How to take care of your face in spring. Spring transformation or how to make the skin perfect. Dill mask for all skin types

Spring is the time of the awakening of nature, the time of snowdrops and lush green grass, the time that people tired of the winter cold meet with delight. It is so nice to change the heavy fur coats and sheepskin coats that have bothered you during the winter for light jackets and raincoats and enjoy the first rays of the gentle spring sun to your heart's content. But, unfortunately, not everything that we like has a beneficial effect on our skin, which, like a litmus test, instantly reacts to any changes that occur in the external environment and in the internal state of the body.

The lack of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin deficiency and chronic diseases that have worsened over the winter period - all this does not have the best effect on the health and external attractiveness of the skin, depriving them of smoothness, elasticity and natural radiance. In addition, during the cold weather, the skin of the face, as a rule, becomes more sensitive, and therefore the first rays of the spring sun can cause serious harm to it - provoke the appearance of burns and cracks. In order to help the skin of the face recover after a harsh winter and regain velvety and freshness, it is necessary to provide it with proper care, which should be focused not only on the needs of each specific type of dermis, but also on the problems specific to the spring season.

Problems with the skin of the face in the spring

Springtime is a tough time for the skin. This is due to the fact that during this period there is the greatest decline in the activity of the biorhythms of the human body, it is being restructured to a new regime, and there is an acute shortage of vitamins. At the same time, the work of internal organs can go astray from the usual schedule, as a result of which various diseases, including dermatological ones, worsen. The most common spring facial skin problems are:

  • increased dryness, accompanied by a feeling of tightness;
  • irritation, peeling and itching;
  • allergic rashes;
  • painful pallor and dullness;
  • the formation (or deepening) of wrinkles;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • acne (acne);
  • excessive pigmentation.

These problems are more related to dry and sensitive skin, but can also affect the oily type of dermis, which, due to the increased activity of the sebaceous glands, constantly shines and looks lifeless. As for the problematic dermis, its condition is often aggravated in the spring. This is due to the fact that with the onset of heat, various pathogenic bacteria are activated, which easily penetrate into damaged epithelial cells and provoke the development of inflammatory processes. It is necessary to deal with the defects that appeared in the spring in a comprehensive manner, based on competent and systematic facial skin care both in beauty salons and at home.

Spring skin care tips

The algorithm of spring facial skin care is built on the same principles as at any other time of the year - it is cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing, toning and protecting. But the tools and methods will be slightly different. In the spring, you need to focus on restoring the skin after winter and adapting to new climatic conditions. It should be borne in mind that during the cold weather, the dermis could well change its properties, turning from normal to dry, and from dry to very sensitive. Therefore, all care products left over from the fall will most likely have to be replaced with new ones. In addition, it will be necessary to make some adjustments to the basic skin care program, namely:

  • In the spring, the human body often suffers from a lack of vitamins, which negatively affects not only the functioning of internal organs, but also the condition of the skin. In order to prevent the occurrence of beriberi, you need to eat as much fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs as possible. If necessary, you can take pharmacy preparations containing multivitamin complexes (on the recommendation of a doctor). And, of course, do not forget about the external nourishment of the skin with special vitamin masks and creams, which can be purchased at the store or prepared on your own.
  • Since the skin is often exposed to various aggressive factors, both external and internal, in winter, toxins accumulate in its cells over time, which interfere with normal oxygen exchange and accelerate the aging process. In order to remove harmful substances from the skin, it is necessary to detoxify. You can visit a bath or sauna or take a course of hardware lymphatic drainage in the salon. Good results are also obtained by the use of gentle scrubs and gommages, which exfoliate dead skin particles from the surface of the epidermis and restore cellular respiration. It is necessary to carry out cleansing procedures for dry skin twice a month, and for oily and normal skin - weekly.
  • One of the most important elements of spring skin care is its cleansing, which should be done at least twice a day (in the morning and before bedtime). For washing, it is better to use warm boiled or filtered water, as well as herbal decoctions. Owners of dry skin are recommended to cleanse the dermis with cosmetic milk or an emollient lotion that does not contain alcohol. For oily or combination skin, it is better to use foams or gels for washing.
  • A complete face care in the spring should also include skin toning, which is the final stage of cleansing procedures. This process allows you to remove the remnants of caring cosmetics, improves blood circulation and oxygen access to tissues, so that the skin becomes smoother, firmer and fresher. Tonics containing alcohol can only be used for oily and combination skin, and as for the dry type dermis, it should be treated exclusively with gentle products, which include emollients. Skin toning can also be done with ice cubes made from green tea, cucumber juice, or mint infusion.
  • In the spring, when the activity of sunlight increases, the risk of burns, photodermatitis and excessive skin pigmentation increases. Therefore, at this time of the year, it is necessary to use cosmetics with UV filters, which must be applied to the face before each exit to the street. The SPF of such cosmetics should be at least 15 units (in case of increased sensitivity of the dermis, it is recommended to increase the degree of protection to 30). It is advisable to choose protective products with a light texture containing antioxidants, since solar radiation contributes to the accumulation of free radicals in cells, and they are known to destroy collagen fibers and accelerate the aging process of the epidermis.
  • In order for the skin of the face to shine with health in the spring, it needs good nutrition. When choosing creams (night and day), you should pay attention to their composition. Dry skin in the spring needs vegetable oils, glycerin and vitamins (A and E). Night creams for normal to oily skin should contain a minimum amount of fat and have a light gel-like structure. In addition, it is desirable that the composition of such products includes soothing ingredients, such as calendula or mint extracts. Combination skin care in the spring is recommended to be carried out using two types of creams at once: on the T-zone, you need to apply a product intended for oily dermis, and on the cheeks and front of the neck - for dry or sensitive.
  • After the winter cold, the skin is especially vulnerable, so allergic reactions often occur in early spring. Owners of sensitive skin should choose creams designated as hypoallergenic - as a rule, such products do not contain dyes, preservatives and other substances that can irritate the epidermis.
  • In early spring, many people experience a breakdown, weakness and apathy - all this is the result of a long stay in rooms with dry air, lack of sunlight and a sedentary lifestyle. Such phenomena, called "spring depression", do not have the most favorable effect on the condition of the skin, which becomes pale, dull and lifeless. In order to restore the skin's natural radiance and healthy glow, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, spend more time in the fresh air and not overwork, harmoniously combining physical activity with good rest.

In addition to various factory-made cosmetics, it is recommended to include homemade masks in spring skin care, which are considered the most effective way to restore the dermis during seasonal vitamin deficiency and the appearance of other adverse factors. Masks should be applied to clean, steamed skin 1-2 times a week, periodically changing the composition of the mixture. To remove such funds, you can use ordinary tap water at a comfortable temperature, herbal decoctions or whey. Below are a few simple recipes for homemade spring masks.

