Bad after removing damage. How to behave after treatment for spoilage. What happens when the negative is removed from the field

... Somehow she was treated by a healer for damage. After removing the damage, a neighbor came to me in the evening and said: “I'm sorry.” I wondered why? And she: "Well, I'm sorry!" What did she mean? Do you forgive?

When you get rid of corruption with the help of a sorcerer, healer or healer, the aggressor has a chance to return the sorcerous strike to you within three days after removing the corruption. It is for this purpose that the creators of corruption sometimes show obvious activity in the first days after you visit a specialist in the field of witchcraft. Those who are commonly called black witches come to you after removing the damage with one or another request: give matches, give money, give thread, give flour, etc. Give something, all evil will be returned to you, and witches will turn can not only to the one who was treated for damage, but also to any of his relatives living together.

Not without reason, many people, not needing special instructions, take seriously the well-known rule: within three days after removing damage or treatment from a sorcerer (or grandmother), do not give anything from home. Those who do not adhere to this condition can be very difficult to help, sometimes even impossible. Most grandmothers refuse to continue treatment if a person gave something to someone after the session. Grandma will not even need to tell anything, she herself will know everything by some signs known to her.

There is another way to return the curse to your victim. after removal of damage: come and say: "I'm sorry." But this is not at all sincere repentance, but a cunning trick. If you forgive the witch, you will again take the witch's blow. Be sure to say in this case: “May God forgive you!” and do not talk about anything else with the witch, let him go. Do not try to question her, seeking explanations and confessions! The attacker does not want forgiveness, but deliverance from troubles and suffering that will fall back on her head with a reverse blow. But the black witch must go through painful retribution, for she fully deserved it!

At Epiphany, one of our acquaintances undertook to consecrate water to us and in the morning brought a jar of water, but we had some doubt about the “holiness” of both the familiar water and the water she brought. And soon the water bloomed, turned green at the bottom. We took out the water and left it in the yard, but we don’t know how to get rid of it with the obligatory condition that that very friend gets what she deserves.

No, I do not share the position of the spineless saints who, quoting the Bible, call on everyone and for everything to forgive. Kindness should not be stupid! I am not inclined to sincerely believe that it is possible to love your enemies. Why love them? But we have the right to love ourselves and, in order not to harm ourselves, it would be good for us to learn to throw ideas of revenge out of our heads. If we forget about our enemies, we will thus prevent them from badly influencing our happiness and health.

After removing the corruption, getting rid of curses, black witchcraft returns to its creator and takes on him. It will happen by itself, like a piece of toasted bread popping out of an electric toaster. But you should not rub your hands in anticipation of revenge!

By the way, in the described case with water, everything could be simpler than the author of the letter thought: her friend could break, forget, or for some other reason not bring a jar of holy water and give a jar of tap water instead. If the water is really sanctified, then at least for a year it will not deteriorate. Spoiled water should be poured under any tree on the street, and the jar should be thrown away. If, after this, a friend comes running and asks for something, then you were not mistaken in your suspicions about her involvement in witchcraft.

If you want to protect yourself from damage and return the evil to your friend - do not give her anything!
V. Khazan

A series of special seminars continues in Crimea.
Today we present the leader of the next, May, seminar - Larisa Vershinskaya, diagnostician, bioenergy therapist, bioenergy rehabilitation specialist.

