffee, spinach and nettle leaves, turmeric, paprika, green tea, hibiscus, blueberries and cranberries.

Two ways to dye eggs:

1. To prepare the dye, vegetables and fruits need to be cut and boiled for 30 minutes (the proportions are arbitrary and depend on which shade you like best). Then boil the eggs in the coloring solution for 10 minutes (the water should completely cover the eggs). For a richer color, you can increase the cooking time.

2. And you can dye already boiled eggs, then first you need to make a coloring solution (boil vegetables, fruits or spices with water), and then paint the egg in it (the minimum coloring time is 30 minutes, but you can keep it all night).

Important! In order for the color of the coloring solution to be bright, it is necessary to add vinegar (1 tsp) to it.

Natural dyes, of course, will not give such a bright shade as chemical ones, but they are absolutely harmless and are able to color eggs in very delicate and beautiful colors.

Such multi-colored testicles will definitely please your family, especially children!

Examples of coloring eggs:


The yellow color of the eggs is obtained if they are boiled in water with the addition of onion peels, carrots, cumin seeds or chamomile. A more intense color is obtained on yellow or brown eggs. Chamomile gives a delicate yellow color, it can be boiled and strained or boiled eggs together with sachets of chamomile.

Example 1: Boil turmeric for 15 minutes in water and submerge the eggs.

Example 2: To prepare the dye, you need to take 1 liter of water, 3 tablespoons of turmeric powder and grated red carrots, cook for 30 minutes.

Orange color

Orange color of eggs - orange peel juice, tangerine peel juice, paprika, red carrot juice.

Example 1: 4 tbsp. tablespoons of paprika should be boiled for 30 minutes in a saucepan with a glass of water, then placed in the egg broth.

Example 2: Soak boiled hot eggs in carrot juice with the addition of turmeric (the proportions are arbitrary and depend on which shade you like best).

Brown color

Brown - Birch leaves, black tea, coffee. It is necessary to brew strong coffee or tea and boil eggs in it.

Red-brick - Onion peel.

Example: For 3 liters of water, you need to take 4 cups of onion peel and boil for an hour. The more onion peel, the richer the dye will turn out. We lay the eggs and boil in the resulting dye. To get a purple hue, you need to do the same with the skin of a red onion.

Red color

Red, reddish-crimson - decoction of cherry bark or cherry branches.

Example: Boil the bark or sprigs of cherries, let it brew for several hours (it is better to boil and leave overnight), be sure to strain, boil eggs in this infusion. If the decoction of the cherry bark is made weak, the eggs will turn pink accordingly.

Pink color

Pink and lilac shades - blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries (frozen or in the form of juice), raspberries, currants, cherries, red cabbage. Boiled eggs can be soaked in juice.

Green color

Green - dried spinach, parsley, nettle, ivy, blueberry broth

Example 1: For 2-3 eggs and 0.5 liters of water, take about a handful of dried coltsfoot, bracken, or carrot tops.

Example 2: Boil eggs with an infusion of dried nettles (per liter of water 3 tbsp chopped nettles).

Example 3: You can use fresh blueberries to get the green color of the eggs. For 1 liter of blueberry decoction - 2-3 full teaspoons of turmeric powder. Turmeric, in order to avoid the appearance of lumps, pre-grind with water in a small bowl and only then place in blueberry broth.

Example 4: We chop the spinach finely (frozen is also good), pour it with water to cover. Cook for 30 minutes and let cool.

Blue colour

Blue, purple - blueberries, lingonberries or blueberries (the berries must be frozen from last year), elderberries, red cabbage leaves - the broth will be red, but the eggs will turn blue.

Example: For 0.5 liters of water, take 2 small heads of red cabbage and 6 tablespoons of 9% vinegar. Finely chop the cabbage, pour hot water, add vinegar. Dip the boiled eggs into this composition and leave for a couple of hours. For a deeper color, the eggs are best left overnight.

A handy cheat sheet with step-by-step instructions for coloring eggs:

More Step by Step Chef-daw Recipes

The brightest holiday for Orthodox Christians is coming. Easter is filled with kindness and love, and warm and sunny spring days give the celebration a special atmosphere. It is customary to bake Easter cakes for the holiday, make a curd treat - Easter, and, of course, paint eggs, the tradition of exchanging which has been going on since ancient times.

All housewives know how to dye eggs with natural dyes, most of them prefer the most common method - with onion peel. However, there are many no less original and, most importantly, safe ways to color ordinary chicken eggs in all the colors of the rainbow.