Face masks in spring: popular recipes

Dill mask for all skin types

This easy-to-prepare formula perfectly refreshes and tones the skin, energizes it and restores its natural radiance.

  • 2-3 sprigs of dill;
  • 30 ml of olive oil;
  • 20 g oatmeal.

Preparation and application:

  • Grind the dill in a blender and mix the resulting slurry with olive oil.
  • Add oatmeal, mix and apply the finished mass on the face.
  • After 15-20 minutes, remove the mask with a damp cloth and rinse your face with water.

Cucumber mask for dry skin

This mask perfectly moisturizes the skin, restores its normal tone and improves complexion.

  • 1 small cucumber (fresh);
  • 50 g thick homemade sour cream.

Preparation and application:

  • Peel the cucumber and grind it in a blender.
  • Mix the resulting slurry with sour cream and apply the finished mass on the face.
  • After 20 minutes, wash off the cucumber mask with water, and then lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.

Bread mask for oily and combination skin

A mask prepared on the basis of bread pulp softens skin that has become rough after winter, eliminates greasy shine and tightens pores.

  • a slice of rye bread without a crust;
  • 30 ml of kefir or curdled milk;
  • 1 egg white.

Preparation and application:

  • Soak the bread crumb in kefir or yogurt for 10-15 minutes.
  • Add whipped protein to the resulting slurry.
  • Mix and distribute the finished mass on the face.
  • After 20 minutes, remove the bread mask with a cotton swab dipped in water or chamomile decoction and rinse your face with water.

Lemon mask against age spots

This tool helps to get rid of unwanted pigmentation (with regular use), and also perfectly refreshes and tones the skin.

  • 30 g lemon zest;
  • 50 ml of cold boiled water;
  • 15 ml of glycerin.

Preparation and application:

  • Mix lemon zest with water and add glycerin (it must be preheated in a water bath).
  • Apply the resulting mass on the face and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Wash off the lemon mask with cool water.

Vitamin mask for tired skin

This mask helps the skin recover after a cold winter, gain elasticity and natural radiance.

  • 50 g sour cream (homemade);
  • 10 ml of wheat germ oil;
  • 20 ml of jojoba oil;
  • 2-3 drops of liquid vitamin E.

Preparation and application:

  • Mix all the ingredients until smooth (the vitamin should be added last).
  • Apply the resulting mass on the skin of the face and leave for 20-25 minutes.
  • Rinse your face with running water, and then use a nourishing cream.

Proper facial skin care in the spring will help her easily adapt to new weather conditions, while maintaining health and visual appeal. Remember that the beauty and youth of your face is always in your hands - both in spring and at any other time of the year. Listen to the advice of professionals and take care of what nature has given you.

After the long winter months, which do not have the best effect on the skin and emotional state, spring comes. Nature comes to life, blooming with wonderful colors. During this period, women want to be especially attractive. However, the skin after the winter cold often looks tired and faded. Therefore, proper facial care in the spring is extremely important.

Typical skin problems after winter

In winter, the skin of the face, as the most exposed part of the body, is more exposed to external factors: sudden changes in temperature, exposure to wind and ultraviolet radiation, as well as stress caused by a lack of sunny days.

  • Although a slight frost, improving blood microcirculation, is a hardening factor for the skin, prolonged exposure to cold has a negative effect. The body produces special proteins that increase its sensitivity. The response of the immune system is the thickening of the integument - they become coarser and looser. Glands that secrete more sebum cause oily sheen.
  • The wind is not the best effect on the skin at any time of the year, but in winter it is especially dangerous. Weathered with icy air, it is easily exposed to frostbite. In addition, under the influence of wind, evaporation from the surface increases and the skin becomes more sensitive. Grains of sand and other small particles that fall on it cause microcracks. As a result face is red and itchy.
  • With sweat, the skin releases toxins from the body - harmful metabolic products. At the same time, it is hydrated. At the same time, prolonged exposure to frosty air leads to the formation of ice microcrystals that injure the cover, and too dry air in a heated room leads to dehydration.
  • Sudden and frequent temperature changes can lead to the formation of vascular network caused by a violation of collagen production and a decrease in fat synthesis. The skin becomes less elastic and elastic, inflammatory processes begin in it.

Features of spring care

The influence of the spring sun on thinned and overly sensitive skin leads to the formation of wrinkles. Therefore, it is important to regularly use protective products with an SPF factor. Otherwise, you should not be surprised not only by early wrinkles, but also by pigmentation.

In general, skin care in spring, as in other seasons, should be phased. First you need a deep cleansing, without which recovery is impossible.

  • cleansing

The cosmetic industry today offers a huge range of cleansers, which, however, are easy to get confused - especially in their compositions. Please note that the list of ingredients does not contain alcohol, which is contraindicated for sensitive skin. The main principle now is delicate treatment.

It may be worth giving preference to home-made products, taking into account the type and condition of the skin. To do this, there are always natural products in the refrigerator: berries, milk, eggs, honey.

Regular use of steaming with herbal decoctions and soft scrubs can cleanse the face of the upper layer of the epidermis with dead cells. It helps to unblock pores clogged with oil. Deep cleaning of the upper layer triggers intracellular reactions of skin tissue repair.

Peeling can be carried out using fruit acids, such as grapefruit pulp with the addition of olive oil. Scrubs based on coffee grounds or crushed oatmeal, with the addition of cottage cheese, sour cream or banana pulp are popular. The gommage procedure, characterized by more gentle treatment of the skin, is perfect for inflamed or thinned types. Deep cleansing can be done every week for oily skin types and twice a month for dry skin types.

In order to simultaneously remove toxins from the body, which also pollute the skin, leaving through the pores, you can use bath procedures. In the steam room, metabolic processes are accelerated. With increased sweating, the body is cleansed of metabolic products, tissue regeneration processes are launched, pores are released and the functions of the sebaceous glands are being improved.

  • Moisturizing

Since the skin loses a very large amount of moisture during the winter, it needs mandatory hydration. Restoring normal water balance is very important, since its elasticity and freshness depend on it. Proper hydration can be achieved in various ways:

  • by retaining moisture with a film formed by certain means;
  • restoration of natural moisturizing processes using natural components.

Face masks work great for this.

An affordable moisturizer for increased dryness are masks made from a mixture of natural cream and various berries or fruits.

Such cocktails and milk tonics perfectly tone and moisturize the skin. In their composition, you can enter chamomile, string, from berries - raspberries, strawberries or fruits. A mask of sour cream and kefir will help moisturize dry skin. Baths with the addition of such mixtures have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

When using moisturizers, it must be remembered that for dry skin types they need to be prepared on the basis of various oils, and for oily skin - on water.

  • Skin nutrition

Allows you to restore normal metabolic processes in deep tissues, which will return the skin to a young and healthy appearance.

