How and where to store quince? How to keep quince at home for the whole winter Is it possible to freeze quince for the winter

frozen quince recipe with step by step preparation.
  • Dish type: canning
  • Recipe Difficulty: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Preparation time: 11 minutes
  • Time for preparing: over 2 hours
  • Servings: 2 servings
  • Amount of calories: 48 kilocalories

A simple step by step recipe for homemade frozen quince. It is easy to prepare at home in over 2 hours. The dish contains only 48 kilocalories.

Ingredients for 2 servings

  • Quince 500 g.

Step by step recipe

  1. Quince is a very valuable fruit, it contains a lot of vitamins, fructose, glucose, as well as a lot of iron and calcium. The fruits are used both raw and in compotes, jelly, jam and baked as a seasoning for meat. Of course, you can save at home in various ways, but the best is freezing. Only it allows you to save vitamins in fruits in full. So, in order to freeze quince, you need quince itself, bags and a freezer. I have a function in the refrigerator - Express Freeze, this is a very useful function that allows you to very quickly catch up with a very low temperature for deep freezing food. And after the freezer simply maintains the optimal temperature level for storage. So, the quince should be washed thoroughly, the hairs should be washed off the surface.
  2. Dry clean quince, we do not need moisture.
  3. Cut into 4 pieces and remove seeds. All spoiled parts also need to be cut off, freezing does not remove germs, it will only freeze them.
  4. We cut the quince into small pieces, lay it out on a board in an even thin layer and send it to the freezer for 2 hours. Turn on the function - "Express".
  5. We remove the frozen pieces of quince from the board, put them in a bag, tie them tightly and store them in the freezer until the next harvest.
  6. This quince is perfect for cereals, pies, compotes. Enjoy!

After harvesting quince, every gardener is puzzled by how to keep the crop in good condition for a long time. The storage of quince requires certain conditions, without which the fruits begin to quickly deteriorate and rot. There are several proven ways to solve this problem.

Whole ripe fruits are selected for storage

Collection rules for winter storage

Quince, an autumn fruit that ripens in the second half of autumn, can be stored for a long time, if you take into account important rules during its collection:

  • fruits should be removed carefully: so as not to damage the skin and pulp;
  • during collection, place them on grass or canvas, if you put them in a bucket, then lay a layer of paper on its bottom;
  • the best time for picking fruit is late in the morning, when the dew is completely gone from the trees;
  • harvesting should be carried out in dry and clear weather, otherwise moisture-covered fruits will begin to rot.

The fruits that fall from the tree to the ground are processed first.

Purchased fruits for storage

Not everyone has the opportunity to grow a quince tree and harvest their own crop. But this is not a problem, you can stock up on fruits for the winter in the market or in the supermarket.

The harvest season is the best time to make a purchase. Almost all varieties of fruit trees ripen by the end of October.

Try to choose high-quality fruits, paying attention to the following points:

  • the skin of the fruit must be whole and smooth, without dents or scratches, rot and signs of mold, which significantly reduce the shelf life;
  • ripened fruits have a rich yellow skin;
  • choose larger fruits, as small fruits can be sour and not as juicy.

Long term storage conditions

How to store quince at home so that it remains tasty and juicy for a long time:

  • ensure a stable temperature regime within 3-4 ° C;
  • monitor the level of humidity: it should be increased - about 80-85%;
  • store the crop in a dark room without direct sunlight.

Such conditions are suitable for storing Japanese quince and all other varieties of horticultural crops.

In a refrigerator

When stored in the refrigerator, quince remains juicy, tasty and does not rot for a long time. The fruits are placed in the lower section for vegetables and fruits, where there is an appropriate temperature (4-5 ° C), high humidity and darkness.

At zero temperature, the preservation of fruits doubles and is about 4 months.

In the freezer

Under the influence of sub-zero temperatures, quince fruits become softer, their astringent taste disappears. In addition, the crop of this tree tolerates freezing well.

Before laying in the freezer, the fruits are thoroughly washed, cleaned of fluff. Then cut in half, remove the core and seeds, cut into slices.

