Interpretation and application of Slavic runes. Slavic runes - amulets for every Russian person Ancient runes meaning description and their interpretation

Today, many people are discovering the pagan culture of the ancient Slavs - the Scythians, Lyutichs, Drevlyans and other nationalities. to the traditions and beliefs of the ancestors is not accidental. The connection of people of that time with nature, the energies of the Earth was too strong, which allowed them to live in harmony with the outside world, which is so lacking in modern man.

Old Slavic runes are part of that culture. At one time they were very revered and were used not only as symbols of the alphabet, but also for protection.

The history of the appearance of Old Slavic runes

Historians have not come to a consensus about the time of the appearance of runic writing among the Slavs, but agree that it is as ancient as the Celtic and Etruscan symbols.

For example, the famous German chronicler Titmar of Merseburg, who lived at the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century, mentions idols with incomprehensible signs on them when describing the Slavic temple in the lands of the Luticians. Surely he would have recognized the Germanic or Scandinavian runes.

Similar images were described by Ibn El Nedim, an Arab writer who lived in the same period. He mentions the ancient pre-Cyrillic writing, which he found on the gravestones of Slavic burials.

Thus, we can safely say that the oldest alphabet of our distant ancestors was the Old Slavonic runes. If you turn to archaeological finds, you can find out that the ancient masters put runic signs on household utensils. For example, a clay pot found near the village of Voiskovoe, on the Dnieper, contains an inscription of 12 words, for which 6 characters were used. The fact that 3 of them looked like Scandinavian runes suggests that the cultures of these peoples intersected.

The same symbols were found on cult objects from the ancient temple of Radegast, destroyed in the 11th century, belonging to the Polabian (Baltic) Slavs.

It is impossible to perceive the Old Slavonic runes (and their meaning is a direct confirmation of this) solely as signs of writing. Their influence on the life of the ancient pagans was enormous: these symbols were applied to the body, to runic stones, dishes, livestock, idols and other objects important for life and beliefs.

Runic alphabet

This writing has Etruscan and Celtic roots, since these peoples lived next door to the Slavs. In addition to the fact that runes were used for writing, there was a cult according to which these signs were considered sacred, since they were given to people by the gods. Tablets with runes, for example, were placed in burial places, and pebbles with signs applied to them served as amulets.

They were used not only during pagan times, but also after the adoption of Christianity by the Slavic peoples. For example, the rune Algiz was depicted in, since it was considered a strong protection against someone else's witchcraft and the evil eye. To increase its power, multiple images of this symbol could be applied.

To date, 18 runes are known: Peace, Chernobog, Rainbow, Alatyr, Krada, Need, Wind, Strength, Eat, Treba, Bereginya, Lelya, Ud, Rock, Opora, Dazhdbog, Perun and Istok.

Old Slavic runes and amulets with symbols applied to them carried a certain meaning and had power.

Runes - symbols of good

As is customary among almost all ancient peoples, the Slavs believed that good and evil forces ruled the world. Among their gods and goddesses there are both those who help people and take care of them, and those who inspire horror.

Old Slavic runes did not escape the same fate. Among them there are also protections, which include:

  • Runa World symbolizes the Tree of life and the universe. It is also referred to the White God and the person who is his incarnation. The rune resembles or a tree with two branches. Its center is the trunk of the World Tree or the human spine. The rune of Belbog also means family, world order and harmony. In Scandinavian mythology, he corresponds to the god Heimdall, who protects order and the world from chaos.
  • A rainbow means a road that has no beginning or end. As a talisman, it was used in travels for a favorable return, as well as for a positive end to some difficult business. The rune conveys a state on the road that is different from the usual fuss, as if a person is sliding through life between Order and Chaos.

  • Among the ancient Slavs, the word “steal” meant fire, and the rune with that name indicated purification, the disclosure of their plans to the world. For magical purposes, it was used to embody intentions, to get rid of masks and superficial desires. She helped make dreams come true. were fire and the verb (“word”).
  • Treba meant sacrifice, without which it is impossible to realize one's desires. It was depicted as an arrow, which indicates that its main direction is purposefulness, like a warrior's desire for victory. It is impossible to reach new heights without sacrificing one's comfort and habits, and this sacrifice must be made by anyone who sets foot on a new Road.
  • The Rune of Power meant the ability to change two worlds - the inner human and through it the outer. The symbol is a warrior, and the magical meaning is unity. A person who lost integrity and connection with nature, with the help of this rune, restored balance in consciousness and cleansed it. Warriors took it with them to return home with victory.
  • Bereginya is a symbol of the Mother Goddess, who is in charge of all living things on Earth and protects her children. On the one hand, it gives the souls that come into the world a new body, but on the other hand, it takes away life, so it can be called a symbol of both life and death.
  • Old Slavonic amulets, runes and their meaning in the life of the ancient pagans is an extremely interesting topic. These characters played a very important role. Belief in the external control of the destinies of people by the gods gave these signs a magical power that helped our ancestors withstand the threat of evil and chaos.

    Runes - symbols of death

    Regardless of the level of development of civilization and the beliefs of people, they have always been afraid of death. The uncertainty that lies behind it terrifies a person. The ancient Slavs had their own myths about the afterlife, and some of the runes are associated with death or fate, from which even the gods cannot hide.

    Old Slavic runes and their meaning associated with evil or death:

    The ancient Slavs conventionally divided the runes into strong and weak ones, and, depending on the situation, they could enhance their effect by repeated repetition.

    The most powerful runes-amulets

    Modern connoisseurs of runes do not fully understand all the nuances of their meanings, as was typical of the Old Slavonic shamans and sorcerers. In those days, faith in their strength was very high among the people, so amulets with runic signs were especially popular.

    They were made of stones, silver, wood or gold, runic symbols were embroidered on shirts, women wove ribbons with them into braids. The most popular were amulets, which depicted Old Slavic runes (photos of some of them are presented in the article), associated with wealth, prosperity, health and keeping the family hearth.

    Among them, the strongest were:

    To some extent, the modern descendants of the ancient Slavs adopted the traditions of their ancestors to use runes to protect themselves from problems or to attract wealth, love or success into their lives. Some of them use amulets, and some make tattoos. Old Slavic runes are not a tribute to fashion, but a deep connection with the Family for those who were able to reveal it in themselves.

    Home, family and property protection

    Knowledge of one's kind, honoring the memory of ancestors and the family were very important in the life of the ancient Slavs. They knew well where and from whom their family descended, and passed on this knowledge to subsequent generations. The rituals associated with burial, the birth of a person, were largely associated with natural energies that people used to repose the dead or protect newborns.

    The ancient Slavs in this matter are very similar to the Chinese, who understood the importance of the correct flow and distribution of qi energy. Old Slavic runes, properly charged, had a magical property to harmonize the external and internal space. Some of them were used to protect the hearth, to protect family well-being, the birth of beautiful and healthy children, the possibility of procreation. These include:

    Here they are so interesting and multifaceted - Old Slavonic amulets, runes and their meaning. Tattoos with them are one of the most popular among modern people, since the well-being of the family is as important for them as it was for their ancient ancestors.

    Runes from the evil eye and damage

    Ancient Slavic magicians were able not only to use runes to create protective amulets, but also to make spells from them. Superstitious people at all times are afraid of someone else's envy, damage and the evil eye. A properly made amulet can have not only protective functions, but also neutralize the negative sent to a person.

    For example, to protect the witches used:

    The ancient Slavs sincerely believed that their dead ancestors could protect them and help them in difficult times. The combination of powerful symbols in one drawing greatly increased its charge. You can do the same in our time, having studied the Old Slavonic runes and their meaning. A tattoo of several symbols will not only create powerful protection, but will also attract good luck or wealth.

    Rune divination

    Today you will find few people who could interpret runes as well as the sorcerers and magicians of antiquity did. One of the ways to find out your fate or just get advice on how to act in a given situation was fortune telling on Old Slavic runes.