Nourishing creams are always applied at bedtime, and not in the morning, because at night, when the body is resting, the process of cell renewal is underway. Choose a product according to the type of skin and pay attention that it is not too oily or sticky - traces of such self-care will immediately remain on your pillow.

You can diversify your care with a nourishing mask once a week. Preliminary steaming and cleansing of the face will increase the permeability of epidermal cells and the effectiveness of the cosmetic product.

Let's share a few tricks:

  • dry skin is perfectly nourished by jojoba and almond oils;
  • normal and oily skin require a minimum oil content in cosmetics - pay attention to this;
  • instead of facial tonics, you can use ice cubes from frozen infusions of chamomile, mint, green tea;
  • to combat pigmentation, parsley decoction has proven itself well. Rubbing them several times a day on the face, you can achieve good results.

  • Balanced diet

Skin needs to be taken care of not only with the help of cosmetics. Proper nutrition is of great importance.

The human body is a complex biological system, for the successful operation of which a certain energy and many chemical components are required, which it receives with water and food. However, many necessary elements can only come with natural products that do not undergo heat treatment, in which they are destroyed. That's why it's so important regular consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as cereals and leafy greens. In addition to vitamins, these products are rich in fiber, which works like a brush for the body - it helps to quickly remove decay products from it.

Also, for the health and beauty of the skin, it is very useful to eat one avocado daily. With this miracle product, dry skin will not be terrible for you.

Drinking enough pure water has a beneficial effect on the skin, nourishing and moisturizing it. The fluid also dissolves toxins and removes them through the kidneys. An indicator of a healthy body will be a smooth, fresh face.

Facial skin care in the spring should become a pleasant daily routine for a woman who wants to stay young and beautiful for a long time. Remember that it is difficult to restore beauty, while maintaining it is not difficult.

Spring is not only the awakening of nature, but also a test period for our skin. Change of seasons and changes in nature entail significant metamorphosis of the skin, which leads to peeling, irritation, dehydration and even oily sheen. In addition, nature's renewal causes allergies, which can affect the condition of the epidermis. How to take care of your skin in spring to prevent unwanted problems that occur at this time of the year?

Proper skin care in spring

In the spring, any type of skin becomes overly sensitive. The reasons for this phenomenon can be completely different:

  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • dry and hot indoor air;
  • first ultraviolet;
  • temperature drops (minus at night, plus during the day);
  • cold frosty air (in some regions it is still quite cold in spring).

Our skin responds to these external irritants with the following adverse symptoms:


Peeling is a reaction of the skin to severe frosts and cold winds, which literally draw all the moisture out of it. If winter lasts six months, then, with improper care, during this time there is complete dehydration of the skin.

How to improve the situation? First of all, remove the upper stratum corneum. For these purposes, it is worth using scrubs and peels with small abrasive particles, which have a gentle and delicate effect. Peelings are best performed on the basis of enzymes that make up for nutritional deficiencies. For oily and combination types, exfoliation is carried out once a week, for dry types - once a month.

Gray complexion

Eloquently indicates a lack of moisture. Compensate for the lack of moisture with moisturizing creams, as well as with a plentiful drinking regimen.

How to eliminate? The problem is corrected by observing the drinking regimen. You need to drink up to 3 liters of water per day, you can also do a contrast shower: first stand under cool water, then gradually increase the temperature of the water.

Flabbiness of the skin (loss of elasticity)

It occurs as a result of dehydration of the skin and insufficient moisture in cold weather.

How to fix? Buy an effective moisturizing and nourishing cream that contains hyaluronic acid, peptides, natural vegetable oils, antioxidants, ceramides, vitamins, trace elements, minerals and plant extracts.

Oily sheen

It occurs as a result of severe frosts, when the water-lipid barrier is broken. The skin needs time to adjust to the new menopausal conditions and function in a new way. At this time, the skin is characterized by either increased fat content or oily sheen.

How to fix the situation? The problem is eliminated with matting products for the care of an oily type of face. Usually, oily sheen is not always easy to cope with, in some cases special complex care is required. Such care includes the use of tonics, lotions, creams. You can also purchase special matting wipes and wipe your face for some time.


With the advent of warm weather, all processes in the skin are activated, including the production of sebum. After all, in winter the pores were narrowed, and the secret was not removed on its own. Therefore, you should help get rid of excess sebum. In the opposite case, comedones threaten the skin, and there it is within easy reach of acne.

What to do? Thoroughly cleanse the skin twice a day: morning and evening. Skin cleansing should be carried out in a complex with special lotions (preferably without alcohol), serums, milk; toning - tonic with active ingredients; moisturizing and nourishing creams for the care of a problem type of face. It is necessary to fight acne pointwise, otherwise you can dry out the epidermis, and this will only increase sebum formation.


Early spring is always a total dehydration of all layers of the skin. Such a legacy remains on the skin after a frosty and cold winter. Dehydration leads to unpleasant sensations: dryness and tightness of the epidermis, the formation of wrinkles, creases and folds.

How to help? Choose a program for the care of dehydrated skin. This includes moisturizers, serums, tonics and lotions, patch masks, as well as homemade masks and a special drinking regimen. Dehydration affects both the epidermis and the dermis. Therefore, it is necessary to moisturize the skin both from the outside and from the outside. Salon injection procedures are very effective: biorevitalization based on hyaluronic acid and mesotherapy based on moisturizing meso-cocktails.


In some women, age spots appear with the first rays of the spring sun. Therefore, it is important to take care of them in advance.

What to do? Every beautician knows that pigmented skin looks old and tired. People who are prone to age spots should deal with them throughout the winter months. However, even if this is done, the first gentle rays can nullify all efforts.

What to do? Whiten the skin by all available methods, as well as prevent age spots in the future. In adult women, persistent pigmentation (caused not only by ultraviolet radiation) is observed, which is practically impossible to eliminate by traditional methods (creams and masks). In this case, it is necessary to undergo a course of salon procedures: ultrasonic injection of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) into the skin, peelings with fruit AHA acids

Principles of spring care

Features of spring care are as follows:

Cleansing and exfoliation

After winter, tired and unhealthy skin requires delicate handling, otherwise you can harm it even more. You need to clean the skin with special gentle products: milk, tonics, lotions (only without alcohol) and herbal balms. Regular use of exfoliants will remove the top dead layer of the epidermis.

It will also eliminate comedones and clear pores of sebaceous plugs. In this case, delicate scrubs and peels with small abrasive particles are very appropriate, but you should not do this fanatically. After all, even oily skin during this period becomes vulnerable and sensitive, and rough exfoliation can easily destroy the protective barrier of the epidermis.

