The marriage of a tiger woman and a rat man. Marriage compatibility of a couple born in the year of the Tiger and the Rat. The wallet is also one of the erogenous zones. Rat Woman: friendly realist

The union of people born in the years of the Rat and the Tiger according to the eastern calendar is one of the most interesting and controversial. This couple will have to go through a lot to be together. Their characters are in many ways opposite, although they also have common features - both are self-centered, active and do not accept unequal relationships. Therefore, Tiger and Rat compatibility is possible only if both have the wisdom and patience to compromise and be honest with each other.

Compatibility in love relationships and marriage

The romance between the Tiger and the Rat starts quite easily, because they are both charming, intelligent and have a bright personality. They are well suited to each other in sex and have similar habits. However, the romantic idyll of the candy-bouquet period quickly breaks into everyday life when the couple begins a life together. The pragmatic Rat is annoyed by the unselfishness and frivolity of the Tiger, and he, in turn, begins to accuse the Rat of indifference to his bold ideas and even consider her boring.

One of the stumbling blocks in this marriage is finances. The wasteful Tiger treats the Rat's thrift with slight contempt, while she tries her best to keep her partner from spending extra money. If they manage to come to an understanding in material matters, the number of reasons for scandals will be drastically reduced.

  • If the Tiger is a man and the Rat is a woman, then the stability of their marriage will depend more on the wife. The couple is prone to frequent conflicts, as both are quick-tempered and uncompromising. A more calm and rational Rat will have to take on not only everyday worries and be patient with the Tiger’s sharp attacks, but also give him leadership positions. In this case, the Tiger man will be ready to fulfill her whims and cherish the love of such a charming and patient woman.
  • The relationship between the Tigress and the Rat - men will be much more difficult. And here the wife will have to take responsibility for their union. His pragmatism and exactingness are incomprehensible to the emotional Tigress, who loves to be in the spotlight and cannot stand it when they try to limit her freedom. She is too tough a nut to crack for a sensitive representative of the Rat sign, so it only depends on her whether she stays with him or prefers to try her luck with another, stronger partner.

The Rat and Tiger couple have every chance to create a strong family if they learn not only to take, but also to give. The Rat needs to stop trying to manipulate the proud and independent Tiger, and the Tiger needs to be more attentive to the feelings of his soul mate. A wife, no matter what sign she is, should feed her husband's pride with admiration and support in all his undertakings and not give him a reason for jealousy. Then harmony and prosperity will reign in their house.

The Tiger and the Rat know what they want, and there is little that can make them turn off this path. But the Rat tends to act thoughtfully and stealthily, while the Tiger, on the contrary, plays openly and sometimes makes rash acts. If their friendly feelings are true, the Rat will easily let the Tiger play the main violin in their union, and he, in gratitude, will not abuse his power too much.

This friendship is built on mutual sympathy and common interests and hobbies, so it will be unusually strong as long as both make efforts to keep it.

Business Compatibility

Business relationships are the best option for people born under the auspices of the Tiger and the Rat. Both are born businessmen and know how to make money. Their partnership is an excellent example of mutually beneficial cooperation, when one person complements another. They can become indispensable helpers for each other if they refuse to fight for leadership. The Rat knows how to plan, save and take care of money, and the Tiger is bold in making decisions and a real generator of ideas.

To achieve success, these people only need to distribute responsibilities and not try to interfere in the partner’s activities, unconditionally accepting all his decisions. It is better for the Rat to immediately give the reins to the Tiger, trust his opinion on key issues and focus on matters that require a thoughtful approach and careful study. Because of the difference in their attitude to material values, it is better for them to share the profits immediately, although both are honest with each other.

The Tiger and the Rat, whose compatibility is estimated as probable, can be happy and successful together. To do this, they need to pacify their natural irritability and see the positive aspects in each other's shortcomings. The Tiger will act as a driving force and protector of their common interests, and the Rat will provide him with support and a strong rear.

