Girls: why you can’t wear someone else’s clothes - a replica. Signs about clothes How to pick up your things that you gave to vilify

I think you've heard that things can be cursed by their owner. Although, again, the thing can be cleaned with the help of a special esoteric ritual. You should not wear the things of a deceased person, especially if they were removed from the corpse. You don't need to wear clothes that aren't new if you have no idea who has worn them before you. But there is a nuance here, because any thing can be made your own by removing the energy of the previous owner from it and connecting it to your energy. Good esoteric healers always use such techniques, even when they get a completely new thing in the store. If you have found some object or piece of jewelry, if someone has given you something, this thing must be energetically and informationally cleansed and connected to your energies. How to energetically make a thing your own and remove the energy of another person from it? The scheme of this ritual may shock many.

Girls: why you can’t wear someone else’s clothes - replica

To a greater extent this applies to manual work. That's just the intentions of this creator can be very different, and this does not mean some kind of malicious intent. That's why you can't give your things! About negative energy (MANY) After this incident, my personal front fell. The future husband abruptly stopped calling, when I found him through friends, he said that we were not a couple, the fans disappeared IN A WEEK! There were definitely 8 people who were always happy to just walk with me, knowing that there was nothing to hope for, they disappeared! They stopped getting to know me and noticing other guys.

For 7 years I was alone, without love, without sex. In the past, Elena Yasevich: is it possible to wear second-hand clothes If you do not take into account the hygienic side of this issue, is it dangerous to wear other people's things? Psychic Elena Yasevich claims that choosing a second-hand shop can damage a person’s energy.

That's why you can't give your things! about negative energy (many)


The beginning of the year is traditionally the cleaning season, the time when you intuitively want to clean everything up, make room for the new. I am asked a lot and often - are there any energy rules, what can be given to the next hands, what to throw away, and how to do it correctly. Let's discuss this. Personally, I am only for things that we do not need, but at the same time remain in good quality, serve someone else.

For us, this thing is already useless, but for someone it will be a holiday and a mega-gift. But, nevertheless, there are a number of things that are extremely unfavorable to give to the following hands, since they "remember" the energy of the owner. And these are: 1. Hats and things that touched the head and hair (combs, hairpins, etc.) 2.

Shoes (any and all) These things are as close as possible to the main energy centers into which human energy enters and exits (the so-called chakras).

not found


On the one hand, this, of course, saves the budget, but on the other hand, I don’t understand this. Well, if we really go into the jungle of these conversations about the energy of other people's things, then a few years ago, acquaintances told me a story about a girl who tried on her friend's wedding dress. It was in this dress that the groom found her. I don’t know if the energy played its role, or the groom changed his mind, but then everything happened absolutely amazingly.

The groom, a few days before the wedding, abandoned the bride and married her friend. In such a strange way, the girl, trying on her friend's dress, tried on her fate. As for the experts in this matter, they unanimously assert that any thing has an energy-informational connection to you personally, to your consciousness (to thoughts, emotions, personal experiences and problems) and to certain Forces of the Subtle World that patronize you .

how to give away personal belongings without harm to yourself?

The question remained open - how exactly to do it right? So, if you really decide to clean up in the closet or in the house and transfer what turned out to be either superfluous, or not giving you more energy, or what you have not used for more than a year, then when transferring these, you should at the same time free yourself from three emotional attachments Note: we tend to give things to people who are in a slightly worse financial situation than ourselves. Is it possible to wear used things? In Soviet times, people did not think too much whether or not to wear used things. There was a shortage and there was not much choice. But nowadays, the market is littered with new things of various prices, so everyone can pick up something for themselves.

And the question of whether or not to wear a worn item involuntarily arises even for people with a limited budget.