    Depending on how they fell out, which side the sign lay on, its meaning changed, and a good rune could turn out to be bad. Knowledgeable sorcerers of those times helped people avoid problems or warned them of possible danger. Modern magicians know only the basic meanings of runes in divination, for example:

    • The rune Alatyr could mean the beginning of a new business or an upcoming road.
    • The Rainbow symbol meant a successful outcome of something.
    • If during fortune-telling a Need fell out, then a person was expected to have obstacles in business, ruin or even death.
    • The rune of Krada foreshadowed that a person had to bring something to life, but for this he needed to clear his mind.
    • When the Force fell out, it meant that a person would find the right solution for his situation.
    • Rune Wind personified the creative essence of man and indicated that time should be taken to reveal one's potential.

    These are far from all interpretations of the Old Slavic runes, since even the sequence of their fallout could give new options for the development of events in the fate of a person. Sometimes they used Old Slavonic (runes) to search for treasures. Since the ancient pagans believed that the hidden treasures were protected by spells, they made conspiracies and special combinations of runes, which were supposed to not only lead the treasure hunter to the right place, but also save his life.

    Runes in tattoo

    Today it is becoming fashionable to use Old Slavonic runes and their meaning in tattoos. Those who decide to use their protective power should be very careful, because without knowledge and faith in their power, this - at best - will be just a drawing on the skin, and at worst, the opposite effect may be obtained.

    It was the faith of people that endowed the runes with power, because each of them was associated with a specific god, for example:

    • Rune Wind symbolized Veles, who transferred the souls of the dead to the kingdom of Marena.
    • The Beregini sign was associated with Makosha, the goddess of the earth and harvest.
    • The rune Ud is Yarilo.

    It was faith in these gods and goddesses that endowed the runes with powerful energy. The ancient Slavs painted them on the body as protection from dark forces or to attract good luck. Similarly, today people should use the Old Slavonic runes. A tattoo, backed up by knowledge of their meaning and faith in the ancient gods, will be a real talisman for its wearer.

    How to make a rune-amulet

    It makes no sense to buy a ready-made amulet, but if it is not possible to make it yourself, then you should at least properly charge the purchase. To do this, it must be washed in running clean water, then held over the fire of candles, put in salt for a day, and then fumigated with incense. So all 4 elements will give the amulet their strength.

    The next stage is the transfer of one's energy to the amulet with a prayer to a god or goddess, which the rune symbolizes. Asking for help or protection endows him with mighty power.

In this article:

The ancient Slavs were well versed in esoteric issues, they used this knowledge in all spheres of their life. The overwhelming majority of them used protective magical amulets or talismans. For the manufacture of amulets, mainly ancient Slavic runes were used, they were endowed with special magical properties that could realize various life tasks.

Talismans were used to increase wealth, make a successful trade deal, become a participant in some profitable enterprise, and attract the forces of nature to their side. So, our ancestors were able, for example, to attract rain during a summer drought in order to increase productivity, as well as to disperse rain clouds when rain was undesirable.

Amulets performed a protective function - they helped preserve the integrity of the family, the health of all its members, love between spouses, contributed to the birth of healthy children, guarded the house and property. Our Slavic ancestors were very sensitive to nature, they knew a lot about its power and strength, they knew how to use them at the right time.

Possessing the secrets of the interaction between nature and man, they believed in higher powers, revered many Gods, each of whom they endowed with a specific set of character traits, elements and power to control it. The mystical halo of rituals, runes, magical amulets and runic symbols of amulets are important elements of the ancient Slavic culture that played a key role in the development of this unique and powerful (at that time) civilization.

Slavic runes - what is it?

This concept itself means a certain set of special signs / symbols, which are both a magical tool and the ancient alphabet of the peoples living in Northern Europe. The very word "rune" (from "run") means "secret" or "mystery". Later, the ancient runic writing was supplanted by Latin writing, but did not disappear, but passed into a new quality - they began to use it for divination, performing magical rituals, creating amulets and amulets, talismans.

There are several variants of runic writing, the most common being the ancient Germanic and Slavic runes. It is known that the ancient Slavs had much more runes at their disposal, while modern society knows only eighteen of them. You can interpret their meaning only if you:

  • understand the ranking of Slavic gods;
  • know by name each deity, as well as the element for which each of the gods is responsible;
  • understand the "language of runes";
  • own methods (magical Slavic rites) of interaction with the gods;
  • able to control the forces of nature through the runes.

What runes are the strongest?

We can safely say that they cannot be divided into “strong” and “weak”, since each of them, having unique properties, performs a specific task. Each rune can be used alone or in combination with other runes, stacking in combination with a certain number of them. How many runes you intend to use depends on the complexity of the task that your charms have to perform and your desire to solve it most efficiently.

The best practice is making runes with your own hands

Based on this, it can be seen that the ancient Slavic runic symbols are designed to solve various problems. The opposition of Darkness (Chaos) and Light (Goodness) is at the heart of Slavic culture, our ancestors firmly believed in this, therefore, amulets of a protective order were a priority. With their help, the Slavic tribes tried to resist the forces of evil and negative energy of natural origin or specially directed by unkind people. Such a powerful protective force is possessed, for example, by the runes Dazhdbog, Perun, Mir.

Runes such as Need and Chernobog are attributed to the elements of Chaos. However, runic symbols with the power of Chaos should not be classified as unconditional Evil, since, together with the forces of Light, they are fundamental to the existence of all living and non-living things in the world. Without them, the spiritual world would not exist. Their main purpose is the destruction and destruction of something unnecessary, sick and obsolete, so that something new can be built in its place. Destruction always underlies the creation of something new.

The choice of material for the manufacture of runes

Our ancestors for the manufacture of Slavic runic symbols used improvised material - wood, leather, bone, paper, stone, cloth, clay tablets, etc. To begin with, they made the base from the selected material - small elements of arbitrary shape (more often they were round, rectangular or square) and put runic symbols on their surface.

Our ancestors prioritized silver - a metal closely associated with the Good, which has antiseptic properties and a pronounced healing effect on living organisms. The tree of oak, cedar, spruce, birch was widely used. Nowadays, many also prefer to make runic protective symbols on their own, rightly believing that such amulets will have special power and fully correspond to their purpose. Ready-made protective products made of silver (sometimes gold), made in the form of original and beautiful jewelry, are also popular.

Modern man is not deprived of the opportunity through magical Slavic runes:

  • correct their own destiny;
  • receive the help and protection of higher powers in their creative development;
  • count on their patronage in career matters;
  • expect their assistance in matters of interaction and understanding between people;
  • acquire a powerful incentive for self-development, etc.

In any sphere of human life, characterized by some regression or stagnation, you can use the magic of Slavic runes to eliminate negative aspects and acquire powerful positive energy.

Features of Slavic runes

Our society owes the appearance of the prototype of modern writing in Russia to the works of the first printers Methodius and Cyril, who invented the Old Slavonic language of the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabets. Before that, our ancestors did not use alphabetic writing, but runic.

In addition to the signs of writing, the runes were also endowed with a secret magical meaning, where each symbol was given a certain meaning for divination and witchcraft.

Designation of Slavic runes

Slavic magicians and sorcerers widely used runic signs in their practice, providing ordinary people with magical help to solve various problems.

Protective amulets in the form of runes, charged with positive and powerful energy, from such masters were considered very effective and efficient. In addition, runic ligature was applied to various household items, "weaved" into the fabric, decorated clothes with them.

Silver was revered as a noble magical metal, so amulets from it were very valuable, and at first they tried to acquire a silver amulet with runic signs for children to protect them from various misfortunes. It was customary to wear runes of gold when a person experienced a breakdown, discord in the economy, and failures pursued.

Features of Slavic symbols

The art of using, as well as producing runes, requires the master to have knowledge of Slavic culture, an understanding of the religious characteristics of the ancient Slavic society, possession of the skills to conduct certain Slavic rites and magical actions.

Runes are the keys to information portals, a gift of the Gods, projecting their strength and will onto the Earth, designed to strengthen the divine order of the universe on our planet. A more thorough study of each rune can serve as proof of this.

Picture Symbol Key word Description Meaning
Order, kind. Belobog, the Tree of the World, the divine "I" in human essence. Belobog is a complex Slavic symbol that is correlated with the essence of a person, his inner “I”, is depicted as a tree or a person whose hands are raised to Heaven. It means society, community, clan. In divination, it means the success of any business or event.

The magical meaning is the protection of the Higher Power, the protection of the Light Forces.

