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salic truth


The Salic Truth (Lex Salica) is a record of the ancient judicial customs of the Salic Franks, who settled on the territory of Roman Gaul and created in the 5th-6th centuries. the largest barbarian kingdom in Western Europe. The Salic Truth is not the only collection of barbarian laws, and in terms of the time they were written, it is not even the most ancient. But this collection is the most complete, which has come down to us in many lists and versions of earlier and later times, and is most archaic in content. In the Salic truth, except for the bad, barbarized Latin language and accounts for Roman solids and denarii, in essence, the Roman influence is almost completely absent. Before us is the ancient German law, in some details directly reminiscent of the features of life and customs that existed among the ancient Germans several hundred years before their invasion of the Roman Empire and were once described by Julius Caesar and Tacitus.

Reconciled according to the edition: Salic truth. M., Sample. type of. them. Zhdanova, 1950. (Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Lenin. Scientific notes, vol. LXII). Translation by N.P. Gratsiansky.

I. Summons

1. If someone is called to court (ad mallum) according to the laws of the king, and does not appear, he is awarded 600 denarii, which is 15 solidi.

2. If someone, having called another to judgment, does not himself appear, and if he is not detained by any legal obstacle, he is sentenced to payment of 15 Sol. in favor of whomever he calls to court.

3. And the one who summons another to judgment, accompanied by witnesses, must come to his house, and if the latter is absent, must call his wife or someone from his household so that they inform him of the summons to judgment.

4. If (the defendant) is engaged in the performance of royal service, he cannot be summoned to court.

5. If he is outside the parish on his own business, he may be summoned to court, as mentioned above.

II. About stealing pigs

1. If someone steals a suckling pig and is caught, he is awarded 120 denier, which is 3 sols.

Approx. 1st. If someone steals a pig in the third (inner) barn, he is awarded 15 Sol., not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 2nd. If someone steals a piglet from a locked barn, he is awarded 45 sols.

2. If someone steals a pig that can live without a mother and is caught, he is awarded 40 den., which is 1 sol.

3. If someone thieves strikes a pregnant pig (the result of which is a miscarriage), and is caught, he is awarded 280 den., Which is 7 Sol.

Approx. 3rd. If someone steals a pig with piglets, 700 deniers are awarded, which is 17 1/2 sols.

4. If someone steals a one-year-old pig and is caught, he is awarded 120 den, which is 3 sols, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

5. If someone steals a two-year-old pig, 600 den. is awarded, which is 15 sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

6. The same fine must be paid for the theft of two pigs under appropriate conditions.

7. If someone steals three or more pigs, 1,400 deniers are awarded, which is 35 soles, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

8. If someone steals a piglet from the herd, 600 deniers are awarded, which is 15 Sol.

9. If someone steals a castrated piglet under the age of 1 year, 120 den. is awarded, which is 3 sols.

10. If someone steals a piglet older than 1 year old, he is awarded 600 deniers, which is 15 sols, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

11. If someone steals a boar or a pig leading a herd, 700 deniers are awarded, which is 17 1/2 soles, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

12. If anyone steals a dedicated boar, and that it was an initiate can be proven by witnesses, 700 denier is awarded, which is 17 1/2 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

13. If the boar was not initiated, 15 Sol.

Approx. 4th. If someone steals 15 pigs from the herd, 35 Sol.

14. If someone steals 25 pigs, and nothing else remains in the herd, and is caught, he is awarded for stealing the whole herd to pay 2500 den., Which is 62 Sol.

15. If unstolen pigs remain in the herd, 1,400 den.

16. If 50 pigs are stolen, and if there are still some left, 2,500 den.

III. On the theft of horned animals

1. If someone steals a milk calf and is caught, he is awarded 120 denier, which is 3 sols.

2. If someone steals a one-year-old or two-year-old animal, and is caught, he is awarded 600 deniers, which is 15 sols.

3. If someone steals an ox or a cow with a calf, 1400 den. is awarded for payment, which is 35 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone steals a cow without a calf, he is sentenced to pay 30 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 2nd. If someone steals a domestic cow, he is sentenced to pay 35 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

4. If someone steals a bull that leads a herd and has never been under a yoke, 1800 den. is awarded, which is 45 Sol.

5. If this bull served the cows of three villas, the thief pays three times 45 sols.

Approx. 4th. If someone steals the royal bull, 3,600 deniers are awarded, which is 90 sols, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

6. If someone steals 12 animals, and not a single one remains (in the herd), he is awarded for the theft of the entire herd to pay 2500 den., Which is 63 Sol., not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 5th. If, besides these 12 animals, some remain, 35 Sol. is awarded, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

7. If someone steals up to 25 animals, and if there are still some left, 2500 den. is awarded, which is 63 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

IV. About stealing sheep

1. If someone steals a milk lamb and is caught, he is awarded 7 deniers, which is half a third of the solidus.

2. If someone steals a one-year-old or two-year-old ram, he is awarded 120 den, which is 3 sols, not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

3. If someone steals 3 rams, 1400 dens are awarded for payment, which is 35 sols. The same fine should be applied in case of theft and more, up to 40 rams.

4. If someone steals 40 or more rams, he is awarded for the theft of the entire herd to pay 2500 den, which is 63 sols, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

V. About stealing goats

1. If someone steals 3 goats and is caught, he is awarded 120 den, which is 3 sols, not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

2. If someone steals more than 3, he is awarded 600 den., which is 15 soles, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 1st. If someone steals a goat, 15 Sol. is awarded, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

VI. About dog theft

1. If someone leads away or kills a hunting dog, 600 denier is awarded, which is 15 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone steals a hound (greyhound?) dog, he is awarded 600 den, which is 15 sols, not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 2nd. Whoever kills after sunset a dog familiar with the chain is subject to the above penalty.

2. If someone steals or kills a shepherd's dog, 120 den. is awarded, which is 3 sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.


The most important source of our knowledge about the social and state system of the Franks during the Merovingian period, and partly the Carolingian period, is the Salic Truth (Lex Salica), compiled at the turn of the 5th-6th centuries. during the reign of Clovis (481-511). It is a record of the judicial customs of the Salic Franks. Other German tribes (Burgundians, Allemans, Ripuarian Franks, Visigoths, Bavarians, Thuringians, Saxons) also had such collections of judicial customs. All these "barbaric truths" (Leges barbarorum) are composed according to a casuistic pattern, without any strict system. The Salic Pravda, as well as similar monuments, lists individual offenses and the fines that were due for them. The Salic Truth is one of the most ancient truths.

There are several editions of the Salic Truth text. The original text of this monument has not been preserved. The versions that have come down to us are compilations and are abbreviated or expanded (by "adding") processing of the disappeared ancient text.

The text of the translation of the Salic Pravda given below is given with slight abbreviations according to the edition: Salicheskaya Pravda, translated by N. P. Gratsiansky, edited by V. F. Semenov, M., 1950. Brief footnotes to the Russian translation are borrowed from the same edition.



§ one. If anyone is called to court (ad mallum) ( Mallus - the local people's judicial assembly among the Franks) no to the laws of the king, and does not appear, is awarded for payment of 600 den., which is 15 sol. ( Solid - a gold coin; denarius - a silver coin equal to 1/40 solid).

§ 2. But if someone, having called another to judgment, does not himself appear, and if he is not detained by any legal obstacle, he is awarded the payment of 15 Sol., in favor of the one whom he calls to judgment.

§ 3. And the one who calls another to court, accompanied by witnesses, must come to his house, and if the latter is absent, he must call his wife or someone from his household so that they inform him of the summons to court.

§ four. If (the defendant) is busy with the performance of royal service, he cannot be summoned to court.

§ 5. If he is outside the parish ( Pag (pagus) is a small judicial-administrative district. The term was also used to refer to a larger unit - a district ruled by a count) on his personal business, he may be summoned to court, as mentioned above.


§ one. If someone steals a suckling pig and is caught, he is awarded 120 deniers, which is 3 sols.

§ four. If someone steals a one-year-old pig and is caught, he is awarded 120 den, which is 3 sols, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

§ 5. If someone steals a two-year-old pig, 600 deniers are awarded, which is 15 sols, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

§ 7. If someone steals three or more pigs, he is awarded 1,400 den., which is 35 soles, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

§ eleven. If someone steals a boar or a pig leading a herd, 700 deniers are awarded, which is 17

1/2 sol., not counting the value of the stolen goods and compensation for damages.

§ fourteen. If someone steals 25 pigs, and nothing else remains in the herd, and is caught, he is awarded for stealing the entire herd to pay 2,500 den., Which is 62 Sol.


§ one. If someone steals a dairy calf and is caught, he is awarded 120 deniers, which is 3 sols.

§ 2. If someone steals a one-year-old or two-year-old animal and is caught, he is awarded 600 deniers, which is 15 sols.

§ 3. If someone steals an ox or a cow with a calf, 1,400 deniers are awarded, which is 35 Sol.

§ four. If someone steals a bull leading a herd and has never been under a yoke, he is awarded 1,800 deniers, which is 45 sols.

§ 6. If someone steals 12 animals and not a single one remains (in the herd), he is awarded for the theft of the entire herd to pay 2,500 den.


§ one. If someone leads away or kills a hunting dog, 600 denier is awarded, which is 15 Sol.

§ 2. If someone steals or kills a shepherd's dog, 120 den.


§ one. If anyone finds horned animals in his field, or a horse, or some small livestock, he should not beat him to mutilation. If he does this and confesses, he is obliged to reimburse the cost, and take the mutilated cattle for himself. If he does not confess and is convicted, he is awarded 600 denier, which is 15 sols, not counting the cost and compensation for damages.

§ 2. If someone, having found someone else's cattle in his field without a shepherd, drives it and does not tell anyone about it at all, and if any cattle dies, he compensates the cost, as in the case of theft, and, in addition, is awarded 1,400 den. is 35 Sol.

§ four. If someone's pigs or someone's cattle run into someone else's field, and the owner of the animals, despite the denial, is caught, he is awarded 600 den., Which is 15 Sol.


§ one. If someone steals a slave, horse or draft animal, 1,200 denier is awarded, which is 30 Sol.


§ one. If one of the freemen steals outside the house for 2 den., 600 den. is awarded, which is 15 Sol.

§ 3. If a free person, having arranged a burglary, steals for 2 den. and be convicted, is awarded the payment of 15 Sol.

§ 5. If, on the other hand, he breaks open the lock or picks up the key and, having thus entered the house, steals something from there, he is awarded 1,800 denier, which is 45 sols, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.


§ one. If a slave steals outside the house for 2 days, he returns the stolen and compensates for the damage, and, in addition, prostrate (on the bench) receives 120 lashes.

§ 2. If he steals 40 denier, he is either castrated or pays 6 sols. And the master of the slave who committed the theft compensates the plaintiff both for the cost of the stolen goods and for the losses.


§ one. If three people kidnap a free girl, they must pay 30 Sol. each (

This refers to the kidnapping of a girl in order to marry her.).

§ 6. If the girl who is kidnapped ends up under the protection of the king, then for violation of fritus ( Fretus, fritus, fredus - refers to the violation of the royal peace. This term also refers to a fine or part of a fine due to the king.) is paid 2.500 den., which is 63 Sol.

§ 7. Royal slave or lit ( Lit - a semi-free man, whose position was approaching that of a future serf), who kidnapped a free woman, are guilty of death.

§ eight. If a free girl voluntarily follows a slave, she loses her freedom.

§ 9. A free man who takes someone else's slave suffers the same punishment.


§ one. If someone robs a free man by attacking him unexpectedly and is caught, he is awarded 2,500 denier, which is 63 Sol.

§ 2. If a Roman robs a Salic barbarian, the aforementioned law shall apply.

§ 3. If the franc robs a Roman, he is sentenced to a fine of 35 Sol.

§ 6. If someone attacks someone else's villa (

The term "villa" (villa) in the Salic Pravda is used in different places in an unequal sense. In this case, we are talking about a villa - a courtyard (maybe a farm). But in other places, the term "villa" clearly means a village), all convicted of this attack are awarded 63 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone attacks someone else's villa, breaks down doors there, kills dogs and injures people, or takes something out of there on a wagon, he is awarded 8,000 den., which is 200 sols.

Approx. 4th. If anyone robs a dead person before he is lowered into the ground and is caught, 4,000 denier, which is 100 sol.


§ 1. If someone takes the life of a free man or takes someone else's wife away from a living husband, he is awarded 8,000 den., Which is 200 Sol.


§ 2. If someone burns a house with outbuildings and is caught, he is awarded 2,500 den., which is 63 Sol.

§ 3. If someone burns a barn or barn with bread, he is awarded 2,500 den., which is 63 Sol.


§ one. If someone intends to take the life of another, but misses the blow and is convicted, he is awarded 2,500 den., Which is 63 Sol.

§ 2. If someone intends to hit another with a poisoned arrow, but misses and is caught, he is awarded 2,500 denier, which is 63 Sol.

§ 3. If someone hits another on the head so that the brain is revealed and 3 bones lying on top of the brain itself fall out, 1,200 deniers are awarded, which is 30 Sol.

§ four. If someone is wounded between the ribs or in the stomach, and it turns out that a wound appears and penetrates to the insides, 1,200 deniers are awarded, which is 30 sols, in addition to 5 sols. for treatment.

§ 6. If a freeman strikes a freeman with a stick, but in such a way that blood does not flow, then up to 3 blows for each blow are paid 120 den, which is 3 Sol.

§ eight. If someone hits another with a clenched fist, 360 den. is awarded, which is 9 sol., so that for each blow he pays 3 sol.


§ one. If someone accuses an innocent person before the king in the absence of the latter, he is awarded 2,500 den., which is 63 Sol.

Approx. 1st. And if he raises such a guilt on him, for which, if the accusation is confirmed, the death penalty follows, the accuser is sentenced to pay 8,000 den., Which is 200 sols.


§ one. If someone gives another to drink a decoction of herbs in order to kill him, he is awarded 200 sols.

Approx. 2nd. If any woman corrupts another so that she cannot have children, 62

1/2 Sol.


§ one. If any free man seizes a free woman by the hand, by the hand or by the finger and is convicted, he is awarded 15 sols.

§ 3. And if he grabs his hand above the elbow, he is awarded 1,400 den, which is 35 Sol.


§ one. If someone takes the life of a boy up to 10 years old inclusive and is convicted, he is awarded 24,000 den., which is 600 sols.

§ 2. If someone takes the life of a long-haired boy, 600 sols are awarded.

§ four. If someone takes the life of a child in the womb before he receives a name, and this is proved, he is awarded 4,000 den., which is 100 Sol.

Approx. 2nd. If someone dares to cut a free long-haired boy without the consent of his parents and is caught, he is awarded 1,800 den., which is 45 Sol.

§ 6. Whoever takes the life of a free woman after she has begun to have children, is awarded 24,000 denier, which is 600 sol.

§ 7. But if someone takes away the life (of a free woman) after she can no longer have children, 8,000 deniers are awarded, which is 200 Sol.


§ one. If any free person, in the presence of the king, through a denarius, releases someone else's litas without the consent of the latter's master and is convicted, he is awarded 4,000 deniers, which is 100 sols. The things of the litas must be returned to their rightful master.

§ 2. If someone, in the presence of the king, releases another's slave through a denarius and is convicted, he is awarded the cost of the slave to the master and, in addition, 35 Sol.


§ one. If someone steals a bell from the leader of someone else's pig herd and is caught, he is awarded 600 den, which is 15 sols, not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

§ 6. If someone breaks into someone else's garden for the purpose of stealing, he is awarded 600 den.

§ ten. If someone mows someone else's meadow, he loses his work.

§ eleven. And if, in addition, he takes the hay to his house and stores it there, he is awarded 1,800 denier, which is 45 sols, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

§ 12. If he steals only as much as he can carry on his back, 3 sols are awarded for payment.

§ eighteen. If someone steals someone else's firewood from someone else's forest, he is awarded for payment 3 Sol.

Section 24. If someone plows someone else's field without the permission of the owner, he is awarded 15 sols.

Section 25. If someone sows it, he is awarded 1,800 den., which is 45 Sol.


§ one. If someone bribes another to commit theft and is caught, he is awarded 2,500 denier, which is 63 Sol.


§ one. If someone mutilates the arm or leg of another, deprives him of his eye or nose, he is awarded 4,000 denier, which is 100 Sol.

§ 2. If he has this mutilated hand hanging, he is awarded 2,500 den., Which is 63 Sol.

Approx. 4th. If someone plucks out another's eye, he is awarded 62

1/2 Sol.

Approx. 5th. If the nose is torn off, 1,800 denier is awarded, which is 45 soles.

Approx. 6th. If he tears off his ear, he is awarded 45 sols.

§ 3. If someone tears off the thumb on the hand or on the foot, 2,000 denier is awarded, which is 50 Sol.

§ four. If this mutilated finger hangs in the same place, 1,200 denier is awarded, which is 30 Sol.

§ 5. If someone tears off the second finger, the one with which the bow is pulled, is awarded 1,400 den., Which is 35 Sol.

Approx. 10th. If someone damages another's tongue so that he will not be able to speak, he is awarded 100 sols.

§ 9. If someone castrates a free man, he is awarded 8,000 deniers, which is 200 sols.


§ one. If someone calls another a freak, he is awarded 3 sols.

§ 3. If anyone - man or woman - calls a free woman a harlot and does not prove it, he is awarded 1,800 den., Which is 45 Sol.

§ 5. If someone calls another a hare, he is awarded 3 sols.

§ 6. If someone accuses another of having thrown (in battle) his shield, and cannot prove it, 120 deniers are awarded, which is 3 Sol.

§ 7. If someone calls another a scammer or a liar and cannot prove it, he is awarded 600 denier, which is 15 Sol.


§ one. If someone binds a free person without guilt, 1,200 deniers are awarded, which is 30 sols.


§ one. If someone cuts off 2 or 3 rods with which the fence is tied and restrained at the top, or breaks or tears out 3 stake, is awarded for payment of 600 den., which is 15 sol.


§ one. If any slave takes the life of a slave, let the masters divide the murderer among themselves.

§ 6. If someone steals or takes the life of a household servant, or a blacksmith, or a goldsmith, or a swineherd, or a vinedresser, or a groom, and is caught, he is awarded 1,200 den., Which is 30 Sol.


§ one. If anyone is killed by any domestic four-legged animal and this is proven by witnesses, the owner of the animal must pay half the vira. The animal itself goes to the plaintiff in compensation for the second half of the vira.


§ one. If someone loses an ox or a horse or any animal due to theft and, following the tracks, finds it within 3 days, and the one who leads it (the animal) declares that he bought or received it in exchange, walking on the trail must prove through third parties that (these) things (

Res - in this case in the sense of ownership. From the context it is clear that we are talking about stolen animals, and not about things in the usual sense of the word.) is his property. If the person looking for his things finds them already after 3 days, and the one from whom he finds them declares that he bought or received them in exchange, let him (the defendant) himself prove (to them) his right. If (a person) looking for cattle declares that he recognized him (his) and, despite the protest of that other, does not want to provide evidence through third parties, nor appoint a day for trial in accordance with the law and will be convicted of forcibly taking (an animal) , is awarded for payment of 1.200 den., which is 30 Sol.


§ one. If someone steals a draft horse and is caught, 1,800 den.

§ 2. If someone steals a stallion and is caught, he is awarded 1,800 denier, which is 45 Sol.


§ one. If someone decides to lure foreign slaves and is caught, he is awarded 600 den, which is 15 Sol.

§ 2. If someone kidnaps a free man and (against him) there is no true evidence, he must present the accomplices as if in murder; if he fails to find a juror, he is awarded 8,000 den., which is 200 Sol.


§ one. If an offense is committed for which a free man must pay a fine of 600 denier, or 15 sols, let the slave be laid out on a bench and receive 120 lashes.

§ 2. But if the slave, before being subjected to torture, confesses to an offense, the master of the slave, if he pleases, let him give 120 den., which is 3 Sol.

§ four. If the slave does not confess, and the torturer wishes to torture him further, even against the will of the master, then he must give the latter a pledge for the slave. If the slave after that is subjected to great torture and confesses, then one cannot give faith to his testimony against the master; and let the torturer keep the slave to himself; the master of the slave, having received a pledge for him, let him withhold the price of his slave from the pledge. If (a slave) confesses during the previous torture, that is, before receiving 120 strokes, he must be castrated or pay 6 Sol. And let the master of the servant compensate the plaintiff for the value of what was stolen.

