Page of cups tarot meaning in love. Page of Tarot Cups - meaning in layouts. General psychological characteristics of a person

Page of Cups - Minor Arcana

According to astrology, the Page of Cups corresponds to Venus in the 1st House, which symbolizes reconciliation. In addition, it can be Venus in the 5th House, as a messenger of the pleasure of the game, and regardless of its result. This is a situation where the game is played solely for the sake of the game, and not at all for winning.

Other names for the Page of Cups: Page of Cups, Jack of Cups.

A brief description of the Page of Cups: Pleasure, Fulfillment of desire, Reconciliation, Initiative from others.

Description of the Page of Cups

The classic deck is represented by the Arcana, which depicts a young man in a good mood. His relaxed posture speaks of his carelessness. He is dressed in bright clothes, in which the blue color predominates, symbolizing the purity of thoughts, mind and desires. His head is covered with a blue hat.

In the hands of a young man is a filled goblet, in which a fish is splashing - a symbol of a dream come true. Around it is a beautiful landscape and blooming nature. Behind it is a pond with clean water.

In the Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, we also see a carefree page, but his goblet is filled with a foaming liquid. The young man is covered in a luxurious blue cloak. He is also cheerful and exudes cheerfulness.

The sacred meaning of the Page of Cups

The deep meaning of the Arcana is determined by the image of the page itself. His posture shows that this person is cheerful, happy and carefree. He is in high spirits, even a little overly playful. This indicates that the desire is fulfilled only for someone who is not obsessed with it, but allows the desire to enter his life. In fact, it gives a chance for the fulfillment of desires, this is the meaning of this Arcana.

His headdress is blue. This means that doubts will not cloud the mind of that person. In any case, this is how Rider White implements this idea in his image. All his clothes are also blue. She points to the purity of intentions: he does not wish harm to anyone, he will never stoop to unseemly deeds for the sake of fulfilling his desire. At the same time, he also has red colors in his clothes - this is a passion that he is always ready to direct to the fulfillment of desire.

In the cup, which he holds in his hands, a fish is shown. It denotes a desire that has already come true - a successful result.

The page stands on a sandy beach with its back to the water. This suggests that at the moment, in order to achieve desire, you need to push the emotional side of desire into the background. No need to rush, you just need to choose the right moment. Judgment will help the result, but emotions can affect it negatively.

Mythological correspondence of the Page of Cups

In mythology, the Page of Cups corresponds to the biblical myth of Esau, who forgave Joakov for his deceit. Here he shows a gesture of reconciliation.

The meaning of the direct Page of Cups in the layout

The Page of Cups, like all Pages, has a dual meaning in the layout. When a Page stands next to a picture card (with a King or with a Lady), he will only characterize this figure. We can say that he only describes the character of this person.

An interesting option when the Page falls between two figures. In this case, he will talk about the nature of the relationship between these two figures. As a rule, we are talking about love relationships, and more specifically, about reconciliation.

When the Page of Cups falls out without figures at all, or is removed from it by 2-3 cards, it means precisely a chance, an impulse, an impetus to achieve what a person wants. Pictures in this situation will indicate the person with the help of whom the desire will be achieved. It is from this person that the initiative will come.

In some layouts, the Page shows a dark-haired child, a girl under 16 years old. This is explained by the fact that the Cups belong to the female element - the Element of Water.

The meaning of the reversed Page of Cups in the layout

The inverted Page of Cups, just like the straight one in different positions, gives a different interpretation. When it drops next to a piece, it will also give its characteristics. If without a figure or away from it, this will indicate that there was some kind of chance, but it was missed. Moreover, in the near future such chances are no longer foreseen.

The card says that all situations are affected by the increased emotionality of a person, which becomes his enemy. In this case, a person needs to cope with his emotions and then he will again get a chance to achieve what he wants.

The lasso means that the events taking place in a person’s life require him to make informed decisions, and when the card falls on a child, we can say that the events make him grow up very early.

Arkan also says that a person’s problems arise due to a loss of trust. This can be caused by strange behavior that is not perceived by others. They consider it inadequate.

Direction of self-development

If this card falls on self-development, then a person needs to pay attention to what signs come to him from the outside. Most often, this comes from people who are friendly towards him, who voluntarily or involuntarily help him figure out all the problems.

This card also indicates that a person needs to learn how to open up to people. He must learn to communicate about his problems without holding back or holding them back.

Very often, the Page of Cups says that a person is in the state of a child, and in order to move along the path, he needs to find an authoritative teacher, guide, mentor.

Another point is the need for meditative work. He must learn to enter into a state of bliss, pleasure.

The inverted Arkan shows that a person is not in the best position now: he has closed himself off from society and from problems. He tries to solve problems with the help of lies, but, as a rule, he begins to lie to himself. In order to follow the path of self-development, a person must realize his true essence and try to turn the Arkan over - open up to people, become honest and friendly towards them.

The lasso indicates that a person comes out of childhood, becoming more cunning and sophisticated: if he used to fantasize, now he is openly lying.


In the layouts for working moments, Arkan says that a person has some chances, he just needs to see who takes the initiative and helps him achieve some results.