— Dealing with this issue for more than 20 years, I came to the conclusion that the cause of many diseases and pathological conditions is an energy-negative effect. It can be from simple negative messages to the most complex programs aimed at defeating a person morally and physically.
This action can be viewed as karmic on the part of those who do it, but perhaps the participants (and there are usually two of them - the one who conceived the negative action and the one who is a knowledgeable performer) do not fully know the full depth of their actions. After all, their "work" sometimes ends in severe pathological conditions, and sometimes in the death of a person.
- What aura should be normal, and how are the signs of damage in the aura detected?
- Normally, the aura is even. Its quality and glow depend on the level of development of a person, his character. If there is damage, the aura is distorted in shape, it has deformations of various sizes, shapes and intensities. The glow is fading. With urgent damage, the aura is sharply distorted and reduced. Negativity can cover half of the aura. Energy drops to 40-32%. If there is a further suction of energy (vampirism that made damage) - up to 28%, and then there may be a loss of consciousness. It is necessary to intervene immediately, remove the damage, give the affected person a large amount of energy.
Recovery depends on the severity of the pathology and the duration of exposure to such damage.
- How does damage manifest itself on the physical plane, what happens to the body?
The destructive program of damage can be expressed in the slow or rapid extinction of a person, in the unusualness of a disease or condition when doctors cannot figure out the diagnosis. Sometimes there are serious diseases that medicine considers incurable (oncology, leukemia, cardiomyopathy, lymphostasis, fast-growing pathologies leading to failure of organs and systems).
The first manifestations of the organism being affected by the energy-negative program are associated with physiological disorders, as the body falls into an energy deficit, and a very severe one at that. Not only does a negative program for a certain disease work, but latent or sluggish diseases become aggravated in a person, discomfort, headaches and other pains, nausea, and ischemic syndrome appear.
Energy drops by 45-60%, and sometimes more, if the one who carries out the negative program is a vampire with periodic powerful energy replenishment.
There is weakness, fatigue, weakness, irritability, tearfulness, and all this against the background of general health. Working capacity decreases, fear appears (but not always). There are pains of various localization, sometimes a spastic syndrome of an organ that is in energy deficiency. Insomnia or poor sleep. Feeling of tension, discomfort. Unstable blood pressure. There are dystonic symptoms.
Sometimes the disease arises and grows unnaturally quickly. The eyes of a person affected by corruption are cloudy, dull.
Such diseases begin most often with dystonia. Laboratory studies give nothing or very little information. Treatment in such cases does not help at all or helps little, as it interferes with a working negative program aimed at the progression of the condition. It works continuously and continuously. If this negative program is not removed in the early stages, physiological changes can develop into organic ones, chronic diseases of organs and systems occur, which last for years and do not always end favorably.
- And what diseases can be caused by spoilage?
- It is almost any disease. It all depends on the imagination, desire and skill of the sorcerer, on his qualifications.
l Often the disease begins with dystonic manifestations (VSD)
l Diseases of the kidneys. Up to the terrible melting of the substance of the kidneys.
l All types of oncology (benign tumors, cancer, lymphocytic leukemia and other blood diseases).
l Chronic failures in everything.
l Diseases of the female genital area (inflammatory, cyst formation, infertility, etc.)
l Chronic fatigue syndrome.
l Severe alcoholism.
l Nervous and mental diseases.
l Sudden fleeting misfortunes (injuries, accidents, breaks in the family with complete well-being, the rapid formation of tumors or stones in the kidneys and gallbladder).
l Death under unusual circumstances. Sometimes in full health.
Tell me what types of damage are.
- Damage can be mild, moderate, severe and very severe, with a rapid increase in symptoms, fainting associated with a powerful suction of energy, and a negative ending, if special assistance is not provided.
Damage can be family, when several generations are affected at once, which stretch into the distant past. There are corruptions that affect the generation of 1:5, 1:16, that is, stretching through the ages and being realized in our time. But now such corruption is karmically coming to an end, and such people are most often the last, completing the defeat of the family. The condition here is unusual, severe, sometimes associated with damage to the psyche. The destruction here is huge and heterogeneous, associated with entities of a high dark plane.
