Fallout 4 walkthrough nooks to find a cure. Regular assignments. Exit to Poklon

At the hideout of the mayor of Boston

Location in the Commonwealth. Inside you can find useful bonuses and equipment. Once in the bunker, you will find a sea of ​​corpses. The upper levels are protected by turrets, while there are no enemies at all below. Search the rooms on the lower level for valuable items.

On one of the tables is a "Guard's Message" holotape that tells the story of the place. In another room is the My Brain and Me magazine, which increases HP recovery per minute by one.

Nearby you can also find the key to the mayor's toilet, and his bathroom, in person, the remains. On the toilet is a holotape "Mayor's Farewell", from which it becomes clear that the official was a fierce corrupt official. Enraged taxpayers laid siege to his house, so he had to commit suicide.

Going even lower, into a room with basketball hoops, you will meet synthetics. Aggressive synths will attack you all the way to the exit. In the same gym, there is a door to the generator room, where a nuclear battery and a holotape "Where are you?" lie.

Finally, the gym also has a tunnel leading to the deathclaw's lair. In the nest itself, you can take the Fat Man cannon.

Have refuge 75

One of the few available Wasteland Vaults with a unique quest and useful items. The quest is activated as soon as you enter the building.

Go to Tuffington's boatman's house. Above it you will find the city of Malden, in the north of which there is a school. She is the Refuge.

Find the lattice fence and go down to the basement. The door to the Sanctuary will be open, as the marauders and the Brotherhood have already managed to get here. It is possible that along the way you will meet both those and those.

All that is required of you is to explore the premises and listen to holotapes to learn about the history of this place. Soon you will come across closed doors leading to the laboratory. It is necessary to find an access code, a card with which one of the shooters will certainly find it.

Once in the laboratory, look through the terminals and go further until you see a mini-copy of the city.

In one of his buildings you will find the code for access to the administrative rooms and the science bobblehead. Soon you will find the Overseer's office with a terminal.

It turns out that once experiments were done here on children, trying to bring out a more perfect human genome. This gave rise to the discontent of some residents, and then led to a fatal riot.

Have refuge 81

The only Vault still in operation. Located south of the Sanctuary Hills, a little further from the river. You can learn more about the location from the wandering merchant dressed in the form of Vault 81.

Before heading out, make sure you have a high Charisma skill or three extra nuclear batteries in your bosom, otherwise you won't be let through. Having reached the location, go down to the entrance and press the button.

Inside, talk to the guards and either talk them out or donate nuclear blocks to enter peacefully. After that, find the Overseer and start a conversation.

Vault 81 is quite a large location and has additional quests: "Nook", "Dependence", "Kitty-kitty" and "Stories".

3 acupuncture

The quest is issued in Vault 81, after you complete the tasks "Stories" and "Kitty-kitty". To get started, look into the medical block and talk to the female doctor. She wants to cure the sick boy Austin, which is opposed by the head physician Forsythe.

When the argument is over, talk to the woman. Bobby's worker will then tell you about the Vault's secret room with the terminal. It talks about strange experiments on mole rats, from the bite of which our boy Austin fell ill. After that, you will be sent to find an antidote.

Put on your power armor before you go, as mole rats can infect you too (-10HP won't please anyone). Follow Bobby into the reactor room. Inside, you will single-handedly bypass the secret passage and start fighting the mole rats.

Soon you will find a terminal with a very complex lock, which can be opened both manually and with a key, which is on the table in the next room.

Indoors, you will see a robot behind glass in another room. The white medical unit strongly resembles Codsworth, but, however, is not distinguished by the same politeness. In a conversation with you, Curie will insist that you are a Vault-Tec security guard. If you agree, she will open the door. Then Curie will tell that 83 years ago she managed to create an antidote against the infection of mole rats. Alas, there is only one flask, and it will not be able to create more.

Before returning to the Vault, explore the room and take the Medicine Bobblehead. By the way, Curie can become your partner.


The quest becomes available only after the completion of the task "The Nest". Handed by the girl Tina De Luca, in the generator room of Vault 81.

You must find her brother Bobby De Luca, who is somewhere in the living quarters, and convince him to start treatment for drug addiction.

