Download presentation morality as the basis of responsible behavior. Presentation on the topic "morality and morality". Time has not erased these concepts

"Ethical and moral standards In human life"

Citizenship lesson

Grade 11


Classroom teacher

Teacher MOU "School No. 101 of the city of Donetsk"

Pavlenko L.P.

"The little son came to his father, and asked the crumb: What is good And what's wrong?"...

simple concepts, what do they mean ?

The spiritual world of a person - denotes the inner, spiritual life of a person, which includes knowledge, faith, feelings, aspirations of people.

A person who has a highly developed spiritual life, as a rule, has an important personal quality: his spirituality means striving for the height of ideals and thoughts.

A person whose spiritual life is little developed, unspiritual, not able to see and feel all the diversity and beauty of the world around .

What is morality?

Morality - special spiritual rules that regulate human behavior, his attitude towards other people, towards the environment and towards himself from the standpoint of good and evil, justice and injustice

Commandments of Christianity

  • I am the Lord your God; you shall have no other gods before me.
  • Do not make yourself an idol / idols and no image.
  • Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
  • Work six days, and the seventh day is for the Lord your God.
  • Honor your father and your mother, so that you may be well and your days on earth may be long.
  • Dont kill.

7. Do not commit adultery.

8. Don't steal.

9. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.

10. Do not covet your neighbor's house; Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his field, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any of his cattle, nor anything that is your neighbor's.

Ayats in the Holy Quran(TEN COMMANDMENTS)

  • Do not associate another deity with Allah.
  • Honor your parents
  • Give others what they deserve
  • Do not approach the property of an orphan
  • Be true to measure when you weigh and weigh with the right balance.
  • Keep your promises
  • Don't kill your children for fear of impoverishment
  • Do not kill the soul that Allah has forbidden, except by right
  • Don't come close to adultery
  • Don't follow what you don't know
  • Don't walk the earth proudly
  • Do not squander your wealth recklessly, but stick to the middle

human moral values

Values ​​reflect a person's attitude to reality (to certain facts, events, phenomena), to other people, to himself.

What, in your opinion, stimulates the moral behavior of people to a greater extent?

Choose your answer:

  • Fear of public stigma
  • Conscience, sense of duty
  • Approval of others
  • Desire to do like everyone else
  • Fear of punishment

What associations do you have with the word "good"? "evil"? Name them.

Sometimes it is very difficult to evaluate an act in terms of good and evil.

How should a person behave towards whom a bad deed is being committed?

Parable "A bucket of apples"

A man bought himself a new house - big, beautiful - and a garden with fruit trees near the house.

And nearby, in an old house, lived an envious neighbor who constantly tried to spoil his mood: either he would throw garbage under the gate, or he would do some other nasty things.

Once a man woke up in a good mood, went out onto the porch, and there was a bucket of slop. The man took a bucket, poured out the slop, cleaned the bucket to a shine, collected the largest, ripest and most delicious apples into it and went to a neighbor. The neighbor, hearing a knock on the door, gloatingly thought: “Finally, I got it!”.

He opens the door in the hope of a scandal, and the man handed him a bucket of apples and said:

Morality - the rules of human behavior in society, not enshrined in laws.

morality and law

Questions for comparison


Who produces


Where is it fixed?


In the laws of the state


What are the consequences of the violation?

No written confirmation


Legal is coming. a responsibility


Public condemnation, criticism, “remorse” of conscience

What regulates?

Not necessary

serve to regulate and evaluate human actions.

Everything can be forgiven, but not the perversion of those higher truths, to which humanity has reached with such difficulty.

Don't do to others what you don't want for yourself!

Morality The rules of human behavior that guide him in his life. The leading component of the system of comprehensive harmonious development of personality. Morality is one of the most important factors of social development. According to Kant, morality is “some perceived dependence of the private will on the general one”. This means that the morality inherent in the individual allows him to correlate his interests and desires with the interests and desires of the society in which the individual exists.