The Tiger and the Rat are a very peculiar couple. People born under the auspices of these oriental signs have different temperaments and characters. Is there a harmonious relationship between them? This is what will be discussed now.


Before talking about compatibility, you should talk about the features of each sign.

The Rat is a charming personality with an exceptional mind. Like any charming seducer, she appreciates luxury, elegance, as well as communication with interesting people. Almost everyone is drawn to the Rat, and this is not surprising. Her impeccable manners and charm open her doors to the hearts of any people.

However, the Rat is also characterized by a certain snobbery. She wants to get everything from life. People of this sign love all the best, unique and expensive. Most importantly, they get it! And all thanks to their inherent cunning, dexterity and intelligence.

In a relationship, the Rat wants three things - mutual affection, fidelity, and passionate passion. In matters of love, people of this sign are hopeless romantics.


People born in the year of this eastern patron are determined and courageous individuals who do not know such concepts as disappointment and the blues, and who know how to find benefit where, it would seem, there is none.

He, like the Rat, likes to be the center of attention. However, he does not seek sympathy. It is important for him to be listened to and admired. Whatever the person's opinion is, he doesn't care.

Virtually no one will have a cloudless relationship with the Tiger. An ideal union will turn out only with those who are ready to endure his constant "surprises" and condescendingly treat antics, without which he is bored with life. Also, the partner is obliged to love him infinitely and never try to influence his usual way of life.

Tiger Man and Rat Woman

The compatibility of these people is unpromising. They have few common interests and goals, and their temperaments are different.

He is used to demonstrating his power, flaring up with aggression for any reason, and she herself is a leader, so she can take maximum unobtrusive guidance from him. In addition, the Rat girl wants romance, sentimentality and tenderness. And the Tiger wants to be loved only by him. And then he will give reciprocity.

In general, the Tiger and the Rat in this version will be unhappy with each other's behavior. He considers her too demanding and petty. And she is angry that next to a man she does not get the opportunity to fully realize herself as a woman.

Yes, and the Tiger guy is too focused on his person. He is more preoccupied with his problems than the Rat girl can accept.

Why do these relationships arise?

This question always appears when it comes to the difference in temperaments. There are many problems in and Rats, however, relationships between them arise.

This guy breaks into a girl's life like a hurricane. Travel, adventures, enchanting and vibrant festivities ... All this will captivate the Rat woman and the Tiger man with his head. The novel will be very passionate, but short. Fleeting emotion is all he can give her. Then restlessness will lead the Tiger guy in the other direction.

And well, if it all ends there. The novel will end with a slight sadness. But if a serious relationship begins, then both will face huge contradictions that neither of them can accept.

He will be tired of the fact that she requires attention and responsibility. She will begin to be annoyed by the inability of the Tiger to attach importance to trifles and material values. And no one will give in to each other. They are not team players. Both are aimed at achieving only personal gain. And no relationship can be built on this.

Is there any chance?

Tiger Guy and Rat Girl can become a happy couple. They have excellent sexual compatibility, and this is important. Somewhere, and in sex, they will be able to adapt to each other, believing that experiments bring something unusual to life and give invaluable experience.

According to the horoscope, the Rat and the Tiger can build a strong alliance. But only if both will change their characters, habits, and also work on relationships. It is not easy, but in the end, both will discover how quickly their spiritual growth has gone up. And the ability to find a compromise and negotiate will be useful to them in everyday life.

But, nevertheless, the Rat girl will make the greatest amount of effort for this. She is more tolerant, tactful and romantic. Some Rats just take and accept the Tiger as he is, in the name of love, against their principles. He, in turn, is fascinated by it. And now, he is already holding on tightly to her, and does not want to leave, even despite the different views on life.

Rat Man and Tiger Woman

This is also a rather peculiar couple. The girl is an independent person, free from mutual obligations and conventions. A guy is a person who values ​​stability, family and home, who wants to succeed and gain wealth. He does not understand how it is possible to put recognition, prestige and environment above all else.