§ 5. If the slave is guilty of a more serious crime, just such, for which a free man can be sentenced to the payment of 45 Sol., and if the slave himself confesses under torture, he is sentenced to death.

§ 6. If a slave is convicted of any crime, the plaintiff must exhort his master, if the latter is present, to hand over the slave for just torture; at the same time, the plaintiff must have rods ready, each of which should be equal in thickness to at least the little finger, and a bench on which the slave is to be laid out (for torture).

§ eleven. If, however, a slave is accused of such a crime for which the slave should be castrated, she is subject to a fine of 240 denier, which is 6 sols, if she pleases the master for her; otherwise, she must receive 144 lashes.


§ one. If someone takes the life of a free franc or a barbarian living according to the Salic law, and there are streets, he is awarded 8,000 den., Which is 200 Sol.

§ 3. If someone takes the life of a person in the royal service, or a free woman, he is awarded 24,000 denier, which is 600 sols.

§ 5. If someone takes the life of a Roman - a royal companion and is convicted, he is awarded 12,000 den., Which is 300 sols.


§ one. If someone, having gathered a crowd, attacks a free person in his house and takes his life there, and if the murdered was in the royal service, (the murderer) is awarded 72,000 den., which is 1,800 sols.


§ one. If someone, being in an assembly of 5 people, is deprived of his life by one of them, the rest must either betray the guilty person, or all must answer for the death of the murdered; the same law is observed in the case when there are 7 people in the assembly.


§ one. According to custom, it follows that (if) a person, dying, leaves a widow, and someone wishes to take her, then before he marries her, a tungin or centenary (

Tungin or centenary - centurion, head of a small administrative unit - "hundreds" (or "gau"), during the first Merovingians, still chosen by the population. In the future - appointed by the king or count) must appoint a court session, and at this session he must have a shield with him, and three people must file three claims. And then the one who wants to take a widow must have 3 equilibrium solids and 1 denarius. And there must be three who will weigh his solids; and if after that they agree, he can take (the widow in marriage).


§ one. If someone wants to move to a villa with another, and if one or more of the inhabitants of the villa want to accept him, but there is at least one who opposes the resettlement, he will not have the right to settle there.


§ one. (At the same time), the following must be observed: let the tungin or centenary appoint a judicial meeting, and at this meeting they must have (with them) a shield, and three people must file three claims. Then let them find a person who is not related to him (the testator) and to whom he (the testator) let him throw a stalk in the floor. And to the one in whose floor he throws the stem, let him declare his property, namely, how much he wants to transfer, whether everything and to whom. And the one in whose floor he throws the stem must remain in his house. And he must invite three or more guests and keep that part of the property that is entrusted to him. And after that, the one to whom it is entrusted must act with the assembled witnesses. Then, in the presence of the king or in a judicial assembly, let him take a stalk and throw it on the floor of those who were appointed heirs 12 months ago, and let him give property to those to whom it was bequeathed, in an amount no more or less than what was entrusted to him. If anyone wishes to object to this, three witnesses must take an oath that they were present at the meeting, which was appointed by the tungin or centenary, and saw how the one who wished to transfer his property threw a stalk on the floor to the one he chose; they must also name separately the name of the one who threw his property into the floor of another, the name of the one whom he declared heir. And the other three witnesses must testify under oath that the one in whose floor the stalk was thrown was in the house of the one who transferred his property, that he invited three or more guests who ate porridge at the table in the presence of witnesses and that these guests thanked him for the reception. All this must be confirmed under an oath by other witnesses, as well as the fact that the one who received the property in the floor threw a stem in the floor in the presence of the king or in a legal public meeting of those who were declared heirs of the mentioned property publicly in the face of the people (namely) in the presence of the king or at a public meeting, that is, at mal-lobergus "e before the people or the Tungin; all this must be confirmed by 9 witnesses.


§ one. If someone recognizes his slave, or a horse, or a bull, or any other thing, let him transfer it to third parties, and the one who recognized (these things) must prove (to them) his right. And if both live on this side of the River Loire (Ligeris) or Coalwood, let the plaintiff and the defendant within 40 days set a time limit for the trial; and during this time, all those who have sold a horse, or exchanged, or, perhaps, given in payment, must enter into intercourse with each other, namely, each must call the person with whom he made a deal. And if the one called to the court, having no legal obstacles to do so, does not appear, let him who has made a deal with them send three witnesses to invite him to appear at the court; likewise, he must have three other witnesses (who would show) that he made a deal with him in public. If he does this, he will exonerate himself from the accusation of theft. And the one who did not appear, on whom the witnesses pointed out under an oath, will be recognized as a thief in relation to the plaintiff and must reimburse the cost of the stolen thing to the one with whom he had a deal; this one, according to the law, will pay to the one who recognized his things. All this should take place at the court session, in the presence of the defendant, who has the thing for the first time, which is then transferred to third parties. If, however, those who have the thing recognized live on the other side of the Loire or the Coal Forest, this law must be fulfilled within 80 days.


§ one. If anyone gives a false testimony, he is awarded 600 denier, which is 15 Sol.


§ one. If someone is forced to present witnesses and they may not want to appear at the court session, those who need them must satisfy them and must invite them to the court session in front of the witnesses so that they testify under oath. what they know.

§ 2. If they do not want to come and if they are not detained by a lawful obstacle, each of them is awarded 600 deniers, which is 15 Sol.

§ 3. If, however, those called to testify, having appeared (at the court session), do not want to show under an oath what they know, they will be put outside the law, and (in addition) each of them is awarded 600 den., which is 15 Sol.


§ one. If someone is called to trial by means of a kettle of boiling water, then the parties may come to an agreement that the person sentenced redeems his hand and undertakes to present the jurors. If the misdemeanor turns out to be such for which, in the case of evidence, the guilty person is required by law to pay 600 den., which is 15 sol., he can redeem his hand for 120 den., which is 3 Sol.

§ 3. But if the offense be of such a nature for which, in case of evidence, the guilty person could be sentenced to pay 35 sols., and if the parties agree that he redeem his hand, let him redeem it for 240 deniers, which is 6 sols.


§ one. If someone takes the life of a count, he is awarded 24,000 denier, which is 600 sols.


§ one. If someone robs the body of a murdered person by thieves before it is interred, 2,500 deniers are awarded, which is 63 Sol.


§ one. If someone neglects to appear in court or delays the execution of what is determined for him by the Rachinburgs, and does not wish to enter into a deal either by composition, or by purification with water, or in any other legal way, then the plaintiff must bring him to court before the king himself. . And there will be 12 witnesses, of which let the first three swear that they were where Rakhinburg ordered him to go to the water test or gave an obligation to pay the composition, and that he neglected (the resolution of the Rakhinburgs). And then the other three must swear that after the resolution of the Rachinburgs that he was cleansed either by testing with water or by paying the composition, they were present at the second proposal for him to appear in court within 40 days, counting from that day, and he in no way wished to meet the requirements of the law. Then the plaintiff must call him before the king, namely, within 14 days, and three witnesses must swear that they were there at the time when he called him to court and appointed him a certain period. If even then he does not appear, let these 9 witnesses under oath, as we said above, give their evidence. Likewise, if he does not appear on that day, let (the plaintiff) fix him a fixed term, having three witnesses at the appointment of the term. If the plaintiff did all this, and the defendant did not wish to appear at any of the appointed dates, then let the king, to whom he is called for judgment, declare him out of his protection. Then the guilty person and all his property becomes the property of the plaintiff. And if, until he has paid all that is exacted from him, someone gives him bread or hospitality, even his own wife, 600 deniers, which is 15 Sol.


§ one. If any of the Rakhinburgs, sitting in a judicial assembly and arbitrating a lawsuit between two persons, refuse to pronounce the law, it follows that the plaintiff declares to them: "here I urge you to decide according to the Salic law." If they (again) refuse to say the law, seven of these rachinburgs before sunset, the suns are awarded 120 den., which is 3 Sol.

§ 3. But if the Rakhinburgs do not judge according to the law, let the one against whom they decide, let him bring an action against them, and if he is able to prove that they judged not according to the law, each of them is awarded 600 den., Which is Sol 15


§ one. If someone takes the life of a person and, having given all his property, is not able to pay what is due according to the law, he must present 12 jurors (who will swear that) that neither on earth nor under the earth he has more property than what he has already given . And then: he must enter his house, collect a handful of the four corners of the earth, stand on the threshold, turning his face into the house, and throw this earth over his shoulders with his left hand on the one whom he considers his closest relative. If the father and brothers have already paid, then he must throw the same land on his own, that is, on the three closest relatives by mother or father. Then in one shirt, without a belt, without shoes, with a stake in with his hand, he must jump over the wattle fence, and these three (maternal relatives) must pay half of what is not enough to pay the vira followed by law. The same should be done by the other three, who are relatives on the father's side. If any of them is too poor to pay the share that falls on him, he must in turn throw a handful of land on one of the more prosperous, so that he pays everything according to the law. If, however, this one does not have anything to pay for everything, then the murderer who has bailed must present him to the court session, and so then, for four sessions, must take him on bail. If no one guarantees the payment of the vira, i.e., the compensation for what he did not pay, then he must pay the vira with his life.


§ one. If a man dies and leaves no sons, and if his mother survives him, let her inherit.

§ 2. If there is no mother, and if he leaves a brother or sister, let them inherit.

§ 3. In the event that they do not exist, let the mother's sister enter into the inheritance.

Approx. 1st. If there is no mother's sister, let the father's sisters inherit.

§ four. And if then someone of these generations turns out to be closer, let him take possession of the inheritance.

§ 5. In no case should the land inheritance go to a woman, but let all the land go to the male sex, i.e. brothers ( This article was later interpreted in France as applied to the royal succession. Based on her royal throne could not pass through the female line).


§ one. He must appear at the court session in front of the tungin and there break three branches over his head with a measure of a cubit. And he must scatter them in 4 directions in the court session and say there that he renounces the affiliation, from the inheritance and from any accounts with them. And if later one of his relatives is either killed or dies, he absolutely should not participate in the inheritance, or in the payment of vira, and his own inheritance should go to the treasury.


§ one. If someone's father is deprived of his life, let his sons take half of the vira, and let the next of kin from both the father's side and the mother's side divide the other half among themselves.

§ 2. If there is no relative on either side, neither on the side of the father, nor on the side of the mother, let this part be taken away in favor of the treasury.

(translated by N. P. Gratsiansky)
The text is reproduced according to the publication: Reader of memory of the feudal state and the law of the countries of Europe. M. Gos. ed. legal lit. 1961.

I. Summons

§ 1. If someone is called to court according to the laws of the king and does not appear, he is awarded 600 denarii, which is 15 solidi 28 .

§ 2. But if someone, having summoned another to judgment, does not himself appear, and if he is detained by any legal obstacle, he is awarded 15 solidi in favor of the one whom he calls to judgment.

§ 4. If [the defendant] is engaged in the performance of royal service, he cannot be summoned to court.

II. About stealing pigs

§ 1. If someone steals a suckling pig and is caught, he is awarded for payment ... 3 sol.

§ 5. If someone steals a two-year-old pig, he is awarded ... 15 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

§ 11. If someone steals a boar or a pig leading a herd, he is awarded ... 17.5 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 4th. If someone steals 15 pigs from the herd, 35 Sol.

§ 14. If someone steals 25 pigs, and nothing else remains in the herd, and is caught, he is awarded for the theft of the entire herd to be paid ... 62 Sol.

§ 16. If 50 pigs are stolen, and if there are still some left, it is awarded ... 63 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

III. On the theft of horned animals

§ 1. If someone steals a dairy calf and is caught, he is awarded for payment ... 3 sol.

§ 3. If someone steals an ox or a cow with a calf, he is awarded for payment ... 35 Sol.

§ 4. If anyone steals a bull that leads the herd and has never been under a yoke, he is awarded for payment ... 45 Sol.

§ 5. If this bull served the cows of three villas, the thief pays three times 45 sols.

§ 6. If someone steals 12 animals and not a single one remains [in the herd], he is awarded for the theft of the entire herd to pay ... 63 Sol., not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

§ 7. If someone steals up to 25 animals, and if some remain, it is awarded for payment ... 63 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

IV. About stealing sheep

§ 4. If someone steals 40 or more rams, he is awarded for the theft of the entire herd to be paid ... 63 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

V. About stealing goats

§ 1. If someone steals 3 goats and is caught, he is awarded for payment ... 3 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

§ 2. If anyone steals more than three, he is sentenced to pay ... 15 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

VI. About dog theft

§ 1. If someone takes away or kills a hunting dog, he is awarded for payment ... 15 Sol.

§ 2. If anyone steals or kills a shepherd's dog, he is awarded payment ... 3 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

VII. About stealing birds

Approx. 1st. If anyone steals a sparrow hawk, he shall be paid ... 3 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 3rd. If someone steals a chicken, he is awarded to pay ... 3 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 4th. If someone steals a crane or a domestic swan, he is awarded for payment ... 3 sol.

§ 4. If someone steals a goose and is caught, he is awarded for payment ... 3 sol.

Approx. 5th. If someone steals a dove from someone else's network, he is awarded 3 sols.

VIII. About stealing bees

§ 4. If someone steals 7 hives or more and something remains at the place of the theft, he is awarded for payment ... 45 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

IX. Of damage done to a field or any fenced-in place

§ 1. If anyone finds horned animals in his field, or a horse, or any small livestock, he should not be beaten to mutilation. If he does this and confesses, he is obliged to reimburse the cost, and take the mutilated cattle for himself. If he does not confess and is convicted, he is awarded for payment ... Sol. 15, not counting the cost and compensation for damages.

§ 2. If someone, having found someone else's cattle in his field without a shepherd, drives it and does not report it to anyone at all, and if any cattle dies, he compensates, as in the case of theft, the cost and, moreover, is awarded for payment .. Sol 35

§ 4. If someone's pigs or someone's cattle run into someone else's field, and the owner of the animals, despite the denial, is caught, is awarded for payment ... 15 Sol.

§ 5. If anyone decides to drive the livestock that caused damage out of the fenced area, or take it away when it is already being driven home, it is awarded to payment ... 30 Sol.

Approx. 2nd. If someone, out of enmity or treachery, opens someone else's fence and lets cattle into a field, or a meadow, or a vineyard, or some other cultivated place, then the one to whom the labor belongs, if the latter presents evidence with witnesses, he must compensate for the damage and, in addition, is awarded for payment ... 30 Sol.

X. Of the theft of slaves

§ 1. If someone steals a slave, a horse or a draft animal, he is awarded for payment ... 30 Sol.

§ 2. If a slave or a slave steals any of the things of his master in community with a free man, then the thief 29, in addition to returning the stolen things, is awarded for payment ... 15 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone takes the life, sells or sets free another's slave, he is awarded for payment ... 35 Sol.

Approx. 2nd. If someone steals someone else's slave, he is awarded for payment ... 30 Sol.

XIII. About the kidnapping of the free

§ 1. If three people kidnap a free girl, they are required to pay 30 Sol. each.

§ 2. Those who are more than three are obliged to pay 5 Sol. each.

§ 7. A royal slave or lit, who kidnapped a free woman, is guilty of death.

§ 8. If a free girl voluntarily follows a slave, she loses her freedom.

§ 9. A free man who takes someone else's slave suffers the same punishment.

Approx. 1st. If someone takes someone else's litka as a wife, he is awarded for payment ... 30 Sol.

XIV. About attacks and robberies

§ 1. If someone robs a free man, attacking him unexpectedly, and is caught, he is awarded for payment ... 63 Sol.

§ 2. If a Roman robs a Salian barbarian, the aforementioned law shall apply.

§ 3. If the Frank robs a Roman, he is sentenced to a fine of 35 Sol.

§ 4. If anyone, desiring to migrate, receives a charter from the king, and if he deploys it in a public meeting and anyone dares to oppose the order of the king, he is guilty of paying ... 200 Sol.

§ 6. If someone attacks someone else's villa, all those caught in this attack are awarded 63 sols.

Approx. 1st. If someone attacks someone else's villa, breaks down doors there, kills dogs and injures people, or takes something out of there on a wagon, he is awarded for payment ... 200 sols.

Approx. 2nd. And everything that he takes from there must be reimbursed. All who are found to have taken part in this spree or attack are to be paid 63 sols.

XVI. About arson

§ 2. If someone burns a house with annexes and is caught, he is awarded for payment ... 63 Sol.

§ 3. If someone burns a barn or barn with bread, he is awarded for payment ... 63 Sol.

§ 4. If anyone burns a barn with pigs or stalls with animals and is caught, he is awarded for payment ... 63 Sol., not counting the payment of the cost and compensation for damages.

§ 5. If someone burns someone else's fence or hedge, he is awarded for payment ... 15 sol.

XIX. About spoilage

Approx. 1st. If someone sends damage to another, he is awarded for payment ... 62.5 sol.

Approx. 2nd. If any woman spoils another so that she cannot have children, 62.5 sols is awarded.

XX. About the one who grabs a free woman by the hand, by the brush or by the finger

§ 1. If any free man seizes a free woman by the hand, by the hand, or by the finger, and is caught, 15 Sol.

§ 2. If he squeezes the brush, he is awarded 30 Sol.

§ 3. And if he grabs his hand above the elbow, he is awarded for payment ... 35 Sol.

XXII. About the thefts at the mill

§ 1. If any free man steals someone else's bread at the mill and is caught, he pays the miller ... 15 Sol. The owner of the bread is paid another 15 sols.

Approx. 1st. If he steals iron parts there, he is awarded 45 sols.

Approx. 2nd. If someone breaks the mill dam, he is awarded 15 sols.

XXVI. About Freedmen

§ 1. If any free person, in the presence of the king, through a denarius, releases someone else's litas, without the consent of the latter's master, and is convicted, he is awarded for payment ... 100 sol. The things of the litas must be returned to their rightful master.

§ 2. If someone in the presence of the king, through a denarius, releases another's slave and is convicted, he is awarded the cost of the slave to the master, and in addition - 35 Sol.

XXVII. About various thefts

§ 1. If someone steals a bell from the leader of someone else's swine herd and is caught, he is awarded for payment ... Sol. 15, not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 1st. If someone steals a bell from a horse, he is awarded for payment ... 15 sol.

§ 5. If someone thieves let his cattle [for the purpose of grassing] into someone else's field and is caught [at the scene of a crime], he is awarded for payment ... 15 Sol.

Approx. 2nd. If someone thieves collect someone else's harvest and is caught [at the scene of the crime], he is awarded for payment ... 15 Sol.

§ 6. If someone breaks into someone else's garden with the intent of stealing, he is awarded to pay ... 15 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 3rd. If someone steals a stalk [graft] from an apple tree or a pear, he is awarded 3 sols.

Approx. 5th. If someone uproots an apple tree or a pear, he is awarded for payment ... 3 sol.

Approx. 6th. If they were in the garden, 15 Sol.

§ 7. If anyone penetrates with the intent to steal in a field planted with turnips, beans, peas or lentils, he is awarded for payment ... 3 sol.

§ 8. If someone steals flax from someone else's field and takes it away on a horse or cart, he is awarded for payment ... Sol. 15, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

§ 9. But if he takes as much as he can carry on his back, he is awarded for payment ... 3 Thess.

§ 10. If someone mows someone else's meadow, he loses his work.

§ 11. And if, in addition, he takes the hay to his house and stacks it there, he is awarded for payment ... 45 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

§ 12. If he steals only as much as he can carry on his back, 3 Sol.

§ 13. If someone climbs into someone else's vineyard to steal grapes and is caught, he is awarded 15 sols.

§ 14. If, moreover, he takes the grapes to his house and stacks them there, he is awarded for payment ... 45 Thess.

§ 16. If someone cuts down, spoils or sets fire to someone else's material in the forest, he is awarded for payment ... 15 sol.

§ 18. If someone steals someone else's firewood from the forest, 3 sols.

§ 19. If anyone dares to take a tree marked more than a year ago, there is no fault in this.

§ 20. If someone steals an eel net from a river, he is awarded for payment ... 45 Sol.

§ 21. If someone steals a net, a three-loop or bag-like net, he is awarded for payment ... 15 sol.

§ 24. If someone plows someone else's field, without the permission of the owner, is awarded for payment ... 15 Sol.

§ 25. If anyone sows it, he is awarded for payment ... 45 sol.

