How many calories can be in a pizza? How many calories are in a slice of pizza? Pizza with ham calories per 100 grams

Next in line is the popular Dodo pizza.

Not every one of us can forever refuse the temptation to eat something forbidden. Yes, probably not necessary. Extra restrictions - extra stress. The main thing is not to overeat. And so that you can correctly calculate the forces, we have prepared this table for you.

Pizza: calories per 100 grams and BJU

Pizza Kcal, per 100 Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates
supermeat 279 11 15 24
Pizza 4 cheese 199 8 7 24
double pepperoni 257 10 12 26
pepperoni 250 10 10 26
Pizza DODO 203 8 8 22
Mushrooms and ham 189 9 6 23
Don Bacon 277 9 15 24
ranch pizza 214 9 8 24
four seasons 189 5 8 25
Hawaiian 216 12 7 25
Meat 237 11 9 26
Pizza Margherita 182 7 5 25
cheese 223 9 8 27
Pizza pie (sweet) 144 2 2 29
barbecue chicken 251 9 12 24
Maritime 176 8 5 25
Italian 220 8 8 27
mexican 164 7 4 23
cheese chicken 196 9 6 23
cheeseburger pizza 208 7 9 22
Vegetables and mushrooms 173 6 5 23

Using this table, you will find out not only the calorie content of DODO pizza, but also another, including homemade. The exact data, of course, differ, but you can focus on them.

The calorie content of pizza with sausage, hunting sausages, bacon is higher than the calorie content of Margherita pizza or pizza with vegetables, mushrooms, seafood (fat in the latter is also the least). Also depends on the sauce the chef used.

A piece of pizza: calories and weight

Knowing the nutritional value of 100 grams of pizza, it is easy to calculate the calorie content of 1 piece.

Take the total weight (check with the operator when ordering or on the website) and divide by the number of pieces. A large pizza (35 cm) is usually cut into 10, medium - into 8, small - into 6 pieces.

  • Example: a small 4 cheese pizza weighs 450 grams and is cut into 6 pieces. This means that the weight of one piece is 75 grams, the calorie content of pizza with cheese is 199 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, the calorie content of 1 piece of 4 cheese pizza is 150 kcal.

How not to overeat?

  • Stop eating when you are slightly hungry, do not overeat.
  • Try to order just enough to eat right away. Remember how much pizza you need for two, four or a large group.
  • Give preference to pizza with cheese and tomatoes - its calorie content is lower. We also include here: mushrooms, low-fat ham, salmon, squid, shrimp. But dishes with mayonnaise, bacon, sausage are best eaten as little as possible. The calorie content of thin pizza is also usually lower.
  • The best option: with tea or coffee. If you drink alcohol while eating pizza, be prepared to eat more. Sweet soda is also in the trash!

Eat with pleasure and do not harm your health!

The Italian dish "pizza" appeared in our diet relatively recently. However, during this time, due to its high taste and variety in recipes, it has gained immense popularity.

There are many different variations of this dish. However, no matter what recipe the pizza is made for, it will always be high in calories. How many calories are in pizza will depend on what type of dough was taken as a basis, and what foods are used as a filling.

How many calories are in a slice of pizza?

To calculate how many calories are in a piece of pizza, you must first consider what dough the base is made of. The lowest calorie is rye and kefir base. The yeast base has 244 kcal per 100 g, while the puff base will contain over 450 kcal.

The next point, which determines how many calories will be in a slice of pizza, is the filling.

Real Italian pizza consists of a thin crust and a classic topping, which includes tomatoes, cheese, vegetables, mushrooms, and seafood. In this configuration, the dish will have 236 kcal.

One of the popular types of pizza is cheese. Its calorie content ranges from 250 to 350 units. It should be borne in mind when counting calories that cheese after heating increases its calorie content. If the dish has a thick cheese base on the crust, then the calorie content can reach 350 units. In addition, cheese pizzas in cafes often combine several varieties of cheese, leading to a calorie content of about 300 units.