Picture Symbol Key word Description Meaning
Chaos, destruction, fall. Chernobog, Gloom, Darkness, Shadow. An inverted Tree of the World, the antagonist of the rune of the World and all the Divine. Visually it looks like the rune World upside down. In magic, it means the collapse of the old order. The obsolete will be destroyed, what will survive will become stronger. In fortune-telling - death (to cause, feelings, unions, moral / physical death of a person). Connects the magician with the destructive forces that break through the magic circle, any closed system.
Picture Symbol Key word Description Meaning
Center of the Universe, the Altar and the subject of the struggle between Belobog and Chernobog. Top of the World, Beginnings, Basics, Greatness. Sacred meaning: Alatyr stone. Alatyr is the keeper of the origins of existing roads and rivers on Earth. The rune is the beginning and the end of everything. This is a stone laid in the foundation of the World, a stable center of the cycle of events in the struggle between the forces of Order and Chaos. In magic - supremacy, superiority, priority. Altar for sacrifices. In divination, he advises to act according to the law of God. The rune is a powerful amulet for children.
Picture Symbol Key word Description Meaning
Traffic. The road connecting two worlds (Order and Chaos). Joy, Road, Pleasant journey. The rune pattern visually resembles the English letter "R". A harmonious flow, when everything happens by itself and is decided in the right direction. In magic, it means the right direction, the right actions, the likelihood of overcoming obstacles.

In divination - experience for business people. Talisman for travelers.

Picture Symbol Key word Description Meaning
Fate, Inevitability. Visually, this rune is similar in pattern to the Alatyr rune, but with a short “leg” turned to the other (right) side. The need to stop, followed by rebirth through pain. In magic - stiffness, the inability to act and move forward, poverty, zero effort.

In divination, it means the need to abandon the plans.

A talisman for those who are looking for their own path in life.

Picture Symbol Key word Description Meaning
Fire (sacrificial), Purification by fire. Truth, Fire, Verb. Visually resembles the Alatyr rune turned upside down. This is the rune of the realization of plans, the fulfillment of dreams, the realization of plans in their purest form - without alluvial tinsel that burns in a cleansing fire. Only sincere intentions come true, the true reasons are revealed, for which the corresponding result should be expected. Reveals everything secret, cunning, deceitful. Everything that is deceitful and unnaturally imposed will be betrayed to the fire of purification. Having cleared, the idea will be embodied in a new form and implemented. Magic is a hidden life. In fortune-telling, a person will achieve what he wants, but his true plans and thoughts will be revealed to everyone.
Picture Symbol Key word Description Meaning
Warrior of the Spirit, (walking along the road). Sacrifice, Road, Courage, Warrior, Perseverance, Fortitude of Spirit. Visually, it looks like an arrow pointing up. Before you get anything, you need to sacrifice something of value. By sacrifice on the path to initiation and Power is meant the sacrifice of oneself. The sacred essence is the road to the Altar and embodiment, getting what you want through sacrifice; Slavic magicians interpret this rune as a fair reward after a loss. In fortune-telling, it marks not a good event, a payment for the mistakes of the past. A talisman for people connected with crime who are in prison.
Picture Symbol Key word Description Meaning
Might, Omnipotence, Dostoyaniei Power of the Warrior. Integrity, Knowledge, Power. Visually, the drawing resembles the Russian letter "I" with the sides shifted up and down, or an inverted lightning bolt symbol. Overcoming any obstacles (internal / external). In magic, it directs on the right path, helps to clearly see the goal, gives power, gives Victory.

In divination, it means triumph, quick and complete victory.

Talisman for those who are busy in the competitive struggle.

Favors the athletes.

Picture Symbol Key word Description Meaning
Divine Creativity and Beginning, Wisdom of the Gods, Spirit of the Vedas. Veles, Wind, Top, Vedat. Visually, the rune resembles a hollow arrow pointing up. To know about the Divine, to act according to the will of the Gods. In divination, it means the possibility of self-realization.

In magic - a powerful Force-Wind, associated with the air element, filling the inner magic circle.

Slavic talismans with this symbolism are suitable for those in need of good luck.

Picture Symbol Key word Description Meaning
A mother protecting her child. The earth that gave birth to all life. feminine beginning.

Rune of Strength.

Mother, Makosh, Earth, Fate, Birch. Visually, its drawing resembles an inverted and crossed out (like a seven) unit. The rune of fertility, power, abundance. Amulets with its symbols are highly recommended for mothers and pregnant women.

In magic - patronage and support.
In divination - the Divine Gift, a gift of fate.


Picture Symbol Key word Description Meaning
Fiery Force Eros (Greek) or Yar (glory.). The rune of the masculine principle.

Creator, creator.

Yarovit, Youth, Yar, Fire, Love. Visually, this rune resembles an inverted number four with a beveled "bucket". It is the personification of passion, creative impulse, fertilization of the emptiness of Chaos, the union of opposites. In divination, it means renewal. In magic, it means life, the Power of Incarnation, the masculine principle.

An excellent talisman for every Slavic man. Amulets with such symbols help women get rid of infertility, attract gentlemen.

Picture Symbol Key word Description Meaning
Life-giving Water, Spring, Moisture (giving life), manifestation of life, harmony. Lel, Water, Love, Attraction. Visually, the drawing resembles the number "one" drawn in the other direction. Vitality, youth, movement, passion, love. In fortune-telling - a beautiful young lady, the beginning of a business, new perspectives. In magic - Power, driven by attraction, intuition, some kind of interest.

Talisman for a young couple in love.

Slavic protective amulets with this symbolism protect from the evil eye.

Picture Symbol Key word Description Meaning
Unknown, Higher, Hidden, Secret, Secret. Rock, Spirit,

Unfathomable, Unknown.

The drawing visually resembles the Russian letter "Zh". The Rune of Doom, which should be taken according to the situation as it is. Something unknown, frightening in its manifestation, not amenable to reason and strength. In fortune-telling - the influence of Fate, Higher uncontrollable Forces with a situation that cannot be predicted.

In magic - dedication to the Unknown.

Picture Symbol Key word Description Meaning
God and the Tree of Life, the Highest essence of everything, the Foundation (Support) of the Universe. Bell, Visually, the symbol looks like a straight line crossed out in the middle by two parallel lines. Sacred connection with the ancestors and their powerful support. In Magic - the powerful Power of the Ancestors, the Tree of the Family.

In divination - Divine patronage, reverence and help of the Gods.

Among the Slavs, amulets with this symbolism protect a person from negative emotions and the evil eye.

Picture Symbol Key word Description Meaning
Good, Gifts of the Gods, Luck, Happiness. Fertility, Gift, Visually, the symbol resembles a regular triangle lying on its side (vertex to the right), with a base line extending beyond its vertices. Among the Slavs, it is a symbol of Good, a period of abundance and prosperity, a serene existence. In divination, it means: good news, new acquaintances, acquisition, indulgence, success, praise, good luck, profit. For women - pregnancy. As a talisman, it protects the house from adversity and the family from negative influences from outside.
Picture Symbol Key word Description Meaning
Infinite Power, Might Power, Protection, Coverage. According to the drawing, the symbol resembles the Russian letter “P”. It has a powerful energy, a warlike and despotic symbol.

Male Beginning.

Protecting the World from Chaos, maintaining Divine order on Earth. In divination - overcoming obstacles (if it applies to the client), otherwise the rune promises failure, a difficult period that should be waited out (any actions in opposition to this Force will be swept away).

In magic - the patronage of the Gods. As a talisman, it is recommended to the military and law enforcement officers.

Picture Symbol Key word Description Meaning
Divine Spirit, Life, Grass (growing), blood (young, "boiling"), Sun. Movement, Life, Nature. Visually, it is almost similar to the Bereginya rune, but it is directed in the opposite direction and its upper line does not cross out the vertical line. Rune of Light Forces. The Slavs mean everything new, full of strength and talent. Helps to find joy in life, understand the language of nature, appreciate life. In magic

In divination, it can portend pregnancy and the birth of children, development, a positive outlook.

Talisman for creative people.

Picture Symbol Key word Description Meaning
Ice, Stiffness, Glass. Base, Ice,

Stop, stagnation.

The figure visually represents a straight vertical line. Slavic symbol, which testifies in external stagnation with increased internal work (preparation for something, accumulation of strength and knowledge, opportunities, search for a solution, etc.). In fortune-telling - stopping all affairs, cooling feelings, distance.

