Mix for plastering brick ovens. How and with what to plaster the oven. Applying the solution to a previously prepared surface

Electric and gas heating has entered almost every home, but many owners of summer cottages and country mansions still prefer brick stoves.

Furnace lined with plaster

This is due to the economy of operation, the environmental friendliness of fuel and the special atmosphere of home comfort, to which we all gravitate.

About what should be the plaster of the brick oven and how to perform it correctly - we will describe in detail in this article.
Let's start with what plaster is generally needed for.

Many owners of stoves during operation are faced with such an unpleasant fact as wall cracking, which leads to a violation of its technical properties and can cause carbon monoxide to enter the room.

This happens not so much from time, but rather from a violation of the technology of plastering and improperly prepared composition of the finishing mixture.

Lack of cladding will lead to cracking

Whichever version of the plaster you choose, it must meet certain technological standards.

In addition, an unlined stove does not look aesthetically pleasing, and the process of caring for it is difficult. If the stove is not plastered, then after a while dust, soot, grease, etc. will clog into the seams and folds between the bricks.

Also, a non-plastered stove can absorb unpleasant odors, which will then be difficult to remove.

Plaster improves the condition of the furnace

What are the requirements for plaster for ovens?

  1. Adhesion.
  2. Heat resistance.
  3. Normal reaction to the expansion of the walls during the firing of the furnace.

The advantages of lining the furnace with plaster include:

The only drawback of such facing works is cracking, but this can be avoided if all technological norms and rules are strictly followed when performing plastering work.

What can cause cracking? There are several options:

  • Poor composition of the solution.
  • Wrong technology of facing works.
  • Incorrect priming and preparation of the oven surface.

Types of mortar for plaster oven

The main requirement for the solution is the ability to withstand sudden changes in temperature.

There are several options for plaster mixtures that you can prepare yourself:

To prepare a simple mortar, we need clay, river sand, water and crushed fiberglass, which adds strength to the plaster.

We take 1 part of clay of medium fat content, 2 parts of high-quality sifted river sand and 1/10 of chopped fiber.

The quality of the solution is greatly influenced by clay, which is lean and oily. The degree of fat content of clay can be varied in the mixture by adding or reducing sand. For oily clay, you can increase the amount of sand to 4 parts per part clay.

Video: preparing a mixture of clay for plastering the oven

Some stove-makers prefer to add not asbestos fiber (fiberglass), but crushed straw or hemp to the plaster, citing the environmental friendliness of the material. However, natural components do not give such strength to the solution as fiberglass.

asbestos fiber

To prepare a complex solution, you will need:

2 parts slaked lime.

1 part building plaster.

1 part river finely sifted sand.

0.2 parts fiberglass (or asbestos).

It will not be easy for a beginner to work with a gypsum-lime mortar, since the gypsum hardens very quickly. Already 30-40 minutes after the preparation of the mixture, such a solution is almost impossible to apply to the oven wall, so it is better to prepare it in portions.

Basic rules for applying plaster to the oven

And although facing work is not a tricky business, you still need to take into account the basic rules that will help you successfully cope with the task.

Do-it-yourself plastering of a brick oven: step by step instructions

Before proceeding with the finishing work on lining the furnace with plaster, it is necessary to prepare the following materials and tools:

Plaster tools

  • Spatula medium - for a set of solution.
  • Spatula wide - for spreading the plaster over the surface.
  • A hammer will be needed to reinforce the wall.
  • The grater helps distribute the solution and smooth the surface.
  • Chisel.
  • Smoother - allows you to bring the surface to a perfectly even coating.
  • Brush - will help to give the surface a textured pattern.
  • Corner leveler.
  • Metal brush for surface cleaning.
  • Building rule.
  • Building level and plumb.

Step 1. Preparatory work

Furnace plastering work is recommended to be carried out at least 2-3 weeks after the complete completion of the furnace masonry. It should dry well, and the masonry mortar should completely harden. If you hurry and start facing work ahead of time, then after 2-3 kindling of the furnace, cracks may appear on the decorative layer.