Scrubs and peels can be made at home based on coffee grounds, fine sugar and extra salt with the addition of honey, cottage cheese or fruits. You can also make cleansing homemade masks from herbs and natural products that will cleanse the skin. Professional cleaning in the aesthetic salon is carried out for oily type - once every two weeks, for dry - once a month. The type of procedure is prescribed by the cosmetologist, based on the condition of the skin and the age of the patient.


Dehydration is the #1 problem in early spring. After all, during the long winter, the skin dried up and dehydrated. You can solve the problem with moisturizing cosmetic preparations that contain active humectants (moisturizers), which are of two types: hygroscopic and film-forming. So, creams based on hyaluronic acid, glycerin, sorbitol are very effective. Such products, as a rule, not only moisturize, but also perfectly nourish the skin.

Masks based on medicinal herbs, fruits, dairy products (cucumber juice, sour cream, cream, fresh fruits and berries) moisturize the epidermis well. Such masks not only moisturize the skin, but also brighten and nourish it. Milk tonics, prepared at home, tone and moisturize the skin. In the manufacture of masks, it should be remembered that for the dry type, an oily base is needed, and for the oily type, water.


Nutrition is very important for the skin in the spring, and vitamins, peptides, waxes, vegetable fats, trace elements, and antioxidants act in this capacity. High-quality nutrition allows you to regenerate cellular processes, improve water balance, activate fibroblasts, which enhance the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Light peeling will improve the permeability of epidermal cells and the effectiveness of the cosmetic product.

When choosing a nourishing cream, you should be guided by the type of skin. Oily skin needs a minimum amount of fat, so their content in cosmetics should be scanty. As a rule, such creams are prepared on a water or gel basis, where decoctions of medicinal herbs are added.

Nutritious tonics can be prepared independently at home from milk and oatmeal. For oily skin, you can add a little alcohol, and for dry skin with medicinal herbs that soften and soothe the skin. You can also prepare ice cubes with herbs, they perfectly tone and moisturize the skin. To eliminate age spots, you can prepare ice cubes with a decoction of parsley, which is a good bleaching agent.


For some reason, this stage of care is skipped by many women. However, in the spring season, this procedure is mandatory. The use of tonic significantly improves the penetration of the cosmetic product into the deeper layers of the skin, absorbs and enhances the effect of the active ingredients of the cream. Foundation and concealer perfectly lay down on elastic and elastic skin, as a result of which the make-up looks flawless. It is necessary to tone the skin twice a day: in the morning and in the evening after make-up removal, when the skin is still damp.

It is very important to choose a tonic that suits your skin type. Here, as with masks, for oily skin, you can take a tonic with a low alcohol content (in the presence of acne), which has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, will effectively cleanse the skin, regulate sebum secretion and normalize the sebaceous glands. For the dry type, softening and intensely moisturizing options are suitable, which contain vitamins, enzymes, peptides, allantoin, as well as ingredients that can regulate and maintain the water balance of the epidermis.


With the first rays of the sun, our skin needs protection to prevent the appearance of age spots and dehydration of the skin. A quality sunscreen not only prevents the appearance of pigmentation on the face, but also prevents the development of wrinkles. Every beautician knows that the best anti-wrinkle cream is sunscreen. Active sunlight also dehydrates our skin, like severe frosts, so with the advent of a hot period, it needs intensive hydration.

Homemade face masks

Home care, during which homemade masks from natural products are used, is just as important as the use of quality cosmetics. With a rational combination of these two areas of care, remarkable results can be achieved. We offer several effective recipes that will help your skin recover in the spring.

Exfoliation masks

Recipe number 1. To prepare the mask, take 20 ml of olive oil and the same amount of grapefruit pulp. Everything is mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. The resulting mixture is applied to a clean face and left for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Recipe #2 This exfoliating mask is good for dry skin. Take sour cream and kefir in equal proportions (proportions can be determined independently). Beat well until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Apply to the face and leave for 20 minutes, then roll up the mask with massaging movements strictly along the massage lines and rinse with warm water.

Mask for oily face

Mix two tablespoons of crushed oatmeal with 10 g of white clay, add 10 g of chamomile flowers. Mix everything and add 3% hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 1: 3. Apply the resulting mass on the face and leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Whitening mask

Recipe number 1. Take one second part of the lemon pulp mixed with two tablespoons of potato starch. Apply the resulting mixture on your face, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Recipe number 2. Mix one half of a banana with 1 tablespoon of milk, add four drops of lemon juice. Banana can be chopped in a blender or mashed with a fork. The mask should have a thick consistency. Apply to face, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

As whitening ingredients, cucumber juice, lemon juice and parsley juice, egg white and carrot juice are suitable. These ingredients can be combined as you wish.

Nourishing mask

Mix two tablespoons of fatty cottage cheese with two tablespoons of milk and one teaspoon of honey. First, mix cottage cheese with warm milk, mix well, then add liquid honey to the mass. Mix everything, apply on face, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Universal nourishing mask

This mask is suitable for any skin type. Mix two tablespoons of honey with two tablespoons of olive oil, add 4 drops of lemon juice and two tablespoons of oatmeal. Mix all ingredients well until a homogeneous mass is formed. Apply to face, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Thus, with the onset of spring, our skin requires special care and restoration. After all, in the winter she experienced enough stress. To restore her beauty, healthy appearance and vitality, you must follow the recommendations that are described in this article. Just a little effort and your skin will shine again with the brilliance of youth and beauty.

Spring dryness: how to provide the skin with life-giving moisture?

There is a misconception that dehydrated and dry skin are synonymous. However, this is not quite true. Or rather, it is not so at all. There are significant differences between these two concepts. Dry skin is not so much a lack of moisture, but a lack of fatty lubrication and nutrients. Dehydrated skin is one that needs only deep hydration.

It is important to remember that there is a dry skin type, and there is dehydrated skin. Any skin can be dehydrated: normal, combination, dry and oily.

The lack of moisture manifests itself in different ways on different skin types. So, normal, dry and combination (with oily and dry areas) skin during dehydration is characterized by peeling in different areas and a dull color.

The condition of combination and oily skin changes most significantly, they react to a lack of moisture with enlarged pores, comedones, peeling in the corners of the mouth and wings of the nose, on the forehead and chin, as well as a dull earthy tint of the epidermis.

Moisture deficiency contributes to even more sebum production. It is for this reason that with the onset of the off-season, the owners of the fatty type complain about the excessive “gloss” of the face.

You can eliminate the signs of moisture deficiency with the help of special masks, which we will discuss below.

Features of dry and dehydrated skin

What does dehydrated skin look like?