Can you wear other people's clothes? esoteric view

So, if there is a large energy and psychological gap between the older and younger children (children do not get along with each other, or they are completely different in character), then you should not save on things for the younger. There is one wise saying among the people: “if you put someone else’s shoes on a child, you will spoil your fate.” Psychic Elena Yasevich noticed that it is possible to clean clothes from the energy of his old master.
To do this, the item must be rinsed in running cold water. You can do this in a river, stream or at a source. From ourselves we will add - it is possible and under the crane. If you ask my opinion, then I think that regardless of whether you are a person far from prejudice or, conversely, a believer in omens, it is best to leave other people's things to their owners.

After all, even if talking about someone else's energy is a fairy tale, the new thing will definitely be better than the old one.

Can I donate my things?

For many, these outlets are a great option to get a quality, but inexpensive item, albeit a little worn. If you do not take into account the hygienic side of this issue, is it not dangerous to wear other people's things? Psychic Elena Yasevich claims that choosing a second-hand shop can damage a person’s energy. No one knows who wore these clothes before you. Perhaps he had a serious illness or he had a very complex energy? No one is allowed to know this. Yes, and no need. Simply, when buying second-hand clothes, remember that the energy of the former owner can affect your destiny. Is it possible to wear the things of the deceased Elena Yasevich said that in many religions they have a positive attitude towards wearing the things of the deceased. There is even a custom according to which the clothes of the deceased are distributed after 40 days from the date of death.

What things can not be given and re-gifted according to Feng Shui

But, some use second-hand even if they can buy clothes in an expensive store, and someone saves money on a new thing with the last effort, disdaining to wear worn clothes. Can you wear worn clothes? What if their previous owner was an unfortunate or sick person? Does this mean that you can draw his negativity onto yourself? If you are overcome by such doubts, then it is better for you not to purchase worn things. Our fears tend to come true. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that everything (including any disease) is born first in the head.

We have already found out what pessimists think about wearing other people's things. Can you wear other people's clothes? Esoteric view But there are always their own patterns, which we will consider in this article. Any thing is not just a thing, a part of the wardrobe that a person wears on his physical body.

An appeal to the Higher Forces and to the phantom of the former owner of the thing with a request to take his energy from the thing and all individual connections. 2. Ask the Higher Powers and your personal Patrons to remove or burn all the old connections and energy from this thing. All this is done, ideally, in a positive semi-meditative state. You can apply in your own words, in the form of a prayer from the heart. Additionally, you can direct your flow of the right hand to the chosen thing so that the energy of fire goes through you and all the extraneous energy of the ball is burned. 3. A request to the Higher Forces and your Patrons - to give the object that you make yours all the energy connections you need, fill it with positive and individual energy, so that this thing strengthens and is comfortable for you as much as possible.

Is it possible to give your things to revile strangers

In a sense, we can say that each of your things is a small, but source of your energy. That is, the person who started wearing your thing has access to your energy, and your energy will somehow influence him, writes When is it not recommended to wear other people's things and even dangerous? Wearing other people's things is not worth it in several cases: If the owner of the thing is unfavorable, sick, or just a very bad person (carries a lot of evil in himself). All the things of such a person, as a rule, are filled with heavy, often destructive or simply very negative (dark) energy, from which a normal positive person can feel very bad. If you wear a thing of a dysfunctional or negative person, his problems, illnesses, negative karma, just destructive energy can have a detrimental effect on you and your destiny.

New things can be given and given away without restrictions. Also, be sure to remember, when giving, to inform the person that this is a gift or a gift (so as not to create a one-way flow of energy and thereby cause a situation of debt in a person). The rest of the items you can donate without any problems. Even clothes. If you are worried that your energy remains on it, you can pre-wash it with salt: salt “erases” energy traces very well.

To do this, simply add 2-3 tablespoons of salt to your laundry detergent. What to do with things that cannot be washed? There is an energy ritual "3 moons". You need to take the thing outside for 3 nights - so that it “sees” 3 moons - after that you can be sure that the energy of the previous owner has completely left the thing. For an apartment - a balcony is quite suitable (if it is not glazed). You can do this in non-residential premises - such as a garage, etc.

