Redemption of the bride on the wedding day. How the groom can take the bride without a ransom: alternative options. The history of the custom "Ransom of the bride"

A wedding in Russia was a significant event in the life of a young family. Since the 9th century, Christianity appeared in Russia, which brought with it new traditions. They gradually intertwined with pagan traditions and completely new rites appeared. The result of the analysis of the chronicles suggests that the Slavs did not have common traditions. Each tribe performed all the rituals in its own way.

For the Slavs, wedding ceremonies were a very big event and they were carried out with great care, since it was primarily a ritual or sacrament. The essence of this ritual was to protect the young from damage and the evil eye. The most important ritual was the ransom of the bride. The Slavs called him "Veno". Its main essence was that the girl was transferred to a strange family, that is, she left her home and the patronage of her ancestors. Therefore, such celebrations were accompanied by sad songs and tears.

In general, the word ransom implies a payment for something. In the case of the bride, this means that the groom takes the daughter from the parents, so he must pay them. In general, among the Slavs, ransom played the role of a rite, in contrast to the Muslim kalym, which meant precisely a material offering.

The traditional origins of the rite of ransom of the bride

From historical sources it follows that such a ceremony as the ransom of the bride appeared quite a long time ago. Initially, it was used to protect against incest. Therefore, the groom was looking for a girl in a neighboring tribe or clan. Quite often, these tribes were at enmity with each other or had no common ties at all. Therefore, the groom did not go to the ransom alone, but with a squad. Echoes of this tradition have survived to this day.

In those days, the ransom was quite difficult. To do this, lengthy negotiations were held or a sum of money was paid to the elders of the family and the parents of the bride, only after that she could be taken away with her.

The traditional ransom from the Slavs was a kind of conspiracy, later it was called "matchmaking". This rite has always been a classic, it spoke of the intention to marry. The wedding has always had a strict script, from which it was impossible not to offend the spirits of their ancestors. The modern scenario of the ransom of the bride has the same essence as the traditional ransom among the Slavs.

Traditional Slavic script for the ransom of the bride

The ransom scenario came to us after many centuries. Therefore, today almost all newlyweds try to observe the traditions of their ancestors. Therefore, every wedding on the first day begins with the ransom of the bride. According to tradition, the young people should not see each other before the wedding, but the young husband can send news to his beloved in the form of gifts. This is done through the relatives of the bride, thus our ancestors showed that the husband would spoil his wife. After all, he will soon take her and become her patron. But the gifts were made simple and unpretentious.

Obstacles to the groom at the rite of ransom of the bride

The morning of the wedding day began with the ransom itself. The relatives of the newlywed made many obstacles to the groom. They were designed to test his ingenuity. Girlfriends played the role of sellers in the market, where the bride was considered a commodity. Many modern sayings have gone from those times. The groom, who passed all the tests, got to the bride. But along the way, he had to treat relatives and bridesmaids. If the groom passed the test badly, then he could slip another girl. This tradition exists today, but for the sake of laughter, I also dress men in a dress. During the tests, girls and children were given sweets and small gifts, and alcohol was poured for men.

The bride's parents were also preparing for the wedding. The bride was dressed in a simple outfit. A simple white scarf was worn over the head. In the old days, white symbolized death. Therefore, the bride completely covered her face. A closed face is necessary so that no matter what people see the face of a crying bride. The girl's tears symbolized her sorrow for her home and patron spirits. Also, the scarf covered the bride's braid, it was believed that she kept supernatural powers in herself. If we raise the issue of spirits, then our ancestors believed that the power stored in the bride's braid could offend the spirits that patronize the groom's family. Therefore, the braid was untwisted or cut off, and the groom brought the bride into the house in his arms, as if showing the spirits that now she also belongs to their family.

On the eve of the ransom, the girl cooked salted porridge. A large amount of salt indicated that the marriage was not arranged. This porridge was given to try the groom's retinue during the ransom.

