Exam preparation. Presentation "Preparation for the exam in mathematics (from work experience)" Presentations preparation for the exam in the Russian language

Presentations have been updated in accordance with the changes of the 2018/2019 academic year. d. Added material to the new version of task 2.

We are offering to you materials to prepare for the most difficult theoretical questions test part of the exam in the Russian language. Presentations for lectures are made in the same style and linked in content. The most important material is repeated in one way or another in several lectures.As you can see in the example below, we tried to visualize complex theoretical material as much as possible, which is very important for modern schoolchildren. The result was a short textbook on style for high school students in presentations and additional exercises.

Theoretical material you can consolidate in practice. Practical tasks are included in each presentation and are prepared for printing in A4 format. A large line spacing in the texts will allow you to make inscriptions above the words during the analysis. The texts for analysis are selected in such a way that students can see almost all the studied means of expression, means of connecting words, types of speech and types of errors.

Reference information is collected in compact tables that can be printed out and distributed to students.


  • Presentation "Task 5. Paronyms" (14 slides)
  • Presentation "Task 6. Lexical errors" (17 slides)
  • Presentation "Task 7. Errors at the morphological level" (49 slides)
  • Presentation "Task 8. Grammar errors" (39 slides)
  • Presentation "Task 22. The meaning of the text" (29 slides)
  • Presentation "Task 23 . Types of speech" (20 slides)
  • Presentation "Task 24 . Lexicology" (42 slides)
  • Presentation "Task 25 . Means of communication of proposals" (17 slides)
  • Presentation "Task 26 . Lexical means" (34 slides)
  • Presentation "Task 26 . Lexical means of expression" (23 slides)
  • Presentation "Task 26 . Syntactic means of expression" (30 slides)
  • Presentation "Task 26 . Practice on open tasks FIPI "(11 slides)
  • Exercises to prepare for task 6, keys and vocabulary of common pleonasms (9 pages)
  • Table for the task 26 (1 table jpg)
  • Tables "Forms of words" (3 pages with tables "Form of accusative and genitive cases of some words", "Plural form of some words", "Gender of nouns", "Declination of numbers")
  • List of paronyms.
  • Texts for stylistic analysis (10 texts prepared for printing)
  • A set for a lesson on phraseological units (a summary of the lesson, exercises and cards for practical work, ready for printing).
  • Brief phraseological dictionary.
  • Service parts of speech for task 2 (lists of words and text for analysis).
All texts and presentations in pdf format

A few slides from one of the presentations for an example

Users fromstatus Teacher can download these materials for free from this link:download presentations to prepare for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language >>>
Use the filter to select presentations on the desired topic. Enter the USE tag.

The Unified State Examination (USE) is the main form of state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, which graduates of Russian schools must pass after finishing grade 11, as well as a form of entrance examinations for admission to Russian universities.

Compulsory exams for obtaining a certificate are the Russian language and mathematics. The rest of the items are optional.

USE 2018 - presentation from the official website of Rosobrnadzor

The Rosobrnadzor website periodically publishes useful information for graduates and their parents in the "Information Materials" section.

Useful Internet resources about the exam

When preparing for exams, you should, first of all, pay attention to the Rosobrnadzor website (www.obrnadzor.gov.ru) and the official information portal of the unified state exam (www.ege.edu.ru) - information about the Unified State Examination is published there first of all, which in one way or another may be of interest to future participants.

To figure out what awaits you at the exam in a particular subject, we recommend that you refer to the website of the developers of exam materials for the exam - the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) (www.fipi.ru), which contains a lot of useful information.

To understand how to do the examination work, you should first of all familiarize yourself with the demo versions of the control measuring materials (CMM) of the USE in the subjects of this year (http://www.fipi.ru/ege-i-gve-11/demoversii- specifikacii-kodi-fikatory). They will help to get an idea of ​​the structure of future KIM, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity.

In addition, in the demo version, the criteria for evaluating the performance of tasks with a detailed answer are given. It is important to familiarize yourself with them in order to understand the requirements for the completeness and correctness of the record of the answer.

