Presentation on the topic of online security. Presentation for class hour: "Information security on the Internet". Viruses infecting source code

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On the Internet, you need to follow the basic rules in the same way you follow the rules of the road when driving.
The Internet is a public resource.

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in the Internet

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The Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks for storing and transmitting information. Often referred to as the World Wide Web and the Global Network, as well as simply the Internet, the World Wide Web (World Wide Web, WWW) and many other data transmission systems operate.

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Mass media, incl. Internet
The system of social and educational work
personal communication
Any of these means can be used for the benefit or harm of the individual!

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Internet in education
Modern network tools allow not only to "sit in contact", but also to study together, learn new things, and create author's information products. The computer in our time has become both a “friend”, and an “assistant”, and even a “tutor”, “teacher”.

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The average daily audience of the Russian Internet (Runet) reached 52.2 million people, which is 45% of the population.
The average age of the beginning of independent work on the Web is 10 years, and today there is a tendency to reduce the age to 9 years;
30% of minors spend on the Web more than 3 hours a day (at a rate of 2 hours a week!)
Daily children's audience of Runet: 13-16 years old; the resources “favorite” by children are social networks (78%); they spend up to 60 minutes a day.
reference Information

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Children of this age love to surf the Internet and play online games. They may be using email and may also access websites and chat rooms.
What are 7-8 year olds doing online?

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The child in the information society
Children of this age use the Internet to develop school projects. In addition, they download music, use e-mail, play games and go to the fan sites of their idols. Their favorite mode of communication is instant messaging.
What do 9-12 year olds do online?

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The child in the information society
They download music, use e-mail, instant messaging services and play games. In addition, teenagers actively use search engines. At this age, the Internet becomes part of the social life of children: they get to know each other and spend time on the Internet, looking for information related to their studies or hobbies. At this age, children tend to go through a period of low self-esteem, seek support from friends, and be reluctant to listen to their parents.
What are teenagers doing online?

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Information security issues
Security - the absence of threats, or the state of protection from threats. Information - information or messages.
Basic concepts
The threat to information security is a set of conditions and factors that create a danger to the vital interests of the individual, society and the state in the information sphere.

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Be careful!
The Internet can be dangerous!

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Impact on the physical health of a person; Impact on a person's mental health; Aggression Sites with inappropriate content; Internet scammers.

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Basic safety rules:
Personal means only for you. Respect yourself! Be vigilant!

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Spyware Spam Phishing attacks Viruses and malware Fraudulent transactions

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Spam is anonymous mass mailing of e-mails to the e-mail of a user who did not agree not to receive it.
Phishing is a specific type of computer fraud. Purpose: gaining access to the user's personal data (login and password)
A computer virus is a specially created program that is able to create copies of itself, sometimes not exact, but a complete match with the original is not necessary.
DDoS attack is a distributed denial of service attack, which is one of the most common and dangerous network attacks.

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– Why is the topic of information security important and why should these issues be discussed at school? - Of the possible reasons, what aspects can be singled out related to the essence of the Internet and its significance as a means of communication?

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Using the Internet is safe if THREE BASIC RULES are followed
Protect your computer
Update your operating system regularly. Use an antivirus program. Apply a firewall. Create backup copies of important files. Be careful when downloading content.
Remember! Once information is published on the Internet, it will no longer be possible to control and delete every copy of it.

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Protect yourself online
Think about who you are talking to.
Remember! On the Internet, not all information is reliable and not all users are honest.
Always make sure you know who the information is being shared with and understand the purposes for which it will be used.
Never share personal information online, except with people you trust. When requesting personal information on a website, always review the Terms of Use or Privacy Policy to ensure that the website operator provides information about the purposes for which information is used and shared with others.