In this case, shock freezing is well suited. Fruit slices are placed in a plastic bag, all the air is released, tied tightly and placed in the freezer.

After complete freezing - after about a day, the fruits are transferred to a container, covered with a lid and put back in the freezer. In this form, quince will be stored for a whole year until the next harvest.

Drying from quince is perfectly preserved

It is not worth storing it longer, because over time, the fruits freeze out and become dry. Take out such a product in small portions: after defrosting, fruits cannot be put back in the freezer. A product frozen twice loses its taste and benefits.

How to save seeds

After the fruit slices are sent for storage in the freezer, you have seeds left that should not be thrown away. They can be used to grow a new tree in the spring.

Seeds of Japanese or common quince are sprinkled with wet sand, placed in a plastic bag, air is released and tied tightly. Placed in the lowest section of the refrigerator. In this state, the seeds can stay from 2 to 3 months.

With the onset of spring, you can plant them in a nutrient mixture and get new plants.

In the process of stratification, seeds should be regularly inspected for the appearance of rot or mold: damaged ones should be removed.

It is also worth controlling the moisture content of the sand. As it dries, it is moistened with a spray bottle.

in the cellar

Storage in the cellar is one of the most common ways. Moreover, one or even two refrigerators with freezers will not be enough to preserve the entire crop.

The best place to store a large crop

For successful storage of quince indoors, an appropriate microclimate should be provided:

  • stable temperature regime without sudden changes (within 3-4 °С);
  • high humidity - 70-80%;
  • the possibility of airing the room (presence of ventilation).

Fruit preparation

First, it is worth culling damaged, cut or rotten fruits, which can provoke spoilage of good fruits.

Each fruit is wiped with a dry cloth. Do not wash fruits, as this way of processing you will shorten their shelf life.

Storage in a wax or oil shell involves preliminary cleaning and washing of the fruit.

You can pack fruits in both cardboard and wooden boxes. The container is best suited, inside it is divided into cells or compartments.

You can save quince in foil or paper - each fruit is wrapped separately. Some gardeners sprinkle fruits with sawdust or lay fruits in layers, shifting each layer with thick paper.

The fruits are laid out in layers, between which lies paper

During such storage, the condition of the quince should be regularly monitored. Spoiled fruits are removed and used.

Quince does not tolerate the neighborhood of a pear, as this fruit contains essential oils, which, when released, contribute to the early ripening of quince. It is good to store quince mixed with apples.

storage for maturation

If you have planned the storage of quince at home, remember that only ripe fruits are laid for long-term storage.

In order for the quince to ripen, you should ensure one condition for this - a stable temperature regime within 23-25 ​​° C. Another important condition is the absence of drafts and direct sunlight. Then the green quince after harvesting will ripen evenly and will be distinguished by especially juicy and tasty pulp.

Green quince ripens in an apartment at this temperature for about two weeks. Then it can be transferred to a cool place - a refrigerator, basement or cellar.

At lower temperatures, quince at home will not ripen. At best, it will remain the same as it was when it was laid, at worst, it will begin to rot.


Quince storage at home is carried out in several ways. It all depends on the condition of the fruit, the planned shelf life and the method you prefer. Using one of the storage methods described above, you will provide your family with a tasty and juicy harvest of fruits for a long time.

Many gardeners grow quince in their backyards. A tree that produces fruits resembling an apple in appearance is very popular among gardeners - with its help you can perfectly green the site and in the fall there are many chances to get a good harvest of delicious fruits. But, having collected a quince, each owner of a quince tree thinks about what to do so that the harvest is preserved until next autumn.

In order for quince to be stored for a long time, certain conditions are needed to allow the fruit to lie all winter and not start to rot. There are ways to help preserve quince at least until the spring of next year - we will talk about them.

