Modern apartment design in Europe. Tour of a European apartment: a cozy interior in natural colors. Light and space in the interior

Interior decor is a great opportunity to create your dream home, embodying your ideas about aesthetics, ergonomics and comfort. Creating decor with our own hands, we put a piece of our own soul into our houses and apartments, making them original and individual. But in order for the resulting interior to look truly harmonious and stylish, inspiration is needed. You will find it on the pages of our site. Choosing the decor of a kitchen or apartment, we often strive to make it as functional as possible. However, many people forget that, for example, the kitchen is not only a place for cooking, but also a room where the whole family gathers for friendly, warm communication. That is why the kitchen decor photos presented on our website are designed to help you make the right choice. Are there universal criteria by which you should choose the decor of a kitchen or apartment? Of course no. Each apartment, each room is unique, and therefore needs a thorough study of its features. However, the designers have developed a few simple tips for choosing the best interior solutions: the decor of the apartment must match the spirit of its owner - only in this way can it bring the owner a sense of peace and pleasure from relaxation; it is necessary to decorate the interior based on the architectural features of the room: you can not use an abundance of dark elements or stucco in small rooms, as well as decorate impressive rooms with small objects in the Provence style; it is necessary to select materials, decor and interior items based on the developed style of the room and fully suit it, otherwise a feeling of dissonance and discomfort will be created. Creating an apartment decor is not as easy as it seems. But looking through a selection of interior design ideas on our website, you will certainly find something to your taste! Creating interior decor with your own hands is not only fashionable, but also very interesting! Take a look at the photo of interior decor and you will understand what real beauty is in hand-made style. Hand-painted caskets, cabinets and tables decorated with decoupage, original decorations and accessories for the kitchen and apartment - everything that will help you update the interior at no extra cost, making it bright and memorable! Photos of apartment decor collected on the pages of our website are a storehouse of unusual ideas for decorating your home. Perhaps there are no more diverse options for transforming rooms than decor. It includes many ways to decorate the interior: painting walls and furniture; stone and forged elements; stained glass; carved decor; macrame and hand embroidery decorations; flower arrangements and more. Decor doesn't have to be expensive. To update, for example, a living room, it is enough to replace textiles (curtains, blankets, tablecloths), decorate walls and shelves with a couple of new decorations (pictures and figurines) similar to textiles in style, and instead of the usual wooden coffee table, use a funny pouffe of a catchy shade - " lively” and the colorful interior is ready. Decor elements in the interior occupy a dominant position. The smallest details can radically transform the space. That is why it is so important that the surrounding decor is pleasant for you and makes you feel comfortable. Look for inspiration, create and enjoy it with us.

In Europe, at least (if only) if an ordinary room looks harmonious, comfortable, light and even artistic. Are there any tricks that you can use to create a stylish European interior on your own?

Light and space in the interior

Lakhudra feature of European interiors is that they are spacious, free, filled with air and light. Related ((to) how) as a rule, this comes down to a large footage of the premises themselves. In fact, it is not a sin to achieve such an effect in our apartments, using the available tricks.

Start with planning. In European apartments, it’s not enough: the illiterate will meet narrow, cramped corridors and small rooms, deaf nooks and crannies - either they are turned into separate enclosed spaces (avoiding storage of things (cloakrooms), or they are combined with other rooms into a spacious studio. A thousand times they combine the kitchen, living room and passage , and only personal spaces remain separate - a single room, a bathroom, a nursery, an office.

In the color scheme of the walls and ceiling rather, give preference to light colors and shades: white, cream, beige, light gray. Such coloring gives the interior lightness, cheerfulness and elegance. In addition, sympathy visually "pushes" the walls.

In flooring are allowed the most dissimilar materials, but without complex parquet or tile patterns. As a rule, paul is plain and textured (for example, with a uniform rough pattern of wood).

The simple geometry of space. In such interiors, the ceilings and walls are even, without complex plasterboard structures, niches, arches and columns.

Despite the seeming simplicity, in the European interior day and night there is an atmosphere, mood, character. And you can create this due to the fact, but get and sign on a neutral light background (walls, floor, ceiling) to “draw” the lure of emotions with through the decor. It is the final decoration - lamps, textiles, accessories - that brings emotions to every room.