MORALITY is the acceptance of responsibility for one's actions. Since, as follows from the definition, morality is based on free will, only a free being can be moral. Morality is the internal setting of an individual to act according to his CONSCIENCE.

The whole morality of a man lies in his intentions. (Jean Jacques Rousseau) The highest possible stage of moral culture is when we realize that we are able to control our thoughts. (Charles Darwin) If you are a fan of formulas and definitions, then this is for you: Morality is the mind of the heart. (Heinrich Heine) Morality is the ratio of the power of reason to the power of feeling. (Mikhail Prishvin) Why morality is so important: A moral person does a lot for the sake of his friends and for the sake of the fatherland, even if he had to lose his life in the process. (Aristotle) ​​Hence the conclusion: ALL people need morality!

Testament Wherever you are on the ship, At the mast or fed, Always serve your land: She fed you. In waves or over potholes, - Be hardy, be brave, But do not boast over the weak, Do not forget to be kind. Do not retreat, if you accepted the battle - Pay - so for the cause, And if you sing - so sing like a bird - Freely, loudly, boldly. I. Annensky

Nobility, cordiality Treating each other well Decency Understanding Honesty, kindness Treating everyone equally Kind soul and you will do everything to help another Love, understanding, care Cordiality, conscientiousness Understanding other people's problems

  • « moral- internal, spiritual qualities that guide a person, ethical standards; rules of conduct determined by these qualities;
  • spirituality- property of the soul, consisting in the predominance of spiritual, moral and intellectual interests over material ones.

  • formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures and religions;
  • formation of a respectful attitude to a different opinion, history and culture of other peoples;
  • development of independence and personal responsibility for one's actions, based on ideas about moral standards, social justice and freedom;
  • development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy with the feelings of other people;

  • Since September 1, 2012, in all educational institutions of Russia, more than a million students of the 4th grade began to study the course "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics"
  • The purpose of the training course ORSE- the formation of motivation in a younger teenager for conscious moral behavior based on knowledge and respect for the cultural and religious traditions of the multinational people of Russia, as well as for dialogue with representatives of other cultures and worldviews.

  • acquaintance of students with the basics of Orthodox, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish cultures, the basics of world religious cultures and secular ethics;
  • development of the younger adolescent's ideas about the importance of moral norms and values ​​for a decent life for the individual, family, and society;
  • generalization of knowledge, concepts and ideas about spiritual culture and morality obtained by students in elementary school, and the formation of their value-semantic worldview foundations;
  • development of the ability of younger students to communicate in a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional environment based on mutual respect and dialogue in the name of public peace and harmony;

  • The main task of moral education: "to educate in a child's heart a truly human love, anxiety, excitement, concern, concern for the fate of another person."
  • "Feelings are the flesh, blood, and heart of moral conviction"

“In young children, experiences fill the whole soul, completely seize thoughts”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

  • The goal of education, Ushinsky believed, should be the education of a moral person. Moral education occupies the main place in Ushinsky's pedagogy; in his opinion, it should be inextricably linked with the mental and labor education of children.

  • moral education- this is a purposeful interaction of a teacher with pupils, during which an impact is made on the consciousness, feelings, behavior of pupils and their moral qualities are formed.

(K.D. Ushinsky)

  • moral education- this is the systematic formation in the child of knowledge about moral and immoral, about good and evil, about good and bad, assistance in the emotional experience of moral values, so that they become personally significant for the pupil.

  • The purpose of moral education is the formation of the moral culture of the individual.
  • Moral culture of the individual- the moral experience of society mastered by the individual, expressed in the level of development of moral concepts

The implementation of moral education presupposes knowledge of the content of those personality relationships that underlie its moral qualities:

Attitude towards the motherland;

  • attitude towards people;
  • attitude towards oneself;
  • attitude to work;

Attitude towards nature;



Creation of educational situations;

Teaching and exercise;


Role-playing games;

  • The formation of morality occurs at school in all lessons. In this regard, there are no main and non-main subjects. They educate the content, methods and organization of teaching, as well as the teacher, his personality, knowledge, beliefs and, most importantly, the atmosphere that develops in the lesson, the style of relations between the teacher and children, children among themselves.
  • The student himself educates himself, turning from an object into a subject of education. The whole process of learning in the classroom should educate, and not just the so-called educational moments.