Rules for collecting quince

Quince looks very similar to an apple - the same round and yellow-lemon color. Although there are varieties and pear-shaped. The fruit ripens late - after autumn frosts. The first and main condition that allows you to store the harvested crop for a long time is to harvest the fruits correctly:

  1. It is necessary to pick the fruit from the tree carefully and carefully, so that neither the skin nor the pulp is damaged.
  2. When collecting quince, it is better to put it either on the grass, or, if a bucket acts as a container, then it is better to lay out the bottom with paper.
  3. It is better to remove fruit from a tree in the late morning - by that time the dew has completely dried up.
  4. Harvest should be done when the weather is dry and sunny. Otherwise, wet fruit will rot and spoil.

The fruits that have fallen and lie under the tree must be processed first of all, otherwise they can quickly deteriorate and disappear.

Purchased quince

Not everyone has the opportunity to grow quince on the site and wait for the harvest. However, this is not a problem at all, because it is not difficult to buy quince in the market or in any of the many shops.

It is best to buy quince in the second half of October - early November, when the fruit ripens and is removed from the tree. When choosing, you must carefully observe the following rules:

  1. The fruit should have a smooth and smooth skin, without bruises, scratches, rotten and moldy areas, otherwise it will not be stored for a very long time.
  2. When choosing fruits, you need to focus on color - it should be rich lemon or yellow. This color indicates maturity.
  3. It is best to choose fruits of large or at least medium sizes - often small quince is sour, tasteless and dry.

Is it possible to store quince at home so that it does not lose its taste for a long time, acquires freshness and does not lose juiciness? You can, here's what you need:

  1. The storage location should always be maintained at a temperature of three to four degrees Celsius.
  2. It is best if the room is humid, it is desirable to maintain a high level of humidity - up to 85 percent.
  3. It is desirable that sunlight does not penetrate into the storage room, it is better if the room is completely dark.

Cold storage

If you choose a refrigerator for storing quince, then the fruit in it retains juiciness for a long time, remains just as tasty and does not rot for a long time. Fruits are stored at the very bottom of the refrigerator - in vegetable boxes. There are just all the necessary conditions that allow you to store the product - the right temperature (3-5 degrees), darkness and quite a lot of humidity.

For longer storage, do not be lazy, but wrap each fruit in a paper or foil wrapper. Then the fruits will lie without harm to themselves for 70 days. If the temperature in the refrigerator is lowered and brought to zero degrees, then the quince will last much longer - more than four months. Accordingly, when the temperature rises, it will not be stored for so long.

In the cold

If quince fruits are frozen, they lose their hardness, become softer and less astringent. The fruits of the quince tree can tolerate freezing quite well, so they are often stored in freezers.

Before putting quince there, the fruits must be thoroughly washed, cleaned of fluff. Then they are cut into two halves, the seeds and core are removed from them, and the halves are cut into slices. For long-term storage, they resort to shock freezing, it is done as follows: cut fruits are put into polyethylene bags, air is released from there, tied well and put in the freezer.

After 20-24 hours, when the fruits are completely frozen, they are taken out of the bags and placed in a container, which, having closed the lid, is placed again in the frost. Frozen quince can stand for a long time - until next autumn, until a new crop appears.

It is advisable to eat it before this time, since in a year the fruits are completely frozen out, losing their juiciness and becoming dry. It is advisable to sort the fruit in such a way that it can be taken out in small portions, because it is undesirable to freeze the thawed quince again - it will become completely tasteless and completely lose all the qualities that are considered useful.

How to store seeds

After sending the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits to the freezer, the seeds taken out of the fruit remain. Zealous owners leave them and store them until spring comes, in order to plant them in the ground and grow a new tree.

Seeds are placed in wet sand, all this is poured into a bag, air is removed from it, and then tied. The bag can be placed in the same vegetable and fruit box, where the seeds will survive well until spring. With the onset of spring heat, they are planted in a nutrient mixture and germinated.

Seeds from time to time need to be inspected and checked to see if rotting or mold has begun, spoiled ones should be thrown away immediately. You also need to watch how wet the sand is. Seeing that it has dried up, it can be moistened using a spray bottle.

How to store in the cellar

For owners of a cellar, garage or basement, storage in this room would be a very good solution, because it is impossible to fit everything in a refrigerator or freezer.