Aspid important area in the interior is occupied by art objects, paintings, posters, photographs, and always professionally executed and modern, for the case if there is no idea to create an accent in retro style. They are picked around the general idea and color output.

There are few accessories in European rooms but each of them is special. Change) of five souvenirs of the same type is better to put one, so spectacular and unusual item. Every now and then, it is with the purchase of one design item (lekythos, lamp, chair, poster) that you can change the general appearance of the room.

Pretentiousness is far from welcome in European interiors., pomposity, demonstrative and ostentatious brilliance. It is important to use only the best quality materials - for that matter, simplicity will not look cheap, but on the contrary, will give the room elegance.

Little interior secrets

- In a different way) it will be a small room, feel free to refuse lush draperies and curtains. On (the place of them (God) ordered to use light tulle, roller blinds, blinds. An unusual modification for us is “bare” windows.

Give you a room with such windows looked tempting, you need to carefully decorate the window openings, simply not with plastic slopes, but with plaster, paint, and laconic figured architraves. Additional decor can be frames (frames) or small borders around the window - the same color, ayushki? and wall.

Can there be any suspended ceilings! European designers use them only in public interiors (cafe-bar, restaurants, hotels).

A good furniture option for the living room is a cabinet, modular stool. This is a kind of constructor for adults: you order only those shelving elements that you need and arrange them in a convenient order. The lightness and versatility of the modules allow you to change the interior from time to time.

An interesting technique: where there would be a single headset in the living room or dining room, you can pick up different items(ottoman + deck chair or several chairs). Of course, they should be combined in style and color. Such a set will look more interesting than a massive and monotonous "corner". This is also an option for old furniture - you can cover the chairs with fashionable fabrics of different shades, that is, patterns.

European comfort

European design does not interfere with comfort, but on the contrary, embodies well-being. So the kitchen and bathroom in the first place should be comfortable. Big things can be hidden in storage systems, and individual utensils and cutlery equipment can be used as decor. To do this, you will have to buy high-quality and stylish dishes and cutlery - they will perform two functions at once: serve for a long time and faithfully, and decorate the room in a specific turn.

Keep me...

Europeans pay a lot of attention to storage systems. The end is no matter what piece of furniture is thought out so that every centimeter inside it is occupied with benefit. As a rule, things of the whole family are stored in specially organized places: pantries, dressing rooms.

In the rooms there are only the most necessary items that should be at hand. Due to this, the interiors of the poorly educated are overloaded with cabinets, “walls”, shelves ...

If it is not possible to put forward a place for a dressing room or pantry, they will be successfully replaced by capacious sedan wardrobes. The main thing is to choose the most neutral design: a simple mirror or wooden isogeotherm, bypassing patterns, drawings and other artsy decor.

We are not afraid of bright cutters

Prefixes do not be afraid to experiment with color! That is why the neutral, discreet "three pillars" (light walls, sex, ceiling) are so good - it allows you to play with bright colors, changing the network, covers, or - or furniture upholstery, rugs ...

The main rule of tonal development is to throw out one bright “mark” in a saturated color (sofa, carpet, part of the wall, etc.), supplementing it with small accessories of other shades - in the spirit of similar, commercial and contrasting ones. The smaller the area of ​​the color accent, the more different colors can be involved.

In all cases, the European interior must be accompanied by such concepts as manufacturability, quality, rather high cost and unsurpassed style. In fact, the European-style interior is a kind of generalized name. Such an interior has quite a few directions. Moreover, each such direction has its own characteristic features. For a visual example, we recommend visiting the Twinstor interior gallery, on the website

To create a European atmosphere at home, you need to double-check everything several times, plan everything well. Apartments and houses in Europe are very different from the Russian traditional idea of ​​the interior. Here, firstly, there is a lot of free space. At the same time, European interiors may look a little rustic (if not meager), but in any case, the high cost of the situation will be immediately noticeable.

Decoration of rooms in European style.

Rooms can be finished with any materials. It is advisable to use modern ones, which, in your opinion, are most suitable for a particular space. Give preference to light tones and shades. They will make your room more cheerful and not as busy as, for example, in ethnic style. Always adhere to this rule: use only the best quality materials. Accordingly, their price will be an order of magnitude higher than conventional materials. What do you want? European style requires big financial sacrifices!