Approx. 9th. If someone interferes with the passage of a plow into someone else's field, or expels a plowman, or obstructs him, he is awarded for payment ... 15 Sol.

XXIX. About injury

Approx. 4th. If someone plucks out another's eye, he is awarded 62.5 sols.

Approx. 5th. If he tears off his nose, he is awarded 45 sols.

Approx. 6th. If he tears off his ear, he is awarded 15 sols.

XXX. About insulting words

§ 1. If someone calls another a freak, he is awarded 3 sols.

§ 2. If anyone calls another dirty, he is awarded for payment ... 3 Thess.

§ 4. If someone calls another a wolf, 3 Sol.

§ 5. If someone calls another a hare, 3 Sol.

§ 7. If someone calls another a scammer or a liar and cannot prove it, he is awarded for payment ... 15 Sol.

XXXIII. About game theft

§ 2. If someone steals or kills a marked domestic deer, which is tamed for hunting, and it is proved by witnesses that the owner had it for hunting, or that with it he killed 2 or 3 animals, he is awarded for payment ... 45 Sol.

XXXIV. About stealing a fence

§ 1. If anyone cuts 2 or 3 rods with which the fence is tied and restrained at the top, or breaks or pulls out 3 stakes, he is awarded for payment ... 15 sol.

§ 2. If someone spends a harrow on someone else's, already ascended field, or passes with a cart not on the road, he is awarded for payment ... 3 Sol.

§ 3. If someone passes through someone else's field, which has already begun to be eared, not along the road or along the path, he is awarded for payment ... 15 Sol.

XXXV. Of murders or robberies of slaves

§ 1. If any slave takes the life of a slave, let the masters divide the murderer among themselves.

§ 2. If any free man robs another's slave and is found guilty of having taken from him more than 40 den.

§ 3. If, however, what was taken during the robbery cost less than 40 sol., it is awarded for payment ... 15 sol.

§ 4. If any free person robs someone else's litas and is caught, he is awarded for payment ... 35 Sol.

§ 5. If a foreign slave or litas takes the life of a free person, the murderer himself is given to the relatives of the murdered person as half of the vira, and the master of the slave pays the other half of the vira.

§ 6. If someone steals or takes the life of a household servant, or a blacksmith, or a goldsmith, or a swineherd, or a vinedresser, or a groom, and is caught, he is awarded for payment ... 30 Sol.

§ 7. As fretus and faidus paid ... sol. 45, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages; only 75 Sol.

XXXVIII. About horse stealing

§ 1. If someone steals a harness horse and is caught, he is awarded ... 45 sols, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

§ 3. If someone steals a stallion with his herd of 12 mares, he is awarded for payment ... 63 Sol., not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

XXXIX. About the slave kidnappers

§ 1. If someone decides to lure foreign slaves and is caught, he is awarded for payment ... 15 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone else's slave is kidnapped and taken across the sea and found there by his master, he must name in a public meeting the one who stole him, and there must gather witnesses.

§ 2. If someone kidnaps a free man and [against him] there is no true evidence, he must present the accomplices as if in murder; if he fails to find a juryman, he is ordered to pay... 200 Sol.

§ 3. If someone kidnaps a Roman, 63 Sol.

XL. If a slave is accused of stealing

§ 1. If an offense is committed, for which a free man must pay a fine of ... 15 Sol., Let the slave be laid out on a bench and receive 120 lashes.

§ 2. If the fault turns out to be greater. just like that, for which the free man must pay 35 Sol., the slave in the same way let him receive 120 lashes.

§ 5. If the slave is guilty of a more serious crime, namely one for which a free man can be sentenced to pay 45 Thess., and if the slave himself confesses under torture, he is sentenced to death.

Approx. 1st. If a slave commits a theft in complicity with a free man, he pays twice for what he has stolen, in addition to compensation for the cost and losses, while the free man pays four times.

Approx. 2nd. If someone makes a deal with someone else's slave, he is awarded 15 sols.

XLI. About homicide in a crowd

§ 1. If anyone takes the life of a free franc or a barbarian living under the Salic law, and is caught, he is awarded to pay ... 200 sol.

§ 3. If anyone takes the life of a person who is in the royal service, or a free woman, he is awarded for payment ... 600 Sol.

§ 5. If someone takes the life of a Roman - a royal companion and is convicted, he is awarded for payment ... 300 sol.

§ 6. If someone takes the life of a Roman landowner and not a royal companion, he is awarded for payment ... 100 sol.

§ 7. If someone takes the life of a Roman - a taxable person, he is awarded for payment 63 Sol.

Approx. 3rd. If anyone dares to remove the head of a man that his enemy has impaled without the permission of the judge or the one who impaled it, he is sentenced to payment of 15 sols.

XLIV. About Reipus 30

§ 1. According to custom, it follows that [if] a person, dying, leaves a widow and someone wants to take her, then first. before he enters into marriage with her, the tungin or centenarius must appoint a court session and at this session he must have a shield with him, and three people must file three claims. And then the one who wants to take a widow must have three equilibrium solids and one denarius. And there must be three who will weigh his solids; and if after that they agree, he can take [the widow in marriage].

§ 2. But if he does not do this and takes it like that, he must pay to the one who has the right to reypus ... 63 Sol.

§ 3. If, however, he fulfills according to the law everything that we have indicated above, those who follow the reypus receive 3 sols. and 1 den.

Approx. 1st. Here's how to distinguish who should reypus.

§ 4. If there is a nephew, the son of a sister, as the eldest, he must receive reypus.

§ 5. If there is no nephew, let the eldest son of his niece receive the reypus.

§ 6. If there is no son of the niece, the son of the cousin, who comes from the maternal family, must receive the reypus.

§ 7. If there is no son of a cousin, the uncle, the brother of the mother, must receive the reypus.

§ 8. If there is no uncle, the brother of the one who previously had her [widow] wife should receive the reypus, however, on the condition that he does not have to own the inheritance.

§ 9. If there is not even a brother, the reypus should be received by the one who turns out to be closer, in addition to those named, listed one by one, according to the degree of kinship, up to the sixth generation, however, provided that he does not receive the inheritance of the deceased husband of the named woman .

§ 10. And if there are no relatives up to the sixth generation [inclusive], then the reypus itself goes to the treasury, and the fine that will be awarded in the event of a lawsuit arising on this matter.

XLV. About settlers

§ 1. And if someone wants to move into a villa with another, and if one or more residents of the villa want to receive him, but there is at least one who opposes the resettlement, he will not have the right to settle there.

§ 2. If, in spite of the prohibition of one or two persons, he dares to settle in this villa, then he must be protested; and if he does not want to leave from there, the one who makes the protest, in the presence of witnesses, must turn to him with this kind of demand: also that within ten days you must leave this villa.” After that, after 10 days, he again let him come to him and announce to him a second time that he should leave within the next ten days. If he does not want to leave even then, for the third time 10 days are added to his term, so that in this way 30 days are completed. If even then he does not want to leave, the puts will summon him to court, having with him witnesses who were there at the announcement of each term. If the one to whom the protest is presented does not want to leave from there, and he will not be detained by any legal obstacle, and if all of the above is announced to him according to the law, then the one who protested vouches for his fortune and asks the count to appear on the metso in order to drive him out of there. And because he did not want to obey the law, he loses the results of [his] labor there and, in addition, is awarded for payment ... 30 Sol.

§ 3. If no protest is made within 12 months, he must remain inviolable, like other neighbors.

XLVI. On the transfer of property

§ 1. [At the same time] the following must be observed: let the tungin or centenary appoint a judicial meeting, and at this meeting they must have [with them] a shield, and three people must bring three claims. Then let them find a person who is not related to him [the testator] and to whom he [the testator] let him throw a stalk in the floor. And to the one in whose floor he throws the stem, let him declare his property, namely, how much he wants to transfer, whether everything and to whom. And the one in whose floor he throws the stem must remain in his house. And he must invite three or more guests and keep that part of his property that is entrusted to him. And after that, the one to whom it is entrusted must act with the assembled witnesses. Then, in the presence of the king or in a judicial assembly, let him take a stalk and throw it on the floor of those who were appointed heirs 12 months ago, and let him give property to those to whom it was bequeathed, in an amount no more or less than what was entrusted to him. If anyone wishes to object to this, three witnesses must swear that they were present at that meeting, which was appointed by the tungin, or centenary, and saw how the one who wished to transfer his property threw a stalk on the floor to the one he chose ; they must name separately both the name of the one who threw his property into the floor of another, and the name of the one who declared him heir. And the other three witnesses must testify under oath that the one in whose floor the stalk was thrown was in the house of the one who transferred his property, that he invited three or more guests who were eating porridge at the table in the presence of witnesses, and that these guests thanked him for the welcome. All this must be confirmed under an oath by other witnesses, as well as the fact that the one who received the property in the floor threw a stalk in the floor in the presence of the king or in a legitimate public meeting of those who were declared heirs of the said property publicly in the face of the people, [precisely] in the presence of the king or at a public meeting, in front of the people or the Tungin; all this must be confirmed by 9 witnesses.

XLVII. About wanted

§ 1. If someone recognizes his slave, or a horse, or a bull, or any other thing, let him transfer it to third parties, and the one who recognized [these things] must prove his right [to them] ...

L. Commitment

§ 1. If anyone, free or lit, gives an obligation to another, the one to whom the obligation is given after the expiration of 40 days or the period established between them must appear at his house, accompanied by witnesses and with the one who is to evaluate the property. And if the debtor does not wish to pay according to the obligation, he, in addition to the debt indicated in the obligation, is awarded for payment of 15 Sol.

§ 2. But if he stubbornly refuses to pay the obligation, [the creditor] must call him to court and so petition the [tungin] for speedy enforcement: “I ask you, tungin, declare speedy enforcement against my opponent who gave me the obligation and borrowed from me." In this case, it must indicate the amount of the debt under the obligation. Then the Tugin should say: "I declare against him the speediest coercion, in accordance with the Salic law." Then the one to whom the obligation is given must solemnly demand that the debtor does not pay to anyone else, does not give a guarantee of payment until he has satisfied the follower of the obligation. And hastily, on the same day, before the sun sets, with witnesses, he must appear at the house of the debtor and ask for the payment of the debt. If he does not wish to comply with this request, let him appoint a time for a trial; in such a case, the debt is increased by ... 3 sol. This must be repeated up to three times, within three weeks, and if the third time he does not agree to pay, then let the debt increase, by ... 9 Sol., so that after each call to trial or appointment of a term, the debt increases by 3 Sol. .

III. About redeeming the hand from the bowler

§ 1. If someone is called to trial by means of a kettle of boiling water, then the parties may come to an agreement that the person sentenced redeems his hand and undertakes to present the jurors. If the offense turns out to be such for which, in the case of evidence, the guilty person according to the laws must pay 15 sols., He can redeem his hand for ... 3 sols.

LVIII. About a handful of earth

§ 1. If someone takes the life of a person and, having given all his property, is not able to pay what is due according to the law, he must present 12 jurors, [who will swear that] that neither on earth nor under earth, he has no more property. what has already been given. And then he must enter his house, collect a handful of earth from the four corners, stand on the threshold, turning his face into the house, and throw this earth over his shoulders on the one whom he considers his closest relative. If the father and brothers have already paid, then he must throw the same land on his own, i.e. three closest relatives on the mother's side and on the father's side. Then, in [one] shirt, without a belt, without shoes, with a stake in his hand, he must jump over the wattle fence, and these three [maternal relatives] must pay half of what is not enough to pay the vira followed by law. The same must be done by the other three, who are relatives on the father's side. If any of them is too poor to pay the share that falls on him, he must, in turn, throw a handful of land on one of the more prosperous, so that he pays everything according to the law. If, however, this one does not have anything to pay for everything, then the one who bailed the murderer must present him to the court session, and so then, during four sessions, he must bail him. If no one guarantees the payment of the vira, i.e. in making up for what he did not pay, then he must pay the vira with his life.

LIX. About allods

§1 If a man dies and leaves no sons, and if his mother survives him, let her inherit.

§ 2. If there is no mother, and if she leaves a brother or sister, let them inherit.

§ 3. In the event that they do not exist, let the mother's sister enter into the inheritance.

Approx. 1st. If there is no mother's sister, let the father's sisters inherit.

§ 4. And if any of these generations happens to be nearer, let him take possession of the inheritance.

§ 5. In no case should the land inheritance go to a woman, but let all the land go to the male sex, i.e. brothers.

LX. About wanting to renounce kinship

§ 1. He must appear at the court session in front of the tungin and there break three branches over his head, measuring a cubit. And he must, at the court session, scatter them in four directions and say there that he renounces allegiance, inheritance and any accounts with them. And if later one of his relatives is either killed or dies, he absolutely should not participate in the inheritance or in the payment of vira, and his own inheritance should go to the treasury.

Salic truth. Per. N.P. Gratsiansky. – M., 1950, S. 1–57.

From the edict of the Sovereign Chilperic King

§ 3. Likewise they deigned and decreed that if anyone, having no neighbors, leaves sons or daughters after his death, let the sons, while they live, own the land, according to the Salic law. If the sons die, the daughter receives these lands in the same way as their sons would receive if they remained alive. And if a brother dies, the other one remains alive, let the brother get the land, not the neighbors. And if a brother, dying, does not leave his brother alive, then let the sister take possession of this land ...

Ibid, p. 72.


The estate-representative monarchy is the second historically established form of the feudal state in Europe. This form of government takes shape in the conditions of a departure from the early feudal foundations and the emergence of a centralized state. The persons most interested in the process of centralization are the king and the urban population (which the presence of feudal fragmentation does not allow to develop trading activities). Using the forces of the allies in the struggle against a common enemy - the feudal lords, the king creates class-representative bodies, in which the representatives various estates.

English history provides brilliant material for examining the patterns of development of the estate-representative institution (parliament). A characteristic feature of England is the extraordinary vitality of Parliament - it was not destroyed in the era of absolute monarchy and continues to exist to this day. At the same time, it should be remembered that, unlike France, for example, where a class-representative body (the States General) was created by King Philip IV the Handsome as an allied and auxiliary body, in England the parliament at the time of its creation had the goal of rather limiting the possibilities of the tyrannical power of the king. Therefore, we consider it possible to preface the documents covering the work of Parliament with the document that is considered the basis for the formation of English national identity and in some way the forerunner of the creation of Parliament - the Magna Carta.

The Magna Carta was adopted as a result of a long confrontation between King John the Landless (1199–1216) and the English barons. The situation in England of this period perfectly illustrates the concept of a feudal state - the king of England was at the same time the lord of colossal possessions in France (and in this capacity a vassal of the French king). France sought to win back its lands, and John, who suffered constant defeats in the war and needed money, more than once abused his rights as a lord of English vassals. This eventually led to the refusal of the barons to help the king - they were vassals English king, therefore, on completely legal grounds, they could not participate in the fate of his French possessions. John lost in the war with his vassals and in 1215 was forced to sign the Magna Carta, limiting the power of the king. The charter did not enter into force, but became a symbol of English national identity, the desire of the British to create a state governed by laws and rejecting tyranny.

The English parliament was created in 1265, but its creation did not yet mean the emergence of an estate-representative monarchy. The formation of the latter was the result of a long process, not formalized by any general act. The documents cited here clearly show the procedure for the formation of both houses of parliament and the scope of its powers.

    The political situation in England at the beginning of the 13th century.

    Features of vassal relations in England. What norms of vassal relations did John the Landless violate?

    The legal system of England according to the Magna Carta, the ratio of royal and seigneurial jurisdiction.

    Property relations in England under the Magna Carta.

    How are the interests of the English estates reflected in the Magna Carta: the aristocracy (barons), chivalry, townspeople?

    Which estates represented the forces of feudal decentralization, and which were interested in the centralization of the country?

    Is it possible to speak about the elements of representative power in the Magna Carta?

    What political course could England take when the Magna Carta came into force?

    The political situation in England on the eve of the creation of Parliament.

    Stages of formation of parliament.

    The scope of powers of Parliament.

Gutnova E.V. The rise of the English Parliament. - M., 1960. - S. 280-289.

Petrushevsky D.M. Magna Carta and the constitutional struggle in English society in the second half of the 13th century. - M., 1915 (1918). – P. 15–52.

Petrushevsky D.M. Essays on the English State and Society in the Middle Ages. - M., 1937. - S. 121-1145.

Petit-Dutailly C. Feudal Monarchy in France and England in the X-XIII centuries. - M., 1938. - S. 289-300.

Shtokmar V.V. History of England in the Middle Ages. - L., 1973.



The Salic Truth (Lex Salica) is a record of the ancient judicial customs of the Salic Franks, who settled on the territory of Roman Gaul and created in the 5th-6th centuries. the largest barbarian kingdom in Western Europe. The Salic Truth is not the only collection of barbarian laws, and in terms of the time they were written, it is not even the most ancient. But this collection is the most complete, which has come down to us in many lists and versions of earlier and later times, and is most archaic in content. In the Salic truth, except for the bad, barbarized Latin language and accounts for Roman solids and denarii, in essence, the Roman influence is almost completely absent. Before us is the ancient German law, in some details directly reminiscent of the features of life and customs that existed among the ancient Germans several hundred years before their invasion of the Roman Empire and were once described by Julius Caesar and Tacitus.

Reconciled according to the edition: Salic truth. M., Sample. type of. them. Zhdanova, 1950. (Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Lenin. Scientific notes, vol. LXII). Translation by N.P. Gratsiansky.

I. Summons

1. If someone is called to court (ad mallum) according to the laws of the king, and does not appear, he is awarded 600 denarii, which is 15 solidi.

2. If someone, having called another to judgment, does not himself appear, and if he is not detained by any legal obstacle, he is sentenced to payment of 15 Sol. in favor of whomever he calls to court.

3. And the one who summons another to judgment, accompanied by witnesses, must come to his house, and if the latter is absent, must call his wife or someone from his household so that they inform him of the summons to judgment.

4. If (the defendant) is engaged in the performance of royal service, he cannot be summoned to court.

5. If he is outside the parish on his own business, he may be summoned to court, as mentioned above.

II. About stealing pigs

1. If someone steals a suckling pig and is caught, he is awarded 120 denier, which is 3 sols.

Approx. 1st. If someone steals a pig in the third (inner) barn, he is awarded 15 Sol., not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 2nd. If someone steals a piglet from a locked barn, he is awarded 45 sols.

2. If someone steals a pig that can live without a mother and is caught, he is awarded 40 den., which is 1 sol.

3. If someone thieves strikes a pregnant pig (the result of which is a miscarriage), and is caught, he is awarded 280 den., Which is 7 Sol.

Approx. 3rd. If someone steals a pig with piglets, 700 deniers are awarded, which is 17 1/2 sols.

4. If someone steals a one-year-old pig and is caught, he is awarded 120 den, which is 3 sols, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

5. If someone steals a two-year-old pig, 600 den. is awarded, which is 15 sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

6. The same fine must be paid for the theft of two pigs under appropriate conditions.

7. If someone steals three or more pigs, 1,400 deniers are awarded, which is 35 soles, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

8. If someone steals a piglet from the herd, 600 deniers are awarded, which is 15 Sol.

9. If someone steals a castrated piglet under the age of 1 year, 120 den. is awarded, which is 3 sols.

10. If someone steals a piglet older than 1 year old, he is awarded 600 deniers, which is 15 sols, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

11. If someone steals a boar or a pig leading a herd, 700 deniers are awarded, which is 17 1/2 soles, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

12. If anyone steals a dedicated boar, and that it was an initiate can be proven by witnesses, 700 denier is awarded, which is 17 1/2 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

13. If the boar was not initiated, 15 Sol.

Approx. 4th. If someone steals 15 pigs from the herd, 35 Sol.

14. If someone steals 25 pigs, and nothing else remains in the herd, and is caught, he is awarded for stealing the whole herd to pay 2500 den., Which is 62 Sol.

