What breeds of rats are. Types and breeds of ornamental rats. Rats are a pet

Decorative rodents have been living with humans for a long time. Different breeds of rats, or rather their varieties, differ in the shape of the head and body, the structure of the coat and color. Exotic species require special care as they are more vulnerable. It is worth figuring out what decorative rats are.

Consider the breeds of rats with photographs and names, and make sure that the fixed mutations are very diverse, for every taste.

According to the type of addition, 3 types of rats are distinguished. The standard is rodents of a habitual kind. They have an elongated body, they have a long bare tail of about 20 cm. Like wild relatives, such rats can weigh up to 0.5 kg and reach 24 cm in length. Rodents have round ears on the top of their head and an elongated muzzle. The coat of the animals fits snugly to the body, it is smooth and shiny.

The most familiar appearance in standard rats

- another variety differs from the standards in ears. They are located not on the top of the head, but on the sides of the head, like the elephant of the same name in the cartoon. Dumbo's ears are large and open, with a slight kink in the upper part of the auricle. Due to the location of the ears, the head seems wider. The back of the head of these rodents may be slightly convex. The back of the rat is wider, so the shape of the body may be slightly pear-shaped.

The round ears of the domestic Dumbo rat give it a special charm.

Manx - a rat without a tail - is singled out as a separate species. The tail of the rodent is needed to cool the body and balance. A high proportion of anurans have problems with their hind legs and urogenital system. The birth of cubs is associated with the risk of getting a non-viable litter. Sometimes, under the guise of Manx, sellers slip ordinary rat pups with tails amputated after birth. The body of the tailless rat is not elongated, as in the standards, but in the form of a pear.

The breed of domestic rats Manx is fraught with many unpleasant surprises

Important: The tailless rat is a potential invalid, and self-respecting communities do not seek to support this genetic branch.

Breeds of domestic rats by type of wool

Domestic rodents are also divided according to the type of wool. The fur of animals can be short, long, curly, etc. There are bald pets and rodents, whose fur coat is bald, and this is the norm.


Rats with "Standard" coats are characterized by short, smooth and glossy coats.

Coat type "Standard" is smooth and short hair in rats


Long-haired varieties of rats differ from the standard in longer hair.

Sphinx (bald) rats

Fluff is allowed on the head, paws and in the inguinal region. Usually rodents have pink skin in a fold, but there are individuals with dark spots. The whiskers of this variety are shorter than those of the standards and may curl.

The breed of decorative Sphinx rats must be protected from both cold and overheating.

Downy (fuzz)

Downy rats look like sphinxes, but the gene for “hairy” rats works there. The skin of the fuzz is covered with down - there are no guard hairs. On the muzzle and underparts of the body, the hairs are longer. Vibrissae are short and twisted. Unlike sphinxes, more “dressed” individuals are valued in downy animals. Fuzzies are more resistant to external factors than sphinxes, they are easier to breed. However, thin fluff does not always protect against overheating or cooling, so pets need special attention.

In a variety of fuzz rats, a delicate fluff is not a very complete “clothes”

Satin (satin)

Satin or satin rats are distinguished by fine, shiny hair. The radiance of the coat makes the animals attractive. Due to the thin coat, the hairs of the fur appear visually longer. Satin coats can be short, like standards. Long hair does not define this variety: not every long-haired rat is satin.

A satin or satin rat is covered with fine, shiny hair.

Rex (curly)

The fur coat is similar to the fur of the cat breed of the same name - it is tough and curly. Elastic curls do not appear immediately. In rat pups, the curls have not yet formed, and the hairs can stick out in different directions. Because of this, the kids look disheveled. According to the breed standard, the coat should be uniform, without bald spots. The animals have short, curled whiskers. In other respects, Rex are similar to standards.

Rex rat babies sometimes look disheveled

Double Rex

Such rats are born when mom and dad are carriers of the "curly" gene. The wool of such animals is unusual. On the skin there are areas of fluff and hard outer hair. Another feature is molting. From childhood, rat pups lose their hair, and the skin becomes like a patchwork quilt. Plots of wool alternate with bald spots. Later, the hair grows on the bald areas and falls out on the "hairy". Double Rex is not officially recognized as a species.

The Double Rex rat breed has bald patches on its skin.