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Think about other users
The law must be obeyed even on the Internet.
When using the Internet, be polite to other Internet users.
Copying of material from the Internet for personal use is permitted, but attribution of authorship of this material is prohibited. The transfer and use of illegal materials (eg pirated copies of films or music, software with broken security codes, etc.) is illegal. Copying software or databases that require a license is prohibited, even for personal use.
The names of friends, acquaintances, their photos and other personal information may not be published on the website without their consent or the consent of their parents.
Remember! Unauthorized use of the material may result in administrative penalties in the courts, as well as other legal consequences.

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Close questionable pop-ups! Pop-ups are small windows with content that encourages users to click on a link. When such a window is displayed, the safest way to close it is to click the X icon (usually located in the upper right corner). It is impossible to know for sure what action will follow after clicking the "No" button.
Beware of scams! It's easy to hide your identity on the Internet. It is recommended to verify the identity of the person with whom the communication takes place (for example, in discussion groups).
Remember! Much of the material available on the Internet is unsuitable for minors.

  • Presentation is prepared by:
  • Bugaeva L.I., teacher of computer science
  • MBOU "Secondary School No. 45 of Belgorod"
  • Shekhovtsova M.A., computer science teacher
  • MBOU "Secondary School No. 45 of Belgorod"
What is the Internet?
  • What is the Internet?
  • What are the dangerous threats on the Internet?
  • Physical education minute
  • Practical work
  • Summarizing the information received
  • Drawing up a summary table of rules of conduct on the Internet
  • Helpful Hints
What is the Internet?
  • This is a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks for storing and transmitting information.
  • Often referred to as the World Wide Web and the Global Network, and also simply the Network. Built on top of the TCP/IP protocol stack. The Internet is based on the World Wide Web (WWW) and many other data transmission systems.
Dangerous threats on the Internet:
  • Threat of infection by malicious software (software);
  • access to inappropriate content;
  • contacts with strangers via chats or e-mail;
  • search for entertainment (for example, games) on the Internet;
  • uncontrolled purchases.
Threat of malware infection
  • Malicious software is distributed and penetrates computers using e-mail, CDs and other removable media, or files downloaded from the Internet. These methods are quite often used by hackers to spread Trojan viruses.
Access to inappropriate content
  • These are violence, drugs, pages that encourage suicide, food refusal, murder, pages with nationalist ideology.
  • Regardless of the user's desire, many sites display pop-ups containing such information.
Contact with strangers via chats or email
  • Increasingly, attackers are using these channels to trick children into giving up personal information. Posing as a peer, they can ferret out personal information and seek a personal meeting.
Search for entertainment (such as games) on the Internet
  • Sometimes when looking for a new gaming site, you can get on the card server and lose a large amount of money.
We all smile together
  • We all smile together
  • Let's wink a little at each other
  • Turn right, turn left
  • And then nod in a circle.
  • All ideas won
  • Our hands went up.
  • The burden of worries is shaken off
  • And let's continue the path of science.
Practical work
  • Website visit
  • Reading the introductory article on the website
  • Go to the link "Middle classes"
  • Reading the "You Should Know" section
  • Security Discussion
Tips to help make your Internet experience less dangerous:
  • Visit the Internet with your parents, or share with them the successes and failures in the development of the Internet;
  • If something bothers you on the Internet, then you should not hide it, but share your concern with adults;
  • When chatting, using programs such as ICQ, using online games and other situations that require registration, you cannot use your real name. Choose a login name (pseudonym) that does not contain any personal information;
