Redcurrant jelly in the microwave. Redcurrant jelly: preserve summer. Assorted jelly with blackcurrant, watermelon, spices

When currant bushes begin to be covered with red berries on your site, at first it is very difficult to harvest in jars, everything somehow goes more into the mouth. And it is directly felt how the body was filled with vitamins. But after all, it is necessary to save some of the vitamins for the winter period. How to do it so that it is tasty and healthy, fast and easy? The best option is to cook delicious redcurrant jelly for the winter.

When the cold weather comes, this preparation can be eaten as an independent dessert, and added to other delicious and original dishes.


  • water - 120 g;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • red currant - 600 g;
  • cherry and currant leaves optional.

How to make redcurrant jelly for the winter

First, clean the berries from the stalks. Then rinse them and pour them into a saucepan. The stalks can be dried and added to tea in winter for flavor.

Pour purified water into a saucepan and place over moderate heat.

Boil the currants for 10 minutes on the stove and move the saucepan to the table.

In a clean deep container, wipe the whole berry along with the liquid. From the cake, you can make fruit drinks or cook compote by pouring boiling water in a saucepan.

Pour the grated currants back into the saucepan and add sugar to it.

To give additional flavor, you can throw a few leaves of currant or cherry there.

Boil the red currants over low heat for 20 minutes, periodically removing the foam with a wooden spoon.

Discard the leaves from the finished jelly and pour it into small jars that need to be sterilized beforehand.

The very next day, a beautiful and bright blank for the winter hardens and the desired consistency is obtained.

You can serve this jelly with pancakes, pancakes, ice cream or just with tea as a snack.

Redcurrant jelly "Five minutes"

Such a recipe is suitable for especially busy housewives, for whom every minute is worth its weight in gold. For 1 kg of currants, take 1.3 kg of sugar.

Redcurrant jelly without cooking

Turn the washed and dried currant berries into puree. This should be done without the use of metal objects, a mortar and pestle are best suited.
Squeeze the resulting mass through a sieve, and you will get natural currant juice.
Now add sugar and, constantly stirring, bring it to complete dissolution in currant juice. To slightly speed up this process, heat the container with currants on fire, but it is only to a warm state, this jelly cannot be boiled and boiled.

As soon as the sugar is completely dissolved, you can pour the jelly into jars, cork with nylon lids and send it to the cellar or refrigerator for storage.
For this method of preparing jelly, the following proportions of products will be required: for 1 liter of currant juice, 1.5 g of granulated sugar.

What if the jelly doesn't set?

If you did everything right, then the jelly will begin to solidify already in the process of shifting it over the banks. The more it cools, the more jelly-like it becomes. But if you see that the jelly is fluid and does not solidify, pour it back into the container and boil for another 3 to 5 minutes.
How to determine that the jelly is already ready? Slightly tilt the dishes in which you cook currants in different directions. If the syrup begins to linger on the walls in the form of a pink viscous coating, then you can already lay out the jelly in jars.

Red currant blanks how to cook

There is another longer, but more reliable way. Pour some hot jelly into a bowl or cup and leave to cool completely, if it has not thickened, then it should be boiled even more or gelling additives should be added.

The reason that the currant mass does not thicken may lie in the small evaporation of the liquid or not a large amount of sugar. Add a little more granulated sugar, and in order for the liquid to evaporate better, take wide dishes for cooking, thereby increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact of the currant mass with air. The narrower and taller the dish, the longer it takes to cook the jelly.

You can use thickeners, add a little gelatin or gelfix. But it is best to use natural agar-agar. It has absolutely no extraneous specific smell and taste, the only drawback is that it can not always be found on the free market.

  • To speed up the process, you can not immediately cut off the branches, but boil the currants along with them. The main thing then, when you wipe through a sieve, is to prevent the twigs from getting into the jelly.
  • Always try to wipe the currants through a sieve while they are still hot, so you can squeeze the maximum amount of juice from the berries and the jelly does not start to harden yet.
  • According to the same recipes, you can cook assorted currant jelly. The basis of such an assortment should be red and white currants, since they contain the largest amount of gelling substances. For example, you need to take 3 glasses of them, and add one more glass of blackcurrant and raspberry. You can also make currant jelly in combination with gooseberries, this berry also has excellent gelling properties.