For even application of the solution, it is necessary to carefully prepare the wall of the furnace.

Advice. To clean the walls, use only a dry cloth, as a wet one may leave dirty stains that will show through the layer of plaster.

Step 2. Preparing the mixture

You can choose any mixture for plastering the oven: ready-made store or do it yourself.

To prepare the solution with your own hands, combine the required amount of dry ingredients in a bucket and only then add water. Using a construction mixer, you need to knead the solution well.

How to prepare lime mortar?

  • If you are using a clay-lime mortar, then the lime must first be extinguished.

To do this, pour lump lime into a metal bucket and fill it with water. Do all work outdoors. After a day, drain the cooled solution, and pass the slurry, which settled at the bottom in the form of sediment, through a wide sieve to remove all undissolved lumps.

Solution preparation

  • Soak the clay in water for 4-5 days. After it turns into a pulp, you need to pass it through a wide sieve to filter out all the lumps and excess debris.
  • Add 0.2 parts of asbestos or fiberglass.
  • Thoroughly knead the mixture with a construction mixer or a drill with a nozzle. The consistency of the solution should be plastic, without lumps and resemble sour cream.

Step 3. The process of applying plaster

There are two ways to plaster the surface of the furnace. It all depends on the condition of the walls.

First way

  • If the walls are not even and a reinforcing mesh is installed on them, it is necessary to attach guide beacons, which will serve as a guide for the correct application of the mortar. We set the beacons according to the building level and check their verticality with a plumb line.

    Lighthouse plastering

  • We heat the furnace well and wait until the fuel burns out completely.
  • We apply water with a large brush to the hot surface of the walls. You can use a roller for this. It will remove any remaining dust.
  • We apply a primer and wait until it is well fixed. If you skip this step, there will be poor adhesion between the wall and the plaster, which can lead to flaking in the future.
  • We apply the first layer of plaster with a thickness of 5 mm. We apply it with sketches, as if spraying all over the wall. The task of this stage of work is the deep penetration of the mortar into the seams between the bricks, which were previously buried.
  • Let the solution dry well.

    Application technique

  • Now apply carefully the second layer of the solution. At the same time, we make sure that it goes 9-10 mm beyond the beacons. Movements should be made from the bottom up. Immediately align the mortar with a building rule.
  • Slowly move along the entire wall, applying plaster from the bottom of the wall to the top and leveling it with a rule.
  • When it comes to corners, use an angled trowel.

    A metal profile can be glued to the corners

    It is better to round the corners a little. Firstly, it will ensure the safety of the residents of the house, especially children. And secondly, there is less chance of a corner chipping during operation.

  • Now you need to sand the surface of the wall while it is still wet and pliable.

Advice. In order to prevent cracks from appearing on the walls during the operation of the furnace, throw wet burlap on them. After the fabric is dry, wet it again and throw it on the wall again until it dries completely.

  • The third layer will be decorative. For him, you need to prepare a more liquid solution. If you still have a lot of ready-made solution, add a little water to it. It will help to perfectly level the entire surface of the wall and sand it.
  • The plaster is applied in a thin layer of 1 mm. If you do not plan to whitewash the oven or cover the paint, then you can not apply this last coat.

Second way

This option should be used if the wall surface is very uneven and you had to attach a metal mesh to the stove.


Step 4. Decorative work

Of course, plaster itself can act as a facing material, but to add decorativeness, the stove can be decorated.

To do this, you can use elements of ceramic tiles, laying it out as an ornament, or you can whitewash a plastered wall.

Decorate a plastered stove

A great way to beautifully decorate a wall is to draw a pattern on a plastered surface. It all depends on creativity and skill.

For this part of the work, you will need a brush and plastic wrap.

We apply a thin layer of liquid plaster.

Drawing with polyethylene

With the help of polyethylene rolled into a ball or a paper ball, we make a drawing in any form, slightly pressing the shape into the layer. We are waiting for complete drying.