A complete list of questions and topics that may be encountered in the exam is given in the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of graduates. It can be used when drawing up a plan for reviewing material before an exam.

Also on the FIPI website there is an Open Bank of USE tasks (http://www.fipi.ru/content/otkrytyy-bank-zadaniy-ege), which contains several tens of thousands of tasks used in compiling variants of the KIM USE in all academic subjects. It will help you navigate the exam material and practice in performing standard tasks.

By the way, on the same site there is an Open Bank of OGE tasks (Grade 9), as well as training tasks for students with disabilities.

On the Youtube channel of Rosobrnadzor https://www.youtube.com/user/rosobrnadzor you can find many videos that give recommendations on how to prepare for the exam in various subjects and others.

The USE is an exam, the successful results of which (in mathematics and Russian) will allow you to receive a certificate of secondary general education, as well as provide them when entering a university.

Based on the results of the Unified State Examination, you can apply to five universities for three specialties in each, that is, you have 15 options, and you can choose the most desired of them. By the way, you can apply to the university by e-mail.

You have the opportunity to learn how to pass the USE: throughout your schooling, from time to time you complete assignments similar to those that you will receive on the USE. You can perfectly train to pass the exam! You choose a part of the subjects for which you will take the exam - which means that as soon as you decide on this, you can act purposefully to prepare for the exam.

You can take into account your wishes for your future profession and prepare for the exam in the subjects you need for admission.

Plugatyreva Olga Nikolaevna teacher of the Russian language and literature, MBOU "Secondary School of the village of Krasny Yar", Saratov Region, Engels District [email protected]

slide 2

A1 Orthoepic norms The Rule of Stress in the forms of the past tense of verbs. In feminine forms, the accent falls on the ending -a. In masculine, neuter and plural forms - on the first syllable: EXCEPTIONS: klala, krala, sent, lived. [email protected]

slide 3

A4 Syntactic norms (construction of a sentence with a participle turnover) it is possible to use a participle turnover in an impersonal sentence with an infinitive: [email protected]

slide 4

 Trap! It cannot be replaced if there is no infinitive in the impersonal sentence, to which the adverbial turnover could refer, but there is a combination of a verb-predicate with a pronoun or a noun in the role of an object. Looking out the window, I felt sad (DO NOT, because there is an addition to me) if the adverbial turnover refers to passive participles, because in this case, the subject of the action expressed by the predicate and the subject of the action indicated by the gerund) do not match: Having run away from home, the boy was found (NOT, because the boy runs away from the house, but other people find him!) [email protected]

slide 5

A6 Grammatical norms (syntactic norms) IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to replace the attributive clause with participle turnover if: if in the sentence instead of the word WHICH there are allied words WHERE, WHERE, WHERE, WHEN: Not far from the house where the writer lived, a tall poplar grew (= Not far from home, in which the writer lived, a tall poplar grew). Hint. If there is a similar sentence in the proposed answers, you feel free to cross it out.  Trap! Sometimes in task A6 in a sentence WHO, WHAT, WHAT, WHOSE can act as allied words. They can easily be replaced by the relative pronoun WHICH in [email protected]

slide 6

A9 Offer. Grammatical (predicative) basis of the sentence. Subject and predicate as the main members of the sentence Most often, the definition of a simple verbal predicate, expressed in more than one word, raises doubts: I will take part in the exhibition. In this example, I will take part - a complex form of the future tense, which is defined in syntax as a simple predicate. And the combination to take part is a phraseological unit, which can be replaced by the word I participate. Therefore, we have a simple verbal predicate.  Trap! Often they make a mistake, calling the following construction simple verbal predicates: Everything in Moscow is saturated with verses, pierced with rhymes. This error is due to two factors. [email protected]

Slide 7

First, a short passive participle should be distinguished from the past tense form of the verb. Remember! The short participle has the suffixes -T-, -N-, and the verb -L-. So, impregnated, pierced - these are short passive participles. Secondly, we have a predicate, which is expressed in just one word, but what is it - simple or compound? Try adding some adjective of time to the sentence, for example, at the beginning of the 20th century, and see how these forms behave. At the beginning of the 20th century, everything in Moscow was saturated with poetry, rhymes were punctured. A bunch of was appears and the predicate is already clearly becoming compound .. Thus, if in a sentence you encounter predicates expressed by short passive participles, then you are dealing with a compound nominal predicate. [email protected]