  • Putting on a new thing for the first time, make a wish - it will come true. And if these clothes have a pocket, put a coin there for the first time you wear it - it will attract money to you.
  • For big holidays (birthday, New Year, Christmas and others), wear new clothes. She will bring you prosperity.
  • When purchasing clothes or shoes, make sure that money remains in your wallet. A wardrobe updated to the “latest” will become the “culprit” of lack of money.
  • Wearing clothes inside out or back to front is a bad omen that predicts trouble on this day. To eliminate its negative influence, you should wear something else. However, this sign does not apply to underwear - everything is the opposite here: if you accidentally put it on inside out, luck will be on your side all day.
  • Start putting on clothes from the right sleeve - otherwise create additional difficulties for yourself.
  • Do not wear the same clothes for several days in a row, especially if these days were not easy. The fact is that clothing absorbs the energy of the world around it, and it also needs “respite” in order to clear itself of accumulated information.
  • Treat with love - carefully and carefully - clothes that "work" for your image (for example, a uniform or a business suit that you wear to work). How you treat her determines how others will treat you.
  • A lace untied on the right shoe means that someone is saying kind words about you; on the left - someone is gossiping about you.
  • Do not put indoor slippers crosswise: peace of mind will be disturbed, sleep will be spoiled.
  • If you wear someone else's hat, you will miss that person.
  • Rinse clothes inside out, otherwise you invite health problems for its owner.
  • If you accidentally mixed up shoes outside the house (in a fitness club, club, guests), put on someone else's, this is to unexpected joy, making new friends. When you exchange, do not forget to give the person some kind of present, let it be an ordinary candy - and luck will be on your side.
  • Breaking a heel according to signs portends a loss of money. Take care of your shoes and take them to the workshop in a timely manner.
  • You can't put shoes on the table. This predicts a quarrel with loved ones. If a woman puts shoes on the table, this may portend the birth of a child with her or her relatives.
  • You need to give shoes to your loved one so that he will definitely like it and fit it. This is for a long-term relationship. But don't give slippers. Presented as a gift, they symbolize the afterlife. It is believed that slippers donated to a loved one portend a deterioration in relations with him.
  • Squeaky shoes indicate that the owner offended someone. Remember and try to make peace with this person, and you need to confess to him in squeaky shoes.
  • Double-check your shoe boxes: clean the ones that are wearable and get rid of the old ones. Keep holey shoes in the house - to illness and turmoil. However, it is not recommended to simply throw away shoes - you can damage it through it, it is better to burn it - this scares away evil spirits.
  • If your laces get knotted, don't worry. This is good luck. If he does not interfere with your walking, walk with him for at least a day - this way you will more likely attract fortune.
  • Shoes should stand correctly on the shelf, the right shoe should not cross with the left one, they should not change places. The wrong position predicts quarrels, troubles, misunderstandings in the house. However, if you want to see your loved one in a dream, you need to take shoes, put them in your room and arrange them with the letter "t".
  • It is better not to wear new shoes for a responsible event - this can scare away luck. Do not get out, put on the old one!
  • It is recommended to burn old shoes before a long journey and take some ashes with you in a handkerchief - this will be a good amulet on the road.
  • Do not wear fishing boots under your arm - you invite trouble.
  • Do not wear boots on bare feet - this is a material loss.
  • Never gamble: if you are shod on bare feet, you will not hit the jackpot.
  • If you accidentally put the right shoe on your left foot, and the left on your right, this may portend a loss of reputation, slander, slander.