What are the signs of dehydration of the skin? How to understand that they do not have enough moisture? The typical symptoms of dehydration are described below:

  1. With a lack of moisture, some wrinkles are sharply indicated in the usual places: in the region of the transverse folds on the forehead, in the region of the nasolabial folds, on the bridge of the nose, under the eyes. These symptoms disappear when the epidermis is well saturated with moisture.
  2. Parallel to the eyeballs, "crow's feet" appear - small crossed wrinkles.
  3. The last and most important sign is the sagging of soft tissues (cheeks and chin). This symptom is usually observed with age, however, lack of moisture can accelerate and aggravate this process. The thing is that collagen fibrils, which are designed to hold the “face frame”, cannot cope with their task in conditions of a total lack of moisture. Therefore, skin hydration is the most important and paramount factor for good skin turgor.

Patients' complaints about how they feel this condition are also very important. After noticing the first symptoms, you can immediately eliminate skin dehydration:

  • feeling of tightness of the face;
  • loss of skin elasticity (it does not straighten well if it is pinched, well-moisturized skin immediately returns to its original position);
  • small and thin wrinkles form on it (they are the result of dehydration);
  • flabbiness and atonicity of the skin;
  • redness of the epidermis;
  • the presence of areas of irritation and peeling;
  • grey, lifeless complexion;
  • the use of foundation leads to the fact that the skin literally absorbs moisture from it, which leads to the formation of spots on the face;
  • excessive dryness leads to itching and the development of various dermatoses.

Dehydrated skin care should be comprehensive

Dehydration test

You can do a test to see if your skin is dehydrated. To do this, two hours before bedtime, remove all cosmetics and go to bed. If in the morning there is a tightness of the face and foci of peeling, and small folds and wrinkles become more pronounced, then it's time to take measures to combat dehydration of the skin.

With regular and timely care, you can quickly cope with a moisture deficit. For this:

We regulate the drinking regime

We increase the amount of liquid we drink. It is necessary to drink about three liters of clean water per day. We reduce the consumption of tea, soda, coffee, alcohol and nicotine. The last glass of sparkling water, coffee or tea should be drunk an hour and a half before going to bed. Otherwise, the face will be swollen in the morning.

Proper cleansing

Forget forever about soap and alcohol-containing tonics. Any soap contains alkali, which removes the surface lipid layer, and this leads to dehydration of the skin. Cleansing can be done with thermal water, micellar gel, milk or herbal tonic. Oily skin needs a special gel that eliminates excess sebum and also moisturizes it.


A special product with thermal water in the form of a spray should be in every woman's cosmetic bag. In an air-conditioned room, it is necessary to constantly irrigate the face (every 2-4 hours).


His Majesty a moisturizer is an indispensable tool for every woman who takes care of herself. It is well known that old age is dryness. Therefore, the skin, aging, constantly loses moisture, it ceases to retain in the skin for a number of reasons. When purchasing a moisturizer, you need to pay attention to its composition. It should include the so-called humectants (moisturizers), which are of two types: hygroscopic and film-forming.

These humectants include: glycerin, hyaluronic acid, silicone, sorbitol, linoleic acid, etc. In addition to moisturizers, it should include sunscreens, vitamins, minerals (calcium and magnesium), waxes, natural oils with fatty acids, collagen and elastin. Such a cream not only moisturizes and retains moisture inside the cells, but also nourishes, tones, restores tone, softens, soothes, eliminates peeling and inflammation of the skin.

However, moisturizing is carried out not only with a cream. For high-quality hydration, a water-based serum is used, as well as a special moisturizing tonic. Women over 40 are advised to purchase an anti-aging moisturizer with antioxidants.

The regimen for using moisturizers consists of using a toner, then a serum, and finally a cream. In some cases, the cream is replaced with a special natural oil. Oil prevents the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the epidermis, enveloping its cells.

Moisturizing cream is applied twice a day: in the morning half an hour before going out and in the evening half an hour before bedtime, so that it has time to absorb well.


Nourishing your skin is just as important as moisturizing it. However, in this case, it is important to choose a nourishing cream strictly for your skin type, since a nourishing cream will have the necessary individual effect for each type. The nourishing cream contains vitamins, sunscreens, peptides, natural oils, coenzyme Q 10 and other antioxidants. Very useful for the face are nourishing masks prepared at home, which both nourish and saturate the skin with moisture.

Homemade masks for dehydrated skin

Folk recipes for masks can complement the effect of cosmetics. The following masks are very effective:

Carrot mask

Grate one medium carrot on a grater, add three tablespoons of raw chicken yolk. Apply the mask to clean skin. Beforehand, you can do a facial massage so that the mask is better absorbed. Leave for half an hour, then rinse with water at room temperature.

Tomato mask

Grate one medium tomato on a grater, then pass through a sieve. Mix the resulting mass with one teaspoon of starch and two drops of olive oil. Apply the mixture on a clean face and leave for half an hour. Then rinse with slightly warm water. This mask perfectly moisturizes and regulates water balance.

Herbal mask

Take one tablespoon of medicinal collection from the following herbs: yarrow, hops, chamomile, St. John's wort. Pour a glass of boiling water over the floor and let it brew. Add two yolks, one teaspoon of honey and lemon juice to the herbal infusion. Apply to a clean face and leave for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

cucumber mask

Grate a medium sized cucumber and squeeze out the juice. Add two tablespoons of heavy cream and two drops of rose oil to two tablespoons of cucumber juice. The mask perfectly moisturizes and whitens, suitable for all skin types, as well as for aging fading skin.

Curd mask

This mask improves complexion, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Mix well one tablespoon of cottage cheese and carrot juice, add one tablespoon of heavy cream, olive oil and milk. Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse with room temperature water.

Egg honey mask

Mix one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of vegetable oil (any) with one egg yolk. Mix everything well, put in a water bath and bring to a warm state. Apply for half an hour on a previously cleansed face. The mask perfectly softens, nourishes, moisturizes and tones the skin.

Lemon - sour cream mask

Grind the zest of one lemon (grate), mix with one egg yolk, add 100 g of sour cream and one teaspoon of olive oil. Apply to a clean face and leave for half an hour. Wash off with warm water.

All masks can be carried out in courses of 10 sessions, they can also be alternated and supplemented with other care products.

Prevention of dehydration

You can prevent moisture deficiency not only with cosmetic preparations, but also by observing some simple rules:

  1. Protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation. Remember, nothing dries out your skin like the sun. In addition, uncontrolled tanning is harmful, they should not be abused.
  2. Observe the diet. It is necessary to drink up to 3 liters of water in order to saturate the skin with moisture from the outside. This should be a daily ritual.
  3. It is necessary to correctly approach the choice of a moisturizer and use it all year round. Moisturizing cream is applied immediately after cleansing and washing.
  4. In rooms, you should irrigate your face with thermal water from a spray.
  5. Cosmetics for the care of dehydrated skin should be of the highest quality and contain active humectants.
  6. After visiting the bath or sauna, apply a moisturizer to your face.
  7. After eating salty foods, consume plenty of water (for every two grams of salt, 150 ml).
  8. Do not use drugs based on retinoids. They are very irritating to dehydrated skin.
  9. Monitor air humidity in residential premises and offices.
  10. Include homemade masks made from natural products that help moisturize the skin.

