Lemon and meat combination. The combination of fruits. Tomatoes with starchy food

The combination of products is also an important point and quickly gives results. By following these principles, even if not 100%, you will soon feel the difference.

When your digestive system metabolizes food quickly, you minimize the amount of toxins in the body and eliminate excess weight. The first thing to do is to give preference to products that are easy to digest. Second, eat these foods in the easiest combinations for digestion. Natalia Rose calls such combinations Quick exit.

Some foods eaten together, take 2-3 times more time to assimilate than other combinations. An avocado on a piece of toast will be in the stomach for 3-4 hours (Quick exit), but the same piece of toast with an egg will be in the stomach for 8 hours (Slow exit).

Slow exit combinations direct all your energy to the stomach, take away your strength and energy. And such dishes, which are digested for 8 hours in the stomach, a person can eat three times a day. This clogs the digestive tract and leads to a host of other problems, from skin problems and fatigue to arthritis and asthma.

Products are divided into categories: starches, animal proteins, fresh vegetables and herbs, cooked vegetables, nuts and dried fruits, fruits.

avocado (fruit, but pairs like starches)
- cooked starchy vegetables (pumpkin, sweet potato, potato,)
- cereals (millet, quinoa, buckwheat, brown rice)
- beans,
- boiled corn,
- Whole grain bread and pasta.

animal squirrels
- goat / sheep cheese and other cheeses, preferably from unpasteurized milk (ideally combined only with vegetables, but some may combine with other animal proteins),
- fish,
- seafood,
- eggs,
- meat

Products from the same category are combined with each other.

With starches all vegetables are combined.

With animal proteins all vegetables are combined, except for cooked starchy vegetables (potatoes, sweet potatoes, boiled corn).

Nuts, seeds and dried fruits combined with raw vegetables and herbs.

Avocado combines like starch. It can also be combined with bananas and dried fruits, but not with nuts.

Fruit should only be eaten on an empty stomach.- at least 3 hours after a light meal. Never eat fruit after a cooked meal - this will cause a fermentation process. Fruit leaves the stomach in 20-30 minutes, so already half an hour after fruit, you can eat food from other categories.

Bananas combined with fresh fruits, dried fruits and avocados.

Dairy can be combined with other animal proteins.

Neutral Products
Pairs with everything except fresh fruit. These are all raw vegetables; butter; olives, soy sauce, vegetable oils, mustard, spices; almond and others, nut milk; unheated honey, maple syrup; lemons; dark chocolate (with 70% cocoa).

Interval between meals from different categories should be 3-4 hours.

If you have a big appetite, eat more food from one category. It is better to eat two servings of fish or two servings of whole grain pasta than to eat one serving of fish and pasta.

"Wrong" combinations you can afford during dinner. The body will have enough time to absorb this before the next meal - breakfast.

"Wrong" combinations during lunch can deprive you of energy for the rest of the day. In addition, if you eat dinner after this earlier than 8 hours later, you will complicate the situation by adding a new serving of food to the dinner wandering in the stomach.

Chocolate with 70% cocoa content- can be an excellent dessert after a dish from any category.

"Light to Heavy"
Natalia Rose advises to adhere to this principle both during the day and during each meal - start with light foods and end with heavier ones. The day starts with freshly squeezed vegetable juices, fruits, then a fresh vegetable salad and at the end of the day a cooked meal.

Morning- the time when the body gets rid of excess. An ideal breakfast that fills you with energy and vivacity - freshly squeezed juice and fruits. When you have breakfast with something more complex, you interrupt the cleansing process, directing the body's forces towards digestion.

Evening- the time when you want to relax, relax with family or friends. Dinner is the most substantial meal of the day, as the body will have enough time to digest it before breakfast. Dinner starts with a salad of fresh vegetables and greens (helps digestion of subsequent cooked food), followed by nuts/cooked vegetables and cereals/goat cheese with vegetables or other animal proteins.

In the post - about the essence of the approach of Natalia Rose.

In the next - about the features of detox for women.

Due to the presence of aromatic substances (more than 60 items), pineapple has a delicate pleasant taste and unique qualities. The composition is dominated by carbohydrates (11.9%), mono- and disaccharides (11.9%). In a small amount there are fats (0.1%), proteins (0.3%), dietary fiber (1%), ash (0.3%). Water occupies 85.5%. Many vitamins are available: PP, beta-carotene, A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C (11 mg), E. Mineral compounds: potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium. Pineapple is enriched with the substance "bromelain", which is an enzyme for the processing of lipids and proteins.