Wavy or velvet varieties of ornamental rats

Velvet rats have curly or wavy coats. On some individuals, it looks like bird feathers. Unlike Rex, Velveteen has a soft coat. This is due to less guard hairs. The undercoat of such rodents is thick, without bald spots. Vibrissae are long, slightly wavy, often with twisted tips.

The wavy coat of the velveteen rat variety is soft to the touch

Breeds of decorative rats by color

It is customary to divide the colors of rats into several groups.


The name of the group speaks for itself. All hairs of the animal are of the same color and uniformly colored from root to tip. Uniform colors include rodents of the following colors:

  • black;

  • blue in different versions;

  • mink;

  • platinum;

  • beige;

  • caramel;

  • chocolate, etc.

Such as caramel and chocolate are not even standardized. Rats also come in other colors.


In ticked colors, the hair is not uniform in color. It is, as it were, divided into sections painted in different colors. At the same time, the guard hairs are monochromatic. Wild rats belong to the ticked group - agouti color. At the base of the back, the hairs are dark gray, yellow and orange shades go above, the guard hairs are black.

Wild relatives of decorative rats have a ticked agouti color

Agoutis can be blue, platinum and amber. In blues, the coat changes from light gray to brown with light blue guard hairs. Platinum fades from light blue to cream. Amber has a transition from light orange to silver beige.

There are among the ticked type and red representatives of decorative rodents.

The color of the fawn is distinguished by a bright orange color. The base of the hair is gray or blue, but then there is a rich red hue. Inclusions of silvery guard hairs do not change the overall picture. The ticked group also includes different pearl colors of rodents.


Silver color is determined if the number of white - silver hairs is equal to the number of homogeneous ones. The fur coat of the animal should sparkle. If there are few white hairs, then this effect will not be. There may be a different color at the end of the white hair, this is allowed. The main thing is that the white wool is in sufficient quantity, and mixed with a uniform tone to create shine.

A decorative rat is classified as a silver color if its skin is shiny


Color is a combination of two primary colors. The combined type includes Siamese and Himalayan colors, Burmese and Burmese colors. English version of the name Point (point). Darker points follow the main color.

Combined color involves a combination of 2 colors

Separate varieties of rats

There is a group of rodents of separate types.

: it is almost impossible to get them at home. In addition to white wool, they are distinguished by red eyes, due to the lack of pigmentation. As laboratory animals, albinos are human-oriented. The owners believe that this breed of rats is the smartest and kindest. Rodents:

  • rarely bite;
  • like to play with a person;
  • easily learn the necessary skills.

Albinos are resourceful, and a simple latch on the cage is not an obstacle for them. Animals are kind to their relatives, they know how to empathize with them.

Albino rat breed can be called the most tame

This type of ornamental rat lives less than its relatives, on average, 1.5 years. Rodents are not too resistant to adverse environmental conditions.


Animals with different eyes are a mutation that is not transmitted to the next generation: the gene for different eyes is recessive. It is possible to achieve cubs with such a feature after systematic breeding work. As a rule, one eye of a rodent is pink and the other is black or ruby. The more contrast in eye color, the more valuable the animal. Odd-eyed individuals can be in a fur coat of any color and texture.

A variety of rats - odd-eyed is valued by a pronounced contrast of eyes

It is named so for the similarity in color with a spitz-shaped dog. A characteristic mask on the muzzle in the form of an inverted letter V is found in both rats and dogs. Rodents differ from their counterparts in that they change coat color throughout their lives. This complicates the choice of a thoroughbred animal: it is not known what color an adult rat will become. There are two types Badger and Banded. In one case - Banger - dark hair covers the entire back, leaving the belly light, in the other - Bended - the animal has only a dark hood. Babies are born solid, and fading begins at 4-6 months. The color of salt and pepper is valued in the breed.

Pure white spots are unacceptable. Another feature is the color of the eyes, they cannot be black. Variants from red to ruby ​​are possible.

A variety of decorative husky rats blooms with age

Mosaic and tricolor

It is generally accepted that tricolor rats do not exist, but rare cases refute this. As a rule, there is a leading color that is combined with white. In the history of rat science, at least twice in the hands of a breeder there was a rat of 3 colors.