  • Putting shoes on, confusing the right and left sides, can mean some kind of health hazard.
  • When you go to an important meeting, put a patch in your shoes under your left heel - this will attract good luck and help you overcome any difficult situations.
  • If the groom drinks everything from the bride's shoe to the drop, love for her will overwhelm him all his life.
  • About the bride's shoes, the signs say that the wedding must have closed shoes, not sandals. It is believed that the more holes and weaves on the bride's shoes, the more likely it is that her female happiness will escape through them.
  • Before the wedding, the bride must wear shoes, at least at home. Worn shoes will bring happiness, luck and joy to the future wife.
  • New leather shoes should be lubricated with castor oil (it is better if the purchase is made on the growing moon) and knocked on the floor three times - then it will be worn longer.
  • To stumble with your right foot and not damage your shoes - fortunately, to stumble with your left and not ruin your shoes - to get acquainted.
  • Lose shoes - get rid of bad friends.
  • Find shoes - to joy, to promotion.
  • The sole has broken - you may have encountered a carrier of negative energy. The shoes took over. so you need to get rid of it - it is better to burn it. If this is not possible, throw it in the trash can, hiding a piece of bread inside and saying: “I am good, and I am good!”.
  • Do not let strangers wash your shoes - they can take your energy. Always do it yourself and only with good thoughts, a positive attitude.
  • Losing shoes on the road is a good change.
  • A boot thrown over the threshold can show which side to wait for the betrothed.
  • Tuck your foot in a new boot - to surprises.
  • Step into an indecent pile - to the money.
  • If the dog gnawed the shoe, beware of a quarrel with loved ones.
  • If the cat marked the boot - to the guests from afar.
  • If you poured water on your shoes, in a few days you will meet a person who has often been remembered lately.
  • When someone steps on the right foot - to unexpected profits, when on the left - to losses.
  • If your shoelaces are constantly torn, this portends success in small adventures, easy money and dubious acquaintances.
  • If you stepped on a nut or a nail, then you are in for trouble in a state-owned house.
  • If the heel is stuck in a crevice in the asphalt - to joy.
  • The boot, left in the garden since autumn, was inhabited by insects, mice, etc. - to a change of residence, to an improvement in living conditions.
  • If during a quarrel someone launched a shoe at you and did not hit - to good health, and if he did - to troubles in a state-owned house.
  • Losing a glove is unfortunately
  • If a man covers his head with a women's scarf during the matrimonial act, then a girl will be born.
  • If, when trying on, a dress is sewn to a shirt, then someone will fall in love with you.
  • If there is a thread (basting) in the newly sewn dress - to a long life
  • If, when leaving any house, you slam or pinch the floor of the dress, then this means that you will be "behind", that is, you will have to return to that house again for some reason.
  • If a girl's hem is always wet or dirty, then her future husband will be a drunkard.
  • If the hem is wrapped up while dressing, then on this day you will have to be drunk or beaten
  • The collar of the shirt must be unbuttoned at night: the angel examines the sleeping ones at night and whoever finds the collar open - rejoices, and the devil cries; in front of a sleeping man with a buttoned collar - on the contrary
  • You can’t even walk around the room in one boot: the mother will die
  • If the wife puts on the right boot first, then the borscht will be good
  • Shoe insoles should not be shaken out in a place where they walk, because if someone steps over this place or the insole itself, he will certainly have a runny nose
  • Put on a stocking inside out - you will be drunk or beaten
  • If, having forgotten, you lie down to sleep in one stocking, then the one you are waiting for will arrive.
  • Constantly lost socks indicate problems with a partner, a dysfunctional personal life and a lack of happiness in a man's life.