How pineapple affects the body

The range of biologically active substances gives pineapple useful properties: cleanses the intestines, stimulates digestion, improves blood composition and reduces viscosity. It is the prevention of thrombus formation, atherosclerosis, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Pineapple has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, tonic, diuretic effect. Normalizes pressure, relieves swelling. Eliminates musculoskeletal pain symptoms. Stops the growth of cancer cells, blocks the spread of metastases. As a result of clinical trials, pineapple is recognized as a product for the prevention of oncology.

When eaten, it lowers cholesterol, stimulates the secretory function of the pancreas, promotes the breakdown of food. Removes inflammatory processes in the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, nasopharynx, pulmonary system.

Recent studies have confirmed the activity of bromelain in relation to proteins, but it has little effect on fats, so today the status of the “miracle enzyme” that it has been since 1981 has partially been lost. But still, pineapple is a product for weight loss: it speeds up metabolism, removes fluid, cleanses, and promotes weight loss. How to lose weight with pineapple - eat with meals or immediately at the end of a meal. For the treatment of diseases, on the contrary - eat on an empty stomach.

How to choose

Pineapple is easy to choose. You need to know a few rules: a ripe fruit has a sweet delicate smell, the peel has a yellowish tint, the top leaves of the tops are easily pulled out. The rind should not be too hard; when tapped, a dull sound indicates maturity. The presence of mold, dark spots and a musty smell - do not buy!

On sale there is a huge selection of canned fruits: slices, rings, compotes. In this case, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition and expiration date. The presence of artificial additives, dyes, enhancers, stabilizers, etc. is undesirable.

Storage methods

If you have an unripe fruit, wrap it in paper and leave it in a dark room, after a few days it will “reach”. Ripe specimens can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 12 days. At a mode below +7, the pineapple becomes soft and rots.

Longer storage is provided by heat treatment: canned slices, jam. In this state, pineapple lasts up to 3 years.

What does pineapple pair with in cooking?

The tropical fruit makes many dishes savory, tender and delicious. Win-win option: chicken with pineapple, crab salad with pineapple, mushroom salad with chicken and pineapples. Gourmets use it with cheeses, vegetables, sausage products, spicy herbs. Fruit mixes are especially popular, for example: mango salad with pineapple, banana salad with pineapple. Recipes with pineapple perfectly combine seafood, fruits, beef, pork, poultry.

The fruits are used to create sauces, desserts, added to ice cream and cream. Pineapple is baked on the grill, in the oven, used to create drinks, cocktails. The best opportunity to show your culinary fantasies is chicken with pineapple. You can add anything to this dish - the result will always be excellent. For example: honey, pomegranate, spices, (horseradish, celery), etc.

Useful food combination

Pineapple is a popular product in weight loss diets. Low calorie content, accelerated digestion, fluid outflow, cleansing - this is only part of the beneficial effect of this fruit. How to lose weight by 5 kg - include fresh pineapple in your diet. Finish every meal with a piece of this fruit, use recipes in your menu: seafood salad with pineapple, chicken with pineapple. These are ideal meals for weight loss. In a month you will lose weight.

This exotic fruit is used to organize fasting days, when 0.5-1 kg is spent in 1 day. It is important to know that the bromelain enzyme loses its beneficial properties at elevated temperatures, is contained in a hard core, so this is the most valuable part for weight loss.


Application in medicine and cosmetology

The use of pineapples is recommended for the prevention of oncology, thrombophlebitis, stroke, thrombosis, heart attack. They are prescribed for hypertension, kidney problems, with increased blood viscosity, cardiovascular insufficiency. To relieve pain in muscles and joints. They are used in the treatment of pneumonia, laryngitis, tonsillitis, arthritis, sinusitis, pyelonephritis.

Pineapple juice is used to relieve inflammation on the mucous membrane, to cleanse and heal wounds. Drink on an empty stomach as a laxative. Juice is included in the recipes of traditional healers to eliminate skin problems, corns, corns. Introduces to programs for cleansing the body. On the basis of pineapple, many dietary supplements and drugs are produced for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, pancreas, hypertension, and kidneys.

