Samsung galaxy how to connect mobile internet. How to enable mobile Internet on Samsung Galaxy A3. How to connect mobile internet


For MTS subscribers, a toll-free number 0876 is available for ordering Internet settings (it is intended for calls), as well as number 1234, to which you can send an empty SMS message (that is, without any text). Ordering automatic settings is also possible from the official website of the company (visit the appropriate section and enter your mobile phone number in the special field).

Two types of Internet activation are provided to its subscribers by the Beeline telecom operator. The first one, carried out via GPRS, can be ordered by sending a USSD request *110*181#. To connect the second one, dial the special command *110*111# on the phone keypad and press the call button.

Regardless of the model and brand of their mobile phone, Megafon network users can order automatic Internet settings at any time directly on the main page of the operator’s official website. You must first click on the tab called "Phones", then select "Internet, GPRS and WAP settings". Next, fill out the request form that appears.

Setting up the Internet on the phone is available in Megafon and by sending SMS. Dial the text of the message "1" and send it to number 5049. In addition, you can also receive WAP settings and MMS by the same number. To do this, instead of "1", enter the numbers "2" or "3", respectively. In addition, two more numbers are available to you: 05049 and 05190.

Using the help of Megafon's subscriber service, you can also order automatic Internet connection settings: just call the short number 0500 (if you are calling from a mobile phone) or 502-5500 (if you are calling from a landline). Setting up the Internet is always possible in any communication salon or customer support office.

If you want to be able to use the Internet on your mobile, order special settings from your telecom operator and save them. By the way, this can be done on a phone of any brand, including Samsung.


Therefore, subscribers of any Russian telecom operator may not think about the model of their phone and dial the desired number. In Megafon, such a number for ordering automatic settings is the subscriber service number 0500. Call it from a mobile phone. If you can only make a call from a landline, then use the number 502-5500. In addition, customers of this operator can always contact a consultant of a communication salon or an employee of the company's office.

MegaFon subscribers can also get Internet settings using the official website of the telecom operator. You just need to go to the main page, click on the tab called "Phones", and then click on the "Internet, GPRS and WAP settings" column. After that, you will be presented with a request form that you will need to fill out and submit.

You can also set up the Internet on your mobile phone using another method. To do this, dial an SMS message with the text "1". You may also need WAP settings. To receive them, enter 2 instead of 1. In the same way, you can order MMS settings (the number you need to specify is 3). In addition, short numbers 05049 and 05190 are available to Megafon customers.

In the event that you are a Beeline subscriber, use one of two methods to connect to the Internet. The first one is the connection via GPRS connection. If you have chosen it, use the USSD request *110*181#. Well, in order to order settings of a different type, dial the command *110*111# and press the send call key.

Users of another telecom operator, MTS, can also order automatic settings at any time. To do this, they need to call the free number 0876 or send an SMS without text to the short number 1234. Receiving Internet settings is available both through the company's website and through the communication salon.


  • samsung internet setup

Mobile computers are gradually becoming more and more popular. In this regard, many users need to connect these devices to the Internet. This can be done in several ways.

You will need

  • - WiFi router.


It is best to use a router to create a wireless Wi-Fi network. This device allows you to connect several mobile and desktop computers to the Internet at once. At the same time, you do not have to constantly connect to a network cable, which will keep your computer mobile.

Get a Wi-Fi router. In this case, you can use almost any device that is suitable for working with your provider. Connect the selected router to AC power. Connect an Internet access cable to the WAN connector.

Locate the LAN port on the router case and connect the network cable to it. Connect its other end to the network card of the laptop. Turn on the mobile computer and launch the Internet browser after the operating system has loaded. Enter ( into the url-line of the program and press the Enter key. In the menu that opens, fill in the Login and Password fields.

Open the Internet Setup menu and select Manual Internet Connection Setup. Find the field My internet connection is and select the type of data transfer that your provider uses. In this example, this will be the PPPoE protocol. Check the box next to Dynamic PPPoE. Enter the username and password for successful authorization on the provider's server.

Locate the Connect Mode Select field and set it to Always. Save your settings. Go to the Wireless Setup menu. Open Manual Wireless Connection Setup. Select the settings for your wireless access point. This data is independent of the provider used. Specify such network settings so that your mobile computers can connect to it. It is better to use the 802.11 b/g/n (mixed) radio type and the WPA-Personal encryption option.

Save the router settings and reboot the equipment by unplugging it from AC power. After loading the Wi-Fi router, open the Status menu and check the activity of the Internet connection. When connecting a laptop to a network, select to use a dynamic IP address.