Once in shelter 81, you can, under certain conditions, come to the quest Nook, thanks to which you can get partners, as well as acquire a mole rat disease. When infected, you will receive a permanent penalty of -10 health points of the character, which is not so deadly.

It is important to comply with certain conditions in order to complete the task and not get infected, since at the end you will have a moral dilemma - either give the serum to the boy and stay with the disease until the end of the game, or take it for yourself, but in this case there may be a negative impact on relations with the companion.

The first thing you need to do is to take a weapon with a high attack speed and medium damage so that you can easily destroy all the mole rats in 1-2 shots at not yet medium distances. Secondly, send your partner to hell, because if they damage him, then you will also catch the infection - 100% verified. Well, the third main advice is - do not program the second protectron for your protection, because due to a bug the game considers him your partner and you again become infected after damaging him.

Now you just have to shoot the animals, which will be about 15-17 on the way, check the status of the effects imposed on you and do not forget to save after you are sure that the disease did not affect the GG.

Mole Rat Disease in Fallout 4

If you nevertheless caught the disease, but did not leave yourself a serum, then there is a solution to this problem using the console. Press ~ and enter the following command player.additem 00055F10 1 - it will add another Vault 81 healing injection to your inventory, thanks to which you can remove the harmful effect.

Vault 81 Fallout 4 is a bunker that survived to the events of the game, in which experiments on people were originally meant. Thanks to smart leaders and the absence of bullying, Vault-Tech has quietly existed for 210 years and opened the doors to trade in the Commonwealth.

Description of Vault 81

It is located northwest of the Diamond City location, on the other side of the Chestnut Hillock reservoir. The hideout consists of two large locations. The first is inhabited premises, in which life has been in full swing since the bunker was closed at the beginning of the Great War. The location is divided into four levels. They are located living rooms, retail and storage space and much more. Here you can find everything you need to survive in the radioactive Wasteland in Fallout 4.

Residents do not have great hospitality, but they do not drive the Survivor out of the location. They are open to communication and trade. You can even tell the local kids what real life is like in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4.

Another thing is Secret Vault 81. This is a hidden and unmarked location in Fallout 4, in which scientists were locked up who were going to conduct experiments on the residents of the bunker. It is hidden from prying eyes and blocked. Doors from the section are located in the reactor zone. But it is impossible to get there before the appearance of the quest "Cook" in Fallout 4.

If the common sections look habitable and quite comfortable, then the rooms of the hidden part of the bunker cannot be called such. For more than 150 years of desolation, they managed to partially collapse, become dusty, dirty. Naturally, this was helped by a brood of mole rats, which appeared from innocent guinea pigs.

Vault 81 Inhabitants

There are a lot of people in the "famous" Vault 81. These are the descendants of those who descended here before the Great War and survived it, despite the plans of researchers to use the bunker as a giant laboratory. Among these people are merchants, guards, doctors and teachers. The survivor will be able to get help, some tasks and advice from the residents. Who to talk to first:

  1. Austin Angill. The local "tour guide", this child will show the Survivor all the local sights during the Vault 81 Tour quest.
  2. Alexis Combs. Runs a warehouse in Vault 81 and runs a shop at the same time. Ready to buy and sell anything. Sells the unique Fallout 4 Overseer's Guard carbine.
  3. Doctor Forsyth. The doctor to whom you will have to contact during the quests "Hand over a blood sample" and "The nook". Able to treat and remove radiation from the body.
  4. Nurse Rachel. In combination, he sells medicines.
  5. Katy Pinn. A local teacher who will issue the "Stories" task, asking them to educate the children during school hours (from 10 am to 12 am) about life on the surface.
  6. Maria Summerset. A cook who provides the Sanctuary with tasty and healthy food. Can sell food to the Survivor.
  7. Tina de Luca. Will give the quest "Dependence" after completing the task "Cook". Under certain conditions and very high Charisma, you can send to your settlement as a resident.
  8. Erin Combs. Little girl, Austin's friend. Will give out the quest "Kitty-kitty" to find Ash the cat, who escaped after the appearance of the Survivor.

In addition to these people, there are many other residents - from nameless residents to interesting individuals with no special tasks or skills.