In cosmetology, it serves as a means to reduce the functions of the sebaceous glands, to saturate with structured moisture, increase tone, and activate recovery processes. It is added to scrubs, shampoos, lotions, gels, and is used in anti-cellulite methods.

Berries are healthy treats that indulge in a real variety of tastes and smells. To make the perfect berry drink or dessert, you need to know what combinations are best to use them. Here are the most successful combinations of berries, fruits, spices and alcoholic beverages to create culinary masterpieces.

Cranberry- due to its pleasant sourness, it should be combined with sweet and delicate foods. Cranberry juice It will be even better if you add a mango, sweet apple or pear to it. Cranberries also pair well with gin, orange liqueur, cream, kefir, chocolate, and cinnamon.

Cowberry- gets along well with green apples, cloves, cinnamon, orange and currants. It can be added to tequila, martini and jasmine tea. If you want to add bitterness to the drink, the best choice would be cowberry. Recipes very popular with her.

Sea ​​buckthorn- it is combined with almost all berries and fruits of a similar orange color. It can be combined with dried apricots, quince, citrus fruits, persimmons, pears, pineapples, apricots and bananas. From alcohol, sea buckthorn can be mixed with vodka, cognac and champagne.

Strawberry- gets along wonderfully with cherries, kiwis, blueberries, peaches, oranges, bananas, melons, blackberries and of course chocolate. It can be added to rum, soda or vodka. Strawberries can even be made into nutritious smoothies with cereal, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.

Order natural berries with sugar from us, in which all useful properties and vitamins are preserved (without heat treatment)

Currant- goes well with alcoholic beverages, in particular port, gin and dark rum. Of the berries she is more suited to, blackberries, lingonberries, raspberries and cranberry. Recipes with currants often also include chocolate, lemon balm and cottage cheese.

Blueberry- reveals its taste even better with strawberries, blackberries, oranges and green tea. For flavor, it is added to vermouth, red wine and vodka. With rum, the most successful combination will also be blueberry. Recipes alcoholic beverages using this berry are almost limitless.

Raspberry- a versatile berry that goes especially well with oranges, cherries, plums, currants, apricots and its sister blackberry. There is practically no such dessert or refreshing drink in which there would be an extra raspberry. Recipes with it should always be on the notice of gourmets.

Cherry- very good friends with cinnamon, citrus fruits, pineapples, plums, apples, strawberries, raspberries and other types of berries. It can be added to cognacs, liqueurs, vermouths, red wines and get stunning cocktails.

Blackberry- pairs perfectly with raspberries, oranges, blueberries, currants and strawberries. From it you can make both a sweet dessert, an alcoholic cocktail and a sweet mors. Recipes full of different options.

Almost all types of berries are combined with ginger, honey, vanilla, mint, ice cream, yogurt and other types of dairy products. In the range of "Berry Master" you can find the best berry base for culinary experiments. These are berry purees and fresh jams of the highest class!

Berries for all diseases

All beneficial properties of berries impossible to enumerate. These are safe and truly effective medicines that can prevent the occurrence of diseases and even help in the treatment ... alcoholic cocktails at home. They can be used as...

COMPATIBILITY of products, their CORRECT combination of products among themselves, what to serve with what to the table: simple rules for healthy digestion. What products don't go together? Some nutritionists insist that it is absolutely not worth it to "interfere" vegetables and fruits in one meal. Let's figure it out.

Now we know that what we have long considered vegetables or fruits may actually be something else. I'll tell you more, if you delve into the wilds of botany, it turns out that there are no vegetables at all! And the concept of "vegetable" is purely culinary. And, as it turns out, very uncertain.

"Vegetable" refers to the edible part (for example, fruit or tuber) of some plants, as well as any solid plant food, with the exception of fruits, cereals, mushrooms and nuts.

And this confusion has a long history.. In the Old Russian language, the fruits of any edible plant were called vegetables or vegetables, the word "fruit" did not exist at all. It appears only in 1705, it is a borrowing from the Polish language frukt, which, in turn, comes from the Latin fructus.

PRODUCT COMPATIBILITY: Is it a vegetable and a fruit or a fruit, and the combination between them?