15. If unstolen pigs remain in the herd, 1,400 den.

16. If 50 pigs are stolen, and if there are still some left, 2,500 den.

III. On the theft of horned animals

1. If someone steals a milk calf and is caught, he is awarded 120 denier, which is 3 sols.

2. If someone steals a one-year-old or two-year-old animal, and is caught, he is awarded 600 deniers, which is 15 sols.

3. If someone steals an ox or a cow with a calf, 1400 den. is awarded for payment, which is 35 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone steals a cow without a calf, he is sentenced to pay 30 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 2nd. If someone steals a domestic cow, he is sentenced to pay 35 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

4. If someone steals a bull that leads a herd and has never been under a yoke, 1800 den. is awarded, which is 45 Sol.

5. If this bull served the cows of three villas, the thief pays three times 45 sols.

Approx. 4th. If someone steals the royal bull, 3,600 deniers are awarded, which is 90 sols, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

6. If someone steals 12 animals, and not a single one remains (in the herd), he is awarded for the theft of the entire herd to pay 2500 den., Which is 63 Sol., not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 5th. If, besides these 12 animals, some remain, 35 Sol. is awarded, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

7. If someone steals up to 25 animals, and if there are still some left, 2500 den. is awarded, which is 63 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

IV. About stealing sheep

1. If someone steals a milk lamb and is caught, he is awarded 7 deniers, which is half a third of the solidus.

2. If someone steals a one-year-old or two-year-old ram, he is awarded 120 den, which is 3 sols, not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

3. If someone steals 3 rams, 1400 dens are awarded for payment, which is 35 sols. The same fine should be applied in case of theft and more, up to 40 rams.

4. If someone steals 40 or more rams, he is awarded for the theft of the entire herd to pay 2500 den, which is 63 sols, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

V. About stealing goats

1. If someone steals 3 goats and is caught, he is awarded 120 den, which is 3 sols, not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

2. If someone steals more than 3, he is awarded 600 den., which is 15 soles, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 1st. If someone steals a goat, 15 Sol. is awarded, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

VI. About dog theft

1. If someone leads away or kills a hunting dog, 600 denier is awarded, which is 15 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone steals a hound (greyhound?) dog, he is awarded 600 den, which is 15 sols, not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 2nd. Whoever kills after sunset a dog familiar with the chain is subject to the above penalty.

2. If someone steals or kills a shepherd's dog, 120 den. is awarded, which is 3 sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

VII. About stealing birds

1. If someone steals a hawk perched on a tree and is caught, he is awarded 120 deniers, which is 3 sols, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

2. If someone steals a hawk from a pole, 600 deniers are awarded, which is 15 sol.

3. If someone steals a hawk from under the castle and is caught, he is awarded 1800 deniers, which is 45 sols, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 1st. If anyone steals a sparrowhawk, 120 deniers are awarded, which is 3 sols, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 2nd. If someone steals a rooster, he is awarded 120 den, which is 3 sols, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 3rd. If someone steals a chicken, he is awarded 120 den, which is 3 sols, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 4th. If someone steals a crane or a domestic swan, 120 denier is awarded, which is 3 sols.

4. If someone steals a goose and is caught, he is awarded 120 deniers, which is 3 sols.

Approx. 5th. If someone steals a dove from someone else's network, he is awarded 3 sols.

Approx. 6th. If someone steals a small bird from the net, 3 Sol.

Approx. 7th. If someone spoils or steals a domestic apple tree in the yard or outside the yard, he is awarded 3 sols.

Approx. 8th. If an apple tree is in the garden, and someone spoils or steals it, 600 dens are awarded, which is 15 sols.

Approx. 9th. We command the same penalty to be observed with regard to the vineyard.

Approx. 10th. If someone steals a knife, 600 denier is awarded, which is 15 Sol.

Approx. 11th. If someone in a foreign forest steals, burns or spoils material, or steals someone else's firewood, he is awarded 600 den.

VIII. About stealing bees

1. If someone steals one beehive from under the castle, and is caught, he is awarded 1800 den., Which is 45 Sol.

2. If someone steals one hive, and there were no more of them at the place of theft, a fine should be applied, as in the previous case.

Approx. 1st. If someone steals from under the roof and from under the lock one hive between other hives, the above penalty should be observed, not counting the payment of the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 2nd. If someone steals one hive with bees outside the roof, and there were no more (beehives) at the place of the theft, he pays the aforementioned fine, not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

3. If someone steals more, up to 6 beehives in an open place, and something remains at the place of the theft, 600 den.

4. If someone steals 7 beehives or more, and something remains at the place of the theft, 1800 den.

Approx. 3rd. If he steals 7 or more, and not a single one remains on the spot, he is awarded 1800 den., Which is 45 soles, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

IX. Of damage done to a field or any fenced-in place

1. If someone finds horned animals in his field, or a horse, or some small livestock, he should not beat him to mutilation. If he does this and confesses, he is obliged to reimburse the cost, and take the mutilated cattle for himself. If he does not confess and is convicted, he is awarded 600 denier, which is 15 sols, not counting the cost and compensation for damages.

Approx. 1st. If someone thieves marks cattle or draft animals with a brand, 600 deniers are awarded, which is 15 sols, not counting the cost and compensation for damages.

2. If someone, having found someone else's cattle in his field without a shepherd, drives him and does not tell anyone about it at all, and if any cattle dies, compensates, as in the case of theft, the cost, and, in addition, is awarded 1400 denier ., which is 35 Sol.

3. If someone, through his negligence, harms an animal or any livestock and confesses this, he must reimburse the cost, and take the mutilated animal for himself. If he refuses and is caught, he is awarded 600 denier, which is 15 sols, not counting the cost and compensation for damages.

4. If someone's pigs or someone's cattle run into someone else's field, and the owner of the animals, despite the denial, is caught, is awarded 600 den., Which is 15 Sol.

5. If someone decides to drive the cattle that caused the loss out of the fenced area, or take it away when they are already being driven home, he is awarded 1200 den., which is 30 Sol.

Approx.2nd. If someone, out of enmity or treachery, opens someone else's fence and let cattle into a field, or a meadow, or a vineyard, or some other cultivated place, then the one to whom the labor belongs, if the latter presents evidence with witnesses, he must compensate for the damage, and, in addition, is awarded 1200 den., Which is 30 Sol.

X. Of the theft of slaves

1. If someone steals a slave, a horse or a harnessed animal, 1200 dens are awarded for payment, which is 30 sols.

2. If a slave or a slave steals any of his master's belongings in community with a free man, then the thief (i.e. free), in addition to returning the stolen things, is awarded 600 den, which is 15 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone deprives of life, sells or sets free another's slave, he is awarded 1400 denier, which is 35 Sol.

Approx. 2nd. If someone steals someone else's slave, 1200 denier is awarded for payment, which is 30 sols.

Approx. 3rd. If a free man leads another's slave with him to steal, or plots something with him, he is awarded 600 deniers, which is 15 Sol.

Approx. 4th. If someone steals a slave girl, he pays 35 Sol.; and for a vinedresser, a blacksmith, a carpenter, a groom worth 30 sols., in the case of evidence, 2880 dens are awarded for payment, which is 85 sols.

Approx. 5th. If someone steals a slave or a slave from the master's servants, he gives 35 sols. as the value of the stolen, and, in addition, is awarded for payment of 1400 den., which is 35 Sol.

XI. About thefts or break-ins made by the free

1. If one of the freemen steals outside the house for 2 den., 600 den. is awarded, which is 15 Sol.

2. If he steals outside the house for 40 deniers, and is caught, he is awarded 1400 deniers, which is 35 sols, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

3. If a free man, having arranged a break-in, steals for 2 den., and is caught, is awarded for payment of 15 sol.

4. If he steals more than 5 den., and is caught, he is awarded 1400 den., which is 35 soles, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

5. If he breaks the lock or picks up the key and, thus entering the house, steals something from there, he is awarded 1800 den., Which is 45 sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

6. If he does not take away anything, or if he runs away, he is awarded 1200 den., Which is 30 Sol.

XII. Of thefts or break-ins by slaves

1. If a slave steals outside the house for 2 days, he returns the stolen and compensates for the losses, and, in addition, prostrate (on the bench), receives 120 lashes.

2. If he steals 40 denier, he is either castrated or pays 6 Sol. And the master of the slave who committed the theft compensates the plaintiff both for the cost of the stolen goods and for the losses.

XIII. About the kidnapping of the free

1. If three people kidnap a free girl, they must pay 30 sols each. each.

2. Those who are more than three are obliged to pay 5 Sol. each.

3. And those who had arrows with them pay triple.

4. From the kidnappers, 2,500 den. are exacted, which is 63 Sol.

5. If they kidnap a girl from under the castle, or from the upper room, they pay the price and fine, as indicated above.

6. If the girl who is kidnapped is under the protection of the king, then 2500 dens are paid for the violation of "fritus", which is 63 sols.

7. A royal slave or lit, who kidnapped a free woman, is guilty of death.

8. If a free girl voluntarily follows a slave, she loses her freedom.

9. A free man who takes someone else's slave bears the same punishment.

Approx. 1st. If someone takes someone else's litka as a wife, he is awarded 1200 denier, which is 30 Sol.

Approx. 2nd. If anyone marries the daughter of a sister or brother, or any further relative, or the wife of a brother or uncle, he is liable to punishment in the sense that he is separated from such a marriage. Even if children are born to him, they will not be considered legitimate heirs, but dishonorable by birth (illegitimate).

10. If someone kidnaps someone else's bride and marries her, he is awarded 2500 denier, which is 63 Sol.

Approx. 3rd. And the groom of the bride pays 15 sols.

Approx. 4th. If someone attacks a betrothed girl during the wedding train and rapes her, 8,000 denier is awarded, which is 200 sols.

Approx. 5th. If anyone attacks a free woman or girl en masse on the road or in any other place and dares to inflict violence on her, all those who participated in the commission of violence are sentenced to pay 200 sols. each. And if in this crowd there are those who did not know about the admission of violence, and yet were present there, whether they be more or less than 3, each of them pays 45 sols for himself.

XIV. About attacks or robberies

1. If someone robs a free man, attacking him unexpectedly, and is caught, he is awarded 2500 den., Which is 63 Sol.

2. If a Roman robs a Salian barbarian, the above law shall apply.

3. If the Frank robs a Roman, he is sentenced to a fine of 35 Sol.

4. If anyone, desiring to migrate, receives a charter from the king, and if he unfolds it in a public meeting and someone dares to oppose the order of the king, he is guilty of paying 8000 den., Which is 200 Sol.

5. If anyone attacks a migrating person, all those who participated in the spree or attack are awarded 2500 den., which is 63 Sol.

6. If someone attacks someone else's villa, all those caught in this attack are awarded 63 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone attacks someone else's villa, breaks down the doors there, kills dogs and injures people, or takes something out of there on a wagon, he is awarded 8,000 den., which is 200 sols.

Approx. 2nd. And everything that he takes from there must be reimbursed. All who are found to have taken part in this spree or attack are to be paid 63 sols.

Approx. 3rd. If someone thieves rob a sleeping person and is caught, he is awarded 4000 den., which is 100 sol.

Approx. 4th. If anyone robs a dead person before he is lowered into the ground and is caught, he is awarded 4,000 denier, which is 100 sol.

Approx. 5th. If someone, after pulling out the corpse, robs it and is caught, he is awarded 8,000 den., which is 200 sol.

Approx. 6th. If someone puts a dead person in a wooden or stone coffin on top of another (on another corpse), 2,500 deniers are awarded for payment, which is 62 1/2 sols.

Approx. 7th. If someone spoils the monuments on the grave of a dead person, for each of them 600 deniers are awarded, which is 15 Sol.

XV. About murders or if someone steals someone else's wife

1. If someone takes the life of a free person, or takes someone else's wife away from a living husband, he is awarded 8,000 den, which is 200 sol.

XVI. About arson

1. If anyone burns any house with sleeping people, those of the free ones who were inside must call him to judgment, and if anything inside burns, (the arsonist) is awarded 2500 den., Which is 63 Sol.

Approx. 1st. According to the Salic law, the following must be observed: if someone burns someone else's house and the victim does not have a place where to put the things saved from the fire, and if the culprit is called to court and does not appear, he can find an excuse only if if he is restrained either by illness, or royal service, or the death of any of his relatives; otherwise, he is subject to the death penalty, or is awarded 200 sols.

2. If someone burns a house with outbuildings and is caught, he is awarded 2500 den., which is 63 Sol.

3. If someone burns a barn or barn with bread, he is awarded 2500 den., which is 63 Sol.

4. If anyone burns a barn with pigs or stalls with animals, and is caught, he is awarded 2500 den., Which is 63 Sol., not counting the payment of cost and compensation for damages.

Approx. 2nd. And if there is nothing left, the offender is sentenced to pay 8,000 denier, which is 200 sols, not counting the payment of the cost and compensation for damages.

Approx. 3rd. If a Roman allows this in relation to a Roman, and there is no solid evidence against him, let him purify himself through 20 contributors, however, chosen by both parties. If he cannot find the jurors, then let him go to the cauldron and be awarded 1200 den., which is 30 Sol.

5. If someone burns someone else's fence or hedge, 600 denier is awarded, which is 15 sol.

XVII. About wounds

1. If someone intends to take the life of another, but misses the blow, and is convicted, he is awarded 2500 den., Which is 63 Sol.

2. If someone intends to hit another with a poisoned arrow, but misses and is caught, he is awarded 2500 denier, which is 63 Sol.

3. If someone hits another on the head so that the brain is revealed and 3 bones lying on top of the brain itself fall out, 1200 deniers are awarded, which is 30 Sol.

4. If someone is wounded between the ribs or in the stomach, and it turns out that a wound appears and penetrates to the insides, 1200 deniers are awarded, which is 30 sols, in addition to 5 sols. for treatment.

Approx. 1st. If the wound hurts and does not heal, 62 1/2 Sol. and for treatment on 9 Sol.

5. If someone wounds a person in such a way that blood flows to the ground and is caught, he is awarded 600 deniers, which is 15 Sol.

6. If a freeman strikes a freeman with a stick, but in such a way that blood does not flow, then up to 3 blows for each blow are paid 120 den, which is 3 Sol.

7. If blood comes out, the same amount is paid as is due for the wound with iron.

8. If someone strikes another with a clenched fist, 360 den. is awarded, which is 9 sol., so that for each blow he pays 3 sol.

9. If someone tries to rob another on the road, and he flees, (guilty) in case of evidence, is awarded 2500 den., which is 63 Sol.

Approx. 2nd. And if he is robbed, he pays 30 sols.

XVIII. About the one who accuses an innocent person before the king

1. If someone accuses an innocent person before the king of the absence of the latter, he is awarded 2500 den., Which is 63 Sol.

Approx. 1st. And if he raises such a guilt on him, for which, if the accusation is confirmed, the death penalty follows, the accuser is sentenced to pay 8000 den., which is 200 Sol.

XIX. About spoilage

1. If someone gives another to drink a decoction of herbs, with the aim of killing him, he is awarded 200 sols.

2. If someone causes damage to another, and the one to whom it was caused avoids danger, the perpetrator of the crime, in respect of which it will be proved that he allowed it, is awarded 2500 den., Which is 63 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone sends damage to another or puts a binding (nauzy) on any place (body), it is awarded for payment of 62 1/2 sols.

Approx. 2nd. If any woman corrupts another so that she cannot have children, 62 1/2 Sol.

XX. About the one who grabs a free woman by the hand or by the finger

1. If any free man seizes a free woman by the hand, by the hand, or by the finger, and is caught, 15 sol.

2. If he squeezes the brush, he is awarded 30 sols.

3. And if he grabs his hand above the elbow, he is awarded 1400 den., Which is 35 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone damages the breast of a woman, 45 sols is awarded.

XXI. About boat theft

1. If someone takes someone else's boat without the consent of the owner and passes on it, 120 dens is awarded for payment, which is 3 sols.

2. If he steals this boat and is overtaken, he is awarded 600 deniers, which is 15 Sol.

3. If someone steals a boat from under the castle, 1400 den. is awarded, which is 35 Sol.

4. If someone steals a boat from under the castle, placed there for repair, is awarded 1800 den., Which is 45 Sol.

XXII. About the thefts at the mill

1. If any free man steals someone else's bread at the mill and is caught, he pays the miller 600 den., which is 15 Sol. The owner of the bread is paid another 15 sols.

Approx. 1st. If he steals iron parts there, he is awarded 45 sols.

Approx. 2nd. If someone breaks the mill dam, he is awarded 15 sols.

XXIII. On the unauthorized use of someone else's horse

1. If someone sits on someone else's horse without the permission of the owner, he is awarded 1200 den, which is 30 sol.

XXIV. About killing boys

1. If someone takes the life of a boy up to 10 years old inclusive, and is convicted, he is awarded 24,000 den., Which is 600 Sol.

2. If someone takes the life of a long-haired boy, 600 sols are awarded.

Approx. 1st. If someone takes the life of a free woman and is caught, he is awarded 24,000 denier, which is 600 sols.

3. If someone beats a free pregnant woman, and if she dies, 28,000 den. is awarded, which is 700 Sol.

4. If someone takes away the life of a child in the womb, before he receives a name, and this is proved, 4,000 den., which is 100 Sol.

Approx. 2nd. If someone dares to cut a free long-haired boy without the consent of his parents, and is caught, he is awarded 1800 den., which is 45 Sol.

Approx. 3rd. If someone dares to cut a free girl's hair without the consent of the parents, and is caught, he is awarded 1800 den., Which is 45 Sol.

5. If a boy, under the age of 12, commits any fault, no "fretus" shall be exacted from him.

Approx. 4th. If someone takes the life of a free girl, he is awarded 300 sols.

6. If anyone takes the life of a free woman after she has begun to have children, 24,000 deniers are awarded, which is 600 sols.

7. If someone takes away the life (of a free woman) after she can no longer have children, 8,000 deniers are awarded, which is 200 Sol.

XXV. About the adulteries of slaves

1. If someone commits violence against a free girl, 63 Sol.

2. If someone will have intercourse with a free girl of her good will, by mutual agreement, 1800 dens are awarded for payment, which is 45 Sol.

3. If any free man has intercourse with someone else's slave, and is caught, he is awarded to pay the master of the slave 600 den., which is 15 Sol.

4. If anyone has intercourse with the royal slave, 1200 deniers are awarded, which is 30 sols.

5. If a free man explicitly marries another's slave, he himself must become a slave along with her.

6. Likewise, a free woman, if she marries another's slave, must become a slave.

7. If a slave inflicts violence on someone else's slave and as a result of this crime the slave dies, the slave must either pay the master of the slave 240 denier, which is 6 sols, or must be castrated. The master of the slave must compensate the cost of the slave.

8. If the slave after this remains alive, the slave must either receive 300 lashes, or pay the master (slave) 120 den., Which is 3 Sol.

9. If a slave takes away someone else's slave against her will, he must pay the master of the slave 120 den, which is 3 Sol.

XXVI. About Freedmen

1. If any free person, in the presence of the king, through a denarius, releases someone else's litas, without the consent of the latter's master, and is caught, he is awarded 4,000 denier, which is 100 sols. The things of the litas must be returned to their rightful master.

2. If someone, in the presence of the king, releases another's slave through a denarius, and is convicted, he is awarded to pay the cost of the slave to the master, and in addition 35 Sol.

XXVII. About various thefts

1. If someone steals a bell from the leader of someone else's swine herd and is caught, he is awarded 600 den, which is 15 sols, not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

2. If such a theft is committed from a herd of small livestock, (guilty) is awarded 120 den., Which is 3 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone steals a bell from a horse, 600 deniers are awarded, which is 15 sols.

3. If someone steals a fetter from a horse and is caught, he is awarded 120 deniers, which is 3 sols, not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

4. If these horses are lost, the guilty must compensate for their cost.

5. If someone thieves let his cattle (for the purpose of herding) into someone else's field, and is caught (at the crime scene), he is awarded 600 den., Which is 15 Sol.

Approx. 2nd. If someone thieves harvest someone else's harvest and is caught (at the scene of the crime), he is awarded 600 den., Which is 15 Sol.

6. If someone breaks into someone else's garden for the purpose of stealing, he is awarded 600 den., which is 15 soles, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 3rd. If someone steals a stalk (graft) from an apple or pear tree, he is awarded 3 sols.

Approx. 4th. If they were in the garden, 600 deniers are awarded, which is 15 sols.

Approx. 5th. If someone uproots an apple tree or a pear, 120 deniers are awarded, which is 3 sols.

Approx.6th. If they were in the garden, 15 Sol.

7. If someone penetrates with the intent to steal in a field planted with turnips, beans, peas or lentils, he is awarded 120 den., which is 3 Sol.

8. If someone steals flax from someone else's field and takes it away on a horse or cart, he is awarded 600 den.

9. But if he takes as much as he can carry on his back, he is awarded for payment 120 den., Which is 3 Sol.

Approx. 7th. If someone cuts a tree planted there in a foreign field, he is awarded 30 sols.