In order for the quince to survive the winter normally in the cellar, it is necessary to create a microclimate, described somewhat above. That is:

  1. Constant temperature regime without fluctuations and drops, so that the temperature varies at a level of plus 3-5 degrees.
  2. High stable humidity - 70-85 percent.
  3. The ability to ventilate the room so that the air does not stagnate, but is replaced.

Preparing for storage

  1. You need to start by selecting low-quality fruits - fruits that contain damage, cuts or signs of decay can provoke good quality fruits to inevitable deterioration.
  2. Each of the fruits is wiped with a piece of dry cloth. You do not need to wash the fruit at all - this significantly reduces the storage time.
  3. It will be useful to pack the fruits in boxes made of wood or cardboard. It is desirable that the container has cells or compartments.
  4. It has already been said that you can wrap each fruit with foil and paper. Other experienced gardeners pour sawdust between the fruits or lay quince in several layers, interspersing each of them with paper.
  5. During storage, it is sometimes necessary to sort out fruits, looking for spoiled fruits - they should immediately be removed and eaten.
  6. Another point is the neighborhood with other fruits. So, it is undesirable to store quince next to a pear, because it releases essential oils that provoke the early ripening of quince. The best neighbors are apples.

Storage for fruit to ripen

If it is planned to store quince at home, then it must be remembered that only fruits that have reached ripeness can be stored for a long time. It is for ripe ripe fruits that all the conditions and rules are given above.

If the quince is harvested unripe, then in order for it to reach an edible condition, an important condition is needed - a constant temperature of 23 to 25 degrees. If the temperature is lower, then the quince will not ripen. Or it will remain in the cellar the same green, or it will begin to deteriorate.

And it is important - there should be no drafts and rays of the Sun falling on the fruit, it is better that the place is dark. Then the quince will ripen evenly, and the pulp will be juicy and pleasant to the taste. To achieve ripeness, it takes 10-12 days, then the fruit must either be eaten immediately or put away for storage.

Quince can be stored in several ways - it all depends on the condition of the fruits and the shelf life. Using any of the described methods, you can provide your family with tasty fruits for a long time for the winter period.

Video: the process of preserving quince for the winter

Greetings, dear readers!

Autumn is a fertile time, giving us an abundance of healing fruits. Quince is a woody plant of the Rosaceae family, growing in the Mediterranean countries, in Asia, most of Europe, in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, as well as in both parts of America and in Australia.

Quince bears fruit with false apples of a spherical or pear-shaped yellow color. Let's talk about useful properties of quince and its application.

The pulp of the fruit has a strong pleasant aroma and a tough structure with many stony cells. The taste of quince is sweetish and at the same time tart-astringent. Unlike related pear and apple trees, fresh ripe fruits are not suitable for consumption and are even considered bad food for the intestines. But after cooking (compote, jam, jelly, jam), the pulp acquires an amazing sweet taste. Soft drinks are prepared from quince and used as a flavoring additive to meat dishes.

Composition of quince fruit

All parts of the plant - fruits, leaves, seeds, bark, young shoots, color are widely used in medical practice. Ripe fruits contain sugars, tannins, protopectin compounds, organic acids, fiber, antioxidants, essential oils, compounds of copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and calcium. The vitamin composition of quince is represented by beta-carotene, retinol, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin PP.

Useful properties of quince. Application in traditional medicine

Boiled grated fruits are prescribed by traditional medicine doctors for liver diseases. In the presence of cracks in the anus and the problem of prolapse of the rectum, lotions from the pulp or juice of fruits are considered one of the most effective remedies. Tea from seeds or pieces of fruit helps to stop bleeding, including uterine bleeding.

Baked or boiled quince pulp is recommended for use during toxicosis in pregnant women as an antiemetic. Fruit juice has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, its inclusion in the diet is advisable for patients suffering from respiratory diseases, including bronchial asthma. Freshly squeezed quince juice is prescribed for infertility, both female and male.

The diuretic and astringent properties of quince make it an indispensable product in the treatment of cystitis. Also, the fruits are useful for edema of cardiac and renal origin, pyelitis, nephrosis, nephritis. Due to the high content of iron and copper, fruits are successfully used to treat anemia, especially in combination with buckwheat, forest, alpine or sunflower.