Do not give out your personal data, such as your home address, telephone number, and any other personal information;
  • Do not give out your personal data, such as your home address, telephone number, and any other personal information;
  • Respect your interlocutors on the Internet. Good manners apply the same on the Internet and in real life;
  • You should never meet friends from the Internet. After all, people may not be who they say they are;
  • Not everything that can be read or seen on the Internet is true. Ask adults about things you're not sure about.
  • Tips to help make your Internet experience less dangerous:
  • Never
  • Is always
  • Never give people you meet online your phone number, home address, or school number without parental permission.
  • Always be careful when visiting chat rooms. Even if the chat says that it is only for children, it is impossible to say for sure that all visitors are really your peers.
  • Never send a photo of yourself to anyone without consulting your parents.
  • Always ask your parents for permission to chat
  • Never arrange a meeting with online acquaintances without adult accompaniment. They are not always who they say they are.
  • Always leave the chat if someone's message makes you feel uneasy or excited. Don't forget to discuss this with your parents.
Drawing up a summary table of rules of conduct on the Internet
  • Never
  • Is always
  • Never open email attachments sent by strangers. The files may contain viruses or other programs that can damage all information or computer software.
  • Always keep your password information to yourself, do not tell it to anyone
  • Never respond to unsolicited or suggestive messages, always tell your parents if you receive any.
  • Always remember that if someone makes you an offer that is too good to be true, then it is most likely a scam.
  • Always stay away from "over 18s only" sites. Such warnings on the sites are created specifically for your own protection.
  • 1. Ask adults
  • Always ask your parents about unfamiliar things on the Internet. They will tell you what is safe to do and what is not.
  • "If something is unclear
  • scary or embarrassing
  • Hurry up to the adults
  • Tell and show"
  • 2. Install a filter
  • In order not to encounter unpleasant and upsetting information on the Internet, install a filter on your browser, or ask adults to do it - then you can safely use the pages of interest to you on the Internet.
  • "Just like everywhere else on the planet,
  • There is danger on the Internet.
  • We rule out the danger
  • If filters are connected
  • 3. Don't open files
  • Don't download or open files you don't know or sent by strangers from the Internet. To avoid infecting your computer with a virus, install a special program on it - an antivirus!
  • "I don't want to get into trouble -
  • I'll start the antivirus!
  • To everyone who goes to the Internet,
  • Our advice will come in handy"
  • 4. Don't rush to send SMS
  • If you want to download a picture or a melody, but you are asked to send an SMS - do not rush! First, check this number on the Internet - is it safe to send SMS to it and whether you will be deceived. You can do this on a special website.
  • "Sometimes you on the Web
  • Suddenly there are liars.
  • You don't trust scammers
  • Check the information!
  • 5. Be careful with strangers
  • Do not meet without parents with people from the Internet live. On the Internet, many people tell lies about themselves.
  • "Evil people on the internet
  • Spread their networks.
  • With strangers
  • Don't go to the meeting!
  • 6. Don't talk about yourself
  • Never tell strangers about yourself: where you live, study, your phone number. Only your friends and family should know this!
  • “So that the thief does not come to us,
  • And the stranger did not find us,
  • Your phone number, address, photo
  • Don't put it on the internet
  • And don't tell others."
Thank you for your attention!
  • Materials used:
  • Blinkov I.A.: Safety of children and youth on the Internet
  • Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia
  • Site
  • Images used:
  • Background of the presentation: , picture in the lower right corner: scanned and processed image of the diploma (Prazdnik CJSC), made by IPF "Stezya"
  • Slide 1
  • Slide 7