One of the famous rats was born in 2002 in Alaska. It was a male named Solaris. He did not pass on his unique coloring to his children or grandchildren. Another case when a tricolor girl with a champagne-colored hood with black spots was accidentally purchased at the Bird Market. She was called Dusty Mouse or Syabu-Syabu.

One of several famous Shabu Shabu or Dust Mouse mosaic rats

Mastomys or natal rats

Mastomis have nothing to do with rats, they even belong to the Mouse family and to a separate genus Mastomis. Scientists could not immediately decide on the family, so the rodents traveled from rats to mice. These inhabitants of Africa live next to man. They were recently introduced, so there is not much information on them. Outwardly, they look like both mice and rats. Rodents reach a size of 17 cm with a tail and weigh about 80 g. Thus, they are larger than a mouse, but smaller than a rat. They have few colors: ticked agouti with black eyes and argent (amber) clarified with pink eyes. Animals are nocturnal, live in a flock. Mastomis are jumping creatures, this must be taken into account when keeping at home.

Mastomis look like rats and mice at the same time

Video: varieties of decorative rats

Types and breeds of decorative domestic rats

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Oddly enough, among all types of decorative rodents, domestic rats are becoming increasingly popular. These animals are very friendly, unpretentious in care, do not require much space for maintenance, and can always cheer you up. Moreover, it is believed that rats are very smart creatures, quick-witted, cunning, have a good memory.

There is a huge variety of breeds of rats, which differ in size and type of wool. The main ones are shown in the photo below.

Classification of rats depending on body type

By body type, domestic rats are divided into main groups:

Classification of rats by type of coat

Depending on the type of wool, ornamental rats are also conditionally divided into several groups. In standard animals, it shines, lies evenly over the entire body. The tail, fingers and paws of the animal are covered with a short thin fur coat. The ears are as if shrouded in fluff, making them very soft and silky. Long vibrissae are on the cheeks of the animal, and short and thin - above the eyes.

Curly rats. The whiskers of this type of animal are much shorter and twisted down. On top of the back of these animals is a very curly velvety coat, but less shiny than the standard type. The tummy in different species can be both curly and absolutely even.

Wavy rats. They differ from the standard breed in the presence of wavy thick wool, which is very soft and fluffy to the touch. Because of the peculiar waves, sometimes the rat may seem rather untidy and unkempt.

Fluffy rats. They are characterized by the presence of a thin soft fluff instead of wool. The hairs are located throughout the body rather sparsely, in addition, they are of short length. Mustaches are characterized by a twisted shape, short.

Sphinx. The uniqueness of this breed is the absence of wool. These rats are completely hairless. The skin of such animals must necessarily have a beautiful healthy appearance of a bright color. Rodents of this type can be covered with small thin fluff only in certain parts of the body, for example, above the eyes, or on the cheeks.

Rex. Such animals look very cute because of not evenly laid wool, but a little sticking out in different directions. There are few such rats, but they look very original and spectacular. The mustache of this species of animal has a twisted shape, and a rather short length.

Double Rex. This species can be both bald and with hair. Moreover, throughout the life of the animal in those areas where there has never been wool before, it can grow, and vice versa, in fluffy places, the villi disappear. Whiskers in this species of rats are mostly twisted and short in length. Sometimes there are decorative rats of this breed with a double coat. The fluff is often a little twisted, disheveled.

Long haired rats. The most fluffy of all the above animal species, their hairs are of considerable length.

Satin. Such rats have beautiful thin and long hair. This breed is very beautiful, has a shiny fluff with a bluish tinge. This feature attracts all lovers of domestic rats.

Husky. This is a decorative species with a varied coat color. Most often you can find individuals of white-gray color. At birth, these animals mostly have snow-white fur, but over time, the color changes. Another feature of this breed is the color of the eyes. If in standard rats it is black, then the Husky can have eyes of all shades of red.

Classification of decorative rats depending on the color

In this article, we have already examined what domestic rats are, depending on the shape of the body and on the type of their coat. But what colors can your pets' hairline have?

In the modern world, many scientists are constantly trying to breed completely new types of domestic rats. It is mainly related to medicine. As you know, these cute creatures are often used in science. Physicians around the world conduct a variety of experiments on them, thus creating medicines for the treatment of various diseases. Thanks to these animals, scientists have tested a huge variety of medicines that undeniably help people survive.