Secrets of staining

When buying eggs, you need to look at the expiration date. Only the freshest are selected, because they are painted on a clean Thursday, 3 days before they can be eaten, in addition, they will have to be stored for another 9 days - until the parent's day.

Why do you need to paint eggs at home on Thursday, why can't it be done, say, on Friday or Saturday? On this day, all preparations for Easter are completed.

On Good Friday, it is forbidden to do anything, on Saturday you need to do charity work, keep fasting and decorate your home for the bright holiday. Therefore, by Thursday you need to stock up on everything you need: dyes, as well as decoration elements - rice, scraps of fabric, threads - it depends on your imagination.

Cook for at least half an hour, so that the protein darkens. Long cooking is due to the subsequent storage of the product, otherwise it may simply not live up to the parent's day. In this case, a lot of water is required, besides, you need to make sure that it does not boil away, and constantly add.

Before dyeing, the eggs can be wiped with vinegar, then the dye is better absorbed. Hands during the procedure must be dry and clean.

If the hostess wants the testicles to turn even and beautiful, no matter what natural dye she chooses, she should not throw it into the water, but put it in a nylon sock, tie it up and put it in the pan. Otherwise, the dye particles will stick to the shell, and it will become mottled.

Eggs can be painted over not only from the outside, but also from the inside. To do this, they need to be boiled for 3 minutes, then take out and carefully pierce the shell from several places with a thin, sharp needle. After that, boil until tender.

Choice of natural dye

Onion peel, popular among the people, stains the shell in a rich red-brown, orange or yellow color, it all depends on its amount and the time during which the eggs will be in solution.

How else can you paint eggs at home:

  1. Coffee and black tea give them a beautiful brown or natural beige color.
  2. Elderberries or blueberries will make Easter eggs pale lilac or blue.

  3. Red cabbage will act as a blue natural dye.
  4. Carrots, oranges and lemons turn eggshells a light yellow color.
  5. Beets will give the eggs a spectacular purple color.
  6. Turmeric is bright yellow.
  7. Spinach and nettle leaves - green.
  8. Cranberry, raspberry and cherry juice - pink and bright red.
  9. A beautiful muted yellow hue can be achieved with walnut shells, chamomile flowers, saffron, St. John's wort.

So, if you have decided on natural dyes for Easter eggs, it's time to start the dyeing process.

onion peel

This method was used by our grandmothers, but even now it is not lost its relevance. In the process of coloring, the eggs acquire a beautiful rich shade.

This will require the husks of at least 8 large onions, which are harvested in advance.

Coloring steps:

By the way, do not rush to pour out the decoction of onion peel after staining. You can use it for culinary purposes and bake the brisket in the husk. And women who want their hair to always look great know that you can rinse your hair with such a decoction. The husk not only strengthens them, but also gives a delightful reddish tint and shine to the hair.

How to dye eggs in a decoction of onion peel - video recipe


The available root vegetable can give eggs both hot pink and intense burgundy. There are several options for staining with beets. Let's consider each of them in detail.

Option #1:

  1. Grate 1 large beetroot, squeeze the juice out of it.
  2. Put the boiled eggs into the solution.
  3. Pink color will turn out if you hold them for one hour, burgundy - if you leave them overnight. It is important to ensure that the juice covers the eggs completely.

Option #2:

  1. Grate the beets.
  2. Pour the mixture with water.
  3. Add vinegar to the solution.
  4. Put the juice on the fire and bring to a boil.
  5. Put boiled eggs into the solution. Their color will also depend on how long they will be in beetroot water.

Option number 3:

  1. Grate the beets on a fine grater.
  2. Grate the eggs with the resulting gruel. Keep in mind that they may stain unevenly, and small specks will appear on the shell.

Coloring Easter eggs with any natural dyes, including beets, is best done with gloves, because the hands will also be colored, and it will be problematic to wash them afterwards.

Option number 4:

  1. Peel the beets, cut into pieces.
  2. Pour the root crop and raw eggs with cold water.
  3. Boil the allotted time.

By the way, if you mix beetroot juice with turmeric and color eggs in the resulting solution, they will turn out to be a beautiful green color.


If you want to get something original and surprise your
loved ones with beautiful sky-blue Easter eggs, then try to paint them in an exotic hibiscus (tea from Sudanese rose petals).