  • Currant jelly can be used as a sauce for cottage cheese soufflé, cereals, dumplings or cottage cheese casserole.
  • For straining, use the finest sieve so that the jelly is transparent. If there is no such strainer, you can use multilayer gauze for this purpose or new (not too expensive) 40 den women's tights. The best option would be a piece of old nylon net tulle like "veil" or "organza". The tulle needs to be folded in half, the interlacing of the threads is quite dense, such a fabric will not stretch like gauze or tights, so it will be possible to strain the jelly at a time without the remains of cake.

Rinse the berries with cold water.

Boil water in a saucepan and add currants to it.

Then, using a pestle, rub the currant through a sieve.

We do not need the cake remaining in the sieve, it can be thrown away.

Add sugar to the resulting currant juice, mix.

Pour the juice with sugar into an enamel saucepan.

Roll up the jars with boiled lids, turn them over, wrap them in a blanket until they cool completely, and then put them away for storage (such jelly is perfectly stored in an apartment (without a cellar)).

Red currant jelly turns out bright, unusually tasty and fragrant. The very next day after cooking, the jelly becomes thick, similar to marmalade. If there is not enough pectin in the berries, the jelly according to this recipe may not thicken immediately, but within 3-4 weeks, so do not be discouraged if you still have juice in the jar the next day. In winter, redcurrant jelly will be a wonderful reminder of summer days.

Summer gives us an amazing opportunity to improve our body. Indeed, in the warm summer months, we can not only enjoy delicious garden berries, but also get enough of the mass of vitamins contained in them. So that vitamins are not wasted, and the harvested crop pleases us with the most valuable useful substances all year round, you can not only freeze the berries for future use, but also make wonderful desserts from them - jam, marmalade, jam, jelly. Redcurrant, like no other berry, is suitable for such culinary delights. Due to the considerable content of pectin in its composition, red currant is ideal for making jelly. The presence of this natural thickener makes it possible to dispense with the preparation without any additional gelling components.

There are many ways to make currant jelly. Some of them involve the use of heat treatment, some do not. For those who want to prepare redcurrant jelly for the winter, the following simple recipe can be offered.

The number of components taken for this recipe is calculated on the output of the finished product with a volume of one and a half liters.


- red currant (1 kg);

- granulated sugar (1 kg);

- water (200 ml).


  1. Ripe berries must be sorted out, rid of excess debris and stalks, rinsed and allowed to drain a little water.
  2. Place the prepared berries in a suitable container. It can be a basin or a wide pan - in such dishes it will be more convenient and faster to cook jelly.
  3. Pour currants with the right amount of water and put on the stove. The berries should be heated until the skin starts to crack and the juice comes out.
  4. The leaked juice must be filtered. Place the remaining berries in a sieve and squeeze out, carefully rubbing them with a wooden spatula. The resulting cake should not be thrown away - it can serve as an excellent source for a delicious berry compote.
  5. Strained juice mix with sugar and put on the stove. Jelly should be cooked over low heat with constant stirring. The finished product should decrease in volume by at least a third and thicken well.
  6. Put the prepared jelly in a hot state into sterilized jars and roll up. Then turn over to check the tightness and keep wrapped for about a day. After that, put it in a suitable place for storage. Such currant jelly may well stand at room temperature.

A simple recipe without adding water

Some housewives prefer not to add water during the jelly cooking process, because. It is believed that the presence of water reduces the gelling properties of the berries. This recipe does not involve the use of water when cooking.


- red currant (1 kg);

- granulated sugar (1 kg).


  1. Pour washed and slightly dried berries into a prepared container. Sugar should be added there, after which everything is thoroughly mixed.
  2. Currants covered with sugar should be allowed to lie down, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon, until the granulated sugar becomes wet.
  3. Place the sweet and sour mixture on the stove and cook for about 8 minutes over high heat, stirring constantly.
  4. After cooking, you need to throw the berry mass into a colander and carefully wipe it. All squeezed juice should drain into a clean pan.
  5. Pour the finished jelly hot into sterilized jars and leave uncorked until completely cooled. It may take several hours. Then you need to close the jars with lids and send them to storage.

Easy no-boil recipe

Jelly prepared without cooking is especially useful. After all, it retains a maximum of vitamins that this wonderful berry is rich in.


- red currant (2 kg);

- granulated sugar (1 kg).


  1. Sort the berries, remove the stalks, rinse and dry. After that, rub the currants through a sieve, kneading them with a wooden pusher. To save time and effort, you can use a combine or blender, first grinding, and then also passing the berry mass through a sieve.
  2. Add sugar to the squeezed juice and mix thoroughly. You need to interfere for at least 5-10 minutes, until all the granulated sugar is completely dispersed.
  3. Pour the resulting sugar-berry mass into sterilized jars and seal them with lids. Such jelly for storage for the winter should be put in the refrigerator.