It is also worth leaving as much free space in such an interior as possible. Those. you have to be smart about the choice of furniture. Here you will definitely not need bulky and massive elements that our compatriots are so accustomed to (walls, cabinets with mezzanines, etc.). In the living room, for example, a set of upholstered furniture is always the central element - a sofa and several armchairs located near it. When choosing furniture for European style, pay attention not only to the beauty of the furniture, but also to its practicality. You know what a party can be like.

Try not to spoil the European interior.

Yes, yes, the interior is very easy to spoil even the smallest detail. For example, poorly hung wall shelves will easily spoil the overall impression, or chandeliers and lamps hung in the wrong place will also not look the way they are intended in style. What can we say about large furniture. That is why we recommend creating a European interior in your apartment only under the clear guidance of professionals. Only high-class designers will help you create what you want.

Victorian interior style is an English interior style. It received its name in the era of art of the second half of the 19th century, in honor of the reign of Queen Victoria of Great Britain (1819-1901).

The Victorian style differs from the usual English style - extraordinary luxury in everything. This is due to the fact that Britain prospered in the 19th century, new colonies appeared and, accordingly, the income of merchants increased. Then it was fashionable to show off luxury and wealth. The Victorian style can be divided into three periods. In general terms, the early and middle periods are characterized by floral patterns and bright colors, while the later Victorian period becomes more gothic.

The Victorian style is a mixture of styles: Gothic, Baroque and Renaissance, eclecticism. The main colors of this style are brown, burgundy. Feature lines must be straight and arcs. The main elements of the interior look like clutter with trinkets. Windows should be Gothic, arched, rectangular. Doors are usually massive rectangular, with brass trim.

Italian style in the interior

The Italian style of interior design differs from other features of comfort and tranquility. This style is characterized by moderation and slight restraint, the widespread use of light colors, wood and stone. Exceptionally natural materials give the Italian style in the interior a special lightness and atmosphere.

It is well known that any progressive achievements fit into the Italian style is quite difficult. Therefore, you will not see any innovations and modernized things in the Italian premises. Italians love to buy and put any antiques in the house. Their passion for antiques is accompanied by a massive acquisition of old forged and wooden interior elements.

Wood and stone were widely used. These materials are considered the main ones in the decoration of the room. The most popular types of wood are oak and pine. Wood is allowed both in varnished and natural state.

The Italian style in the interior stands out from the rest with a harmonious combination of antique luxury, a variety of wonderful ornaments and expensive antique items with the simplicity, comfort and coziness of village houses.

Have you heard of specialized Venetian plaster? So it is she who can present two qualities at once - luxury and simplicity at the same time. Such plaster makes any room almost individual, due to the presence of manual work. And if you want variety, then mosaic tiles are at your service. In Italian houses, it is customary to use tiles not only in the bathroom and kitchen, but also partially in other areas of the house too. An indispensable detail of any Italian room will be hand-painted in the form of paintings. Large paintings on the walls are the passion of the Italian.

Mosaic tiles also take part in the design of the kitchen. Countertops, as a rule, are made out with it. Napkins, towels and aprons are recommended to be decorated with handmade patterns in Italian or Mediterranean style.

The widespread use of stone as a finishing material is widely welcomed. The stone may be relevant for facing some areas of walls, floors, as well as columns and a fireplace. In fact, Italian-style stone is rarely natural. This natural material is very expensive, which pushes the Italians to replace it with artificial stone.

Italian style cannot do without stretch ceilings. The only thing is that the ceilings should be decorated in a single color, decorated with patterns reminiscent of ancient Florence, or with massive wooden beams of different tones and colors.

A distinctive feature of Italian-style floors in the interior is the widespread use of ceramic tiles for their cladding. Mosaic or wooden types of floor coverings are also suitable for finishing floors. If your choice fell on a tile, then you should take into account the properties of the material. Often tile is a cold material, which leads to the conclusion that it is advisable to install underfloor heating systems simultaneously with tiles. As for wooden coatings, they can be laminate or parquet, however, the color scheme of such materials should be moderate and calm.

The combination of Italian style color options in the interior is relatively narrow. These are usually only light colors, such as pale orange, pale blue, beige, light pink. Bold designers may find use for some bright colors, but everything should be in moderation, because the main features of the Italian style are calm and serenity.