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Advice 4: How to set up Internet on the Smarts network on Samsung

In Samsung mobile phones, the Internet is configured by entering information into connection profiles. You can either change the settings to the desired ones yourself or order them from the operator.


Make sure that GPRS Internet service is activated for your number, to do this, dial a request by *109#. Usually it is enabled by default when registering a subscriber. If you do not know how to use the USSD request system, contact technical support by calling 111 or another number indicated in the documents when registering a SIM card. The number may vary depending on your region. You can also ask the operator to send automatic Internet settings to your number.

Through the menu of your Samsung phone, go to the Internet connection profile settings section. You will see several positions, some of them may already have Internet settings of other operators. Depending on the device model, settings may be available from the phone's connection properties menu. Select a connection profile that is not occupied with settings and name it "SMARTS Internet". Specify the value in the access point, leave the login and password input fields empty.

Click on your profile to highlight it, open the context menu and set it as the default connection if needed. Restart your mobile phone for the internet settings to take effect.

Also use an alternative way to get the Internet settings of the SMARTS operator, for example, when sending an SMS message to number 123, you will automatically receive a response to your message containing the WAP, GPRS and MMS settings. Select the GPRS setting among them and apply it as the default connection profile, while using the password 0000.

Please note that Internet access is also available using WAP, however, you should not do this if you can connect via an Internet profile.

Useful advice

Use the settings sent by the operator.

We often encounter a problem when inexperienced Android smartphone owners cannot access the Internet. For some, this is the first experience of using the system, someone simply does not know where exactly it turns on. As a matter of fact, today we will tell you how to turn on the mobile Internet on the Samsung Galaxy A3 if you are holding this gadget in your hands for the first time. In 99.9% of cases, the device "picks up" the settings automatically - and only sometimes you have to call your operator and find out the manual settings.

We will consider only the first option. Because it makes no sense to describe the second one - all operators have different settings depending on your country of residence and region. Therefore, to resolve this issue, it is better to contact them directly.

As for the failed automatic settings, everything is much simpler here. Most likely, Internet access is simply disabled. To activate it, you must pull down the status bar line - a curtain will pop out after it. At the top are the following icons: GPS, Wi-Fi, Screen rotation, Mobile data and others. See if mobile data is activated. If not, just tap the icon once and the Internet will become active within one minute.

Slow Internet, what to do?

So, you have turned on the mobile Internet on your Samsung Galaxy A3, but it is too slow. What to do? There are several options here - the signal is unstable. For example, you are in the basement or in the subway. In this case, it is enough to go outside and everything will return to normal.

Option two. "Mode" activated Only GSM". To correct the situation, go to the menu " Settings”, "Other networks” and look for the item there " Network mode". Tap it once and change the value to "GSM / WCDMA".

The full potential of a smartphone is possible only with the help of the Internet. Samsung Galaxy S 3 runs on Android OS and using it only for calls means using only a small part of its capabilities.

The operating system of the phone is only the platform on which applications are installed that directly extend the functionality of the phone for the user. In order to be able to use your smartphone to the fullest, you need a proper internet setup. As an example, let's try to set up the Internet on the Samsung Galaxy S 3.

There are two ways to connect your smartphone to the Internet: via WiFi or via the Internet provided by the telecom operator.

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WiFi setup

WiFi connection is convenient due to its availability and speed, as well as the missing fee for traffic:

  • On the Samsung Galaxy S 3, you need to find the "Applications" button and select "Settings" in the next window;
  • Next, you need the "Wireless network" item: check if the WiFi connection is enabled on your smartphone. If not, then turn it on.

After activating the WiFi module, you can select the appropriate network:

  • We turn to the item "Adding a network" (you may need a password to enter. In a cafe, you can usually find the password on the receipt of your order). For a home network, you must know the password;
  • After adding the network, you can use the Internet.


The Internet provided by mobile operators is more convenient to set up where there is no WiFi connection (of course, this method is most suitable for those subscribers who have unlimited traffic, but other users will be able to view their mail).

The connection sequence at the beginning is the same as in the previous case:

  • "Applications" -> "Settings", then, find the item "Advanced settings" and go to the item responsible for mobile networks;
  • Here you need to specify the access point. Usually the access point is already entered (it is loaded immediately when the SIM card is turned on for the first time). If the access point is not specified, then all data on it can be requested from the operator.

It's best to set up both connections, as you may need both, depending on the situation: WiFi will save you money, while 3G will give you the ability to connect wherever you are.


Often, smartphone users have problems in order to properly configure the Internet on their phone. If you are an advanced user, then you can connect manually by filling out the appropriate form with data in the operating system. For all other users, automatic configuration is available via an SMS message from the operator.