The work itself in the case of the Page of Cups brings pleasure, he likes what he does, fully satisfies the relationship in the team. He goes to work like a holiday, sometimes even more to entertain himself: work for him is an interesting pastime.

Another thing is if the Page of Cups falls on a potential employer or boss. The card means that they trust a person, participate in his fate, try to advance in his career or allow him to earn more. They do this for the reason that they experience some kind of attraction, most often of a sexual nature.

For the team, the Page of Cups means a friendly, cheerful, strong team. As a rule, relations are maintained not only business, but also friendly. In such a team, joint trips are most often found, holidays are celebrated brightly, loudly and cheerfully.

An inverted Page of Cups indicates a complete lack of satisfaction from one's work. It does not bring money, there are no achievements. This, in fact, is sitting out your pants in an unloved and low-paid job.

In a team characterized by the Page of Cups, deceit, set-ups, and intrigues flourish. Employees live on their own, and everyone hid in his impenetrable shell. The only thing that can unite this team at some point is joint drinking: they only like to drink together, but as soon as the dose is exceeded, disassembly will immediately begin.

If relationships with superiors are considered, what can we say about some nit-picking on his part, unwillingness to find a compromise, lack of trust. All this is aggravated by excessive emotionality, which often causes scandals and stormy proceedings.

Personal relationships

The Page of Cups in personal relationships portends reconciliation after some kind of quarrel, a pleasant pastime, a fun walk in each other's company. We can say that the map says that people do not care where to go, as long as they are together.

Next to the Ace of Wands, this Arcana will indicate a marriage proposal, and this may be associated with pregnancy.

In personal relationships, the Page of Cups very often denotes a child who is the cause of these relationships. For example, people can not disperse, worrying about the fact that they have a joint child. This is typical for all Pages.

If a Jester (XII Arcana) falls next to the Page of Cups, then we can talk about frivolous relationships, love adventures, intrigues. Such a bunch falls, for example, on a holiday romance. In fact, it means a novel without far-reaching consequences.

The reversed Page of Cups characterizes complex relationships. He points to deep quarrels, irreconcilable differences, increased emotionality of both partners. As a rule, such quarrels are very violent and quite often accompanied by flooding problems with alcohol.

If the alignment is done on one of the partners, then Arkan indicates his emotional immaturity, adventurism in relationships. Relations with him seem strange due to the strangeness of his character. He often deceives a partner, cheats on him, behaves disrespectfully.

Personality characteristic

The Page of Cups characterizes a very gentle sensitive nature, very vulnerable and romantic. Such a person is an optimist in life, overly trusting and open. He never leaves gaiety, a good mood for him is a frequent occurrence.

He plays and enjoys the game. And in everything. Even in gambling. At the same time, he does not care about winning, but only about the process itself.

The person described by the Page of Cups is very sociable, he has a huge circle of friends who are always friendly to him. He knows how to listen, so close people and friends easily initiate him into various secrets.

In such a person, adulthood and childishness easily coexist. He is easy-going, hospitable in receiving friends. This is the soul of the company and its core. The problem for a person is his naivety, which others can take advantage of.

Most often, such people are the first to go to reconciliation, it is they who make a gesture of goodwill in order to resolve any conflict.

The inverted Page of Cups characterizes a person who is closed on himself. He is an instigator in any quarrels and conflicts, irreconcilable and quarrelsome. A distinctive feature of his character is vulgarity and frivolity.

Such a person is afraid of sensual manifestations and love, he is careful not to present his emotional vulnerability to others. Often, to hide it, he resorts to lies.

In fact, the inverted Page of Cups is a pessimist, a whiner, a fatalist. For him, the glass will always be half empty. He is often annoyed by people, he tries to retire, and often he is accompanied by a bottle of alcohol.

His behavior may be inappropriate. Everyone sees him as a weirdo. He disregards rules and etiquette. For example, he can wear jeans to a business meeting, and come to an entertainment party in a business suit.

Quite often, this card depicts a person who had to grow up early, but the circumstances that led to this made him rather cynical and affected. This is a map of a broken person with a distorted psyche.

He is overly emotional, but emotions are negative.


In the upright position, Arkan indicates the presence of childhood illnesses, but this is if negative cards fall next to it or if it is necessary to find out the cause of the current condition.

In an inverted position, the card denotes mental illness, emotional breakdowns, alcoholism.

Situation breakdown

The straight page of Cups means that there is some chance that the situation will be decided in favor of the person. Moreover, this decision will come to him from the outside, from third-party people. If pictures (Kings, Ladies) fell out nearby, then they will tell you who can help in realizing this chance.

The card denotes favorable news that may somehow affect the development of the situation. Arkan also says that you should not make any serious efforts to resolve the situation, a way out will be found with the help of other people.

If there have been conflicts that aggravate the situation, then they will be resolved and reconciliation can benefit everyone.

The card also speaks of the appearance of something new in a person’s life, and this can be both emotional, spiritual, and at the everyday level. As a rule, this will be unexpected for a person, since the initiative for such appearances does not come from him. Especially with the Wheel of Fortune (X Arcana).

