Feng Shui horoscope interpretation. How to recognize your feng shui element by date of birth Metal by date of birth and year

Many people have heard that someone was born in the year of the Snake, Rooster, Monkey or, for example, in the year of the Ox. In the Eastern calendar, the element is of particular importance, since it also determines the character.

Eastern philosophy, as we know it now, has been building up for many thousands of years. In China and many other East Asian countries, it is believed that every person has a patron animal and a patron element. There are only 12 animals, and five elements. This suggests that most people have different patrons, which explains the variety of characters and types of temperament.

How to know your element and animal

To find out which animal is your patron, just pay attention to the diagram below. In accordance with it, you can easily determine your Sign according to the Eastern calendar.

It is the elements that are of particular importance for the analysis of a person's character. There are five of them: fire, metal, water, wood, earth. Each element rules the Earth for two years.

"Fiery" years of birth: 1906-1907, 1926-1927, 1936-1937, 1946-1947 and so on, that is, every sixth and seventh year in a decade is Fiery.

"Wooden" year of birth: 1904-1905, 1914-1915, 1924-1925 and so on. Every fourth and fifth year is Wood, that is, if you were born, for example, in 1984 or 85, then you, respectively, are either a Blue Wood Rat or a Blue Wood Ox. The color of each element is always the same and constant.

"Water" rules the world in every second and third year in a decade: 1902-1903, 1912-1913, 1922-1923, ..., 2002-2003, 2012-2013.

"Metal"- this is the element of each zero and first year: 1900-1901, 1910-1911, ..., 1990-1991, 2000-2001, 2010-2011.

"Earth" the eighth and ninth years depart: 1908-1909, 1918-1919, 1928-1929, ..., 1988-1989, 1998-1999, 2008-2009 and so on.

The element in the eastern horoscope is important, since it is it that determines our character and, in many respects, even our destiny. The animal is rather a talisman, although it is of great importance. For each element, there is a certain set of the most “suitable” characteristics that it is important to know about in order to correctly analyze people or effectively plan for yourself. It is on this that the eastern calendar as a whole relies, for its purpose is to describe a person’s capabilities, and not limitations. The Eastern peoples have a special zeal for introspection, so the study of the elements is especially scrupulous. Many people in these countries build their lives on the basis of the Eastern calendar and its postulates.

Elemental characteristics

Each element is unique. Do not underestimate the characteristics and capabilities of your element, as any of them have strengths that will help you reveal your talents and overcome weaknesses.

Fire. The name itself speaks for itself. These people are like an open flame - they burn, hurting, or, conversely, gently and gently warm with their warmth. Inside these people lives a storm of emotions that can break out at any moment. They are incredibly quick-tempered - by the type of temperament they are typical choleric. "Fiery" people can achieve excellent results in any of the areas of life, but they need faith in themselves more than anyone else. Without it, it will be difficult for them to love and look for a soul mate. In love, they understand better than anyone. They are caring, but can cause pain and suffering with their actions. It is better to forgive them right away, because they will never do something to spite you. For timely understanding, they will love you even more. That is why Fire always goes well with Earth. Wisdom is always needed by unbridled emotions and the desire to move forward. These people are beautiful, smart, determined. This gives them power over the opposite sex and good luck in business, love, work.

Best Animals for Fire: Rat, Dragon and Monkey, since these are "open" Signs. Strong-willed Signs also go well with Fire: Dog, Horse and Tiger. The color of fire is red. Eastern sages advise using this color for protection, which is almost absent from Fire as such. Excessive aggressiveness is your worst enemy if you were born under the auspices of Fire. Learn self-control and endurance, which will help you maintain good luck and rationally spend energy and time.

Earth."Earthly" people are wise beyond their years. They are very careful, prudent and logical. For this they are often called bores, but the last to laugh, as a rule, are those who were born under the auspices of the Earth. Many people have a situation where they tell you that your actions can lead to problems. If this is what happens in the end, then most likely this “prediction” came from the lips of the man of the Earth. They will not just give you advice to show their superiority or impress. They don't need it. If they care about you, it means they love and appreciate you. These people are disciplined, but prone to hyperbole. They constantly make big problems out of little things. It is difficult for them to assess the situation sensibly because of the influx of uncertainty and doubt. They often lack spark, enthusiasm, adventurism. Because of this, they are often considered boring.