In the Secret Vault 81 Fallout 4, everything is much sadder. It is inhabited by a brood of mole rats of varying complexity, from common rodents to Luminous and Brood Mothers. In addition to these creatures, there are no living creatures in the location in the traditional sense. Only robots left

  1. Robot series "Miss Nanny" named Curie. Possible partner of the Survivor. Unlocked during the quest "The Nest".
  2. Legendary Protectron Observer.
  3. Ordinary protector.
  4. Three machine gun turrets.

Having taken Curie from the research laboratory, it will be possible to cure Austin during the quest "Nook" and get a very good partner with an interesting task "Unpredictable behavior". It will open after reaching a high level of trust.

Social experiment in the Vault

It was supposed that Vault 81 would become a platform for creating a cure for all diseases at once. For this, many test subjects and various viruses were needed for testing. Together with the residents, scientists as part of a large research group were supposed to enter the bunker.

Some time after the start of the experiment, the viruses had to be launched through the ventilation system to infect the residents. After that, attempts were to be made to heal them with a new drug.

But the experiment did not take place. It so happened that a woman who was aware of the future got into the post of Vault 81 Overseer. Dr. O. Olivett was able to save the bunker from destruction alone. At first, she managed to make it so that only three scientists and one robot of the Miss Nanny series got into the research part of the Vault. Then she ordered to break the ventilation, ensuring the safety of the residents.

After these events, life in the Vault went on as usual. Blocked in the research part of the staff were unable to do anything. So they just had to try to develop a cure using mole rats as such. And the residents of the Vault lived quietly until the start of the game and even opened their doors to travelers to trade and exchange information.

Nobody knew about the failed experiment. Overseer Olivett took this knowledge with her to the grave. The information remained only on its terminal, which no one could hack for 210 years, and in the laboratory part of the complex.

Secrets of Vault 81

The main secret of this bunker in Fallout 4 is the Secret Vault 81 location, where three scientists who were going to test drugs and viruses on residents met their death. And it is here that one of the possible companions of Fallout 4 is hiding - a robot of the Miss Nanny series named Curie. She has already managed to create a cure and for the past 83 years she has just been waiting for someone to get to her prison and release her. This copy of the robot was reprogrammed by one of the scientists to perform laboratory research work. She got her own personality - curious, compassionate and extremely intelligent. She also organized three coffins for her friends who died from old age and mole rat attacks. And she was able to find a cure on her own, without human help.

An interesting point: Vault-Tec provided a group of Vault 81 scientists with several naked diggers as test animals. And delivered special food for them. And as a result, these rodents turned out to be mutant mole rats that roam throughout the US Wasteland. Is it a coincidence?

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How to save a child from imminent death in the task "Nook"? Where to find serum? A brief walkthrough is below.

Fallout 4: quest Nook, walkthrough

The Nook in Fallout 4 is an optional quest given in Vault 81 by Doctor Penske. The hero will ask you to look into the medical compartment immediately after meeting the significant inhabitants of the underground shelter. After several tasks, Austin Angill, a boy dying from toxic poisoning, will appear in the medical bay. Treatment is impossible - the virus is artificially bred in underground laboratories, and therefore has incredible resistance to drugs and antibiotics. The only option is to go down to the cobblestone-filled laboratories and find a serum that can give Austin a new life.

Fallout 4 Nook Walkthrough

1. A short walk to the laboratory department.
2. The study of rooms covered with earth and small pebbles. It is quite difficult to get lost - the corridors are wide, there are a lot of guides around. And there are also terminals with curious information about the experiments that took place.
3. Battle with automatic turrets under the ceiling (cause quite a lot of damage) and Protectron.
4. Further down the stairs, again enemies and the first meeting with mole rats. It is better to kill all enemies from afar, using light weapons, otherwise, after a bite, the main character will also catch an incurable disease.
5. There are many opponents, both on the stairs and in the vast rooms. Do not use V.A.T.S technology - mole rats are lightning fast, easily bite and immediately infect!
6. In the last room on the floor, there are several terminals, as well as Curie (can become a partner), an automated assistant robot that dispenses serum.
7. After the conversation, immediately into the elevator and into the medical compartment, give the found medicine.