To make it easier for you to master the facing of the furnace using plaster, we suggest watching a training video before starting work.

How to properly apply plaster on the oven - training video

Plastering of brick and stone ovens is required to prepare the outer surface of the walls for decorative cladding and increase the tightness of the masonry. Proper plastering of the oven will avoid possible cracking of the finish and extend the life of the finished device. Even a novice master can independently carry out such a procedure, the main thing in this matter is to properly prepare and apply the plaster mixture.

Why plastering the oven is required

Heat-resistant and practical materials are used for lining heating stoves: ceramic and fireclay tiles, tiles, artificial stone and drywall. Particularly in demand is plaster - an affordable finishing material that can be prepared from cheap consumables. In addition, you can independently plaster surfaces in the shortest possible time without outside help.

The plastering of the furnace is carried out for the following purposes:

  • Leveling surfaces of brick or masonry.
  • Restoration of the old plaster layer (in case of deformation, cracking, chips).
  • Restoration of the masonry mixture in the connecting seams.
  • Antiseptic processing of seams to prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms and insects.
  • Increasing the thermal inertia of the equipment.

A set of tools and materials for plastering

To plaster a heating stove in a private house or bath, you need to prepare the following set of tools and materials:

  • Spatulas of various widths for the intake of plaster composition and surface treatment.
  • Trowel (trowel) for distributing the composition on brick and stone walls.
  • Grater (trowel) for leveling the treated surfaces.
  • Hammer for driving nails. Nails are used to fix the mesh.
  • Wire mesh with 10×10 mm mesh to reinforce the treated surface.
  • Mesh scissors.
  • Hammer (fist) for use with Trojan, cog and chisel.
  • A trowel for leveling the surface after plastering.
  • Chisel for applying notches that increase the adhesion of the composition to the surface.
  • Brushes of various sizes.
  • An electric drill with a mixing nozzle for preparing a plaster mixture.
  • Bulk container for kneading.
  • Metal brush for cleaning surfaces and connecting seams.
  • Dry mixes for plaster mixing.
  • Deep penetration antifungal primer.
  • Asbestos to increase the stability of the composition.
  • Lime for whitewashing.
  • Level, rule and rail for leveling corners.
  • Personal protective equipment - rubber gloves, goggles.

How to make a heat resistant plaster mortar

For plastering heating furnaces, heat-resistant mortars based on clay, sand, asbestos and gypsum are used. You can prepare a wear-resistant mortar for plastering the oven according to one of the recipes presented:

  1. Mixing of components: 1 part clay, 2 parts sand, 1 part lime paste and 1/10 part asbestos. Everything is thoroughly mixed with the gradual addition of water to obtain a viscous solution.
  2. Mixing components: 1 part clay, 2 parts sand and ½ part water. 1 part of cement (M 300, 400) and 1/10 of asbestos are added to the resulting mass. All components are thoroughly mixed again, if necessary, part of the water is added to obtain a thick creamy solution. They can plaster surfaces within 60 minutes after preparation.
  3. Connection of components: 2 parts of lime dough and 1 part of sand. Further, 1 part of gypsum, 1 part of water and 2/10 parts of asbestos are added to the resulting mass. Everything is thoroughly mixed until a viscous solution is obtained. Ready plaster for the oven is used for surface treatment for the first 15 minutes.
  4. Connection of components: 1 part of clay, 2 parts of sand and 1/10 of asbestos. Water is introduced into the resulting mixture to obtain a thick solution.

Important! In order to obtain high-quality brick and stone heating stove plaster, it is recommended to observe the proposed proportions of the main components.

Step-by-step process of plastering the oven

Subject to all stages of the technological process, you can properly plaster the oven yourself so that the decorative finish does not crack.

Preparatory stage

At this stage, a complete cleaning of the surfaces from the old solution, dirt and dust is carried out. The seams between bricks or stone are cleared with a trowel and a hammer to a depth of 150 mm. This will ensure reliable adhesion of the surface with the plaster composition.