One of the low-calorie dishes in this series is pizza with mushrooms. , used in such a dish, have a low calorie content and do not increase it when heated. Even with a dash of cheese and greens, mushroom pizza is low in calories and high in protein to keep you full. Calories in pizza with mushrooms can stop at 170 units, what makes such a dietary dish.

One of the most high-calorie is pizza with sausage. Here, the calorie content will depend on the type and amount of sausage. However, in any case, the calorie level will cross the mark of 400 units.

How many calories are in homemade pizza?

Usually, the calorie content of homemade pizza is higher than that of the purchased one. This is due to the fact that when we cook for ourselves, we are ready to put everything and more. Many make a combined filling, due to which the calorie content greatly increases.

However, at home, it is very easy to make delicious and not very high-calorie pizza. To do this, it is better to choose non-puff pastry, and use mushrooms, white chicken meat, greens and vegetables as a filling.

Delicious and steamy pizza! Well, isn't it a joy to the stomach after a hard day's work? Having bought it, you immediately get rid of such worries as wasting time in the kitchen preparing dinner. Moreover, this dish has a wide variety of toppings and components. The presence of such additives makes it not only satisfying, but also quite energetically valuable. But the question arises: "And how many calories are in pizza?" It can be easily answered if you carefully study the products of which it consists.

Let's start with a test. Puff and yeast. The latter consists of components that differ slightly in calorie content, the study of which gives an answer to the question of how many calories are in pizza. A real dish in everyday life is called Italian pizza, and thin dough is usually taken as its basis. However, some pizzerias also use lush. From this we can conclude that the thickness depends on the dough, and by studying its percentage in the product, you can easily determine how many calories are in a piece of pizza. For example, one hundred grams of puff pastry has about 454 calories, and yeast dough has about 244 kilocalories. On average, this dish is quite high in fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Next, you should find out what products are included in the pizza.

Consider the puff pastry option, which includes mayonnaise (200 g), ketchup (100 g), (200 g), boiled sausage (150 g), cheese (300 g), four eggs, cabbage (200 g) and onions (70 g). Knowing the calorie content of all components, we can find out how many calories are in pizza, more precisely, in one piece (100 g) - 323 kilocalories.

A product with kefir dough with the addition of champignons, bell peppers and sausages per hundred grams will have 192 kilocalories; meat and greens - 354 kilocalories. If onions and champignons are added - 298 kilocalories. Pizza made from onions and cheese is quite dietary - 199 kilocalories, and even more so from seafood - 449 kilocalories. With proper calculation and taking into account all the components of the product, you will find out how many calories are in pizza.

When buying a frozen product, pay attention to the packaging, where it should be written - "pizza", calories are listed just below. Basically, good and high-quality ones contain about 300 kilocalories. It often happens that sometimes a person does not want to wait a long time, he tends to eat a fast food dish in street fast food. In this case, you should always pay attention to and the mark of 300 is considered the norm.

Eating pizza is a joyful activity for the stomach and as its reputation tells us. But when dieting, you need to carefully monitor the amount of product consumed. Thin dough pizza contains fewer calories than puff pastry. Keeping a clear track of how many calories are in pizza allows you to determine if you need to increase your energy expenditure if you are on a diet. Knowing the calorie content of this delicious product, you can achieve the optimal result, be sure that your figure is in order, and satisfying the feeling of hunger did not harm it. Remember, no nutritionist will recommend eating pizza often, as it is bad for your health, but once a week in good company you can please yourself with this yummy.

Today we will count the calorie content of pizza depending on the types of filling and find out how much of such pastries can (and can) be eaten by losing weight. At the same time, we will find out whether there is something useful in this dish or whether it is an ordinary fast food that brings nothing but a short-term feeling of satiety and extra centimeters at the waist.

Fatty and filling?

In principle, today any tortilla covered with the remnants of yesterday's dinner and sprinkled with cheese, and then baked in the oven, can be called pizza. Each house, restaurant and cafe bakes its own pizza. Calorie content per 100 grams will depend on the energy value of the dough and the type (as well as the amount) of the filling.

Initially, pizza was called a tortilla smeared with tomato sauce and baked in the oven. It is clear that such a dish has a different calorie content than the usual mixture of tomatoes, sausage and melted cheese.

Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the exact figures in each case separately. But there is an average. It ranges from 200-400 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Homemade pizza is usually more nutritious than restaurant pizza.

Thick and thin

Crust - pizza base - the main source of calories. A popular recipe uses durum wheat flour, yeast, salt and olive oil.

You can try to reduce the number of calories as much as you like by choosing the filling from vegetables and fruits. But this is useless if the filler is laid out on a thick layer of yeast or puff pastry.

The thinner the cake, the lower the energy value. If unleavened dough is used on kefir or another fermented milk product, then the calorie content of pizza is reduced even more. Finally, wholemeal flour can be used.

On average, the nutritional value of yeast dough is 250 kcal, and puff pastry is 450 kcal per 100 grams.

You can reduce the number of calories as much as possible if you cook a "lazy" diet pizza, for which a pound of chicken breast, 1 egg, salt, pepper and herbs are used as a test. The ingredients are ground in a blender, then the mixture is distributed on baking paper, and the filling is laid out on top. It is clear that the latter should also be super light. This recipe allows you to keep the number of calories within 110 kcal per 100 grams.

Wrong toppings

Classic Italian pizza is a thin crust and a simple topping with a few ingredients. The filler may simply consist of the usual tomato sauce or several types of cheese. A wide variety of ingredients is not expected, although there is a stereotype that pizza is an open pie stuffed with "everything that was in the refrigerator."

Therefore, classic pizza is almost harmless to the figure, although you should not overdo it. But the compositions familiar to us have a fairly high energy value.

The calorie content of pizza with cheese is always higher than without it. But it has already become a kind of hallmark of this dish. There is even pizza, the filling of which consists only of cheese, which is called “Four Cheeses” (mozzarella, parmesan, emmental, gorgonzola). It contains 275 kcal.

Pizza with sausage, meat, chicken

Sausages are one of the most common stuffing ingredients. It can be hunting sausages, sausages, doctor's sausage, salami, or several types at once. Calorie pizza with sausage averages 280 kcal per 100 grams.

You can minimize the energy value of this type of pie if you use only one type of sausage, cheese and tomato sauce. That is, without olives, pickles, mushrooms, and tomatoes literally asking for a dish.

If meat is used as a filler, then the figure will increase to 360 kcal. Seafood pizza is not only the most exotic for our country, but also one of the most nutritious - from 250 (with shrimp) to 450 (with salmon) kcal.

Significantly lower calorie content in pizza with chicken - from 200 kcal per 100 grams.

Pizza with vegetables and fruits

This option will appeal to those who are losing weight. The classic Neapolitan pizza, whose filling consists of tomatoes, basil and mozzarella, has an energy value of 157 kcal per 100 grams.

Mushrooms are a fairly low-calorie product, especially considering that they are added to pizza in small quantities. In champignons, for example, only 20 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, the classic pizza (a tortilla smeared with tomato sauce, remember?), To which mushrooms have been added, is a very dietary dish. But it rarely occurs.

You can cheat and get a familiar and tasty, but not very nutritious pie. So, provided that yeast-free dough is used, the calorie content of pizza with sausages, mushrooms and bell peppers will be only 190 kcal.

Sweet fruit pizzas contain approximately 220-300 kcal.

How many calories in a slice of pizza

The energy value is always indicated for 100 grams of the product, which is not very convenient. After all, it is more interesting to know how many of them are contained in one piece of pizza.

Calories, of course, will depend on its weight. On average, one piece weighs 100-150 grams. It is impossible to say more precisely, since the indicator is determined by the size of the pizza, the thickness of the dough, the amount and composition of the filling. A slice of a small pizza can weigh less than 100 grams.

In cafes and restaurants, the weight of dishes is indicated on the menu. Homemade pizza will have to be weighed by yourself.

Benefit and harm

Many of the ingredients in this delicious tortilla contain beneficial substances. Tomatoes contain antioxidants that serve as a good prevention of cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Cheese is a source of calcium.