Damage can be external and internal. External - exo-corruption, when the current negative principle is in the human aura or further. They have a different shape, sometimes there are essences. Internal - endospoil, associated with the ingestion of negatives with food, drink inside the body. Sometimes negatives are associated with the involvement of various kinds of entities. In this case, one can see blackness on the organs, damage by blackness to blood elements, joints, intercellular spaces. In this case, severe systemic lesions occur, associated with complex symptoms, a severe course, and not always a good end.
— So, entities can live and grow in a person?
- Essences that enter the body are small, large and can be palpated as bumps, bumps. If the entities are large, they can mimic pregnancy or a tumor. All entities are alive, subtle and denser. Sometimes there is nausea, discomfort in the abdomen, a feeling of fullness. A person can be diagnosed with a tumor process. Entities live, multiply, squeeze the organs, causing pain. It is difficult to differentiate tumor from entities. Sometimes, when removing an entity, the histologist cannot figure out what it is on the cut, and does not give a definite conclusion. A tumor is more strongly connected with a person, since it grows from his tissues (a certain organ), and the essence attaches to him and can multiply.
External damage can be without essences and with essences, but of a different plane (only subtle). This essence is attracted by a spell from the Subtle World and is “attached” by it to a person. She almost can't leave. There are often nervous disorders, fears, sometimes very strong, mental disorders. Under the influence of healers, the entities of the subtle plane are hidden. They experience strong animal fear, nervousness, which are transmitted to humans. He (the struck one) has fear, a desire to run away somewhere, to hide. In this case, it is also necessary to remove the damage, then the essence goes to its level, and the person returns to normal.
These damages are heavy, and not many healers can really remove them. Such damage is done by magicians of a high dark plan. Only very "high" and qualified healers undertake to shoot such programs.
- Not so long ago I heard that there is a "technocratic" defeat of a person. What do you know about it?
- One of the rarest human lesions is "technocratic", associated with extraordinary symptoms. Almost all healers are powerless here, with the exception of a few, but they must be sought. If ordinary healers take on such defeats, they are affected themselves and require help as well. They must clearly know what can be filmed with their level of development, and what absolutely cannot be done.
Often difficult to cure cases of alcoholism, drug addiction and smoking are also associated with energy-negative programs. Very often, the state of "delirious tremens" is associated with damage to alcohol. Such patients drink a lot, stubbornly, for a long time and cannot leave their "hobby", even if they want to. More often these damage with the use of entities. Large doses of alcohol thin the nervous system so much that a person begins to see entities of a subtle plane - devils (macro- and micro-hallucinations) that are "tied" to him by spells. A person sees them, feels fear. He tries to run away from them and hide.
Medical shock therapy can scare them away. They temporarily and not far away, but then return, because. the program is not removed! Alcoholic patients are trying to code. The program-code is set for a year. In this case, spoilage on an alcoholic does not work for a year, and as soon as the anti-alcohol coding is removed, the person starts drinking again, i.e. the program of spoilage on the use of alcohol begins the destructive action again. It is necessary to remove this program, only then alcohol addiction will go away.
- Can every healer remove damage?
- Damage can be very complex, and not all healers can handle it. It all depends on the qualifications of the healer, his experience, the admission to deal with these negatives. The higher the qualification of the healer, the more complex negative programs he can remove and restore a person. If the healer's qualifications are lower, he will work on these negatives longer and remove them in more sessions. In order for a psychic to be able to remove energy-negative information of various degrees and severity, he must have experience in this area, be able to clear himself, and his field must be at least 10 times stronger than the patient's field. Psychics do not really want to do this "dirty business", because. in case of any violations, they can take the negatives upon themselves. Then he himself will have to be cleansed by fire, water, prayers.
- Tell us about the recovery period.