Benefits of using Internet resources in schools: For schoolchildren - a source of additional information to improve erudition and complete educational projects math lessons (Internet as a fun, exciting learning (game element)

Examples of online encyclopedias: Wikipedia - a free encyclopedia (Yandex - Encyclopedias and dictionaries (Megabook - Megaencyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius (Encyclopedia Around the World (

Public communication services are: e-mail (), instant messaging systems (such as ICQ), Internet telephony (Skype), social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, My World, etc.). INTERNET COMMUNICATIONS.

Information about obtaining educational services on the websites of educational organizations Websites of schools provide an opportunity to obtain reliable first-hand information about the educational institution of interest (school, college, university, etc.), access to their "news feeds", etc. . Website address:

Security on the Internet Nowadays, the Internet has become an integral part of our lives. With its help, we receive information, communicate, exchange data, pay for goods and services, send documents for admission to universities, and do much more. However, the Internet is fraught with dangers, you need to know about them in order to avoid them.

Virus Protection Use antivirus software with up-to-date virus signature databases. Do not open attachments or links received by e-mail, via a social network or other means of communication on the Internet without making sure that the file or link does not contain a virus. Carefully check the site's domain name (for example, since attackers often use similar site names to mislead the victim (for example, pay attention to browser or search engine warnings that a site may threaten the computer's security. Do not connect unverified removable drives to your computer media Do not succumb to the provocations of intruders, for example, with a demand to transfer money or send an SMS to unlock the computer.

Use complex passwords (complex passwords are at least 10 characters long, include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters, and do not contain a username or known facts about it). Don't give your password to anyone. To recover your password, use the mobile number associated with your account, not your secret question or email address. Do not transfer credentials, logins and passwords over insecure communication channels (unsecured, as a rule, are open and public wi-fi networks). Carefully check the domain names of sites where credentials are entered. Account hack protection

Fake Lottery Winnings A user may receive a message (by phone, mail, or SMS) that he has won a certain prize, and in order to receive it, he must "pay tax", "pay for shipping" or simply top up some account in Yandex.Money. In this case, of course, the user will not receive any promised prize.

Downloading files for free with a subscription Often, in order to download a free file or watch a video in good quality without ads, sites offer to enter a mobile number. If you do this, the subscription will turn on and money may begin to be debited from the specified number. Recommendations: Do not indicate your mobile number on unfamiliar sites. If the subscription is already registered, call the operator's support service and ask to disable it.

Educational resources Video lessons "Internet Lesson" - VSEVED: all about education - Collection "History of Education" of the Russian General Education Portal - Methodological materials and software for schoolchildren and teachers: K.Yu. Polyakova - Educational projects of the company "Cyril and Methodius" - Educational network Olympiads - Site "Vocational guidance: who to become?" – School sector of the RELARN Association – sector.relarn.ru The game “Learn the Internet-control it” - allows you to study the device of the Internet through a game form.

BIOLOGY FlorAnimal: a portal about plants and animals - Living beings: an electronic illustrated encyclopedia - Interesting about botany. Plant life - Rare and endangered animals of Russia - Ecological education of children and the study of the nature of Russia -

HISTORY History of the Ancient World: electronic supplement to the textbook for the 5th grade - History of Ancient Rome - History of Russia from ancient times to the present day - Motherland: Russian historical illustrated magazine - Great Russia: information site about the Russian state -

LITERATURE -- Krylov Ivan Andreevich - Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich - Laboratory of rhyme - all about rhyme and versification - Leo Tolstoy and "Yasnaya Polyana" - Lermontov Mikhail Yuryevich - Virtual Museum of Literary Heroes

ART Official website of the Russian Museum - Official website of the Tretyakov Gallery - Official website of the Hermitage - Portal "Architecture of Russia" - Portal "Culture of Russia" - Portal of Russian Museums - Repin Ilya Efimovich -

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation - Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. A complete academic reference book - Russian writing: the origin of writing, manuscripts, fonts - Svetozar: Open International Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language - Scroll - History of writing in Russia - Syntax of the modern Russian language - books/xbook089/01/index.html?part-029. htm books/xbook089/01/index.html?part-029.htm

Install a comprehensive protection system! Installing a regular antivirus is yesterday. Today, the so-called "complex protection systems" are relevant, which include an antivirus, a firewall, an antispam filter, and a couple more - three modules for the complete protection of your computer. New viruses appear daily, so do not forget to regularly update the signature database, it is best to set the program to update automatically.

Be careful with email! Do not send any important information via email. Set not to open e-mail attachments, because many viruses are contained in attachments and begin to spread as soon as an attachment is opened. Microsoft Outlook and Windows Mail programs help you block potentially dangerous attachments.

Use Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Apple Safari browsers! Most worms and malicious scripts target Internet Explorer and Opera. IE still holds the top spot in popularity, but only because it's built into Windows. Opera is very popular in Russia because of its ghostly convenience and a really large number of settings. The level of security is very lame in both one and the second browser, so it’s better not to use it at all.