For many years, different types of ornamental rats have been crossed, as a result of which hybrid species have been bred.

As for the colors of animal fur, they are mostly white, black, gray, brown, orange, blue, beige, black and white. The shade of the eyes also depends on the color of the hairline. Often in rats with white hair, the eyes are black or red. Species with a blue body tint most often have ruby ​​eyes.

There is also a separate species of rats, the coat of which has three colors. Such rocks are called mosaic. They are very rare in the modern world, therefore they are considered one of the most valuable. Moreover, the colors of this mosaic can be absolutely diverse. Most often in the color there is a white tone or various light shades. An interesting fact is that this breed of rats does not inherit its coloration; monochromatic rats can be born in a tricolor female.

As you can see, there is a huge variety of breeds of decorative domestic rats. If you decide to get yourself such an animal, then you definitely will not regret your choice. Once the pet gets used to you, it will become completely tame and dependent on the owners. These creatures are very friendly and do not bite even when handled roughly.

Features of caring for decorative rats

Rats do not require too much space, they only need a small cage with ladders of various shapes, a house, a hammock, a wheel, where they can run or play with any other accessories.

In nutrition, they are also particularly unpretentious, they are considered omnivorous animals. However, with regard to the correct diet, it must definitely be present, since the rodent needs all the nutrients and trace elements for good health and good mood. It is enough to feed the rats twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. At night, the portion should be larger.

This is due to the fact that these creatures are nocturnal inhabitants. The diet must contain cereals, cereals, vegetables, fruits, dairy products. Also, don't forget to regularly change the water in the drinking bowl so that your pet does not suffer from thirst.

The main disadvantage of these cute creatures is their short lifespan. Basically, rats do not live longer than three years, and this applies to absolutely all breeds. Therefore, an important piece of advice when you get yourself a pet is to choose a rat whose age does not exceed one and a half months.

With proper care, any breed of domestic decorative rat you like will always delight you and your child with excellent health and good mood.

Rats, like all other animals known to us, have their own "breeds". In some countries, connoisseurs of such animals even hold exhibitions of their pets. The term "breed" is not used in relation to rats as in other animals, since in this case we are not talking about a specific set of traits. Therefore, we will tell you what types of rats exist, if we take into account the type of physique or coat.

Rats are standard, dumbo and tailless.

The standard for all the rest can rightly be called the standard view. Rodents of this variety are harmoniously built. Females are much more energetic than males and smaller in size. The average body length of a standard rat ranges from 20 to 25 cm. The weight of a rodent reaches 500 grams. They have a thick tail, which turns into a narrow and pointed closer to the tip. The ears of the animals are rounded, the eyes are round and rather large. The coat of such an animal always pleases with a beautiful shine and is located evenly, quite small in size. Vibrissae are traditionally long, rather evenly spaced on the surface of the cheeks. Above the eyes there are shortish ones in a minimal amount.

This variety was obtained in 1991 in California. The name is given in honor of Dumbo the elephant from the cartoon. Dumbo rats differ from standard ones by having lower ears on a small head.

Visually, they are almost on the side. The ears of such animals are round in shape and wide. They may have round or somewhat pointed ears. But they should not be too elongated and have folds. The more the ear is open, the better. Most often there are ears of the so-called "saucer" type - they are completely open. Rodent lovers also know tulip-type ears - this is if the upper edge is wrapped slightly down, like a flower petal. For Dumbo rats, which are preferred by breeders not only of the most popular clubs in Europe, tulip-shaped ears are preferred according to the standard. Dumbo rats have a wider skull, so their heads appear flat. A feature is also a protruding nape.

Such animals have a pear-shaped body. But the extension should not be too big.
Tailless rats were obtained in 1983 thanks to one of the lovers of these animals. This species is completely devoid of a tail, it was the result of a mutation. The body of the animals has a somewhat unusual pear-shaped shape.

Video "The most popular breeds of rats"

From the video you will learn about the most famous breeds.

Varieties by type of wool

In addition to the standard ones, there are also interesting curly, hairless or naked, long-haired, wavy and even half-bald. Consider these varieties of rats, their external features and characteristics in more detail.