Lesson 79-80

Social studies 11, profile level

Morality and Morality

D.Z: § thirty, ?? (p.325), assignments (p.325-326),

source (p.326-327)

© A.I. Kolmakov

  • give an idea about the spiritual world of the individual;
  • Develop the ability to search for information, analyze, draw conclusions, rationally solve cognitive problems and problematic tasks, disclose on examples the most important theoretical provisions and concepts of the social sciences and humanities, participate in the discussion work with documents;
  • form respect for the spiritual world of each person.

Universal learning activities

  • Know the concepts: morality, morality, moral culture
  • Develop the ability to morally assess the social behavior of people.

  • moral culture;
  • morality;
  • moral;
  • ethics;
  • good and evil;
  • duty;
  • conscience;
  • honor and dignity of the individual;
  • moral ideal;
  • ethical categories;
  • moral resistance

Learning new material

  • Moral guidelines of the individual.
  • Moral culture

Remember. What is the place of morality in the system of social norms and values? How is moral regulation different from legal regulation? Can a person with a low level of moral culture be considered a personality?


A specialized philosophical science that explores a holistic theoretical consideration of the moral life of society in the system of its various manifestations.

Ancient India, Ancient China the philosophical dimension revealed the socially significant meaning of the moral and immoral deeds of a person.

Ethics explored the structures and mechanisms of preparation and adoption of moral decisions by specific individuals, revealed the influence on the level, nature and direction of these decisions of the individual's self-consciousness. Core subject of ethics MORALITY .

Man has two worlds -

One who created us.

Another that we are from the century

We create to the best of our ability.

N. Zabolotsky.

The appearance of the inscription - automatically after the first mouse click (with a delay for reading lines).

"Only two things in the world able to disturb our imagination: the starry sky above us and the moral law within us." I. Kant

What did the poet of the 20th century and the philosopher of the 10th century want to express in their thoughts? VIII- early X I X in.?


Creating the human race gods took care of him with truly divine generosity: gave reason, speech, fire, abilities for craftsmanship and art. Everyone was endowed with some kind of talent. Builders, blacksmiths, doctors, etc. appeared. Man began to get food, make beautiful things, build dwellings. But the gods failed to teach people how to live in society.. And when people got together for some big deal - to build a road, a canal, fierce disputes broke out between them, and often the case ended in a general collapse. People were too selfish, too intolerant and cruel, they decided everything only by brute force... And the threat of self-destruction hung over the human race.

Then the father of the gods Zeus feeling its special responsibility, commanded to introduce shame and truth into people's lives.

The gods were delighted with the wisdom of the father. They asked him only one question: how to distribute shame and truth among people? After all, the gods bestow talents selectively: they will send the abilities of a builder to one, a musician to another, a healer to a third, etc.

But what about shame and truth?

Zeus replied that shame and truth should have all people . Otherwise, there will be no cities, no states, no people on Earth. . .

What eternal universal values ​​and why did God give man?


Formed with the emergence of human society

Associated with all spheres of public life

Form of social consciousness

Cultural-historical phenomenon, class

The subject of study of ethics








The freedom of man, his ability to choose between good and evil is called moral choice.

Morality is a set of norms approved by public opinion that determine the relations of people in society, their obligations to each other and to society.

Do not lie

Don't steal

Don't kill

Meaning of life


Happiness …












requirements and









Collectivism / individualism



One option



person in

all areas




unity and



people at





landmark for


aspiring to








Moral norms and requirements stimulate the development of moral views, beliefs, feelings, which together form moral consciousness.