In some tribes, the ransom was carried out differently. The matchmakers were the first to enter the bride's house, who negotiated with the parents, and the groom and his best friend stood behind them. The girl's parents previously hid their goods on the street. And when the negotiations ended, the groom, who had already found the bride in the yard, went into the house with her. The parents then asked their daughter's consent to the marriage.

The rite of braiding the bride's braid

On the eve of the wedding, the future wife was braided. The scythe was considered a symbol of innocence and kept power in itself. As a result of this, traditions of braiding appeared. They have come down to us, and now this tradition is called the rite of removal of the veil, which symbolizes the transition to married life. But in the old days, this ceremony was carried out in different tribes in different ways.

Some tribes untwisted the braid and simply combed the hair of the girl, which symbolized her transfer to the disposal of her husband and humility before him. Others cut off the braid altogether, after which the future wife could no longer braid one braid, as this indicated that she would become a widow early. There were families who simply cut the end of the braid.

But there were also common features of this tradition, they consisted in the fact that the bride shed tears during this ceremony. After all, according to the Slavic tradition, it was this moment that symbolized her departure from her parents' house to a strange family. Although the whole wedding in the old days was accompanied by sad songs that were supposed to cause tears in the young bride.

There were also traditions of redemption of the spit. The scenario of this ceremony implied that when the wedding began, the groom did not sit in his place. A brother or relative sat next to the bride. He sold this place to the groom, and the girlfriends at that moment praised the young woman and her braid. To redeem the place, he paid the seller. The script of this tradition has also not changed for centuries.

In general, few traditions and rituals of those times have survived to this day, most of them were passed down from the older generation to the younger. Due to the mixing of the blood of different tribes, more and more new scenarios for the ransom appeared. Modern weddings are vastly different from those held by our ancestors. Today, only the general features of the celebration have been preserved. But, despite this, in some regions they still hold weddings according to all traditions.

You may be interested in modern.

Set your wedding celebration in the right direction from the very first minutes! An interesting ransom of the bride guarantees a good mood for everyone present and a great start to the most important day for a couple in love!

Your faithful assistant in the pre-wedding preparation is glad to offer only the most interesting and original versions of the traditional custom. A ready-made scenario for the ransom of the bride, as well as a scenario for holding a wedding, will greatly save time and nerves during preparation for the event. More

Script for the wedding

Preparing an impeccable buyout scenario is not so difficult if you approach this matter responsibly from the very beginning. The main thing is to follow a few standard rules - and the program will be a success.

  1. Determine the budget. Buying the necessary little things, thematic paraphernalia may require a decent investment. Decide in advance how much you are willing to invest. If the young people are already jointly earning money for the family, then it is worth including in the budget the ransom and the “payoffs” of the groom: sweets, alcohol, money;
  2. Time limit. If the painting is scheduled for the morning, and you want to follow the traditions, then a short ransom of the bride would be an ideal option. The main thing is that the witness should keep track of time and the young people should not be late at the registry office.
    It is important that the ransom is not too long, otherwise the guests and the groom may get tired, and there are still so many important and interesting things ahead!
  3. Script for a wedding. We advise you not to place all responsibility on the witness in planning this ceremony. As a bride, you probably know what your loved one is capable of, and what contests can affect his male ego. Be sure to take into account the tastes and principles of the groom, otherwise the ransom may be thwarted, and the mood irrevocably spoiled.
    For a themed wedding, it is better to choose and redeem the appropriate theme. This will allow guests to tune in to the upcoming mood of the gala evening;
  4. So that the ransom does not "walk from hand to hand", take care of a basket for liquor and a chest for money;
  5. Organize a video shoot. It will be especially interesting for you, as a bride, to see with your own eyes how the chosen one proved his love and fidelity with dignity and courage, and for the groom to look at himself from the outside. Looking at the footage in a couple of years, you will still laugh at the youth ransom of the bride and the ingenuity of the groom and witness.

An interesting ransom program and new wedding contests will help the groom get a little distracted and relieve nervous tension. In the meantime, the groom is fighting for access to his beloved, the bride can touch up her makeup again and drink some champagne.