Dehydrated condition is easily corrected by competent care. However, this path is not always easy and simple. You need to be patient and continue proper care for a long time. And then the healthy appearance of your skin will be an excellent reward for the effort shown.

What vitamins will help improve skin condition in spring

Vitamin deficiency leads to many problems and serious diseases. It is especially difficult for our skin in the spring, because the lack of important elements affects not only its condition, but also the activity of the whole organism.

Vitamins are biologically active components that provide our body with normal vital activity. At first, the chemical composition of these elements was unknown, so they decided to designate them with the first letters of the Latin alphabet (A, B, C, D). And only decades later, their composition was established and a medical name was given according to the classification of chemicals.

When the skin experiences beriberi, it looks gray and dull, withered and flabby, loses firmness and elasticity. To restore the skin to a healthy look, you need to know what chemical elements it needs.

Our skin needs all the vitamins without exception that are known today. Knowing which of them performs which functions in skin cells, it is possible to determine which are actively involved in the renewal and regeneration of the skin and, therefore, are necessary in the spring.

Vitamins for skin rejuvenation and restoration

Retinol (Vitamin A)

We can say that this is the most important chemical element for the beauty and health of the skin. Based on it, entire lines have been created for rejuvenation and regeneration of the skin, since its numerous forms have the ability to restore and renew the epidermis.

Creams with retinol eliminate inflammation on the face, actively fight dryness, peeling and irritation, activate fibroblasts that stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Effectively eliminate age spots, smooth wrinkles, restore tone, normalize the sebaceous glands and regulate metabolism. In the spring, creams with retinoids (derivatives of this chemical element) are the best fit for tired and sagging skin.

You can also make up for the deficiency of retinol with the help of food products. It is found in pork liver, fatty fish, eggs, dairy products, dill, parsley, cilantro, mushrooms, beans and prunes.

B vitamins

Thiamine (B1)- prevents early aging caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, the so-called photoaging. Thiamine is a part of nourishing and moisturizing creams. Contained in the following foods: legumes, fish, meat, yeast, oatmeal and buckwheat flour.

Riboflavin (B2)- stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, eliminates age spots and improves complexion. Found in spinach, tomatoes, liver, eggs, dairy products and fruits (peaches and pears).

Pantothenic acid (B5)- restores skin tone and elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates pigmentation. Found in fatty fish, rice, legumes and bran.

Pyridoxine (B6)- treats acne, has a regenerating effect, prevents the development of pimples and blackheads. Found in bananas, fatty fish, rice, avocados, wheat germ.

Cyanocobalamin (B12)- activates fibroblasts, regenerates processes at the cellular level. Found in beef, tomatoes, cheese and dairy products.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

Improves complexion, literally makes the skin glow. Improves cellular processes in the skin, strengthens capillaries, stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, heals microcracks and wounds on the face. It is found in citrus fruits, black currants, raspberries, rose hips, viburnum and sauerkraut.

cholecalciferol (vitaminD)

Necessary for the normal development of bone tissue, participates in the proliferation of skin cells, prevents early aging, improves skin tone, effectively eliminates irritation, flaking and itching. Contained in oily sea fish, eggs, cod liver. It is independently synthesized in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

Tocopherol (Vitamin E)

Participates in the regeneration of skin cells, evens out the relief, protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Together with retinol and selenium, it is a powerful antioxidant. You can make up for its deficiency by using vegetable oils (sunflower, linseed, pumpkin, corn and olive).

Vitamin K

Perfectly neutralizes age spots and freckles, eliminates puffiness and acne. It is found in large quantities in cabbage, spinach, nettles and cereals.

Niacin (Vitamin PP)

Also known as nicotinic acid. Stimulates the regeneration of skin cells, improves complexion and has a protective effect. Found in corn, brewer's yeast, soy, beef, wheat, buckwheat.

Biotin (vitamin H)

Regenerates skin cells, participates in metabolic processes, has a protective effect. Found in egg yolks, cheese, dairy products and meat.

What vitamins do different skin types need?

Dry face type

  • retinol, its deficiency contributes to dryness and flaking;
  • deficiency of nicotinic acid causes itching and irritation of the skin;
  • tocopherol, its deficiency leads to damage to the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.

Fat type of face

  • needs thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, their deficiency increases sebum secretion, leads to the development of acne and acne;
  • tocopherol regulates the water-lipid balance, its deficiency leads to increased sebum secretion, the appearance of a greasy gloss on the face;
  • ascorbic acid prevents the development of acne, eliminates dryness, irritation and inflammation of the skin.

normal face type

All vitamins have a beneficial effect on this type of skin. You can take multivitamins in the spring, as well as all year round (with obligatory breaks), if necessary.

Ways to combat beriberi

It is impossible to fill the deficiency of chemicals only with the help of cosmetics. In the fight against beriberi, an important role is played by food and pharmacy synthetic options.

  1. Food. Some experts argue that only vitamins that are found in food are beneficial. We will not confirm or refute this maxim. Let's just say that a varied and balanced diet has a positive effect not only on the skin of the face, but also on the entire body, healing it and making it stronger. However, malnutrition causes significant damage to the skin. Such food means confectionery, soda, fast food. With a proper and balanced diet, a person receives the full range of nutrients. But a variety of diets and errors in the diet can lead to a lack of important elements, which immediately affects the condition of the skin. Such a diet will very quickly lead the skin to an unhealthy look.
  2. Vitamin complexes. They are designed to deliver chemical elements to the body in such quantity as to completely eliminate their deficiency. This is a very easy and effective method of dealing with spring beriberi.
  3. Separate vitamins in their pure form. With a shortage in the body of a certain chemical element, you can only take it in its pure form. However, you need to know for sure that there is a need for it. Chemical elements are often produced separately and come in different forms: capsules, dragees, tablets, drops, powders.
  4. Cosmetic masks. Sold in a large assortment in pharmacies and specialized stores. You can also cook them yourself at home.

The best option may be a competent combination of the above methods to eliminate beriberi. However, you should know how to combine them (especially pharmacy options) and in what doses to take.

It is well known that vitamins prevent aging, because many of them contribute to youthfulness and elasticity of the skin. Experts have long established that vitamin deficiency leads to early aging, the appearance of wrinkles, loss of firmness and elasticity of the epidermis. However, some of the foods we eat interfere with the absorption of certain chemicals. So, some varieties of fish destroy thiamine, and egg white binds biotin and does not allow it to be absorbed.

Fish oil for skin beauty

This process can be hindered by the regular supply of the body with vitamins of group K, which improve blood circulation, increase the elasticity of blood vessels and collagen fibrils, smooth wrinkles and make the skin elastic. Retinol and tocopherol renew the skin at the cellular level, prevent its premature aging, and neutralize free radicals. Ascorbic acid improves complexion, eliminates age spots, improves firmness and elasticity of the skin.