With the Chariot (XII Arcana), the Page of Cups says that the time has come to act, you need to follow the conduct. With the Hierophant (V Arcana), this card speaks of a tempting offer.

The inverted Page of Cups shows that at present a person is in absent-mindedness and illusion, placing unreasonable hopes on something. The very same situation with such an Arcana is more like a gamble. It was started out of emotion, was not planned or well thought out, and now you have to get out because of your stupidity.

The outcome of the situation will be shown by the nearby Arcana. If there are “heavy” Major Arcana nearby, then we can safely say that this adventure will cost a lot for a person.

Next to the picture cards, you can say that people who lie or give incorrect information take part in the situation, and not always with malicious intent. To correct the situation, it is necessary to exclude these people from participation in it, only then there will be chances to get the desired result.

Quite often, with such an Arcana, drunkenness affects the situation. This suggests that it could be both the cause that led to such a situation and the way to solve it. For example, pour wine over grief.

Map of the day

This Arkan predicts a cheerful, good day. She can talk about parties, meeting friends. There will be no appropriate mood for solving business things on such a day. The mood is playful and playful. This is an exceptionally entertaining day, and it is best not to even think about work.

The inverted Page of Cups indicates a gloomy mood, he does not want to appear in society. He tries to be alone. He cannot find the motivation to work in himself. Parties on this day will be canceled, which is good, because on such a day there is a great threat of quarrels and scandals.

Card of the year

On the map of the year, the Page of Cups shows a very favorable year in general, with many chances for something new. It will be accompanied by entertainment. It will give you the opportunity to make new friends, useful acquaintances. There may be a love relationship in this. This is the year of carefree existence.

The reversed Arkan indicates a gloomy year, associated with scandals and quarrels, illusory decisions, unfounded hopes, failures and pessimism. This is the year when others will find a person very strange and try to stay away from him.

Arcana Council

Arkan advises to give an opportunity to open up your inner child: to look at the world with kindness and hope, not to overload yourself with problems. You need to let go of situations, forgive insults, give a helping hand and accept it yourself.

Only an easy attitude to life will allow you to be on a horse and get everything you want. You need to be open to people and then people will help in every possible way.

The Page of Cups card in Tarot decks usually communicates upcoming joyful events. This is the birth of a child, a proposal of a hand and a heart, a benefit in a business or a love relationship reaching a new level. However, it also has unpleasant meanings, such as failure or divorce. To get the correct interpretation, you need to pay attention not only to the type of alignment, but also to the fortuneteller, the situation around him, the question and the combination of cards.

Map Description

The Page of Cups tarot card depicts a smartly dressed young man. In his right hand he holds a goblet from which a fish peeps out. Sea waves are visible in the background.

In some publications, for example, Waite Smith's Tarot Secrets, the card is compared with the image of Falstaff, one of the heroes of Shakespeare's Henry IV. But his image is already in the deck (Nine of Cups).

The keywords of the Page of Cups card are:

  • news;
  • attachment;
  • innocence;
  • love;
  • naivety;
  • romance.

The ideas of the lasso are considered to be the smoothing of conflict situations, the development of intuition and the inability to focus on one thing.


The Page card is a servant or messenger. In Tarot, she portends events related to a certain suit, predicts favorable changes in romantic relationships, a new love or acquaintance. Also, perhaps this is some kind of gift, an offer to marry, pregnancy. What exactly will happen is suggested by the rest of the cards in the layout.

The Page or Herald of Cups has other meanings:

  1. In the future, you can expect news, an interesting offer, a compliment or an expression of sympathy from relatives and friends. The oldest interpretation says that soon one of the friends will provide a service or help in important matters. Moreover, this will be done without any selfish intentions.
  2. In the traditional sense, the Page of Cups card personifies a young man or woman, someone who is perceived as a brother or sister. However, in the modern interpretation, this person shows affection and tries to charm. In fact, this is a support group, people who will understand and accept all undertakings, regardless of what they are connected with.
  3. The card speaks of the manifestation of friendship or love feelings. Often she reports longing for a person or an irresistible desire to be near. In earlier interpretations, the Page of Cups card tells of a flash of romantic feelings or someone's confessions.
  4. In some layouts, the lasso indicates a desire to solve relationship problems, smooth corners or relieve tension, as well as a willingness to take the first step towards reconciliation.

Generally speaking, the Page or the Jack of Cups in the layouts is a joyful life full of carelessness and pleasant moments. This is emotional stability, openness to new relationships or a sharp development of existing ones. In combination with other arcana, the card may hint at the fulfillment of a cherished dream. In addition to the layout, the meaning of the Page of Cups Tarot card is affected by its position.


Indicates a serious person striving for new knowledge. His hallmarks are thoughtfulness, thoughtfulness, sensitivity and intuition. This is a workaholic that you can rely on in any situation.

Sometimes the jack also indicates a child with blond hair and blue eyes. He is characterized by diligence, dreaminess, romance and gullibility.

In the upright position, the Page card has other interpretations:

  • premonitions will come true;
  • good news for family or close relatives;
  • pleasant surprises;
  • wedding or baptism of a child;
  • insignificant financial income in business;
  • a person will achieve certain success in creativity, for example, in the acting profession;
  • Love, friendship;
  • the opportunity to learn something new about your chosen one.