But we should not forget that a pie is a pie in Africa, whatever you call it. If you constantly eat diet pizza, then it will not bring much pleasure. More delicious options have a higher calorie content. So you need to comply with the measure, as well as choose the type of product, the ingredients of which you have no contraindications.

Now you know what is the calorie content of pizza with different toppings, and how to reduce the energy value of this beloved dish. Enjoy your meal!

Thin crispy dough, spicy sausages and thin strings of cheese ... Mmmm ... And the divine aroma of basil? What about juicy tomatoes? mushrooms and olives? And in general, have you ever met people who do not like pizza?

According to one of Murphy's laws, “everything good in life is either prohibited by law or leads to obesity”. In this case, pizza is the figure's worst enemy. But is it really so? Worth sorting out.

big hunger pill

“Technically”, pizza is a tortilla drenched in sauce and flavored with various goodies: cheese, meat (or fish) delicacies, vegetables, herbs, and even fruits.

The calorie content of pizza ranges, on average, from 250 to 300 kcal . Thus, this dish can be attributed to high-calorie. Therefore, it seems that pizza and diet are incompatible concepts. But is it really so.

There are a huge number of pizza recipes, for every taste and budget. But traditional elements are :

  • cake
  • olive oil
  • tomato

Cake: can be thin, thick or puff. It is made from flour, water and butter.

Olive oil: quite a bit is added to the dough to give a special taste. In addition, they grease the surface of the dough so that it bakes evenly and remains crisp, even if sauce is used.

Tomatoes: usually as part of a sauce, or in the form of tomato paste or thick tomato juice. But an option is also possible with fresh tomatoes.

Cheese: Mozzarella is most often added, which should be cut into strips. In addition, they use such types of cheeses as Ricotta, Parmesan and some others.

The so-called "meat and sausage products" - ham, sausage, meat, were not originally used for making pizza. It is believed that this is an American innovation.

Pizza VS Diet

Now let's see if pizza is high-calorie if it is cooked according to classical technology.

The number of calories is always calculated per 100 g. Therefore, it is worth clarifying the result.

Traditional cake (approximately 32 cm in diameter) for a pizza weighs about 160 g. This will be 360 kcal .

tomato sauce leaves for one product from 1 to 2 tablespoons. That is, about 23 - 46 kcal .

Olive oil for lubrication - this is no more than 1 teaspoon, which means 63 kcal .

How cheese only the person who made it knows about pizza. We will proceed from average data - 110 g. For Mozzarella cheese, this will be 264 kcal .

What do we get as a result? If you "persuaded" a whole pizza, then you added to your diet no less, but 710 kcal. And this is without sausage, vegetables and other additives.

Doing conclusion : pizza is not a dish for those who care about the figure. Although I so wanted to prove the opposite!

Away is good - and pizza at home

It so happened that public catering enterprises are aimed primarily at making a profit, and not at preserving our health. Therefore, to improve the taste, more high-calorie products are used: sugar is added to the dough and sauce, vegetable fats instead of vegetable oil, flavor enhancers, fatty meat and sausages are used.

Therefore, if you want to eat pizza without much damage with less damage to the figure, it is better to cook it yourself.

Options calorie reduction not much pizza. Rather, only one - to reduce the calorie content of its ingredients.

Let's see how much we can win on this.

main ingredient

Low calorie alternative

The difference in calories

Premium flour

Whole grain flour, coarse grinding

Tomato paste or tomato juice

High fat cheeses

Low-fat cheeses

Lean boiled meat

Vegetable oil

Eliminate oil

Ready seasonings

fresh herbs

Thus, the difference can be quite noticeable. But the taste of such a low-calorie pizza will be somewhat different. Therefore, it is worth considering whether the game is worth the candle.

happiness pizza

After all, if you can afford good quality chocolate (544 kcal) while on a diet, then why not treat yourself to a slice of pizza? The main thing is to observe the measure.

Nutritionists advise to eat at a time no more than 2 slices of pizza 30 cm in diameter. And no more than twice a week. The rest will have to be shared with a friend. Or give it to the enemy.

Pizza calories - tables. All about pizza!