Slide 8

A13. Root spelling. Trap #1! You can not check the vowels in the root with a verb with the suffix -YVA- (-IVA-): good - to preen. As you can see, there is an alternation of sounds, and you can make a mistake.  Trap #2! In modern Russian, there are many parallel words from the Old Russian and Old Slavonic languages: gate - gatekeeper, bury - protection, gold - gold, cold - coolness. [email protected]

Slide 9

 "Memory" Dawn, lightning, illuminate the word "ZAREVO" I will check [email protected]

Slide 10

A14. Spelling prefixes. [email protected]

slide 11

Distinguish!  Trap! DIS- is a foreign language prefix, so it does not change in writing. (DISHARMONY) [email protected]

slide 12

A15. Spelling of personal endings of verbs and suffixes of present participles.  Trap! Correctly determine the initial form of the verb: Curtain-1 ref. view (curtain)  "Memory" [email protected]

slide 13

A20. Punctuation marks with separate members of the sentence (definitions, circumstances) [email protected]

Slide 14

Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence. In this task, you will come across such a phenomenon in Russian as introductory words and constructions. Distinguish! [email protected]

slide 15

 Trap #1! They are not introductory and are NOT distinguished by commas: little by little, at the beginning, suddenly, as if, after all, supposedly, in the end, hardly, after all, even, hardly, exclusively, exactly, as if, almost, like would, just, moreover, meanwhile, by suggestion, simply, by decision, by decree, approximately, moreover, almost, therefore, simply, decisively, once, as if, on top of everything, since, as it were, decisively , exclusively, here, approximately, even. Trap #2! The particle used to be separated by commas. [email protected]

slide 16

A22. Punctuation marks in a simple complicated sentence Trap #1! A sentence can have several rows of homogeneous members, so distinguish between constructions with homogeneous members of the sentence connected by repeated unions, and constructions with several rows of homogeneous members, which are connected within a row by a single union. (This is a sentence with three rows of homogeneous members: two homogeneous subjects, two homogeneous predicates and two homogeneous circumstances) [email protected]

Slide 17

 Trap #2! Phraseological turns (stable combinations of words): For no reason And day and night And old and young And laughter and grief And here and there Neither back nor forth A comma inside them Neither yes nor no For no reason at all Neither fish nor meat Neither light nor dawn nor hearing nor spirit [email protected] not placed!

Slide 18

IN 1. The main ways of word formation.  Trap! reread ← reread (suffixal way). Error! - t and -l- - form-building suffixes, i.e. they are forms of the same word. That's right: re-read, n.f. reread - read (additional method). [email protected]

Slide 19

B1 when participles and gerunds such as “built” and “built” are “thrown” into these sentences with the requirement to find a word formed by a prefix-suffixal method. The child is worried, nervous, but here it is so easy: here they are, the prefix and the suffix! And the score is lost! The teenager fell into a "trap": he forgot that these verb forms are never formed in this way. [email protected]

Slide 20

Rule If the word has a prefix, then try to find, first of all, a single-root word with a prefix. Trap! input ← move (prefixed method). Error! Hod is not the closest single-root word! Correct: input ← enter (non-suffix way). [email protected]

Preparation for the exam in mathematics (from work experience)

Malysheva I. N.

mathematics teacher of the highest category

MBOU secondary school No. 3, Vyazma, Smolensk region.

2014/2015 academic year

Regulatory documents are being developed Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI).