Coloring steps:

  1. Boil 500 ml of hibiscus in a large saucepan, cool.
  2. Boil the eggs (they should be white).
  3. Dip the boiled eggs in the hibiscus solution, hold them there for several minutes, remove, dry.
  4. Drop it back into the decoction. If the eggs are kept in tea leaves for a long time, they will acquire an unaesthetic gray tint.


The green color of Easter eggs will be painted by the most ordinary spinach.

Coloring steps:

  1. Wash and dry spinach.
  2. Wrap each white-shelled egg with a spinach leaf.
  3. Fasten the leaves with threads, rubber bands or put eggs in a nylon sock.
  4. Boil the required amount of time.
  5. Cool the solution and put eggs in it again to achieve the most bright, saturated color.

Important: if you use fresh spinach, the eggshell will be green, if frozen - beige, which also looks very impressive.


Coloring in turmeric is very popular. White eggs acquire a pleasant light yellow hue, brown eggs become a rich orange.

Keep in mind that turmeric is not completely soluble in water, so be careful not to hurt or damage the shell, you need to stir the water. It is advisable to take an old pan, because the walls of the dishes will turn bright orange and it will be difficult to wash it. This can be done using the usual "Whiteness".

Turmeric is a highly coloring substance, so it is better to carry out the procedure with gloves, and cover the table with oilcloth or newspapers.

Coloring steps:

Do not be afraid if the protein also turns orange, this is just the action of a natural dye. There is no health risk.

red cabbage

A blue tint can be obtained using not only tea leaves hibiscus tea, but also red cabbage. There are two color options:

  • The first is when boiled eggs are dipped in cabbage juice and left for several hours.
  • The second is when they are boiled with cabbage juice.

In the first case, a sky-blue color is obtained, in the second - a rich azure hue. Let's consider each option in detail.

Option number 1:

Option number 2

  1. Pour raw eggs with cabbage juice.
  2. Cook as usual.
  3. Take out the cooked eggs, then put them back into the cooled solution.

Decoction of birch leaves

Easter eggs turn out delicious yellow
golden color, such an interesting shade can be achieved only with the help of natural coloring, no chemical dye is able to give such a spectacular shade. On the festive table, bright eggs will glow and play in the sun with a golden sheen.

Coloring steps:

  1. Rinse the birch leaves, put in a saucepan and pour cold water over.
  2. Cook over low heat for half an hour.
  3. Decoction to insist hour.
  4. Pour the products prepared for coloring with chilled broth, cook until tender.

blueberry coloring

With the help of a frozen berry, you can color the eggs in a deep blue color.

Coloring steps:

  1. Defrost blueberries and, together with the liquid remaining after thawing, grind in a blender.
  2. Add a tablespoon of vinegar and half a glass of hot water to the berry mixture.
  3. Boiled eggs (the shell should be white) put in the mixture and leave for 5-6 hours.

Original ways to decorate with your own hands

Everyone at home can be involved in the exciting process, especially children love to do this.

Refined and unique drawings on Easter eggs are obtained by dyeing them with fabrics, for example, pieces of an old silk tie or Pavlovo-Pasad shawls. You can use any other fabrics on which you like the patterns and which you would like to reproduce.

  • Patterns from powdered sugar.

Beautiful dazzling white do-it-yourself patterns can be applied to dyed eggs using powdered sugar. Unusual printed texture of the ingredient used will make Easter eggs unique, no matter what color they are painted, even in a delicate pastel, even in a bright, saturated one.

  1. Ready powdered sugar is used, but if it is not at hand, then ordinary granulated sugar (one glass is enough) must be ground in a coffee grinder. Mix the powder with water so that a thick, viscous and homogeneous mass is obtained. The liquid mixture will spread over the egg.
  2. Draw the resulting solution with a confectionery syringe and apply to colored and pre-chilled eggs.
  3. To make it more convenient to paint the eggs, they need to be put in a glass or on a special stand. Brushes can be used instead of a syringe.
  • Drapanki.

This painting technique has been used since ancient times. On dyed and chilled eggs, a layer of paint is scraped off with a knife or other sharp object, thus creating the desired pattern.

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Easter is not possible without eggs. We give them to each other before the Bright Holiday and on Easter week, eggs are the main decoration of the first fast meal after a long fast. So they must be on the table, beautiful, shiny, bright. It is not at all difficult to paint them, the most important thing is to manage to make sure that the eggs do not crack during cooking. And here we can be helped by the tricks that housewives have been developing for years, putting saucepans on the stove.