Quince has a choleretic, antimicrobial, hematopoietic, cleansing, antioxidant, antiulcer, tonic, tonic effect on the body. The fruits are prescribed for food in case of poisoning of the body with heavy metals, since the cleansing properties of quince are much stronger than apricots. For a long time, with the help of fruits, diseases of the digestive tract have been healed.

Quince blanks for the winter

Freezing quince

The easiest way to save quince until the next harvest is to freeze it. In modern freezers, there is a very useful Express Freeze function, with the help of which fruit slices are cooled sharply, retaining a maximum of useful substances in the pulp.

The fruits are washed with water, washing off the villi from the surface, dried on a kitchen towel, cut into 4 parts, seed boxes are removed, chopped into medium-sized cubes, laid out in plastic bags, air is pumped out of them (this process can be carried out not only using a special device, but and a regular straw for cocktails) and put in the freezer, turning on the quick freeze mode.

Compotes, jelly, jelly are prepared from such quince, it is boiled and baked for medicinal purposes all year round. Also, frozen quince is a great seasoning for chicken. To prepare a spicy and appetizing bird with sourness according to the Uzbek recipe, it is coated with seasonings and salt (hot pepper or paprika, powdered coriander and cumin seeds), stuffed with frozen quince cubes (in the absence of fresh fruit), wrapped in foil and sent to a heated up to a temperature of 200 ° C oven for 1.5 hours.

Quince jam

For 3 kg of ripe fruit, you will need 1.5 kg of granulated sugar, 0.6 liters of drinking water and a coffee spoon of citric acid.

The washed fruits are divided into 4 parts to remove the seeds and the stony layer, cut into beautiful slices, poured with syrup (dilute the sugar with water in an enamel pan and bring to a boil), and boil after boiling for a quarter of an hour. Cool the jam and repeat the cooking procedure 2 more times. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, citric acid is added to the sweet mass. Hot jam is laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up with lids. The jam is stored at room temperature.

Pickled quince

Not 4 kg of mature quince you will need 1.35 kg of sugar, 2 liters of water, 260 ml of table vinegar (9%), a pinch of vanilla powder.

Rinse the fruits, cut into quarters, remove the seeds with a knife, cut into slices, send to a boiling marinade (sugar, water, vinegar, vanilla), boil for 10-12 minutes over low heat, remove the fruit with a slotted spoon and put in sterilized jars. Continue boiling the marinade until the volume is reduced by about half. Pour the quince slices with boiling liquid, sterilize the jars for 10 minutes and roll up the lids. Pickled quince is stored at room temperature or in the cellar.


All parts of the plant are contraindicated in patients suffering from chronic constipation and pleurisy. It is undesirable to use quince and dishes from it for speakers, singers, teachers, lecturers, since the pulp is harmful to the vocal cords and throat.

Prepare quince for the winter using our recipes, and you can fully enjoy the extraordinary taste and use all useful properties of quince for the human body. Be healthy! See you!

A rare housewife does not freeze the summer gifts of nature for the winter. Such thrift is due to our geography, because during cold weather, it is fruits and vegetables from the freezer that become a rich source of vitamins. What you need to know about the correct freezing of fruits, and what conditions must be observed when subjecting plums, peaches, apricots and quinces to it?

Can fruits be frozen?

Experts disagree on this issue. Some doctors believe that any preservation not only destroys all vitamins, but also adversely affects the health of the person who consumes such products. Is it so? Of course not.

Freezing is the safest way to store food. At low temperatures, fruits and vegetables retain all their benefits, and after defrosting they remain fresh and healthy, unlike their canned counterparts.

Important: any fruit, even frozen, has its own expiration date, so it is better to eat them before the next harvest. During the year, they retain the maximum amount of vitamins, and with longer storage, their amount rapidly decreases, decreasing to 30 percent by the end of the second year. As a last resort, from fruits whose expiration date is coming to an end, you can cook jam or compote.