The Rat guy is really hard because of the unpredictability of the Tiger girl. And she, in turn, falls into a stupor from the limited interests and stinginess of her partner.

It will not be so easy for the Tiger and the Rat to build a relationship. He saves and does everything in reserve. She doesn't even know the concept of frugality. He is used to planning everything to the smallest detail, and he also hates if something violates his plan, even if it is some kind of trifle. And she acts spontaneously, trusting her intuition and sensations.

In general, because of the absolute opposite of the characters, it will not be easy for them. This couple almost never does without quarrels and bickering.

When do problems start?

At the beginning of a relationship, it may seem that the Rat and Tiger have perfect compatibility in love. And they will really be comfortable together, but only until the guy begins to demonstrate his excessive anxiety and fussiness.

To build a long-term relationship, both of them will have to work hard. But, again, as in the previous case, a lot depends on the Tiger girl.

Because the Rat guy will not be able to make the relationship harmonious. He is too sentimental, sensitive and impressionable for this "work". And how to start - he does not know. It is difficult for this person to adapt to his chosen one, who simply does not have a “golden mean” between the cutest kitten and a ferocious tigress.

How to build relationships?

Marriage compatibility of the Tiger and the Rat can be promising. If they both have the desire to work on the relationship.

The Rat guy and the Tiger girl will have to listen to each other and make concessions. In this they will be helped by the desire to put themselves in the place of their partner. And the ability to hold back. Everyday skirmishes will never turn into hatred if they give meaning to even small joint successes.

Moderating their ambitions, and presenting their partner as a friend, everyone will understand how many common interests they have. Realizing this fact is really important. Then they will become indispensable helpers for each other. And this will affect not only family life, but also various business issues.

By the way, if possible, they should organize a family business. The Rat Guy will carefully think over everything, determine the niche, write out the plan and expenses. And the Tiger girl at the time of making important decisions will save the situation with her intuition. Yes, and cohesion will have a positive effect on compatibility.

Is there anything in common?

It has already been said that the Tiger and the Rat have a very different worldview. But is there anything in common between them? Yes, definitely. And it's their solid, complex characters. They both firmly stand their ground and absolutely do not know how to concede. Rats, like Tigers, are very quick-tempered. It is difficult for them to control themselves in a fit of anger.

Also, none of them believes that their point of view should be explained. After all, there are only two opinions - his and the wrong one.

And they are both individualists. Everyone values ​​above all personal aspirations and interests. Both also like it when the world revolves around them.

In general, both of them will have to try, so that what makes them similar also benefits the couple. To do this, you will have to work on improving your characters.

It is quite difficult to predict the relationship between the Tiger and the Rat. They are very different in terms of character and worldview, so everything will depend on the experience gained in the process of life and the desire to maintain relationships with a partner. The compatibility of the Tiger and the Rat can be compared to playing roulette: lucky / unlucky.

Characteristics of the Tiger

This sign is wayward and loves freedom. Both the male and the female Tiger cannot sit still. They begin to show their leadership qualities from childhood. Depending on the year in which people were born, the qualities of the sign can be enhanced and suppressed by the elements.

For example, the Red Tiger will be more aggressive and is unlikely to be able to build a relationship with a partner who cannot appreciate his zeal or does not share his ideas.

Tigers do not really like to live by the rules, they always go their own way, let it be risky. In love, they are just as indomitable, always seeking the attention of the person they like.

Characteristics of the Rat

People who were born in the year of the Rat according to the eastern horoscope are distinguished by their lively mind and interesting appearance. They have highly developed communication skills. They know perfectly well what they need and how to achieve it, so they often look for companions for communication and relationships based on profit.

In love, a woman of this sign is very suspicious, jealous, does not tolerate attempts to take away her personal freedom. A man appreciates common sense in people, is capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of his relatives. The Wood Rat will be an ideal partner in marriage and love. Under the influence of the elements, such qualities as stinginess, squandering and greed are greatly weakened and make a person less aggressive.