Raw materials for currant jelly must be fresh and of high quality. Berries must be whole, undamaged. It is advisable to remove the stalks and twigs.

The quality of the product depends on the ratio of berry juice and sugar. A smaller amount of sugar gives a sour taste and a thin texture. In addition, due to a lack of sugar, the product may ferment over time.

Red currants contain many different natural acids, so when preparing jelly, it is not recommended to use aluminum utensils. This applies not only to the cooking pot, but also to the spoon with which the berry mass is mixed. It is better to take dishes made of stainless steel, ceramics, plastic. Suitable and enameled dishes, and wooden products (for mixing).

To achieve a completely transparent product, you can use a thick cloth to filter currant juice. A small portion of the berry mass is placed on the fabric, and then wrung out.

Jelly prepared using the heat treatment of berries can be stored without a refrigerator, at room temperature. The only condition for this is the tightness of the jars. Jelly prepared without cooking must be stored in a cool place.

It is better to store jars for storage and prepare in advance, because you need to pour boiled jelly in a hot state until it has cooled down and thickened. It should cool down in jars. Jelly without heat treatment should also not be in a hurry to put in the refrigerator. It is advisable to hold it for about a day at room temperature for setting, and then put it in a cold place.

Harvesting currant jelly for the winter is a great opportunity to enjoy a delicious berry dessert all year round. Jelly can be served with pancakes and pancakes, added to ice cream, and also eaten just like that with a cup of fresh fragrant tea.

Red currant jelly

Currant jelly

Red currant is not as velvety-thick inside as black, it has a lot of watercolor berry sourness and bones are felt. Of course, it is pleasant to nibble red currants from the twigs, feeling how you are filled with vitamins. But even better is to make redcurrant jelly.

This is the most delicious currant dish that can be eaten as an independent dessert or used in other delicious dishes!

Washed red currant

1. Redcurrant jelly (without boiling, cold method)

1.1. Proportions

  • For 1 liter of juice, 5.5 cups of sugar (1.25 kg = 1 kg + 1 heaping glass).

1.2. How to make cold redcurrant jelly

  • Prepare berries: rinse in cool running water, dry and pick the berries from the branches. (Some people wash with boiled cool water, but I think this is not necessary).
  • Squeeze currant juice: ceiling the berries, and then strain the puree through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.
  • Mix juice and sugar in the above ratio until the sugar dissolves (to speed up the process, you can slightly warm this currant syrup, stirring constantly).
  • Unpack and close: as soon as the sugar has dissolved, pour the syrup into prepared jars, cover with a nylon lid or parchment on top (tie the parchment with twine or pull off with an elastic band for money).
  • Keep redcurrant jelly in this package until spring in the refrigerator or cellar (but usually it is eaten much earlier!).

Currant jelly like a ruby))))

Redcurrant contains a lot of gelling agents and acids, so it keeps well. Such berry jelly can be boiled or cold jelly is prepared (without heating the juice at all or only slightly warming it to dissolve the sugar).

If you want to get high quality jelly, transparent, without impurities, you don’t need to apply force and squeeze out all the puree from the berries, take only that part of the liquid that drains from them by itself (stir the berry mass with a spoon, helping the juice drain).

What to do if currant jelly is not frozen

Properly cooked currant jelly solidifies in the process of transferring to jars (turns into jelly as it cools). If suddenly your jelly is completely fluid and does not solidify, you can put it back on the fire and heat it for another 2-3 or 5 minutes, depending on the thickness of your syrup. As soon as you see that a pink coating remains on the walls of the dishes (that is, the syrup already sticks slightly to the walls of the basin or pan), then you can pour the jelly into jars.

It is better to cook jelly in a low wide basin so that the evaporation surface is higher and the jelly thickens faster. The larger the volume of berries and the narrower and taller the dishes, the more time it will take to cook the jelly.

Where to put cake from berries

From the cake from the berry puree, you can cook compote - throw it into a pot of boiling water, boil for a minute or two and let it brew.

Currant jelly can be added to other confectionery products, soufflés, creams, cocktails, ice cream, fruit salads, put in tea, and prepared from jelly fruit drinks.

This is how redcurrant grows, it is harvested directly with twigs, with a whole brush, and then, after washing and drying, it is separated from the twigs. If you immediately pick currants without twigs, it will choke and release juice during transportation


A glass = 250 ml of water = 250 g of water, this is the volume of an ordinary tea glass, which used to be placed in a cup holder. A simple measuring cup (measuring cup) can replace it.