First, you need to choose the right eggs. Fresh - one, with a strong shell - two. Whether eggs are fresh can be understood by lowering one of them into a glass of water. If the egg sinks, it is fresh. An egg that has been in the store for a long time will float.

You can do it easier and just take the eggs on which the packing date is printed. Now they buy a lot of eggs, so in stores where there is good traffic, old eggs should not have been stale, but just in case, look.

Secondly, the eggs must be carefully examined. If they are packaged in dozens, open the boxes. Do not hope that eggs do not crack in them - how. If you buy a box of three dozen, it is usually difficult to open it. We'll have to hope for luck.

For Easter, white eggs are usually bought, because they are going to be dyed. But brown eggs have stronger shells. So if you are going to paint with just onion skins, you can take them.

Take out in advance

Eggs need to be removed from the refrigerator so that they have time to warm up to room temperature. If you boil cold eggs, there is a high chance that they will burst due to a sharp change in temperature.


Carefully, with soap and a washcloth. This will help the paint lie on the shell evenly and beautifully.


The eggs in it should not lie in several rows, then they can beat each other just when boiling. Take a large saucepan.


Eggs should be placed in cool water.

Salt the water in which you boil the eggs. You need a lot of salt: a couple of tablespoons per 2-3 liter pan. If the eggs are cracked, the protein will curdle quickly and will not leak out. Such an egg, of course, cannot be used for gifts or battles, but at least it will look decent.

As it cooks, if the water boils away, add more.


On high heat, with active boiling, the eggs can beat against the walls of the pan and against each other. So the fire should be small to medium.


Onion peel must be soaked before painting, and then boiled. To get a dark, good paint.

You also need to work with other natural dyes, with beets, for example. First, the paint is done.

During cooking

Eggs must be turned over so that they are stained evenly. Cook in onion skins for no more than 20 minutes.

After cooking

The eggs must be removed from the paint, lowered into cool water, then washed and dried with a paper towel.

Dyes in sachets

They paint already boiled eggs, but you need to take those that are definitely not cracked.

To shine

The eggs are rubbed with vegetable oil. It is slightly absorbed, but still shines beautifully on the shell.

Important! It is often advised to pierce the eggs so that they do not crack when boiled. Punctures are made from the blunt end. But eggs with punctures, it is better not to color in food coloring from bags.

First the general rules:

So that the eggs do not burst during cooking, they need to be kept warm or at room temperature for about an hour, when cooking, you can add a tablespoon of salt to the water, and small holes can be pierced at one end of each egg.

You should not digest eggs, otherwise they will be beautiful only on the outside, and inside the yolk will become a bluish tint.

The longer the egg is boiled, the more likely it is that the paint from the broth will be deeply absorbed into it.

Before you paint the eggs, they need to be rubbed with soapy water or alcohol - the paint will lay down more evenly.

When dyeing eggs, you need to add a little vinegar or lemon juice to the water, then the paint will lie flat. Acetic acid corrodes the shell, making the surface rougher and more susceptible to dyes.

The richer the color, the more ingredients are needed for the coloring solution (for example, husks).
Knowledgeable people say that homemade onion peel is best suited for coloring, the color of its decoction is more intense.

To make the color brighter, dyed eggs can be put in the refrigerator overnight right in the coloring solution.

To make the painted eggs shine, they are wiped dry and smeared with sunflower oil.

Easter eggs can be stored for about 3-5 days at room temperature, with the slightest suspicion of staleness, they should not be eaten.

If you didn't use all the colored eggs on Easter Day, they can be a great addition to a variety of dishes from salads to sauces.

Secrets of art: how to dye eggs with natural means.

For dyeing eggs, natural, food or aniline dyes are used. Flowers, leaves, grain husks, bark, roots, and berries can be raw materials for obtaining vegetable dyes.

We select the ingredients

To begin with, let's decide on the colors: what shades can we dye the eggs in so that the dyes are perfectly natural? In fact, the choice is not too great: yellow, brown, blue, purple, greenish, pink, red, burgundy.

Ocher (brown-yellow)- onion peel. 4 cups red onion skins. Boil eggs for 30 minutes - 1 hour. Depending on the soaking time, the eggs will turn bright scarlet to deep red.

Gilding - turmeric. Add 2-3 tablespoons of turmeric to hot water, boil to intensify the color.

Pink - cranberry, beetroot juice. Soak boiled eggs in cranberry or beetroot juice.

Violet, blue - dried violets. Add violet flowers to hot water and soak overnight. If you add a little lemon juice to water, you get a lavender color.