Tiger Man and Rat Woman

Tiger man and Rat woman feel attraction at first sight. They both like to spend their leisure time interestingly, they know how to please their partner. It would seem that everything is going perfectly, but as soon as the time comes to move to a new level of relationship, the compatibility of the Tiger man and the Rat woman is a big question.

The girl is constantly annoyed because her partner neglects material goods, which are very important to her. The Rat needs personal freedom and space, which the Tiger regularly invades in an attempt to change its position. The guy in this relationship starts to feel tired of having to constantly focus on the little things.

Signs in love

Compatibility in love and sex with partners can be called ideal on the one hand. They perfectly feel the mood of each other. But, this happens only at first, until the partners get fed up with communication.

Over time, love fades into the background and pitfalls emerge, which are not always possible to bypass. The jealousy of the Rat sometimes reaches the point of madness, which, on the one hand, impresses the Tiger, and on the other hand, limits his freedom, and therefore infuriates him.

Much in the relationship between people depends on the year in which they were born. The Fire Rat gives her love solely out of profit, she is not capable of high feelings and will never be able to get along with the Tiger, who is more guided by her intuition.


The compatibility of the Tiger and the Rat in marriage is pretty good if the partners find strings to pull on. The rat is a very good wife - she is thrifty, knows a lot about cooking. Her disadvantage is the desire to constantly manipulate the actions of her husband, and she does it very cunningly. When the deception is revealed, the husband becomes furious.

Partners need to learn to give each other more freedom. The tiger needs adventure and vivid emotions, so the Rat sometimes needs to let him travel. This is not at all the person who, starting a family, will think about how to escape. The tiger only marries if he knows that this is really the love of his life.

The Rat knows how to keep the money earned, and the Tiger often throws it away. Having discussed and planned the budget, the couple will be able to live without denying themselves anything, and go on vacation abroad. In this case, both partners will be satisfied. The main thing is to talk more and dedicate a partner to your thoughts, desires, then you can achieve mutual understanding.

Friendship between signs

In friendship, the female Rat is compatible with the Tiger if the girl discards her suspicion. The Tiger guy can become in these relationships that outlet that the Rat lacks so much. They complement each other well.

These people are not bored together. The same jealousy of both partners can become a hindrance to friendship. These people need a partner to focus only on them and not try to trade on trifles. Often after a long association as friends, they realize that they mean something more in each other's life.

Rat Man and Tiger Woman

The Rat man and the Tiger woman are a tandem full of contradictions. The girl in this pair, as it seems to her, takes the leading role. Initially, it is. She, like a hurricane, breaks into the life of the Rat and kindles love in him.

Strong relationships are possible if partners learn to give in to each other in marriage. The Tiger girl is more prone to a serious relationship than a man born in the same year. Where necessary, she can be prudent. But, over time, the understanding comes that the Rat man is not so simple and gradually manipulates her feelings.

In love

The Tiger woman and the Rat man are a good couple. They meet at parties with mutual friends and start a relationship from the first days of their acquaintance. They dive headlong into the pool of passions.

Tandem can be quite successful. Partners just need to be a little more tolerant, especially the Tiger woman. In her aspirations, she can be quite demanding and even harsh, which sometimes frightens and greatly annoys her boyfriend.


Compatibility of the signs of the Tiger and the Rat in marriage:

  • in this pair, the woman may well complement the shortcomings of her husband;
  • The rat strives for material wealth, he is the main earner;
  • The tiger is demanding on the choice of the father of his children: a caring, wealthy male Rat is exactly what she needs.

Disagreements in a couple may arise due to some extravagance of the wife. She loves to dress beautifully and makes considerable demands on her husband in this regard. Another stumbling block may be the desire of the Rat to close her chosen one at home completely, which she doesn’t really like, she likes to attend various events and be in the spotlight. Partners need to come to terms with each other's shortcomings and be more restrained.

in friendship

A couple in which he is a Rat, she is a Tiger, can maintain friendly relations and be business partners. Their common ideas and aspirations quickly find followers. The energy of the Tiger spurs the Rat, makes you think more broadly.