The unknown can lead the people of Earth into fear. Depression is their frequent companion, which is why they are so gloomy, gray and sad. The last thing to do is blame them for it. So you will only make it worse. It will be even worse if such a person withdraws into himself and becomes cruel to everyone without exception. They control their anger to the last, before they explode. The best patron animals for this element are the Snake, Ox and Rooster. They are in perfect harmony with the Earth.

Metal. The most powerful, impenetrable people are the people of Metal. Their character is hard to miss. They always strive for independence, power, wealth. Their energy is almost impossible to confuse with the energy of other elements. If you argue with them, you will lose. Don't waste time.

"Metal" people are the most successful businessmen, scientists, inventors. They achieve their goals no matter what. They just need to set a goal for themselves. They do not need support, because they do not succumb to difficulties. They love and know how to lead people, as they are born leaders from birth. No one knows how to guide subordinates along the right path like they do. Be prepared for their demands. They can be very difficult to get along with because they spend a lot of money, adore luxury and do not restrain their impulsiveness - sometimes they are more quick-tempered than "fiery" people. Tiger, Horse and Dog- these are animals that are ideal for people of the elements of Metal.

Water. Water people seem to dissolve in their familiar environment when they feel good. They find loopholes in communication with any person, so they always have the most friends and more chances than others to find their soul mate. It is impossible not to love them, because they are very kind, considerate and incredibly diplomatic. These are some of the most creative people on Earth, because Water is a symbol of art. Water is life, positive, good luck. They may have organizational issues, but overall, everything is fine on that front as well. People of Water are easier than others to learn foreign languages. They are not afraid to learn, improve their skills in any area.

Of course, Water can also be passive, indifferent. This cannot be avoided, because ideal people do not exist. You will never know the secrets of a person born in the year of Water. He knows how to keep not only his own, but also other people's secrets, therefore he enjoys the trust and respect of friends and relatives. To achieve their goals, "water" people can resort to the subtleties of psychology. They are excellent manipulators who can easily get you to take their side in an argument. The most creative animals in the Eastern calendar are Water's best friends: Rabbit, Goat, Pig. In some cases, still good for Water can be Serpent and Dragon.

Wood. Tree people are a prime example of how generous a person can be. They are wise, like the people of the Earth, but they do not have such isolation and depressiveness. They are generous not in terms of money, but in terms of spending their personal time. It is not difficult for them to help you if you need anything. Their hobbies are almost always connected with the knowledge of this world. They are wise beyond their years, so they can live independently from an early age. If desired, they can even manipulate people. You should be careful with them, as there may be personal motives behind external attractiveness. This is very rare, because the Tree does not make a person selfish.

The most successful animal patrons for the Tree are Tiger, Dog, Rooster, Pig and Rabbit. As the Eastern sages say, almost any animal can suit this element, because the people of the Tree always develop in different directions, they are smart and have great potential. The only problem is that it is often very difficult to unleash this potential to the fullest.

Whatever your native element is, it is important to consider what year is currently going on. A lot depends on the combination of your element and the patron element in each particular year. Obviously, if the year of the Earth Snake is in the yard, then those who were born in the year of the Earth will be lucky. Follow the Eastern calendar so that everything in your life is always the way you want.

People have long believed that there are higher powers that accompany everyone. When a person finds out which of the elements patronizes him, he will have information about his own character and about the ways of arranging life. Feng Shui is easy to determine by date of birth. Despite the fact that in our time the day of the birth of a person is only a personal holiday, this number is fraught with something more.

According to Feng Shui, the date of birth affects the entire future of the child. It determines the element to which a person belongs. The number of Gua also depends on it, having calculated which it will not be difficult to find answers to a variety of life questions. A person will know how to do the right thing, and this also applies to the arrangement of furniture in the room, and the profession, and the life path in general. You just need to follow certain rules, then all obstacles will disappear, and life will become easier.
The magic number is quite simple to calculate: you just need to choose a specific algorithm depending on gender.

  1. For men: add the last 2 digits of the year in which you were born. If you get a two-digit amount, then take only the last digit (for example, if you get 17, then you need to take only 7). Subtract the resulting number from 10.
  2. For women: also add the last 2 digits of the year of birth. If you get one of the numbers 6, 7, 8, or 9, then you need to subtract 5 from it. If the result of the addition is the number 1, 2, 3 or 4, then you need to add 5. If the sum is two-digit, then take into account only the last digit of the resulting numbers. Depending on what this number is, you need to add or subtract 5 (as described above).