In a rodent of the standard species, which has already been mentioned a little higher, the coat shines beautifully and lies quite tightly. Fine hair is also present on the surface of the paws, fingers and long tail. The ears, if touched by hand, are pleasantly velvety.

Vibrissae are long and evenly distributed over the entire surface of small cheeks. There are quite a few of them above the eyes, they are characteristically thin and short.

Curly rats have a dense and unusual curly coat. The peculiarity is that the fur on the belly is not as wavy as on the rest of the body. There is little or no guard hair. The coat is not as shiny as compared to the standard look. It is rougher, but should not be too hard or brittle. Whiskers are more strongly curled and shorter in size than in the standard species.
Wavy rodents are naturally endowed with thick, often wavy, hair. When viewed from afar, a visual effect is created - as if the animal has peculiar feathers. The fur on the abdomen is often not as wavy as on the rest of the body.

Due to the characteristic curliness, the coat looks disheveled. A slight extension is allowed. The undercoat of the animals is normally developed. The guard hairs are less wavy. Their number may be less than the standard ones. This is one of the differences between velveteen and the Rex variety. Soft fur is found in both males and females. Vibrissae are long and somewhat wavy, often only their tips are twisted. Above the eyes should be thin and short vibrissae.

Downy rats differ from others in their pubescence. Their coat is not only beautiful, but also pleasant to the touch. The coat is longer and denser in the head area and on the surface of the lower body of these rodents. There are no guard hairs at all. Vibrissae in downy rats are traditionally twisted downwards.

Rodents of the Sphinx variety should be as bald as possible, have soft and healthy skin. Light fluff is allowed only on the cheeks, wrists, ankles, in the groin area and in the area above the eyes. Sphinx rats may have small folds on their bodies. The vibrissae above the eyes and on the cheeks are shorter than in curly-haired animals.

There is also a species of pseudo-sphinx, which is not standardized. Such animals have bare and hairy areas of the body. They are able to change places throughout life.

Also, such a variety of rats as long-haired is not standardized.

Other varieties

It is impossible to enumerate the entire numerous rat genus. But in addition to the above species, you can name some more that differ in the color of the coat color.

For example, a black rat. This variety includes several subspecies, which are divided into two groups according to the number of chromosomes. Representatives of the first prefer to live in Southeast Asia, Northern China, they are also found in Afghanistan and India. The animals belonging to the second group chose the countries of Africa, Asia, America, Australia, and Europe to live.

Gray rats live in Europe and North America. They can be seen on the banks of water bodies. Fast learning, fertility and omnivorous nature allowed this rodent to perfectly adapt to anthropogenic life. This is a large animal - the body length reaches 40 cm (minimum 17). Of these, only 20 cm falls on the share of the tail. Such a rodent weighs an average of 240 - 260 grams. It has an elongated and wide muzzle, small and woolly ears.

Blue rats are not only beautiful, but also quite expensive. Since rodent lovers consider them true aristocrats, they are often compared with the wonderful dogs belonging to the Greyhound breed and the noble Russian Blue cats. But back to rats. They have a dark blue undercoat and a characteristic overall coat color. On the stomach there are as many as three colors - blue, gray and silver.

White rats became known after successful crossing of albino animals with wild climbing rats. During experiments on crossing white rodents with colored ones, it was possible to obtain laboratory rats of different colors. In turn, after their crossing, rats with a black back and a white belly, silver, brown, beige, white with colored spots, unusual and interesting for all admirers of these rodents, appeared.

Where does the red rat live? It is believed that Pasyuk is native to South China. Today, such an animal can really be found all over the globe, except for the polar countries and desert territories. Living several centuries ago in the territory of Southeast Asia, pasyuk only at the beginning of this century arose in the vastness from the Ural Range to Lake Baikal. Compared to the black rat, the red rat has a more densely built body, a blunt and wide muzzle. The color of the top is from light reddish-brown to dark dirty-ocher-brown. The ventral side is whitish, the hair at the base is naturally dark in color. The skull of a red-colored rat is somewhat angular, the ridges are quite developed. The body size of the animal is characterized by parameters of 150 - 248 mm.