The Page of Cups tarot card recommends always taking advantage of the chances provided by fate. She also warns against believing in flattery, praise, and empty promises. The appearance of this card in the layout indicates a positive answer to the question asked by the fortuneteller.

upside down

The meaning of the reverse position of the Page of Cups card is a vague future, discomfort, lack of information, a tendency to flaunt feelings. In traditional interpretations, this is windiness, casual relationships, deceit and fraud, betrayal and emotional distress. Also, the card can mean a loss of trust, attraction to a bad person, dependence on the opinions of outsiders.

In ancient interpretations, the inverted Page of Cups meant addictions that destroy life, and temptations. Other explanations include:

  • unsociable, insecure child;
  • bad news, unsuccessful attempts, deceit;
  • senseless self-sacrifice;
  • emotional immaturity;
  • difficulties in doing business due to laziness, a tendency to cheat and lie;
  • frivolity of a partner in a love relationship;
  • diseases that appeared in childhood.

Regardless of the alignment, the inverted lasso gives a negative answer to the question.

The card of the day is a simple and accurate divination that is performed by two cards symbolizing today and tomorrow.

Choose 1st card


The value of the lasso Jack of Cups depends not only on the position relative to other Tarot cards, but also on the alignment.

In relationship

Main interpretation- reconciliation after a strong quarrel. The partner will be the initiator. In the case when the relationship is even, without scandals, it is worth waiting for a new round. Feelings between lovers will intensify.

Interesting! For fortunetellers who do not have a partner, the card promises an acquaintance. It will end either with strong relationships and marriage bonds, or a fleeting but stormy romance. Reconciliation with former lovers is also possible.

Another meaning of the card in the layout of relationships and love is a wedding. There are two scenarios here:

  1. Marriage . Most likely, the chosen one decided that it was time to think about a joint future and start a family.
  2. An offer of marriage from a long-time friend, colleague or acquaintance.

For those who are already married, the Page card predicts the appearance of a child. For older people, it may be grandchildren.

Reversed Jack of Cups in the layout of love means the extinction of feelings. The main reason for this situation is inattention and complete indifference, as well as selfishness and laziness of the chosen one. Neither side makes concessions and does not want to change anything.

In matters of health

The loss of the Tarot card Page of Cups or Cups indicates the presence of emotional problems, mental abnormalities and oddities in behavior. She also points to the fact that the reason for the deterioration of health are strong experiences that a person could not cope with.

In ancient interpretations of health layouts, the card denotes an unshared or unrealized feeling of love, which provoked the development of serious pathologies. These include problems in the cardiovascular system and even stagnant processes.

In work and finance

The meaning of the Page of Cups Tarot card in the matter of professional activity depends on its position in the layout. If it lies straight, then it can mean:

  1. Business update. This applies not only to development, but also to universal recognition. Perhaps the person will hear praise for a well-done project or receive an award.
  2. You will receive an invitation to attend a party organized by one of your colleagues. Most likely, he occupies a higher position in the company, so do not miss the chance to make useful contacts. However, one cannot be guided solely by selfish motives. In the first place should be the desire to find like-minded people or even a friend.
  3. Help from colleagues in the implementation of a complex project. It can be both physical and in the form of practical advice.

For a person who has got a job in a new job, the Tarot card of the Page of Cups recommends that you find a common language with the team as soon as possible. The same advice is applicable in cases of the appearance of unfamiliar partners in business. It is the emotional connection and friendship that should come first.

Reverse card position in the scenario for finance and work, it predicts a breakdown in the deal, self-deception, project failure due to too emotional behavior. It also means the lack of financial profit due to inexperience in a particular business.

Combined with the suit of Cups

The interpretation is based on which card lies next to it:

  • Two - a happy family life, peace and harmony;
  • Troika - a celebration attended by close and dear people;
  • Four - an unpleasant proposal from a friend;
  • Five - resentment, which is not easy to deal with;
  • Six - someone needs help;
  • Seven - empty promises;
  • Eight - categorical refusal;
  • Nine - worth waiting for a gift;
  • Ten - you need to participate in a general party;
  • Knight - the chosen one will offer cohabitation;
  • Queen - pregnancy will come soon;
  • King - the words spoken by the interlocutor are trustworthy.

In combination with Ace, the Page of Cups card means a long-awaited marriage proposal from a beloved man. Another option is cohabitation.

Combined with the suit of Wands

The value looks like this:

  • Two - from the many possibilities you need to choose the main one;
  • Three - the time has come for decisive action;
  • Four - pregnancy;
  • Five - advice from more experienced people is required;
  • Six - success in the professional field or consent to marriage;
  • Seven - betrayal, cunning, resentment, delusion;
  • Eight - wedding;
  • Nine - vague prospects;
  • Ten - it is better to postpone the planned projects for later, since now they will not be implemented;
  • Page - you need to carefully consider each step;
  • Knight - you should leave your comfort zone and change plans;
  • Queen - a woman will find happiness;
  • King - there is an opportunity to express yourself in the creative field.

The Page of Cups card, which fell simultaneously with the Ace of Wands, means a tempting offer. No need to think about the answer, it is better to accept it immediately.