The result obtained as a result of mathematical calculations will be the Gua number.

Depending on the number of Gua a person has, at birth he receives personality traits laid down by nature itself. If the magic number is:

  • 0, then a strong and powerful energy lies inside a person. These people are driven by a desire for justice. They don't like to be challenged or not followed through with their demands.
  • 1, then for this representative of humanity, beauty is above all. Their spiritual impulses are driven by the desire for beauty, and the aesthetic pleasure from this or that object will determine their mood for the whole day.
  • 2, then for these people the world will always be full of adventure. At any age, they are inquisitive, and the desire to explore everything around does not leave them.
  • 3, then for this person stress and depression will be a constant part of everyday life. However, it will be more difficult for them to endure life's difficulties than for others, since inside they are refined and sensitive.
  • 4, then the main personality traits will be uncompromising and adherence to principles. The main components of their success are stubbornness and following clear rules.
  • 5, then this is a kind, peaceful and sympathetic individual. He can justify the actions of anyone, but he will never forgive himself for evil.
  • 6, then these are energetic representatives of society. They can do everything, even after a busy work or school day, they will find strength for family and friends.
  • 7, then, most likely, for this person, life will be a constant tension. Such people live in anticipation of pain from the outside world, as they are sentimental and sensitive.
  • 8, then such men and women will get their way. No obstacle will stop them on their way to the goal.
  • 9, then such a person will stay with his parents for a long time. For them, the goal of life will be, and not success in any field of activity. They are grateful for life's difficulties and are often deeply religious.

Naturally, there are exceptions to any rule. A person can mix the signs of different Gua numbers in himself, or he can represent a complete correspondence to the characteristic.

Element Definition

What characteristics a person will have is also influenced by the element to which he belongs. In addition, it is this indicator that affects which people an individual can contact. Like the Gua number, the elements are determined by the date of birth. Each element is assigned a certain number. 0 and 1 - Metal, 2 and 3 - Water, 4 and 5 - Wood, 6 and 7 - Fire, 8 and 9 - Earth. To understand which element patronizes a person, you need to look at the last digit of the year of birth. It denotes the element to which the individual belongs. For example, if a person was born in 1986, then he belongs to the Fire group, if in 1991, then his element is Metal, and so on.

Feng Shui is an ancient teaching that people are becoming more and more convinced of. Having joined him, it is important to keep your faith for many years. If you plunge headlong into this current, then life will improve, and positive energy will fill everyday life.

To determine your element - a symbol of the elements of feng shui, you need to pay attention to the last digit of your year of birth, despite the fact that you were born after February 20th. This number will determine your element.
But if you were born between January 1 and February 20, then the figure must be taken from the previous year. Those who celebrate their birthday in January-February should determine the exact date for the Chinese New Year, because its celebration is different every year.

If the figure has been determined exactly, then in this table you will find out your feng shui element:

People aspiring to turn to a combination of the five main elements of feng shui. These elements are five energy phases, through which the life force passes - the energy of qi.

Five symbols of the universe:

The tree is a symbol of a swift start.

Fire is the peak, the pinnacle of development.

Metal is a symbol of decline.

Earth is a phase of stabilization.

Water is the fifth phase, representing potential.

All five elements form a creative and destructive cycle:
1. The cycle of creation is structured as follows: Fire gives birth to Earth, Earth - Metal, Water is born from Metal, Water gives birth to Wood, and Wood gives birth to Fire - and the chain closes.

2. In the destructive cycle, Metal melts under the influence of Fire, Metal cuts Wood, Wood can lift and loosen Earth, Earth pollutes Water, and Water extinguishes Fire.

Properties of the Five Elements of Feng Shui

Feng Shui Element Properties - Wood
The tree is a symbol of new life. This is the beginning of the cycle of the five elements. This element symbolizes that which slowly but surely strives for the goal and achieves it. Also, the Tree is a symbol of intuition, inner knowledge. A person endowed with the energy of a tree is very strong, but his strength is flexible, following the inner voice. Best of all personify the Tree living plants. Green objects enhance the energy of the Tree in the dwelling.
Feng Shui Element Properties - Fire
Fire has the most yang energy of the five elements. Fire always causes respect and fear.