10. If someone mows someone else's meadow, he loses his work.

11. And if, in addition, he takes the hay to his house and stacks it there, he is awarded 1800 den., which is 45 sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

12. If he steals only as much as he can carry on his back, 3 Sol.

13. If someone climbs into someone else's vineyard to steal grapes, and is caught, he is awarded 600 den., Which is 15 Sol.

14. If, in addition, he takes the grapes to his house and stacks them there, he is awarded 1800 den., which is 45 Sol.

15. The same rule is to be observed with respect to the harvest.

Approx. 8th. If someone breaks someone else's fence, he is awarded 15 sols.

16. If someone cuts down, spoils, or sets fire to someone else's material in the forest, 600 dens is awarded, which is 15 Sol.

17. If someone dares to hew someone else's material on one side, he is awarded 120 den, which is 3 Sol.

18. If someone steals someone else's firewood from someone else's forest, he is awarded 3 sols.

19. If anyone dares to take a tree marked more than a year ago, there is no fault in that.

20. If someone steals an eel net from the river, 1800 deniers are awarded, which is 45 sol.

21. If someone steals a net, a three-loop or bag-like net, 600 deniers are awarded for payment, which is 15 Sol.

22. If someone robs an unlocked room, he is awarded 600 denier, which is 15 Sol.

23. If someone robs a locked room, 1800 denier is awarded for payment, which is 45 Sol.

24. If someone plows someone else's field, without the permission of the owner, is awarded for payment of 15 Sol.

25. If anyone sows it, he is awarded 1800 den., which is 45 Sol.

Approx. 9th. If someone interferes with the arrival of a plow in a foreign field, or expels a plowman, or obstructs him, he is awarded 600 den., which is 15 Sol.

26. If someone enters into an agreement with another's slave without the knowledge of the master, he is awarded 600 den., Which is 15 Sol.

Approx. 10th. If someone steals a bracelet from a woman, 120 denier is awarded, which is 3 sols.

Approx. 11th. If someone takes away someone else's hut without the knowledge of its owner, he is awarded 1200 den., which is 30 Sol.

XXVIII. About incitement

1. If someone bribes another to commit theft and is caught, he is awarded 2500 denier, which is 63 Sol.

2. If someone, being bribed to commit theft (murder?), wants to take the life of a person, and is convicted, he is awarded 2500 den., Which is 62 Sol.

3. If the bribe is entrusted to a third person, and he (the third person) is free (in this case) and the giver, and the receiver, and the committer (crime), each of them is separately awarded 60 Sol.

XXIX. About injury

1. If someone mutilates the arm or leg of another, deprives him of an eye or a nose, 4,000 denier is awarded for payment, which is 100 Sol.

2. If he has this mutilated hand hanging, he is awarded 2500 den., Which is 63 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If this hand is cut off, 2500 deniers are awarded, which is 62 1/2 sols.

Approx. 2nd. If the leg is injured and remains mutilated in place, the guilty person is sentenced to pay 1800 den., Which is 45 Sol.

Approx. 3rd. If he completely cuts off his leg, he is awarded 2500 den., Which is 62 1/2 sol.

Approx. 4th. If someone plucks out another's eye, sol. 62 1/2 shall be paid.

Approx. 5th. If the nose is torn off, 1800 denier is awarded, which is 45 Sol.

Approx. 6th. If he tears off his ear, he is awarded 15 sols.

3. If someone tears off the thumb on the hand or on the foot, 2000 den. is awarded, which is 50 Sol.

4. If this mutilated finger hangs in the same place, 1200 deniers are awarded, which is 30 sols.

5. If someone tears off the second finger, namely, the one with which they pull the bow, he is awarded 1400 den., which is 35 Sol.

Prnb. 7th. If someone tears off the next finger, 600 den. is awarded, which is 15 Sol.

Prnb. 8th. If the 4th finger is torn off, sol 9 is awarded.

Approx. 9th. If someone tears off his little finger, he is awarded 600 den., Which is 15 Sol.

6. If someone cuts off the next three fingers with one blow, he is awarded 50 sols.

7. If he cuts off two (fingers), he is awarded 35 sols.

8. If one cuts off, he is awarded 30 sols.

Approx. 10th. If someone damages another's tongue so that he will not be able to speak, he is awarded 100 sols.

Approx. 11th. If someone knocks out a tooth, he is awarded 15 sols.

9. If someone castrates a free person, 8,000 deniers are awarded, which is 200 sols.

Approx. 12th. If it is completely torn off, 8,000 deniers are awarded, which is 200 sols.

XXX. About insulting words

1. If someone calls another a freak, he is awarded 3 sols.

2. If someone calls another dirty, 120 den. is awarded, which is 3 Sol.

3. If anyone - a man or a woman - calls a free woman a harlot, and does not prove it, 1800 dens are awarded for payment, which is 45 Sol.

4. If someone calls another a wolf, he is awarded 3 sols.

5. If someone calls another a hare, he is awarded 3 sols.

6. If someone accuses another of having thrown (in battle) his shield, and cannot prove it, he is awarded 120 deniers, which is 3 Sol.

7. If someone calls another a scammer or a liar, and cannot prove it, he is awarded 600 den., Which is 15 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone knocks off a headdress from his comrade, he is awarded 120 deniers, which is 3 sols, or return the same to him, or swear on the 12th that he will return such to him.

XXXI. About blocking the way

1. If someone knocks down or pushes a free person astray, 600 dens are awarded, which is 15 Sol.

2. If someone knocks down or pushes a free woman out of the way, 1800 dens is awarded, which is 45 sols.

Approx. 1st. If someone attacks another on the way and robs him, he is awarded 1200 denier, which is 30 sols.

Approx. 2nd. If someone blocks the road leading to the mill, 600 deniers are awarded, which is 15 Sol.

XXXII. About binding free

1. If someone binds a free person without fault, 1200 dens are awarded for payment, which is 30 sols.

2. If someone takes this bound somewhere, he is awarded 1800 den, which is 45 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If the Roman binds the franc without fault, 600 deniers are awarded, which is 15 sols.

Approx. 2nd. If the franc of a Roman without guilt binds, it is awarded for payment of 600 den., Which is 15 Sol.

Approx. 3rd. If someone, by deceit or force, beats off a bound person from the count, he is guilty to pay the price of his life.

XXIII. About game theft

1. If someone steals any game, and hides (it), is awarded for payment 1800 den., Which is 45 soles, not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages. This law is to be observed with respect to hunting and fishing.

2. If someone steals or kills a tagged domestic deer that is tamed for hunting, and it is proved by witnesses that the owner had it for hunting, or that he killed 2 or 3 animals with it, 1800 den. is awarded, which is 45 Sol.

3. And if someone steals or kills a domestic deer not tamed for hunting, 1400 deniers are awarded, which is 35 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone (takes over) someone else's deer, which was raised and driven by dogs, is awarded for payment of 15 Sol.

Approx. 2nd. If someone kills a hunted boar raised by (strange) dogs, he is awarded 600 deniers, which is 15 Sol.

XXXIV. About stealing a fence

1. If someone cuts 2 or 3 rods with which the fence is tied and restrained at the top, or breaks or pulls out 3 stakes, 600 deniers are awarded, which is 15 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone burns someone else's hedge, he is awarded 15 sols.

2. If someone leads a harrow through someone else's, already ascended field, or drives a cart off the road, he is awarded 120 den, which is 3 sols.

3. If someone passes through someone else's field, which has already begun to be eared, not along the road or along the path, 600 den is awarded for payment, which is 15 Sol.

4. If someone, with bad intentions, puts a stolen thing in the yard of another, or in a house, or in any other place, without the knowledge of the owner, and is caught there, he is awarded 2,500 den., which is 63 Sol.

Approx. 2nd. If someone enters, for the purpose of stealing, into someone else's yard after sunset, and is caught there, he is awarded 1800 den., which is 45 Sol.

XXXV. Of murders or robberies of slaves

1. If any slave takes the life of a slave, let the masters divide the murderer among themselves.

2. If any free man robs another's slave, and is convicted of having taken from him more than 40 den., 1200 den. is awarded for payment, which is 30 Sol.

3. If, however, what was taken during the robbery cost less than 40 den., 600 den. are awarded for payment, which is 15 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone beats another's slave and takes away his ability to work for 40 days, he is awarded 1 1/3 sols.

4. If any free person robs someone else's litas, and is caught, he is awarded 1400 den, which is 35 sols.

Approx. 2nd. If someone thieves rob the corpse of another's slave and take from him more than 40 den, he is awarded 1400 den, which is 35 Sol.

Approx. 3rd. If what was taken during the robbery cost less than 40 den., 600 den. are awarded for payment, which is 15 Sol.

5. If someone else's slave or lit takes the life of a free person, the murderer himself is given to the relatives of the murdered person as half of the vira, and the master of the slave pays the other half of the vira.

6. If someone steals or takes the life of a household servant, or a blacksmith, or a goldsmith, or a swineherd, or a vinedresser, or a groom, and is caught, he is awarded 1200 den., Which is 30 Sol.

7. As "fretus" and "faidus" 1800 deniers are paid, which is 45 soles, not counting the cost and damages; only 75 Sol.

XXXVI. About quadrupeds, if a man is killed

1. If anyone is killed by any domestic four-legged animal, and this is proven by witnesses, the owner of the animal must pay half the vira. The animal itself goes to the plaintiff in compensation for the second half of the vira.

XXXVII. About chasing

1. If someone loses an ox or a horse, or any animal due to theft, and, following the tracks, finds it within 3 days, and the one who leads it (the animal) declares that he bought or received it in exchange , following in the footsteps must prove through third parties that (these) things are his property. If the person looking for his things finds them already after 3 days, and the one from whom he finds them declares that he bought or received them in exchange, let him (the defendant) himself prove (to them) his right. If the looking for cattle declares that he recognized him (his) and, despite the protest of that other, does not want to provide evidence through third parties, nor appoint, according to the law, a day for trial, and is convicted of forcibly taking (the animal), he is awarded to pay 1200 den., which is 30 Sol.

XXXVIII. About horse stealing

1. If someone steals a draft horse and is caught, he is awarded 1800 den., which is 45 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

2. If someone steals a stallion and is caught, he is awarded 1800 den., Which is 45 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone steals a gelding, he is awarded 30 Sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 2nd. If he steals the royal stallion, he is sentenced to pay 90 sols, not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

3. If someone steals a stallion with his herd of 12 mares, he is awarded 2,500 denier, which is 63 sols, not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for damages.

4. If the herd is smaller, namely, up to 7 heads, including the stallion, is awarded for payment of 63 Sol., not counting the cost of the stolen and compensation for losses.

5. If someone steals a foal mare and is caught, he is awarded 1200 den, which is 30 sols.

Approx. 3rd. If someone steals a horse, or draft cattle, he is awarded 35 sol., not counting the value of the stolen and compensation for damages.

Approx. 4th. If someone castrates someone else's stallion without the consent of the owner, he is awarded 600 deniers, which is 15 sols.

Approx. 5th. If someone, through deceit or enmity, mutilates or spoils other people's horses or draft cattle, he is awarded 1200 deniers, which is 30 sols.

6. If someone steals a one-year-old foal and is caught, he is awarded 600 denier, which is 15 sol.

7. And if he steals a suckling foal, he is awarded 120 denier, which is 3 sols.

Approx. 6th. If someone mutilates someone else's draft cattle, he is awarded 30 sols.

Approx. 7th. If he (the cattle) then dies, he is awarded for payment 1200 den., Which is 30 Sol.

8. If someone cuts the tail of someone else's horse, he is awarded 120 denier, which is 3 sols.

Approx. 8th. If someone removes the skin from a fallen horse without the consent of the owner, he is awarded 120 denier, which is 3 sols.

XXIX. About the slave kidnappers

1. If someone decides to lure other people's slaves, and is caught, he is awarded 600 den, which is 15 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone else's slave is kidnapped and taken across the sea, and there is found by his master, he must name in a public meeting the one who stole him, and there must gather witnesses.

Approx. 2nd. If the slave is again called overseas, he must name (the kidnapper) in the secondary meeting and there he must gather 3 legally capable witnesses; in the 3rd assembly it should be the same, and let 9 witnesses swear that they heard the slave call the kidnapper. After that, the kidnapper is ordered to pay 1,400 denier, which is 35 sols, not counting the value of the stolen item and compensation for damages.

Approx. 3rd. This slander of the slave is allowed only in relation to the 3rd kidnappers, however, in such a way that he (the slave) must always name the names of people and villas.

2. If someone kidnaps a free man and (against him) there is no true evidence, he must present the accomplices as if in murder; if he fails to find a juror, he is awarded 8000 den., which is 200 Sol.

3. If someone kidnaps a Roman, 63 Sol.

XL. If a slave is accused of stealing

1. If an offense is committed for which a free man must pay a fine of 600 denier, or 15 sols, let the slave be laid out on a bench and receive 120 lashes.

2. If the slave, before being tortured, confesses to the offense, the master of the slave, if he pleases, let him give 120 den., which is 3 Sol.

3. If the guilt turns out to be greater, namely, such for which the free man must pay 35 Sol., let the slave in the same way receive 120 lashes.

4. If the slave does not confess, and the torturer wishes to torture him further, even against the will of the master, in this case he must give the latter a pledge for the slave. If the slave after that is subjected to great torture and confesses, then one cannot give faith to his testimony against the master; and let the torturer keep the slave to himself; the master of the slave, having received a pledge for him, let him withhold the price of his slave from the pledge. If (the slave) confesses during the previous torture, i.e. before receiving 120 strokes, he must be castrated, or pay 6 sol. And let the master of the servant compensate the plaintiff for the value of what was stolen.

5. If the slave is guilty of a more serious crime, namely, one for which a free person can be sentenced to pay 45 Sol., and if the slave himself confesses under torture, he is sentenced to death.

6. If a slave is convicted of any crime, the plaintiff must exhort his master, if the latter is present, to hand over the slave for just torture; at the same time, the plaintiff must have rods ready, each of which should be equal in thickness to at least the little finger, and a bench on which the slave is to be laid out (for torture).

7. If the master of the slave postpones the torture, and if the slave is not absent, let the plaintiff immediately set the master a period of 7 days, during which he must hand over the slave for torture.

8. If, even after 7 days, the master delays in issuing his slave, the plaintiff must appoint him a new weekly period, so that 14 days will pass from the time of the first call.

9. If, even after 14 days, the master does not wish to hand over his slave to torture, he assumes all the guilt and the entire fine; and not as a slave, but as a free man who has committed this offense, he takes upon himself the entire payment according to the law.

10. If the slave who is accused of something is absent, the plaintiff in private, in the presence of three witnesses, must repeatedly exhort the master to present his slave for punishment no later than 7 days. If, within 7 days, he does not present the slave, the plaintiff, in the presence of witnesses, must appoint him a new weekly term. If, after these 7 days, the master does not present his slave, the plaintiff must appoint a weekly term for the third time, so that only 21 days will pass. If, after this period, the master evades the delivery of the bound slave for torture, although the plaintiff has already given him several delays, in this case the master of the slave must satisfy the plaintiff in the same way as above, namely, to pay the plaintiff such a fine as follows from him not as from a slave, but as from a free person who has committed a similar offense.

11. If a slave woman is accused of such a crime for which the slave should be castrated, she is subject to a fine of 240 denier, which is 6 sol., if she pleases to pay her master for it; otherwise, she must receive 144 lashes.

Approx. 1st. If a slave commits a theft in complicity with a freeman, he, in addition to compensation for the cost and losses, pays twice for the stolen goods, while the freeman pays four times.

Approx. 2nd. If someone makes a deal with someone else's slave, he is awarded 15 sols.

XLI. About homicide in a crowd

1. If anyone takes the life of a free franc or a barbarian living under the Salic law, and is convicted, he is awarded 8,000 den., which is 200 sols.

2. If his corpse is thrown into a well or into water, or covered with branches or anything else, 24,000 deniers are awarded for payment, which is 600 sols.

Approx. 1st. If he does not hide, he is awarded for payment 8000 den., Which is 200 Sol.

3. If someone takes the life of a person who is in the royal service, or a free woman, he is awarded 24,000 den., Which is 600 Sol.

4. If he throws it into water or into a well, or covers it with something, he is awarded 72,000 denier, which is 1,800 Sol. If he does not cover it with straw, he is awarded 600 sols.

5. If someone takes the life of a Roman - a royal companion, and is convicted, he is awarded 12,000 den, which is 300 sols.

6. If anyone takes the life of a Roman landowner and non-royal companion, 4,000 denier, which is 100 Sol.

7. If someone takes the life of a Roman - a taxable person, he is awarded for payment 63 Sol.

8. If someone finds a man without arms and legs at the crossroads, thrown there by his enemies, and finishes him off, and is caught, he is awarded 4000 den., which is 100 Sol.

Approx. 2nd. If anyone dares to remove a person from the gallows without the consent of the judge, he is awarded 45 sols.

Approx. 3rd. If someone dares to take off the head of a man that his enemy has impaled without the permission of the judge or the one who impaled it, he is awarded 15 sols.

9. If someone throws a free man into the well, who, however, comes out of there alive, 4000 deniers are awarded for payment, which is 100 Sol.

Approx. 4th. And if he dies in the well, he is awarded 24,000 denier, which is 600 Sol.

Approx. 5th. If the one who was thrown dies (after), all his vira is paid.

Approx. 6th. So each person must pay more or less vira.

Approx. 7th. If the abandoned person escaped the danger of death, 1/2 of the vira that should be paid in case of his death is paid. For in the event of death, each is paid a corresponding vira.

Approx. 8th. Similarly, if someone pushes another into the sea, 62 Sol.

Approx. 9th. If someone wrongly accuses a free person of any crime, and for this the accused person is put to death, (the slanderer) is awarded 100 sols.

XLII. About homicide in a crowd

1. If someone, having gathered a crowd, attacks a free person in his house and takes his life there, and if the murdered was in the royal service, (the murderer) is awarded 72,000 den., which is 1800 sols.

2. If the slain was not in the royal service, (the murderer) is awarded 24,000 den., which is 600 Sol.

3. If the body of the murdered person has 3 or more wounds, then the three who are caught as members of this crowd are subject to the same payment as in the previous case, while the other three from this crowd pay 3600 den., i.e. 90 Sol.; the last three of the crowd pay 1800 den., Which is 45 Sol.

4. And for the murder of a Roman, a litas, or a slave, half is paid.

5. If someone attacks someone else's villa and takes possession of the property located there, but this is not properly proven, he can be released from the charge with the help of 25 jurors chosen by both litigants; if he cannot find a jury, he is awarded 2500 den., which is 63 Sol.

XLIII. About homicide in a crowd

1. If someone, being in an assembly of 5 people, is deprived of life by one of them, the rest must either betray the guilty person, or all must answer for the death of the murdered; the same law is observed in the case when there are 7 people in the assembly.

2. If there are more than 7 people in the assembly, then not everyone is responsible (for the murder), but only those whose guilt will be proven; they pay the veera according to the law.

3. If someone, being outside the house, on the way, or in the field, is deprived of life in a crowd, and if there are 3 or more wounds on him, then three of this crowd, against whom there will be evidence, one by one should be responsible for the murder; the next three pay 1200 den., which is 30 Sol., and the last three of this crowd pay 600 den., Which is 15 Sol.

XLIV. About reipus "e

1. According to custom, it follows that (if) a person, dying, leaves a widow, and someone wishes to take her, then before he marries her, the tungin or centenarius must appoint a court session, and at this session he must carry a shield, and three persons must bring three suits. And then the one who wants to take a widow must have 3 equilibrium solids and 1 denarius. And there must be three who will weigh his solids; and if after that they agree, he can take (the widow in marriage).

2. If he does not do this and takes it like this, he must pay 2,500 deniers to the one who has the right to reipus, which is 63 Sol.

3. If, however, he fulfills according to the law all of the above by us, those who follow the reipus receive 3 sols. and 1 den.

Approx. 1st. Here is how to distinguish who should reipus.

4. If there is a nephew, the sister's son, as the eldest, he must receive reipus.

5. If there is no nephew, the eldest son receives the reipus.

6. If there is no son of the nephew, the son of the cousin who comes from the mother's family should receive the reipus.

7. If there is no cousin's son, reipus must be received by the uncle, the mother's brother.

8. If there is no uncle, the brother of the one who previously had her (the widow) wife should receive reipus, however, on the condition that he does not have to own the inheritance.