How to connect mobile internet

You can manually connect mobile data on your phone. Step-by-step instructions for setting up the Internet on Android:

  1. Open the settings menu on your phone.
  2. Select "Connection", "Mobile networks", "Other networks", "More" depending on the device model.
  3. Then select "Access Points".
  4. Click the "Add" button, if it is not displayed separately, then find it in the context menu.
  5. A new profile will open, which must be completed in accordance with the settings of a particular operator.
  6. Save your data, go back up one level and select the profile you just created.
  7. Turn on Mobile Data and restart your phone.

The table shows the settings of three popular providers, the input of which will allow you to connect the Internet on your cell phone. If, when filling out the profile, you met additional items, then you must skip them and leave the default values:

Automatic setting

If for some reason you were unable to connect the mobile Internet manually, you can always use the automatic setup. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. "Ask" your network operator to send you a special message with settings (such SMS is often marked with an envelope icon with a gear).
  2. Open the received SMS message.
  3. Select the item labeled "Application: Internet".
  4. Click the "Install" button.
  5. If you need a pin code, then enter "0000" or "1234".
  6. If the code does not fit, contact your network operator to find out the correct pin.
  7. Confirm your choice by pressing the "Yes" button and turn on mobile data in the phone blind, restart the device to activate the changes.
  8. On some phone models, the above steps are not required, you just need to order a message from the operator to connect to the Internet.

Connecting via Wi-Fi

You can access the Internet on your phone not through mobile data, but through Wi-Fi. To connect the worldwide network in this way on the Android operating system, use the following instructions.

  1. Unlock the device, go to the main menu.
  2. In the list of icons or in the blind of the operating system, find "Settings" (often this item is denoted by a gear symbol), make the transition.
  3. You will see a list of customizable items, find the line "Wi-Fi" and go to the submenu.
  4. In older versions of the Android operating network, you first need to go to "Wireless networks", and then select "Wi-Fi settings".
  5. If the Wi-Fi router is turned on, all available connections will be displayed immediately.
  6. If the adapter is disabled, the system will prompt you to enable the Wi-Fi module to view available networks.
  7. Select the desired network from the list.
  8. In the dialog box that appears, enter the access password.
  9. If you accidentally entered incorrect data, then click on the network name again, select "Forget" and re-enter the authentication parameters to connect to the Internet.

Users who have managed to acquire a fashionable gadget are interested in the question of how to set up the Samsung Galaxy, ensuring the full functionality of the device.

A phone created on the Android platform needs user participation when setting the date, time, Internet settings, Google account and Samsung account.

By applying the necessary settings, the user will be able to use the full potential of the gadget.

Setting up Internet access

WiFi setup

Initially, we will try to set up the Internet via Wi-Fi, in order to get trouble-free access to the network at any point of traffic distribution.

You will need to perform a few elementary manipulations:

  • visit the "Settings" menu;
  • go to the "Network Connections" section;
  • move the Wi-Fi key manually.

The phone will show the available points, informing about the possibility of a free connection to the network. If there are locations that are not password protected, then the connection will occur automatically.

You can connect to a closed access point by entering a password, later the setting will be carried out automatically when a specific location falls within the range of the Wi-Fi network.

Setting up using a 3G modem

It is possible to set up the Internet in Galaxy via a 3G modem, ensuring data transfer in accordance with the requirements of the mobile operator. The following manipulations are performed:

  • menu "Settings";
  • section "Other networks";

  • subsection "Mobile networks".

You need to select an access point or contact the operator with a request to configure the appropriate option. The main task is to fill in the "profile name" column.

Setting up a Google account

You can take advantage of the free benefits given to the user only after you manage to set up a Google account.

Having an account with a personal login and password will allow you to access the following services:

  • mail Gmail;
  • YouTube video hosting;

Create an account

It is necessary to prepare the phone for operation by registering an account, which consists in reserving a username and providing secure access to personal data using a password.

You will need to open the "Settings" menu and select the item with "Accounts", where there is a section "Add account".

Select the type "Google" and go to the window prompting you to create a new user.

Enter your first and last name using the keyboard that appears when you touch any field.

After entering personal data, press the burning "Next" button.

You will need to enter a unique login using Latin letters with numbers, without using punctuation marks and without allowing spaces between characters.

Attention! The username contains 6-30 characters.

If the entered login has already been used by someone, then a corresponding informational message will appear. You'll have to choose another option.

After entering the correct username, click the "Next" button.

The phone will turn into an information center providing access to online news.

The user will be able to use the virtual storage of files and communicate in a social network.

The phone will become multifunctional and will be used to solve various problems.

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Most importantly: How to set up Samsung Galaxy