Controlling human actions


Affirmation of the human in man

Another variant






Unity and coherence of people's actions



Formation of the moral character of the individual

Immorality is unacceptable

Functions of morality

  • estimated - consideration of actions in the coordinates of good and evil (as good, bad, moral or immoral);
  • regulatory - establishment of norms, principles, rules of conduct;
  • controlling - control over the implementation of norms on the basis of public condemnation and / or the conscience of the person himself;
  • integrating - maintaining the unity of mankind and the integrity of the spiritual world of man;
  • educational - formation of virtues and abilities of correct and justified moral choice.

Give examples of the real manifestation of each function of morality!

Positive consolidation of moral norms in individual consciousness

moral convictions

as accepted

moral principles

Apply to manifestations of your behavior!


principles real practical people behavior,

specific sphere of culture , in which high ideals and strict code of Conduct regulating human behavior and consciousness in various areas of public life

the degree of assimilation by the individual of the moral values ​​of society and practical adherence to them in everyday life

world of existence

The world of due

Moral- the degree of assimilation by the individual of the moral values ​​of society and the practical adherence to them in everyday life, that is, the expression of the human in a person. Morality is the level of real moral behavior of people.

Moral - set of norms approved by public opinion,


people relations

in society, their

duty friend

in front of a friend and in front of


Ethical (moral) categories - these are the fundamental concepts of morality, reflecting the events of life in terms of the most general moral assessments.






moral ideal

moral choice


  • the totality of a person's obligations to society at the level of public opinion (consciousness),
  • at the level of individual consciousness - the individual's understanding of these duties and acceptance of them.
  • the demand for debt is the moral basis social discipline.


  • the ability of the individual to an emotional assessment of the actions committed and performed by her, correlated with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe proper. Conscience is the "guard post" of society in the individual consciousness.
  • manipulation of personality is possible only if conscience is turned off .

Honour and dignity

  • Categories of honor and dignity personalities reflect the recognition of the value of a person based on the presence of certain required traits: nobility, readiness for selflessness, a certain restraint and observance in relations with other people of the rules adopted by one or another reference group.


  • The category of happiness captures the experiences of a person who is satisfied with his activity, his position and the prospects that open up.

moral ideal

The idea of ​​a perfect system of moral norms, values ​​embodied in the activity and behavior of the individual

Moral culture of the individual:

- the degree of perception by the individual of the moral consciousness and culture of society;

- implementation by a person in his behavior of moral principles, values, norms.

Factors that determine the level of moral culture:

The teacher organizes the discussion, only after it is completed, the points of the plan are displayed on the slide.

  • General culture
  • social interests
  • Goals of life and activity
  • The degree of moral feelings, empathy
  • Wealth and variety of life connections and interests of the individual

Stages of formation of the moral culture of the individual

Find out which stage you are in!

Difficulties in the implementation of the moral ideal (reasons):

  • Low general culture of people;
  • Different social groups have different fundamental interests and goals of their life and behavior;
  • Egoistic group and individualistic ideals and goals make general social tasks and interests recede into the background or disappear altogether;
  • Paralysis of empathy;
  • social mimicry.

Spiritual and moral commandments of academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev:

  • love people - both near and far;
  • do good without seeing merit in it;
  • love the world in yourself, not yourself in the world.
  • be sincere: by misleading others, you are deceived yourself;
  • learn to read with interest, with pleasure and slowly;
  • reading is the path to worldly wisdom, do not disdain them!
  • be a believer - faith enriches the soul and strengthens the spirit;
  • be conscientious: all morality is in conscience;
  • honor the past, create the present, believe in the future!


"Ballad of Time"

Time has not erased these concepts.

You just need to lift the top layer.

And smoking blood at the throat

Eternal feelings will pour out of us.

Now forever, forever and ever, old man,

And the price is the price, and the wine is the wine,

And it's always good if the honor is saved,

If the back is securely covered by the spirit.

We take purity, simplicity from the ancients,

Sagas, dragging tales from the past

Because good is good

Past, future and present.