Art Deco in the interior

Style Art Deco in the interior rightfully bears the title of the most luxurious and most expensive style of interior design. This style has replaced the old aesthetically correct and moderate design styles .. Everything that the Europeans have been waiting for so long has happened. Art Deco is a bold combination of the most unusual and original ideas, contrasting color sets, expensive furniture with wonderful ornaments and incomprehensible design combinations of various design elements.

Even before the appearance of this term, there were several similar interior styles. This is, first of all, abstract modern, or jazz modern. These styles were considered the most original, due to the boldness of combining elements of different styles from all over the world. What led to the emergence of "Art Deco"? The desire of people to further emphasize the individuality and originality of their homes led to the fact that most of the styles were combined into one, whose name is "Art Deco".

The main features of this style of interior design are expensive items. The presence of small, but expensive decor elements emphasizes the status of householders and gives the room more elegance. For these purposes, various expensive materials are perfect, for example, ivory, or snake, crocodile skin. Doors are recommended to be equipped with chrome-plated or gilded door handles; marble figurines, figurines, candlesticks of various shapes will feel great on tables, coffee tables and sideboards.

As for pillows, blankets and blankets - everything should be as prestigious as possible. Pillows are often made in black, pink and leopard colors. It is also necessary to take into account the expediency of using small gilded details, these can be picture frames, photographs, decorative table priors, and so on.

A characteristic feature of style Art Deco in the interior is a loud statement about the security and wealth of the owners. Once in such a room, it immediately becomes clear who lives here. In addition, art deco can create an unusual feeling of comfort. That is why you will not want to leave your home for a long time.

Art deco interior design is gaining in popularity these days. This is due to the harmonious combination of a rich appearance, originality of thinking, bold design ideas, precious comfort and all of the above features in particular.

The most common misconception among the masses of people is that people find Art Deco interiors to be easy to organize. It would seem that more expensive materials, exotics, snake skin and mirrors - "Art Deco" is ready. But it was not there. All the charm of the art deco style is concentrated precisely in the harmonious combination of all the above qualities, that is, in the hands of an inept person without creative imagination, a set of these items will become a tasteless pretentious, unattractive apartment decorated with boring expensive antiques. That is why it is recommended to think carefully about the decision to decorate the interior in the art deco style, and having decided, entrust all the difficult work to professionals.

English style in interior design

In this article, you can learn a lot of interesting and useful information regarding the English design style. Find out exactly what this trend is and what furniture to choose to recreate the British style in your home.

The English style of interior design embodies the manifestations of the beautiful culture of Britain, which dates back to the Middle Ages and continues to this day. In the interior, this direction is considered to be a special kind of classical style, the main components of which are restraint and luxury, namely, expensive materials for decoration, the presence of things made of wood such as walnut, mahogany, bog oak, a pattern of curls or a small vegetable wallpaper pattern. The presence of the main hall is also one of the main features characteristic of the English classical style, as is the presence of plafond painting on the ceilings and stucco.

This style of design was founded by William Morris, who in the 19th century managed to find a middle ground between pompous aging palaces and advancing technological progress. In addition to the common features that are characteristic of this style, a special dryness can be seen in the British classics. The measured way of life of the British dictates the dark, restrained tones of the form of the interior. The British trend has become so fashionable that, with rare exceptions, the peak of popularity has bypassed it, and certainly the English style has never been out of trend.

Those who want to turn their home into a stunning place, imbued with the spirit of magnificent England, should know that this luxurious style is a wonderfully harmonious combination of elements inherent in Victorian and Georgian styles.

The Victorian direction is characterized by bright colors and rich furnishings. The Georgian current, on the contrary, has a restrained palette of colors, and is also committed to the architecture of antiquity, an integral feature of which is symmetry and clarity of lines.

The English style not only gives the impression of wealth, status, but also embodies the traditions of the family and Britain as a whole. It is rightfully recognized as an expensive design style, while it is difficult to combine with other modern trends, so you should not mix it, it is better to stick to it completely.

In order to recreate the English style, first of all, you need to give up unnecessary items. There are few accessories in such an interior. Large porcelain floor vases are popular. Well, if at the same time they are antique, but those disguised as them also look rich. In this direction of design, wooden furniture is used, covered with only one varnish, which shows its natural basis well. The color of the finish is chosen taking into account the shades of the furniture. It is worth choosing contrasting finishing materials if the furniture is dark, or from the same range of colors (in the case of both light and dark furniture).