The modern scenario of the ransom of the bride (2020)

Great-grandfather traditions are undergoing changes, especially in recent decades. The ransom of the young was no exception. Now the main thing is that the script for the ransom of the bride 2020 is relevant and truly original. After all, the main requirement of the current newlyweds is a departure from accepted standards and hackneyed clichés.

On our website you will find interesting and fresh programs for the event. A detailed description of the competitions, dialogues will allow the event to pass easily and provocatively. Funny bride price scenarios are exactly what your wedding needs!

The thematic section includes:

  • Scenarios in a magical theme;
  • Redemption of the bride in the style of a Hollywood casting;
  • Mandatory exam, allowing to the heart of the bride;
  • Modern quests;
  • As well as a sea of ​​​​diverse ways it is interesting to conduct a traditional ceremony.

Modern ransoms are distinguished by fresh jokes and contests, not boring scripts and a thorough approach to thematic paraphernalia. Not satisfied with ready-made scripts? You can always choose from different programs the tasks and questions you like by creating your own individual cool script for redeeming yourself, your beloved.

How to prepare for the groom?

While the team of professionals is preparing the bride for the wedding ceremony, the groom can only be nervous, anticipating tricky questions and unexpected tasks at the ransom of his beloved. The portal site advises to relax and treat everything that happens exclusively with a sense of humor.

Before the ransom, the groom should:

  1. Take care of the ransom. We are sure that the bride will tell you how many sweets and bottles of alcohol to buy, and will orient you in terms of money. The groom and the witness can only listen carefully, write down, and - buy;
  2. For cash withdrawals you should change money in advance, acquire change and purchase fake "currency";
  3. Sense of humor- the main weapon of the groom at the ransom. The main thing to understand: no one wants to offend or put the future spouse in an awkward position, even at the most advanced bride price 2020;
  4. Remember important dates regarding the bride and close relatives, especially the future mother-in-law. Numbers, favorite subjects and activities - everything related to the beloved should not confuse the groom.

When organizing a buyout plan, or planning a bachelorette party scenario, it is important to consider every detail. This is the only way to avoid unpleasant moments. And an active witness and a humorous witness are the best helpers of the young on the day of the wedding celebration!

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Traditionally, the wedding begins with the ransom of the bride. It is held before the groom meets the bride on the day of the celebration. This ceremony is one of the unchanging traditions that accompany the wedding. It has deep roots. In ancient times, in order to take away a girl who was the first assistant in the house, one had to give something in return.

The groom tried to cover the inconvenience that would arise due to the girl leaving the house, giving valuables, cattle and other gifts in return. In our time, this rite takes place symbolically, and its task is not to bargain for money, but to give fervor, fun to the event. Let us consider in more detail how to redeem the bride, what the groom and witnesses should do, so that everyone is satisfied and the procedure does not drag on.

Often witnesses are involved in organizing the ransom of the bride. But the main part still falls on the bridesmaid.

Some couples turn to the toastmaster for help, who can develop a script for competitions and other nuances. The ransom rite consists of a series of contests and tasks for the groom and the witness.

All questions relate to the hero of the occasion. If the groom cannot answer any of them, then he must pay a certain amount or present champagne, sweets, etc.

In some cases, the redemption process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Even on the road, distant relatives and neighbors can meet the groom and demand to pay for the opportunity to travel and name the bride.
  2. In the yard of the groom, close friends of the young are waiting.
  3. Immediately before entering the bride's room, the tests are arranged by the witness and girlfriends.
  4. The task of the groom with a witness is not to deprive anyone and make some kind of payment.

The main task of all participants in the ransom ceremony is not to delay the process. Otherwise, you may be late for registration.