Blue - red cabbage. Two heads of finely chopped red cabbage, 500 ml of water and 6 tbsp of white vinegar. Soak overnight for a deep blue color.

Green- spinach, parsley. Add 1 tsp baking soda to the mixture to get a purple color or boil eggs with spinach.

Lavender- red grape juice. Soak eggs in grape juice.

Yellow- young birch leaves. Prepare a decoction of the leaves of a young birch, let it brew. Wash the eggs, dip in a warm infusion and cook for 10 minutes.

Pastel shades- fresh frozen cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, lingonberries, elderberries. For soft pinks and blues, rub the shells with a handful of blueberries or cranberries. For soft crimson raspberry, for blue - elderberry.

Advice: All these berries can be bought in dried form at the pharmacy.

Dark brown- strong coffee or black tea. Boil eggs in 250 ml of coffee or tea leaves.

General rule: Don't forget to add a tablespoon of vinegar to the paint solution.

As a result, we can completely cover the egg with completely natural dyes. Someone will stop there, and someone will also want to paint an Easter egg. In this case, we make paints from dyes.

We make paints from dyes

The easiest and safest way to make eggshell paints is to…use yolk. Because. we need quite a bit of paint for painting, then 2 yolks and 2 tbsp. enough water to make the base.

Separate yolks and whites. Beat the yolks with water and add a few drops of decoction of plants or herbs to get the color. Don't forget to stock up on a few small containers for individual flowers.

It is good to paint with egg yolk paint on a dense shell. It is also suitable for patterning sugar cookies before they are baked.

The second way to compose the paint is to add a binder in the form of honey or molasses.

Advice: After dyeing Easter eggs, to give them shine, you need to wipe them with vegetable oil.

So - a few drops of honey are mixed with a strong broth of the desired color. If you like, add the yolk too. The paint will lay down better and dry faster. You can add protein. But then the color will be almost transparent, most delicate.

If you need white paint for a drawing, you need to crush ordinary school chalk into powder and mix with an egg. This paint will pick up well on a brush, dry for a long time, but will be the most durable.

Coloring in onion skins

Onion peel is probably the most common and well-known way of dyeing Easter eggs, and the color scheme is the most diverse: from yellowish to dark blue. It all depends not only on the concentration of the broth, but also on the color of the husk itself.

Usually, the husks begin to be collected in a few weeks: its amount depends on the saturation of the desired color. You can also mix different types of husks: from white, red and ordinary onions, then the shades will turn out to be the most unexpected.
You can dye such eggs in two ways - boil them in onion broth or leave already hard-boiled eggs overnight (accordingly, the intensity of the shade will be different).

To paint eggs with onion skins, you will need: eggs in the right amount, a lot of onion skins, water, salt, vegetable oil

Eggs need to be boiled in onion skins. Therefore, so that the eggs do not burst, they must be kept at room temperature for at least one hour and add a couple of teaspoons of salt to the water where the eggs will be boiled. And of course, before painting the eggs must be thoroughly washed.

Eggs of any color are suitable for this method of painting. Collect onion skins in a wide saucepan. Fill with water so that the pan is not full. And put the husk to simmer. I boil the husk for 45-50 minutes to get a dark, rich color.

When the onion peel paint is cooked, increase the heat and put the eggs directly into the pan. They are boiled together with the husk. Boiling time for eggs can be from 15 to 20 minutes. But then the eggs are well stored. During cooking, the eggs need to be turned over from time to time so that they are evenly colored. And of course, the water should completely cover the eggs.

Put the boiled colored eggs in a saucepan with cold water and put them to cool. When the eggs have cooled, they need to be pulled out and rubbed thoroughly. Ready eggs are of course colored, but not very beautiful, they are matte. To make the eggs shine, they can be lubricated with ordinary vegetable oil.

Coloring in leafy and herbal decoctions, and in tea

Decoctions of birch leaves, apple leaves, chamomile, nettle, etc. are ideal for coloring eggs. You can also color eggs in tea: green, black and hibiscus (Sudanese rose). It is enough just to boil the eggs in a tea solution.

Staining with juices of fruits and vegetables

Boiled eggs are usually rubbed with juices: carrot, beetroot, spinach or sorrel juice, you can also use the juice of red cabbage, blueberries or strawberries, etc. It all depends on your imagination.

Here, for example, is how to color eggs with beets.

A beautiful red-burgundy shell color is obtained by dyeing eggs in beetroot broth (10 minutes).