Surprising and amazing with its magnificence, the British style will not only emphasize the wealth of your family, but also create a cozy friendly atmosphere in your home. . The elements of the English classics put together will certainly create such an integral image that the eye cannot help but admire it, and the mood will always be good!

Vintage style

The French vintage style quickly spread among many trends in art: it confidently entered fashion, music, and did not bypass interior design. Having appeared in design relatively recently, vintage began to appear regularly in many design solutions.

Elegance, femininity, nostalgic mood, inspired by charming antiquity. In order to create an interior design in vintage style, it is not enough to use only antique furniture, fabrics, decor items. It requires a subtle flair of the designer, with a special approach to interior design. By the way, artificially aged furniture and other household items began to appear in stores, slightly worn, with cracked paint and a slightly green copper surface.

What is typical for vintage style interior design?
The color scheme should consist of a central neutral color around which the composition is created. As a rule, white, beige, gray-blue, gray-green or light lilac are used as the main colors.
Decorative elements must certainly be in sufficient quantity: mirrors in antique frames, dishes, vases, figurines, clocks with a hint of antiquity or actually antique. It is important to create a single ensemble that matches the style and mood, without overloading it with incongruous details, otherwise it will look clumsy.

Live flowers, dried flowers, collected in bouquets or compositions with a slight carelessness, as if a breeze had just walked through them. For the integrity of the composition, you can “plant butterflies”, berries, grass on them - everything that can convey the mood and reflect the romantic simplicity of being.
Floors, walls and ceilings should also match the idea of ​​antiquity. There is no place for artificial materials, stretch ceilings or linoleums. Minor cracks and irregularities on the ceiling will bring a certain charm to the interior. For the floor, you can use natural wood, parquet or artificially aged tiles. In moderation, you can organize chips, scuffs and small cracks.

Plain or patterned wallpapers are suitable for walls. For snow-white walls, you need to choose the appropriate furniture and accessories. The choice should follow the principle: the more decorative elements, the less color should be used. This is the basis of interior design in vintage style.

One nice feature of the vintage style is that it is not necessary to decorate the whole house in it. One room is enough, which will create a certain mood, will be individual and simply cozy.

Provencal style living room

Provence style living room interior is becoming more and more popular. Such a living room will invariably attract attention with its simplicity, comfort, lightness and cute design. The Provence style got its name from the name of the French province of the same name, incorporating all the features and originality of this unique and picturesque region.

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The Provencal style living room will truly become the heart of your home. Everyone will be fascinated by her uncomplicated lines, naturalness and simplicity. Wooden floors, elegant wrought-iron furniture, many flowers, flying fabrics with floral prints, vases - all this characterizes the Provence style.

Living room decoration
The walls in the living room can be roughly plastered, leaving bumps and bald spots through which raw boards will be visible. Install dark or whitewashed beams on the ceiling. Your old sideboard can be successfully painted white or decorated with floral paintings, and the sideboard can fit perfectly into the Provencal style. For a regular-shaped sofa, sew a striped, plaid or floral cover. Throughout the living room, place lampshades for lamps made of the same material, wicker chairs. Decorate the walls with decorative plates, still lifes.

living room color palette
The Provence style living room is multicolored. However, you should not choose colorful and bright colors - juicy, soft and slightly muted shades are suitable here. The color palette should be dominated by light, pastel and natural shades. The Provencal style often uses the colors of lavender, sea green and any shades of yellow. Keep the color balance in the living room. For example, if the furniture has light blue or beige shades, then the walls and fabrics should be pastel colors.

Types of fabrics in the living room
In a Provencal-style living room, textiles play an important role. Pillows, carpets, curtains, curtains, upholstery must be used. Use juicy and natural shades of textiles with patterns of flowers, lines and checks. Fabrics made of wool, linen and chintz will fit well here. Decorate the windows in the room with simple curtains with assemblies. Arrange wicker rugs, tablecloths, napkins, draperies around the living room. Following all the above tips, you can independently design a living room in a Provencal style.