The influence of the wardrobe on a person is obvious. There are things in which we are comfortable, and there are clothes that repel and even lead to a state of depression. So, for example, many doubt it, because its energy has its own nuances. But as for worn things, it’s worth knowing which ones you can wear, and which second-hand clothes will bring trouble ..

Worn items should be made "your own"

Experts on human energy argue that putting on someone else's thing, you can easily adopt the energy of the former owner. That is why many people are afraid to buy things in second-hand, thrift stores or borrow from friends. But you should understand that not only bad energy, as many believe, can be expected from someone else's clothes.

Worn items can also be charged with a positive energy potential. So, if someone you know well has wholeheartedly given you things in good condition that this person for some reason does not wear, you should not refuse.

It turns out that together with clothes that someone has already worn before, you can gain success, well-being and health. But in order to adopt only the positive qualities left by the former owner and remove the negative ones, it is necessary to make things "one's own". How can this be achieved?

The answer will surprise you - you need to make three requests to the Universe.

Request #1

Ask the higher powers to eliminate the former bad energy of things. In the process of petition or meditation, putting your right hand on your clothes, in your own words, form something like this request: "Please remove all negativity from these things and leave only the good. May they be renewed and bring me only happiness!".

Request #2

Next, you need to ask that other people's things that have already got rid of the previous negative energy become "yours". Think about how clothes are filled with positive, direct your individual soul vibrations to them. Say something like this: "These are my new things in which I will be as comfortable as possible!"

Request #3

The next final petition is to get rid of someone else's energy thing, not only with the help of requests sent to the Universe. It is also necessary to refer to the phantom of the person to whom it previously belonged. Say something like this: "Take your energy! Release this item from previous connections!".

After all these petitions, the thing will definitely become "clean" and 100% yours. You can safely fill it with your own personal energy positive vibrations.

What other people's things can not be worn

1. Things of a loser or terminally ill

Remember that a thing will definitely be charged with negative potential if it belonged to an unsuccessful person dissatisfied with life or someone who has a fatal illness. From such a discursive stream, you will not only feel uncomfortable, but simply unbearable to live, reports JoInfo journalist Karina Kotovskaya.

You will notice that in all areas of your life, failure will literally follow you around. That is why you should not wear the things of a loser or a patient, even after the rite of purification.

2. Things of the unknown

Energy flow experts do not advise wearing those things about the owner of which you do not know anything. Of course, you can try to make such worn clothes "your own" with the help of the above ritual. However, you cannot know that, for example, a given thing is cursed or damaged. Why take the risk?

3. Clothes that were removed from the corpse

The thing that was removed from the corpse has a powerful dead energy. Wearing such clothes, you can incur illness and serious trouble.

Be careful and in no case accept a gift of clothes from someone who is unpleasant or suspicious to you. And if the previous owner has? It can seriously harm your life if you wear such a thing. Be careful and treat your clothes with dignity.

The beginning of the year is traditionally the cleaning season, the time when you intuitively want to clean everything up, make room for the new. I am asked a lot and often - are there any energy rules, what can be given to the next hands, what to throw away, and how to do it correctly. Let's discuss this.

Personally, I am only for things that we do not need, but at the same time remain in good quality, serve someone else. For us, this thing is already useless, but for someone it will be a holiday and a mega-gift.

But, nevertheless, there are a number of things that are extremely unfavorable to give to the following hands, since they "remember" the energy of the owner. And this:

1. Hats and things that touched the head and hair (combs, hairpins, etc.)

2. Shoes (any and all)

These things are as close as possible to the main energy centers into which human energy enters and exits (the so-called chakras). They absorb our energy as much as possible, and it can be unsafe to transfer them further.

3. Underwear and underwear (t-shirts, etc.)

The closer to the body, the more energy a person “remembers” a thing. Well, I think no one conveys this, but nevertheless I decided to point it out.

4. Bags and especially wallets

These things, being a symbol of your prosperity for a long time, are charged with such energy, and giving them into the wrong hands can negatively affect the cash flow.

5. Bed linen, pillows and especially a mattress

And these are again things that are close to the body, and in the case of a mattress, they are also a symbol of family well-being. No matter how sorry they are, it is better to give them to the earth.

6. Mirrors

They are always a special topic. But it is believed (and not unreasonably) that giving away mirrors (from pocket to interior ones) is not a favorable thing.

Of course, we are talking about the things that you wore. New things can be given and given away without restrictions. Also, be sure to remember, when giving, to inform the person that this is a gift or a gift (so as not to create a one-way flow of energy and thereby cause a situation of debt in a person).

The rest of the items you can donate without any problems. Even clothes. If you are worried that your energy remains on it, you can pre-wash it with salt: salt “erases” energy traces very well. To do this, simply add 2-3 tablespoons of salt to your laundry detergent.