In some cases, there are unforeseen errors during the execution of the task, and therefore several answers to the most requested questions:
- How to get the quest "Cook" in Fallout 4? Look into shelter 81, see a cat running away on the assignment "Kitty-kitty-kitty". Find the fugitive and return to the mistress - the girl Erin. After the work done, access to a secondary task will appear.
- In Fallout 4 the quest "Cook" does not start?! Appropriate action not taken. In some cases, it is worth looking into the medical bay yourself and getting to know Dr. Penske.
- Rat disease in Fallout 4's "Cook" quest. An incurable virus transferred to the main character. Permanently removes 10 points from the maximum amount of health. By the standards of the game - the loss is small. You can avoid infection with the help of the Press and Pray weapon (analogues with automatic shooting are also suitable). Climbing enemies should be shot from a distance, and the rewards from the corpses should be left in place! In addition to the terminals, it is better not to touch anything. If the infection has occurred, the serum given out at the end of the mission can also be applied to the hero. Then Austin will die, and the health limit will disappear.
- In the last room of the Fallout 4 quest "The Nest" in Vault 81, right on Curie's desk is the "Medicine" baby doll.

» in Fallout 4, you will be asked to visit the teenager Austin in the hospital. The quest "The Nest" will also begin there, which consists in searching the closed part of Vault 81 and finding an antidote for Austin's disease there. During the conversation between the doctors, you will learn that the disease is due to the fact that the boy was bitten by one of the mole rats hiding in the secret part of the Vault.

After Bobby, who accidentally found the entrance to the closed part, shows you where to go, you will move to a new location. Not far from the entrance is a room with a bed, where you can save before passing in the mode. There are no more beds in the location - existing sleeping places in other rooms are inactive and cannot be used for saving.

After passing through the gap in the wall, you will go out into the corridor, around the corner of which there are two turrets attached to the ceiling, and an aggressive protectoron robot. Turrets are easiest to shoot with a sniper rifle (1-3 shots are enough), and to destroy the robot, place a mine in the corridor.

After walking a little further, you will see a staircase leading down to a cafe. Above, under the ceiling, there is another turret, and next to it, a turned off Protectoron robot. You do not need to turn it on and reprogram it to your side! Below is an explanation of why.

After the hall with the cafe, you will need to go to the part of the Vault filled with aggressive mole rats. These creatures, although stronger than those found in the Commonwealth, do not pose much of a threat. Except for one thing: a single mole rat bite will cause the mole rat disease to permanently reduce maximum health points by 10 (−10 MaxHP). You can get rid of this disease only with the help of an antidote, which, as you will find out when you explore the Vault to the end, there is only one copy left. So you either have to stay sick forever or let Austin die.

The best way to solve the problem is to complete the quest in such a way that you never get bitten. For this, several rules must be followed.

  • Do not bring companions with you. Even if the mole rat bites only him, the disease will be transmitted to you. Companion robots can also be bitten. Including Protector, which can be reprogrammed to your side. So, we act exclusively alone.
  • Do not use explosive weapons. Mole rats run up quickly, so there is a high risk that you will undermine yourself.
  • If you use mines, place them only on stairs or surfaces where there are no holes. The fact is that mole rats react to mines and immediately jump out of the ground. Accordingly, you explode with them.
  • It is better to shoot mole rats with small arms, for example, a 10mm pistol. But the minigun and laser gatling take too long to spin up before firing. When using melee weapons, the chance that you will be bitten increases.
  • Don't try to kill mole rats in VATS - it also increases the chance of getting bitten.
  • It is better not to pick up meat, skins and other items from the killed mole rats, as this can also pick up the disease. Whether this is a bug is unknown.

How to cure mole rat disease

If you still managed to avoid infection, and you want to heal yourself and help Austin, you can cheat the game. Add the found medicine to your favorites and at the moment when you transfer it, use it by pressing the assigned key.

After completing the quest "The Nook" as a reward, you will receive an injection carbine (the doctor who hands it over will call it "a syringe that he rarely uses anyway") and your own room in Vault 81, where you can sleep and store your own things.