Easy Freeze Fruit Recipe

The most popular sweet on the site of any summer resident is strawberries. Every child, and even an adult, dreams of eating this berry not only at the beginning of summer, but also in winter. Although it can be very capricious to freeze, but if you get used to it, you will have on hand a shock portion of vitamins A, B and C all year round.

Frozen berries are a great alternative for people who don't want to ruin their teeth with jam or jam. In winter, they can be consumed as part of fruit salads, with ice cream or added to fresh juices.

Freezing strawberries

Time for preparing: 20 minutes

Servings: 10

The energy value

For 100 g of finished product:

  • calories - 41 kcal;
  • proteins - 0.8 g;
  • fats - 0.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 7.0 g.


  • strawberries - 1 kg.

Important: for freezing, choose only ripe and whole fruits that, when defrosted, will not lose their presentation. Overripe and mashed berries are best used for jam or eaten immediately. In this case, your homemade blanks will meet all the requirements of GOST.

Step by step cooking

  1. Berries must first be prepared for freezing: cleaned of leaves, stalks and dirt. We remove the “weak link” in the form of overripe or crushed berries immediately. Many advise washing only purchased berries, but for safety, it is worth rinsing under running water and homemade.
  2. Prepare a flat plate or a small baking sheet that will fit into the freezer.
  3. Peel the strawberries from the tails and lay the berries in a row with the tip up, gradually filling the entire container.
  4. Put the strawberries in the freezer. When it freezes, then you can put a baking sheet on top with the next batch of fruit. Thanks to this, the problem of lack of space in the freezer disappears.

Advice: if you are losing weight and do not want to spend time defrosting and processing berries, then try smashing fresh strawberries in a blender and then pouring them into an unnecessary plastic bottle. In winter, it will be possible to cut it off in parts and eat it as a diet sorbet.

Strawberries and dessert from it can be safely stored in the freezer for 1 year. When defrosting, it is better to put the strawberries in the refrigerator, as if they are thawed unevenly, they can become deformed.

Freezing quince

The yellow apple came to us from the Caucasus and immediately won the love of many connoisseurs of foreign fruits. Due to its exquisite taste and pleasant smell during flowering, quince has become widespread. Jam is made from quince, jams and compotes are made to take a piece of summer into the cold. But you can save vitamins and ordinary freezing.


Servings: - +

  • quince 1 kg

per serving

Calories: 48 kcal

Proteins: 0.5 g

Fats: 0.6 g

Carbohydrates: 9.6 g

30 minutes. Video recipe Print

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Posh! Gotta fix it

In winter, quince can be used to make compotes, pies or meat, cook delicious jams or marmalade. The fruit has practically no contraindications, so you can eat it without harm to health.

Freezing plums

Only a lazy person does not talk about the benefits of plums: this fruit cleanses the entire gastrointestinal tract well, removes salts and excess fluid from the body. It also helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, lowering cholesterol levels, and has a calming effect.

If you have a predisposition to vascular diseases or you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then you simply have to fall in love with plums. A banal frost will help to stay on good terms with her in winter.

Advice: only mature intact fruits with hard pulp are subject to storage. Soft and overripe plums will deform and become watery when defrosted.

Time for preparing: 30 minutes

Servings: 10

The energy value

For 100 g of finished product:

  • calories - 41 kcal;
  • proteins - 0.8 g;
  • fats - 0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9.9 g.


  • plum - 1 kg.

Step by step cooking

  1. Prepare plums for freezing: separate them from the stalks, rinse thoroughly.
  2. If you are afraid that there may be worms inside, then it is better to freeze the fruit by removing the stone and making sure that the plums are clean.
  3. If the fruits are soft, and you know for sure that the bone will not separate well, freeze whole.
  4. Put the washed plums on a paper towel and dry a little so that during the freezing process they do not let the juice out and stick together.
  5. Put the fruit halves on a tray or plate with the cut side up, and then hide in the freezer.
  6. After a few hours, when the plums are frozen, they must be taken out, carefully removed from the tray and poured into one bag for final freezing.

Advice: soft plums can be twisted and frozen whole with sugar to use as a pie filling or drink with hot chocolate in winter.