In magic, it is a tool for the ritual of cooling.

We have considered only the most general concepts in the interpretation of Slavic runes and reliable amulets. Their deeper meaning is known to those people who study them for a long time and use their knowledge in practice. Connoisseurs of runic signs still believe that the secret of the runes has not been fully disclosed and the possibilities of these ancient symbols are endless.

Interpreting the meaning of runes is a very difficult matter, requiring certain skills and understanding of the language of their magical signs. If you are at a loss in choosing which of the runic amulets you most need, proceed from the problem itself. Choose a sign that most accurately reflects your expectations and the reality around you.

With the help of runes - unique Slavic magical tools, you can endlessly learn about the world around you and yourself, achieve your goals, and protect yourself from negative influences. They can lift the veil of the past for you, open a window to the future, and help you decide on the present. The division of runes according to the “black / white” principle is impossible, since in each separate scenario the result of the same rune will depend on a number of factors:

  • the man himself;
  • his worldview, attitude to the world;
  • directivity vector (+/-) of its energy;
  • description of the goal;
  • the degree of determination and readiness on the way to its achievement, etc.

The subtle world, like the material world, is characterized by the presence of causal relationships. Harmony with the world and oneself is achievable only on the condition that turning to magic, a person pursues good goals.

The Code of Ancient Knowledge is hidden in the secret writing of the Slavic runes. The practice of the traditions of the pagans is still used today to achieve certain goals. Amulets with different runic signs perform various functions, they predict, protect, help, warn. You should never forget that the rune is only a guide to the magical mysteries and a tool that allows you to use them, the end result of the desired depends entirely on the person himself.

Slavic runes are called the alphabet for a reason, because this is a centuries-old form of communication with them and between the children in charge of our Russian land, and historians and experts in the Russian Veda have not argued with each other on this topic for a long time. It is gratifying to notice how the revival of Ancestral Memory takes place every day, because the Brothers and Descendants have no less interest in the language of communication of their Ancestors than in modern foreign languages.

Affirming in time, the tradition of making amulets with the application of Slavic runes embraces new generations who feel the deep meanings of protective amulets and their infinite power. Slavic runes are part of a capacious word and saying, containing a semantic interpretation and living energy. Most of the currently recognized alphabet of the 18 main Slavic runes are translated into Cyrillic letters, and Perun, Chernobog, Dazhdbog and Lelya entrusted their names to the strongest runes.

Let's admit to ourselves that we feel confused and are afraid to make a mistake in interpreting the meaning of the Slavic runes, and even more so, we try to avoid self-explanation of whole ties applied to amulets and talismans, and their actions.

Since you are interested in Slavic runes, we have collected interesting information for you, and when you carefully study the materials, you will discover the deep meanings of the ancient alphabet, which is saturated with the Power of timeless knowledge.

What is common in the description, interpretation and meaning of the Slavic runes and the Scandinavian futhark

If you have information about, it will not be difficult for you to determine how its description, meaning and interpretation are similar to the characteristics of Slavic runes. We will not argue and persistently claim the Truth, we also do not start our own research in order to form loud screaming conclusions (our Internet portal aims to convey known true information and proposals, excluding the generation of existing and new intentional disputes), we note that this in fact, there is a place to Be.

Here you should not pay attention to who is still the first - the egg or the chicken. From the very beginning, the Slavs and Aryans were intertwined by common roots and a common culture, and the relationship between them was built on mutual respect for each other's actions, customs and foundations, and the wisdom of their descendants was manifested in respect for Veles. Therefore, you can choose the alphabet and futhark that is closer in inner sensation and more accessible in application - as a conversation in a certain language or, for example, as the use of certain adverbs and the manifestation of a pronounced accent characteristic of a particular people.

We advise you to achieve understanding in dialogue with the Gods, as well as the correct interpretation of the answer given to you by the Higher forces on an exciting topic, first of all, try to feel and hear both Slavic and Scandinavian runes, tuning in to their sound in words and in the soul. Ask your heart to tell you what message the runes have prepared for you, listen to it and catch the personal one.

This may take a single day, month or even a year. If, for one reason or another, you cannot do without the power of a talisman engraved with Slavic runes, contact our skilled Masters. They know their Native Ancient Language and thus maintain communication with the Ancestors, receiving their blessings to create talismans for good luck and help the Gods and Ancestors in difficult situations, in addition to making amulets to attract prosperity.

The meaning of each Slavic rune: interpretation of symbols and use in amulets

The meanings of Slavic runes corresponding to the goals are manifested in embroidery ornaments on any textile home, in figured drawings on household utensils: dishes, room decor, a cult product, or a child, on towels and belts.

According to the Slavic runes on a person and on the shields of warriors, you can read - to which Genus he belongs, what roles he plays in it and how strong his Devotion to the Gods is. The ritual symbolism of the Slavic alphabet is used on a fairly large scale - the Veduns use runes in weaving ties, which are saturated through proper activation, and the feeling of a strong message and energy interaction of Reveal, Navi and Rule will affect the minds of a generation in need of Knowledge.

You can’t do without Slavic runes in the mantle either, they help to effectively diagnose situations and draw up a layout for the upcoming work and identify its result, in addition, it is possible to determine an individual forecast for the future. The presence of Scandinavian and Slavic runes on wooden or stone plates speaks of direct and inverted meanings, which is taken into account in the process of their interpretation. The conversation with Slavic runes through the author's alignment goes according to the scheme of the formed system, but each of them in itself is already an important proposal and a vivid image of a single, frank story of the Gods.

Dialogue with them in front of the mantle and blessing with benevolence more actively manifests the Power of the Family and unity with it, reveals the energy of the Spirit and Will, contributes to the awareness of the Coming and preparation for it, sometimes making changes to the Path, which can be an excellent opportunity to weave with the Goddess-Makosh of a happy Share in The future of the Kind.

1. Rune World

In the Slavic alphabet, the runes correspond to the letter M
Content Meanings: White God, World Tree, Inner Self

Description of the meanings of the Slavic Rune Mir: helps to get help, answer, protection; explains a difficult situation, broadcasts an appeal to the Native Gods and contributes to finding peace and prosperity, orients to rethink the existing values. The rune forces us to act not so much through justice, but by accepting the concept of bright Good and pure Good. For this reason, it is forbidden to use the power of the rune to negatively affect anything and in an attempt to turn situations for personal gain.

The traditional Slavic representation of the Rune of the White God - the World forms the image of God and Man as his manifestation in Reveal. The axis of the Universe is the universal Tree of the Genus, the same role is played by the vertebral axis of a person - an indispensable basis of Life. The symbolism of the Slavic rune presents us with the Tree and the man, turning the branches-hands up. The word world can be explained as a clan, a community, a community, which are built on their own Order, which implies the observance of the Laws.

Slavic rune The world through the Scandinavian Futhark reveals its meaning in two runes: Mannaz - Man, personality and Algiz - God. In the image of the White God, there is a parallel of Heimdall, the brightest of the aces. The role of Heimdall is similar to the mission of the Slavic BelGod, he protects the Limits and Order when Chaos overtakes them.

2. Rune Chernobog

Slavic alphabet of runes - letters H and C
Meanings of content: Chernobog, inverted Tree of the World, shadow, jester

Description of the meanings of the Slavic Rune Chernobog: unlike Belbog, Chernobog is in absolute evil. The destruction of the old and unnecessary is necessary in order for our Way and Life to be opened to something new and good. The burden of past memories delays new love - this is how the Black and White Gods are manifested in two sides of Life, being the facets of establishing Balance in it. Rune of the World (BelBoga) produces a Fatal mission - Fate together with the Rune of Chernobog. Change and destroy, mislead, negatively affect and hide the obvious - in these meanings, the Shadow Rune is active.

The mission of BelBog is to keep the Universe in Order and Light, and Chernobog brings Chaos into our lives. Due to the fact that views on certain actions, as well as on their beginning, will be polar in different situations, because good and evil are always present in a Human, it is wrong and unreasonable to think of absolute evil as a negative action and force.

Good and Evil are the eternal Nature of existence and interaction, always striving to catch the Balance in the World, exerting a direct influence on it.