The appearance of the lines - automatically after the first mouse click (with a delay for reading the lines).

test questions

  • What is the difference between moral principles and moral norms?
  • How do you understand the meaning of the moral principles of the individual?
  • How is morality different from morality?
  • What issues does ethics address?
  • What are the reasons for the change in the content of moral categories in social development?
  • What is the moral culture of the individual? How is it different from general culture?


  • What have you learned?
  • How?
  • What have you learned?
  • What difficulties did you experience?
  • Was the lesson interesting?


1. Social science: 11 cells. : studies. for general education institutions: profile. level. / [L. N. Bogolyubov, A.Yu. Lazebnikova, A.T. Kinkulkin and others]; ed. L. N. Bogolyubova [and others]; Ross. acad. Sciences, Ross. acad. education, publishing house "Enlightenment" .- 8th ed. - M.: Education, 2014. - 432 p. - (Academic school textbook) ISBN 978-5-09-032479-3

2. Social science. Workshop. Grade 11: a manual for general education. institutions: profile level / L.N. Bogolyubov, Yu.I. Averyanov, N.I. Gorodetskaya and others/: ed. L.N. Bogolyubov. - M.: Enlightenment, 2008

3. Krayushkina S.V. Tests in social science: grade 11: to the textbook “Social science. Grade 11, ed. L.N. Bogolyubova and others / S.V. Krayushkin. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2012

5. Sorokina E.N. Lesson plans for social studies. profile level. Grade 11 (to the textbook, edited by L.N. Bogolyubov). – M.: VAKO, 2013

6. Zinina S.A., teacher of history and social studies, secondary school No. 43, Volgograd,;

7. Timofeeva T.A., teacher of history and social studies "MBOU No. 16",

8. Pavlova A.V., teacher of history and social studies, secondary school No. 12, Vyshny Volochok

Annotation to the material

How often do our parents talk to their kids about moral issues? Without special training, it is quite difficult to be competent in such matters. A presentation on a moral topic will be the first brick in creating the foundation, which will later determine the motivation for actions and human behavior.

Each presentation on the topic of spiritual and moral education and development in a modern school according to the Federal State Educational Standard is a storehouse of worldly wisdom and a collection of traditions of Russian culture, on the basis of which you can educate a holistic person who strives to manifest his own character and do good deeds. About moral education, an age-friendly presentation must be shown both in grade 1 and in grade 10. Yes, their meaning and subject matter will be completely different, but the essence is the same: a presentation on spiritual and moral education according to the Federal State Educational Standard teaches you to be people in any everyday circumstances.

For a long time our society lived by its own laws. The eye was to teach everything, to be in time everywhere, but the child had to decide for himself what to do. Time has shown that such a relationship leads to the degradation of smart individuals who have knowledge, but cannot get along with friends, in a family, conflict over and without it. Presentations on the topic of moral education and development at school according to the Federal State Educational Standard will reveal to children the essence and components of such concepts as an ideal, an act, they will teach the golden rule of morality, which simplifies relations with people.

Often a high school teacher, having decided to download a presentation on the topic of moral education for a class hour in grades 9, 10 or 11, or for extracurricular activities, notes with sadness that this should have been done much earlier. If time is lost, teenagers do not have to be educated, but completely re-educated, breaking their stereotypes and forming a new worldview. This is more difficult and in some cases ineffective. To prevent this from happening to your kids, presentations on the topic of spiritual and moral education should be taken to kindergarten (DOE), where children absorb every word of the teacher. Moral tales, funny poems - all this is the material of developments and presentations on the topic of moral education of modern youth.

Starting from childhood, the child learns to gradually comprehend and at the same time understand the world around him. To understand that people are different, but to treat everyone with respect, a presentation on a moral topic will help. The life surrounding children is not always a good example to follow. Manifestations of mercy and kindness, the desire to show generosity and patriotism are becoming increasingly rare. Even friendship and love lose sincerity, becoming selfish and false. A presentation on the topic of spiritual and moral education and development in extracurricular activities as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard should raise these issues and introduce, in addition, tolerance and forgiveness, norms of etiquette and communication, the basics of Orthodoxy and our culture.