- It depends on how long a person was struck by energy-negative information, what is the nature of the damage, what diseases or pathological conditions it caused and how severe. If you remove energy-negative information and do nothing else, the body slowly begins to recover. The recovery rate depends on the potential of the body - physical and energy. This will take 3 to 8 months. If you remove the damage, fill the body with clean energy and treat the consequences of damage, pathological conditions and diseases pass quickly - from 3 to 18 days.
The patient, after removing the spoilage, should fully eat, swim in living reservoirs, be in the sun more often, have more positive emotions. His gaze becomes clear, clean, a pleasant relaxation appears. Appetite improves, mood improves.
- What happens after the damage is removed?
- After removing the negatives, they return by karma to the one who made it. This person begins to feel bad and get sick. If he is experienced, he will try to return the damage. Sometimes the same patient with returned damage comes to the healer. The healer repeats the removal of negative information and warns the patient that he should not take food and household items from suspicious people for 7-10 days, or even more, so that the damage does not return. Sometimes sorcerers can return damage pointlessly. It happens that sorcerers try to return damage up to several times. Once they get enough returns, they don't do it anymore. Each return blow to karma can no longer be 1:1, but 1:3, 1:5 and more.
— Larisa, can you give some example from your practice?
— A young man from Uzbekistan came to Crimea. He is a sculptor by profession. There was no decent work, and he got a job at the cemetery to make monuments. Once, while erecting a monument, he had a drink with friends and fell asleep on a nearby grave. Woke up insane. Imagine: to become insane in 1.5 hours! No one in the family had this. My brother took him to a psychotherapist, who called me and asked me to take a look. A handsome young man had never been ill before. It turned out that he fell asleep on the grave of a witch and that from the astral struck him in the most terrible way. I had to treat this difficult patient.
By removing energy-negative information from patients who turn to a psychotherapist, we have achieved that not a single patient was sent to a psycho-hospital.
- And if you turn to the church for help, to the priest?
- If you go to church and pray, the damage will gradually go away, but this takes a lot of time. Sometimes 3 or more years. You have a choice, and everyone acts according to the dictates of his heart and trust in the healer. Prayers should never be excluded, candles too, washing with holy water.
- Tell me, what if a person who “does” nasty things himself turns to you for help?
- You can’t remove energy-negative information if the one who made it turned to you for help, and when it was cleared, it returned to him by karma. Here the disease comes as a karmic punishment. If he has an urgent condition, they are only allowed to level the holes in the aura so that nothing terrible happens. However, he must admit his guilt. Further with such a person it will be more difficult - has he come to realization? Have you repented of your actions? A person engaged in "contamination" of people with energy-negative information for a long time can become very sick himself. Women are more likely to suffer from gynecological diseases. This is God's punishment, i.e. the karma of this person - what he earned, he received.
— What is your advice to the readers of The Secret Doctrine?
- You need to be attentive to yourself and to your friends.
Do not hesitate to contact a healer who knows how to remove energy-negative information and will help to avoid the development of pathological changes and conditions. You need to know such healers. Usually they have experience and many people know them. If there was help to one, there is a transfer to another. It's good when you know what to do!
Lead a healthy, spiritual lifestyle. Such people are usually benevolent, cheerful, less disposed to conflicts, and there is less desire to hit them.
Go to church, pray, be sure to attend the liturgy. This is purification and energy protection from negatives with high Divine energy.
Do not communicate with people who are intuitively unpleasant for you. They can carry potential evil or be reincarnated as a negative beginning for you, which has already brought evil in the past. Do not enter into conflict with such people in order to avoid negative actions on their part.
Bathe in the shower twice a day (water relieves pressure and night negatives).
Bathe in living reservoirs (sea, lake, river), where cleaning and replenishment of clean energy take place.
It is possible, if you feel the ability, to be charged with energy from the Sun, from emitting trees.
Healthy nutrition - vegetables, fruits, dairy products, grains - the key to a healthy life.