The energy of Fire is characterized by pressure, striving for superiority.

In Feng Shui, this energy is regulated by red or a candle.

Fire lives in fireplaces, needles, images of sunrise and sunset, interior items made of wool, feathers, and leather.

Carriers of the energy of Fire are children, animals and birds.

An excess of Fire turns a person into a self-confident self-lover, leads to nervous exhaustion. Such people strive to do a lot of things, but do not have time. Fire can warm and cheer, but it can also burn and destroy.

It, like Water, must be constantly kept under control.
Feng Shui Element Properties - Earth
The earth is the basis of human life.

The energy of the Earth is needed for a person and his environment to be in harmony.

For these purposes, they put clay statues, decorate the plots with granite boulders. The energy of the Earth is in stone, ceramic, crystal objects.

If the Earth is in abundance, a person becomes limited, a victim of his own stubbornness. If this happens, well-being goes away from them.
Feng Shui Element Properties – Metal
Metal is inherent in such forms of the planet as gold, silver, copper and other metals.

Metal stimulates thought processes.

Reinforcing metal energy is quite simple by placing metal candlesticks, clocks, figurines, or other metal objects.

An excess of this element leads to fuss, indiscretion, promiscuity in means.
Feng Shui Element Properties - Water
with magical powers. All other elements come from it.

Water is a black element.

It personifies contemplation, human spirituality, has a cleansing and refreshing effect.

With the help of the energy of Water, a person becomes more peaceful and flexible. An excess of Water makes a person indecisive and very vulnerable, leads to lethargy and despondency.

Water symbolizes wealth.

Harmony of the five elements of feng shui:
In nature, all five elements are in balance. The arrangement of housing without taking into account the laws of harmony of space has led to a violation of the balance of elements in our apartments and houses. Each room should have symbols of all the elements. The absence of even one of the five elements leads to an imbalance. A person loses harmony with the world and himself.

"Chinese calendar"

In the table you can find out about the color of the year, what element it belongs to, the animal of the year, from what date the year begins according to the Chinese calendar. Also, this table will be useful for those who wish to determine their element in Feng Shui.
Chinese New Year is celebrated continuously between January 20 and February 20. This is due to the fact that the Chinese calendar is based on lunar months.

Feng Shui Element Compatibility

fire + fire
Two Fires excite each other's strength, optimism and energy, the desire for creativity and unusual solutions. The union here promises to be long and strong, since the parties do not get bored with each other's company.

Fire + Earth
Here there is stimulation, excitation of each other's potencies. The creative imagination of Fire is perfectly combined with the sensuality and intuition of the Earth, their unity fixes the relationship of such people for a long time and in all possible manifestations.

Fire + Metal
Fire and Metal are opposing elements, moreover, Fire suppresses - melts and destroys - Metal. Metal is trying to subjugate to its will and impose its opinion on Fire, which results in a sharp conflict. However, the sense of humor inherent in both signs can soften the situation. To harmonize relations, a softening mediator is needed - the Earth. Earth elements must be in the house.

Fire + Water
These relationships are not the best, because Water has the ability to extinguish Fire. However, it is able to bring creative power into the activity and enterprise of Fire, which, in turn, also nourishes the forces of Water. But, despite the natural inclination to communicate, people born under the signs of Water and Fire cannot understand each other's feelings.

To harmonize relationships, they should have something from the elements of the Tree at home. It will weaken the negative interaction of Fire and Water.

Fire +Wood
Such a connection is considered good: the Wood calms the overly impulsive and subject to the influence of the moment Fire, and the Fire gives the Wood the strength to carry out the most daring projects.

Both are united by a love for everything new, interesting and unexplored.

Earth + Earth
Such an alliance is considered very good. Two people of the sign of the Earth are caring towards each other and everyone tries to be on top in the eyes of a partner. At first glance, restrained feelings are actually deep and passionate.

However, the people of Earth are very stubborn and this can cause conflicts. But if mutual attachment is strong enough, then all these problems will easily step aside.

Earth + Metal
One of the best combinations. Here, partners will find help, respect and support in each other, they will admire each other.

Earth is slow, but Metal is patient. At the same time, Earth supports the ambitions of Metal, which helps him to carry out his bold projects.