Since that time, the division of fruits into vegetables and fruits has been going on.. Although there is still enough confusion! How do you like that raspberries, strawberries, blackberries are not berries at all, but just fruits - multidrupes that “carry” seeds on their outer side, and pomegranate is not a fruit, but just a berry, but watermelons and melons, which we for a long time they were called berries, in fact - pumpkins, only similar in structure to berries. Pumpkins also include cucumbers with pumpkins, and we consider them vegetables.

You may have a fair question, what does this knowledge give us, because only rare craftsmen cook jam from cucumbers and tomatoes, and we will habitually make a vegetable salad out of them. Take your time!

Such a relative division into vegetables and fruits gives us the main thing - the ability to mix them in any proportions in one meal.

Indeed, some nutritionists insist that it is absolutely not worth it to "interfere" vegetables and fruits in one meal. But now you understand that carrot-apple juice, beloved by many, is not quite fruit and vegetable juice! So, feel free to experiment, creating your own culinary masterpieces.

Further more. I am telling all this only so that you understand how relative the “advice” in the media and on TV is, such as “fruits can only be eaten in the morning”, “fruits should not be eaten after meals”, “fruits should not be eaten with meat, fish, cheeses…” and similar statements of “specialists”.

Combining the incongruous?

Here, for example, is a replicated statement that melon is a “heavy” product and should not be eaten on an empty stomach and not during meals, but 1.5-2 hours after the main meal. But remember the famous Italian dish - prosciutto (dried meat) or Spanish - jamon, they are usually served with melon, and in Central Asia, melon is eaten as follows: after the first, usually fatty dishes and pilaf, melon is necessarily served, and after 10-15 minutes, the feeling of heaviness in the stomach disappears, as if after the application of a complex of enzymes.

But for the sake of justice, it’s worth saying that with jamon, and after pilaf, not a whole melon is eaten, but a couple of pieces or one bite. If you want to eat more, make it a separate meal - a second breakfast or afternoon snack.

But the beloved by many eating watermelon with bread (white or black) is an absolutely wrong way, which does not allow you to benefit from the gifts of melons. And all because the watermelon itself does not stay in the empty stomach for a long time, for its digestion the alkaline environment of the small intestine is needed, but the bread “sits” in the stomach longer, for the breakdown of proteins it takes time in an acidic environment. Together with bread, watermelon will also “cook”, which will cause discomfort in the stomach and then in the intestines.

Watermelon and melon educational program

Since we are talking about watermelon and melon, I want to give a couple of tips on how to choose and eat them.

    Beg, never buy halves or quarters of watermelons and melons packed in cling film! The sweet moist environment of these fruits, also under the film, is just a "greenhouse" for microbes.

    Do not cut watermelons and melons in the market, to make sure they are ripe, it is not known how many and what kind of bacteria will get into them from a dirty knife and the hands of the seller.

    Do not buy these fruits at the ruins of roads and railways, they, like sponges, absorb all carcinogens and salts of heavy metals.

    You can check the "purity" of a watermelon from nitrates by dropping a piece of pulp into the water- if the water is just cloudy, that's good. If it turned pink or red, it means that the watermelon was fed with something, grown.

    Do not eat melons and watermelons from the refrigerator. Not only will you not get enough antioxidants - substances that fight free radicals, but you will also make these products "hang out" in the acidic environment of the stomach until they warm up to body temperature. What it is fraught with, I wrote above.

    And yes, don't be afraid to eat watermelon with pits. Just to get the most out of them, chew them thoroughly. The seeds contain such a quantity of polyphenols, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that the whole watermelon cannot boast. Do not get carried away, of course, and I repeat, chew thoroughly, because the hard shell of the bones can be traumatic for the delicate mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Pleasure without consequences

What else is interesting in eating fruits and berries? After eating cherries, apricots, peaches, bananas, and especially cherries and grapes, do not drink water or any other drinks. The hydrophilic fiber of these fruits will pull the liquid towards itself and the “revolution” in the intestines is guaranteed to you.

Don't eat grapes straight from the bush but, it is better to give the bunches time (a day or two) to mature in order to reduce the amount of water in them, otherwise expect increased gas formation.

And yes, it’s a shame to even remind you that not only berries and fruits, but also watermelons, melons, bananas, citrus fruits, despite the fact that their skins will go into the trash, be sure to wash thoroughly before eating! As well as the hands with which you will butcher and eat them!

Always wash any fruit thoroughly before eating!