Removing a curse is a complex and lengthy process that can take more than one week. It is not enough just to carry out an energy cleansing, the removal of damage consists of careful preparation, a powerful ritual and protection of the victim of the evil eye after the ceremony. What happens after the damage is removed? An important factor determining the future life of a person is his condition in the first days after a secret magical action. Before cleaning the energy, the victim needs to know what to do after removing the damage and how to protect themselves from energy attacks in the future?

The complex process of removing the curse

What happens after the damage is removed? When a person agrees to conduct a secret ritual, he accepts all the conditions under which magic will work. Purification is carried out by a woman, a man, a magician or a novice. What is important is not so much the instrument as the presentation and attitude of all participants in the ritual. The time spent fighting corruption will pay off with a full life without outside influence. After a long preparation (the victim is freed from physical, spiritual blocks and negativity), the day of the ceremony comes.

You can choose absolutely any ritual for removing the evil eye, from which the victim does not “turn back”. A person who has been subjected to a strong negative should start from internal preferences, from his own instinct and intuition. All the time while the ceremony is being performed, and magic spells are being read, the victim lets go of resentment, regrets and fears. Only strong personalities are able to survive the first days after the removal of the curse. As soon as the time comes for independent struggle, all the volitional qualities of a person should be activated.

The first days after the removal of the evil eye

Any person can become a customer of cleansing magic. There are as many reasons for inducing a curse as there are secret desires of other people: enemies, envious people, ill-wishers. Any experienced magician will confirm that after damage, all the negativity does not go away. From the long-term impact of a negative program on a person’s home or workspace, it is not so easy to remove all the “roots” of the evil eye. It depends on the behavior of the victim after removing the damage, how quickly she will regain control of her own life.

How does a person feel in the first days after the ritual of removing spoilage? In real life, magical healing from a curse doesn't come in a second. You can understand that the ritual of removing damage was successful after a few days. In the first days, the victim feels small symptoms after the ritual:

  • malaise (the customer plans several days of rest after removing the damage);
  • severe headaches, dizziness, migraines;
  • nausea, sometimes severe vomiting;
  • a feeling of fear that is difficult to get rid of (it goes away over time);
  • prolonged yawning and drowsiness.

Every person who has suffered a terrible fate - to feel the damage, lives through the days of weakness with the belief that the ritual works gradually. If from the first days a person feels good, then there was no damage at all, or the rite did not help the victim. The magician works with the customer even after the ritual.

The evil eye is removed again if the symptoms after the ceremony threaten a person's life. Deteriorated health suggests that the negative does not want to leave the home or body of a person. Corruption literally resists lapel charms.

Identification of damage after the rite: the first signs of a strong curse

How can damage be determined? Not every payoff or ritual works unconditionally. A sorcerer or an experienced magician does not give the victim any guarantees. Prior to the cleansing rite, neither the sorcerer nor the magician can predict the behavior of that evil eye, which was fueled by hatred for a single day.

The victim may manifest a curse that returned back or was not completely removed. Cleansing is a good procedure, but sometimes it is not enough to say goodbye to the curse. The most difficult cleansing of ancestral curses that have been working for decades. The sorcerer selects a ritual that works from powerful attributes.

Strong Curse Diagnosis

It is not only possible, but also necessary for every person to understand whether the rite worked or not. For the victim, the result of cleansing actions is important, and not the process itself, therefore, malaise and severe headaches may not indicate a leaving evil eye, but a curse that continues to work. Symptoms that the victim should be concerned about:

  • severe runny nose or cough for no reason;
  • severe vomiting, symptoms of intoxication of the body;
  • insomnia;
  • paranoia that only intensifies.

All these symptoms can be summed up in one picture - the cleaning did not work, but the curse remained. The behavior of the victim in such a situation determines the further struggle, if a person does not give up, he agrees to repeated strong rituals.

You can remove the evil eye from yourself at home. If the temperature rose sharply from the home ritual, chills appeared or the pressure changed, the negative did not go away. Feeling unwell is a signal. He talks about the success of the rite, about how strong the damage was, about the power of the victim's energy. Only an experienced magician can recognize in simple signals signs of a working negative program or the absence of the desired effect after the rite.

Manifestations of the effects of a curse

At the energy level, the induced negative program is an illness, a disease of the soul, which manifests itself in all spheres of the personality's activity. Human life consists of personal and professional achievements. Any negativity that is around a person spoils his personal, professional, creative life.

The consequences of a lingering evil eye, from which they did not get rid of for a long period:

  • devastation (the victim feels that he has lost something important and fundamental);
  • apathy (weakness is accompanied by depression);
  • life seems difficult, and difficulties insurmountable;
  • inertia (a person feels that he cannot get out of a vicious circle).

The life of the object of the evil eye is so intertwined with negativity that it is very difficult to get rid of the feeling of loss in the first days after the removal of the evil eye. The victim will suffer from devastation, because the curse occupied a significant place in his biofield. Do not allow yourself to unstick in the first days after cleaning. Any weakness and apathy will be temporary, and things will soon get better.