How to take vitamins correctly

To maximize the benefits of taking these vital substances, you must follow certain rules for taking them. After all, an excess of vitamins is as harmful as their lack.

  1. It is necessary to determine the purpose for which these drugs are taken. When it is necessary to eliminate certain skin defects, then only certain types of them should be taken. But if they are necessary to improve the general condition of the skin, then it is better to stop at the vitamin complex.
  2. Before you start vitamin therapy, you should consult with the treating cosmetologist - dermatologist. It will help identify which vitamins your skin lacks.
  3. You should not take both individual options and vitamin complexes together. This can lead to overdose, intoxication and allergies.
  4. It is impossible to take synthetic vitamin complexes all year round without a break. The interval between doses should be two to three months.
  5. Follow a proper balanced diet.
  6. Be sure to do vitaminized face masks once or twice a week.

Vitaminized face masks

At home, vitamin masks are prepared from healthy products that are in every home, adding oil solutions of retinol, ascorbic acid and tocopherol in ampoules or gelatin capsules. They are not able to completely solve all skin problems, but they can eliminate some of them.

Universal recipes for masks that are suitable for all skin types:

Recipe #1

Take half a teaspoon of jojoba oil and one teaspoon of sour cream, add two drops of tocopherol. Mix everything and apply on cleansed face, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Recipe number 2

Mix one tablespoon of sour cream with one yolk, add ascorbic acid, tocopherol and retinol (five drops each). Steam your face and apply the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Recipe number 3

Mix five drops of retinol and five drops of tocopherol with one tablespoon of fatty yogurt, add a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of rosehip broth and a tablespoon of cocoa powder. Apply to face, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Overdose and contraindications

An excess of vitamins can cause hypervitaminosis - acute intoxication with high doses of retinol and cholecalciferol (not all vitamins can cause hypervitaminosis, water-soluble ones, as a rule, are immediately excreted from the body). However, an excess of these vitamins can cause serious disorders in the work of some organs and systems, such as the liver and biliary tract.

A contraindication to use can be a variety of allergic reactions or inability to assimilate, that is, disturbances in the functioning of the intestines. In order to understand if you have an allergy, we apply a liquid form of the vitamin to be taken on the elbow bend. In the absence of edema and redness, an allergic reaction is not observed, that is, its intake is not fraught with negative consequences.

And in conclusion, I want to say, when you find out which vitamins improve the condition of the skin, you can forever prevent their lack in the body. By using vitamin complexes or separate pure forms, you can achieve excellent results: the skin will shine with youth and beauty.

By spring, we usually get tired of the cold. Lack of light, vitamins, temperature changes - all this adversely affects not only the state of mind, but also on our body, primarily on the skin of the face.

Of course, the winter period has its advantages - at this time you can carry out a number of cosmetic procedures that are not carried out in the summer due to strong solar activity: peeling, polishing, laser and phototherapy, and other procedures. But you still want to meet sunny days with the least loss in your appearance. How to help your skin in spring?

The main enemies of the skin, from which there is no escape, are heating and all kinds of heaters and air conditioners. Due to dry and hot air, the skin is severely dehydrated and acquires a wrinkled, bumpy appearance and an ugly earthy hue, it becomes rough to the touch. There is such an identity in cosmetology: beautiful skin = hydrated skin. Moisturizing solves most skin problems: it gives the face a radiant color, smoothes fine wrinkles, makes the skin supple and toned.

Facial skin care at home

At home, homemade masks are most often used to moisturize the skin. Suitable for almost everyone raw potato mask. No matter how trite it may sound, but the effect is visible immediately. So, three medium-sized potatoes on a grater like potato pancakes, squeeze the juice a little and put it on your face for 20-25 minutes. It is advisable to cover the face with a bandage from above. There may be some tingling at first, but it quickly goes away. The face after the mask becomes fresh, elastic and acquires a healthy color.

Another option on the topic of potatoes - boil a couple of potatoes in their uniforms, make mashed potatoes, add a tablespoon of starch and 2 tablespoons of milk. Apply to face and leave on for 15-20 minutes.

Very useful to use oatmeal instead of scrub. But they should not be poured with hot water, but with warm water so that they are not completely soaked. After gently massaging the face along the massage lines, you can leave it for 5-10 minutes as a mask.

These masks are suitable for any skin type, especially as an express care before the celebration.

When it comes to store-bought moisturizers, it's important to know that just because the label "moisturizing mask" on a jar (no matter how much the jar costs) doesn't mean it will hydrate from the inside out. First of all, the manufacturer tries to give us a purely tactile, superficial sensation, which is often the result of just softening, not moisturizing. Therefore, do not be lazy and look in the list of mask ingredients for substances such as aloe, cucumber, urea (urea), fruit and other acids (fruit acid, mandelic, lactic acid), hyaluronic acid (sodium hialurunat), NMF (natural moisturizing factor). The closer to the top of the list these components are, the higher their concentration in the mask, which means the more benefit the product will have.

Please note that for combination and oily skin it is better to use masks in the form of a gel, and for dry skin - cream masks.

In addition, in the spring it is not bad to “feed” the skin with vitamins. Serums are perfect for this. Serum is best used at night on a cleansed face or under a cream. If you prefer to use a serum under a cream, you should choose both a cream and a serum of the same brand - the effect will be more noticeable.

In modern cosmetology, preparations with acids are widely used - most often glycolic, as well as with almond and lactic (separately or in a mixture). The composition of products for home use usually includes a low percentage of acid, but even this is enough to give the skin elasticity, partially solve the problem of rashes and blackheads, and significantly improve the complexion. The beneficial effect of acids on the skin of the face is due to the fact that, having a very small molecule, acids are able to penetrate the epidermis and have a beneficial effect on internal processes in the skin: strengthen collagen fibers, accelerate cell regeneration, increase the production of hyaluronic acid. But with the use of these drugs, you should hurry: acids increase the photosensitivity of the skin, so it is not recommended to use them in the summer. When using acid products, always use sunscreen. Remember the simple formula: for the night acid, for the day - a cream with a sunscreen factor.

Starting a complex of restorative procedures at home or in the salon, check if you need to do hygienic. Such a procedure will additionally cleanse the pores, prevent unnecessary inflammation, and subsequent results will be more visible, and the procedures will be useful.

Hardware methods of face care

Today, all kinds of hardware methods of facial care are becoming more and more popular. In this diversity, it is worth starting small. A good help in skin care in the spring (however, this can be done as a course at any time of the year) will be such procedures as biomechanical stimulation (BMS), microcurrents, phonophoresis.