Important! The plastering of the new stove is carried out 3 weeks after the completion of the masonry work and the complete drying of the stove mortar. Failure to comply with the deadlines may lead to the fact that the decorative layer will begin to crack and deform.

After dismantling the old cladding, the surfaces are cleaned with a metal brush and a clean, dry rag to avoid dirty stains that may show through the fresh plaster layer.

Prepared surfaces are treated with an antifungal primer. 10 cm nails are hammered into the cleaned seams at an angle with the elevation of the hats above the surface up to 0.5 cm. The horizontal step between the nails should be 15 cm, the vertical step - every 2 rows. A wire is fixed to the nails, and a metal mesh is fixed on top. The reinforced base will ensure good adhesion of the plaster to the surface to be treated.

To align the outer corners of the structure, steel corners fixed to the adhesive mixture are used.

Mixing plaster mortar

You can plaster the oven with ready-made store-bought or home-made solutions.

If a ready-made dry composition is used for work, then the kneading is carried out according to the instructions:

  • Water is poured into the container. Next, the dry mass is added in the proportions indicated on the package.
  • Mixing is carried out with a construction mixer until a viscous homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • The finished mixture is aged for a quarter of an hour, re-mixed, and then used for surface treatment.

For independent mixing of mortar for plastering surfaces, traditional components are used, which are mixed in the required proportions. Recipes for homemade compounds are given above.

The finished solution should turn out to be plastic and viscous, without air bubbles, lumps and dry patches.

Surface treatment with plaster

Depending on the condition of the surfaces, the furnace structure can be plastered in one of two ways.

Method number 1

It is provided in cases where the surfaces have slight deformations, therefore they require leveling with a plaster layer with a thickness of 5 to 8 cm.

  1. Installation of guide beacons according to the level with a check of verticality.
  2. Thorough heating of the oven and wetting of surfaces with a brush or soft roller. This will remove any remaining dust.
  3. Surface treatment with a primer to prevent peeling of the plaster.
  4. Application of the first layer 4 mm thick by spraying over the entire surface of the wall to ensure maximum distribution of the mortar in the connecting joints of the brickwork.
  5. After the initial layer has dried, a second layer 5 mm thick is applied. First, the solution is distributed along the wall from the bottom up to a height of up to 40 cm and leveled by the rule. Next, the surface is carefully polished to eliminate possible irregularities.
  6. At the corners, the solution is applied with an angled spatula, carefully leveled.
  7. Finally, a third layer of mortar 2.5 mm thick is applied with a grater to eliminate minor defects and irregularities. In addition, it is applied if finishing painting or whitewashing of surfaces is provided.

Method number 2

It is effective when plastering surfaces is performed on a pre-installed metal mesh.

  1. Similarly to the previous method, the first plaster layer is applied, moving from top to bottom. The metal mesh will provide the necessary rigidity to the finish.
  2. After treatment, the surface is thoroughly dried, after which a second layer is applied.
  3. The final layer is leveled and sanded to eliminate minor visual defects.
  4. The next step is the decorative lining of the stove.

The main defects in the plastering of the furnace

Violation of the technology for applying the plaster composition can lead to defects on the surface of the furnace. If the mortar is applied to dry brickwork, this is fraught with flaking and cracking of the finish. Chips and bubbles may appear on an excessively moistened surface, which must be eliminated after the structure has been thoroughly dried.

The use of poorly slaked lime can result in small blisters that are prone to flaking and flaking.

Small cracks and chips appear as a result of improper mixing of the plaster mortar or non-compliance with the proportions of the main components. Also, a large thickness of the layers or their insufficient drying can lead to cracking.

The proposed methods of plastering make it possible to obtain a practical, reliable and durable design of the furnace.

Despite the huge number of modern heating systems, in many country houses a brick stove has been the only household heating appliance for many years, which serves both for heating the home and for cooking.