A faceted glass is 1/5 less than a tea glass, its capacity is 200 g.

In the recipe, a large glass = 250 ml is always implied, in the case of using a faceted glass, this is negotiated separately.

A bowl of currants waiting to be processed into jelly.

Red jelly is delicious on its own, and with tea, and with a bun!

Redcurrant contains quite a lot of pectin, so in order to thicken the juice and puree obtained from it, you do not need to purchase and add additional components. Berry, sugar and a little time - that's all it takes to make redcurrant jelly for the winter.

Cooking features

In order to prepare a tasty and healthy redcurrant jelly that can be put in for the winter without fear that it will deteriorate, a number of points should be taken into account.

  • Regardless of the conditions under which currant jelly will be stored, it should be made from good, intact berries. Previously, the berries should be sorted and washed. Some believe that it makes no sense to remove the stalks from the berries, since the currants will still be rubbed through a sieve. In fact, for better preservation of the delicacy, it is still better to remove the stalk in advance.
  • The dishes in which the jelly will be prepared must be dry and clean. Aluminum cookware is not suitable because of its property to release toxic substances during oxidation. Stainless steel, enamelware, wood and ceramics, as well as plastic can be used safely.
  • Currant jelly is stored in glass jars, which, before filling, must not only be washed well, but also sterilized and dried. If the product was prepared without heat treatment or it was minimal, it can only be kept in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. Heat treatment allows you to store the jelly at room temperature, provided that it is sealed tightly.
  • You need to lay out the jelly in jars before it has time to thicken, so you need to prepare them in advance.
  • In order for jelly made without cooking to “seize”, you should not put it in the refrigerator immediately. It is better to do it in a day. For a longer period, you should not leave jelly prepared in the "cold way" at room temperature.

In more detail, the technology for preparing jelly is described in recipes, on which, in particular, the storage conditions of the sweet blank also depend.

Classic redcurrant jelly recipe

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the currants, remove the stalks and debris, crushed and rotten berries. Rinse remaining in running water.
  • Place the berries in a bowl or large bowl. It is better to give preference to dishes as flat and wide as possible - this way the heating and evaporation area is larger, which significantly saves time for preparing jelly.
  • Fill the berry with water, put the basin on the fire and heat until the berry starts to burst and release juice.
  • Strain the currant juice, squeeze it out of the remaining berries by placing the berries in a sieve and rubbing through it with a wooden spatula. Try not to press too hard to avoid getting the berry skins into the jelly. If there is a lot of cake left and it would be a pity to throw it away, you can cook a delicious compote from it by adding sugar, water and a little citric acid.
  • Pour sugar into currant juice, stir.
  • Cook the jelly over low heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens. After 15 minutes, the berry mass will decrease in volume by about a third.
  • Spoon the jelly into the prepared jars while still warm and roll them up. Turn over the jars and wrap. After a day, put it in the pantry - such a blank is well worth it at room temperature.

Recipe for the occasion::

Redcurrant jelly prepared according to this recipe turns out to be very thick and sweet. It is good to use it for making various desserts.

A simple redcurrant jelly recipe

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.8 kg;
  • water - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the berries, wash and dry. Sprinkle with sugar.
  • Leave the berry for 10 minutes, stir - the sugar should become wet.
  • Pour a little water into the basin with the berry and put it on low heat.
  • Boil 10 minutes after the water boils.
  • Transfer the resulting mass to a colander and crush a little with a spoon so that the juice pours out. Hold the colander at this time over a clean bowl or other similar container.
  • Immediately spread the resulting mass into sterilized jars.
  • Cork jars, turn over, wrap. Once they have cooled down, store them.

Jelly prepared according to a simple recipe turns out to be slightly less thick and sweet than the classic one, but it also keeps well.

Redcurrant jelly "Five minutes"

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • After sorting and washing the berries, cover them with sugar. Leave on for 15-20 minutes.
  • Sterilize jars.
  • Mix the berry with sugar and put the container with it on the fire. The fire must be strong enough, and the berry must be constantly stirred.
  • Boil exactly 5 minutes after boiling.
  • Wipe the berries through a sieve, while trying not to get anything extra (skins, twigs, if they were not removed immediately) into the jelly. It is better to leave more cake than to ruin the workpiece.
  • Arrange in jars, close with boiled plastic lids.
  • Leave the jelly at room temperature for 18-20 hours, then put it in the refrigerator for the winter.

The jelly prepared according to this recipe is very tender. The minimum heat treatment time allows you to save a significant part of the vitamins present in red currants.