The protection provided will allow you not to worry that the evil eye may return. An experienced magician works with the customer, who knows about the consequences of removing severe damage.

How does damage go away

If the customer has survived the first difficult days of removing the evil eye, things improve a little. A person feels how every day the burden leaves the soul. Moving away from confusion and depression, there is a slight improvement in well-being. Before that, a person could not enjoy life or fully rejoice, and in the first weeks from the reprimand of the curse, euphoria appears (insignificant, but very noticeable against the general background).

Depending on the type of damage, a person gets rid of accumulated problems. Things are going uphill, and personal life is no longer disturbed by constant problems. During this period, you can not radically change your usual work or partner. It is necessary to move towards new achievements gradually, without haste. If it was not possible to determine “it was possible to remove the damage before or not”, the first weeks after the end of the ceremony will become decisive. Damage is being removed, like any phenomenon in the universe - harmoniously and in stages. Do not jump to conclusions or rush.

What will help speed up the energy cleansing process

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of myths and scary stories about how a curse can go away. Any experienced magician will advise not to make a procession out of corruption. Corruption takes a lot from a person, and it is not at all necessary to help her in this. The curse is lifted in a day, a month, a year - it doesn’t really matter if a person is determined to become the master of his own life.

How the evil eye leaves a person

What happens when the negativity leaves? Everything that defined a person, his personal or professional life, disappears. The person bears a great responsibility for their own future. There is no one else to rely on and whom to blame for their own failures.

After the removal of any curse comes a moment of insight, self-knowledge. It is important not to miss the chance to step on the path that a man or woman has been looking for for a long time.

The ritual of cleansing and restoring the damaged aura is a magical rite, which, like any similar procedure, has its consequences.

Let's talk about what feelings, after cleaning the biofield by a clairvoyant or esoteric, the person experienced by the specialist. We will consider all possible sensations and "side" effects, tell you how they manifest themselves and what they mean.

Condition immediately after cleaning the biofield

If a good specialist in bioenergetics worked on a person, and during the magical procedure all the negativity accumulated in the person's aura was removed, the state of the latter cannot be good. And even vice versa, excellent well-being can be called an “alarm bell”, indicating that the negative effect on the aura has not been eliminated or has not been completely eliminated.

The process of clearing the energy field can be compared to the process of recovery after a severe and protracted illness. Such diseases are never cured immediately, and for some time a person is in a state of adaptation, while his health gradually returns to normal.

The more the aura was damaged, and the stronger the magical effect was, the worse the person's health will be immediately after cleaning the biofield. So, for example, the “side effect” of removing damage caused by a professional magician will cause a person much more discomfort than the procedure for cleaning the aura after suffering emotional stress.

Symptoms that occur after an energy cleansing

Let's take a look at the most common symptoms that a person may experience after being worked on by a bioenergy specialist. Remember that they must be treated precisely as a passing discomfort, which is an indicator that the magical ritual was carried out correctly.

The main symptoms that may occur are:

  • Feeling tired
  • Drowsiness
  • Headache or mild dizziness
  • desire to cry

These unpleasant sensations appear in most cases immediately after the cleaning has been completed. They do not pose any health hazard, so you do not need to fight them. If you want to sleep - just lie down and sleep, if there is tearfulness - let yourself cry, if your head hurts - take a walk in the fresh air or take a pill for a headache.

When a strong negative was directed at a person, and large holes and breakdowns formed in his aura, which the specialist successfully “darned”, after cleaning he may experience more serious symptoms, for example:

  • Cough and runny nose;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Stomach upset;
  • Pressure surges;
  • Increase in body temperature.

There is no particular need to treat these symptoms, because after a couple of days they will disappear on their own, but if you feel too much discomfort, it’s better to lie down for a day or two at home, take the appropriate medications or use folk remedies.

So, to reduce the temperature, you can drink linden or raspberry tea, to eliminate stomach problems - a decoction of oak bark, to normalize pressure - green tea and special herbal preparations.