How to behave to girlfriends

The task of the bridesmaids is to turn the traditional groom’s bride price into a fun, well-organized event. It is better not to use poems at this stage of the celebration; make a speech in prose with appropriate funny jokes. To do this, follow certain rules:

  1. You should not force the groom and the witness to perform not very pleasant tasks. For example, eat a pood of salt or drink water with lemon. Competitions must be neutral and realistically feasible. Otherwise, you risk spoiling the mood of the groom at the beginning of the wedding.
  2. It should be remembered that the event is calculated for only 15-30 minutes at most.
  3. Try to calculate the time so that a certain period of time remains between the ransom and the trip to the registry office.
  4. Tasks are chosen so that when they are completed by the groom, the guests can see what is happening, and the photographer can take beautiful photos.
  5. When using pictures in contests, their angle should be large.
  6. When using rhyming jokes and jokes, they must be read expressively and without hesitation.
  7. In the event that the number of guests at the wedding is impressive, you should not invite everyone to the ransom. There will be enough witnesses, girlfriends, friends, close relatives.
  8. It is necessary to prepare for the ceremony in advance. Place posters and other attributes.
  9. Properly distribute responsibilities so that no one gets bored.

What to do and say to mother, sister, brother of the bride

For the parents of the bride, there are many trials on the wedding day. It is in their house that the ransom of the bride takes place and the house is full of guests. Worries begin with the bride's attire. Her mother and friends can help her.

Then the parents meet the guests after the ransom, escort them to the room where the buffet table is organized. Serving it is the task of the mother of the bride, who is helped by the bridesmaids. Treating guests with champagne is the task of witnesses. Traditionally, parents do not take part in the ransom ceremony.

But if the bride has younger sisters or brothers, then they can actively bargain for her with the groom. Girlfriends provide for this in the script. The main task of parents after the completion of the ransom before going to the registry office is the blessing of the young. Before the beginning of the ceremony, guests are asked to go outside, where they form a kind of living corridor.

After the bride and groom are blessed, they go outside, and the girl's mother showers the newlyweds with wheat seeds, coins and sweets for their rich, full and sweet future life.

What to say to the matchmaker from the side of the groom

In ancient times, matchmaking began with certain words: “You have goods, we have a merchant,” and so on. The young people involved in the ransom should not include them in the script.

But if the task is to conduct a ceremony in the old Russian style, then this role is performed by the matchmaker on the part of the groom. It is she who begins the redemption process.

The bottom line is to present the purpose of their arrival and praise the merits of the groom.

How to behave to the groom and his friends

The ransom scenario is worked out in advance, and the bridesmaids must think over the behavior of the groom in advance. In any case, it must be prepared if the groom needs to say any words during the bidding process.

Basically, various tests are prepared for the groom, and he, in turn, performs them and answers questions in monosyllables. You can deal with this without much difficulty. The beginning of the auction is started by the organizers, the matchmaker from the groom's side can participate.

When asked by girlfriends why the groom came to them, the young man can simply answer in monosyllables “For the bride!”. It is difficult for the groom to prepare for the ransom directly, since he often does not know the scenario in advance. The witness can only partially acquaint him with individual moments. Therefore, the young man has to improvise on the go.

And since basically all questions relate to the bride, it is necessary to ask her in advance some moments from her childhood, shoe size, favorite lipstick color, and so on.

Let's present a list of the main areas that the groom may encounter at the ransom:

  1. Prove your love. Here you can prepare a romantic story about the love of the newlyweds to make your girlfriends feel emotional.
  2. Present your strengths. Usually this is the answer to the question of what the groom is ready to provide the bride in the future.. Here you have to praise yourself, and try not to laugh. To facilitate the task, this can be done by a witness.
  3. How the groom will spend time with the bride during their marriage. In this regard, the groom proves that the bride will not be bored with him. And you can prove it by performing any song or dance.
  4. Important dates. Here you have to prepare seriously, as they will ask not only about the day they met, but also about the first day of the first kiss, the first trip to the cinema, and so on. Usually men do not pay attention to such trifles.
  5. The bride is the best and unique. In this direction, you need to collect a list of affectionate and tender words about your beloved.

Since the groom arrives not alone, but with a retinue of friends and close relatives, it is necessary to think in advance what to say to them.

Firstly, they can actively participate in the auction, but not allow themselves too much.