  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 923 dated 08/05/2014 "On Amendments to the Procedure for Conducting State Final Attestation in Educational Programs of Secondary General Education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1400 dated December 26, 2013".
  • Order of Rosobrnadzor No. 1701-10 dated 04.09.2014 "On establishing the minimum number of points for the unified state exam required for admission to study in bachelor's and specialist's programs."
  • Demos, specifications, USE 2015 codifiers.
  • Methodological recommendations on some aspects of improving the teaching of mathematics (based on the analysis of the USE 2014 and previous years)

USE levels

Base (7 tasks)

Profile (27 points)

  • To pass the exam, students will be allocated 3 hours(180 minutes).
  • Baseline CMMs contain only 20 questions. All of them will need a short answer. Applicants will be tested for the ability to:
  • Graduates are given 3 hours 55 minutes(235 minutes).
  • Profile level CMMs contain 21 tasks and consists of two parts .
  • The first part of the exam is designed to identify the level of mathematical knowledge of a future applicant. It is considered solved if the answer sheet contains the correct integer or fractional number. The second part of the exam gives an opportunity to understand how deeply the graduate is familiar with mathematics. To award points, you must enter the solution of the problems in full and their answer.
  • For 1-14 task for a graduate 1 point is awarded.
  • Correctly solved tasks 15-17 are estimated at 2 points, 18-19 - at 3 points, and 20-21 - at 4 points.
  • reason using logic;
  • do easy calculations;
  • solve standard tasks;
  • apply basic algorithms;
  • use reference materials;
  • solve tasks of increased complexity.
  • For each correct answer, you get 1 point . Therefore, the maximum result for this level is 20 points .

Registration form and answer form No. 1

Changes have been made to the structure of control measuring materials (CMM) and answer form No. 1.

The registration form, answer form No. 2 and additional answer form No. 2 remain unchanged.

In KIM 2015, the numbering of tasks was changed to continuous numerical numbering, and the number of tasks with a choice of answers from the proposed options was reduced.

USE in mathematics - what else you need to know

  • You are allowed to use a ruler.
  • Reference materials that can be used during the exam are issued to each USE participant along with the text of his examination paper.
  • There are criteria for evaluating the USE in mathematics in 2015, the points obtained can be converted into grades. If the graduate takes base exam, the result will be displayed on 5-point scale(?) .
  • For profile examinations are only scoring .


  • from 65 points is equal to a score of 5;
  • 47-64 - mark 4;
  • 27-46 - score 3;
  • 0-26 - mark 2.

USE results in comparison…

The diagram shows that the average USE score is higher than the average score in the Russian Federation and in the region.

I am especially proud that among my graduates there are medalists:

Komarov Nikolay (gold) 2012 , Alekseeva Olga, Zhukova Maria, Kholodova Tatiana (gold) and Kapitonov Andrey (silver) 2013

Ivanova Irina, Kovalchuk Konstantin (gold) 2014

  • Teaching Mathematics in UMK Mordkovich A.G. (Algebra) -3 hours/week
  • Atanasyan L.S. (geometry) - 2 hours / week
  • Elective subject "Equations, inequalities and methods for their solution" - 1 hour / week.

Educational and thematic plan elective subject "Equations, inequalities and methods for their solution"

Name of course topics

Total hours

Methods for solving systems of equations

General information about equations, inequalities and their systems


Trigonometric equations and inequalities

Methods for solving inequalities. Testing.


Irrational equations and inequalities. Testing.

Logarithmic and exponential equations and inequalities. Testing.

Non-standard methods for solving equations and inequalities

Equations and inequalities with a parameter

test work

  • An important and useful resource for the graduate is

Open bank of USE assignments

Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI)

The Bank hosts a large number of tasks used in

compiling variants of KIM USE in all academic subjects.

For ease of use, the tasks are grouped into thematic headings.

You can prepare for exams by topic, paying special attention to sections that cause difficulty.

  • educational Dmitry Gushchin’s system “I DECIDE THE USE »

All-Russian project School of the Digital Age Publishing House "First of September"

Job directory. Application of the derivative to the study of functions

Possible options for working with the resource

Students decide on their own in a separate notebook, which is shown in the next lesson.

Time is free, there is an opportunity to use reference material

They decide online in real time, check the answers, send a screenshot to me in private messages.

After home training,

assessment work.

Literature used in the lessons and in the elective subject.