Chernobog on the Rune is a deceiver ruler, playing the role of a Jester and a Clown, at war with the Order and crushing the established Limits. For a person, Chernobog becomes a shadow from the left shoulder, in the form of a game, directing everyone to destroy illusions and rip off masks. The magical powers of Chernobog help resolve useless contacts and break through the vicious circle.

The Scandinavian Futhark compares the rune of Chernobog with the rune of Hagalaz and Perth. The image of Chernobog is similar to a joker and a destroyer of Space.

3. Rune Alatyr

Slavic alphabet of runes - letter A
Content Meanings: Mountain of Peace, Holy Grail, Foundation, Source, Majesty

Description of the meanings of the Slavic Rune Alatyr: Primary source, Basis, Center of the movement of the World. Alatyr - he is and he is not, he is weightless and unbearable, he is both insignificant and huge. The energy of purity is active in it, there is the beginning of Everything in it. The main meaning of the runic symbol of Alatyr is in the power of Knowledge and its potential, and cyclicity, stability, treatment, restoration, indication of the Road - opens up ways and prospects for everyone.

The Scandinavian Futhark in its runes could not absolutely express the state of the Alatyr rune. In part, it is similar to Yera and the rune Stan, which represent the Northumbrian series of runic symbols.

The center of the universe, Alatyr-mountain, around which Chernobog and Belbog, Chaos and Order are always fighting, maintaining a legitimate balance. Alatyr-stone was a handful of earth on the ocean floor, from where it was raised by the Gods and transferred to Buyan Island.

Every river and road in the World starts from under Alatyr. The magical altar from which they turn to the Rule and present the Trebs is a symbolic image of the Alatyr stone, the throne of the main Gods.

4. Rune Rainbow

Slavic alphabet of runes - letter P
Meanings of content: Path and Happiness, Victories and Successes, Achievements

Description of the meanings of the Slavic Rune Rainbow: the shortest route from point A to point B that connects one side of a river to another sky bridge. It represents the Road, the journey, the closest approach to the desired, even through magic, the intervention of the Higher Forces.

The path is a sense of balance between Order and Chaos. The move has no beginning and end, but there is a Source, Start and Result. The well-known motto "do what you must and be what will be" can be illustrated by the rune Rainbow. She directs hearts in a rainbow way to Alatyr. And what will be the trajectory of movement, the magnitude of the speed and other characteristics - is determined by the eternal confrontation. The rainbow path is supported by heart energies, so the runic sign directs to Alatyr. The orientation of the path, the speed of following it and other characteristics are determined through the opposition of the forces of Chernobog and Belobog, the harmony of the influence of the fire element and water, light and dark, daytime and nighttime.

The Scandinavian Futhark reflects the Rainbow rune in a general sense: a road, a journey, like the Raido rune - it is an image of time on a journey and its presence in the Universe, sometimes lasting for the entire life Path. It is not possible to live permanently on the Rainbow, since the Gods give this time at a specific moment for a specific purpose.

5. Rune Need

Slavic alphabet of runes - letter H
Meanings of content: Viy, Dark Nav, Wisdom of Fate, Lies, inevitability

Description of the meanings of the Slavic Rune Need: hellfire passes through the rune, causing suffering to those who deserve such consequences. The positive meaning is acceptance of your own imperfections, understanding of what you need and what you want. Negative - the influence of pressure and coercion, the emergence of difficulties, lack of freedom, the sadness of poverty and a bitter hard existence. Turn to the rune symbol - tuning to the dark face of Veles.

Need is the rune of Veles through the Image of Niya - this is Viy, the main God of the World of Darkness, Nav. Viy serves Chernobog, dispelling fear and horror around him, burning living organisms with his eyes, taking light from the world with his fire and fettering everything with chains. It is hopelessness, emptiness. Despite the negative impact, such an influence is necessary at certain moments in order to direct the movement of the Kolovrat of the Way in the truly right direction. The magical powers of Need allow you to prohibit the course of any action, predict material difficulties, it is the bonds and shackles in the mind that weave the universe.

Nautiz is the rune of the Scandinavian Futhark, its descriptions are the meanings of the Slavic rune Need.

6. Rune of Krada

Slavic alphabet of runes - letters G and K
Content Meanings: Truth, Divine Fire Power, Realization, Action

Description of the meanings of the Slavic Rune Krad: the energy of the sacrificial fire, which is lit to the Gods both during the burning of the dead and rituals, and for making offerings to ask for advice and help in difficult situations. Fire destroys everything that is not needed and that interferes, purifying and opening bright Paths. Krada also helps in work matters - gaining recognition, the desire to strive for worthy goals, discover new knowledge, express a grateful attitude and choose the right guidelines.

Strong and irreversible Divine energy through fire as a gift to each of us, hence the correspondence of the meaning of the rune of the Krada Slavs with the Kandinsky Kano, Gebo. The rune is the action, the verb is the intention to implement the intended goals. The magical possibilities of the Krada rune open up in the purification of channels, the release of desires, their embodiment in reality.

7. Rune Treba

Slavic alphabet of runes - letter T
Meanings of content: Warrior, sacrifice, fortitude

Description of the meanings of the Slavic Rune Treba: A wanderer warrior heading for Alatyr is revealed in this rune. She sets her own rules, requirements and, if necessary, chooses a victim. Compliance with the rules, the desire to study them and follow them will lead to victories, so breaking the laws does not make sense.

Without rivalry, battle, competition, there will be no real victories, but to overcome difficulties, distribute forces and apply them competently, achieve the goal - this is the development that determines the content of the Requirement. It is visible in the Scandinavian rune Teyvaz. Northern tales tell that the Wolf-Fenrir, caught by the Gods, followed by Ragnarok - an outcome in the World, had to be shackled with strong fetters protecting the power of his actions. Exceptional cunning could help here. Having deceived Fenrir that the fetters after the test would be removed by the Gods, Tyr did not spare his hand, and she ended up in the wolf's mouth as a confirmation of the promise. It was broken, and Tyr's bitten off hand remained with the Wolf. Such a price was paid for the victory of Light in Chaos, for the continuation of Peaceful Existence.

Such a forced sacrifice is expressed in Teivaz and Treba. But here it is necessary to clarify that not all sacrifices are meant, but the sacrifice - oneself. The light fire of the Warrior of Courage breaks the fetters on the consciousness, opening the Road leading to Alatyr, bestowing Strength and Knowledge.

8. Rune Strength

Slavic alphabet of runes - letter C
Content Meanings: Powers, Gaining Knowledge, Integrity

Description of the meanings of the Slavic Rune Strength: Any force that influences the surrounding world, including intentional actions that change situations and objects. The key characteristics of the Force can be called the Source, influences, concentration, the call of the Gods and the Elements, the consent to receive energy flows.

The rune of Power of the Slavic alphabet is the rune of Soulu of the Scandinavian Futhark. The Nords define strength by the possibility and ability to change the surrounding space and themselves, as well as following the chosen Road, which draws the line between Thought and Being. Such a logical interpretation was also accepted by the Slavs, they defined the rune as a symbol of the victory of fetters, and sacrificing oneself releases the Spirit and one's own "I". Magic uses this Slavic rune to direct the questioners to the shortest true Victory Road, clarifying the questions asked and finding solutions for actions.

9. Rune Wind

Slavic alphabet of runes - letter B
Meanings of content: God Veles, the power of the Wind, the sorcerer, Knowledge

Description of the meanings of the Slavic Rune Wind: instability, destruction, completion, natural disasters, windings, dispellings, purifications, potential, pace - this is the Wind itself, with the power of which you need to learn to interact and intelligently apply it for the goal, setting it the exact direction to follow. Basically, working with the rune of the Wind, this or that combination is made with another rune, this clarifies the positive and negative position and allows you to work with the deep Self, improving it and developing it, as well as calling the elements and using the air and its energy. The magical energy of the Wind rune is the form of a magic circle and the power contained within, opening up in a whirlwind and developing speed. The wind is strength, a legacy of wisdom, accumulated wealth, knowledge, this is Veles himself. Visual similarity with the double Requirement - the rune of warriors strong in the Spirit. Both runes symbolize a traveler who goes to the energy of the Alatyr stone in order to achieve a result and gain Strength. The emotions of the Wind are furious and inspired.