Building a strong relationship is very difficult in itself, and if the partners do not suit each other, it is almost impossible at all. How people fit together can be calculated from the horoscope. The compatibility of the Tiger and the Rat is so high that other couples will envy it. The secret here is in the unusual similarity of characters.

He is a Rat and She is a Tiger: pros and cons

The Rat man and the Tiger woman are both independent individuals and, although you can’t call them hermits, they feel great being alone. However, once in the company of cheerful people, they are not lost. People born in the year of the Tiger and the Rat are independent individuals who value freedom and intelligence above all else.

However, similarities breed disagreements. The Tiger and the Rat are similar in their temper and individualism. They react sharply to the encroachment on their freedom, and the man and woman in this pair are selfish. To strengthen relationships and make life together comfortable, partners will have to try.

  1. The tiger is a power-hungry person, a born leader who seeks to lead his surroundings. A man born under this sign is not used to wasting himself on trifles. He does not pay tribute to material values, and in love relationships is often regrettably inattentive to the desires of his soul mate. Hot-tempered, especially if he is "red", and does not like to admit mistakes. Often acts impulsively, intuitively, rarely plans his actions one step ahead, and prefers entertainment to work.
  2. The rat is also quick-tempered, and if she happened to make a mistake, she will never admit it. She is an excellent leader, accustomed to her own independence and who hates to be commanded. The fire rat especially doesn't like being manipulated. Such a woman is purposeful and prefers to work tirelessly to achieve her goals. She is practical, balanced, prefers to think everything through first, and then act, and also appreciates money and seeks to save it.

The Rat man and the Tiger woman, due to their independence and stubbornness, often collide with their foreheads. The girl is also surprised by the fury of the "frivolity" of the partner, while the spouse may get tired of the despotic wife of the Rat. However, if a couple learns to smooth out sharp corners, their relationship will become harmonious and lasting. The spouse will receive a caring and practical wife, a faithful partner in life. In turn, when the male Rat, the female Tiger will feel like behind a stone wall.

Friendship and business

The Tiger and the Rat, whose compatibility in love has no doubt, are also good in friendship. But, as Bias said: "He who wants to have a friend without flaws, he remains without friends." These signs have common interests and character traits, based on these similarities, they build strong relationships, and this also creates problems. People born in the year of the Rat or the Tiger are stubborn and quick-tempered. At the same time, the first is inclined to manipulate people, and the second acts sometimes thoughtlessly. This causes strife and controversy.

Friendship has a chance to last for many years only if both partners are ready to meet each other halfway, discarding their selfishness and attempts to dominate. Relationships will become much warmer if people born in the year of the Tiger and the Rat stop fighting for leadership and become more attentive to each other's needs.

The tiger is stubborn, and the rat is purposeful. People born in the year of the Tiger or the Rat are great entrepreneurs. The Rat values ​​money and is skilled at planning, it is very flexible and can take a subordinate position if desired. If her partner is wise enough not to try to dominate her, their partnership will be incredibly successful. The Tiger with the Rat has great sign compatibility, but there is a risk of quarrels due to a different attitude towards material wealth.

Tips for Strengthening the Relationship of Tiger Man and Rat Woman

The compatibility of the Tiger and the Rat according to the eastern horoscope is great, their love is really incredible, and marriage relationships become even stronger ... if you manage to cope with conflicts. The partner is ready to carry his chosen one in his arms, his beloved does not have a soul in him. Their first dates are something enchanting, a real holiday, which you remember without regrets. But as soon as an easy relationship develops into something serious, two stubborn complex characters clash ruthlessly.

The compatibility of Tigers of men and women of Rats comes into question when the purposefulness and practicality of a lady meets the character of a partner who loves cheerful companies.

In order not to lose love, a couple needs to understand each other.