9. If there is not even a brother, the reipus must be received by the one who will be closer, in addition to those named, listed individually, according to the degree of relationship, up to the sixth generation, however, provided that he does not receive the inheritance of the deceased husband of the named woman.

10. And if there are no relatives up to the sixth generation (inclusive), then the reipus itself goes to the treasury, and the fine that will be awarded in the event of a lawsuit arising on this matter.

XLV. About settlers

1. If someone wants to move to a villa with another, and if one or more of the inhabitants of the villa want to accept him, but there is at least one who opposes the resettlement, he will not have the right to settle there.

2. If, in spite of the prohibition of one or two persons, he dares to settle in this villa, then he must be protested; and if he does not want to leave from there, the one who makes a protest, in the presence of witnesses, must turn to him with this kind of demand: you also that within 10 days you must leave this villa. After that, after 10 days, he again let him come to him and announce to him a second time that he should leave within the next day. If he does not want to leave even then, for the third time 10 days are added to his term, so that in this way 30 days are completed. If even then he does not want to leave, let him summon him to court, having with him witnesses who were there at the announcement of each term. If the one to whom the protest is presented does not want to leave from there, and he will not be detained by any legal obstacle, and if all of the above is announced to him according to the law, then the one who protested vouches for his fortune and asks the count to come to the place in order to drive him out of there. And because he did not want to obey the law, he loses the results of (his) labor there and, in addition, is awarded 1200 den., which is 30 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If he invites another to move into someone else's villa without prior agreement, he is awarded 1800 den., Which is 45 Sol.

3. If the resettled person does not receive any protest within 12 months, he must remain inviolable, like other neighbors.

XLVI. On the transfer of property

1. (At the same time) the following must be observed: let the tungin or centenary appoint a judicial meeting, and at this meeting they must have (with them) a shield, and three people must file three claims. Then, let them find a person who is not related to him (the testator) and to whom he (the testator) let him throw a stalk in the floor. And to the one in whose floor he throws the stem, let him declare his property, namely, how much he wants to transfer, whether everything, and to whom. And the one in whose floor he throws the stem must remain in his house. And he must invite three or more guests and keep that part of the property that is entrusted to him. And after that, the one to whom it is entrusted must act with the assembled witnesses. Then, in the presence of the king or in a judicial assembly, let him take a stalk and throw it on the floor of those who were appointed heirs 12 months ago and let him give the property to those to whom it was bequeathed, in an amount no more or less than what was entrusted to him. If anyone wishes to object to this, three witnesses must take an oath that they were present at that meeting, which was appointed by the Tungin or centenary, and saw how the one who wished to transfer his property threw a stalk on the floor to the one he chose; they must also name separately the name of the one who threw his property into the floor of another, the name of the one whom he declared heir. And the other three witnesses must testify under oath that the one in whose floor the stalk was thrown was in the house of the one who transferred his property, that he invited three or more guests who were eating porridge at the table in the presence of witnesses, and that these guests thanked him for the welcome. All this must be confirmed under an oath by other witnesses, as well as the fact that the one who received the property in the floor threw a stem in the floor in the presence of the king or in a legal public meeting of those who were declared heirs of the mentioned property publicly in the face of the people (namely) in the presence of the king or at a public meeting, i.e. on mallobergus "e, before the people or the Tungin; all this must be confirmed by 9 witnesses.

XLVII. About wanted

1. If someone recognizes his slave, or horse, or bull, or any other thing, let him transfer it to third parties, and the one who recognized (these things) must prove (to them) his right . And if both live on this side of the River Loire (Ligeris) or Coalwood, let the plaintiff and the defendant within 40 days set a time limit for the trial; and during this time, all those who have sold a horse, or exchanged, or, perhaps, given in payment, should go into intercourse with each other, namely, each should call the person about whom he made a deal. And if the one called to the court, having no legal obstacles to do so, does not appear, let him who has made a deal with them send three witnesses to invite him to appear at the court; likewise, he must have three other witnesses (who would show) that he made a deal with him in public. If he does this, he will exonerate himself from the accusation of theft. And the one who did not appear, on whom the witnesses pointed out under an oath, will be recognized as a thief in relation to the plaintiff and must reimburse the cost of the stolen thing to the one with whom he had a deal; this one, according to the law, will pay to the one who recognized his things. All this should take place at the court session, in the presence of the defendant, who has the thing for the first time, which is then transferred to third parties. If, however, those who have the thing recognized live on the other side of the Loire or the Coal Forest, this law must be fulfilled within 80 days.

XLVIII. About perjury

1. If anyone gives false evidence, he is awarded 600 den., which is 15 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone with an oath accuses another of having given false testimony, and cannot prove it, the slanderer is sentenced to pay 15 Sol.

Approx. 2nd. If someone is accused of perjury, and the one who accuses can prove his accusation, the perjurer is sentenced to payment of 15 Sol.

2. If anyone is accused of giving false evidence, each of the witnesses pays 5 sols.

3. The one who is convicted (of giving false testimony and bringing false witnesses) is awarded 600 denier, which is 15 sols, not counting the payment of the cost of damages and the loss of the case.

xlix. About witnesses

1. If anyone is forced to present witnesses, and it may happen that they do not wish to appear at the court session, the one who needs them must satisfy them and must invite them to the court session in front of the witnesses so that they, under oath, show what they know.

2. If they do not want to come and if they are not detained by a lawful obstacle, each of them is awarded 600 deniers, which is 15 Sol.

3. If those called to testify, having appeared (at the court session), do not want to show under an oath what they know, they will be put outside the law and (in addition) each of them is awarded 600 den., Which is 15 Sol.

L. Commitment

1. If anyone, free or lit, gives an obligation to another, the one to whom the obligation was given, after the expiration of 40 days, or the period established between them, must appear at his house, accompanied by witnesses, and with the one who is to evaluate the property. And if the debtor does not wish to pay according to the obligation, he, in addition to the debt indicated in the obligation, is awarded for payment of 15 Sol.

2. But if he stubbornly refuses to pay the obligation, (the creditor) must call him to court and so petition (before the tungin) for speedy coercion: “I beg you, tungin, declare speedy coercion in relation to my adversary, who gave me the obligation and borrowed from me." In this case, it must indicate the amount of the debt under the obligation. Then the tungin should say: "I declare against him the speediest coercion, according to the Salic law." Then the one to whom the obligation is given must solemnly demand that the debtor neither pay to anyone else nor give guarantees for payment until he has satisfied the debtor. And hastily, on the same day, before the sun sets, with witnesses, he must appear at the debtor's house and ask for payment of the debt. If he does not wish to comply with this request, let him appoint a time for a trial; in this case, the debt is increased by 120 den., Which is 3 Sol. This must be repeated up to three times, within three weeks, and if the third time he does not agree to pay, then let the debt increase by 360 den. Sol 3

3. If someone does not wish to pay the obligation by the due date, then the one to whom the obligation is given, let him go to the earl of the district in which he lives and, taking the stalk, let him turn to him with the following words: "Count, that person owes me, and I legally called him to court, according to the law of Salic. I vouch with myself and with my property that you can safely lay hands on his property. And let him tell you for what reason and for what amount the obligation was given. After that, let the count take with him 7 capable rachinburgs, go with them to the house of the one who made the obligation, and say: “Here you are now, of your own free will, pay this person the obligation, and choose any two rachinburgs that would determine the price and sources of your income, and according to a fair assessment, pay the following. If he does not agree to this personally or in absentia, then let the Rachinburgs themselves take from his property the amount that corresponds to the amount of the debt and from the value of the property, according to the law, let two parts go in favor of the plaintiff, let the count take the third as "fritus" a", unless "fritus" has already been paid in this case.

4. If the earl is asked (to do all of the above), and he, not being detained either by a good cause or by royal service, neither goes himself, nor sends a deputy who would demand justice and justice, he must be deprived of life, or redeem himself for as much as it should.

L.I. On the confiscation of someone else's property

1. If someone unlawfully invites the count to go to confiscate someone else's thing, namely, without first summoning the debtor to court, or in the absence of the obligation itself, 8000 den., Which is 200 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If the one who asks for the count illegally confiscates something, he is awarded 200 sols.

2. If, however, the earl, who has been invited on the matter mentioned, dares to take anything beyond his lawful and just debt, let him either redeem himself or pay with his life.

LII. About the loan

1. If a man lends any of his things to another, and he does not wish to return it, he must summon him to judgment in the following manner. With witnesses, let him come to the house of the one to whom he lent his things, and let him state the following: "Since you did not want to return my things to me that I gave you, then this night you can still keep them, according to the Salic law" . And let him appoint a time (for return). If even then he does not wish to return, he must also appoint him a delay of 7 days. And after the expiration of 7 days, let him similarly declare that he can keep things during the next night, according to the Salic law. If even then he does not wish to return, then after another 7 days, let him come to him in a similar way with witnesses and let him ask for the return of what he should. If even then he does not wish to pay, let him appoint a certain term for him. If he appoints him a certain term three times, then each time 120 den are added to the debt, i.e. 3 Sol. If even then he does not want to either return or give an obligation to pay, then in addition to the debt and those 9 sol., which have grown as a result of three reminders, the debtor is awarded 600 den., which is 15 sol.

III. About redeeming the hand from the bowler

1. If someone is called to trial by means of a kettle of boiling water, then the parties may come to an agreement that the person sentenced redeems his hand and undertakes to present the jurors. If the misdemeanor turns out to be such for which, in the case of evidence, the guilty person by law must pay 600 deniers, which is 15 sols, he can redeem his hand for 120 dens, which is 3 sols.

2. If he gives more to ransom his hand, he must pay the count "fritus", as if for the offense in which he was caught.

3. But if the misdemeanor be such for which, in the case of evidence, the guilty person could be sentenced to pay 35 sols., and if the parties agree that he ransom his hand, let him ransom it for 240 dens, which is 6 sols. .

4. But if he gives more, let him pay the count "fritus" in such amount as he would have paid him for a proven offense. This redemption of the hand must remain (paid) up to and including the vira.

Approx. 1st. If the offense is greater, just such for which he could be awarded 62 1/2 sols, and if the parties come to an agreement regarding the redemption of the hand for 15 sols, let him redeem his hand.

Approx. 2nd. And if he gives more, let him pay the count "fritus", as if for the offense in which he was caught. This ransom must remain up to and including Vira.

5. But if anyone accuses another of murder and brings him to trial by means of a bowler hat, and if the parties come to an agreement that he leave the jury and redeem his hand, he must redeem his hand for 1200 den., which is 30 sols.

6. If he gives more, "fritus" is paid to the count of vira.

LIV. On the assassination of the count

1. If someone takes the life of a count, 24,000 dens are awarded, which is 600 sols.

2. If someone kills a satsebaron or a vice-count - a royal slave, he is awarded 12,000 den., Which is 300 sols.

3. If someone kills a satsebaron - free, he is awarded 24,000 den, which is 600 sols.

4. There should not be more than three satsbarons in separate court meetings, and if they pronounced a sentence regarding those cases for which they received "fritus", then this should not be brought to the attention of the count again, so that he reconsiders the case.

Lv. About robbing corpses

1. If someone robs the body of a murdered person by thieves before it is interred, 2,500 deniers are awarded, which is 63 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone robs a grave mound over a dead person, he is awarded 15 sols.

Approx. 2nd. If someone spoils the monument on the grave of a buried person, or robs the stretcher following the dead man, and for both, 15 sol.

2. If anyone, after digging up an already buried body, robs it and is caught, let him be outlawed until the day on which he gives satisfaction to the relatives of the deceased; the latter themselves must ask for him, so that he may be allowed to live among people. And if, before he reconciles with the relatives of the deceased, someone gives him bread, or shows hospitality, whether it be his parents (relatives?) or even his own wife, 600 den., which is 15 Sol.

3. The very same convicted of allowing this is awarded to pay 8000 den., Which is 200 Sol.

4. If someone throws a dead man into someone else's pit or someone else's well, and is caught, he is awarded 1800 denier, which is 45 Sol.

Approx. 3rd. If someone robs the chapels at the grave of a dead person, he is awarded 30 sols.

Approx. 4th. If someone burns a chapel intended for the repose of the dead or for worship, he is awarded 200 sols.

Approx. 5th. If someone takes the life of a priest, 24,000 deniers are awarded, which is 600 sols.

Approx. 6th. If someone takes the life of a deacon, 12,000 deniers are awarded, which is 300 sols.

Approx. 7th. If someone takes the life of a bishop, 900 Sol.

LVI. About absenteeism

Approx. 1st. If someone accuses another in court that he did not want to give an obligation or pay a debt, then the Rakhinburgs, before hearing the case according to the law, together with the plaintiff, must come to the defendant's house and declare the above-mentioned payment. If he refuses to pay, then the plaintiff must give him a legal respite and only then invite the count to his house and search for his things according to the law.

1. If someone neglects to appear in court, or slows down the execution of what is determined for him by the Rachinburgs, and does not wish to enter into a transaction either by composition, or by purification with water, or in any other legal way, then the plaintiff must bring him to court before the face of the king himself. And there will be 12 witnesses, of which let the first three swear that they were where Rakhinburg ordered him to go to the water test or gave an obligation to pay the composition, and that he neglected (the resolution of the Rakhinburgs). And then the other three must swear that after the resolution of the Rachinburgs that he was cleansed either by testing with water or by paying the composition, they were present at the second proposal for him to appear in court within 40 days, counting from that day, and he in no way wished to meet the requirements of the law. Then the plaintiff must call him before the king, namely, within 14 days, and three witnesses must swear that they were there at the time when he called him to court, and appointed him a certain period. If even then he does not appear, let these 9 witnesses under oath, as we said above, give their evidence. Likewise, if he does not appear on that day, let (the plaintiff) fix him a fixed term, having three witnesses at the appointment of the term. If the plaintiff did all this, and the defendant did not wish to appear at any of the appointed dates, then let the king, to whom he is called for judgment, declare him out of his protection. Then the guilty person and all his property becomes the property of the plaintiff. And if, until he has paid all that is exacted from him, someone gives him bread, or hospitality, even his own wife, is awarded 600 den., which is 15 Sol.

LVII. About rachinburgs

1. If any of the Rakhinburgs, sitting in the Judicial Assembly and adjudicating a lawsuit between two persons, refuse to pronounce the law, it should be that the plaintiff declares to them: "here I urge you to decide according to the Salic law." If they (again) refuse to pronounce the law, seven of these rachinburgs, before sunset, are awarded 120 deniers, which is 3 Sol.

2. If they do not want to pronounce the law, and do not give the obligation to pay 3 sols at the appointed time, they are awarded to pay 600 dens, which is 15 sols.

3. But if the Rakhinburgs do not judge according to the law, let the one against whom they decide, let him bring an action against them, and if he is able to prove that they did not judge according to the law, each of them is awarded 600 den., which is 15 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If the Rachinburgs say the law (will they pass a just sentence?) And the one against whom they say will accuse them of unlawful condemnation, he is also awarded to pay each of them 15 sols.

LVIII. About a handful of earth

1. If someone takes the life of a person and, having given all his property, is not able to pay what is due according to the law, he must present 12 jurors (who will swear that) neither on earth nor under the earth he has property more than that, that has already been given. And then he must enter his house, collect a handful of earth from the four corners, stand on the threshold, turning his face into the house, and throw this earth over his shoulders with his left hand on the one whom he considers his closest relative. If the father and brothers have already paid, then he must throw the same land on his own, i.e. three closest relatives on the mother's side and on the father's side. Then, in (one) shirt, without a belt, without shoes, with a stake in his hand, he must jump over the wattle fence, and these three (maternal relatives) must pay half of what is not enough to pay the vira followed by law. The other three, who are related by father, must do the same. If one of them is too poor to pay the share that falls on him, he must in turn throw a handful of earth on one of the more prosperous, so that he pays all in law. If, however, this one does not have anything to pay for everything, then the one who bailed the murderer must present him to the court session, and so then, during four sessions, he must bail him. If no one guarantees the payment of the vira, i.e. in recompense for what he did not pay, then he must pay the vira with his life.

Approx. 1st. At present, if he does not have something to pay from his own things, or if he cannot defend himself according to the law, all of the above must be observed up to and including death.

LIX. About allods

1. If a man dies and leaves no sons, and if his mother survives him, let her inherit.

2. If there is no mother, and if he leaves a brother or sister, let them inherit.

3. In the event that they do not exist, let the mother's sister enter into the inheritance.

Approx. 1st. If there is no mother's sister, let the father's sisters inherit.

4. And if any of these generations be nearer then, let him take possession of the inheritance.

5. In no case should the land inheritance go to a woman, but let all the land go to the male sex, i.e. brothers.

LX. About wanting to renounce kinship

1. He must appear at the court session in front of the Tungin and there break three branches over his head, measuring a cubit. And he must scatter them in 4 directions in the court session and say there that he renounces the affiliation, from the inheritance and from any accounts with them. And if later one of his relatives is either killed or dies, he absolutely should not participate in the inheritance or in the payment of vira, and his own inheritance should go to the treasury.

LXI. About robbery

1. If someone steals something with his own hand from another, he must reimburse the value of the thing and, in addition, is awarded 1200 den., Which is 30 Sol.

2. If someone robs a corpse, 2500 denier is awarded, which is 63 Sol. Likewise, if someone forcibly takes something away from a living person, 63 Sol.

3. If someone decides to transfer any thing to third parties, and then forcibly lays his hand on it, he is awarded 1200 den., Which is 30 Sol.

Approx. 1st. If someone robs a sleeping person, he is awarded 100 sols.

LXII. About vir for murder

1. If a father be deprived of his life, let his sons take half of the vira, and let the next of kin divide among themselves, both on the father's side and on the mother's side.

2. If there is no relative on either side, neither on the side of the father, nor on the side of the mother, let this part be taken away in favor of the treasury.

LXIII. About killing a free man on a campaign

1. If someone takes the life of a free person on a campaign, and the slain was not in the royal service, (the murderer) is awarded 24,000 den., Which is 600 Sol.

2. If the murdered was in the royal service, convicted of murder is awarded 1800 sols.

LXIV. About a servant in witchcraft

1. If someone calls another a servant in witchcraft, i.e. an accomplice of witches, or one about whom there is a rumor that he carries a cauldron where witches boil (their potions), is awarded 2500 den., which is 63 Sol.

2. If someone calls a free woman a sorceress, and will not be able to prove it, he is awarded 2500 den., Which is three times 89 Sol. (?)

Approx. 1st. If the sorceress eats a person and is caught, 8,000 denier is awarded, which is 200 sol.

LXV. If someone cuts off the tail of a fallen horse without the knowledge of the owner

1. If someone cuts off the tail of a horse without the knowledge of the owner, and confesses during interrogation, let him give (another) horse intact.

2. If he takes it into his head to deny, and is caught, he is awarded for payment of 1200 den., which is 30 Sol., not counting the payment of the cost and compensation for damages.


Capitulary I

1. About obstruction of justice

1. If anyone dares to detain the pursuing detachment when he is following in the footsteps, or attack him, he is guilty of paying 2500 den., Which is 63 Sol.

2. If someone removes a person from the gallows (corpse) without the permission of the person to whom it belongs (i.e.) the judge

1. If anyone removes from the gallows without the permission of the judge the corpse of a person or dares to remove it from the branch on which it hangs, he is guilty of paying 1200 den., Which is 30 Sol.

3. About the one who steals a living person from the gallows

1. If anyone dares to take or remove a living person from the gallows, he is guilty of paying 4000 den., Which is 100 Sol.

4. About who dares to cut someone else's child

1. If anyone dares to cut a long-haired boy's hair without the consent of his parents, he is guilty of paying 1800 den., which is 45 Sol.

2. And if he cuts a girl's hair without the consent of the parents, he is guilty of paying 4,000 den., which is 100 Sol.

5. About a woman who will unite (marriage) with a slave

1. If any woman marries her slave, all her property is to be confiscated to the treasury, and she herself is outlawed.

2. If one of her relatives kills her, no one should in any way exact for her death - neither relatives nor the treasury. And that slave must be subjected to the most severe tortures, namely, wheeling. And if any of the relatives or anyone else gives this woman bread or shelter, he is guilty of paying 15 sols.