10. Runa Bereginya

Slavic alphabet of runes - letter B
Meanings of content: mothers-Makoshi, Earth, Karma, birch

Description of the meanings of the Slavic Rune Bereginya: Interaction with the energies of water and earth, gaining strength for new beginnings, luck, prosperity, well-being, resolving disputes in the family and protecting patronage - there are so many main properties and meanings of the Beregini rune. Her fame is in enhancing female beauty, wisdom, cunning, maturity, fertility.

The power of Beregini is in the maternal beginning, on the pages of the Vedas of the Slavs she was called the Goddess Makosh. Mother Makosh in the rune blesses the earthly fertility that allows us to exist, takes responsibility for human destinies. Each of the two hypostases - the time of day and night, speaks of the meaning of the Slavic rune and in the opposite sense - the symbol of "death" and "life".

The Bereginya rune is a little similar to the Scandinavian rune Berkana and the Goddess Frigga, Helheim and the mistress of the Underworld. The traditions of Mother-Makoshi are to give the beginning of earthly life to the Soul and take it away with the end of years, as if weaving the fate of everyone with Dole and Nedolya. The fateful rune Beregin as a continuation of Veles, his other half is the power of the earth, heavy, powerful, grateful for care.

11. Rune Oud

Slavic alphabet of runes - letter U
Meanings of content: Veles son, Yar, Yaril, fire, love, passion, youth

Description of the meanings of the Slavic Rune Ud: abides in it - Yarovit, the son of Veles, or Baldr - his father, the Scandinavian god Odin. The Rune contains a huge power that awakens femininity in women, and courage in men.

In the runes Uruz and Inguz of the Scandinavian Futhark, one can consider the correspondence to the power of the Slavic rune, which unites each of the polar principles and gives birth to new lives, the fiery energy of love and passion, a creative flash and attraction. Fertility, and the transformation of Chaos disorder, as well as the way the void is filled with life, are also called Udom.

The spring flowering of Yaril, like the runes of Oud, awakens all life and fills the world with joy. It symbolizes a bright relationship in a couple, the birth of an organism, warmth, development, desires, the beauty of youth.

12. Runa Lelya

Slavic alphabet of runes - letter L
Meanings of content: Goddess of spring, beauty of love, water element, attraction

Description of the meanings of the Slavic Rune Lelya: Lada gave life to Lele and filled her with youth, beauty, tenderness of spring, clear streams, freshness of melting cold snows. The rune in itself hid the powers of love, family, children, witchcraft, intuition and joy. The magical aspect of Lely is the development of the power of intuition, blessings for the search for the True.

In the Scandinavian futhark there is a Laguz rune, it is similar to the meaning of the Lelya rune, and by its actions it resembles a bright joyful Vunyo.

Slavic sons showed respect to the daughter of the Wise Mother. The words “to cherish a lala-child” known to us - warm, soft, came about thanks to the name of the Goddess of spring. Her brother Yarovit is a fiery element, and Lelya is a water element, always in motion, running in streams and rivers, saturating every spring.

Lelya, as the goddess of strength, is familiar to many cultures and legends - her role is the sea and river maiden, she keeps the Holy Grail and the paths to it, guides herself with a confident and purposeful water flow, defeating any obstacles in moving towards goals. Not caught, not enclosed by shackles, enveloping and flowing, gives the world saving moisture, washes away sorrow and sadness.

13. Rune Rock

Slavic alphabet of runes - letter X
Meanings of content: The fate of fate and the power of the Spirit, fate, unknown, implicit

Description of the meanings of the Slavic Rune Rock: karmic laws, the prescription of an inevitable fate - the fatal rules that the Gods themselves have prepared. This is an understanding that there are no options, other ways out, but at the same time there is determination, the right to be in search of a better share.

The complexity of the Rock rune is predestination, karma, the motto of which can be called the words "what to be - that cannot be avoided."

The truth of Rock is that it cannot be touched, the Spirit is not transformed into flesh and there is no visual appearance, we can only feel it and try to understand it. Rock is the structure of every world - Reality, Nav, Rule accept the prepared karma, which is not subject even to the Gods. The magic of the Doom that fell out in the layout means transformation, the beginning of the Game of Divine Forces, the unpredictability of the outcome, and only sorcerers can determine it.

The rune of Hagalza, Eyvaz and Perth - this is how the Scandinavian Futhark defines runes similar in meaning, but neither one nor the other is endowed with the full power of Rock. In addition to these runes, there are several Northumbian rune symbols - Quaort, Ear, Gar.

14. Rune Support

Slavic alphabet of runes - letter O
Meanings of the content: Pantheon of the Gods, Motherland, Stake, stakes, support pillars

Description of the meanings of the Slavic Rune Support: she talks about Divine help and protection, this is the shape of a magic circle - the center of the zone of influence, the presence of a key goal, firmness of character, steadfastness in relation to one's own positions. Othal and Ansuz are Scandinavian Futhark runes, somewhat similar to the meanings of the Support rune.

The support is called the rune of the Divine forces themselves, the foundation of the Universe. The gods and the tree of the World are pillars of support for each of us. The Norman language translates the words pillar and god as "ans" and "ass", note that they are pronounced the same way. The axis of the Tree is a round pole, Kolo, Kol. Inside the circle - respect, veneration of the Divine Pantheon, following the prescribed karma. The legacy of the Ancestors, the Native Lands - these are the scales of the Rune Support.

15. Rune Dazhdbog

Slavic alphabet of runes - letter D
Meanings of content: Gifts, Good deeds, wealth, fertility, prosperity

Description of the meanings of the Slavic Rune Dazhdbog: The God of Fertility is the master of this rune. Dazhdbog treats his descendants with understanding and care, and with the love of a wise grandfather he teaches and punishes the case, benefiting the Family. The wealth of the inheritance is bestowed by him, he will even help to increase it. The feeling of constancy and confidence in each new day, gaining good luck and prosperity, profit and increased rewards, the responsibility of daily work, worthy results - this is the magnificence of Dazhdbog.

Iera and Feu are the runes of the Scandinavian Futhark, close in meaning to the Slavic rune Dazhdbog. Gebo, Dagaz, Inguz are runes whose functions are similar only on certain issues. The Gods and Ancestors gave us the rune of the God of Fertility, which finds new connections, true friendship and promising opportunities. The fortress and strength of the entire Family must always be protected, then the actions will be successful. The Scandinavians have Dazhdbog - Freyr, the name of the cults is Dagda. The vigilant eye of Dazhdbog guards the wealth of well-being.

16. Rune Perun

Slavic alphabet of runes - letter P
Meanings of content: Laws of justice, power, justice, generosity of patronage

Description of the meanings of the Slavic Rune Perun: The justice of Perun differs from that shown by Svarog and for the enemy it can become his death. You can turn to Perun with exceptional confidence in your rightness. In this case, a just punishment will be determined. This rune is a talisman of military strength and courage, supporting in the battle for truth and the Motherland. The elements and their energy, battles, victories no matter what - such forces are embedded in this rune.

Strong, powerful, straightforward and courageous Perun protects the entire Universe before Chaos, supporting life in Order and Truth.

The rune Turisaz of the Scandinavian Futhark is as close as possible to the named characteristics and meanings of the Slavic rune.

17. Rune Yes

Slavic alphabet of runes - letter E
Meanings of content: the movement of Life, the natural course of events

Description of the meanings of the Slavic Runes There are: This is reality, the flow of life - the sap of the earth flows and nourishes the roots of trees, sunlight and the power of water grow grass and plants. Energies of filling, renewal, giving birth and feeding - formative results.

Berkana, Eyvaz - the runes of the Scandinavian Futhark, symbolize improvements in situations and their development, a fixed result achieved - an abundance of wealth, wealth, property, goodness, health.

18. Rune Source

Slavic alphabet of runes - letter I
Meanings of content: cold ice, stillness, foundation, beginning, starting point, foundation, root

Description of the meanings of the Slavic Rune Source: Ice is the beginning of the Universe from one single grain-hail, immobility, freezing as a neutralization. The core basis, the energy of generation and movement, progress in situations. The source is called life meanings and goals, flowing in a certain direction, nourishing and giving birth to new lives.