Update your Windows operating system! Keep your Windows operating system up to date. Microsoft periodically releases special security updates that can help protect your computer. These updates can prevent viruses and other attacks on your computer by closing potentially harmful entry points.

Do not send SMS! Now sites that offer access to other people's SMS and printouts of calls are very popular, and very often when downloading files you are prompted to enter your number, or a blocking window suddenly appears, which supposedly can be removed by sending an SMS. When sending SMS, at best, you can lose rubles on your phone account - if you need to send a message to a short number for payment, at worst - a terrible virus will appear on your computer. Therefore, never send SMS messages or enter your phone number on dubious sites when registering.

Use licensed software! If you download pirated versions of programs or a fresh cracker program, run it and deliberately ignore the antivirus warning, be prepared for the fact that you can put a virus on your computer. Moreover, the more popular the program, the higher this probability. Licensed programs will save you from such a threat!

Use strong passwords! According to statistics, 80% of all passwords are simple words: names, brands of a phone or car, the name of a cat or dog, and passwords like 123. Such passwords greatly facilitate the work of crackers. Ideally, passwords should be at least seven, preferably twelve characters long. The time to guess a five-character password is 2-4 hours, but it will take 2-4 years to crack a seven-character password. It is better to use passwords that combine letters of different cases, numbers and different icons.

Make backups! At the slightest threat, valuable information from your computer can be deleted, and even worse, stolen. Make it a rule to create backup copies of important data on an external device - a flash drive, an optical drive, a portable hard drive.

The Parental Control feature will keep you safe! For the child's psyche, the Internet is a constant threat of psychological trauma and the risk of becoming a victim of criminals. Do not seek to hide from your parents the range of topics that you discuss online and new Internet acquaintances, this will help you really evaluate the information that you see on the web and not become a victim of deception.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Materials used: 1. Melnikov V.P. Information security and protection of information: textbook for students of higher educational institutions; 3rd ed., Ster.-M.: Publishing Center "Academy", - 336 p. 2. Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia Safe computer and the Internet for children: a new advanced training program for teachers APKiPPRO //Microsoft in education. [Electronic resource]. Electron. Dan. – cop – Access mode:

Safety schoolchildren on the Internet

  • Threat of malware infection. To spread malware and penetrate computers of ordinary users, mail, CDs, flash cards, flash drives and other removable media, or files downloaded from the Internet, as well as transitions to unfamiliar sites are used. These methods are quite often used by hackers to spread Trojans and viruses;
  • Access to inappropriate content. These are violence, drugs, pages that encourage suicide, food refusal, murder, pages with nationalist ideology. Regardless of the user's desire, many sites display pop-ups containing such information;
  • Contacts with strangers via chat or email. Increasingly, attackers are using these channels to trick users into giving up personal information. Posing as another person, they can ferret out personal information and seek a personal meeting;
  • Search for entertainment (such as games) on the Internet. Sometimes when looking for a new gaming site, you can get on the card server and lose a large amount of money.

  • On the Internet, you can find information on lessons, sit on social networks, listen to music, communicate with people and much more.
  • !However, a lot of materials of aggressive and socially dangerous content appear on the Internet.

What is dangerous

in the Internet?

Access to inappropriate content:

These are violence, drugs, pages that encourage suicide, food refusal, murder, pages with nationalist ideology.

  • First danger - acquaintance, communication with a "friend - a stranger"

  • Second danger- distribution of narcotic substances, pornographic materials with the participation of minors, calls for inciting ethnic hatred and extremist actions.

  • methods of causing pain and harm,
  • excessive weight loss methods
  • methods of suicide
  • websites that contain hateful messages directed against certain groups or individuals.

The third danger

internet addiction

  • search for information.
  • Passion for virtual communication and virtual dating
  • obsessive fascination with computer games on the network.
  • Obsessive financial need - online gambling, unnecessary purchases in online stores


  • Don't save your login credentials .
  • Don't leave your computer unattended with important information on the screen .
  • cover your tracks .
  • Beware of peeking over your shoulder.
  • Do not enter important information

on a public computer.