6. About accomplices in kidnapping

1. If someone plans to marry someone's son or daughter without the consent of their parents and is caught, and relatives are involved in this - either as kidnappers or as partners in kidnapping, they are subject to the death penalty, and their property goes to the treasury.

2. Kidnappers should not be punished more than what was written in the previous law.

7. About the widow, if she wants to remarry

1. If any widow wishes to remarry after the death of her husband, whoever wishes to take her must first give the legally required reipus, and then the woman, if she has sons by her first husband, must satisfy the relatives of her children. And if she received 25 Sol. as a dowry, she must give 3 Sol. as achasius "a to the closest relatives of the deceased husband, namely: if there is no father and mother, then achasius goes to the brother of the deceased or to the nephew, the son of the elder brother. If there are none, then she (should appear) in the judicial assembly before the judge, i.e. before the count, and he, having asked about her, must take her under the protection of the king, and the achasius, which she was supposed to give to the relatives of her deceased husband, receives the treasury. 6 Sol., so that from every 10 Sol. Sol 1 went as achasius "a. However, it should be that the dowry received from the first husband should go after the death of the mother - to his sons, without any complicity of anyone. And from this dowry, the mother does not dare to sell or give anything. If but the woman does not have sons from her first husband and wants to go with her dowry to another husband, then, as said above, achasius pays. Know, witnesses, that I paid achasius in order to have peace with my relatives (of my deceased husband), and now I leave here a bed made, decent pillows, a covered bench and chairs that I took from my father's house. "And then let with two she marries another by parts of her dowry, and if she does not do this, she loses two parts of the dowry, and, in addition, she is obliged to pay Sol.

8. About husbands who remarry.

1. If someone loses his wife and wants to take a second one, he cannot transfer to this second dowry, which he gave to the first wife. If at the same time minor children remain, then it is necessary to keep intact the property of the first wife and dowry until they are of age, and none of this can be sold or given away.

2. And if he does not have sons from his first wife, then two parts of the dowry are received by the closest relatives of the deceased woman. But they must leave two beds, two covered benches and two chairs. If this is not done, then they receive only a third of the dowry, unless there was an agreement on the transfer of property before.

9. About a man killed between two villages (villas)

According to custom, if a person is killed near a village or between two neighboring villages, and the killer is not found, then the judge, i.e. count, must come to the place of the murder and blow the horn there. And if no one comes to identify the body, then the neighbors, in whose field or on the border of which the body is found, must erect a gallows five feet high, and in the presence of the judge must lift the body. And then the judge must announce and say: “This man was killed in your field and on your border, I order you not to remove him for seven days and I call you to trial for this murder so that you come to the next court meeting; there you will be told what you must do according to the law." Then on the neighbors of those to whom it was announced by the judge, the best within 40 days with 65 (joint jurors) let them cleanse themselves that they were not involved in the murder and do not know who committed it. The worst ones must present 15 jurors who will swear, as above. If this is not done within 40 days, they must satisfy the lawsuit for the identity of the deceased. But if they swear, as said above, and are cleansed by the oath, no vira should be exacted from them.

10. About debt obligations

1. If someone from his debtor, out of ignorance, without the permission of the judge, exacts according to the obligation, before the soonest coercion is announced against him, i.e. performance, he loses his debt, and, moreover, if he deliberately collects according to the obligation, he must answer according to the law, namely, return the cost and pay 15 sols. fine.

11. About a woman, if someone hits her or rips off her headdress

1. If someone rips off a woman's headdress so that her covering falls to the ground, he is guilty of paying 15 Sol.

2. If he unties her headband so that her hair falls on her shoulders, he is guilty of paying 30 sols.

3. If a slave hits a free woman or knocks off her headdress, he either loses his arm or pays 5 sol.

4. If someone hits a free pregnant woman in the stomach or chest with a fist or kick, and does not damage her fetus, but she herself becomes mortally ill as a result, is guilty of paying 200 Sol.

5. And if she kills the fetus, she herself will remain alive, she is guilty of paying 600 sols.

6. And if the woman herself dies as a result of this, he is guilty of paying 900 sols.

7. If a woman who dies for any reason was under the protection of the king, he is guilty of paying 1200 sols.

8. And if the child killed in the mother's womb turns out to be a girl, he pays 2400 sols.

9. With regard to ministerials and litas or Roman women, this law must be observed in half.

10. If anyone kills the fruit of a slave, and if this slave is a servant, he is guilty of paying 63 Sol. and 1 den.

11. If this slave was a housekeeper or overseer for her master, 100 sols are due for her. and 1 den.

12. About who dares to speak on someone else's business

1. If such a person was not asked and delegated to him by throwing a stalk on the floor, and he could not win the case, he is guilty of paying 15 Sol. And then the one to whom the case belongs can again conduct it in court in accordance with the law.

Capitulary II

1. About property from the father's inheritance

1 If someone makes a claim to property from his father's inheritance and transfers it to third parties, then the person against whom the claim is made must present three witnesses who would show that this property came to him from his father's inheritance, as well as other three witnesses which would show how his father acquired the property. If he can do this, he will receive property transferred to third parties. And if he does not do this, then let him make the three swear that he found it in his father's inheritance. If he does so, he will free himself from penalties in the case. If he does not, then the one who transferred the property to third hands has the right to take it for himself, and the one from whom it is found is liable by law to pay 25 Sol.

2. About small gifts

1. If someone's father or mother, giving his daughter in marriage, give her something on this wedding night, let her own all this without any share of her brothers' participation in it. In the same way, if someone gives something to his son before his majority, let him own it without the participation of anyone, and let them divide the remaining property equally among themselves.

3. About the murder of a free man

1. If someone takes the life of a free person and is caught, he must pay wira to his relatives according to the law. Half of the vira must be received by the son. From the other half, a quarter of the vira follows the mother; the second quarter should go to the closest relatives - three from the generation of the father and three from the generation of the mother. And if the mother is not alive, let the relatives divide half of the vira among themselves - namely, the three closest relatives on the father’s side and three on the mother’s side, but in such a way that the closest of the mentioned relatives receive two parts, leaving the third part for division between the next two . And from these two nearest he will take two parts from this third, and leave the third part to his relative.

4. When should the chosen ones swear

1. About the dowry, about the booty captured in the war, and about the person who is required to return to a slave state. If they swear more than in these three cases, they must return the entire disputed thing and be punished according to the law. Of those who swore, the three elders are obliged to pay 15 sols each, and the rest of the jurors - 5 sols each.

5. On the burning of corpses

1. If anyone takes the life of a free man in a forest or any other place and burns him to conceal a crime, he is guilty of paying 600 sols.

2. If someone takes the life of an antrustion or a woman of such a state and wants to hide the crime by burning, and is convicted, he is guilty of paying 800 Sol.

6. About an antrustion, if someone castrates an antrustion

1. If a Salian franc castrates a Salic franc and is caught, he is liable to pay 200 sol., in addition to 9 sol. for treatment.

2. If someone castrates an antrustion and is caught, he is liable to pay 600 sol., in addition to 9 sol. for treatment.

7. About who dares to attack a free woman or girl en masse on the way

1. If someone attacks a free woman or girl in a crowd on the way or in another place and dares to rape her, then all those convicted of this crime are liable to pay 200 sols each. And if there are those in that gang who did not participate in the crime, but were present at its commission, whether there are three or more of them, all are liable to pay 40 sols.

8. About antrustion

1. If the antrustion wishes to summon (another) antrustion to court in any case, then wherever he finds him, within 7 days he must ask with witnesses to appear before the judge in the judicial assembly in order to answer or come to an agreement on the case for which he is liable. And if an agreement is not reached there, or if the one who summoned him to court does not appear, he must appoint a term for him and then again must ask him to answer or come to an agreement within 14 days in that judicial assembly in which antrustions are judged. And when the accused appears in court, then the plaintiff must swear by himself, the sixth, if the litigation is about a small matter, for which a fine of less than 35 sols is due. And then the one who is summoned, if he considers himself clean in this matter, must be cleansed by an oath with 12 (joiners). But if there is a greater case, which, in case of evidence, is followed by 35 Sol. a fine and more, but less than 45 Sol., then the one who calls him must swear himself the ninth. The one who is summoned, if he recognizes himself innocent, must be cleansed by the oath of the eighteenth himself. And if there is such a case, for which 45 Sol., or more, is due - before paying the vira, the plaintiff must swear himself-twelfth, while the defendant, if he considers himself innocent, can cleanse himself with an oath himself-twenty-fifth. If he is sued for the payment of vira, the plaintiff must swear with 12 men of legal capacity and within 14 days must make a fire. And if he does not appear at the appointed time, or if he does not wish to put his hand into the cauldron, then an antrustion to the one who cannot be cleansed in the above-mentioned case with an oath or does not want to put his hand into the cauldron for guilt, or does not appear at the court that called him, let appoint in the judicial meeting a term of 40 days, counting from that day. If he does not appear then, the one who summoned him will appoint a new term for him. Then he must invite him to appear before the king for 14 days and there he will present 12 (witnesses): they will, in turn, under an oath, show that they were where a period of 14 days is appointed, and that he did not take an oath, nor lowered his hand (in a bowler hat) for viru. And there must be other three who will show that (the plaintiff) appointed him a period of 40 days and he did not comply with the law. (Also) must present three witnesses who would show that he invited him to appear before the king. If (the defendant) does not then appear, these 9 witnesses under oath, as above, shall testify. Likewise, if he does not come on that day, he must appoint a term for him and must have three witnesses when setting the term. If the plaintiff fulfills all this, and the defendant does not at any time wish to come and obey the law, then the king to whom he is summoned will declare him outside his protection. Then he will be condemned and all his property will go to the plaintiff, and until he has done everything that is due to him by law, anyone who shelters him or shows him hospitality, even if it be his own wife, is liable to pay 15 sols.

2. If an antrustion summons another antrustion to court in any case or requires a guarantor and (at the same time) does not comply with what is required by law when summoning him, he is guilty of paying 15 Sol .; moreover, it is in no way possible to delay the legal prosecution of the case for a whole year.

3. If an antrustion swears against antrustion, he is liable to pay 15 sol.

9. About the one who ruins someone else's house

1. If someone destroys a house by force, and if it is proved that this house had beams for the fortress, the one who dares to do this and is convicted is guilty of paying 45 sols.

10. About the one who will remove a living person from the gallows

1. If anyone dares to remove a living person from the gallows, the one who removes him and will be caught, either loses his life, or pays 200 Sol.

2. If anyone removes a dead person from the gallows without the consent of the judge or the permission of the one to whom the case belongs, he who dares to remove the body is liable to pay for the guilt for which (the person) was hanged, as much as is due for it according to the Salic law.

Capitulary III

1. On the legal grounds for failure to appear in court

1. If someone’s house burns down and he does not have a place where to put his property, as well as if he is detained by illness or one of his relatives dies in his house, or if he is detained on royal business, in such valid cases, a person who presented evidence can clear himself of not appearing in court.

2. About the one who will throw a stone into someone else's house

1. If someone on free people with intent, not accidentally throws a stone through the roof at another free person at the time when he is in his house, and is convicted, for such an insult both he himself and all others, if they were with him , are liable to pay 15 solidi. And if a litus dares to do this, he is guilty of paying 7 solidi.

3. About the one who pushes another into a dangerous place, and he comes out alive

1. If one of the free people pushes another (free) person into a well or into a wolf pit, and does this with the aim of killing him, and he, not being able to get out, is found there, convicted of committing such a crime, he is guilty of paying 200 Sol.

Capitulary IV

Peace treaty of the sovereigns Childebert and Chlothar - the kings of the Franks

Decree of King Childebert

1. And since the crimes of dashing people have increased, they should be given their due for many crimes. Therefore, it was decreed that if anyone, after this prohibition, is convicted of robbery, he will be guilty of the death penalty.

2. If one of the free, being accused of theft, begins to deny, the accuser must present 12 - half of the chosen jurors, and they must take an oath that the theft, which he denies, really took place; then the robber pays a ransom if he has something to pay, and if he has nothing to pay, he is presented to his relatives at three judicial meetings, and if they do not ransom him, he atones for the guilt (with his) life.

3. If someone finds a thief and secretly, without a judge, receives a fine, he is likened to a robber.

4. About the one who burns his hand in the fire. If a free man is accused of stealing and burns his hand during the trial, then he is guilty of the punishment for the crime of which he is accused.

5. How a slave is tested by lot. If a slave is charged with theft, his master should be asked to present the slave to the court assembly within 20 days, and if there is doubt, let him be tested by lot. And if during this period he is delayed by any legal obstacle, let the same be done for another 20 days, and let the claimant present three persons like himself and the other three from the chosen ones, so that they confirm by oath the fulfillment of the deadlines according to the Salic law. And if the master does not present the slave, he must himself undergo the penalty prescribed by law and give permission for the slave (in order to bring him to justice).

6. If the slave stretches out his hand and draws a bad lot, the master must pay 3 sols for the slave, and the slave receives 300 blows.

7. If someone detains other people's slaves and does not return them within 40 days, he must be held liable as a slave thief.

8. If a litas, during the accusation, is tested by lot and draws a bad lot, he is subject to half the penalty compared to what follows from a free person, and must present 6 - half of the chosen jurors.

Decree of Chlothar

9. Since the established night guards do not catch thieves, and it has come to the point that in different places they (thieves) mock justice and guard, indulging their crimes, it was decided to form hundreds. If in any one hundred something is lost, the victim must receive (from a hundred) compensation for the cost. And if a robber appears in another hundred and leads a trail there while pursuing, and (a hundred) does not pay attention to the ideas about this, she is awarded a penalty in the amount of five times the payment of 15 sols. Let this one hundred hundred stolen for the victim be freely received from the second and third, if the trace detects the presence of a thief there ... And if during the persecution (the victim himself) catches his thief, let him receive a full penalty in his favor. If the thief is caught while being pursued by a detachment, the detachment receives half the fine and the cost must be recovered from the thief.

10. If someone finds stolen goods in someone else's house under a fence, the owner of the house is punishable by death. If anyone is caught with stolen goods, he is subject to the same penalty. If someone is accused of accepting stolen goods, let him be tested by lot, and if he takes a bad lot, he will be considered a robber, but at the same time there must be three chosen persons on both sides so that there is no deception.

11. With regard to servants of the church, royal and others, it is established that if an accusation is raised against them by someone, then they are tested by lot, but at the same time a pledge must be given from which the price of a slave could be paid to the master, for the test subject is in danger (deprivation of life).

12. If a slave belonging to one of the powerful people who own lands in different places is accused of a crime, then the master of the slave in private, in front of witnesses, should make a presentation to bring him to the judge within 20 days. If at the appointed time, in disregard of the court, the slave is not brought, then the master must (himself) pay a penalty for the fault in accordance with his personal position. If, when presented to the master, the slave is absent, the master reimburses the cost, and with respect to the slave he gives permission so that, upon being searched for, he (the slave) will be put on trial.

13. If anyone secretly collects from any thief a fine for stolen goods, both are punished as robbers.

14. Let no one dare to remove a robber or any (other) criminal, as an agreement was made with the bishops, from the churchyard. And if there are such churches, in which the yards are not fenced, consider as a yard a piece of land on either side of the walls according to the arpan; let none of those who have taken refuge come out of this place on their business. If they do this and are caught, let them be sentenced to the due punishment.

15. If a slave who has fled from his master takes refuge in a church and is found there by his former master, he must be returned as completely forgiven.

16. In order to maintain peace, we command that elected centurions be placed at the head of the detachments and that the aforementioned peace be guarded by their loyalty and diligence. And so that, with the help of God, there would be an unbreakable friendship between us, brothers, (decided), so that the centurions would have the right to pursue thieves and follow the tracks in the provinces of both states. And in a hundred, in which something is missing, let the matter be carried out so that compensation is strictly given to the one who suffered, and the thief is pursued. If the victim catches the thief, chasing him with a detachment, then he should from the thief's property, when there is such, half the fine and compensation for damages. And if he catches the thief on his own, then he takes full penalty for himself along with the cost of the stolen and compensated losses. Only the fretus must be paid to the judge of the area in which the thief was spotted.

17. If anyone is called to pursue the thief in the footsteps, and he does not wish to go immediately, the judge awards him to pay 5 sols.

18. And what we, in the name of God, have established for the observance of the world, we wish to observe forever, and at the same time we prescribe that if any of the judges dares to violate this decree, he is subject to the death penalty.

Capitulary V

Edict of Sovereign Chilperic King

1. After discussion, in the name of God, with the most glorious optimates, antrustions and all our people, it was decided, in view of the fact that the right of inheritance did not extend beyond the Garonne, that (henceforth) everywhere in our state the inheritance should be transferred, as it is transferred and received in other parts and how (get it) the Turrovans.

2. It is also decreed that we grant (followed by the fiscal?) reipus to all our Levdas, so that due to small deeds no disturbances are born in our state.

3. Likewise deigned and decreed that if anyone, having neighbors, leaves behind sons or daughters after his death, let the sons, while they live, own the land, according to the Salic law. If the sons die, let the daughter likewise receive these lands, as their sons would receive if they remained alive. And if a brother dies, the other one remains alive, let the brother get the land, not the neighbors. And if a brother, dying, does not leave his brother alive, then let the sister take possession of this land. They also decided on some of these lands when they were inherited, that the levdas that my father had should be kept in relation to their same customs that they kept (and before).

4. It was also decreed that if a man marries a woman and they have no children, and if the husband dies and the wife survives, then the woman shall take half of the dowry, and let the relatives of the deceased receive the other half. And if a woman dies under the same conditions, then in a similar way let the husband take half for himself, and (the other) let the relatives of this woman receive.

5. They also deigned and decided that if a slave takes the life of a free person, then let the master of the slave with 6 jurors swear that his conscience is clear, that the murder did not take place on his advice and not on his will, and let him hand over that slave for punishment. And if he cannot give the slave away, let him, at the very oath, give a guarantee that he is not where he assumed that he did not know how to find him. And let him kill the slave, i.e. give permission to the relatives of the murdered in their presence, and let them do with him as they please, and he (the master) will be clean.

6. They also decided that if someone is summoned to court and cannot present witnesses (jurymen) to prove the truth (of his testimony) in order to clear himself, and it will be necessary for him to give a surety before the court, and he will not be able to present sureties, he must take with the left hand the stalk, and with the right to make a solemn promise.

7. They also decided that if a slave is sentenced to trial by lot on suspicion of theft, then the master must present the slave for trial by lot within 10 days. And if he does not present him during these 10 days, then let him present him within 42 days, and the slave during this time must be tested there by lot, and the one from whom theft has been committed must with 6 (companions) swear to confirm his right. If, however, he does not appear within 42 days and does not present good reasons for not appearing, then the slave is subject to condemnation and let the matter no longer go back to the master, except in so far as the matter concerns the slave. Either the slave must be handed over to the accuser, or the master pays a fine for the slave, namely sol. 12, not counting the cost and compensation for damages. And if within 42 days he gives a good reason, then a period of 84 days is assigned to him, and if then he is not justified, he is found guilty, as described above. If (not) he leads within 42 days of a good reason, he is guilty of paying 15 sol. penalties for disobedience. And if within 42 days he wishes neither to give guarantee nor to pay, then the plaintiff must ask that he pay within 14 days, as above, and if he does not wish to pay within 14 days, let him ask (for payment) within 7 days. If, even within 7 days, he does not want to either give guarantees or pay, then at the next court session in front of the sitting and speaking (law) Rahinburgs who listened to his case, the count should be invited. In this case, the plaintiff, having given a guarantee by transferring the stalk, let him go to his (master's) property and take what the Rakhinburgs awarded. And the count with 7 rachinburgs trusted and reliable, knowing the law, should come to the defendant's house and make an assessment of what the count should take. And if the count is not invited in front of the sitting Rachinburgs, he does not dare to go there. If he is invited and he does not go, he is guilty of the death penalty. And if the count dares to take anything above the price of what is due under the Law, he is also guilty of the death penalty. And if the one from whom the property is confiscated declares that the count confiscates incorrectly and contrary to law and justice, then the count invites him to the royal court within 42 days and at the same time invites also the plaintiff who called him (for confiscation). And if the one who called will not deny, let him bring, by royal command, 7 Rachinburgs who previously heard this case, and let him appear in our presence. If all 7 fail to come, and if they are delayed by some lawful impediment, then let three of those appear and, for their equals, declare a good reason for not appearing. And if he cannot and will not present either 3 or 7 before the Rachinburgs, then both the count and the one who received this property, which he took contrary to law and justice, and the one who called on the count, must return this property to that who it belonged to. In the same way, if any of the free, due to any offense or violent act, is arraigned for disobedience in any case, then let him satisfy his opponent according to the law from his property. And if any criminal who has committed a crime does not have property to pay a penalty to the count for him, the count must nevertheless be invited to him according to the sentence that was previously heard, and it is necessary to put him before the Rachinburgs at three judicial meetings in order to so that relatives redeem it with their property. If they do not want to redeem it, then for the fourth time it must be presented before us, and we will order it to be handed over to the plaintiff, and let him do with him what he wants. Let the count and the plaintiff bring him to us and let him have trustees (rachinburgs) according to the law within 84 days from the time of the invitation, and let the law be carried out as written above.