Combined with the Major Arcana

Value options:

  • Jester - a proposal that does not deserve attention;
  • Magician - an idea worth taking note of or implementing;
  • High Priestess - you need to do self-education or advanced training;
  • Empress - an early pregnancy;
  • Emperor - it's time to marry your soulmate;
  • Hierophant - beneficial cooperation or an opportunity that should not be missed;
  • Lovers - changes for the better are coming;
  • Chariot - it will take a lot of energy and time to bring the project to life;
  • Strength - hard work will be rewarded;
  • Hermit - it is better to refuse the offer;
  • Wheel of Fortune - an opportunity to realize good ideas;
  • Justice - a person is waiting for litigation;
  • Hanged Man - unexplained incidents;
  • Death - it's time to change your life;
  • Moderation - you need to solve the problem wisely, throwing back emotions and worries;
  • Devil - someone wants to deceive or mislead;
  • Tower - failures in love and undertakings;
  • Star - hope;
  • Moon - illusions or fantasies, the desired is presented as real;
  • The sun - the birth of a child or a change in the situation for the better.

Sometimes the Page of Cups is dropped along with the World card. This pair predicts a well-deserved reward.

Combined with the suit of Swords

Rolling with Ace means an interesting idea. But for its implementation, you need to make a lot of effort.

Combinations with other cards:

  • Two - major quarrels in the family or at work;
  • Three - failures in love relationships, depression, bad mood, bad news;
  • Four - a truce for a short time;
  • Five - you will have to admit defeat and abandon the implementation of your plans;
  • Six - there will be a trip soon, a move is possible;
  • Seven - a sentence that is better to ignore;
  • Eight - circumstances force you to compromise;
  • Nine - bad news;
  • Ten - useless dreams and illusions;
  • Page - the alternative is in doubt;
  • Knight - plans will not come true;
  • Queen - a painful break, divorce;
  • King - complaints, tedious cases related to documents, disputes with those who occupy a high position in society.

Often the interpretation also depends on the cards that surround the lasso and its pair.

Combined with the suit of Pentacles

Usually such coincidences mean financial gain. But there are other interpretations as well.

  • Two - an unstable economic situation;
  • Three - promising prospects in terms of money;
  • Four - the proposal received should be well considered;
  • Five - waste;
  • Six - charity;
  • Seven - do not believe empty promises;
  • Eight - a profitable business proposal;
  • Nine - invested money will bring profit;
  • Ten - you need to tell relatives and friends about your interests and undertakings;
  • Page - before opening a business, you should carefully study the market;
  • Knight - dreams will come true, but not as fast as we would like;
  • Queen - new ideas will bring profit in the future;
  • The king is the amount that you have to part with.

In combination with the Ace, the Page of Cups means beneficial cooperation. However, partners need to carefully study the terms of the deal.

If this lasso fell out as a card of the day, then it is better to be careful. You can not blindly believe in promises and praise.


The Page of Cups card in the traditional Tarot deck in most cases means good news, the rapid development of a romantic relationship, or an improvement in financial situation. But sometimes the interpretation is not so rosy. Often it reports possible deception, delusions or failures. It all depends on the layout and what cards fall next.

It is believed that the greatest difficulties for novice practitioners are caused by working with the court lasso. Even from the illustrations, it is not always clear what the lasso wants to say.

It would seem that the meaning of the tarot lasso Page of Cups is positive. But it also has its own subtleties in interpretation, which you need to familiarize yourself with.

Page is considered one of the cards of immediacy or uncertainty. A young man is depicted on the lasso - a young, cheerful person. In his right hand is a goblet in which a fish splashes. The cup symbolizes a gift. In the background is a seascape with pronounced waves. The sky is cloudless, the main element of the lasso is water.

Astrologically, the lasso corresponds to the planet Saturn, and in terms of the zodiac qualities it is closest to Gemini and Virgo.

General Meaning of the Page of Cups Tarot

When interpreting this Page of Cups card, you should pay attention to the following elements:

  1. Water represents the flow of thought, creativity. The waves signify its rise;
  2. The fish represents a new idea or life stage that a person has been waiting for so long;
  3. The page symbolizes a maturing person who wants to learn something new. However, in the process of growing up, he sometimes does more often first, and only then thinks.

The querent, under the influence of this card, overcomes obstacles and can see the world in a completely new light. It is worth staying young and open to yourself and others, then new events and acquaintances will not keep you waiting.

Keywords for direct position:

  • receiving good news;
  • impulse from higher forces;
  • a powerful opportunity for change.

The inverted Page of Cups is a sign of unfounded and illusory hopes. Also denotes a truce, but temporary and unreliable. However, such a world can now be a good option.

Also, the lasso speaks of selfishness and the lack of creative imagination about the questioner. He lacks inspiration, and this problem needs to be addressed.

Keywords for the inverted arcana:

  • the presence of bad habits;
  • spoiled person;
  • the presence of "pink glasses".

The meaning of the lasso in the tarot Manara

In the Manara tarot, the card shows a certain chance, an impetus for improving the quality of a certain side of life, most often sensual. Do not push away someone who wants to reconcile or renew a relationship.