The Scandinavian Futhark draws an analogy in the runes of Hagalaz and Isa.

Did Slavic runes really exist?

The first arguments in favor of the existence of Slavic runic writing were put forward at the beginning of the last century; some of the evidence cited then is now attributed to the Glagolitic alphabet, and not to the "runitsa", some turned out to be simply untenable, but a number of arguments remain valid to this day.

So, it is impossible to argue with the testimony of Titmar, who, describing the Slavic temple of Retra, located in the lands of the Luticians, points to the fact that inscriptions were made on the idols of this temple, made with "special" non-Germanic runes. It would be completely absurd to assume that Titmar, being an educated person, could not recognize the standard junior Scandinavian runes if the names of the gods on the idols were inscribed by them.

Massudi, describing one of the Slavic temples, mentions some signs carved on stones. Ibn Fodaln, speaking of the Slavs of the end of the 1st millennium, points to the existence of grave inscriptions on pillars. Ibn El Nedim speaks of the existence of Slavic pre-Cyrillic writing and even cites in his treatise a drawing of one inscription carved on a piece of wood (the famous Nedim inscription). In the Czech song “Judgment of Lyubusha”, preserved in the list of the 9th century, “desks pravdodatne” are mentioned - laws written on wooden boards in some letters.

The existence of the ancient Slavs of runic writing is also indicated by many archaeological data. The oldest of them are finds of ceramics with fragments of inscriptions belonging to the Chernyakhov archaeological culture, unambiguously associated with the Slavs and dating back to the 1st-4th centuries AD. Already thirty years ago, the signs on these finds were identified as traces of writing. An example of the "Chernyakhovsky" Slavic runic writing can be fragments of ceramics from excavations near the village of Lepesovka (southern Volyn) or a clay shard from Ripnev, belonging to the same Chernyakhovsky culture and probably representing a fragment of a vessel. The signs distinguishable on the shard leave no doubt that this is precisely the inscription. Unfortunately, the fragment is too small to be able to decipher the inscription.

In general, the ceramics of the Chernyakhov culture provides very interesting, but too scarce material for deciphering. Thus, a Slavic clay vessel discovered in 1967 during excavations near the village of Voiskovoe (on the Dnieper) is extremely interesting. An inscription containing 12 positions and using 6 characters is applied to its surface. The inscription cannot be translated or read, despite the fact that attempts to decipher it have been made. However, it should be noted a certain similarity between the graphics of this inscription and the runic graphics. There is a similarity, and not only a similarity - half of the signs (three out of six) coincide with the Futhark (Scandinavia) pyns. These are the runes Dagaz, Gebo and a secondary version of the Inguz rune - a rhombus placed on top.

Another, later group of evidence of the use of runic writing by the Slavs is formed by monuments associated with the Wends, the Baltic Slavs. Of these monuments, first of all, let us point out the so-called Mikorzhinsky stones, discovered in 1771 in Poland.

Another - truly unique - monument of the "Baltic" Slavic pynics are inscriptions on cult objects from the Slavic temple of Radegast in Retra, destroyed in the middle of the 11th century during the German conquest.

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The runes of the ancient Slavs are the first written symbols, a kind of alphabet. The runes of the Slavs, according to legend, appeared thanks to the god Odin. He was the first to know the runes and gave them to people.

But the runes of the Slavs were also used in divination, rituals performed by the Magi. In this sphere of life, they were given a special, magical significance. During archaeological excavations, the runes of the Slavs are a fairly common find. They are inscribed on clay dishes, on household items, on jewelry, fabrics. And it is quite possible that they performed a protective function on these things. The protective runes of the Slavs were also used to create amulets. The latter were made of silver, wood.

We use the term "Slavic runes". But this concept is not entirely correct. If we recall that there were four clans of the Great Race: Kha'Aryans, Da'Aryans, Rasen and Svyatorus. Only the last two belong to the Slavs, and the first two clans are Aryans. Therefore, it is more correct to say "the runes of the Slavs and Aryans." However, only the Ha'Aryans used runes as writing. Their alphabet system was called Karuna and was considered one of the most advanced types of writing that existed in ancient times.

Karuna consisted of 144 runes. The ancient runes of the Slavs have survived to this day. Today we know eighteen ancient Slavic signs. But it is quite possible that there were many more. Some historians believe that these famous eighteen symbols are a part, and a very small one, from the great Karuna.

The famous Vedas of the Slavs (Slavic-Aryan) were written using a letter containing runes. The runes in them are great and secret images that store and transmit a huge amount of information from their ancestors. In the Vedas, these signs are recorded in slokas. Shloka is a set of nine rows, each of which contains sixteen runes. And, in turn, sixteen shlokas form Santiya. In total, there are nine Santias in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas.

Runes of the Slavs and their meaning

The ancient runes of the Slavs and their meaning are undoubtedly of interest to us, as to descendants. Some runes are named after gods (Perun, Dazhdbog). Symbols have both positive and negative meanings. And some of them are similar to the modern letters of the Russian alphabet.

Runes of the ancient Slavs and their meaning:

Perhaps someday other symbols will be revealed to us. Most likely there were more. But let's not look ahead. Everything has its time.

  • For those who are interested in this issue, we advise you to read the book "The Runes of the Slavs and the Glagolitic", the authors of which are Platov and Taranov. As you know, these are the alphabets that existed before the advent of the Cyrillic alphabet, before the adoption of Christianity in Russia.
  • We also recommend the book "Runes of the Eastern Slavs", the author - Kreslav Rys. It describes the colossal work done by the author. He seeks to revive the writing of the ancient Slavs, which was common before the adoption of Christianity.
  • And the third book of Alexander Asov "Runes, signs and mysteries of the Slavs." It will give answers to all questions regarding the writing systems that our ancestors had. Perhaps, after reading it, some secrets will be revealed to you.

Such an incomprehensible and completely unknown magical world of runes, uniting a separate sphere of the universe in several dozen symbols, is of interest to many modern people. And not only scientists are interested in deciphering signs and runic magic. Ordinary people also want to know what is behind certain symbols, because, according to the ancient legends of our ancestors, they can radically change lives. Many with constant interest study the Slavic runes and their meanings, learn knowledge that is only part of the great heritage of our forefathers. And in this article you can find answers to the most pressing questions about ancient symbols that have come to us since pagan times.

Runic records and the magic of symbols, which are a kind of reminder of the history of primitive humanity, have become the main topic of discussion for many writers and famous cultural figures. Based on historical information and all sorts of clues, some of them were able to publish quite interesting publications, which later became the basis for a course on the sacred traditions of the ancient Slavs.

Among these publications is one of the books of Yggvolod (A.V. Platov, a well-known writer and activist in certain circles of the pagan movement "Renaissance") - "Runic Magic", published in 1994, it carries reliable data about many runic signs and their meaning. Starting with the basics of the sacred teachings of the ancient nation of the Slavs and ending with documented information (drawings of rock art, photos, videos), it allows you to understand the deeper meaning of the heritage. In the future, this helps a person interested in mastering runic magic to more accurately apply rune symbols in achieving their goals.

First of all, it is worth noting that runes are a kind of records, hieroglyphs denoting magical amulets. As the representatives of the ancient Slavic nation themselves claimed, the runes were presented to them as a gift by the supreme god Veles. The use of these peculiar "patterns" allowed a person to protect himself from troubles, misfortunes, the evil eye and other hardships. Ancient runes could be both individual amulets and magical universal tools for protecting a home, family, and a whole clan. Therefore, they were applied in ancient times to almost any surface. The most common were Slavic runic inscriptions on clothes, ammunition of warriors, clothes and medallions, pendants. Often, to protect the house, women applied runes and symbols of Slavic ancestors to household items and walls of the house.

But the ancient signs in the form of runes carry not only a protective meaning. Some time ago, various fortune-telling on runes was very popular. They were distributed almost throughout the entire territory of Central Europe, which is closer to the end of the VIII century. settled by the Slavs. This could be explained by the reliability of the results obtained in the course of prediction by combinations of runes.

Few people know, but the runes are also considered to be the writings of our ancestors. A.V. also mentions this. Platov in his edition, as about the pre-Christian alphabet of the ancient Slavs. Used to save messages, runes became the basis for alphabets that appeared much later.