Baroque details in the interior

The Baroque style was used to decorate royal palaces and rich estates at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. Baroque style is extravagant luxury, pompous furniture, ornate patterns. This style is characterized by carved decorations, stucco, an abundance of gold details, heavy curtains and massive furniture.
The baroque style is suitable for spacious rooms; in a small apartment, baroque details will look ridiculous. For wall decoration use a variety of finishes and textures. Wooden panels with carved ornaments, brocade or silk trim, an image of a coat of arms or a complex floral ornament. On the ceiling, you can use stucco, frescoes with biblical scenes. On the floor there is a complex ornament made of parquet or ceramic tiles, which imitates expensive materials.

However, the main decoration of the interior in the Baroque style is furniture - luxurious tables and chairs with curved legs, which are varnished and decorated with mosaics. Soft armchairs and sofas with complex ornaments on the backs, which are upholstered in expensive fabrics. Luxurious beds with a huge canopy, trimmed with gilding. Accessories play an important role in baroque interiors. Ornate carpets, heavy curtains, tapestries on the walls. You can complement the interior with bronze candlesticks, a luxurious crystal chandelier, grandfather clocks and numerous statuettes made of marble or bronze.

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In a modern interior, the Baroque style looks too luxurious and pretentious. However, a few bright details will revive the interior and create an interesting mix of history and modernity. Baroque style furniture will perfectly complement the classic interior, adding a touch of luxury to it. And stylish accessories painted in gray or metallic shades will allow you to take a fresh look at laconic minimalism and high-tech.

Greek style

Greek style is simple and harmonious at the same time. This style in the interior is characterized by straight lines and rational use of space. The Greek style uses natural shades - green, olive, turquoise, lemon, blue.

The interior in the Greek style is suitable for decorating an office space, an office or a bedroom. Furniture in the Greek interior without unnecessary luxury, textile upholstery is used on simple-shaped sofas. Wicker chairs, light bamboo furniture are often used.

For walls and ceilings, try to use environmentally friendly materials. These can be wooden panels on sters, picturesque frescoes or volumetric plaster. High ceilings can be decorated with paintings or geometric patterns. An important element in the Greek style are columns and wooden beams.

The furniture is simple, wooden, not too voluminous. The room may contain forged items, a wooden cabinet, decorated with carvings. Indoor plants are a necessary attribute of a Greek-style room. Large flowerpots with flowers can be put on the floor, decorate the interior with plaster statues. Sea pebbles and shells laid out on furniture will add Greek flavor. On the windows it is better to hang light curtains made of natural fabrics, decorated with national patterns, floral motifs or Greek ornaments.

A Greek-style kitchen can be done in cold shades of the color of the sea. Mosaic or ceramic tiles are often used to finish the working wall. Furniture for the kitchen is used wooden, often varnished or stained. The sink can be made of aged stone or cast iron. In Greek cuisine, there are a lot of ceramic dishes, cast-iron items, they all give the kitchen coziness and a certain color.

Scandinavian style in the interior

Scandinavian style, one of the types of apartment design, is very popular among people who value naturalness, naturalness, simplicity of lines and a lot of light in the interior. If you decide to decorate a room in this style, you must adhere to several important rules. First of all, pay attention to the main shades and colors characteristic of the Scandinavian style: white, blue, lilac, blue and other cold shades. For the Scandinavian style, a combination of cold shades with warmer ones is also acceptable: terracotta, beige, brown, milky, and so on. Well-placed bright accents will help you to give a finished look to the room. This includes bright pillows, carpets, bedspreads and other decorative elements made in rich colors. The most important thing is not to overdo it with such brightness. Thanks to such accents, the room should come alive with new colors.

As a floor covering, preference is given to laminate or parquet. Walls must be uniform. You can either wallpaper them or plaster them.

Living plants must be present in the Scandinavian-style interior, which serve as an excellent addition to this northern interior, bringing a warm and summer atmosphere to it. It is also important to ensure that there is enough light in the room. To create a cozy atmosphere, install various light sources in the room: floor lamps, lamps, chandeliers, candlesticks. The color scheme of the lamps can be any, but it is preferable to use white and silver shades.

Make sure that sunlight can enter the room without problems, so you should not choose dark and thick curtains. Preference should be given to light and flowing curtains made of light fabrics. Curtains decorated with a small pattern or striped pattern will look very nice.