The meaning of the Page of Cups card in the tarot of Thoth

Tarot Thoth gives advice to balance life and learn to see the chances that fate sends to the querent.

Meaning in relationships

It is likely that the partner will show a conciliatory gesture to resolve the relationship. Renewal of feelings will play into the hands of partners, or they will simply understand how important they are to each other. In terms of personal events, especially for a girl, a card can mean an imminent marriage proposal.

At upside down the value of the Page of Cups tarot changes to negative. In the questioner, more selfish and base feelings began to appear. Now there is stagnation or even degradation, in some cases a creative crisis. Growing up is necessary for a person, but you also need to remain yourself and appreciate the environment that is now nearby. Perhaps you should improve your social and communication skills, close yourself less from the environment.

Interpretation in finance and work

The Page of Cups speaks of a new financial stream or career opportunities. Moreover, growth will be both useful and somewhat flattering. Perhaps recognition or a long-deserved promotion. Probably also an invitation to a party in a narrow circle of the team. Sometimes the lasso speaks of friendly help, which should not be rejected.

Also, in a direct position, the card shows a person who is open to cooperation, as well as ready to help and take on his interesting projects. People of this lasso are sincerely rooting for the work they are doing. And what makes them uncomfortable, they usually do not.

The reversed Page of Cups warns of self-deception. Querent should prepare mentally for the possible collapse of the existing project. Lack of experience and self-confidence as a professional prevent you from getting a large sum.

The meaning of the card in health layouts

A straight card shows the absence of physical problems in the presence of psychological problems. The questioner may be too suspicious or worry too painfully even over insignificant trifles. Sometimes imaginary illnesses become a reality, and the lasso reminds of this.

If the card fell in upside down, then she can talk about more serious problems, up to an extreme form of emotional disorder, which led to the emergence of other ailments.

General psychological characteristics of a person

Given the emotionality and sensuality of the lasso, it is not difficult to guess the main meaning of the Page of Tarot Cups when characterizing a person. In the direct position of the card, new impulses come to the person, as well as ideas for creating something innovative. This may be the sphere of understanding, empathy, the ability to feel the emotions of other people. He probably turned to higher powers earlier and with the help of them received an answer to his request.

The upright position also shows an increase in emotional level. Due to immaturity in age or soul, a person takes the events taking place too close to the heart. He differs from those around him by the presence of some form of illusory views on what is happening in a way that is beneficial to him. Such people are not accustomed to wear masks, they are what they are.

Meaning inverted position- the inconstancy of the character of the questioner. Sometimes, if he does not know what he wants, he can act rashly and suffer because of the negative consequences of his own character. Such people are characterized by unpreparedness for a love relationship.

Value in combination

Interpretation of the lasso in combination with the Major Arcana:

  • combination with Justice shows the risk of applying to the state. organs;
  • a combination with a Star shows the possibility of accepting an offer;
  • with the World - speaks of the desire to get something new.

Interpretation of the arcana in combination with the Minor Cards:

  • the alignment with the Four of Cups indicates the risk of receiving an obscene offer;
  • with the Ace of Swords - shows an interesting idea;
  • the presence of the Two of Pentacles speaks of instability in the monetary matter.

Map of the day

Today there will be a chance for a person to experience new sensations and feed on emotional energy. Thanks to assertiveness and positive energy, things will go uphill, and fate will delight you with unexpected pleasant twists and turns.

Card Tip of the Day Page of Cups: in the near future, you should trust your own sixth sense more. Sometimes common sense fails, now this stage is coming. It is recommended to devote more time to spiritual practices.

Arcane Warning: do not believe in flattery and false promises.

What questions should be asked if the card fell out:

  1. What makes a person feel real pleasure?
  2. Are the existing attachments serious enough?
  3. Have you retained the ability to enjoy life?

The interpretation of the Page of Tarot Cups card is positive. Arkan promises good news, peace after a quarrel, valuable advice.

In the article:

Page of Tarot Cups - meaning in layouts

The meaning of the Page of Tarot Cups, if the card is in a straight position, is reconciliation after a quarrel, resolving conflicts and disagreements. Good news related to the wedding or the birth of children. Celebration invitation. The card is associated with the birth of something new: replenishment in the family, a new project at work.

Page - an impulse or a chance: reconciliation, an invitation to participate in an interesting business. It is not the querent who takes the initiative. A sincere offer will cause joy and gratitude if the neighboring cards do not show negative warnings.

The Page of Cups speaks of new information, warning that the querent's lack of knowledge will become a serious handicap. Sometimes the card indicates thoughts about the child - the joy of the success of the child or anxiety about him. Disclosure of a talent that a person did not suspect. Arkan implies training, training, advises you to start mastering new hobbies.

Meaning of the Page of Tarot Cups upside down portends a short tense truce. Armed neutrality is the best option. An inverted card warns of selfishness and a lack of creative imagination in the querent. The questioner lacks inspiration.

If a flipped over The Page of Cups falls into, the fortuneteller is worried about the emotional state of the offspring. The problem lies in the spoiled child. Whims, lack of discipline, laziness and restlessness of the querent bring problems. The questioner must learn to use talents to correct the situation.