To ensure uniform heating of the room, it is usually installed in the central part of a residential building. And to maintain the proper appearance and increase the heat capacity of the kiln brick surface using a variety of materials.

Self-finishing a brick oven

This article will talk about covering a brick oven with a layer of plaster, followed by whitewashing or painting the treated surface. Here, instructions will be given, which will describe how to plaster the oven: so that it does not crack - what materials are better to use for this. In addition, the reader will be able to get some advice and guidance regarding the issue.

Benefits of plaster finish

Do-it-yourself plastering is the easiest and most affordable way of outdoor decoration. And, in addition, taking into account the high cost of high-quality ceramic tiles or stove tiles, the rather low price of the components of the plaster makes this type of finish also the most inexpensive.

Thus, the following advantages of finishing the furnace with a plaster mixture can be distinguished:

  • An inexpensive and affordable way that can be done even without the skills of plastering.
  • Can be applied to all kinds of brick kilns, while it can be used for both
    new, and for the restoration of the old furnace.
  • It does not require major alterations or changes in the design.
  • Due to the solution used, the wall thickness and the total mass of the furnace increase, which leads to an increase in its heat capacity, fuel economy and an increase in fire safety.
  • Whitewashing or painting the surface with water-based interior paints can be used as a decorative coating.

Many owners of private houses are concerned about the question: why does the plaster on the stove crack? Most often this happens due to non-compliance with the rules and technology of surface preparation, the manufacture of a building mixture or the application of a plaster solution during work.

Where to begin

First of all, you need to understand that any furnace work, including exterior decoration, should be carried out in the warm season long before the onset of the heating season. If the construction of the brick kiln was built recently, it is necessary to let it stand for several days to completely dry the masonry mortar.

Before plastering the oven - so that the plaster does not crack and fall off, it is necessary to perform simple preparatory work.

  1. Prepare the workspace, as well as cover the floor and furniture in the room with a protective plastic film.
  2. Remove old loose plaster and carefully work the surface with a hard brush with metal bristles.
  3. Using a vacuum cleaner and a dry cloth or a wide brush, clean the surface of debris and dust.
  4. Consistently process the outer side of the bricks with coarse-grained emery cloth, and then again carefully remove the resulting dust.

When finishing a newly built furnace, it is necessary to grout the outer surface of the brickwork using a clay mortar or a mixture of cement with crushed asbestos, and then leave it for several days until completely dry.

Advice! When cleaning the surface of a brick from dust, a wet cloth should not be used, as this will lead to the formation and absorption of liquid dirt, which can be difficult to remove.

Solution preparation

Answering the question: how to plaster the oven - so that the surface does not crack later, we can recommend two types of finishing mixtures, which will be discussed further.

For plastering brick surfaces that are exposed to high temperatures, a special dry mortar is sold, which is called: plaster for stoves and fireplaces.

It is easy to prepare right at the workplace in the required quantity.

  1. Pour about one quarter of the water into a clean container of a suitable volume.
  2. Pour the required amount of dry mortar into the water, observing the proportions in strict accordance with the instructions.
  3. Using an electric mixer or a special nozzle on a drill, mix the solution thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained, avoiding the formation of hard lumps.
  4. Keep the resulting mixture for 5-10 minutes, and mix thoroughly before use.

Another plaster composition, which has been used for many years for finishing stoves and fireplaces, can be prepared on the basis of pure natural clay without impurities.

  1. Pour one volume part of clay into a wide container, add water and knead to a liquid dough.
  2. In the resulting base, add one volume part of clean dry sand, building cement and slaked lime.
  3. Stir the whole mixture thoroughly by hand or using a construction mixer until smooth. If necessary, water can be added during the mixing process, but care must be taken not to make the solution too thin.

Applying plaster

The process of plastering a stove is not much different from applying a leveling mortar to any other wall surfaces, however, some features should be taken into account when performing it.