So, we draw conclusions from everything that we learned:

For healthy people who do not have any special problems with the gastrointestinal tract, berries and fruits are best eaten in between meals - 1.5-2 hours after the main meal. By this time, all the food eaten will have already left the stomach and will go to the small intestine.

For people with sluggish digestion and low acidity of gastric juice, it is best to consume berries and fruits before meals - about 30 minutes before. Fruit acids, which are part of them, will help boost digestion and increase the production of gastric juice, and this, in turn, will have a beneficial effect on the absorption of the next portion of food.

People with high acidity of gastric juice should eat fruits and berries carefully, especially currants, cherries and sour apples. Better - after eating. But remember that even the most acidic fruits are excellent alkalizing foods that can reduce the increased acidity of gastric juice.
And as usual, remember the measure! published .

Ludmila Denisenko

If you have any questions, ask them

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Meat, poultry, fish.
It is better to eat lean meat, poultry and fish. When cooking, remove all visible fat. Meat and fish go well with green and non-starchy vegetables, because this combination neutralizes the harmful properties of animal proteins, helps them digest and remove excess cholesterol from the blood. The combination of animal proteins with alcohol brings great harm.

Legumes (beans, peas, lentils, etc.)
Legumes go well with vegetable fats, sour cream, herbs and starchy vegetables.

Vegetable oil.
Vegetable oil is a highly beneficial product if consumed in its unrefined form.

Sugar, confectionery.
Sugar and confectionery should be consumed in limited amounts or avoided altogether. All sugars inhibit the production of gastric juice. For their digestion, neither saliva nor gastric juice is needed: they are absorbed directly in the intestines. If sweets are eaten with other food, they cause fermentation in the stomach. The result is sour belching and heartburn. Honey does not belong to this category of sugars, because. it is a product already processed by the digestive apparatus of bees. Honey is absorbed into the blood 20 minutes after ingestion, without burdening the liver and all other body systems.

Bread, cereals, potatoes.
Starch is an extremely indigestible product, so all foods rich in starch should always be treated with great care. You should not combine animal proteins with starchy foods - this is the main rule of separate nutrition. Bread is considered a separate meal, not an obligatory addition to every meal. However, bread made from unrefined, whole grains can be eaten with a variety of salads, regardless of their composition.

Fruits are sour, tomatoes.
Sour fruits include citrus fruits and pomegranates, while everything else is to taste. Tomatoes also belong to this category of products due to the high content of acids - citric, malic, oxalic.

Sweet fruits, dried fruits.
Their combination with dairy products and nuts is acceptable, but in small quantities, because. it's hard on digestion. But it is better not to mix fruits (sour and sweet) with anything, because. they are absorbed in the intestines. You need to eat them at least 15-20 minutes before eating. This rule should be especially strict in relation to watermelons and melons. Melon should generally be eaten separately from other foods.

Vegetables are green and non-starchy.
These include tops of all edible plants (parsley, dill, celery, radish tops, beets), lettuce, wild "table" herbs, as well as white cabbage, green and onion, garlic, cucumbers, eggplant, bell peppers, green polka dots. Radishes, rutabaga, radishes and turnips are "semi-starchy" vegetables, which, in combination with various foods, are more likely to adjoin green and non-starchy ones.

Vegetables are starchy.
This category includes: beets, carrots, potatoes, horseradish, parsley and celery roots, pumpkin, zucchini and squash, cauliflower. The combination of these vegetables with sugar causes strong fermentation, other combinations are acceptable.

Milk is a separate food, not a drink. Once in the stomach, the milk should curdle under the influence of acidic juices. If there is other food in the stomach, then the milk particles envelop it, isolating it from gastric juice. And until the curdled milk is digested, the food remains unprocessed, rots, the digestion process is delayed.

Cottage cheese, dairy products.
Cottage cheese is an indigestible complete protein. Products similar to sour milk (sour cream, cheese, cheese) are compatible.

Cheese, cheese.
The most acceptable cheeses are young cheeses of the home type, i.e. something between cottage cheese and cheese. Processed cheeses are an unnatural product, significantly processed. Brynza is a healthy protein product, which, however, requires soaking in cold water to remove excess salt.

This protein product is not very easy to digest. You can combine them with green and non-starchy vegetables, this neutralizes the harm from high cholesterol in the yolk.

Due to their rich fat content, nuts are akin to cheese. However, cheese contains animal fats, and nuts are easily digestible vegetable fats.