Metal, in turn, helps the Earth expand its horizons, be bold and expressive.

Earth + Water
It will be difficult for such a couple, because both are too sensitive and vulnerable. The earth is secure and stable, but stubborn. The stubbornness of the Earth touches the more vulnerable Water. In a practical sense, the union of Earth and Water is quite effective.

Water is a creative nature, and the Earth is practical, showing common sense in everything. Metal must be present in their home to soften the poignant moments.

Earth + Wood
Wood and Earth have opposite qualities: Earth is conservative, Wood is progressive and mobile. At the same time, the Tree dries up the Earth.

However, their union can be good if they try to support each other, and not offend. To build relationships in the house, you need the attributes of the elements of Fire.

Metal + Metal
Good relations between the same signs are due, first of all, to understanding. In this case, problems are possible, but everything is solved for the sake of a common cause.

To others, their relationship may seem cold. This is due to the natural individualism and independence of the Metal people. In fact, their relationship tends to be deep and lasting.

Metal + Water
These two elements help each other to hold on in difficult situations, both have deep intuition and the ability to deeply understand and empathize.

Metal teaches Water not to fall under the influence of others, Water helps Metal to “float away” from the past and be less conservative, teaches him to express his feelings.

Metal +Wood
The combination of these characters can lead to conflict. Since both tend to rule and make decisions. At the same time, a sociable Tree will love company, while Metal prefers solitude. This will annoy each other.

But Wood is more accommodating. And, most likely, he will get used to the lack of sociability of Metal. Metal will suffer from the high demands of Wood.

But if Metal does not argue with his idealistic partner, they will succeed. For such a couple, the main thing is to be able to give in in time and compromise.

Water + Water
A wonderful union, where the parties deeply feel each other on an intuitive level, guess the needs and requirements of the partner. Internal kinship strengthens their determination and protects them from negative external influences and influences. Two Waters gain strength and confidence in each other.

Water + Wood
Here the partners help each other a lot. Therefore, such an alliance is favorable for both.

Water nourishes the Tree, gives it the energy of growth and flowering, and the Tree brings to Water a sense of stability and clarity of purpose.

Water softens, brings the ability to empathy and compassion, promotes self-expression. The tree brings strength and stability to Water, strengthens Water, prone to frequent mood swings.

Their connection is built on the intuitive, subtle closeness of souls and minds, so over time their union only grows stronger.

Wood + Tree
This is a creative union of two active natures. The tree loves variety, change, different activities. Two Trees reinforce these inclinations in each other - each, in addition to their own hobbies and diverse hobbies, also have common interests.

However, they do not get tired of their partners, but on the contrary, they really flourish. They are tolerant, tend to give in and help each other.

It turns out that feng shui teaches not only how to “correctly” arrange furniture in the bedroom in order to save love; or what talismans to use to attract money into the house... This oriental wisdom helps people to know themselves better. With the help of Feng Shui, you can calculate your own horoscope, as well as learn a lot of interesting things about your friends and relatives!

Let's start with the basics: like all other "star charts", the Feng Shui horoscope is compiled according to the date of birth of a person. It allows you to calculate which element patronizes a person, what exactly is hidden behind it, and in what direction you need to work on yourself.

First you need to remember that all calculations are based on the Chinese astrological calendar. The trick is that the New Year in this country is celebrated not on January 1, as is customary in most states, but on one of the days included in the period from January 21 to February 21.

For example, in 2016, the holiday was celebrated on February 9th. If a person's date of birth falls on February 8, 2016 according to the Western calendar, the Chinese will still place it in 2015. It seems that the system is not very complicated, but you should get used to this order of "chronology".

Who are you: metal, water, wood, fire or earth?

Based on these considerations, it is necessary to correctly determine in which year (according to the Chinese calendar) a person was born. Then take the last digit and compare it with the list of elements that underlie the fan horoscope. I will not dwell on the characteristics in detail, I will only outline the main distinguishing features of different elements.