The meaning of the Page of Cups Tarot card at the level of consciousness

The lasso shows that difficult trials in the past are useful to the present. After overcoming obstacles, the fortuneteller learned to look at things from different angles. You should remain open to interacting with people. It is useful to communicate with a young man. Focusing on one emotional issue will lead to personal growth.

The main meaning of the card is momentum or chance, ideas from the fortuneteller's friends are likely. The help of people who are positively inclined towards the querent lies in sympathy, readiness to listen to a story about problems. Accidents are also likely that will make you feel a thirst for development and spiritual growth.

Possible answers during prayer or meditation: an important message, advice. Arkan is also responsible for mysterious incidents of a positive nature.

Page of Tarot Cups - meaning in layouts for work and business

The meaning of the Tarot card Page of Cups at or business promises something new for the querent - useful, pleasant, even flattering. The fortuneteller will receive recognition for excellent work on the project. A well-deserved praise, promotion or other reward for the work awaits the questioner.

An invitation to a corporate celebration or party from colleagues in a higher position. The opportunity to make useful connections should not be missed. You will be able to make friends with a person from work. You can’t think about the benefits of friendship - this is a chance to make a good friend.

If the querent is working on a difficult task, a friend will help. One of the colleagues will provide support. Another meaning of the Jack of Cups Tarot is good and timely advice, thanks to which work becomes more successful.

When asked about a new job, the card recommends paying attention to contact with other employees. Emotions and personal rather than professional connection with colleagues are put in the first place.

Page of Cups Tarot - meaning in relationships

The main meaning is reconciliation or transition to a new level of relations. In a quarrel with a partner or a difficult relationship, a change for the better awaits. The initiative comes from the partner.

If there is no quarrel, the card shows a favorable period in the relationship. Arkan speaks of the attraction of souls, the novelty of feelings and emotions in union.

A lonely card in divination for love promises a meeting with an interesting person, which can end in a wedding. There is no guarantee of marriage - a short but stormy romance is possible. The likelihood of reconciliation with a former lover.

The Page of Cups portends a marriage proposal. There is a high probability of a marriage proposal from a friend or colleague who has long been in love. Perhaps the beloved decided to take the relationship to a new level - you should agree and get married. Married lasso promises the birth of a child or grandson.

Flipped over Page of Cups - relationships come to naught. Indifference and inattention to a partner are the main reasons for the breakup. Selfishness and laziness interfere with relationships, but the querent does nothing. Ignoring the information prompted by intuition is undesirable.

What personalities does the Page of Tarot Cups represent?

The card represents people endowed with acting talent, but not necessarily a professional actor: perhaps this is a poet who craves the attention of the public, or a charming swindler. A querent who does not focus on developing talent will remain an amateur.

The card means a child or teenager who has a significant impact on the situation. Sometimes this is a person with a homosexual orientation, often a man from a good family in search of a girl. The lasso also means a friend who is younger than the fortuneteller, his child.

Page of Cups indicates students, teachers and educators, artists, poets and other creative personalities, coaches and athletes. This is a friendly and smart person who will help in difficult times. We are talking about introverts who know how to work with people and are pleasant in communication. Gentle and non-aggressive person who studies emotions, who enjoys working alone. The lasso indicates a person who is passionate about spiritual practices or esotericism.

Flipped over The Page of Cups is a spoiled and capricious child. The lasso symbolizes an unhappy child, sometimes children who grow up in an incomplete family or an atmosphere of eternal scandals. The card symbolizes a drug addict, alcoholic or a person living in fantasies. The personality is absent-minded, does not want to make plans, lives one day at a time.

Flipped over The Page of Cups is a poor student or young man who has recently graduated from the university. A man is lazy, emotionally unstable, selfish, which is why he will not achieve material success. This is a fortuneteller's acquaintance who considers himself his friend when help is not required.

Page of Cups and combinations in Tarot

The interpretation of combinations of the Page of Tarot Cups with other cards clarifies the alignment or changes the meaning of the lasso. Card combinations give advice.

If the Page falls out together with the Arcana Mage, the meaning is that the fortuneteller must offer an idea or wait for an interesting offer.

Page of Cups with a lasso Empress warns about conception. It's not necessarily about the child, perhaps it's the start of the project. The combination of the lasso with the Emperor is a marriage proposal, an interesting vacancy, new opportunities for activity.

The Page of Cups is a card whose appearance in the layout promises pleasant events. Arcana in an inverted position or near cards, the combination with which does not bode well, the card takes on negative meanings.

In contact with

The Page of Tarot Cups symbolizes not only the situation, but also a specific person influencing it. Depending on the position in the layout, the scope of the issue and the situation itself, the card takes on different meanings.

Basic meaning

Cups (Bowls) in the Tarot correspond to the elements of water, symbolizing the world of emotions, desires and feelings. Pages in this system denote new news and a desire to act, as well as young people and children.

The meaning of the Page of Cups Tarot card successfully reflects the picture from the Waite deck - a young man raises a golden goblet with nectar, from which a fish peeps out. This is an invitation and a friendly gesture, an expression of tender feelings, affection, a carefree life and poetic dreams.