At low temperatures, plum and dessert from it are stored for quite a long time, but it is better to use the workpiece until the next harvest. Otherwise, the nutritional value of the expired product will be significantly lower.

How to freeze peaches?

If you cannot imagine life without this juicy and fragrant fruit, then do not despair: you can enjoy peaches in winter, because after freezing, fruits practically do not lose their beneficial properties.

It is best to process dense, sweet fruits that do not deform when defrosted, such as Belle of Georgia. In winter, you can eat fruits just like that or cook compotes, preserves, jams. There are many videos on the Internet with recipes for using frozen peaches in baking.

Time for preparing: 20 minutes

Servings: 10

The energy value

For 100 g of finished product:

  • calories - 45.2 kcal;
  • proteins - 0.9 g;
  • fats - 0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 10.4 g.


  • peaches - 1 kg.

Step by step cooking

  1. Thoroughly wash the fruits and remove the stalks. If the peaches have a “fluffy” skin, then it is better to remove it. To do this, we make cruciform cuts on the fruits and send them to blanched in boiling water for a few seconds. After that, the skin can be easily removed. Be careful not to overcook the peaches.
  2. Cut the fruit in half, remove the stone. It is better to freeze peaches in halves or slices so that they do not take up much space in the freezer and defrost quickly.
  3. We spread the chopped peaches on a flat tray, which we first cover with polyethylene or parchment.
  4. We send the fruits to the freezer for several hours so that they freeze. Thanks to the litter, they will easily separate from each other, even if they let the juice go.
  5. After a few hours, we take out the peaches, carefully remove them from the tray and pour them into one bag. We release excess air and put in the chamber until completely frozen.

Advice: It is best to defrost peaches in the refrigerator, as they absorb moisture well. If you do not want to get watery and tasteless fruits, then defrost responsibly.

Thawed fruits are best consumed immediately and not re-frozen. The fruits are well separated from each other, so you can get a small portion at any time, for making jam or baking a pie.

Freezing Secrets

  1. For storage, use only fresh, dense fruits without signs of decay. If you neglect the advice, then after defrosting you will get deformed and watery fruits.
  2. Nutritionists advise freezing fruits and berries without sugar, so that later they can be added to meat or used as a light snack.
  3. Do not be too lazy to put fruits and berries on a polyethylene or parchment flooring. This will help to easily separate them in case they let the juice flow.
  4. Place a note in your frozen food bag with the time, date, and estimated expiration dates.
  5. So that fruits and berries do not have time to release juice, freeze very quickly, without being distracted by other things.
  6. Do not leave fruits in the freezer near smelly foods, herbs, potatoes, and meats. Such a neighborhood will have a bad effect not only on the smell, but also on the taste of your dessert.
  7. For storage, it is best to use a separate freezer, but a household refrigerator with a freezer will work as long as you do not re-freeze the food.

How long does frozen fruit keep?

If you approach the issue logically, then eternity. But after all, no one wants a plum lying in the freezer since 2005 as a dead weight. So if you have a small camera, then focus on variety. It is better to prepare 5 types of fruits and berries than to fill the freezer with apricots alone, and after a few months you don’t want to see them in any dish.

In addition, after a year, the amount of vitamins and other nutrients in frost begins to decline rapidly. Therefore, the benefit of long-term storage is highly questionable.

How to store frozen fruits?

If you observed the freezing conditions and pre-frozen the fruits, then there will be no problems with further storage. Fruits will easily detach from plastic and polyethylene, so you can safely store them in a regular bag.

For freezing, use only clean containers, try to close them tightly and release excess air, as a peach, for example, has a habit of darkening even in the freezer. Properly frozen fruits and berries can be used to make puree even for babies, because they will retain all the useful substances.

When preparing supplies for the winter, someone prefers to process fruits into jams, jams and compotes, adding a lot of sugar, while someone remains a fan of fresh berries. If you are on a diet or watching your figure, then you will not have to spend money on store-bought oranges in winter to replenish your vitamin balance. Summer supplies will come to the rescue. It is enough to look into the refrigerator and find fresh strawberries or quince there.

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