Secondly, to help the groom, suggest the right words, ideas for completing the task. The main assistant of the groom at the wedding is a witness. He can actively answer questions and even replace him in the performance of any competitions.

Usually the groom is lost from excitement, so the witness must always be ready to come to the rescue of a friend. And if the girlfriends play too much and demand an exorbitant price for the ransom, then the witness can actively bargain and bring down the price.

The ransom ceremony will be a great success if it is performed in any style or timed to coincide with a specific theme.

How to meet the groom - what to put on the table

As already mentioned, after the ransom is completed, the bride's parents invite guests to a buffet table.

This tradition is connected mainly with the fact that there is still a long process ahead, consisting of marriage and a photo session.

Sandwiches and small canapes are placed on the table so that they fit entirely in the mouth. Since the photographer is working all the time and a set table can get into the photo lens, it is necessary to think over the technique of decorating dishes in advance, remove unnecessary interior items.

A large amount of alcohol on the buffet table is inappropriate. It is enough to organize champagne, which will cheer up a little and liberate the guests.

Here is another version of the scenario for the ransom of the bride:

The rite of redemption of the bride is a traditional wedding procedure, but, nevertheless, not all newlyweds consider it appropriate. This is explained by the fact that not all guests behave adequately during competitions and auctions, sometimes forcing the groom to perform unrealistic things. It is believed that the ransom can be replaced, for example, with a beautiful meeting of the bride and groom. In your opinion, is it worth paying tribute to traditions or still introducing new creative ideas into the wedding scenario?

Those who are given the honorary mission of being witnesses at a wedding know how difficult it is to decide on a ransom scenario.

The Internet is replete with a million scenarios, and each of them captivates, and some have already filled the ascomina. Sometimes it seems that doing something original is simply impossible. We have prepared for you 22 interesting ideas for the bride's ransom, which will make it original from the traditional ransom scenario.

Idea #1

Redemption can take various forms. For example, in prose, in poetry, in haiku style, in sign language.

We value Tatiana

And we just won't give up.

You are beautiful - no doubt

And you are dressed in fashion

But in order to find a bride,

There is a lot to go through...

They say all ages are submissive to love

And all nations. And if so,

Shout out:"I love you, Tatyana!"

In three different languages.

But if the languages ​​of overseas

You failed to know

You will have to ransom resounding

We are supposed to give it back!

Replacing money with delicious currency. You can replace money with fruits, sweets, chocolates, delicious alcohol and the like. And you can - passionate kisses ...

Idea #10.

A ransom in the style of a reality show. If young people like to watch shows, such a ransom is what the "doctor ordered"! The prototypes of the ransom scenario can be programs such as “What? Where? When?, The Last Hero, Fort Bayard, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, and even Fashion Sentence. will capture all the characters and will carry out exactly with the transfer script.

For example, let's take a program for connoisseurs “What? Where? When?" The groom and his retinue will act as connoisseurs, and the questions will be from the relatives of the young. Be sure to include a musical break and the help of masters, which can be mother-in-law, father-in-law and grandmother. Questions can be from a grandmother, sister or young brother, aunt, uncle, mother, father, etc.

To do this, you can hold several interesting competitions: to start the ransom with a medical examination, then an oath will follow, a competition for fire training with the help of darts, a test of artillery abilities (shooting at balloons) and the final competition can be held a competition for the physical training of the groom. Which will help to convince everyone that the bride is really given into safe hands. After successfully passing the tests, the groom is allowed into the bride's room!

Idea #15


In case the young are football fans, an interesting football-style ransom can be held. It would be ideal to hold a ransom on a football field, the bridesmaid and bridesmaids will need to prepare football paraphernalia, with which you can create a real atmosphere of a football match.

The ransom itself can be built on questions about football. The logical continuation will be the exit registration of marriage on the football field, and the subsequent photo shoot. Football fans will really appreciate this event.