We sow the seeds of morality and reap its fruits, but these seeds may not sprout if the field is already withered and hardened. Do not be afraid to talk with children about the most important thing, about the eternal, about what seems obvious to us adults. How do you start an edifying conversation? Try downloading presentations on moral education at school and take them to your students. They themselves will become active participants in the conversation, because they are also tired of the falseness and rudeness that is already present even in childhood.

Each of us still has the opportunity to explain to the schoolchild why it is so important not to lose spirituality. Our portal offers the teacher to download presentations on the spiritual and moral development and education of schoolchildren in the family and at school according to the Federal State Educational Standard and help children in the formation and formation of their emotional environment.

class hour morality

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Class hour Morality and morality

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Class hour Do good

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Class hour Learning to be cultured

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Class hour ABC of morality

The material contains the script for the class hour "The ABC of morality". The lesson will tell schoolchildren about morality, about the norms of behavior in society, about morality. Learn to be honest and fair...


What is spiritual and moral education, the presentation tells on 19 slides. The material is intended for holding a teachers' council, but it can also be useful for a young specialist when planning work on the topic of spiritual and moral education. In the presentation on the topic of spiritual and moral education and development of schoolchildren according to the Federal State Educational Standard, many topics for planning were proposed, the principles, priority tasks of spiritual and moral education were identified ...


Do we always clearly distinguish between morality and morality? Is it possible for children to do this? The presentation on the topic “Morality and morality” gives not only a definition of these concepts, but also reveals the essence of each with examples. There is a beautiful parable, statements of philosophers about morality and morality in the presentation. Presentation material...


The presentation on the topic of morality and health touches upon the formation of a healthy microclimate in families. It should not be surprising that our society is becoming morally unstable. Many, having left school, try to create their own family. Will she be strong? Whether healthy children will be born in it depends not only on the heredity of the parents, but also on their ...

Golden Rule

What is the golden rule of morality, the presentation tells 4th grade students on the example of the statements of Confucius, Buddha, the laws of Manu, in proverbs and sayings. to get an answer to the question, you need to download a presentation for the ORSE lesson or class hour on the topic of the golden rule of morality and offer students several interesting tasks that can be performed ...

Moral ideals

Is it possible to be perfect and does a person need it in modern society? Moral ideals in the presentation for grade 4 on secular ethics for the lessons of the Orkse or class hours are considered on the example of the actions of heroes. These warriors were distinguished by remarkable strength, a special mindset, but at the same time they remained kind and sought to help everyone ....

moral act

It's time for 4th grade students to talk about moral deeds at the ORKSE lesson or at the classroom hour. Each slide is packed with content. The presentation on the topic “Moral act” for grade 4 included the statements of Tolstoy and Aristotle, Rousseau and Omar Khayyam, and a lot of practical material that will make the ORESE lesson or ...


It is good for all modern people to be highly moral and to be guided by the principles of morality and morality when performing each act. It is difficult for children to come to such beliefs on their own, so the presentation will tell them about what a moral person should be like. The presentation proposes to make a portrait of a modern moral person in the form of a syncwine. This presentation can be used...

In family

The concepts of morality and patriotism in the process of education often go side by side. A presentation on the topic of moral education in the family was created for a teacher who is planning for the year or is preparing for the teachers' council. Moral education always affects aspects of patriotic education. The role of the family is the main one in the formation of the value-target component in the process of moral and patriotic education, which is described ...

moral lessons

What should be moral lessons, class hours that teach children kindness and tolerance, introduce ideals and talk about good deeds? The presentation "Lessons in morality" tells elementary school students about charity, introduces people who are ready to take care of people who are poor and need help. These good traditions have been going on since the time of the merchants ....