The collection of tasks for the USE 2015 in mathematics at the basic and profile levels contains:

The collection contains 4000 tasks of the Unified State Examination in Mathematics.

The book will allow you to prepare for any prototype from tasks 1-14 (profile level) and 1-20 (basic level).

The collection contains answers to tasks

USE 2015. Mathematics. 30 variants of standard test tasks and 800 tasks of part 2 (C). Ed. Yashchenko I.V

Chapter I of the book contains 30 variants of sets of standard test tasks in mathematics, compiled taking into account all the features and requirements of the 2015 Unified State Exam. Chapter II of the book separately presents qualitative information about the tasks in Part 2 and an extensive selection of problems in Part 2, arranged on all topics of school mathematics. The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of control measuring materials in mathematics, the degree of difficulty of tasks. The authors of the manual are leading experts who are directly involved in the development of methodological materials for preparing for the implementation of control measuring materials for the exam. The collection contains answers to all test options, provides solutions to all tasks of part 2 of one of the options, as well as answers to all tasks of part 2 of chapter II of the book. In addition, examples of forms used in the exam for recording answers and decisions are given. The manual can be used by teachers to prepare students for the exam in mathematics in the form of the Unified State Examination, as well as high school students and applicants - for self-training and self-control.

Little tricks"

Theorem Pika . Let B be the number of integer points inside the polygon, Г be the number of integer points on its boundary, then the equality


In the figure B=23, D=7, we have

S=23+7/2-1=25.5 square units

A (x 1; y 1), B (x 2; y 2) - integer coordinates of the tangent point

TIPS, which will help to avoid elementary mistakes when solving the exam in mathematics.

  • Tip #1: Don't rush! Why hurry? Trust me, there will be plenty of time.
  • Tip number 2: All calculations should be done ONLY in writing!

Set aside a separate draft sheet. It will serve as your calculator. Those. you will only do the calculations here. Basically a column.

  • Tip #3: Check it out!

If you get an answer - be sure to substitute it in the conditions of the problem. If it satisfies these conditions, then it is correct. In some problems, you just need to double-check the calculations.

How to check YOURSELF? Take another draft sheet and AGAIN do the calculations. Don't peek at the 1st solution! And then check with the 1st calculations.

  • Tip #4: Try to solve any problem!

I often hear things like this: Oh, I can't figure this out... «, « I'll skip this task because I don't understand" etc. Listen, stop making excuses! Just admit that Laziness is stronger than the desire to strain your brain a little.

  • Tip #5: Write out formulas!

Before solving the problem - write the desired formula on the draft on the side. And, looking at the formula, decide! For example, we started solving B8. On the side of the draft, we immediately write out our main connection: k = f'(x) = tgα. And then we start to solve B8.

  • Tip #6: Get enough sleep before the exam!

Go to bed at 22.00. Do not sit late for textbooks, collect everything in the evening: a passport, 2 gel pens, a ruler, cribs (how without them?), water and chocolate.

Take confidence and self-control with you.

Everything will work out! I wish you good luck on the exam!

To be continued

Thank you for your attention!

Geometry is one of the branches of mathematics where the presence of spatial thinking is important. However, not everyone has it, so it is necessary to at least see the required drawing in front of your eyes in order to understand what is said in the problem or in the theorem. It is difficult to explain all the subtleties of this exact science in words, and the inscription of each figure on the board takes a lot of time. The best way out is to use a multimedia presentation on geometry. These presentations are focused on preparing high school students for the successful passing of the Unified State Exam in Mathematics. The presentations present solutions to problems No. 16.

The municipal trial exam in biology is held in the format of the Unified State Examination in all schools in the district.

The work consists of 2 variants of 28 tasks each. The file with the correct answers is present.

Target audience: for grade 11

Tasks No. 5,12,13 (C1) in the profile level of the Unified State Examination relate to the topic of logarithms.
The collection contains solutions and answers to each task. There is theoretical material and useful tips.