Rats are the largest rodents from the family of mice, which are one of the old neighbors of man. These animals can be found in almost every corner of the planet. They are even inhabitants of islands located far from the mainland. Rodents can have different coat colors and even different colored eyes. What types of rats are the most common, this article will tell.

Not everyone knows what rats are. Many people divide these animals into street and decorative. However, in nature there are about 70 varieties of gnawing animals that differ in appearance, size and habitat. So, the palm rat living on palm trees lives on the Nicobar Islands, forest rodents are common in the forests of Mexico and the USA. The fuzz rat is distinguished by its soft and barely noticeable fur coat.

There are also mammals with flat tails and animals that do not. Curly-haired rats are very attractive, eared rats are distinguished by their originality. But perhaps the most famous representatives of the rat family are black, gray, Turkestan, black-tailed and fluffy-tailed rabbit rats. Photos of rat species can be seen below.

gray rat

The gray rat (pasyuk) is one of the most common types of rodents that live in almost all corners of the planet: in many countries of Europe, in Canada, in the north of the USA. Animals are not adapted to life only in polar latitudes. Pasyuki prefer to live in rural areas near large domestic animals, using their food for food. Under natural conditions, they settle where there is access to water. They feed on birds, their eggs and chicks, as well as voles and carrion.

You can also meet gray rats in the city. Their favorite habitats are basements, garbage chutes, warehouses, as well as various outbuildings. That is why they are also called barn.

This type of rat is no less common. Black rodents live in Europe and Asia, they are also found on the American, Australian and African continents.

Black rats are inhabitants of megacities. They prefer to settle on the upper floors of high-rise buildings. Very often, mammals can be found on a livestock farm. The favorite habitats of animals in the private sector include attics. For this reason, they began to be called roofing rats. Animals are very inquisitive, they are in constant motion, exploring new territories.

Under natural conditions, black rats live in the forest zone, building nests from small branches and grass. They can also settle on stunted trees, feeding on plant foods, nuts, cereal grains or sunflower seeds. Animals do not disdain worms and mollusks. Animals do not dig holes on their own, however, they are easily able to occupy the abandoned shelter of any small animal.

On a note!

The black rat is much smaller than the gray one: its body size does not exceed 20 cm. It is also lighter in weight (100-350 g). A distinctive characteristic is that it exceeds the size of the body of the animal, in contrast to its gray relative.

What color are rats of this species, not everyone knows. Surprisingly, the color of the rodent's fur, which has a metallic sheen, can vary from black to light brown. The abdomen of the animal is often ashy or gray in color.

But in reproduction they are not as prolific as their gray counterparts. They do not breed in the winter season, and in one brood they have fewer cubs.

Turkestan rat

If we compare the above species of rats in terms of body size and external features, then the Turkestan rodent will take an intermediate place between black and gray relatives (its body length is 17-21 cm). The shape of the muzzle of the animal is the same as that of the Pasyuk. The small ears are covered with a thick short pile. The tail, equal to the length of the body, has the same surface. The back of the animal is painted in a reddish-brown color, the abdominal zone is yellow-white, less often pistachio shades.

The Turkestan rat is found in northern India, Tashkent, Samarkand, the mountainous regions of the Western Tien Shan. Under natural conditions, rock crevices, hollows, as well as burrows of other rodents serve as a refuge for it. Often it lives in residential and commercial buildings.


In spring, the animals feed on bulbs and seeds of plants, in the summer-autumn period they eat the fruits of various tree species and shrubs. It is not excluded the use of chicks and eggs.

Living next to a person, animals are able to breed all year round. However, in the cold season, the ability to reproduce is noticeably reduced. In the wild, the female breeds up to 4 litters during the year, each of which contains up to a dozen pups.

blacktail rat

The black-tailed rat is another species of mouse family, the distinctive feature of which is a tail covered with thick hair. Animals are common in New Guinea and Northern Australia. Their habitat is the coastal zone of rivers and other water bodies, where, after the surf, rodents collect food thrown out by the waves. Animals hide in hollows or between thick branches of trees, where females arrange nests for future offspring. The presence of fur is a distinctive feature of born rat pups. In addition, they see and grow much faster than their relatives.

small rat

The taxonomy of the rat does not end there, its continuation is the small rat. The Pacific or Polynesian rodent is found in the Philippines, New Zealand, as well as the countries of Asia and New Guinea. The habitat of the animal is the forest and forest-steppe zone.