- this is a mechanical effect on the muscles in order to obtain special - psychophysical - effects. BM stimulation creates excess pressure in the tissues, as a result of which blood flows more intensively to the skin and improves cell nutrition. The result - the skin of the face brightens and turns pink, freshness and vigor are felt.

Microcurrents - one of the most relevant procedures at any time of the year, especially in spring. With special metal conductive electrodes (they resemble cylinders in shape), the beautician treats the face along the massage lines according to a special scheme, while the eye area can also be treated (which is important, since a very narrow range of manipulations can be performed with the eyes, and, in turn, microcurrents affect them magically - lighten dark circles, reduce crow's feet and fine lines). By increasing muscle tone, it allows you to achieve a pronounced effect of lifting the face and body without plastic surgery. After exposure to microcurrents, the second chin noticeably decreases, the folds in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle are smoothed out. Due to the activation of intracellular processes of collagen and elastin synthesis, the smoothness and elasticity of the skin increases, the amount of moisture normalizes and turgor is restored, which helps to delay the appearance of wrinkles as much as possible and eliminate existing ones. The result of skin tightening is long lasting. Due to the mild effect, the use of this technique is possible at any age.

Ultrasonic phonophoresis - This is a common method of physiotherapy and hardware cosmetology, based on a combination of ultrasound exposure and special medical or cosmetic products. Under the influence of phonophoresis, cell metabolism, lymphatic drainage and local blood circulation are activated. Ultrasound accelerates regeneration processes, reduces edema, has anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects, increases the adsorption properties of the skin, as a result of which the introduction of medicinal substances into tissues allows them to more intensely affect the skin. Active substances penetrating during phonophoresis accumulate, forming a “skin depot”, from which they gradually enter the blood.

From manual salon techniques it is worth choosing comprehensive care aimed at skin remodeling (skin renewal due to the gradual effect of cosmetic preparations and cosmetic manipulations), chiromassage(one of the most energetic types of massage, in which, in addition to excellent cosmetic effects - smoothing fine wrinkles, improving complexion, normalizing the sebaceous glands - also relieves headaches, improves overall well-being and mood).

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Section Articles

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After prolonged cold weather and snowy frosts, the skin needs sun, warmth and good care more than ever. Do you want to be known as a beauty and receive admiring compliments? Start your day with vitamin supplements. Good biocomplexes can be looked at in a pharmacy, or you can bet on “beauty vitamins” - A and C. They stimulate the production of collagen in the skin, even out complexion and add bright colors to it. They also contribute to the health of the skin, providing a powerful rejuvenating effect.

But vitamins alone are not enough to appease moody skin in the spring. You need to learn to anticipate her desires and meet her needs in time. What your skin expects from you, read on your own face!

dull color

Your skin seems to be tired, not enough regular hydration. She wants moisture to come to her not only in the form of cosmetics, but also come "from the inside."

What to do? Remember the correct drinking regimen. Drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water per day. Additionally, organize the skin with cool irrigation. When taking a shower, make the water temperature not as warm as you are used to, and stand under the "fertile spring" for about 5 minutes. This will allow the skin of the face and body to remain hydrated longer, which means it will remain young and beautiful.


The cold wind and severe frosts of the past season managed to do their "dirty deed". The skin became thinner, less elastic and more sensitive. Peeling is a typical reaction to external stimuli, and although most of them are behind us, the consequences still make themselves felt.

What to do? Restore freshness and radiance to the skin, helping it to renew itself. Now effective procedures such as scrubbing and peeling. It is better to buy scrubs with artificial abrasive components, they are gentle on the skin, which means they work with a bang. But peelings are most effective with enzymes - substances that were originally present in your skin, but which, due to circumstances, have become less in it. Remember, oily and combination skin types need to be deeply cleansed once a week, and dry - only 2-3 times a month.

allergic reactions

When the cold season changes into a warm season, beauticians urge us to put things in order in our cosmetic bag. Dense textures of products should be replaced with light, airy, breathable ones. But keep in mind that the skin during this period is very sensitive and vulnerable, so red spots, irritation, inflammation may appear.

What to do? Trust only well-known, trusted manufacturers, use proven cosmetics. Introduce new beauty products gradually, carefully monitoring the reaction of your skin. If you experience discomfort, contact your doctor immediately. Do not self-medicate!

Loss of turgor

The skin of the hands, décolleté and inner thighs has become painful and flabby? Everything is clear: there is a decrease in turgor on the face. This happens if in the cold months you forgot to "fertilize" the skin of the body with moisturizing and nourishing compounds - creams, emulsions, milk.

What to do? It is necessary to replenish depleted skin reserves with vitamins, microelements and other usefulness. Choose a cream according to the content of active substances: look for hyaluronic acid, plant extracts, oils and antioxidants. Give preference to creams that increase skin immunity and include UV protection. SPF 6 is suitable for dark skin that is not prone to the appearance of pigment blots, and it is better for white-faced beauties to opt for a cream with SPF 15.


In the spring, all metabolic processes are activated in the skin, the work of the sebaceous glands is no exception. After the winter, the pores are narrowed and cannot independently get rid of the excess secret. If left untreated, they become clogged and comedones appear.

What to do? Cleanse your face twice a day - morning and evening. Avoid alcohol-based lotions that cauterize pimples. They remove the consequence of the problem, and not itself, which means that the appearance of a new placer of acne is inevitable. Comprehensive skin care for acne should look like this: cleansing with milk, toning with tonic or serum, and at the end - moisturizing with day (night) face cream.

Oily sheen

The appearance of oily sheen, as well as dry skin, is a common problem in early spring. The skin needs time to adjust to the new rhythm and get used to the intense sunlight. Once this happens, the problem will resolve itself. But it is not necessary to suffer in anticipation of this.

What to do? To improve the tone of the face and minimize the loss of skin attractiveness, you can use special matting wipes. Just wipe problem areas with them from time to time, and then apply loose powder to your face. An integrated approach will help prevent the appearance of shine on the skin in the future. In the morning and evening, cleanse the skin with a lotion for oily type, moving strictly along the massage lines. Then pamper your face with a collagen cream that stimulates cell renewal.

Increased pigmentation

Ugly brown "blots" often appear on the face, neck and décolleté. This is due to UV radiation and the possible content of bergapten in cosmetics. It is one of the components of bergamot essential oil. Unscrupulous manufacturers can add it to sunscreen cosmetics to enhance the tanning effect. Bergapten can also be present in perfumed face creams and perfume formulations.

What to do? To get started, review the contents of your cosmetic bag to identify products with bergapten. Get rid of all means that cause the slightest suspicion. Next - replace the day cream with a composition with retinol, this is a broad-spectrum substance. We are interested in it because it regulates all processes in the skin, adding health and beauty to it. Last but not least, increase your skin's UV protection. Now your cream should contain at least SPF 25.