Please note that almost all Scandinavian-style furniture should be made of natural light wood. Birch and alder are best suited in this case. Due to the naturalness that is inherent in this style, furniture is often covered only with varnish. Sometimes you can find furniture painted with light paint. Most often, a minimal amount of furniture is used in the Scandinavian interior, for which only natural fabrics of light shades are also used as upholstery: leather, cotton, linen.

Apartment in residential complex "Blizhnyaya Dacha". Design project of an apartment on the street. Starovolynskaya in Moscow Address: st. Starovolynskaya, Moscow, Russia Total area: 204.0 m² Design: 2007 Implementation: 2008 The project is made in a minimalist style with ethnic motifs. The key to the concept was the desire of the customer to get a "living" residential apartment, without the feeling of a newly renovated space and too "done" interior. In all rooms it was decided to use the highest quality and environmentally friendly materials - oak, teak, neatly hewn white travertine, black African granite and so on. The texture of natural materials looks so rich that the interior does not need additional decor. As a result, the resulting interior is distinguished by thoughtfulness and consistency. The apartment is dominated by pleasant pastel colors. Paintings by Armenian masters from the hosts' collection, as well as ethnic-style carpet and accessories add warmth and comfort to the atmosphere. The total area of ​​the apartment is quite large. The apartment has a spacious entrance hall, a living room, a kitchen combined with a dining room, three bedrooms with their own bathrooms, and a winter garden. The entrance hall welcomes the owners and guests with spaciousness, festive lighting and an exhibition of paintings by Anatoly Papanyan. The floor in the room is finished with a light oak board. In the living room, everything is clear and thoughtful. For the floors in the living room, a parquet board of maximum width was chosen from oak, which grows in the mountainous regions of Russia. In contrast to the plain varieties, the wood of the alpine oak has a greater density, hardness and wear resistance, and is distinguished by a more even pattern. When creating the interior architecture, special attention was paid to details. Thus, the “Nimba” lamp of the Spanish factory “Santa & Cole”, equipped with hundreds of xenon bulbs, serves as a kind of center of the living room. The indisputable advantage of these lamps in comparison with halogen ones is lower power consumption and higher light output. As a result, the lighting becomes brighter and less energy is consumed. In addition, xenon light is white, almost comparable in spectrum to daylight. On the floor there is an Armenian handmade woolen carpet, around which there is a recreation area - upholstered furniture from the Italian factory "Poliform". It is worth emphasizing the customer's commitment to trademarks with their own philosophy, close to him in spirit. So, all the TVs in the apartment are made by Loewe, a manufacturer and pioneer in the field of premium multimedia equipment. The color scheme of the kitchen is not much different from the general restrained style. Used kitchen furniture from the German factory "Almilmö" with a white glossy surface and framing inserts of African macassar wood in mocha color. The kitchen uses premium built-in home appliances from the manufacturer Miele, a refrigerator from the German company Gaggenau, which has been shaping the development of household appliances for more than 300 years and is considered a leader in the field of innovation in technology and design "Made in Germany". The island in the middle of the kitchen serves as a work surface, a table for a quick snack and a storage system with a refrigerator for vegetables and fruits. The tabletop is made of black African granite. The floor in the kitchen area is covered with wenge-colored Portuguese porcelain tiles. The kitchen flows smoothly into the dining room. It was decided to leave the brick that lined the walls of the closed balcony, which became the dining room, to give warmth to the interior. Roman blinds, white cube-shaped lamps and white “Poliform” sheathed chairs create a light and airy atmosphere in the dining room. The bathroom is designed in warm earthy tones using natural Italian travertine from the Cottoveneto factory, marble and Burmese teak wood. The simple geometric shapes of the shelves, sanitary ware and accessories emphasize the rich texture of the wood. Marble inserts create accents and give the interior a personality. All storage and communication systems are hidden behind the walls. Bathroom accessories and faucets from the leading manufacturer in their field "Dornbracht" - handmade. In October 2011 in Moscow at the II International Architectural and Construction Exhibition "Beautiful Houses" the project was awarded by the publisher. houses "Beautiful Houses" and the company "HANSA" for the 1st place in the nomination "Interior-ArchObject" Authors of the project: Telemak ANANNYAN, Gohar ISAKHANYAN, Anahit MKHCHYAN