Target audience: for grade 11

EOR "Preparation for task No. 7 of the USE in the Russian language (lesson 1) is aimed at independent preparation for task 7 of the USE (grammatical syntactic norms, norms of agreement and control). The material discusses such types of violation of the norm as the incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition and without; misuse of sentences with inconsistent application. The presentation contains examples of the erroneous use of sentences, the corrected version and the rules.

Target audience: for grade 11

This collection includes over 70 slides related to the ser. XIII - the end of the XVI centuries.
The presentation includes both portraits of famous figures of this era, as well as examples of monuments of architecture, painting, etc.

The rules for using the collection are the same:

Target audience: for grade 11

In the first issue of our beloved manual - images for the period IX - early. 13th century

It is worth remembering that:
1) Not all possible illustrations are collected here, the search process for which can tend to infinity.
2) The selection is solely the author's point of view on the required minimum of images for the exam in history.
3) The study of culture should not be reduced only to the assimilation of the material presented.

Target audience: for grade 11

This video was prepared by a teacher of mathematics and computer science of the State Educational Institution of the Republic of Estonia "Babayurt Boarding School No. 11" Adzhamatova Gulnara Mavletovna.

In this video, an explanation of task number 4 on probability. Assignment from the Unified State Exam 2017, profile level, edited by I.V. Yashchenko. Option number 25

Target audience: for grade 11

This presentation is intended to prepare students in grades 10-11 for implementation. tasks 5 (paronyms). As a rule, students easily find lexical errors in the use of paronyms, but find it difficult to find a replacement for them. In order to memorize paronyms from the dictionary presented in the demo version of 2017, this presentation was created. It consists of 7 parts, each of which should be used in one lesson or consultation. Cards are attached to each part of the presentation, allowing the teacher to control the preparedness of students.

Target audience: for grade 11

In 2017, the exam in biology has undergone significant changes. Tasks with a short answer in the form of one digit corresponding to the number of the correct answer were excluded from the examination paper. The number of tasks has been reduced from 40 to 28. The maximum primary score has been reduced from 61 in 2016 to 59 in 2017. Part 1 includes new types of tasks that differ significantly in types of learning activities: filling in the missing elements of a diagram or table, finding correctly indicated symbols in the figure, analysis and synthesis of information, including those presented in the form of graphs, charts and tables with statistical data. In this work, I propose to consider tasks No. 1, 3, 6, which are estimated at 1 point.

Target audience: for grade 11

An electronic educational resource was created to prepare graduates to write an essay-reasoning using a template. The template will help students cope with task 25 of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, follow the logic of constructing an utterance and avoid speech repetitions in creative work. EER is recommended for students in grades 10-11.

Target audience: for grade 11

An electronic educational resource provides material for self-preparation of students for task 12 of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. The presentation contains the necessary theoretical information and tasks for self-examination. The resource will be useful for both students and teachers.

Target audience: for grade 11

Electronic educational resource containing exemplary questions, contexts and justifications for comparison on the following topics “Man and nature in Russian literature; the theme of the duel in Russian literature; the image of the city in Russian literature; dream motif in Russian literature; theme of Russian history in Russian literature. This material will help graduates prepare for task 9 (C2) in the exam in literature. The presentation can be used both in class and in self-preparation for the exam.

Target audience: for grade 11

An electronic educational resource containing sample questions, contexts and justifications for comparison on the following topics: "The theme of "fathers and children" in Russian literature; the theme of creativity in Russian literature; man and war in Russian literature; satirical images in Russian literature." This material will help graduates prepare for task 9 (C2) in the exam in literature. The presentation can be used both in class and in self-preparation for the exam.

Target audience: for grade 11

An electronic educational resource containing sample questions, contexts and justifications for comparison on the topic "Types of Problem Heroes in Russian Literature". This material will help graduates prepare for task 9 (C2) in the exam in literature. The presentation can be used both in class and in self-preparation for the exam.

Target audience: for grade 11

The electronic resource is a material for self-preparation for task number 10. The presentation discusses the rules for writing vowels in suffixes of different parts of speech. Examples of training tasks with answers are offered, the algorithm for completing task 10. The presentation will be useful for both students and teachers.

Target audience: for grade 11