Surprisingly, entire sentences could fit in just a few characters. Evidence of this are the inscriptions on the stones, carved by representatives of the ancient nations.

Elder runes, whose meaning is more to preserve the acquired knowledge, are a classic example of this. The use of symbols even then allowed the use of runes to document historical events, as well as for magical purposes.

In the modern world, runic inscriptions are called a specific sign system. Those who have not previously encountered this topic at all feel the mystery and a kind of sacred mysticism of ancient hieroglyphs. And it is not surprising, because the meaning of the Slavic runic inscriptions is deeper than other signs of ancient mankind known today. So, for example, the basis for the interpretation of the runes was the reflection of the trinity of divine power, which appeared in the worldview of the representatives of the Slavic people in the form of opposites:

  • Life and death;
  • Order and Chaos;
  • Man and Warrior.

What do the designations mean?

Depending on which rune will be used by a person, one can understand how much he believes in deities, or what goal he pursues. In addition, the translation of some runic writings could tell about its belonging to a relatively certain genus.

Protective symbols, as previously mentioned, could be transferred by the Slavs to a wide variety of things:

  • Houseware;
  • decorations (decor or accessories);
  • towels;
  • belts;
  • cult elements and much more.

In mantic (the technique of ancient divination), runes were used as the main tool that gave an interpretation of possible events in the future according to the combinations that fell out during the course. In this case, the symbols are applied to special plates. The ancient Slavs usually made them from wood or carved on stones. For such fortune-telling, a certain system of interaction of signs is provided.

The author's alignment during fortune-telling on the runes made it possible to judge possible events in the near future. Starting the rituals of prediction, the Slavs usually established an invisible energy connection with the gods. Such an introduction helped to get a more reliable clue from unearthly forces and increase the value of some runic signs:

  • Strength of the Family;
  • happy share;

What exactly each of them means, as well as other runic symbols, you can find out by reading the article further.

Runic images with their decoding

As a memory of the Slavic family, the runes of Maly Furtak are still closer to many of us “in spirit”. The system, consisting of ancient signs, contains 18 runes, each of which carries an individual meaning. What kind of meaning they are endowed with, and how exactly they are read and depicted, is shown in the photo.

    • The first rune shown in the photo above reads World. She personifies the Universe, as the Slavs saw it. Also, this symbol conveys the essence of the Tree of the World. In some other interpretations, this sign is an image of the inner "I" of every person, eager to overcome Chaos and directing a person to Order in the World. In general, this meaning of the World rune can be considered correct. Both of them are considered to be a reliable translation of the ancient hieroglyph, which A.V. Platov mentioned in his book. In the world of magic, where such symbolic inscriptions are increasingly used to predict the future, the World rune represents protection. The one who got a die with her image will be under the auspices of the Gods.

  • The second in the photo shows the rune Chernobog. She, as the opposite of the first symbol, personifies the forces that strive for disorder, Chaos. In prophecy, this sign indicates a break, destruction, completion, etc. Depending on the combination in which a die with such an inscription falls out, a person can expect either the destruction of unnecessary connections, or a long-awaited way out of the "vicious circle".
  • The next rune in the photo is Alatyr, which means the center of the entire Universe. Its essence is everything that exists from the beginning to the end of the Universe. This is the center around which there is always movement. It is about him that is mentioned as a stone that lies at the foundation of the World and around which the forces of Chaos and Order constantly revolve, being in constant struggle. The sacred meaning of this sign is the altar, which serves as a place of sacrifice. In other sources, Alatyr is the personification of the law of balance.
  • Rainbow, the fourth rune in the image above, means the way. However, this is not the road that can arise in human understanding. Rainbow is a special path, which is determined by the struggle and simultaneous unity of opposites (Chaos and Order, Fire and Water, etc.). The runic road-rainbow on the plate is not even the movement of a person, but his destiny, a state unlike any other. Personifying balance, which gives a person a beginning and has a specific result, in magic this rune means stabilization, a favorable completion of affairs, help to travelers.
  • In the photo, the next rune reads Need. This symbol is related to the god Navi, whom the Slavs attributed to the Lower World. Need (or rune Viy) means fate, a set of events intended for a person. In the direct sense, this mark is the final result, which no one can avoid (death). In magic and divination, it is considered a warning. Seeing a plate with such a sign, a person needs to think about making a specific decision that radically changes his life.

  • Another symbol is the Krada rune, symbolizing the sacrificial Fire. It is also a prototype of the desire, embodiment and implementation of the plan. At the same time, this sign carries the meaning of discovery, exposure. This is due to the fact that the conceived, in the process of its implementation, becomes clear, visible to the World. In the world of magic, Krad's plate is purification.
  • The seventh rune in the photo is Treba, this is the sign of the Warrior of the Spirit. It carries the meaning of sacrifice for the fulfillment of intentions. If we take into account that everything in the World is interconnected, then we can assume that for the implementation of his intention, a person on the Road needs to sacrifice something in order to get what he wants. And this is not the kind of sacrifice that the gods need to bear for appeasement. It is rather a symbol of self-sacrifice, the ability to deny yourself something in order to achieve your goals. The same meaning of the rune is transferred to the world of magic, divination.
  • The rune of Strength is a Warrior's Treasure. It means changes, and not only in the World, but also in oneself in relation to the World. This is a symbol, as a confirmation of the results intended for a person walking along the Road, and the power that he will receive if he sacrifices himself for the sake of liberation from the shackles of consciousness. For prophecy, a plate with the inscription of the Force will mean a clarification of an unresolved situation.
  • The rune of the Spirit is Wind, the next sign in the photo. It symbolizes the road of ascent to the top. Associated with the element of Air, this plate is a prototype of the spiritualized Will, Strength. Deciphering it in prophecies is inspiration, a breakthrough in creativity.

  • Bereginya is the rune of the Feminine, the image of the Mother and the symbol of motherhood, which is also associated with protection. The Slavs attribute her to the Goddess Mother-Beregini, who is in charge of the fate of all living beings in the World, fertility, prosperity. Since it concerns the life of things on earth, this rune is considered to be a symbol of Life, Death and Fate.
  • Another runic symbol is Oud, which is the traditional designation of male dignity. In general, it is a sign of fertility, love and passion. The Slavs perceived such a symbol as a Force capable of fertilizing the Void of the Universe and giving birth to life.
  • Lelya is a representative of the Water element, a rune associated with Living Water. The ancient Slavs believed that it was this water that flowed in all natural springs. Such a symbol is perceived by magic as intuition, higher knowledge, joy, and also a kind of awakening.
  • The rune of the unmanifested Spirit can be called the following hieroglyph - Rock. This is the exact definition of the beginning of all things and its end. The mysterious symbol in the magical world is perceived as a dedication to the Unknowable.
  • The next rune, Support, is also related to the foundations of the Universe. Carrying a clear connection with the Gods, it represents the Tree (support), which connects heaven and earth and opens the way for the sorcerer to receive answers to questions of interest.

  • Rune Dazhdbog, which is a direct symbol of the Good, the gifts of the Gods. A die that has fallen out with such a pattern carries the meaning of well-being in any area (wealth, love, happiness, luck). A prophecy for a person with the Dazhdbog rune will mean a successful acquisition, an increase in something or an addition, new connections, etc.
  • Perun, the sign of God the Thunderer. This rune protects people from Chaos, the world of the Gods - from the Dark Forces. At the same time, it symbolizes Vital Force and power. Endowed with protective properties, in the prophecies it will mean the patronage of the Gods.
  • The rune is a symbol of Life, Being with its changeable variables. This is a sign of constant movement, renewal, change, growth. It is the factor that makes all living things grow, improve, live.
  • The Rune of Ice is the last symbol in the photo - the Source. Considering that Ice is a special state of Force and movement at rest, Source will mean stagnation in those things that are rapidly developing. The potential power inherent in this sign and symbolizing the rune Source, as a result, will become movement.

The deep meaning of sacred being, which is contained in the ancient Slavic runic inscriptions, allows you to lift the veil of the mysterious heritage of a great nation, about which many documentary videos have been shot. Awareness of the possible meanings of each rune and the ability to correctly interpret it in building predictions will allow you to more clearly see the picture of the near future. This once again confirms the explanation why the use of runes is so popular and very versatile.