  • 0, Metal Yang: fair, resolute, stubborn character; painful straightness; exactingness to colleagues and subordinates. He likes to travel, to amaze others with his intellect, he will never let a friend offend.
  • 1, Yin Metal: proud, aristocratic, intellectual disposition. Extreme cleanliness, generosity, high degree of excitement. Feels like a fish out of water in the world of fashion, bohemia and art. Demands universal admiration and recognition.
  • 2, Water Yang: impulsive, diversified, impetuous. A pathological optimist who does not believe in the existence of obstacles on the way to what he wants. Speed ​​has been his true passion since birth.
  • 3, Water Yin: noble, modest, artless. Able to limit himself to small things, perfectly keeps secrets, does not accept violence. Often falls into depression, but at the same time tries to avoid conflicts.
  • 4, Yang tree: principled, stubborn, honest. Curiosity, organization, self-discipline. He has excellent leadership data, but is not ready to compromise.
  • 5, Yin Wood: flexible, tolerant, stress-resistant. Excellent taste, sociability, unobtrusiveness. Dedicated to creativity; interested in literature, music, art; easy to trust.
  • 6, Fire Yang: energetic, quick-tempered, generous. Frankness, categorical rejection of lies, the desire to help. They are capable of political activity, they devote themselves to their studies with all their hearts.
  • 7, Fire Yin: cautious, changeable, vulnerable. Ready to support loved ones in any situation, selfless up to sacrifice. Can neglect personal interests for the sake of another person's happiness.
  • 8, Yang Earth: conservative, inflexible, rough. Slowness in reasoning and action. A certain angularity can be traced even in appearance. Such a person practically does not know how to relax, but at the same time he will be faithful to the grave.
  • 9, Earth Yin: soft, docile character. Great dedication; caring for others and high parenting qualities. They prefer to live away from the hustle and bustle of cities; like to welcome guests; easily amenable to other people's influence, and because of this, they often get into trouble.

Is the horoscope right?

Given that I was born in November 1985, my element according to the philosophy of Feng Shui is the Yin Tree. Surprisingly, everything that is said in this horoscope corresponded to the truth!

And sociability, and the ability to "talk" the interlocutor, and excellent resistance to stressful situations. No wonder the fan horoscope impressed me.

By the date of birth of my relatives, I determined which element patronizes each of them. It turned out similar: my mother was born in 1961. Her element is Yin Metal, and she is indeed very artistic, has a developed sense of self-worth and loves order.

Grandmother's date of birth is April 1939. Her element is Yin Earth. And the feng shui horoscope completely repeats the grandmother's character: complaisant, calm, devoted to the family.

However, more questions soon arose. A great many people were born in 1985, including a bunch of my reclusive classmates and unsociable classmates. Can they be attributed to the supersociable element of water? ..

And the infamous dictator Benito Mussolini? According to his date of birth (July 29, 1883), his element is benevolent, patient, gentle Yin Water. Agree, not very similar to the bloodthirsty killer of thousands of innocent people!

When the elements collide

Of course, a Feng Shui horoscope is only a schematic representation of a person's character. The real personality is genetics, upbringing, and many other factors. In addition, real experts in the philosophy of "feng" say: throughout his life, a person masters various elements and, depending on some tragic circumstances, can "get used" to one of them.

As a result, the "non-native" element becomes predominant, and this often leads to tragic results. A person can feel deeply unhappy, becomes prone to bad habits, engages in self-destruction. This is how the conflict between the “native” and alien elements is manifested, each of which wants to win.

Therefore, wise people advise us to listen to our nature and remain ourselves, no matter the circumstances.

The ancient Eastern practice of the Taoist sages allowed humanity to learn a lot about themselves, to develop and improve.

A feng shui horoscope by date of birth is a simple technique by which you can learn a lot of hidden facts about yourself, learn the true meaning in this world. It is divided into nine separate answer sectors, symbolizing all the earthly elements, and gives its own interpretation to each of them.

Feng Shui horoscope by date of birth: how to calculate?

Determining your belonging according to the Feng Shui horoscope is very simple: for this, take the last digit of your year of birth as a basis. It will mean your element. But there is one caveat here: you should interpret the year of your birth according to the Chinese calendar, and it is somewhat different from the one we use.

For example, due to the difference in calculus, the Chinese New Year is usually celebrated between the end of January and the end of February. Therefore, for people born in this period of the winter season, some adjustments may sometimes be required.

A simple example: if your child was born on February 7, 2016, then under the Chinese system of determining the year, he refers to children born in 2015, since the New Year in this calendar period of time was celebrated in China only on February 9. Therefore, the old year 2015 was still going on until that date.