8. Subpoenas (of the resident) issued in churches should be issued where residents are summoned.

9. If anyone wishes to conduct a case, he must bring about (this) his case to the attention of the neighbors, and must also take an oath before the Rachinburgs. And if they (do not) doubt, let the case go to court. But until that time he does not dare to conduct business, and if anyone dares to start business earlier, he loses it. If there is a criminal who commits a crime in the parish and has neither a place of residence nor property to which he would pay a fine, and if he wanders through the forests, and neither the count nor relatives can bring him in the presence (of the judges), then the count and the one against whom he commits a crime, let him be accused before us, and we will declare him outside our protection, and then anyone who finds him can kill him without fear.

10. With regard to persecution, the same customs should be observed that were kept under our parent, so that crimes are thus eradicated.

Capitular VI

1. If anyone takes the life of a king's slave or freedman

1. If anyone takes the life of a king's slave or freedman, he is liable to pay 100 sols.

2. If anyone (deprives of life) of a Roman - a free or taxable person or ministerial, is guilty of paying 100 sols.

2. If someone attacks a deer tamed for hunting or a female deer

1. If someone attacks a deer tamed for hunting or a female deer, he is guilty of paying 1800 den., Which is 45 Sol.

3. About thefts during hunting and fishing

1. If someone steals a trap or a net, or takes the top out of a boat, he is guilty of paying 1200 den., Which is 30 Sol.

2. If anyone steals a fish from a boat or from a net, he is liable to pay 600 den., which is 15 Sol.

3. If anyone finds a game caught (in a trap) or shot down, or wishes to pursue (a beast) raised by (strange) dogs, or removes a hanging game, or steals it from the house, he is guilty of paying 1200 den, which is 30 Sol.

4. If someone steals a suckling pig from a barn, he is guilty of paying 400 den., Which is 12 Sol. (?)

4. About who will challenge another to the test of hot water

1. If someone calls another to a test with hot water, in addition to the command of the king, he is guilty of paying 600 den., Which is 15 Sol.

5. About a slave, if he takes the life of someone else's slave

1. If someone's slave is accused of having taken the life of another's slave, he is guilty of paying 600 denier, which is 15 sols, and in addition to paying the price of a slave. If a domestic servant, or a pig-keeper or an artisan, is accused, we must observe the same. If one of the (simple) workers and lesser slaves is accused, (also) he is guilty of paying 600 den., Which is 15 Sol.

6. About who will drive other people's pigs out of the way

1. If someone drives pigs out of their way or steals trees from the forest, or takes out on a cart firewood that someone else has chopped, for each of these offenses he is guilty of paying 600 den, which is 15 Sol.

7. If someone takes someone else's boat by force

1. If anyone takes a boat by force, he is liable to pay 600 den., Which is 15 Sol.

8. About who will enter into a deal with another's slave

1. If any of the free people enter into a deal with another's slave without the knowledge of the master, or enter into a deal without the knowledge of the master with a freedman in a villa, he is liable to pay 600 den., Which is 15 Sol.

9. About the one who will bind someone else's slave without guilt

1. If someone binds without guilt and is caught, he is guilty of paying 200 den., Which is 7 Sol.

10. If someone dares to gather ears of corn in someone else's field

1. If anyone, without permission, gathers ears in a foreign field, he is guilty of paying 600 den., Which is 15 Sol.

11. About who will rob someone else's house

1. If someone robs a house or causes some harm in the house, he is guilty of paying 600 den, which is 15 Sol.

2. And if any damage is done in the house or on the plot by throwing stones, the one who is convicted of this is guilty of paying 600 den., which is 15 Sol.

12. About one who falsely accuses (another) of stealing someone else's property

1. If someone falsely accuses (another) of stealing someone else's property, as if it were his own, and cannot prove, he is liable to pay the one whom he accuses, 15 Thess.

13. About the one who destroys someone else's garden or a field sown with turnips

1. If someone destroys a garden or a field sown with turnips, he is guilty of paying 600 den., Which is 15 Sol.

14. Of a freedman who kidnaps someone else's freedwoman

1. If any freedman kidnaps someone else's freedwoman, he is liable to pay 800 den., Which is 20 Sol.

2. In addition pays 10 Sol. count, and the woman returns to the power of her master.

3. If he steals a free woman, he pays with his life.

15. About one who accuses another of taking a false oath

1. If someone accuses (another) of having taken a false oath and can prove it, the one who takes a false oath is guilty of paying 15 Sol.

2. But if he cannot prove it, let him who accused him pay 15 Sol., and then, if he dares, let him fight.

16. About who will be accused of perjury

1. If anyone is caught as false witnesses, they are liable to pay a fine of 5 sols. And if the one who accuses them of perjury puts his hand into the bowler hat and takes out (it) healthy, he is guilty of paying the same fine as above. And if he burns his hand, he pays 15 sols. penalties.

17. About the one who takes someone else's wife while her husband is alive

1. If someone takes someone else's wife while her husband is alive, he is liable to pay 8,000 den., Which is 200 Sol.

Capitulary VII

In the name of God. Chapters of Salic law begin

1. On the First Chapter of the Salic Law

About this chapter, it was decided that the one who was summoned to the court had a period of 40 days to appear; and if the earl does not hold his court during the above-mentioned days, that period must be extended to the earl's court. And then you need to give him a period of 7 days. In the future, provide (time) not by the day, but until the nearest court of the count.

2. About the XII chapter of the Salic law, i.e. with a court summons

If someone takes the life, sells or sets free another's slave, he is liable to pay 1,400 denier, which is 35 sols, not counting the cost and compensation for damages. On this chapter, it was decided by everyone that if a slave unjustly sold or set free turns up, one should not give another for him and instead of him; for some said that a slave set free should not then return to bondage. However, it was decided that he should be returned to his former master and in a state of captivity.

3. On the XIV chapter of the Salic law

If one of the free marries someone else's slave, he himself goes into slavery with her. It has been decided by all about this chapter that if a free woman takes any slave as her husband, not only must she remain in bondage with this slave, but even all the property that she owns, if she divided it with her relatives, must go to the master of that the slave she married. If, however, she has not divided her father's or mother's property with her relatives, she can neither answer for any claim, nor enter into possession of her father's inheritance together with her co-heirs, except for what (already) has been allocated. They decided to observe the same thing in the event that a free man marries someone else's slave.

4. More about the same chapter

If someone takes someone else's wife while her husband is alive, he is liable to pay 8,000 den., Which is 200 Sol. It was decided on this chapter that the one who unjustly took it should return it to the living husband, from whom this wife was unlawfully taken away, together with the above-mentioned penalty, i.e. 200 Sol.

5. About the XXVI chapter

If any boy under the age of 12 commits any fault, fretus will not be charged from him. It was decided about this chapter that if a child under the age of 12 unjustly seizes someone else's property, he must pay the prescribed penalty for them, with the exception of fretus "a, and is also summoned to court, as the one to whom he committed iniquity can be summoned, and in the same way is brought by the count into his mallus, as the one to whom he has committed iniquity can be brought in. As for the father's or mother's inheritance, it was decided that if anyone wants to bring a claim against him, he must wait until the completion of 12 years.

It is agreed by all that if a free man or a free woman voluntarily surrenders into slavery, his property, which he legally donated to the church or to anyone (other), may be freely owned by the one to whom it was donated. And if he begot sons and daughters while he was still in his free state, let them remain free.

7. About Chapter XXXVI

If one of the slaves takes the life of a free person, the killer himself will be given to the relatives of the murdered person as half of the vira, and the master of the slave pays the other half, or if he knows the law, he can seek in court not to pay the vira. Since the law does not make any distinction between an ecclesiastical or royal slave and a slave of another (private) person, it was decided to leave to the decision of the sovereign emperor whether ecclesiastical and royal slaves, as well as slaves of (private) free persons, should be extradited or released ( at will).

8. About Chapter XLVI

It was about the one who wants to marry a widow, everyone decided that he would not take it as it is written in the Salic law, but with the consent and will of the parents, as their ancestors used to do until now, let him take her as his wife.

9. About Chapter XLVII

About who will occupy someone else's villa. With regard to this title, it was decreed that no one may for years use or possess someone else's villa, or someone else's property, by reason of migration; but whenever the one who seizes this property is called to court, let him return it to the plaintiff, or, if he can, let him prove his right to it according to the law.

10. The transfer of property was said to be a (simple) donation

It was decided about this chapter, so that, just as their ancestors acted by virtue of a long custom, so also all who live according to the Salic law should continue to act.

It was also decided that if a slave presents a letter of emancipation and fails to indicate the legal compiler of this letter, the master of the slave may consider this letter invalid.

And it was decided that anyone who brings any action against another should first of all have permission to present his evidence against him. And if the one against whom the suit is brought says that according to the law he owns what he owns, and (he) has witnesses who can confirm the truth of this, it was decided that the truth in this case should be determined according to the capitularies of the Sovereign Emperor, which he issued earlier in order to comply with the law.

Extravagantia in

If anyone calls another to court with an action for his servitude, and he gives bail and represents a surety in that in another judicial assembly, in the fatherland from which he comes, he presents legal witnesses to his free state, then the count, in whose presence he was a summons has been made to the court, let him prepare two letters of the same content, and one will have the one who summons the court, and the other is the same to the one who is summoned.

And when the one who is summoned to the court appears at the appointed time with his companions, then if the one who summoned him is absent, the count, in whose presence the summoned to the court appeared, let him prepare a letter, and (the defendant) let he will come to his plaintiff and the one who did not appear at the appointed time will give him a fine of 15 solidi for disobedience, and (the defendant) will offer him another term. And if the plaintiff does not appear a second time at the appointed time, he will again give 15 solidi as a fine for disobedience; and the defendant will appoint the plaintiff and the third time the term to come for the disobedience of testimony. And if the plaintiff does not appear again, he must give the defendant 15 solid fines for disobedience, and then the count, together with the Rakhinburgs and witnesses, must draw up a record. And so the one who was called to court with a claim for his slave state, let him go free and free from that day on, and the plaintiff will not have the right to bring an action again for his slave state.

If anyone calls to court with an action for a slave state, as above, any such person who was born in another country or in a remote area within the fatherland, and (he) says that he is not his slave, and can prove freedom his in his mallus, then let the count make him pledge that he will prove his freedom. If he says that he cannot have a surety, let the count hand him over to the plaintiff, so that he can be safely delivered to his mallus under guard, to prove his freedom. And if the suspicion regarding the free state concerns paternal descent, let him present 7 witnesses on the maternal side, who will be the closest (relatives) and 4 on the paternal side, and thus purify himself. If, on the other hand, the suspicion regarding the condition concerns maternal descent, let him present 7 witnesses of the closest relatives on the paternal side and 4 on the maternal side; and thus prove his freedom. So from which side it is cleaner, from that side it will give more witnesses. But if, after he presents them, the one who summoned him to the court says: “I do not accept these witnesses, because you have relatives who must testify to you,” and he says that “I have no other witnesses, besides these," then the one who called him to court will give witnesses against him, who would show that he has closer relatives, whom he must bring to testify. And if the one who was summoned to the court does not want to entrust himself, let him give it to him ... and so let the matter be decided by a duel.

If someone declares a charter (of release) false and, having declared it false, seeks to prove that it is false, let him present the one in relation to whom it is called false, 12 jurors and himself be the 13th, so that under an oath they prove its authenticity, and so let the one who called it false receive a certificate.

If someone presents his charter in the judicial assembly and someone declares it false, and the one who owns the charter declares it genuine and not false, the one who considered it false, immediately piercing it with an awl, let him stand against each of the 7 witnesses , asserting its authenticity, 7 witnesses, of which there will be 49 in total, and let them prove its falsity under an oath. If the one who owns the letter does not wish to be satisfied with this proof, one of the 7 witnesses who claimed it (the letter) is genuine, and one of those who slandered it, let them fight (in a duel).

According to Salic law, there must be 12 jurors; this is the custom of the Franks. We are in Italy, according to the capitulary of Louis and Lothair (we swear) himself-seven. And there should be 7 witnesses against the franc. Franks do not take oaths after witnesses.

After the defendant has presented the bond, he will be free, even if the surety dies because of the bond that he lost on the defendant. And if they both remain alive, which he promised, the one who gave the pledge, let him give it. If (the defendant) does not give out of his property, let him give as much as the surety promised because of the negligence of the defendant.

An oath should not be required from a person, except if it is a matter of inheritance. In other lawsuits that one franc initiates against another franc, if the one who sold the things is alive, then another who wants to get confirmation from him that he really owned them properly on the day when they sold, let him calmly demand that witnesses be presented. And if the one who sold is already dead, it must certify that he (the seller) really owned these things properly on the day he sold them and that he is already dead, and should not present any other witnesses apart from the witnesses presented by him.

Against himself and against his inheritance, a man should not receive witnesses.

If any four-legged domestic animal kills any other (domestic) animal, there is no fault on him and no ransom is required, unless the owner is killed. And if the horse poisons someone's grass, there is no guilt and it cannot be driven out. As for the rest of the animals, if any violation occurs, there is a decision in the Salic law.

The beneficiary of a criminal must not be taken except if he is summoned by a court. And if he did not enter (into the possession) by an evil way, he must swear that he did not enter it by an evil way and not by his own power.

A person cannot settle if the neighbors (do not express their consent to use) grass, water and a road.

If someone accuses a person in any case and says: "You acted in a good way, and I have witnesses to it," (the accused) should not immediately answer against (accusations) of an evil act and against witnesses, but must answer against both , and the other separately. And if any accusation is brought against him and the accuser "acted evil" does not say, and does not say also that he has witnesses, one should not (to this) answer. And if according to the law ... the defendant does not want to answer, the one to whom he must answer ... because he refrained from answering, and if he is caught, he pays a fine of 15 solidi. And if someone accuses another and says that he acted in an evil way in some way, the same one will declare: “You speak unfairly,” he cannot then resort to witnesses. If a slave escapes from anyone ... the master himself-seven must convict him where he finds ... since he fled from his slavery.


The prologue of the Salic law begins.

The people of the Franks are glorious, created by God, strong in arms, unshakable in a peace treaty, wise in council, noble in body, intact in cleanliness, excellent in posture, bold, quick and implacable, converted to the Catholic faith, free from heresy. When he still held to barbarism, by the inspiration of God, he sought the key to knowledge, in accordance with his customs, desiring justice, preserving piety. The Salic law was dictated by the nobles of this people, who were then its rulers. Four men were chosen from among many men, viz., Vizogast, Bodagast, Salegast, and Vidogast, in the places called Salhame, Bodohame, Vidohame. follows below. When, with the blessing of God, the king of the Franks - the impetuous and beautiful Clovis was the first to accept Catholic baptism, everything that turned out to be inconvenient in this code was corrected with greater clarity by the glorious kings Clovis, Childebert and Chlothar.

Glory to Christ, who loved the Franks! May the kingdom protect them and fill their rulers with the light of his grace! May he patronize the army, may he support their faith! The joy of the world and bliss! May the Lord Jesus Christ guard those who are in power! For this is a brave and strong tribe, which overthrew the heaviest yoke of the Romans with weapons, and, knowing the holiness of baptism, generously adorned the bodies of the holy martyrs with gold and precious stones, whom the Romans burned with fire, killed or mutilated with iron, or threw them to be torn to pieces by wild beasts.

It was pleasing to the Franks and established between them and their leaders to cut off, in order to preserve internal peace, all hateful occasions for disputes, and since they surpassed all the surrounding peoples with the hand of courage, then accordingly surpass them and the authority of the law, so that, according to the quality of offenses, they were accepted and judicial decisions. Among them, four men were chosen from among many, namely: Vizogast, Salegast, Arogast and Vidogast, in the villages that are beyond the Rhine, in Bodoham, Saleham and Bidoham; and, meeting in three meetings, they carefully discussed all the causes of litigation and rendered a separate decision on each.

The Salic law is completed, which as a whole, as can be seen, contains the following four books.

The first king of the Franks decided to be guided in judgments by titles from the 1st to the 62nd. And then, together with his associates, he made an addition from 63 titles to 78. And King Childebert, a long time later, pondered what else should be added and, as you know, found it worthy to make additions from the 78th to the 83rd title, which he handed over to his brother Chlothar in writing. Chlothar, having gratefully accepted these titles from his elder brother, then, together with the people of his kingdom, discussed what else should be added to this, what should be established again, and decided what follows from the title of the 89th to the 93rd. And then he handed over the newly written to his brother, and they decided that all this should be preserved unshakably, as well as previously established.

Three books of the Salic law were completed, which the king of the Franks established and then, together with the Franks, decided to make some additions to 63 titles, so that in total there were 78 titles. Then Childebert, a long time later, discussed with his Franks how and what could be done, what should be added here, and, as you know, he considered it necessary to make additions from 78 to 84. When Chlothar gratefully received these titles from his elder brother, he himself decided, instead of with the people of his kingdom, to make an addition from the 84th title, which he did, passing everything along with the previously written one to his brother. And they both decided that everything they had established should be preserved unshakably.

Salic truth was created at the end of the 5th century. The content of this document reflects the existing legal and social system, which characterizes the transition of primitive society into a class society, the emergence of property inequality. It is a collection of records of the ancient customs of the Maritime Franks, written in Latin. It contains judicial cases, which, as a result of their repeated repetition, have turned into customs. Includes Prologue, 65 titles and Epilogue.

Salic truth: general characteristics

The collection was created as a judicial guide to the activities of judges. It did not include any systematized legal norms, it contained only specific incidents taken from life. The creation of this judicial code, in which the most common cases were fixed, was necessary, since legal customs could vary depending on the locality. They were less reliable.

One of the main tasks of the Salic truth is the protection of private property. The collection contains a list of crimes and punishments for them. A crime (delict) was understood as harm, insult caused to another person, as well as a violation of the “royal peace”. And punishment meant compensation for a crime. Almost all were replaced with fines. Its main goal was to prevent blood feuds. The Salic Truth also includes articles regulating civil law relations. It regulates the procedure for the transfer of property, and Art. 49, fixing the order of succession.

Salic truth: characteristics of punishments

During the creation of the collection, 8 population groups lived in the Frankish kingdom. Depending on the belonging of a person (victim) to a particular group, the degree of punishment of the perpetrator was determined. The most common punishment was a fine, which was considered the result of a settlement agreement between the parties. It was divided into two parts - fiid (the amount transferred to the victim as a ransom for blood feud) and fredum (the amount paid for intervention to the state). There was also restitution, that is, the restoration or return of the violated, as well as reimbursement of costs.

The payoff price for killing a person was called the wergeld. Thus, the life of a free franc was estimated at 200 solidi. Salic truth equated a slave with a thing, his life was the cost of a horse or a bull, that is, 30 solidi. A special group - semi-free litas, who were in contractual relations with the master, participated in military enterprises and in court, and at the same time they were judged according to the same rules as slaves - their life was estimated at 100 solidi. A considerable amount had to be paid for the murder of clergy. So, the death of a priest was estimated at 600 solidi, and a bishop - at 900.

No preliminary investigation has been carried out. The judge limited himself to the evidence provided by the parties. Ordeals (God's judgment) were widely used. Tests by fire, iron and water were used. In the latter case, the accused was tied up and thrown into the river. If he drowned, he was found not guilty. Other types of ordeal were an oath and a judicial duel. The latter was appointed if the defendant accused the plaintiff of lying. In a duel, the peasants fought with clubs, and the nobles fought on horses with weapons.

Salic truth is an important document for the study of existing relations, it is a real historical find, a primary source that laid the foundation for feudal law in Europe.