Idea #16

Ransom of the bride in the style of the Ministry of Emergencies

This is a truly original idea for a non-traditional buyout.
But the groom and his friends should not reveal their ideas ahead of time. Indeed, it will be a surprise if the witness, and the bride, will be waiting for the groom's motorcade, and the EMERCOM team will arrive, in appropriate equipment. Such guests will easily pass all the tests and take the bride without unnecessary fighting! Active and resourceful suitors should take note of such an original idea!

Idea #17

For the ransom of the bride in a private house

It’s great if there is an opportunity to hold a ransom in a private house. Private territory allows you to arrange a whole performance.

And also a private house can be interestingly decorated.

Tests can be carried out in the yard, on the veranda, in the hallway, in the rooms. Where there is a place for rampant fantasy, ransom becomes many times more interesting.

Idea №18

Wedding ransom style traffic police

Such a non-standard ransom is suitable for those who are connected with work in the police, those who like to drive on an iron horse and just people with a sense of humor.

For such a ransom, you will need the appropriate details: a traffic police suit, a whistle and a baton, traffic signs, and the like. But most importantly, you will need cheerful active guests and imagination. The witness and girlfriends dress up as traffic police officers and the action begins. According to the results of the ransom, the groom must receive the rights to family life, after which he will be allowed to see the bride.

Idea #19

An interesting idea for a ransom in the style of the police

The essence of this redemption is as follows.
At the main entrance of the entrance, the groom and his friends are met by two girls - policemen, who claim that the bride's apartment was broken into and the greatest value was stolen.

This scenario is suitable for ransoming a bride living in a private house.

Almost reaching the house, the bridegroom is met by girlfriends

Hello ladies and gentlemen! Where are you from and where???
And what do you even want? Well, pass by!
The groom is coming to us! We are looking forward to it here!
He will pay us a lot of money, we will go to the registry office together with him!

Oh! So are you the groom?
Why is it so quiet then?

Where is your zealous horse then? Where mustache and gallant look?
Come on in if you've arrived, because you can't go back!

Bride ransom. Original modern screenplay

It has long been a tradition to redeem the bride from the parents. In our time, this is no longer so relevant (almost every couple already has experience of living together at the time of the wedding), but nevertheless, traditions are traditions and we try to follow them.

Preparing for the ransom, the bride and her friends usually prepare old, painfully familiar tests, the groom, without hearing the task, already knows the answer to it. The ransom of the bride turns into some kind of ordinary boring activity.

I suggest you modernize the tradition of ransom a little, and dream up on this topic.

Scenario for the ransom of the bride "6 trials"

At the entrance door (at the gate of the house), where the bride lives, the host greets the groom with his friends and guests with whom he arrived.

Leading: Hello Hello! Are you passing through or visiting us? Why did you come?

The groom answers , who came for his beloved, begins to negotiate in order to go to the bride without trials, but naturally they do not let him through.

A simple script for the ransom of the bride

Meeting the groom near the entrance or near the gate of the house.
(This role is better suited to host)

What's that noise? What's the hum? Who came to us?
Boys, what do you want? Marmalade? Chocolate?
Suit, white collar (looking at the groom)
Are you the fiance?

Come on (Name of the groom) the way to your chosen one
lay out bills, brand new and clean.

Redemption of the bride in verse "Lost and Found"

- What kind of guy came to us?
Lost what, al found?
What are you looking for in this place?
Answer us (BRIDE)

Oh, bride, well, let's see
I remember that they were, yes.
So you need to go to the warehouse.
Can you find something else?

Maybe a key, keychain, umbrella
Maybe a notepad?

No, okay. Let's see.
Hey helper, come over.

(uncle exits)

- What? Removed from place.


Look where our brides are.

Bride ransom in 15 minutes

When arranging the ransom of the bride, do not delay it, 10-15 minutes will be enough. When choosing contests, think about whether your chosen one will cope with this or that task (do not go too far so as not to spoil his mood). Contests are offered here, among which there are those that will please both the groom and you.

1. On the steps you can write various letters, the groom, going up the steps, will say compliments to the bride, starting with these letters.