After you make sure that the year of your birth according to the Chinese calendar is calculated correctly, it remains only to highlight its last digit as a basis. That is, for the aforementioned child born (according to the Chinese calendar) in 2015, the value of the feng shui horoscope will be equal to the number 5.

It is worth noting that humanity was not in vain divided precisely according to this peculiar method. It is believed that each specific calendar year is patronized by a certain type of energy, and at the same time, its own special element. Unlike the classical system of counting the elements, the Chinese also have their own differences and features: it has five separate elements that personify the human character.

Water, Wood, Metal, Fire and Earth - these are the five elements-criteria on which the Chinese Feng Shui horoscope is based.

Important features of the Feng Shui horoscope

You will notice that each element seems to be repeated twice. For example, two “Trees” and two “Fires” fall out in the answers. However, you need to pay attention to an important nuance: although the element is the same and at first glance it simply duplicates, the energy that controls it changes. This is why the Yin "Tree" is so different from the Yang "Tree". These differences are based on the opposition of two types of living energy: the masculine Yang and the feminine Yin. Therefore, the element under the auspices of the female Yin will be somewhat more plastic, softer and more gentle, but the element controlled by the male Yang energy is a brute force.

Depending on the energy that controls your element, you can draw conclusions about what exactly your temperament lacks. So, often with the predominance of female Yin, people are distinguished by excessive softness and passivity, they are not inclined to make responsible decisions.

While the element under the sign of Yang is often too tough and inflexible people who are not able to compromise. Harmony of the soul is possible only in one case - when the balance of two energies in one person is observed, when Yin and Yang complement each other and circulate correctly, not competing and not crowding out each other.

Feng Shui Horoscope: Meaning and Interpretation

Meaning Feng Shui Horoscope Interpretation
0 (Metal, Jan) Prone to rigid and sharp straightforwardness, a heightened sense of justice. Very demanding, persistent and stubborn. Appreciates friends and is ready to stand up for them, longs for recognition of his exclusivity. He dreams of traveling a lot around the world and seeing distant countries.
1 (Metal, yin) Prone to pride and selfishness, the intellectual type of Metal. Clean and generous enough, but not resistant to a sense of excitement and rivalry. He longs to be at the peak of everyone's attention, to be part of the elite and the cream of society.
2 (Water, Jan) He is driven by impulses and changing trends. Optimistic, cheerful, firmly and persistently goes to his goal. He loves speed, does not tolerate stagnation and boring life.
3 (Water, yin) This is Water more modest, even noble, not capable of deceit and betrayal. Peaceful, there are not enough stars from the sky, most often he is content with what he has. Prone to the development of neurosis and depression.
4 (Wood, Jan) Stubborn, very principled and quite straightforward. He loves discipline, is able to organize a team, strives to become a leader. But he lacks flexibility and the ability to find softer levers of pressure.
5 (Wood, yin) "Soft" Wood, this type of element is distinguished by flexibility, the ability to subtly manipulate to achieve its goals. Easily makes contact, blends well into any team, stress-resistant and sociable.
6 (Fire, Jan) Excessively quick-tempered Fire, but at the same time truly generous and fair. Cannot stand lies, deceit, double game, does not tolerate betrayal and deceit. These are born politicians.
7 (Fire, yin) Tends to be overly cautious, afraid of change, seeks to gain complete and indestructible stability. This Fire is vulnerable, a model of selflessness and altruism. Capable of making great sacrifices.
8 (Earth, Jan) A rude and sharp conservative who prefers to think over all his decisions for a long time and not rush to conclusions. These people are very loyal, but at the same time overly inflexible.
9 (Earth, yin) A very docile Earth with a soft, plastic temperament. Born parents, educators. They love a quiet family hearth and comfort, they strive to escape away from the hustle and bustle of big cities.

In a feng shui horoscope, everything is quite simple and logical: look at the opposite element, which is led by a different energy. This will be the answer to what you lack, in which direction it would be worth working.

For example, if you were born in a year that ends in 2, then you are the element of Water under the auspices of Yang energy. Water in Yin energy is those qualities that you lack: nobility, modesty, peacefulness in response to your inflexibility and impulsiveness.

A feng shui horoscope by date of birth is a great opportunity to know yourself, correct your shortcomings and minuses in order to find peace of mind and a balance of two elements within your own mind.