There is another sign that the cleaning of the biofield was successful. But it usually appears only in people with hypersensitivity. It is usually difficult to describe in words: those who experienced this sensation characterize it as a non-physical feeling, as if some kind of ethereal substance was leaving the body.

Emotional sensations after cleansing the aura

Purification of the biofield is reflected in the emotional background of a person. So, for example, many say that in the first few days after the ritual they felt some kind of internal devastation, a feeling that the physical body had parted with something familiar to it.

This happens because a person who has been under a negative influence for a long time gets used to the state caused by it, and, having freed himself from negative influences, feels differently. The period of adaptation to this "new", but in fact the "old" state can take up to several weeks.

Some people feel that the whole world around them becomes brighter, acquires new colors, joy in life appears, negative thoughts disappear and positive thoughts come in their place. But most of the past note that such a state does not occur in the first days, but a little later.

What should alert after cleaning the biofield?

There are some signs that indicate that the magical ritual was carried out incorrectly and the negative was not removed at all or was not completely eliminated. So, for example, this can be indicated by the absence of any changes in the physical and emotional state of a person.

If you feel great after removing a serious negative, such as damage, this is not a good sign.

It is a completely different matter if a bioenergy specialist performed a small cleaning in the absence of serious damage to the aura - then the absence of deterioration in well-being immediately after the ritual is allowed.

Another serious sign of the improper conduct of the cleansing rite is the deterioration of the physical and emotional and physical condition, which is not on the decline, but on the increase. Normally, the feeling of discomfort should decrease every day and gradually fade away. If it's the other way around, that's cause for concern.

If your health does not return to normal within a few weeks, this is a reason to seek a second consultation with the specialist who cleaned your biofield. It is possible that you will need to repeat the magical ritual.

Now, after you have learned what feelings a person usually experiences after cleaning the biofield by a clairvoyant, you can independently diagnose your physical and emotional state in order to understand whether it is normal. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the bioenergy specialist you worked with for clarification. Only a specialist can determine if something suddenly went wrong.

The definition of spoilage is a long process that takes place against the backdrop of a strong psycho-emotional reaction of the victim. Evil resists, and even the strongest purification ritual has a number of unpleasant symptoms. What happens to a person after removing the damage: his behavior changes, he does not immediately return to his former life, because the cancellation of the sent influence has its own period of recovery and magical rehabilitation.

Removal of spoilage is accompanied by severe symptoms

The process of removing spoilage

When the negative comes out, a violent reaction of the body manifests itself. It is based on the fact that evil, sent through rituals, opposes its nature. The stronger the binding made by the enemy, the harder it is to get rid of the negative. Man is surrounded by energy: it creates the atmosphere and conditions for life. When an outsider interferes with this structure, the physical and mental state of the victim changes. She no longer belongs to herself: everything she does and even thinks is dictated by someone else's influence.

When the evil eye comes out with the help of one of the rituals, the first consequences of removing the damage appear. This is a normal reaction, without which it is not necessary to talk about the effectiveness of the ceremony. The evil eye is literally burned out of the body: the program that has been working for a certain period of time is changing. There is a transformation, a return to the old life, so the negative consequences of withdrawal must be accepted.

If a person suffers for several weeks after a report, such a reaction indicates a complex and strong program. The curse cannot be removed the first time. What happens to the victim is he tries to take the victim to the grave. Such a person needs long-term magical treatment: purification is carried out, several rites are performed, and strong protection is placed.

Victim's reaction to withdrawal

In the first days after the removal of the evil eye, the victim does not feel significant changes. Her body is still following the negative program. Symptoms decrease only with time, you can not expect instant results. Cleanups work faster if the negative program has been running for several days, which has not had time to take root.

General symptoms of the evil eye cancellation in the first days after the lapel:

  • sleep improves - this is one of the most positive signs that the evil eye is no more;
  • a person feels powerless, but unlike the influence of negativity, it does not lead to the appearance - the mood of the victim is much better;
  • there is a restructuring of the body - at first nausea is observed, but the body tries to recover.