Do parents control

your online presence?

If something is not clear

scary or embarrassing Fast to adults hurry up Tell and show.

Always ask your parents

about unfamiliar things on the Internet.

They will tell you what is safe to do and what is not.

Like everywhere else on the planet, There is danger on the Internet. We rule out the danger If filters are connected.

In order not to face unpleasant

and upsetting information on the Internet, install a filter on your browser, or ask adults to do it - then you can safely use

pages of interest to you on the Internet.

I don't want to get into trouble I'll start the antivirus! Everyone who goes online Our advice will come in handy.

Do not download or open unknown to you

or files sent by strangers from the Internet.

To avoid infecting your computer with a virus,

install a special antivirus program on it!

Sometimes you're online Suddenly there are liars. You don't trust scammers Check the information!

If you want to download a picture or a melody,

but you are asked to send SMS - do not rush!

Check this number online first -

is it safe to send SMS to it and whether you will be deceived.

You can do this on a special website.

Evil people on the internet Spread their networks. With strangers Don't go to the meeting!

Do not meet without parents with people

from the Internet live.

On the Internet, many people tell lies about themselves.

With the brutes on the net Don't start a conversation. Well, do not blunder yourself - Don't offend anyone.

When communicating online, be friendly with others.

Do not write harsh words!

You can accidentally offend someone

So that the thief does not come to us, And the stranger did not find us, Your phone number, address, photo Don't put it on the internet And don't tell others.

Never tell strangers about yourself:

where do you live, study,

my phone number.

Only your friends and family should know this!

First Tuesday in February - Day

safe internet

Internet - this is

threat or help?

  • Love life!
  • Communicate with wildlife!
  • Create!

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A presentation on the topic "Security on the Internet" (Grade 10) can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Informatics. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 10 slide(s).

Presentation slides

slide 2

Internet security is a very important issue of today. And it concerns everyone, from children to pensioners. It is becoming more and more relevant due to the massive arrival of Internet users who are almost, if not completely unprepared for the threats that await them. After all, not one user suffers, but many others, united in one global structure

slide 3

The number of Internet users in Russia is growing rapidly, but is the level of knowledge on how to counter cyber threats growing? Especially considering that today, as a result of account hacking, you can lose much more than at the dawn of Runet? Many experts believe that a huge number of users still neglect elementary rules, in fact nullifying all the efforts made by online services to improve security with their carelessness.

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Dangers on the Web In short, there are two main possibilities for your computer to become a victim. The first is that you yourself, wandering through various sites or installing software from unverified sources, and sometimes from verified ones, infect your computer. Secondly, a situation is also possible when attackers deliberately, using, for example, Trojans or viruses, make your device a source of danger.

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Viruses - computer viruses, network and mail worms can spread on their own. For example, if you receive a suspicious email with an attachment, there is a very high chance that it contains a computer virus that can infect some files on your computer, corrupt or steal some data. Trojans do not propagate themselves, although they can be spread by computer viruses. Their main goals are to steal and destroy.

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In order to crack the protection of the PC, even if it is, hackers use a number of methods, and users needlessly think that by simply installing an antivirus, they got rid of the danger, for example, to pick up a malicious program. Therefore, before looking for information on how to properly maintain security on the Internet, you need to understand where viruses and trojans come from.

Slide 7

Now a little information on how to ensure the safety of working on the Internet.

Delete immediately all letters of suspicious content, do not try to open files from unknown sources. Ignore all offers of easy money, do not send your passwords to anyone, do not follow suspicious links. Use only complex passwords consisting of a complex set of numbers, letters, and symbols. For each case, assign your own, original.

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Children and the Internet

It contains a lot of information that children should not have access to. In addition, they need to be taught how not to "catch" viruses and trojans. Who will help them with this if not adults. In addition, information security on the Internet is very important, since children are completely inexperienced users. They can easily fall for the bait of an experienced scammer or intruder.

Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.