The girl in this union adopts a light attitude towards life from her beloved, while the beloved learns from the sweetheart a practical attitude towards life, therefore the compatibility in love of such people is special: they learn from each other, improve themselves. Love enriches: their inner world, success, including in their careers, increases.

bed question

Tiger man and Rat woman feel great in bed. People born in both the year of the Tiger and the Rat are sensual and love sex, but it does not take center stage in their lives. First of all, they are looking for stability in marriage, which is difficult for this couple to achieve. A woman is too independent and, although she does household chores, she is not inclined to give free time to her man. The latter is at the same time freedom-loving. But if the couple manages to agree on marriage, it will last for many years. The Wood Rat is especially accommodating, but her partner should be on the lookout: her calmness is acquired, not innate.

💘Compatibility of Zodiac Signs by year of birth💘

Compatibility by year of birth and zodiac sign. Compatibility of signs by years

Rat Man - Characteristics and Compatibility in Love

In an ideal marriage, the wife will support her Tiger, deliberately suppressing her independence, and he will provide for the family, trying to get rid of his stubbornness.

The Tiger and the Rat are quite different signs. They, as a rule, are at opposite poles relative to each other. They have completely different temperaments and outlooks on life. The goals and interests of these two people are also extremely rare. We will talk in detail about the compatibility of the Tiger man and the Rat woman in this article. Is a happy relationship possible between them? And what will their marriage be like?

Tiger Man and Rat Woman: General Compatibility

The Tiger man has a very quick temper

The joint life of these two signs will be very difficult. The Tiger man is too quick-tempered and loves to demonstrate his power. In turn, the Rat woman does not accept any power over herself, except for soft, unobtrusive guidance. Therefore, quarrels in such a family will flare up on the most insignificant occasion.

Among other things, the Rat woman needs a gentle, warm and sensual attitude towards herself. But the Tiger man is unlikely to be able to give her such emotions. Next to him, she will rarely feel desired and necessary. A man born in the year of the Tiger is very focused on his person. And he simply will not be able to appreciate his life partner. Such a model of relations is unlikely to suit a Rat Woman.

But does this couple really have no chance? It turns out there is. Someone alone will have to calm down their personal ambitions and give in to their partner in some way. Only in this case, the union of the Tiger and the Rat can become long and quite happy.

Tiger Man: Restless Leader

Men born in the year of the Tiger (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010) are capable of great and selfless love. It is the one that is described in many books and films. The Tiger Man is a born leader. It has a lot of perseverance, ambition and inner strength. It is she who attracts the attention of women. With such a man, any lady will be like behind a stone wall.

Rat Woman: friendly realist

Rat women know how to manipulate people

Women born in the year of the Rat (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008) have a great imagination. Nature endowed them with charm and generosity. The Rat Woman is almost always friendly and sweet. In life, she is prudent and extremely energetic. Rats, among other things, have a talent for manipulating people.

Tiger Man and Rat Woman: Compatibility in Love

The Tiger man bursts into the life of the Rat woman unexpectedly, unexpectedly, like a hurricane or a downpour in a sultry heat. The first days of their acquaintance are stormy and unforgettable. The couple can even spend them somewhere in the mountains or abroad. The romance of the Tiger with the Rat is most often associated with travel and all kinds of adventures. But as soon as these bright and enchanting relationships begin to reach a more serious level, the first problems will immediately begin.

The Rat Woman is very practical and energetic. She is used to setting goals for herself and confidently moving towards their achievement. Yes, sometimes she can relax and fool around a little. But very soon the Rat pulls himself together and begins to work. And she will be shocked at how much time and enthusiasm the Tiger man spends on entertainment and idle pleasures. After all, it’s simply impossible to live like that - an active and serious lady Rat will say.

The Tiger man does not plan anything in his life

The Tiger man, on the contrary, is used to living idle and acting solely on inspiration. At the same time, he rarely thinks out a plan of his actions. Intuition is the main assistant of the Tiger man. He is absolutely free from fuss and does not pursue ephemeral happiness.