What to do with things that cannot be washed? There is an energy ritual "3 moons". You need to take the thing outside for 3 nights - so that it “sees” 3 moons - after that you can be sure that the energy of the previous owner has completely left the thing. For an apartment - a balcony is quite suitable (if it is not glazed). You can do this in non-residential premises - such as a garage, etc. In principle, you can even use the trunk of a car for this.

What does it mean to "return to the earth" or "to give to the earth"?

This means that you dispose of the thing in such a way that no one else can use it. Ideally, burn it. But in urban realities, this is almost impossible. It is also suitable to take it to a landfill / garbage dump - then it is taken out and buried, so that everything falls into the ground. Personally, at the same time, I first cut it into several parts - bags, shoes, hats, etc., in order to completely eliminate the second life of these things.

And by the way, the well-known and quite effective ritual "100 things", which allows you to make room for the new and create changes in life - just about the things that you need to collect and give to the earth (i.e. things that you give to other people, technically it does not count). I already described it, but just in case: take a bag (large), go around the house and collect 100 things in it. Any, but especially:

Which have damage, chips, etc. (this means that the thing has taken on some kind of energy impact)

Things that don't work

Things that you have not used for more than a year - or do not plan to use anymore.

If a family lives in the house, you can collect 100 things from all family members, as if from home. And then we put it in the trash.

It's the beginning of a new year, we all crave change - try it, it's really a powerful technique.

As usual, you can ask questions below in the comments.

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What do we do with old clothes when we don't need them anymore? Surely we throw it away or give it to other people: relatives, friends or those in need. We do the same with shoes and other things. We believe that by giving things to others, we are doing a good deed. But doesn't that pose a problem for us?


In ancient times, people believed that personal items are closely related to the owner in terms of energy. Hair, particles of a person’s skin remain on his clothes, shoes, watches, jewelry ... Many superstitions are built on this, in which energy of things is brought to the fore.


Vital energy

It is believed that about 80 energy channels pass through the feet. So, shoes are a thing that passes through maximum vitality person. When someone else wears your shoes, their energy channels contact the information that was stored in the shoes, changing it.

All this affects both the old owner and the new one. Wearing shoes after a person, you run the risk of succumbing to the bad influence of his energy.


Consider what things are dangerous in terms of energy.

dangerous things

  • Hats, caps and other headgear, as well as devices that have had regular contact with the hair and head.
  • T-shirts, T-shirts, shorts and other items of underwear and underwear.
  • Backpacks, bags, wallets. The transfer of these things can be bad for financial solvency.


  • Pillowcases, duvet covers, mattresses. These things are considered a symbol of family well-being and peace.
  • Interior and pocket mirrors. By transferring them to other hands, you can lose a piece of your own attractiveness.
  • We are talking about things that have been used for their intended purpose more than once. If the thing is new, then you can give or give it away without fear. You can also freely donate outerwear. If you are still worried about your energy, then you can wash the thing by adding salt to the powder, which erases energy traces.


    If you send used clothes, shoes or other personal items to a landfill, first cut them into several pieces to completely eliminate the possibility of their further use for their intended purpose.

    Among the people, there have also long been many signs that relate to the energy of our personal belongings.

    Folk omens

  • By giving clothes to beggars or low-income relatives, a person loses some of his energy and may become poorer.
  • Buying clothes or shoes with the last money, a person incurs problems with money.
  • Putting on new clothes for big holidays, a person attracts good luck.
  • believe in omens or not is a personal matter for everyone. But if our ancestors believed in these patterns for centuries, then it probably makes sense.


    Pay attention to spoiled, damaged, as well as those things that have not been used for the last year and do not plan to use in the future. You can combine this ritual with general cleaning.

    Earlier we talked about what habitual things spoil the energy in the house. Look, perhaps they interfere with creating a cozy atmosphere in your home.

    And how often do you get wear someone else's things? How do you deal with the energy of the previous owner? Tell me in the comments.