What happens after the removal of spoilage: the first symptoms of removing the evil eye are mild. If it is easier for the victim, then against the background of negative reactions, a man or woman cannot appreciate positive changes. After the evil eye, it is important to wait out the recovery period and not lose hope for a quick recovery.

Recovery period

It will take time to get better. Recovery is accelerated if the victim is strong in spirit. In most cases, all the consequences of strong evil eye require repeated rituals. Such a process takes at least a month, the same amount is required for rehabilitation. After removing the spoilage, a visit to the doctors is not excluded.

Treatment of the body and soul is necessary for people who cannot cope with difficulties alone. This recovery is taking a long time. If within 1-2 months it does not get better, recovery is combined with cleaning the house, with making

General withdrawal symptoms

Immediately after the ritual, the victim feels that a change has taken place inside her. If the consequences of a negative program annoyed every day, then immediately after its cancellation, problems disappear. Daily turmoil no longer excites, and the disease goes into remission. The victim feels weak, but he knows that the difficulties are temporary. The main symptom of withdrawal is an improved mood. The victim begins to sincerely believe in favorable changes.

Life does not change in one second. The person feels that not all problems have disappeared. The disease caused concomitant ailments that need to be treated. Other consequences of the evil eye make themselves felt - after a long fast, weakness and apathy remain. After the negativity is canceled, life is restored, starting with thoughts, and only then does the physical condition improve.

Behavior of the victim after the reprimand

The first days the victim of the sent evil can behave unpredictably. She can immerse herself in her own thoughts, withdraw, or try to hide behind external activities. It is impossible to predict how such a person will behave. The victim of corruption after the reprimand is faced with problems: she needs to make amends for conflicts, so the future is scary.

What happens after the damage is removed:

  • a person is trying to return to the previous program - the evil sent has led the person astray;
  • he is confused and confused - it seems to him that magic has stolen part of his life from him;
  • after the treatment of the evil eye, it is difficult to restore social status.

After removing the damage, a person may feel confused

General well-being of the victim

If the evil eye is removed correctly, but without the knowledge of the victim, she becomes worse, which increases mental discomfort. For this reason, it is better when a person knows. Immediately after removal, everything bad comes out of him, so symptoms of severe intoxication appear. General well-being depends on the type of evil eye - if it worked more for a worsened physical condition, then withdrawal symptoms will be especially severe. Life and well-being are restored faster in people whose main purpose of damage was problems at work. It is important for such victims to cope with sudden changes in thinking.

Physiological state

After removing the spoilage, the body hardly accepts food, so intoxication can last up to a week. The body of even a weak victim must recover before the second week: if this does not happen, mistakes were made during the removal of the negative.

The victim begins to behave like another person who does not remember who he was before the sent negativity. Confusion at first should not cause concern. Weak people have a lot of headaches. Diarrhea and nausea are manifested in those who have suffered from spoilage for illness or death. In this way the disease leaves the body.

Mental condition

Life after removal of damage frightens the victim. An important aspect is the psycho-emotional state. The individual no longer knows how to make his own decisions. On a subconscious level, she attributed all the problems to someone else's influence. The restructuring of the psyche is painful if the damage has destroyed the relationship or professional life of a person. She doesn't know who to count on. A person will be able to return to a full existence, but he needs support and protection - after removing the damage, such actions are very important.

After removing the damage, a person needs support

Duration of negativity cancellation

Time is the main criterion for a person who suffers from the sent negativity. A certain period will be required for cleaning. The first stage of release is carried out on the waning moon - in the first phase. After this, several days pass, and the conspirator proceeds to the main rite. In total, the preparation takes about a week.

After the ceremony, it will take time for the spoken attributes to start working. Life is being improved with the help of one or more spells, amulets and amulets are being prepared. Such stages of the abolition of the evil eye take up to 2-3 weeks. Recovery occurs within a month - only then the patient begins to feel a surge of strength. The period of rehabilitation depends on the state of the body and the variety of the induced program.

After removing the damage, the victim goes through several stages of recovery. At the first stage, she becomes worse - she suffers. In the following periods, the normal functioning of the internal organs resumes, mental protection is gradually restored. It will take at least a month to get better.