To do this, peel the beets and grate on a large vegetable grater. Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar. Three large beets per liter of water. Or you can simply rub the already boiled eggs with fresh beetroot juice.

speckled coloring

To achieve this effect, washed wet eggs should be rolled in rice or other cereals (you can use dry peas, buckwheat, etc.) and tightly wrapped with gauze so that the cereal sticks for sure, and kept in a coloring broth.

Coloring marble eggs

Before boiling, the eggs are wrapped in onion peel or leaves of any plants (by the way, it will turn out beautifully with nettle or spinach leaves) and boiled until tender. After cooking, beautiful stains form on the eggs.

Coloring in multi-colored threads

Before cooking, prepared eggs should be wrapped in random order with shedding multi-colored threads, it is better to choose threads dyed with natural dyes and cook until cooked. If the threads do not shed, and the eggs are boiled in a dye solution, you will get just interesting light stripes.

Coloring in coffee

Eggs can be boiled in strong coffee or you can leave already boiled eggs in it overnight. There are many more folk and family coloring methods: ink staining, when ink is applied to boiled eggs; dyeing in silk shreds, when the eggs are boiled, wrapped in multi-colored shreds; some dye eggs with brilliant green, fucorcin and methylene blue solution (but these methods are a bit extreme). When coloring eggs, you should rely on your experience and skill.

Modern technologies have made their own adjustments to the methods of staining and have opened up new possibilities.

But the question immediately arises: how is it safe to color the eggs so that they can then be eaten?

Dyes are developed specifically to restore the natural color of products lost during processing or to make colorless products more attractive. We are talking about drinks, ice cream, confectionery. So in principle, any food coloring is relatively harmless - if used in the right proportions.
There are two ways of coloring: hot and cold. With the hot method, eggs are boiled with paint, with the cold method, already prepared boiled eggs are aged in a coloring solution. In order for the paint to lie evenly, vinegar or lemon juice is added to the coloring solution.

Food coloring should be diluted according to manufacturer's instructions. The most suitable dishes for such paints are glass jars with a wide mouth.

Today, there are three types of food coloring - mixed, synthetic and natural.

Dangerous dyes
Mixed and synthetic dyes, as a rule, are used in large industrial enterprises and allow you to get any desired shade. In everyday life, they are practically not used, and just the basic safety requirements and legislative standards apply to them.

Aniline dyes are available in powder or tablet form. They are sold in hardware stores. You need to buy those that are intended for home dyeing of wool products. Prepare the concentrate according to the instructions. Divide half a liter of concentrate into three parts, pour into glass jars, add 150-200 grams of boiled water and 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar to each of the three parts. If desired, a little paint of a different color can be added to the first two parts to get a wide range of shades.

Some aniline dyes are poisonous and are suitable only for dyeing souvenir Easter eggs. You can not eat such an egg.
The dyes listed below, which can be identified by labeling, have the most harmful effect on human health - they should be indicated on the pack, even with sweet powder. When buying bags of dye powders, you should also pay attention to the presence of these substances in order to protect yourself and your family: egg shells are porous, and harmful substances can penetrate deeper into the protein. So, you should be wary of 6 dyes that public organizations are seeking to ban:

  • E102 - tartrazine;
  • E104 - quiniline yellow (quinolone);
  • E110 - yellow sunny sunset(sunset);
  • E122 - azorubine (carmoisine, carmine);
  • E124 - Ponceau 4R (crimson);
  • E129 - charming red speakers.
  • In Ukraine, due to the harmful effects on the human body, the use of dyes E121 - citrus red 2, E123 - Amaranth for food purposes is prohibited.

Dyeing eggs in aniline and food colors occurs by bathing. The egg is placed on a plastic spoon and dipped in paint. The paint contains acid, and if the egg gets wet in food paint for more than five minutes, and in aniline paint for more than three, the calcium in the upper layer of the shell will be broken, the egg will be painted unevenly and will be hopelessly spoiled. Do not dip several eggs into a paint can at once. After painting one egg, remove it from the paint, gently blot it with a soft cloth and start painting another. There are food colorings in which eggs are colored only during cooking. They are suitable for the preparation of plain colors.

Needless to say, painting eggs for Easter is a great way to spend a fun family evening with kids or friends?
However, if there are small children in the family, try to do without aniline dyes. The guys will certainly want to "help" you in the preparation of Easter eggs. You simply cannot do without them. But there he licked his finger, rubbed his eyes there, inhaled the fumes - so he got poisoned ... Food colors are not as bright as aniline, but health is more expensive

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