  • Before starting work, it is necessary to heat the furnace several times for several hours to fire and shrink the masonry mortar.
  • Over the entire area of ​​the brickwork, it is necessary to fix a fine-mesh reinforcing mesh made of galvanized metal or fiberglass.
  • Immediately before applying the mixture, evenly moisten the walls with a very thin solution of clay in water.
  • To apply the plaster mortar, use a construction trowel or a wide spatula.
  • The thickness of each layer should not exceed 15 mm, while the thickness of the first layer is recommended to be no more than 5 mm.
  • Drying of the solution should occur naturally. To do this, it is impossible to prevent the formation of drafts in the room and the use of heating devices.
  • The first heating can be performed only after the plaster layer has completely dried, however, it should be remembered that this may take up to 30 days.

After drying, small cracks may appear. To eliminate them, it is necessary to moisten the surface with water and grout with a small amount of plaster mixture. After drying, the stove can be whitewashed or painted with water-based paint in any suitable color.

Advice! With a small thickness of the leveling layer, ordinary clean burlap can be used as a reinforcing mesh.


As can be seen from the materials of this article, finishing the oven with plaster is not very difficult and, if desired, can be done by a home craftsman without outside help. For more information on this subject, see the video in this article.

When erecting a stove or creating a fireplace, you will need not only to decide on their project, but also on the facing material, mortar for fireplaces and stoves, chimney, backing bricks. A direct component of the process of creating a fireplace or stove is a solution for lining the stove or fireplace. The appearance of unlined stoves, as a rule, is not aesthetically pleasing, in addition, dust accumulates in the seams of the masonry, which, when the stove is heated, becomes a source of unpleasant odors. Do-it-yourself plastering of stoves or lining it with decorative ceramics, tiles, glazed tiles, etc. allows you to avoid such unpleasant consequences.

The composition of solutions for plastering furnaces

Plastering ovens with clay is the most common application. Plastering of the front surfaces of the structure is started after the brickwork has completely hardened, when the possibility of its further shrinkage is excluded. As a rule, it takes at least a month for this. Properly prepared composition of the mortar for plastering the oven is a guarantee of a long service life.

To prepare a clay solution, the clay must be soaked the day before the start of work so that it absorbs water. The sand is pre-screened. A mixture consisting of soaked clay, sand and water is stirred with a perforator with a mixing nozzle until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

PAY ATTENTION: a well-prepared solution for plastering the oven should be relatively easy to lay down on its surface and at the same time smooth out well.

How to put plaster on the surface of the furnace?

The beginning of the work is preceded by cleaning the front surface of the structure from dirt, dust and residues of masonry mortar. To improve the adhesion of the mortar to the surface of the brickwork, the seams are first cleared to a depth of about 0.5 cm. Before facing, the oven is heated so that the mortar is applied to the warm walls.

  1. Sand: clay: asbestos - in a ratio of 2: 1: 0.1.
  2. Sand: cement: clay: asbestos - in the ratio 2:1:1:0.1.
  3. Sand: lime: clay: asbestos - in the ratio 2:1:1:0.1.
  4. Lime: gypsum: sand: asbestos - in the ratio 2:1:1:0.2.
  5. Lime: gypsum: sand: fiberglass - in the ratio 2:1:1:0.2.

Due to the high toxicity of asbestos materials, avoid using them as part of plaster mixtures, both at the stage of laying and at the stage of furnace repair. After preparing the mortar for plaster, they proceed directly to the cladding process itself. It is recommended to start plastering furnaces with clay from its upper part.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: in order to properly plaster the oven, the surface of the brick must be moistened with water and first a liquid and then a thicker layer of the mixture is applied to it. To apply the mixture, use a grater or trowel. For uniform drying of the lining, they try to apply the solution in even layers, while the thickness of each of them should not exceed 0.5 cm.

In the event that the plaster for stoves or fireplaces is poorly smoothed due to the fact that it has already set, it is necessary to spray it with water using a large brush or brush. It is better not to allow the thickness of the facing layer to exceed 1 cm.