The overall meaning of the Page of Cups card is an emotional impulse, often expressed as help. Sometimes in the layouts of the Tarot, the Page of Cups symbolizes the resolution of the conflict, the restoration of peace and trust. It portends new acquaintances, pleasant company, friendly communication. This lasso speaks of romanticism and creativity.

Fortune telling on a person

The Page of Cups card symbolizes young and carefree people, as well as children. In some cases, it portends the birth of a child. Pages of Cups are pleasant, light, cheerful and friendly people. They are emotional and amorous, tend to idealize love and succumb to the first impulse in feelings. Sometimes they become dependent on a person, their feelings prevail over the arguments of reason.

Pages of Cups in Tarot cards are people who quickly make contact, showing trust and childish spontaneity. They have the charm of youth, selflessness, the ability to enjoy life. Also, this lasso speaks of creative inclinations, intuition, the desire for harmony. Often it symbolizes a poet, a lover, but also a public or secular person who knows how to charm and seduce.

Divination for love

The influence of the Page of Cups on love and relationships is beneficial - it speaks of sincere affection and reverent attitude. The card portends the beginning of love, a chance to create a relationship, to receive a confession of tender feelings or an invitation to a date. At the same time, the Page of Cups in a relationship does not mean the conclusion of a marriage, but rather the first period of romance and courtship. It also symbolizes the reconciliation of partners after the conflict, the desire for spiritual closeness and unity.

In many cases, this lasso denotes a man or woman in love. These are people who are sincerely attached to a partner, cheerful and vulnerable. The meaning of the Pages of Cups in Tarot is a sincere love impulse and at the same time an immature feeling, the continuation of which is unknown. As the romantic daydreams dissipate, the real state of affairs risks disappointing the Page of Cups and preventing his love from gaining true power.

Combinations with other arcana

  1. The combination of the Major Arcana of the World and the Page of Cups speaks of a happy reconciliation in a relationship, the creation of a family or the birth of a child.
  2. Together with the Two of Cups, the card portends an imminent marriage.
  3. The combination with the Page of Wands warns of the presence of a serious rival on the love front.
  4. Together with the inverted Nine of Cups, this lasso speaks of cooled feelings.
  5. The combination with the Emperor predicts an official marriage proposal (in the professional field, this is a new vacancy).
  6. The combination with the Eight of Wands also speaks of a proposal to marry.
  7. The combination with the major lasso Devil is deceit and seduction, a dangerous addiction with bad consequences.

deep essence

The Page of Cups Tarot card in a relationship expresses the deep essence of love in its ideal interpretation. It is the pursuit of a dreamlike romantic relationship that is only possible at the highest level of consciousness. The minor lasso directs to real values: harmony, inner happiness, unconditional love and trust. Orientation to eternal values ​​opens up opportunities for creativity and helps to realize material dreams. However, we should not forget that this lasso is only the right impulse, which quickly fades away.

The Page of Cups tarot card reveals the meaning of true love. This is an irresistible desire for a source of eternal and original creative energy. Without understanding the deep essence, this desire turns into an attempt to find happiness through an ideal relationship with another person. At the same time, partners ignore the conventions and restrictions imposed by the material world, recklessness leads them to disappointment and melancholy. The secret message of this lasso is an impulse to search for the energy of love within oneself, beyond the material world, and then its embodiment in creativity and relationships.

flipped card

The effect of the reversed Page of Tarot Cups on relationships is negative. The minor lasso in this position means superficiality of feelings, deceit, which cause severe pain to the partner. The meaning of the reversed Page of Cups is attraction to a dangerous person, which develops into addiction. This tarot lasso shows a person who is so amenable to other people's influence that it can destroy her.

Sometimes the meaning of the reversed Page of Tarot Cups is just the opposite of the classic one - it demonstrates "closeness" and an attempt to avoid relationships in order to protect oneself from emotional discomfort. The minor lasso in this position speaks of an unwillingness to make contact and take a step towards reconciliation. It is also a rejected declaration of love, a canceled meeting, a break in romantic relationships. The meaning of the Page of Tarot Cups is often seen as a kind of inner emptiness and attempts to fill it through superficial relationships and social events.

In other areas

When divining to other areas of life, the lasso imposes a certain emotional connotation on them.

  1. In the layout for the state of health, the appearance of the Page of Cups speaks of psychosomatics. At the heart of the disease are emotional causes, sometimes of a love nature.
  2. In the professional field, this lasso speaks of extreme diligence, if the matter meets the needs of the soul. It indicates a willingness to cooperate, the ability to trust oneself and make the right decisions.
  3. In the field of finance, the card gives advice: you need to resort to the help of consultants or legal support. This lasso speaks of excessive gullibility in financial matters and the need to involve knowledgeable people.

In the upright position, the card gives advice: trust yourself and people, enjoy life, love and create. She portends a romantic period of relationship, which should be taken with joy, but without any pretensions. It is important to be aware of the illusory nature of falling in love - to enjoy it, but not to become dependent on your own passions. This is only the first stage, which can lead to the second - more serious. The direct purpose of this stage is to feel the energy of love in order to continue searching for it on a deeper level.