Depending on the distribution area, the length of the body of the animal varies. The animals inhabiting the mainland of the continent reach up to 15 cm, small rats living on the islands do not grow more than 11 cm. The weight of the animal is also small: only from 40 to 80 g. tones. Also, its distinctive characteristics include a pointed shape of the muzzle, large ears and short legs. The tail has a length commensurate with the size of the body, and is covered with scaly rings.

The diet of the small rat is very diverse, it includes: seeds, fruits and parts of plants, as well as insects, spiders, bird eggs and tiny chicks.

Small rats breed throughout the year, the reproduction process becomes especially active in the summer.


For a year, one adult female leads no more than 4 litters, each of which has 5-9 individuals. Newborn rat cubs are constantly guarded and controlled by the female, besides, she feeds them with milk for a month.

Rat Standard

One of the most popular varieties of ornamental rats is the standard rat. The animal has the most harmonious constitution: it has a massive elongated body, shiny short hair, moderately wide ears and a long tail covered with hair. In terms of weight and body size, it is similar to its gray counterpart. Males are larger but less energetic.

On a note!

Asking the question whether a rat is an animal or not, one can answer with accuracy that it is the most perfect animal, which differs not only in physical strength and endurance, but also in intelligence. So, a standard look, even with awkward handling, because they get used to their master.

Rat Sphinx

Hairless or hairless rat is a kind of decorative rodents that do not have hair on the body. Sparse hair can occasionally be observed in the abdominal region, on the legs or head. Some representatives of this type have vibrissae (whiskers). Slightly wrinkled pink skin of animals attracts not many animal lovers.

tailless rat

From the name it is clear that the main distinguishing characteristic of this type of rat is the complete absence of a tail. The pear-shaped body is another type of animal. Rodents of this breed are very active, intelligent and sociable. Their coat can be standard or curly, as well as various colors. Often there are individuals that do not have hair.

curly rat

Rats of this type have a dense curly coat. However, on the abdomen, the pile is less wavy than on other parts of the body. Guard hairs are completely absent, if they are, then in small quantities. From the side, curly hair looks tousled. The whiskers of such rodents, compared to their counterparts, are less long, but more twisted.


Dumbo is another breed of rat. A distinctive characteristic of these animals are low-set ears, which are larger and rounded. Rodents have a short body, a pear-shaped head with a protruding occiput, and a long tail. Wool cover can vary both in color and in structural structure.

Rat with eyes of different colors

This variety of ornamental rats is very unusual. The eyes of the animals are of different colors. Usually 3 colors are combined: black, red and dark ruby. - the greater the degree of contrast between the color of the eyes, the more valuable the rodent.

The coat color of decorative rats can be not only gray, brown, black or white, but also red, and even blue. Moreover, each tone corresponds to a certain eye color. So, in black rodents, the eyes are always black, in whites they can be both black and red, the eyes are ruby ​​in blue rats. In addition, the color of the coat may not be uniform, it may contain all kinds of stains and marks.

Rarely, when the appearance of a pet is a sudden and spontaneous action, but even if the animal appeared in the house is not planned, it is impossible to remain indifferent to these cute kids, they will conquer any heart.

Breeds of domestic rats belong to a large genus with 137 species and immediately numbering 570 subspecies. The rodents themselves belong to the subspecies "gray", less often "black" rat.

Interesting fact! Gray rats develop a speed of 10 km / h, but they jump 80 cm high. At the same time, if the animal is scared or angry, it can jump as much as 2 meters high!

Each subspecies of rodents has its own individual parameters, such as body length and shape, coat structure and color, etc. That is why they simply do not have a common standard. Often there are names borrowed from cats, dogs or other rodents. For example, sphinx, rex or husky.