Oven corners are plastered by analogy with door and window openings. To do this, wooden or metal slats are leveled in the form of the letter G. After 10 minutes after applying the solution, the rail is carefully removed, if necessary, correct the corner and rub it with a grater.

ATTENTION: if you decide to opt for brick for facing the furnace, then heat-resistant plaster for furnaces will increase the reliability of the structure. The temperature of its use fluctuates at the level of 800ºС, which corresponds to the purpose.

Secrets of professional cladding

There may be several reasons why oven plaster may begin to peel off:

  • Incorrect seam thickness.
  • Incorrect ligation of rows of bricks.
  • Oven overheating.

In order to prevent this problem, the oven is covered with burlap before facing. To do this, it is pre-soaked in liquid diluted clay, and the surface of the furnace walls is covered with a thin layer of clay solution. A flap of burlap is straightened and placed around the perimeter of the furnace in such a way as to avoid air gaps. In this case, strong overheating of the furnace should not be allowed.

As an alternative to burlap, you can use a thin steel reinforcing mesh, the mesh size of which is not more than 1 × 1 cm. To attach the mesh to a brick, a wire 0.3 cm thick is used. It is important to remember that it must be started in advance at the construction stage stoves in each of the rows of masonry. After the solution for plastering the furnace has completely hardened, it is covered with lime milk, to which salt is added (at the rate of 100 grams per bucket). The stove is also painted with chalk on milk of lime.

What results can be expected after the completion of its cladding?

The results, which indicate the successful completion of the plastering of the furnace, are:

  1. The deviation from the vertical plane along the entire height of the structure should not exceed 1 cm.
  2. The horizontal deviation of a similar indicator should not be more than 2 cm.
  3. The deviation of the thrust between the corners from a straight line should not exceed 0.3 cm.
  4. The depth of the differences from a flat plane, formed when a two-meter rule is applied, should not exceed 0.2 cm.

If you decide not to plaster the oven

If you have decided not to plaster the surface of the stove, then you will need to decorate the brickwork. And in this case, facing brick may be the best option. The best alternative for the exterior cladding of the walls of the structure are bricks with a flat and smooth surface. In this case, the masonry should be done quite carefully, and the seams will need to be embroidered.

For decorative jointing between rows of bricks, a special concave tool is used, while ordinary mortar is used. As an additional decorative element, the corners of the stove are edged, cutting them diagonally and thereby giving elegance to the structure. The same operations can be carried out before plastering the furnace, in the process of its construction.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: for colored jointing, bricks are selected based on the uniformity of their color. The seams from the front surface of the stove are left unfilled to a depth of 1 cm. The masonry is wiped off with a damp cloth and polished with a piece of brick. At the same time, they achieve smoothing of all potholes, protrusions and chips.

Rub your hand into the seams with a mixture of white cement in combination with asbestos flour and the addition of water, work with rubber gloves. The aesthetics of decorative masonry is affected by the uniformity and straightness of the width of the seams, therefore, rules are used when embroidering. Initially fill the vertical seams, then the horizontal ones. By adding various pigments to the solution, you can get a joint of different colors.

What about fireplaces?

Unlike a stove, which accumulates heat in its array, a fireplace is a less heat-intensive heating device. The heating of the room in an open fireplace occurs mainly due to radiation. A warm fireplace gives off its heat as long as the wood is burning and only a small part of the heat accumulates in the walls of the firebox. As a rule, country houses are chosen for installing fireplaces, but in some cases this can also be done in a city apartment.

Installing fireplaces in an apartment is associated with significant difficulties and the need to obtain permits, as well as the complexity of the work, and therefore their high cost. They arise against the background of the requirements of the relevant services for such apartments. Serious difficulties may arise due to the need to redevelop the premises, as a result of which the fireplace can be moved to a new location with the need to equip a new chimney and lay the old one. The connection of the fireplace also depends on the design features of a particular house, the ability to withstand the weight of the fireplace, otherwise it will be necessary to create a solid foundation for the fireplace and chimney, or to strengthen the interfloor ceilings.