Such a colossal gap in outlook on life gives rise to a lot of problems at the household level. These signs simply do not understand each other. How to get out of this situation? To do this, the Rat needs to take the "pink glasses" of the Tiger and try to look at the world through them. In turn, the Tiger man should learn a lot from his beloved. First of all, practicality and sobriety. Only then is success possible in their personal relationships.

In general, the compatibility of the Tiger and the Rat is far from ideal. Both signs are overly quick-tempered and not used to admitting their mistakes. Moreover, they are not even able to explain their position plainly. As a result, conflicts arise. Both the Tiger and the Rat will try to reveal exactly their creative potential. Of course, this approach does not bode well for their potential life together.

What do these two signs have in common? Both the Rat and the Tiger do not like to follow the crowd. They are focused on finding their own path in life and rely solely on their own strength. Both signs are overly sociable, friendly and love to travel. This is what often brings them together.

The sexual compatibility of the Tiger man and the Rat woman is pretty good. True, at first they will fight for leadership in bed. But soon the Tiger man will give way in this fight to the smarter and more creative Rat. It is he who will adapt to the whims of his beloved. Over time, the Tiger and the Rat will reach a complete mutual understanding in the intimate sphere.

Tiger Man and Rat Woman: Marriage Compatibility

Smooth family life of the Tiger man and the Rat woman cannot be called

The family life of this couple will be difficult. The Rat Woman from a young age dreams of a cozy and comfortable home. But the Tiger man does not really like to deal with domestic problems. Such behavior of the spouse is unlikely to please the practical Rat.

From marriage with the Tiger, the Rat woman should not expect any stability or confidence in the future. The Tiger man is terribly unstable and will often change the scope of his activities. Today he is a simple office worker, tomorrow he is a beginner photo artist, and the day after tomorrow he is already hatching the idea of ​​his own business. The Tiger man will always do only what his own intuition tells him. Combining the spontaneity and inconsistency of the Tiger with the caution and rationality of the Rat will be incredibly difficult. But if the spouses manage to do this, the marriage will be successful.

The Rat Woman is an inveterate materialist. Managing finances is her forte. Therefore, in the family, she will immediately take all financial matters under her control. The Tiger man is absolutely not ready and does not know how to manage money, and therefore allowing him to the family budget is extremely dangerous.

The Tiger man is always in search of adventure and new experiences. The wife should treat this feature with understanding. A tiger in a family can show authoritarianism and rigidity. However, this is extremely rare.

Tiger Man and Rat Woman: Possible Relationship Problems

There are at least two global problems that will definitely arise in the relationship of these two signs:

  • The first is the excessive jealousy of the Tiger man.
  • The second is the excessive idleness and frivolity of the same Tiger.

The tiger man does not attach any importance to trifles, does not like to deal with everyday life and is dismissive of material values. All this will very soon begin to irritate the Rat wildly. She will also suffer from the fact that the Tiger man will not pay enough attention to her. After all, this woman manages to live to the fullest only when her efforts are appreciated.

The boundless jealousy of the Tiger is what else can bring confusion into this relationship. "Jealous of every pillar!" - this phrase is entirely applicable to the Tiger man. The wife in his understanding - belongs only to him. And she should pay her attention to only one person - her husband. This is how the Tigers are arranged, and it will not be possible to re-educate them in this regard. Therefore, the Rat woman will have to come to terms with this fact and erase the numbers of all male friends and acquaintances from her mobile phone.

Both the Tiger man and the Rat woman are extremely quick-tempered natures. Each of them will strive to take their "place under the sun." Therefore, someone alone in this pair will have to pacify their ambitions a little. Only in this case, the pair of Rat and Tiger will have a chance for a cloudless future.

Yes, the compatibility of the Rat and the Tiger in love and marriage is not ideal. But this does not mean that nothing good will happen in their life together. Just a little change in your habits and work on the negative traits of your character - this is what both the Tiger and the Rat will need to do. It is equally important for partners to learn how to seek and find a compromise in any conflict situation.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money