The gray domestic rat can jump up to 2 m high

Consider the most popular breeds of rats:

  1. Standard. The most common type. Animals with a smooth coat with a glossy sheen, reach a weight of 500 g. The body is large and elongated, the tail is long and has a thickening at the base. The tail and body are almost equal in length (20 to 24 cm). The ears are moderately large, wide and rounded, squat.
  2. Satin. The coat has a deep sheen with a blue tint, the hairs are long, smooth and thin, pleasant to the touch. Outwardly, their smooth hairs resemble satin, from which the name of this variety of rats came from. This distinctive feature of this category will not leave anyone indifferent. The body of these rodents is similar to the standard class.
  3. Dumbo. They were named after a cartoon flying baby elephant with huge ears. Their distinguishing feature is large, round, low-set ears, a sharp muzzle, and a broader head than others. The body is pear-shaped, reminiscent of an anurans, but the dambo has a shorter body and a long tail.
  4. Sphinx. These animals are completely devoid of all wool on the body, some do not even have a mustache. Such rodents should not have even the smallest amount of hairs. Their body has many folds and is most often pink in color. Skin color should be bright and shiny. All that is allowed in completely bald animals is a small fluff on the lower part of the limbs, on the cheeks and above the eyes. Adults look like newly born rats.
  5. Tailless. This category of rodents is already born without a tail. Even the tiniest tail is unacceptable for this breed. The body is pear-shaped. This type of rodent turned out by chance in 1983 as a result of gene mutation.
  6. Rex. Rex rats are distinguished from others by their curly thick fur and short curly whiskers. The Rex rat has a stiffer matte coat, which is less shiny due to curly hair, while the hairs are denser. There are few axial hairs in the integument.
  7. Downy. Otherwise, this subspecies is called Fuzz. These rodents have sparse, translucent hair, and no guard hairs. Instead of a thick coat, they have thin, downy fur all over their bodies. At the same time, they have short mustaches twisted like curls.
  8. Husky. In these animals, the color of the suit is not monophonic, but gray and white. In newly born babies, the color of the cover is white, which changes color as it grows older. The size and structure of the body is the same as in most breeds. The eyes are standard shades of red.
  9. Double rex. They have a double hairline. Their coat is short and translucent, the skin on the body becomes clearly visible. The fur is twisted in the form of a spiral. On the body, hard axial hairs are mixed with soft downy ones. These rodents molt frequently, and areas on the body are often exposed during these periods. Coat color may vary. Their whiskers are also short and curled.

On average, domestic ornamental rats live 2 years.

Wild animals often live only up to a year, often dying from the teeth of predators, from people, often die from various diseases, cold and hunger. At the same time, the same types of domestic rats do not need food, they always eat as much as they want, live in warmth, and are periodically checked by a veterinarian. However, this does not always mean that the pet will be completely healthy and will not get sick with what all rodents usually get sick with.

Therefore, unfortunately, the statements that breeds of ornamental rats with good care can live up to 4-5 years are a lie, at most, how long the strongest and healthiest specimens can live is only 3 years.

Any kind of decorative rats need constant supervision. To close a rodent in a cage and leave for a week will not work. With a pet, someone must certainly stay, feed, change water and bedding. In addition, you can not constantly keep the animal in a cage, he definitely needs to knead his paws. And during a walk, you need to watch your pet so that the animal does not try something from the interior items on the tooth.

Pet rats should not be kept in a cage all the time.

When buying this cute animal as a pet at the request of a child, you need to be prepared for the fact that all care and feeding procedures will fall on the shoulders of an adult. However, if you give enough time to the baby, he will grow up obedient and sociable.

Clean your pet's cage as often as possible - rats love cleanliness

In order for the animal to get used to the owner, it must often be picked up, called by name, then it will respond to it. Over time, the pet will get used to it and will be happy to sit on the shoulder, on the head or sleep on the hands or knees of the owner. If desired, you can even walk with him on the street, fresh air will only benefit your pet.

Pet stores offer a wide range of ready-made mixtures for rodents. They are also given natural products. In order for the diet to be complete, it must include vitamins, minerals, and it must also include products of plant and animal origin.

Oats, millet, bread, meat, rye, root crops and boiled eggs are the main diet of rodents. Cheese, dried fruits and fruits are given less often as treats.

The animals eat twice a day, the evening portion should be larger than the morning one. Foods such as meat should be given no more than twice a week. To grind teeth in the cage should always be pieces of chalk, salt or strong juicy branches.

By adopting this wonderful animal as a pet, you can be sure that you will not regret your decision, these cute animals will conquer anyone and become family favorites.