Despite the wide variety of modern heating systems, many owners of country houses still use traditional brick stoves, which serve to heat the room and, at times, for cooking.

An unlined brick oven does not look very attractive, and there may be dust in the masonry joints that can cause unpleasant odors in the room. To avoid this, the furnace is plastered, after which painting or cladding with decorative elements is possible.

Owners who like to work with their own hands often have the question: “How to plaster the oven correctly?”. Consider this process step by step and analyze all the nuances associated with it.

Advantages and disadvantages of plaster finish

Furnace plastering is the most popular exterior decoration method. There are a number of reasons for this, here are some of them:

  1. Low cost. The components included in are inexpensive, any other type of exterior finish will cost more.
  2. Ease of use. Plastering ovens can be done by hand without any professional skills.
  3. Does not require changes and alterations of the design.
  4. Applies to all kinds of brick kilns.
  5. Increases the wall thickness, which has a positive effect on the heat capacity and fire safety of the stove.

The disadvantages include the fact that the plaster can crack, thus significantly worsening the appearance of the structure. The reason for this may be: improper surface preparation, errors in the preparation of the solution and when applying it to the surface of the furnace.

Summing up, we can safely say that the plaster of the furnace is an excellent way to process it, if the composition, technology of preparation and application of the mortar are correctly observed.

Surface plastering

In order to properly plaster the surface of the furnace with our own hands, we divide this process into three stages:

  1. Surface preparation.
  2. Preparation of plaster mixture.
  3. Applying plaster to the oven.

VIDEO: Do-it-yourself oven plastering

Now let's go over each item in more detail.

Surface preparation

First of all, it is important to understand that any work with the stove should be done correctly in the warm season, long before it is used. If the stove is new, allow the masonry mixture to dry completely.

Now you can go directly to surface preparation, for this:

  1. Prepare the tool and workspace, cover the floor and furniture with something (film, for example).
  2. Remove the old plaster from the brick, clean the surface with a stiff brush.
  3. Clean the surface of debris and dust.
  4. Sand it down with sandpaper.
  5. Again, clean the surface of debris and dust.

Preparation of plaster mixture

When the surface is prepared, you can begin to knead the plaster mixture. A solution for plastering the oven can be purchased at a hardware store or prepared by hand.

As a plaster for the stove, you can use the following mixtures:

  • shop (it can be called stove and fireplace plaster);
  • clay;
  • lime-gypsum;
  • composition of lime, clay and sand;
  • composition of cement, clay and sand.

If you decide to buy plaster in a hardware store, then the instructions for its preparation are as follows:

  1. Take the dishes of the required volume.
  2. Pour in ¼ of water.
  3. Following the instructions, fill in the required amount of building mixture.
  4. Stir the mixture until a homogeneous mass is obtained. This can be done with an electric mixer.
  5. Wait about 10 minutes.
  6. Stir the solution again.

If you decide to make a mixture with your own hands, then consider the proportions indicated below. When using a solution with clay, the right amount of sand depends on the fat content of the clay. If the fat content is high, then the proportions can be 1 to 3 - 1 to 4. To increase the strength of the solution, fiberglass or asbestos (0.1 parts) is added to the composition.

Proportions for other types of solutions:

  • 1 hour clay, 2 hours lime, 0.1 hours asbestos;
  • 1 hour gypsum, 2 hours lime, 1 hour sand, 0.2 hours asbestos or fiberglass.

Applying plaster to the oven

Now you can start plastering with your own hands. Follow instructions:

After drying, cracks may form. To eliminate them, moisten the surface with water and grout with a small amount of mortar.

When the stove is completely dry, it can be painted, whitewashed, or decorated in some other way.

VIDEO: Finishing the oven with TERRACOTTE tiles


After reading this manual, any home craftsman can do the plastering of the oven surface with their own hands. To do this, it is not necessary to seek help from specialists whose payment can cost a large amount.